"You can't take that!"
But they ignore you. A group of 4 adventurers go through your drawers, your chests, your cabinets, everything in your house. It happens every few weeks, just long enough for you to hope that they'll leave you alone. You'd say you'd been cursed if they didn't do it to everyone in town.
"Lucas! This guy has good food!
"But that's my food for the week!" You plead as the man wearing armor that costs more than your house stuffs a hunk of meat in his bag.
"Hey! There's money under the bed! There's enough in here for me to get a new spear!"
"They looked under the bed too?! Wait, put that back!" You plead but to no avail. The woman wearing armored robes and carrying a pair of enchanted daggers on her belt drags the money you hid in a secret compartment under your bed out and puts it in her bag.
All three people are too strong for you to fight. You're just a peasant named...
[] (Write in)
You were born a...
[] man, the oldest child of a pair of farmers.
[] woman, the oldest child of a pair of farmers.
In less than three minutes, they clean you out.
You grit your teeth as the adventurers walk off into the night with your things. You are sick and tired of these thugs stealing your things. If they didn't do this to everyone, you'd feel cursed. But even if you weren't cursed, they are still stealing everything valuable they can find. And you've heard the stories of the people who fight back.
You growl quietly as an adventurer goes through your clothes drawer. Things shouldn't be like this.
[] You were an adventurer yourself. Had yourself a party and several achievements under your belt. Until your party stole your gear, your gold, and your cut of the payment from your last job together. You never did manage to recover. Still, you still have your "rainy day" stash of gold. Your former party pilfered that too, but they left enough behind for you to buy yourself a weapon and some armor. (+2 Brawl. One Floor Home. Player Choice of Starter Weapon at the Start)
[] You used to produce siege weapons for the crown. You could design them fast and build them faster. However an ill timed insult to the son of a noblewoman left you out of favor with the crown. You were allowed to leave with your life but you were left destitute. You did manage to build yourself a nicer home than many of your neighbors. (+2 Engineering. Two Story Home)
[] You were a shopkeeper. Several years ago, you managed to talk a loanshark into loaning money and you used it to open a store. You didn't have the money when the payment was due but you managed to talk the loanshark into not only forgiving your debt, but loaning you more money "Until the business got off the ground". You get revenge by fleecing adventurers by convincing them to pay more than your wares are worth but you are still losing money and had to take to farming just to have enough to eat. You can't keep living like this. (+2 Charisma. Shop used as your Home.)
[] You were something of a scholar. Your parents kicked you at an early age out because you'd rather read than farm. As you studied in between odd jobs, you discovered that you had a talent for magic. Because you lacked the gold, titles, or raw power to make your way into the King's Court, you ended up as a peasant. Still, these adventurers stealing your things are just the thing to motivate you to try to develop your talent. (+2 Magic. One Story Home)
When adventurers first came to your city, you were excited, like everyone else. The town was under the thumb of three gangs and they were constantly at war with each other. Often, businesses were forced to either pay protection to one gang only to be destroyed by a rival gang, or refuse and get murdered by that same gang. The corrupt nobles didn't care as long as they were able to enjoy parties, alcohol, and inbreeding. When they weren't supplying the gangs with weapons to destroy the holdings of another noble.
When the first adventurers... the first heroes came, they started to fight back against the gangs. The next six months were the most violent that the city had ever seen, but it was the criminal's bodies that littered the gutters, not your friends and neighbors. Several of the nobles who supplied the gangs were even among those who were killed. Something you couldn't be happier for. Eventually, businesses started setting up shop in the city again. And thanks to your cities safe roads, central location in the kingdom, large size, and wealthy clientele, it is on it's way to becoming a hub for trade in the kingdom.
But that attracted even more adventurers. And these were much less in doing anything good than they were in making money however they could. Whether it involved breaking into people's homes and taking whatever wasn't nailed down or cleaning out entire stores, they did it. And everyone was suffering for it.
You clench your fist. You aren't taking it anymore. Someone has to take a stand. To show these people that you aren't going to let them walk all over the people here. And if that someone has to be you, then so be it.
The next assholes that come into your house are going to be sorry.