Gundam Turn Alpha

The Perfect Princess

Princess Charlotte walked gracefully through the halls, her waist-length blonde hair trailing behind her as she glided along the light blue carpet. White high heels tapped lightly against the cushioned floor, the matching white and gold dress she was wearing, one of the new slicker designs that had been inspired by the less layered dress of spacers, glinting in the sunlight streaming from the tall windows that flanked the hallway.

Behind her two of her personal guards trailed behind her, their dark, practical armor a contrast to the carefully curated decor or their charge's dress. They carried the large knives and powerful shotguns that marked them as slum-born guardsmen, their full covering uniforms and armor blocking any other identifying marks that would have hinted at their origins or anything other than her own heraldry on their breastplates. Like their armor they moved with a simple practicality, holding none of the grace of their charge as they shadowed the young royal.

For a woman that was coming back from hours of negotiations the Princess looked remarkably fresh, her demure smile not wavering as she nodded to passing servants or made small talk with the occasional passing noble. With a straight back and head up straight she finally arrived back to her rooms after being waylaid by a noble petitioning for some cousin or another to be assigned to the Mecha-Knight program. It had taken her ten minutes to patiently explain how her sister Rosa was in charge of that and all she could do was look into the matter.

But at last, the simple but well-crafted doors of her palace rooms closed behind her and she was finally out of the public eye. It took about five seconds for her demure smile to disappear and a scowl to appear as she stomped over to the nearest object that could be safely thrown, a rose-shaped throw pillow she had sown a year ago, and promptly used it to bean the B-type statue she had carved when she was going through her sculpture phase. As expected, said throw did just about nothing to either item but it made her feel better as she paced around in her heels and grumbled. If she was taller than five foot nothing then it might have actually been intimidating, but unfortunately her short height might of been useful in diplomacy but it was not so effective for intimidation. To the two guards in the room, she came off as more of an angry cat than the outrage of what was one of the most influential women in the capital. Not that the guards cared, past some mild amusement, as each royal guard was chosen for loyalty and tact first and combat skills second. Many of them come from orphans or poorer children who the Lily Kingdom spends a good sum taking care of, educating, and finding jobs for. A boon for both their public image and several other sectors in the country. But, the guard's origins notwithstanding, Charlotte could be assured that her outrage wouldn't get out when the vast her guards were long used to their mistress'

It took half an hour for her to work through the frustration, usually involved in ranting about various diplomats and their foolishness, spacers and their higher-than-thou attitudes as if they heard "Monarchy" and thought the entire kingdom were savages, and even her fellow monarchies and their expansionist policies. Each of these put more stress on her as the face of Lilian foreign affairs, as she coddled some, smooth-talked others, and worked to build compromises between many. Half of the time, it felt like her job was to keep things from exploding into a war rather than the mild trade negotiations and diplomatic gala's she had been used to even just a few short years ago. Now everything is doom and gloom, a struggle she faces negotiation by negotiation. Finally puttering out of steam, the princess dropped back onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"Why is everyone in Europe insane?" Her smooth voice grumbled throughout the room as she asked her rhetorical question. However, it didn't go unanswered, as one of her guards pipped up, amusement dripping from her voice.

"Because everyone else likes to think with their guns and just how much of the map they can paint their color and you Lilies prefer to focus on making everything pretty and neat." the guard echoing a common joke amongst the kingdom's sub-cultures, that the central Lilians were so successful because they were obsessed with neatness and tact over aggression or expansion. Something that many in those same cultures used to mock centuries past, up until they found out the hard way what it meant to pick a fight with someone with a lot of friends and a long history of not starting wars.

Charlotte snorted and pointed at the guard without looking as she responded. "Quiet Silvia, just because it's true doesn't mean I want to hear it. Eventually, I'll finally find someone trustworthy enough to split this job with and I won't have to do everything myself." She rolled over onto her side to stare out the window as her outraged energy started to fade and the long hours of negotiations started to catch up to her as her eyes began to droop. "I think I might take a week or two off after this, no more clones that eye me like some pretty barbarian, no more nobles trying to wrangle the smaller coin from me, and best of all no more crises to have to hear about. Yes, that sounds perfect, I'll talk to Auntie about it after a nap. I need it after that meeting…"

Neither guard even twitched as their charge fell asleep, it had happened before and it would happen again after long negotiations. They knew what to do by now, they would quietly stand guard and wake Charlotte up once dinner began to approach to get ready for it. The guards had long concluded that the princess needed her rest where she could get it.
Founding Charter of the International Academy of the Psionic Sciences

The mind is a landscape full of promise—an unfathomable expanse teeming with power as old as humankind itself. The so call gifts we call psychic, innate yet enigmatic, offer the potential for transformation, a flame flickering in the unseen realms of the human psyche. Once, perhaps, this flame burned brighter, stoked by our ancestors' wonders and the whispered truths of those who came before. Now, in this era shaped by struggles and the ceaseless ascent of powers, we see this promise with hope.

Even so, the unknown remains vast. The Revolution holds true that the right to knowledge, the right to realize the full measure of one's potential, belongs to all. Our people, labouring together for a better world, have pledged not to chain the body nor confine the spirit. But in this domain—the art and science of the psionic—we have lacked the proper space to nurture such extraordinary talent. This cannot continue if we are to uplift even the rare few fortunate enough to touch the psychic thread woven through our humanity.

Thus, we welcome this International Academy of the Psionic Sciences. Let it be a garden where our gifted may root themselves and grow. Let it be an anvil where new abilities are forged, unimpeded and unashamed. Let it be a home where students, raised in the light of liberation, can harness their powers not for selfish gain but for the good of humanity.

For the Revolution, above all, is dedicated to the people—their education, their elevation, their freedom. May this academy answer our hope and act as a testament to our undying belief that growth and self-actualization belong to every soul, no matter how extraordinary or mundane. May they rise to break the barriers that oppress and enlighten the world in their wake.

[X] Councillor Govinda Sabanis of the Grand Council.

To learn is to awaken,
To know is to transform,
To change is to uplift,
To grow is to liberate.

From the dawn of human struggle, the rhythm of learning and change has shaped our existence. We have always reached toward greater understanding, defied the bounds of our birth, and dreamed of a better, freer tomorrow. Such is the essence of humanity, and such must always remain our guiding light.

The Revolution believes that growth must never be hoarded by the few. It is the birthright of all—to cast off chains of ignorance, to cultivate knowledge that serves the people, and to create a world where each soul can flourish. SADEDAS, this academy of the stars, represents a chance for humanity to unite in discovery and elevate the whole of our shared experience.

We, the People's Educational Council, embrace this gift with hope. May this platform be a fertile ground where students from all walks of life learn and grow, uniting their talents in the spirit of collective progress. May the knowledge born there be wielded for justice and solidarity, lighting a new path for generations to come. We pledge to honor this endeavor and to see that it furthers the Revolution's dream: that every person is free to become the best of what they can be.

For the Revolution belongs to every learner, to every seeker of wisdom.
In solidarity,
[X] Councillor Kamala Dalavi, People's Educational Council

On the Misuse of Biotechnology: A Warning, A Request and An Ultimatum

A missive from the Seraphim Council.

The Seraphim Council has come into knowledge of a number of recent developments in the Earth Sphere which have become cause for alarm, and is now relating these facts to our peers on Earth and in Space. The proscribed organization Juno has become a partner of choice for those factions which oppose overt Seraphim influence in the Earth Sphere, for ideological or political reasons. While the efficacy of these renegade Astarti can't be discounted, nor can their access to advanced knowledge, it is clear that they are poor partners who respect few agreements and act with geostrategic myopia. They have sold the foundations of the Astarti's sum corpus of technology for trifles and arm all states regardless of ideology. They attempted to hack the miraculous autonomous city discovered in Eurasia and nearly cost humanity one more relic of the past.

It came as an enormous shock then, when it was discovered that the prideful, hidebound and militantly self-sovereign Siberian Empire has made Juno the stewards of their cloning program. This new middle class of New Women are indeed flash clones of Juno stock, the facilities constructed and manned by Junoian technicians. Pilots, engineers, researchers and all other occupations of skill which Siberian education cannot readily fill by its design and nature will soon be held by daughters born of Seraphim biotechnology.

In a few months, the Eurasian War will embody all horrors we sincerely opposed: Spacian clones on both sides of the front in Spacian-made mobile suits, with Earthian conscripts massacred in the trenches between them, riven by guttering beam fire. We have always advocated for peace for the reason that this conflict has been truly horrific in its nature, but now the Council is confronted by a dillema. It is clear the peace will not be any better, as Siberia's laudable agricultural modernization has proven a sinister and perhaps intentional consequence: the obsoletion of its rural serfs and urban poor. The war-wounded from the conscript brigades will be reduced to human detritus, no work will remain in the countryside for the able-bodied and no education in the cities will match the ingrained skill of Juno-wrought clones.

The deliberate intermarriage of these clones with the existing aristocracy, the ennoblement of the Spacian volunteer units and the enthusiastic adoption of prenatal genetic engineering by this elite, abetted by Spacian corporate interests all too happy to profit from such demand. In a few short generations these things will come together to produce the very thing we have been accused of promoting through our actions in the Earth Sphere: the dominance of Earthian people by Spacian powers, rule by a self-declared caste of genetically superior beings, the institution of a stratified matriarchy and devaluation of the male gender. The Earth will know a belligerent, militarily powerful empire run and ruled by clones, created in the cause of opposing the Seraphim's goals.

Have they succeeded?

A Warning

Juno's alleged assistance is poisonous. They are a faithless group who will barter away secrets and technologies exchanged in confidence, acting without even clear motive. Opposition to the Seraphim? The Astarti? For profit? To create a new state in the Earth Sphere? If none of these objectives have been advanced in the performance of their schemes, we can discount them. If they cannot declare their intentions and will not respond to our requests to negotiate in neutral ground, then we cannot assume good intentions.

Who do they serve? Which forces have have come to their aid when plans fail?

Ask yourselves this when you sell technical knowledge or surrender more sovereign territory in secret treaties to Juno for a Type-R factory or access to advanced Seraphim biotechnology.

A Request

We ask yet again that all states of the Earth Sphere suspend ongoing military, economic and technical exchanges with Juno and reconsider relationships with those states that do.

We furthermore call on the Great Siberian Host (@DanBaque) to expel Juno agents from its territory and issue a moratorium on the production of its New Women.

An Ultimatum

It is clear that quiet backdoor negotiations are no longer a viable means of preventing the proliferation or misuse of biotechnology. Should any state be found to be developping biological weapons: genetic illnesses that breach the protection of the S-Vaccine, invasive species to ravage crops or so-called 'supersoldiers' created through unethical and reckless enhancement programs, the Seraphim will consider ourselves to be at a state of war against them.

Furthermore, we will redouble our efforts to degrade and destroy Juno capability in the Earth Sphere, particularly of its Seraphim biotechnology. As we have stated our intentions three times, all sovereign states of Earth and Space now collaborate with them at their own peril.
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Treaty of Rabat​

In order to bring peace to Morocco, the Algerian Socialist Republic and the Yammacin Freeholds agree to the following:
  1. The Yammacin Freeholds will withdraw all military units, mercenaries, and personnel from the region of Morocco and the Spanish state of Tangiers.
    1. The Algerian Socialist Republic will provide escorts to ensure compliance with the demand. These escorts will be minima in sizel, and will not interfere with Freehold personnel in any way.
  2. The Yammacin Freeholds agrees to pay reparations to the cities of Morocco for the purposes of reconstruction. These payments will be made directly to the cities of Morocco and whatever body governs them. Each city will receive an even share of the payment. The payments will continue for a period of 5 years.
  3. The Yammacin Freeholds will halt all support and funding for groups in Morocco until the resolution of the crisis.
    1. Any humanitarian missions currently run by the Yammacin Freeholds will be turned over to Algeria to prevent undue suffering
    2. Reparations, being financial support, will come into effect only after the resolution of the crisis. The 5 year time of the payments starts from the crisis' resolution.
    3. For the purposes of this treaty, the crisis in Morocco will be determined to be resolved upon an announcement by the Algerian government. The announcement will be made after those princes who ordered the slaughter of civilians have been prosecuted for their crimes, and once the rioting and violence have mostly ended.
  4. The Yammacin Freeholds and the Algerian Socialist Republic agree to a pact of non-aggression from a period of one year. During that time they will not engage in any hostile action against each other, and will not take any actions that would knowingly lead to war with the other.
  5. In order to avoid a repeat of the tragic events in Morocco, the Algerian Socialist Republic and the Yammacin Freeholds have agreed to establish respective spheres of influence. Neither party will be allowed to influence or interfere with the peoples or states within the other's sphere of influence. The border between the two spheres of influence will be the northern border of the region known as South Sudan.
    1. The Yammacin Freeholds swears that they will not engage in or allow any prosecution against socialists or socialist states within their sphere of influence.
    2. The Algerian Socialist Republic swears that they will not engage in or allow any prosecution against liberals or liberal states within their sphere of influence.
    3. These spheres of influence do not contain any of the great states of Africa.Those are: the Free Republic of Egypt-Arabia, the New Ethiopian Empire, Sudan, and The Royal Republic of Zimbabwe and the Cape
  6. The Yammacin Freeholds and the Algerian Socialist Republic guarantee the independence of the city states of Mauritania. Any nation or group that engages in hostilities against them will be considered to be in a state of war against the two countries.

[X] Lila Selem, Algerian Secretary of foreign Affairs
[X] Household Minister for Foreign Affairs, Her Royal Highness Sumai Ransome-Jallah, Yammacin Freeholds
ECOTA expansion signed

The ECOTA February conference has came to an end and it's all smiles in Diana City as the expansion agreement has been formally signed. Signatures were officially put to paper earlier today as the Kingdom of the North and the Axis Seraphim became signatories to the expansive and expanding orbital trade area. While some analysts expected that negotiations may have been derailed by the Axis threats to the Alpine Imperate, already a recipient of increasing bilateral trade with several ECOTA members, it turns out what has been called the doctrine of peace through trade appears to have won out.

In addition to these direct ascensions, the February conference also saw the signing of the first ECOTA association agreement; the Lily Kingdom has been rapidly changing its previous anti-spacer position as the economic and technological realities of orbital contact make themselves clear. Join us on the hour as Shelley Barker and Bob Quail discuss what these events might mean for President Moon's hotly-contested reelection campaign.

Next up after the break: We taste-test the newest ZOLON orbital puddings.

A Tsar's Response

I am Siberian. What does this statement mean? It is certainly not a geographical declaration, though recent studies of the ancients show that 'Siberia' as a land has existed for several millenia. Nor is it purely a statement of blood, though that does come into it. It is a spiritual declaration.

All nations, all peoples, have their own characteristics from which emanate their states and natures. The Caspian rogues may attempt to hold the Persian spirit in check, but their dominated slaves will always pine for the ancestral mountains of their body. The Pallasi- we believe- feel in nothing so strongly as in the endless beauty of space, untrammelled by gravity. Canmexico's devotion is to the pilgrimage through that holy railroad, and to the monarchy that stands athwart their continent.

For Siberia, it is the comradeship of the ranks and the solar faith. I am a people armed, a monarch of Apollo-Mithras. To be Siberian is not to live in Siberia, nor to hold in one's veins the blood of Siberians past, but to form a part of that great host that pledges allegiance to lord and master on earth and sky. Our mass may live in the cities of Tomsk, Yakutsk, Koryo- but they are a restless mass, not one inert.

This is the truth of life in struggle. And these ranks are not closed. Not merely by birth may one enter them, for in the last year hundreds of thousands of comrades have become Siberian, been granted entry into the host in service of the holy. Entire allies have been accepted into the fold. The policy of guarantees has been extended devoutly, for it is not just practical realities that drive Siberia, but the will to protect, to foster, to cherish.

If the world is a family, we wish to be its arm. But for this we are accused. Juno has committed crimes against humanity, it is claimed. Perhaps this is even true. But of all the cloned family of self-proclaimed angels that we saw act in the last year, only Juno has withheld itself from war. The orthodox Seraphim, the Astarti, even Axis have fought earthian states, conquered lands, occupied entire nations. Juno has traded. Is it a surprise that we would be friendlier to this country, who has never even attempted aggression on Earth, than its cousins?

Juno is persecuted for actions termed crimes that other nations may commit with impunity. But we have no party in that struggle termed war between the Seraphim and their granddaughter. Siberia is neutral territory, and has been for the entirety of the existence of that struggle. Juno's facilities and support have been devoted to the modernisation of Siberia, akin to that which the Algerian and Yammacin states have been carrying out- one under the direct auspices of the Seraphim themselves.

We have no party. The remarks thrown upon Siberia are breath-taking. I, a man, have thirteen living daughters and one son. That son is the oldest living, and so by law he is heir. Is this the supposed matriarchy that we are imposing? The imperial family has the right and duty of supreme rule, and the cloning of any of us is treason and murder under Siberian law. Is that the regime of clones we are establishing?

Siberia is a land of deep set tradition. Like the winter snows, they may melt away come spring. The meeting of space and earth means that tradition must be modified, and so we are doing. Clones- heretofore unknown on Earth- have the same right to life as any unborn. We do not wish upon these new rankers spiritual slavery, the abject destruction of purpose that would be a life in Siberia without comradeship, without love.

In our policy of marriage, we seek only this: that the clones that have begun to be seen in every city and town, that come along with electrification, with clean nuclear energy, with modern medicine and orbital flights; that they have the chance to be as fully Siberian as any other. We cannot abandon these daughters of the sun anymore than we can abandon the soldiers of the great host suffering in Caspian camps.

We are a neutral party in those conflicts seen in space. We do not wish to become anything more.

Diplomatic Reply to the Seraphim Embassy @Exhack
Pending elaboration, we are willing to conduct an investigation into all 'genetic' and 'biological' crimes carried out by Juno on Siberian soil. We are willing to promise that the nobility of Siberia shall not be replaced by clones. We are willing to promise no intentions of creating biological weapons.

We wish to reassure by stating our intention to diversify genetic stock through the creation of Pallasi genesis clinics. We wish to reassure by noting the increasing diplomatic contacts to the schismatic Axis. We wish to reassure by permitting limited access to internal censuses of the bureaucracy and the limited percentage of clones therein.

We offer the personal visitation of Princess Imperial Aldynay to Themyscira, or another Seraphim province, on a diplomatic mission. We reiterate our defensive policy.
* click *

A short video of an Astarte woman , doing a little twirl before casting a look off-camera , a slight smile on her lips , taken by a comrade on Earth , circulating through spacian forums with silly captions , circulating back to Earth in early networks just now being set-up , sought after with all the lack of grace of a novice.
Reverse , play. Reverse , play. Slowdown , Stop.
Unspoken words behind these lips , embarassed protests felt rather than heard by her comrade ? This twirl , the ease of training or the instinctual ease of crafted genes ?

* snap *

A picture , from an Hispanian newspaper , from a Indian dispatch , of a creature from deep beneath the Earth , terrible and wonderful alike.
Cut out , pinned on the wall , printed again in different size , pinned again.
Stared at. Not the same dance of the Seraphims as could be seen when rarely they were recorded fighting outside of their suits , different moves , other jumps , yet so strong and swift too.
Equals to Angels , superiors even ? No , different.

" You know I'm going to start feeling jealous what with you staring at all these women all day Dorothea. "
It's enough to break her concentration. Her voice , so human , a little crack right there , ruining the smooth one-liner. So unlike the perfection of surhuman beings , and so lovely.

" It's not my fault that Destiny seem intent on repeatedly choosing a female form now. Admitedly it make my studies much more easy on the eye than the average intel dossiers about pirates .... "

" Dorothea ! "

" But I know you appreciate the sight too. Dont fret my beautiful Lady , my interest in them is purely spiritual , no one will invade our relationship from the depth of space.
I only seek to undestand them , know them , and ... "

" Surpass them ? You always worry me. We dont have any A-major you know , and we have seen that even then it may not matter in the end.
Besides they are not all bad , some of them look like they want to cooperate , and the Directors surely want to make friends with a splinter or another with how they pushed for spacian tech adoption.
Sure there's this Cold League war , but honestly "

" Yes , it's the Cold League , not surprising there's yet another war over it. But it's more than territory or influence , and it's certainly more than the failed state of Europe who will end up couped yet again in 6 months.
It's Destiny. A crossroad. More than Apollo-Mithras , a spiritual experience like no other , black and white , Us or Them.
The real threat are the Orthodox , the true objective their declarations and ultimatums , not Algeria , not trade or rules.
It's their Ascension to a higher state of being , and a stop to our evolution.
They came back to Earth to stop our natural evolution , They threaten now efforts to surpass natural conditions.
They ... Okay I see your face. No , I'm not a spacist , I'm not a fanatic.
No I'm not a crypto Siberian , it's not like that !
I promise I will get out more. Elsewhere than the MS training grounds I mean , parks , forest , stuff with plants.
Come on stop glaring silently at me like that , come here I've found things you will like in my studies.
You like these cute animated shorts right ? Well the new spacian group , yes there's a new one , well they have animal like augments I think ?
Maybe they will even have some of those cat gi .... "

CanMexican Guarantee of Tangiers​

In light of the rapidly developing situation in North Africa, the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico establishes a unilateral declaration of protection over the Spanish State of Tangiers, and guarantee of military support to the Spanish Directorate in the case of armed incursion into their territory during the ongoing unrest in North Africa. We hope that this situation can be resolved amicably and peaceably with no further escalation, but we will not countenance any aggression against states uninvolved in the dispute allegedly to be resolved under the Treaty of Rabat.
"Describe to me what you're seeing again."

"I'm back at the Zagros Mountains, fighting the battle. The screens are flashing, comms chatter around me. My squadron, calling out enemies and reporting on the situation. I'm at the controls, flying over the field, picking off targets. Everything seems to be going well."

Zhi Yan exhaled, slowly, deliberately, "Then it wasn't. Screams all around me. My comrades were dying, their final words and desperate pleas for help encompassing me. Then there's just silence. I'm alone."

Dr. Shan made some notes on his pad, "That's just the dream. in reality most of your squadron sur-"

"I know." Zhi gritted his teeth, "Knowing it doesn't help. Nightmares aren't a place for logic."

"Outside the nightmare it's important though. You saved a lot of lives, you just couldn't save all of them. That's ok."

"No it's not. I can still see their faces. They were still teenagers. They leave behind parents, siblings, friends. How can I face them and say it's all ok?"

"Zhi, the important thing is to face yourself. You did all you could. No one else blames you for what happened. The unfortunate fact is people die in war, and sometimes there's nothing we can do to stop that."

"If that's true, doc, then why am I not back out there?" Zhi looked dead into Shan's eyes, "The war's not over and the rest of my squadron's going into danger still. If I can do anything to save lives, I should be back out there."

"You're still not ready, the scars of your last mission still haunt you. If I approve you to return to duty too soon you could be a liability to yourself and others."

"When will that be? When can I get back to doing my part? If I'm not at fault, if there nothing more I could have done, then why am I here and not there, with my squadron, where I need to be?"

"It's because of this. Because you haven't accepted what happened as beyond your control. You're wanting to throw yourself out back into combat as some kind of redemption, and that kind of recklessness is dangerous. You need to come to peace with what happened to be ready for service again."

"Need to be at peace to go to war, what a joke."

Zhi scoffed dismisively and stormed from the room to the disapproving glare of Dr. Shan.

"You need to clear Zhi for a return to combat."

The uniformed woman sipped delicately from her tea while delivering a most unwanted instruction to Dr. Shan.

"He's not ready. He's unstable, prone to lashing out, and filled with unwarranted guilt. He's going to throw himself into danger, try to take on everything to spare his comrades. He's going to put himself and others at risk. And if he loses someone else, he could spiral into even worse self destructive tendencies."

"What if a return to combat is what he needs. Some percussive therapy to work through his grief by shooting imperialists. Come to terms with losses with his comrades. Right now it doesn't seem like he's making progress with just your methods."

"This is still a developing field and we're dealing with the human mind, you can't rush this process without risks. Right now Zhi is resistant and focused on his guilt, but with some more sessions we could get to a breakthrough."

"Or he continues to fight you on every point while trying to get back out to the field," the woman raised her hand to stall Dr. Shan before he could interrupt her, "Don't get me wrong, you're doing important work here doctor. War is a terrible thing that wears down the mind, and we don't want to be like the Imperialists, grinding soldiers down to the bone and then tossing them aside like tools. But like you said, this is a developing field, we're still seeing what works, and for each person if could be different."

Dr. Shan sighed, "Even if there is logic in what you say, I do not believe that Zhi will be best served by returning to the front. But this isn't a 'suggestion' I can refuse is it?

She placed her tea down, "The recommendation is yours to make freely. But it's best if you don't make this difficult."

"Why so insistent on him? I understand he's a good pilot, but there are many of those. Is he that good, or are we that desperate."

"It's not quite either of those," She gave a shake of her head, "A decision will need to be made eventually, and we need more information on possible candidates. Zhi is one I have a particular interest in. Your psychological profile indicates you see him as a liability, a danger to himself, but I see the potential for someone motivated to protect others. A guardian to shepherd our forces to victory."

"And what if you're wrong, what if he doesn't become your guardian?"

"Then I'll have made a tragic mistake, and I'll have to take responsibility for that."

Dr. Shan stared long into his untouched tea before responding, "Fine, I'll make the recommendation. I hope, for Zhi's sake, that you are right."

"Thank you doctor."



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Selected articles from The Appleseed Bulletin, a prominent news outlet on Space Island Applegate.
Second Treaty of Singapore Signed!
Manilla, Jan. 14 – President Reyes and the Federation of Pacific Islands Liaison Working Group put pen to paper and stylus to sheet this afternoon, making the Federation's accession of Applegate Station as an autonomous space island official! The president's practiced hand laid out a beautifully calligraphed signature on the Federal copy of the treaty, but stuttered a little with the scribe on the customary steel plate etched with Applegate's. All parties present agreed, however, that it was a better showing than the members of the working group who, despite what this reporter understands were many hours of practice throughout the preceding days, failed to produce anything so dignified on either. With the official documents signed, the long work of integration and bonding between the many peoples of the newly renamed United Federation of Islands can begin!
Solidarity Across the Waters
Informational Bulletin, Feb. 02 – The Solidarity Across the Waters program is a new student and workplace exchange program between members of the Oceans, Seas, and Rivers Alliance. Foreign exchange programs have a proud history in many OSRA nations, and the spread of republican ideals and it is intended that mutual understanding will be furthered with this comprehensive and formalized program. A variety of initiatives tailored to various educational institutions, including trades for the first time through a partnership with the IWW, will lead to a blossoming of productivity and understanding as we learn from each other's strengths and shore up each other's weaknesses. Multi-week, quarterly, and year-long exchange programs are planned.

So, come, see what you S.A.W.!
Ground broken at the Guam Oceanic Institute
Guam, Jan. 30 – The first shovelful of earth was moved this sunny afternoon on the southern coast of the island. Mobile workers and craftspeople are hard at work on the dock and hangar, while surveyors criss-cross the site, laying the outlines of foundations for multiple dormitories, lecture halls, and a laboratory and workshop complex. This is the culmination of many months of talks between scientists and planners all over the Federation, and is the project credited with kick-starting the merger with Space Island Applegate. The planned campus will be operated as a joint venture between Applegate Polytechnic Institute and the University of Manilla, with slots provided to other institutions on a rotating basis. Professor Romuli Meixiu was on hand to answer all of our questions, which you can read about in our deep-dive (yes, yes, we know) series on the aquatic subsistence programs.


The broadcast opens on a familiar face but on a different venue. Rather than the old set used for prior broadcasts; Ikuko, who is by herself, is backdropped by an observation deck peering out into the cold void of space. A caption indicates that this is a broadcast coming from a Moralian Battleship, the Helgoland, currently on a voyage to an unknown destination.

IKUKO: We've been here before, haven't we? Hmm? What am I referring to? A conflict between Earth and Space, an armed intervention following a breakdown of diplomacy due to vitriol and threats levied by one side to the other or vice versa.

IKUKO: It makes one wonder if the son of man is capable of changing, of growing past its fratricidal nature. Doubtful.
Ikuko chuckles. It is a cruel laugh.

IKUKO: Well as long man has yet to change, then Moralia will remain in operation as an accessory to murder. A time tested business strategy dating back to even before that grand tragedy. Let's see who's this quarter's client and their chosen weapon.

CLIENT: Axis Seraphim
TASK: Military
Moralia Receives: Axis Archeological Bonus (1 HIGH), Axis Large Trade Deal (1 HIGH), Cold League Fallow Zone Danger Avoidance Tech (1 MEDIUM), Cold League Fallow Mystery Exploration Tech (1 MEDIUM), 5 Type-P's (5 HIGH)
Moralia Deploys: Trope Titanium, Trope Topaz and Mercury Mermaid (6 RD Seraphs, 50 Series-1, 2 Battleships, 10 Cruisers and 10 Frigates)
Contract Length: 8 Quarters due to Overpayment

IKUKO: My, my, the wrath of the Red Angels have truly been stirred haven't they. Well, we've received our orders. May your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Ikuko lifts up a flute of wine, it's been modified and engineered so that a covering on the top prevents the drink from floating up in zero-g.

IKUKO: This is our solemn promise in the name of Sol.




Every Seraph with control over their own workspace inevitably personalized it in their own unique manner. Lavinia's own was neatly ordered even in the hectic times that had arrived. Neatly organized folders and drawers of documents nestled between a cluster of displays. Her personal touches filled in the scant space between, small gold seraph figures and a single levitating form of Sol.

Meanwhile, Martina's space was normally no less organized or adjusted underneath but it clearly could not be her priority at the moment. Paperwork and half-erased display boards dotted the office connected by criss crossing trails of notes, books, and a smattering of detritus. Artwork and portraits peaked out almost embarrassingly.

Amidst the visual noise at her desk was Martina Grey. Chief Diplomat. Harried woman. Sat at her desk, nearly hunched, she tapped away at a screen. Every few moments she would silently mouth a handful of words to herself before either nodding intently or furrowing her brow and starting again as she deleted sections of whatever she was typing. One hand idly wrapped and unwrapped her long white braid around the side of her neck.

Resting a moment against the doorway, Lavinia adjusted her drab grey uniform briefly to give Martina a chance. Moment having passed, she pushed off the floor softly. Floating over in a gentle arc her shadow passing through Martina's workspace finally did it. Glancing up in a half-start with half-formed words still on her lips Lavinia replied with a soft smile and a shake of the head. Arresting her momentum with one leg and using her arms to pull herself downwards, Lavinia settled behind and to the side of her more than a friend.

"You never knock and if you just knocked you wouldn't have to be so insufferably smug." Turning in her seat and unwinding long toned legs in a dark red pencil skirt, Martina straightened her white blouse as she rose.

"Eyes up here." Said the legs' amber eyes.

"I thought you said there was nothing wrong with looking?" Lavinia answered, adopting a neutral expression. Things only continued to get busier but moments like these needed to be drawn out for all they were worth.
"And I was saying you could bear to be less smug and knock. And drop that face, you are allowed to look, but still, we are on the clock." Lavinia did her utmost to maintain her neutral facade.

Rolling her eyes as she spoke, "Oh come off it, Lavinia", Martina punctuated her words with an exaggerated mirror of Lavinia's blank stare. And with that Lavinia let the wide grin she had held onto free, instantly earning a matching one on Martina's face.

"I'm done, don't worry." Pitching forward slightly to offer a hand to the taller woman, Martina answered in kind and they pulled one another into a brief embrace. Turning slightly, Lavinia gazed out the window towards Earth and basked in Lady Sol's Light. Sparing a brief moment, she passed the picturesque perception to Martina.

Expression half returned to the concentrated furrow of before, Martina's reflection in the glass unwound a fraction. "Thank you."

"It's so beautiful, Martina." Down below one of Earthia's great deserts stretched out underneath great cloud systems. "I always enjoy coming to your office."

Letting forth a sigh, "Lavinia, thank you. Light let it be that you will be able to say that less, soon. I need some advice and to talk with you about the reports the Cloister has on the agenda."

Ah, Lavinia had hoped she could stave off duty a few moments longer. But a duty it remained. Straightening, she began to speak. "Regarding the reports, its force estimates and finalizing plans from Boganova, and Ismelda has the new numbers in for ECOTA projections. And Joan has been requesting more allocations after the SADEDAS snag. Again."

Having grabbed a PDA as Lavinia started, Martina nodded along as she jotted down notes in her unique shorthand. "Okay. The membership getting approved should let us put more into Project Abelo if that's what it is about, if it's not I'm less certain though either way it needs to get raised. And Boganova and I met, and things were about what we expected." As she finished she passed a simple question of permission wrapped around the current moment.

Lavinia answered with a simple affirmative and Martina continued. "I see you got a field promotion. You are going. And that is the advice I needed."

Taking a deep breath before responding, Lavinia turned back to Martina. "What advice?"

A steady silence developed before Martina spoke. "You going scares me. But between what the order needs and what I want, my vows are clear. So are yours. What should I do?"

That question in one form or another was so often discussed in the histories of the beginning of the Order. Original Seraphs struggling against a sullen energy that dragged and clawed at all within wrote about it often. "Remember that it is my sacrifice to make. If it comes to that. Which I promise you is very unlikely."

"Okay. And when, regardless, the cloister discusses the cost to our order and Earthia how can I stomach it?"

"These are the prices we exist to pay. We will make it right, I promise." As she finished, Martina sagged back down into her chair with her braid trailing behind her.

"Thank you Lavinia." Looking up as she spook the words, Martina released a second sigh before a tired smile emerged. "It helps more than you know. You help."

Hooking her foot into the base of the desk and guiding herself downwards, Martina reached out and pulled Lavinia the last few centimeters to half float in her lap. Pressing her face into Lavinia's abdomen her free hand latched the two of them down.

Running a hand over her lover's hair, Lavinia replayed the action to Martina, resulting in a soft and muffled giggle as she pressed her face into Lavinia further. "Marti, it is going to be okay."

Shifting to no longer have her face obscured, Martina leaned back in the padded black chair. "I am still scared." Her mouth not so much as quivered, but the hand at Lavinia's side tightened its grip. "I want it all to be different. It could have been different, Lavinia." Amber eyes gazed up at her.

"It will be, eventually. Sol's light still shines, we still breathe." Matching Marti's eyes, "Sol will guide us Marti." Her amber eyes were even now tinged with the focus that clung to everything Martina did. Constantly filled with a sense of gravity. Lavinia let her forehead be drawn downwards till it brushed against Martina's and she let her eyes drift closed.

Martina sent a plaintive touch followed by the ticking of a clock. Lavinia's only answer was of a perfect sphere of water floating still. Begrudgingly but earnestly, it was returned. And again twice more before they both let the moment achieve the same stillness. Neither wished to break it.

But despite her best wishes, Lavinia knew she must. A thought of three counted them down, and they opened their eyes.
"Before we get to the next issue at hand..." Martina trailed off before sending a coy little burst of curiosity to Lavinia. Answering with a simple yes, Lavinia suddenly found Martina pressing her lips to hers. Pulling herself ever so slightly into the kiss, bliss collected in her mind as a hand brushed through her short hair.

Completing the wistfully short kiss, "Thank you." Martina looked up at her again with the same bliss mirrored in her eyes without even an instant of connection. Right now, she did not need it.

"You are most welcome Marti." Short stolen moments like these, she wished she could keep at her workstation. "But I'll let you win, what is the next issue at hand?" Leaning back once more, they settled into as professional a demeanor as they could while sharing the same chair.

"I need to show you something. I want to run it by you before I show the cloister. They know about it in the abstract, but I want to make sure I get the presentation right. It is important."

"Are you asking the Guiding Seraph or the Lt. Col."

"Both, but the Lt. Col first."

"Alright then, bring it up."
>logged onto
>open private messages
>unread messages:
From TsarDaddy at 23:54: Aldynay, I and Irakli have twenty minutes on Tuesday free to vc
From TsarDaddy at 23:54: It would be at nine in the morning for you, if you're still in Lunar Cradle
From TsarDaddy at 23:57: Did you see what I posted in the gc? xxxx
From You at 01:31: I'm free then, will see you.
>open servers
>logged onto
>unread messages:
From BigBon at 20:10: Alright, which one of you introduced daddy to pallasnet?
From BigBon at 20:11: I've had the Imperial Guard declare it a matter of national emergency, but if he's going to spend state committee meetings quoting pallaspedia
From LaLaLalei at 20:14: Oh that was me, Bonwy
From LaLaLalei at 20:15: They have some wonderful poetry books on free access there
From BigBon at 20:16: UGH. 👺
From TsarDaddy at 20:22: hey girls
From TsarDaddy at 20:22: check this meme out
From TsarDaddy at 20:22:
reactions: 3 👏2 😂 2 ♥️
From You at 01:33: Lol dad.

Biopolitics and Space

Everyone knows the inherent cause of nations and states is to provide for their members. This provision has many aspects, but chief among them is generally considered to be defense. A state that cannot promise defense to its population is no state at all, but an appendage of a more powerful one. A nation that cannot defend its ranks cannot be considered one, remaining always subordinate to a greater union. This is why the world is not simply filled by province-sized countries, but by an array of states of immense power.

These states compete with each other for a variety of reasons, be their resources, ideology, or any other of a very long list. In this competition the capacity for defense is tested, improved, shown. The competition, if not diverted outwards, will return inwards. History shows little but this, a constant struggle for life rooted in the basic need of domination to live.

But these competitions tend not to be short, sharp, contests. They are measured in decades and centuries. States and societies outcompete one another by showing their capacity to withstand trials and adapt to circumstances. Resourcefulness, more than resources, is the main advantage a nation can have. To be locked into a single path is to be, ultimately, dead. These are contests of attrition, in which every country will try every method they can in order to emerge victorious.

From this point the natural inferiority of clone societies is easily seen. This inferiority is not necessarily moral, and it is certainly not individual. A clone has the same capacities as any other human as a person. But as a collective, they are dead meat walking. No one denies that nature and nurture both hold influence in the outcome of a human, and the first is held firm by clones. As a collective they will naturally be less ingenious, less given to curiosity, to learning, than a "normal" human collective. This is only worsened by the fact that humanity is not naturally an asexual species, but a sexual one. What terrible risks does cloning contain for those who live due to it that we do not yet know?

More than that, the clone societies have one absolute weakness, that we have already seen singled out by the Seraphim themselves. Biological weaponry. Plagues, pestilence, disease, sickness: all these have been the main cause of death for humanity throughout history. But humans, being a sexual species, have never been at risk of extinction from them. We have bounced back and defeated them, mutating resistances against them.

This is impossible for clones. They must always be one step ahead in medical science, always be watchful of this threat. Even the slightest mistake might devastate them in such a manner that recovery would be impossible. A millennia of separation might well have resulted in such pandemics being gestated within Earth as might annihilate space. No wonder the Seraphim have spread their vaccines and antibiotics! Only by such means can they hope to safely live on Earth themselves.

And that is just naturally. Biological weapons are amongst the easiest to create. Nature itself provides man with the means to do so at the simplest. A nuclear weapon requires advanced technology and state funding. A plague requires access to feces and patience. This weakness cannot be removed by clone societies, and it cannot be defeated totally.

Even if, as some fear, space save clone-despising Zolon somehow united in some grand alliance and conquered Earth, the above methods could be done by any small group, and be nearly impossible to detect. There could be hundreds of organisations worldwide brewing pestilences that could each kill a hundred million clones. They could even be created by accident. Every unattended sewer on Earth holds inside it a mortal threat to all clones. A clone society cannot ultimately defend itself, and will thus ultimately always be outcompeted and replaced.

Indeed, this latter point should be investigated more. Because there is a way to remove this weakness from clone societies, but involves that same abandonment. If we accept that, ultimately, in the long term clone collectives are unviable; then we accept they will be replaced. But at the current time they hold preeminent power, and so a contest of attrition might result in an initial victory for the clone societies.

What would this result in? A clone collective ruling over vast masses of sexually-reproducing humans. For them, there would be only three paths forward. First would be integration, by which means clones and normal humans would naturally fall in love, marry, and produce offspring. And so clone society would be abandoned. Second would be extermination. If the clone collectives were willing to employ extermination, then there would be no point in living on: they possess such weapons of mass destructive potential that we should accept our coming death.

Third would be the creation of a caste system. This would involve a permanent elite of clones, replaced by intermarriage or new vats. But such a thing would result in hatred and anger from those held beneath, those refused any access to power or representation by their genetics. This method would result, inexorably, in the creation of the organisations for biological weaponry mentioned above. And perhaps the clone elite would be able to repress efficiently enough, maintain a security apparatus as powerful as its medical sector. But they would need to win every time. The rebels would only need to win once.

We can see some such possibility in the union of Applegate and the Federation of Islands. How long will it take for the 'Teamsters' to be eaten from within, to melt in the pot of pan-nations that Manila commands? Will they refuse to allow it, and become a xenophobic elite in that great aquatic state? We all ought to watch carefully, and learn what path to take.

- Thesis of Hon. Jacopoliti Wu, double masters student of Biology and Sociology, failing grade. Jacopoliti Wu refused access to any further academic institution in Siberia due to political implications of their writings.
Turn 5: Part 1 Breathe
On the fields of Siberia and Manchuria, two vast armies clashed with everything they had. With more than three million troops in the combat brigades of each side, the conflict had more combatants than many Spacian states. In the winter cold, these two vast armies tore at one another, expending vast quantities of troops and artillery shells as each sought to wipe out the other.

Increasingly outnumbered in mobile suits, the Siberian along the main line substituted bodies for metal. They had the incomparable Bears, but even with support from Canmexico, they were up against an increasing number of enemy machines: T-Types, Type-Rs, Algerian Knightress Minors. Against this, the Siberians themselves mustered mostly B-types, and many fewer of them than the CSR and its allies. The Siberian troops fought mostly as infantry, and against opponents who were increasingly equipped with heavier and heavier tanks, including the new Warden assault artillery, a monstrous heavy that included Spacian design elements and the best of the CSR's engineering.

Despite this, when the two offensives met the Siberians did not immediately give ground. For all their complaints, and the soldiers' committees and subversion within the ranks of the Siberian army, the masses of peasant men (and some women) who made up the Siberian infantry were not done yet. They threw themselves into the assault behind the Colossi, fighting with all the discipline and Elan that could have been expected from the greatest military power on the planet.

In Korea, the fighting was more back and forth. Canmexican forces attempted to gain mobile suit superiority over the peninsula, but were countered by waves of Federation T-types, and various high end Amazonian and Moralian units, including the Adrestia, flown by none other than Nemo herself. The battle in Korea and Manchuria went back and forth with many gambits on both sides. The Adrestia, a psychic machine that many CanMexican observers believed to be at least an A-minor type met an equal force on the battlefield in the form of Sedna, a A-Minor piloted by Canmexica's self declared third princess, Liliana. This clash was inconclusive however. Liliana did not seek combat with a mercenary, but with the Federation's A-type itself, so quickly withdrew.

Morellian mercenaries fought on both sides of the war however, and they were equally fiersome on the Siberian side. An orbital drop operation by the Bronze Bitches and Siberians hit Baikonur Cosmodrome, and were able to surprise its Astarti guard force. The Astarti were singularity impressed by the Morellian troops, who's EKs were even more advanced than their Type-Rs, and who proved impressive pilots, if slightly worse than Astarti standards. The base was put out of action for several months and the Morellians and Siberians were able to withdraw with moderate casualties.

As the quarter continued, the Republican forces had made steady, though limited, progress in Korea and Manchuria, but where largely contained by the Canmexican and Siberian defenders. On the CSR front, the results were equally indecisive along most of the line, though with attrition among the Siberian mobile suit corps leaving them in desperate need of resupply.

There was one last roll of the dice however, which would lead to one of the most titanic clashes yet to take place in the war.

The assembled force of Bears, lead by the Ursa Major and Ursa Major Custom were still all but unstoppable without a mass deployment of Spacian suits. Without the raging autumn river to stop their supporting infantry they were able to smash through into the CSR lines, shrugging aside all attempts to stop them.

Commanding the unit was Kniaz Orontes, a veteran of the Chinese revolution and thought by many to be Siberia's greatest living mobile suit practitioner, and her servant, Malika. Together, and using the massively advanced Colossi, the two countered every trick and attack the CSR, Astarti volunteers and Algerians could throw at them. The Bears crushed Wardens underfoot, shattered R-types with their cannons, and Orontes used the Ursus Major's forcefield to cut several knightress minors apart with its edges.

Lesser mobile suits and Colossi escorting the pair blasted through one CSR defensive line after another, pushing a long salient into the Republican line. It was then the stars began to fall.

The Federation A-type, still piloted by Maria Rosanegra, the pilot many knew as the new maiden of the revolution had been kept in orbit, and now dropped with a team of elite units, directly into the Bears.

Fighting immediately became fierce. The Bears were a force that had once been designed to kill an A-type, but Maria was not a lone cataclysm machine, but escorted by a dozen other ace and limited production suits, and supported by the increasingly dominant CSR allied mobile suit units. For all their power, the Bears found themselves pushed onto the back foot. It was only Orontes' incredible skills that let her survive again and again, covering her subordinates with the Ursa Major's force field and heavy weapons, then switching roles to be covered herself when Maria switched to target her personally.

But the Mondists had a reserve of their own. A sudden volley of artillery fire ripped in from far behind the lines, striking at the Federation A. Maria dodged, and saw another A-type, an A-minor, moving in. The Sedna. Realising that the Federation A-type would not deploy in Korea, the Third Princess had, on her own authority, moved her unit to cover the Bears.

Now the two women, self declared princess and maiden of revolution fought it out. Maria knew that if she could just close the distance her As superior overall performance would gain the day, but Lilanna was a wily opponent, and her suit had a comprehensive set of targetting systems that made that closer difficult.

Even as they fought, the two pilots were talking.

"We shouldn't be fighting this war." Lilanna told the Federation Ace. "There are far more dangerous things out here."

"You'd have me abandon my country?"

"I'd have you save the world!"

The clouds of snow underlit with the light of battle. The clash between super weapons became a locus of the battlefield, as lesser machines and brigades converged on the area.

And then they all felt it. From the aces and bear pilots to the common soldiers.

Something horrible poured into their minds, and clenched their throats. Across the battlefield, where thousands of soldiers were fighting around the giants, men gasped, going red, suddenly aware of their every breath, and unable to take it without consciously willing it.

In the first moments only Maria was able to resist the psychic pressure, and even she was stunned by the malevolent power slamming into her. Through the storm clouds above, another A-type was descending, this one of a very different character. Black and white, with a slender crown, the most powerful of the minor calamity machines, Princess of Breath extended its influence across the battlefield.

In its cockpit, a woman in black and white reached out her mind.

<<I know you are here Gunn! Come out! Is she with you? GIVE HER BACK TO ME!>>


A blade of psychic energy ripped across the battlefield, splitting the Calamity Machine's assault. The Type-Δ and its escorts roared out of the snow in a wave of combat bits. The machine was brand new, perhaps the most powerful ace unit created since the Cataclysm, a Seraphim unit equal to an A-minor, and built around both a powerful psychic core and an extremely agile wave rider mode.

At the controls, Domina Gunn reached out towards the Calamity Machine and its pilot, feeling its mind, and detected the other machines dropping through the storm to the battle. A mocking smile played across her lips.

<<She's your sister you know? Are those feelings you should really be having?>>


The Princess of Breath and the Type-Δ accelerated to meet one another, even as other mobile suits, each bearing a twisted Black Cradle badge dropped from the storm to engage both Siberian and Federation machines. The attacking machines were of an unknown type that matched nothing in anyone's warbook data, appearing to be descended from RD-types, but with massive additional psionic systems. The feeling of psychic trauma emanating from them made them tricky to engage for anyone but Maria, the Seraphim and the Bears and Canmexican units using their advanced computer assistance. Enemies, however briefly, became allies against the sudden attack.

The Princess of Breath and the Type-Δ chased one another through the field. In their wake, men gasped for breath as the Calamity Machine's influence feasted upon their subconscious minds for additional power.

Even for a calamity machine the Type-Δ was a difficult opponent. Fitted with additional weapons packs, the ultra up to date ace machine was in many ways a cut above the ancient calamity machine, even if Domina had difficulty matching the lashing fury of her opponents mind.

But its pilot was not steady. Her love was not here

Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here

Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here
Not here not here not here not here

Not here not here not here not here

The Cataclysm machine screamed, lashing after the more agile Type-Δ. It's pilots' fury knew no bounds, but there was doubt too, increasingly. She wasn't here. She'd been sure that–

The Princess of Breath suddenly slammed to a stop. "No."

"Oh, you figured it out did you?"

The rest of Domina's hand appeared out of the snow, ready to spring the ambush that Domina had almost worked. Her mind had splintered into the Calamity machine pilot, working into its cracks like water.

"You cowardly whore! You won't even face me alone!"

"A victory is a victory."

The Princess of Breath's pilot could feel more machines coming. Axis and mainline Seraphim rapid response machines converging on it from all sides.

She cursed and then exploded away from the battlefield like a rocket. Her RDPs erupted away behind her.

In the wake of the battle, offensive operations were temporarily suspended as both sides treated huge numbers of psychic casualties. The war was becoming an attritional mess, but despite the Siberian recruitment advantage, without a fresh injection of mobile suits, it would be one that Siberia was ill equipped to win.
Last edited:

On the Morality of Cloning

Since the opening of contact between Earth and Space, the once science fiction concept of cloning has become a stark reality. Most Spacian powers engage in cloning in some form, and several are made up near entirely of clones. The influence of Spacian powers upon Earth has also led to the creation of new clones in several Earthian powers, most notably in the Siberian Empire where they engage in a grotesque spectacle which I will go into more detail on later.

As socialists, we must now confront the question, not as an abstract hypothetical, under what circumstances, if any, is cloning ethical? As with any question, first we must grapple with ownership. If private individuals can own or order clones for their own purposes, then this is obviously unethical on socialist principles. The use of private property to create and own a person is a violation of all socialist principles and something which cannot be allowed.

Before going on to the potential other circumstances of cloning, we should first discuss the situation of clones produced through unethical means. Though produced unethically, they are themselves living breathing people, not objects. Though there are methods in several morally bankrupt nations to undermine the free will and expression of clones, even these enslaved clones are victims first and foremost. In any circumstance in which a moral power is in a position to liberate enslaved clones they should do so, and invest significantly into therapy and whatever other methods might be necessarily to break the barbaric conditioning imposed upon the clones.

For cases in which cloning is not controlled or operated on behalf of individuals, the question of morality becomes more complicated. Since individuals cannot be trusted with cloning, and obviously neither can private organizations, this leaves just the state as the custodian of the responsibility of cloning. But the state can also abuse this power. A state that clones a person without their consent likely has nefarious motives and has committed an immoral act. Even if a state clones a person with the consent of the DNA donor, or donors as the case may be, the resulting clone must be treated as a person in all respects, not as a tool or replacement.

An example of how this can be used ethically is if a couple, or other romantic grouping, desires an offspring but cannot, or do not wish to, sexually reproduce, they can provide DNA to the state to create a child or children for them. In this circumstance the state has provided a service which would otherwise be difficult to obtain, and done so without exploitation or coercion.

By contrast it should scarcely need to be said that creating a group of clones purely for some state desired outcomes, be it as soldiers, marriage fodder, or simply to create more population, these are unethical acts by governments which see clones as resources to be created and spent, not as people. For states like Siberia such a distinction is academic as they don't treat the vast majority of their naturally born populace with the respect people deserve, giving a sort of perverse "equality" to their exploitation of clones.

Finally there is the matter of the mainline Seraphim accusation that the Juno Seraphim are making clones for the purpose of infiltration. These are clones allegedly made for the express purpose to be slaves that deceive their way into other powers to further whatever interests Juno has. If true this is obviously an immoral and heinous use of cloning technology, that also spreads paranoia and mistrust among people generally, worsening the lives and positions of myriad people.

In summary, cloning is not in and of itself immoral. Yet it can be quite easily misused towards nefarious ends. Clones themselves are people the same as any others, regardless of the intents of their creators. It is important for moral governments to implement strong controls over cloning technology to prevent misuse and exploitation. Countries that misuse and abuse cloning technology should be shunned and pressured to change their ways to utilize cloning in a humane and equitable way. Considering the ongoing status of the wars taking place around the world, it may be prudent for the powers at war to consider clauses against the misuse of cloning as a part of the peace process, whenever that happens.

-Zuchene Ping for the Journal of Proletariat Affairs

To Live

Number Twelve feels her body slowly decant from the thin, orangegish slurry of spent amniota as the chamber which had overseen the terminal period of her gestation slowly altered its shape, unfurling from an hourglass into something like a salad bowl with her as its contents. The liquid slowly drains out of the container towards reprocessing, leaving her gasping air with her own lungs for maybe the second or third time in her life. Her body is now just past a complex cocktail of physical development induction- endocrine adjustments, electromyostimulation, direct physical manipulation via nanomachines and microsurgical probes and constant adjustment of her nutritional inputs via the composition of the suspension fluid that previously surrounded her.

Her limbs are long and spindly, set with taut, hard muscles that are an inherent deviation from her genetic donor. Psychogrammatic imagery pulses around her eyes, dimming to match the ambient lighting of the chamber.

Reasurances she's strong enough to get up, pictograms to stay still as the technicians inspector. Inhale, exhale. Keep breathing. Now stop thinking about it.

The long shadow of a taller, older woman is cast across her. One of her gloved hands reaches for hair, drawing her fingers through the locks. In the placid sterility of the room, all whites and off-whites, greens and blues, the bright gold is striking.

"Crazy to think the blonde hair is non-recessive. Pre-war genetic engineering at its finest." The technician says, half-aware that Twelve is paying attention. She's become very good at feigning catatonia, allowing her to listen. She likes to listen.

"There was all kinds of pre-war splicing, lot of people worried that melting pots in the colonies would mean the end of blonde or red hair." The tech's partner... or superior is obviously a bit older, her outfit has perhaps sligtly more objects on it that she can distinguish. While she understands more of their functions, the whole is something that does not easily resolve in her mind other than that these two are 'those who observe the girls in tanks'. "The original package that produced the dominant blonde alele also had a lot of unecessary bagage. Caveat emptor when it comes to designer genes, I guess."

"Saddle your descendants with all kinds of shit a thousand years later, for sure. It's a miracle this batch turned out so well."

"You sound like a biocon in lipstick. It's almost all epigenetic and environmental." The senior one speaks again, clicking her tongue in faint disapproval at her colleague's manners. "Besides, Twelve is paying attention."

Number Twelve blinks and nods slowly. The younger of the two techs takes a small step back.

The senior tech nods. "See, what did I tell you? Can you talk yet, Number Twelve?"

She purses her lips in response, forcing air and making the shapes instinctively. There are no lessons or memories situating these abilities- just the knowledge of the deed itself. The very act of working up to it feels burdensome after an eternity of floating. She croaks her first words out. "Yes... I think."

"Well, congratulations. We'll have to run some more tests, but we'll be able to get you onto the next phase before long." The senior technician's eyes wander, but she's not looking directly at Twelve. Her gaze penetrates her physical body, broken up by intermediaries and allegorical interfaces. She's a series of observed systems, temperatures, blood pressure, blood sugar, metabolic markers in places where sensor devices so smoothly and painlessly integrated into the vertices of her body that can cannot distinguish their presences or capabilities from her natural body and proprioception. The moment she deceived the younger one and let the senior make a joke, she was human, a person, but the walls are slowly climbing back up.

"I don't think your other self could talk in lipstick. Wouldn't her lips be stuck together?" Twelve interrupts with a question.

"Oh my word. That's amazing." The younger one lets herself laugh, looking at her older partner for forgiveness rather than permission. "Are the full-growns always like this?"

The older one groans. "I don't know if 'other self' is because she thinks we're dating or because our outfits look similar. Either way, she's clearly past parroting and onto interpretation. I don't know what I should do besides flag it up ASAP so she doesn't waste too much time dawdling here."

"How about we break open a baby name website?" The younger one smiles visibly despite her mask, the expression spreading to every other part of her face. "She's halfway to Descartes, she can have something besides a number."

Twelve nods. "I am."

"And there we go, the rest of it."

Princess Liliana did not exist, legally speaking. She could rely on her hand-picked retainers and subordinates to follow her orders without question, and occasionally cow or browbeat a Siberian soldier, or a CanMexican serving overseas, into special treatment, although she usually didn't bother with the latter. Suffice to say that after becoming a "psychic casualty" of the debacle west of the Ob, she avoided the media attention and fuss and deference that would have been given to, say, Princess Catarina.

Sun, she's going to be so pissed to have missed another fight with that suggestively-named Seraphim.

The unranked special operations soldier codenamed Null also didn't legally exist, but as the official pilot of Sedna, such a person was entitled to a few privileges, which is why she and her subordinates in the Magna Mater squadron had been quickly pushed to the front of the line for proper treatment back away from the muddled frontline, even while the mass of Siberian conscripts that had done most of the dying and suffered most of the injuries were steadily being triaged into field hospitals.

Sickening, but...

Liliana reached up to massage her neck almost immediately after regaining consciousness in the hospital following her spotty and blackout-filled retreat. Observation and logic told her that that had been a psychic attack, some attempt at turning off autonomous parts of the brain like the King of Knives had allegedly overcharged part of the prefrontal cortex. Knowing this, she reached up to take off the respirator that her hosts had thoughtfully provided.

She started choking immediately. Forcing herself to breathe was painful, the psychosomatic effects of the attack having bruised her larynx, but that wasn't the problem. Well, not the only problem. There was nothing there making her lungs expand, moving her diaphragm, as if some nervous link in her body was simply missing now.

"I'd have you save the world!" she'd said to the Federation pilot. And meant it.

Sedna and the Federation's Gundam had danced beneath the cloudy sky, wisps of snow streaming down only to be immediately vaporized by the waste heat of beam fire. Sedna herself was the eye of the storm, the Full Armor configuration that let her fight on the level of a true A-type meaning she lacked the maneuverability of what she was imitating. Around her swirled the E-Narwhals in a perfect formation, feeding sensor data into Sedna's targeting computers and letting her keep the blurry dart of the A-type boxed in with rifle and rocket fire, what maneuverability that Sedna did have coming in for small, random course adjustments to avoid the worst of the return fire from Maria Rosanegra and take lesser hits on the thickest armor. The Maiden of Revolution's successor was truly out of her league in speed; fighting her with all the might of the ancients felt like trying to swat a fly with her bare hands...still, the A was being held at bay, and it would only be a matter of time until she landed a mission-kill shot.

Or it would have been, if the Federation hadn't been smart enough to send their own knights to back up the queen, same as Liliana. Dozens of transforming and rapid-flight mobile suits that had accompanied Rosanegra to the field formed their own perimeter, taking potshots at and engaging the Narwhals, trying to peel them away the same as they had done to Orontes's squadron.

"Bb5. Qe4. Watch the crossfire," she instructed, hissing out well-practiced chess notation to the Narwhal pilots, including Karen, who she was counting on for cover here. The Federation had ambushed Orontes and the Bears, and Liliana had (through the surprisingly effective method of simply strapping experimental turbines to the outside of her squad) managed to counter-ambush the Federation, but she was certain there was one more trap to be sprung here, and they needed to be prepared.

She was incorrect, of course.

There were two.

Someone was in her room. Liliana recognized that this should have been impossible. Chaos going on outside or not, this is a secure facility for guests of the Tsar. Liliana's first instinct after taking in what looked like a strange woman with long green hair was to peer around her and look for the guards she knew would be posted on an MS pilot's room door. Still there. Bribed, then. Or psychically suppressed.

Still bound to her bed, still bound to her respirator, Liliana returned her glare to the woman. Neither spoke for nearly a minute.

" you want..." Liliana asked, voice whispered into as high a register as she could manage, not bothering with her usual posturing when breath was so short.

"Are you having trouble breathing, Princess?" the green-haired girl asked placidly.

"If you're kill me...get it over with...," Liliana forced out. "Pain in this."

"Yes, it would be," the girl said again, nodding. "But I'm here to help."

"Sure," Liliana said, pausing for a moment to give a hacking cough instead of scoffing. " helping the helpless."

"I'm long since fallen," the girl replied flatly, moving to approach the side of the bed. "And you're not helpless. I dare say you're laying in a trap waiting for the hunter to come."

Liliana nodded, confessing as much even while she considered how plausible it would be to grab this girl by the neck.

"And you're not down and out either, even with the Princess of Breath's effects lingering. Give it time and I'm sure Pallas will clone you a new medulla or ZOLON will put a nice little pacemaker in your lungs. Take a little piece of you, and make it Spacian. But I can do more than just give you your voice back, Princess."

Liliana made an effort not to laugh and shook her head. "You got it...backwards. You're a witch...I'm a princess...I'm supposed to trade you my voice...for bottom sur--"

"If you're going to waste your breath on mangling a fairy tale, I suppose I can just leave," the girl admitted. "But like I said, I can do much more than just heal you. I can let you fulfill your destiny."

Liliana looked askance at the strange woman. "And that?"

She smiled, and leaned in. "What do you desire, Princess?"

The sky opened up, and a demon descended.

Panicked, choking gasps came over the comms.

This was an Apocalypse Machine.

Liliana steadied herself and started breathing manually. She couldn't fight like this. No one could fight like this. When she saw the expected Seraphim ambush materialize and make a beeline for the malevolent entity instead, she realized she didn't have to.

"Resign resign resign. Fallback 1. Can't...just go!"

Setting her battlefield data recorders to focus on the monster and the new Seraphim machine that rose up to fight it, she pitched her controls eastward and made sure at least most of the Narwhals looked to be doing the same as she tried to touch ground before passing out.

"Liliana, the pilot of that machine was--"

"Beatrice Bradamante, Jaburo's Knight of Zero and Director of Condor," Liliana interrupted Karen. "I know."

"...Liliana how the fuck do you know that?" Karen asked, blinking.

It was the first time Liliana had had a chance to speak to any of her subordinates, after being cleared of any further respiratory damage and moved to a common ("common", but reserved for aristocratic pilots) canteen area of the prison. She didn't necessarily appreciate the patient smock on herself, but had to admit that Karen could make anything look, if not good, then at least like she could kill you in it.

"I have sources," Liliana said airily, earning a narrow-eyed glare from her second.

"I've been nearly killed by the greatest mobile suit in the Islands and the greatest pilot in Jaburo in the last 36 hours, Lils. Don't go cryptic on me or I'm gonna think you're about to make it three for three for places I've lived trying to shoot me."

Liliana met the glare with a sip of her lemon-ginger tea. It was doing wonders for her sore throat. "I can't discuss it here, but we can discuss Ms. Bradamante. I don't suppose you have any idea why she dropped a psychic strategic weapon on my perfectly good three layers of counter-encirclement?"

Karen thinks. "She never said anything against the Holy League...and even if she did, all the BDR I've managed to overhear is showing that that thing hit the Repubs just as badly as it did us. She must have been here to draw out the Seraphim."

"Very good," Liliana said, nodding. "I arrived at the same conclusion. She might have saved us, depending on the specs of that new angel machine. But her intent was probably revenge."

"Never mind what she wanted, where did she get an Apocalypse Machine?" Karen demanded. "And how?"

"She completely cut ties with CONDOR after Eva got disappeared. ZOLON hadn't heard a word about her either, despite their involvement with the Magraviate's household. She's not getting support from anyone who might have wanted to give it to her previously, and even then, I think we'd have known if they found a psychic superweapon."

"So where'd that damn thing come from? Juno? Twisted Tree? Another damn conspiracy we have to worry about?" Karen lamented.

"We have a new objective. Not one from the king, or EXCOM. One in support of our goal from the beginning."

Liliana finished her tea, and then didn't stand up dramatically. The hospital smock would ruin the effect. "We're going to save the world."

"Hm," the green-haired girl said, after Liliana had expressed her wish, and she'd done...whatever she'd done. "A bit of a megalomaniac, aren't you?"

"It runs in the family," Liliana replied.

"Breathe easy, Princess. I'll be in touch."

The strangest thing about all of this is something Liliana had noticed as the girl left. The guards reacted with surprise as she suddenly left the room, aiming guns and shouting in Sibir. She simply kept walking, turning the corner, and then...nothing. They briefly looked confused, then returned to standing at parade rest outside her door.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Inside her quarters, wrapped up in fluffy blanket, Lan-II-Zohar, the crown princess of ZOLON, woke up.

Still trapped by the last vestiges of sleep that tempted her to return to slumber in the comfortable warmth, she had to dig herself out, feathery antennae poking out first, like radars scanning for the presence of the enemy – which, in truth, is exactly what they were. Content with the safety of her room being confirmed, the princess finally rose, her additional arms helping the blanket slide off of her, the eyes with black sclera blinking as the still-drowsy monarch yawned cutely, kneeling on her bed.

It was all second nature to her, body modified for as long as she could remember for purposes that were as practical as they were purely aesthetic, her body a living masterwork. It was, above everything, a source of pride.

Then, memories came in; where she was, what happened last night, and what will have to happen now.

As Lan stood up, her elaborate multi-layer nightgown of artificial silk gently rustling as she rose to her full two meters height, there were no curtains to part; elaborate as it was, given her position, this was one of the temporary habitats set up for the forces occupying the Evil Mountain, Yamantau, the fortress of death which she finally conquered.

The walls were thick armour, and the quiet hum of an I-Field generator in the background betrayed further measures; Earth was a merciless place and assassination was always a concern. As it was, it'd probably take a mobile suit's anti-ship bazooka to crack this moth's cocoon.

As she walked over to the miniature kitchen and queued up some hot chocolate for herself – there was no need to bother her personal maid yet, though she will have to ask Ariadne for help with the dress uniform later – she considered the situation.

Later today, she would be leaving for Peru, together with some of ZOLON's best suits, including her own Devo, which she privately took to calling Lamia – meaning "radiant" – once it started talking to her. Though could that really be called talking? She had barely started to process the truth of what happened there and what the Jovian machines might truly be, but there is no doubt that without them, the Mountain might have triumphed for the second time, despite all the forces gathered to fell it.

Right now, royal technicians were reinforcing its armour, adding further systems and defences, headed by her own little brother, healing his own wounded heart by focusing on his work. It would be tougher, more flexible and more aware than it ever was in those death-filled tunnels. She would lead the army of devils that she conquered alongside her, the gun pointed at the head of humanity re-aimed at whatever horrors attacked the Covenant. She heard some already started calling her the Princess of Monsters with odd sense of affection after she destroyed that twisted tower and seized control of them, and in this too she took pride.

Never fall into arrogance or hubris, but always take pride in your accomplishments. It's a lesson from her parents that Lan took to heart.

This, of course, meant leaving Yamantau to its garrison – and with it…

The princess reached for the cup of chocolate, just one of many imports from the Freeholds that the opening of relationships between Space and Earth brought to them, and considered her own with her counterpart.

Kyntana. The Eighth Princess of the Siberian Empire, the one who the Tsar sent along to the first battle of Yamantau, and the one who stayed for the second and their ultimate triumph.

Kyntana, the vision of whom standing on top of a shot-down dropship in her clumsy Fallow Zone protective gear, holding a rocket launcher with hands that were trying not to shake even as the beheaded Death Force machine fell before her, saving everyone inside, embedded itself in Lan's memory. Gas mask slipping off, burning eyes where fierce sense of duty clashed with utter terror, the non-metaphorical fire that started at the edges of her fur coat and which she did not notice yet.

Something struck Lan back then, feeling the hot winds blowing through the breaches in her own orbital drop frame, carved out by Death Force weaponry, as she rushed to the downed aircraft, other ZOLON suits laying down covering fire as the crew and the passengers were evacuated.

She took Kyntana into her own cockpit, the two far too close to each other, the Siberian princess desperately trying to put on a brave face and the ZOLON one pretending to not feel her shaking, a reassuring hug that only someone with four arms could give while piloting a mobile suit at the same time that both of them could later pretend was an accident.

The two spent a lot of time together after, passing the time as suits got patched up, tunnels cleared, fortifications repaired; there wasn't much to do in a nightmare fortress within a Fallow Zone, and doing official work as the commander as the Safeguard repurposed the Death Force base could get very exhausting.

There was Aunt Lena as well, of course, but the commando was always bit of a loner, and even busier with exploring the deeper underground section of the fortress, looking for something she called an "Earthmover", that, for all they know, might not even exist, and plenty besides to make sure the mountain is actually secure. Most of the time they just sent each other messages, alongside the daily well-wishes from Lumina, the youngest princess still a boundless font of energy.

But Kyntana was always there, willing to talk the hours away, about Earth, old heroes, poetry – anything, really, her pleasant, silky voice something she felt like she could listen to forever. They could rest together in Lan's cabin watching television, or new episodes of Blade of Artoria that got brought over straight from America. When the first batch of pudding from back home arrived, she gave Kyntana some and watched her eat her way through a full pack, somehow not getting bored.

It might have been a blessing that for Lan, blushing was something that she could just turn off, because it certainly wasn't for the Siberian princess. She definitely noticed the glances that Kyntana kept sneaking at her, as well.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to keep pretending anymore.

Lan looked at the now-empty cup, feeling a sudden surge of uncharacteristic melancholy. Of course, it was not so simple. Her heart might say one thing, but she was the crown princess. What would even happen if she accepted Kyntana's affection, going back home together, and the Siberian princess' own family would all be put to sword – or captured and threatened with such – by the invading alliance? How could she face someone so dear to her and tell her that no, the army of ZOLON would not march to save them, or to avenge them?

And it would not march. As Laevateinn herself said, with all her usual tact, it must never march, because by doing so it would cross a Rubicon, even if it won. And however Lan might have felt about Kyntana, her warmth, her smile, her voice… she loved ZOLON more. The dream that ZOLON was dreaming.

Well, there was no use overthinking these things either. For now, she had a war of her own to command, and who knows what will happen there?

She quickly sent a message on the base's intranet and not even a minute after, Ariadna, her ever-faithful maid came in with her dress uniform. For better or worse, Lan always had problems putting it on, what with the extra arms – but there was a need for certain propriety and dignity here when leading the troops into possibly not entirely metaphorical Hell.

The cybernetic claws that could pierce right through bone put the golden-black uniform on the still-drowsy moth princess with practiced ease. As Lan's personal maid – a maid among maids, one could say – Ariadna was both her friend and bodyguard, a combat cyborg who stood right by her on the battlefield, and would be piloting a Devo herself; her personal unit got shot up in the depths of Yamantau, but Koldmann gave his to Ariadna after he switched to one of the Viggans.

Slightly shorter than Lan and with the tanned skin of a special forces operator, her augments were likewise of finest quality, but she never felt particularly compelled to conceal them under synthetic flesh, taking her own pride in her degree of mechanisation; Ariadna could put a throwing knife through a spacesuit helmet at hundred meters. The monocle was purely aesthetic, but maids were, after all, creatures of aesthetics.

When Kyntana met her, she was quite surprised. Apparently maids on Earth were rather different?

The two worked in silence as Lan prepared, looking the part of the warrior princess, wings and all. But as Ariadna moved on to her hair, combing and dressing the concealed radiators, her normally gentle smile grew mischevious, and she dropped the news like a bomb.

"Incidentally, your royal highness, have you heard? Princess Kyntana will be joining us on the Venus expedition."



What happened at Venus?

Inside an almost lightless room, locked deep within Yamantau itself, Director Laevateinn asked herself this question, watching liquid that she was never going to drink move from one end of a glass to another, held in a clawed hand of matte-black metal that was only ever made in the internal factories of the Absoluta, itself now a ship of nightmares.

In the end, she had to accept that she had no answers, and perhaps it might be for the best if their expedition finds as little of them as possible.

When they set out to Venus, they knew about the ruined aerostat cities where many a hopeful settler vanished before the planet acquired a reputation as haunted among the superstitious Spacians. They figured they likely still floated because they were maintained by automated systems, likely also responsible for the disappearances; perhaps the psychic echoes of the war still echoed there. This was all normal, acceptable risks for the nations that organised the expedition and hoped to understand more of the Solar System's mysteries.

But then they found the FOB-12. "12". Such an ominous number in this context. What was there, hidden beneath the clouds, that made the Earth Federation, busy fighting an apocalyptic war with the very existence of humanity at stake, to create an entire network of bases clearly meant to contain Venus? 12 bases, perhaps even more. There had to be hundreds of suits between them, if not thousands, all bleeding edge models taken from the frontlines in hope to- to what?

Then the Covenant vanished, stuck inside an impossible, fully-functional city.

This could still have fit the assumptions, if not their scale – out-of-control, perhaps insane AIs, spending a thousand years building a city for humans that would never come, defending it with all the power such time and technology could offer. A great enemy, certainly, but still something that could be grasped.

Then, the investigation teams found the statues. She saw them too, eventually, risking entry just to bear witness. She had to.

It was agony.

Laevateinn saw many people die, many of them in terrible ways. She remembered herself kneeling on Absoluta's deck, trying not to fall, vomiting chunks of her lungs and surrounded by liquified flesh of her comrades. She saw life reduced to weapons, sometimes with cruelty, sometimes merely with utter apathy to human suffering; hearts that did not take joy in the torment of others but just remained completely closed to it; "sympathy has no place in a righteous heart" is such a terrifying motto for a scientist.

Horribly twisted humans, warped in such pure, wretched torment that could make one ill. Mouths opened so far in pain that their muscles tore themselves apart. Every part of them, a masterwork, a reproduction of the human body equal to any of the legendary artists of ancient legends, and then twisted, torn, deformed, tortured with such skill, such attention to detail that the entire exploration team could only ask themselves a single question in hushed voices.

Was this really the work of some monstrous imagination, or did the artist have live models?

Then, they saw the first statue of the humans being consumed, then another, then another – by nebulous things that sometimes had tentacles, but which Laevateinn would struggle to describe, like language itself was worried about giving them form.

But the Director did not have to ask.

Watching them, she felt a crawling sense of doom. Not fear – she was not programmed to feel fear. She was the Sword of Surtr, the blade that could burn the world; and what sword would be afraid?

But even with her implants forcibly shut down, her senses dulled and slumbering, she could sense it. This was a place of neither honour nor humanity.

Something irreversible might have happened on Venus.

Turning back was no longer an option.

She could try to talk Lan out of coming – but she'd never. She'd say something like "what sort of royal would I be if I just sent tens of thousands of people to die and then sat back to drink wine and put my hands on my lover? Not one anyone would respect, that's for sure", laugh and come anyways, because she was very brave and held a genuine love for her people, even if it would kill her and put entire ZOLON in mourning. Because she understood war, and accepted that death was always a risk, and did not let that deter her.

Even after she saw the statues.

Laevateinn was not very brave. It was never a question of bravery. Swords don't need to be brave – they just have to cut when swung, without fail and without question.

The course of action was clear, then.

If a princess was to wander into the den of unspeakable horrors to rescue her people, it would be natural for her to carry a magic sword, shining a path of warm light through the nightmares. It was a story as old as legends, from back when humans huddled together in fear of the unknowable dark.

So, in this hell that was brought forth by human hands.

She will come.

And just this once, she will become Lan's sword.
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Turn 5 Salvage: South America and Space

Turn 5 Salvage: South America and Space

With the plethora of ruins in the Amazon Territories and the relative safety of the Peruvian Fallow Zone, it was little surprise that South America continued to be a centre of archaeological activity. Much to their delight, Amazonian archaeologists were involved in the vast majority of the expeditions.

Within the Amazon itself two Spacian powers which had been granted permission to explore the ruins sent teams to see what could be found. Anlscar Orbital searched for limited production suits in great quantities, hoping to balance their mass production heavy forces. While their finds lacked in numbers, it would be difficult to find much better limited production suits than the 12 Locusts they were able to recover.

Moralia had higher ambitions, looking for aces to give to their elite pilots. The deck wasn't stacked in their favour, but they did nonetheless receive a flush of reinforcements. 119 RBB Heavy Gun Types, a significant upgrade to the standard RBB with Increased armour and a heavy chaingun, were found in pristine condition. Their warehouse complex had, by all appearances, simply been forgotten in the jungle until now.

Perhaps because of their familiarity with the terrain or simply by keeping their experts to themself, the Amazon Territories scored the best finds to be found in their territory this quarter. The expedition to the airfield yielded only modest results, with a pair of Garuda carriers holding a total of 31 BB-flight types. The BB flights were equipped with additional beam systems, making them a cut above others in the class.

The real find was not a cache of mobile suits though, but an entire industrial complex. Excited reports flooded into Belem about a factory discovered amidst a ruined town which required only minimal work to make functional. Many of the systems were active by the time officials arrived, and soon it was confirmed that the facility was designed to produce D-Types. Additional facilities were present to equip the models with flight packs, effectively extending their range and providing a significant boost to mobility.

Peru, meanwhile, offered more explosive finds. The joint Yammacin and Anlscar expedition to the unknown facility finally yielded results. The Yammacin teams secured 24 E-types which were modified to have a single, large sensor. These E-Cyclops held records that showed they were investigating the detonation of a dimensional gate. The accompanying Anlscari expedition found 45 RBBs, which had likely been amongst that gate's garrison before whatever catastrophe happened here.

The Freeholds weren't finished with Peru yet, diving into the 0-Type facility with renewed fervour and significant escort. They were able to secure 581 0-types from the place, and thankfully their escort proved unnecessary.

Not the only Earthian nation to delve into Peru, the Amazonian team was attacked by a mass of auto weapons which poured out of a nearby transit link. Eventually identified as Death Force machines, the expedition's escort was able to fight them off with minimal losses. Follow up investigation revealed a massive cache of tanks and other vehicles in an underground cache that seemed to stretch deep into the earth. By the time they had scoured the entire cache they had found enough to make 100 Pre-Cataclysm Armoured Battlegroups.

A presence in many of the finds this quarter were the Seraphim, conducting their own surveys of the area. They had given the Amazonian team forewarning of the auto weapon attack and even supplied fire support, and given some aid to Anlscari expeditions. Perhaps their good deeds were rewarded, because the Seraphim found a massive fortress hidden deep within the heart of Peru. With only enough time for an initial scan, the Seraphim were able to find 72 ZB cannons, but the information was just as valuable. The facility seemed to be the South American Continuity of Government measure, the last redoubt of the Earth Federation in the continent, and was likely to hold many secrets of great value.

No secrets, however, could compare to the most singular find this turn. Perhaps guided by the hand of Melinda herself, a team from Anlscar Orbital made their way through the mountains to find a small plateau sporting a jungle. In the middle of that jungle was a small clearing, the break in the trees nearly perfectly circular and with no foliage seeming to dare intrude. In the middle of that clearing lay an A-Type mobile suit painted in a savage tiger stripe pattern. Little study was needed to realise it was a mobile suit designed for brutal and intense melee combat, and with the suit fully functional there was nothing stopping it from fighting other than a lack of enemies.

Meanwhile the vastness of space held many secrets, and had plenty of room for people hungry to find them. The wreckage of millenia of conflict made for fertile ground for salvage teams, and many nations were more than happy to reap their share of the harvest. This quarter saw many earth nations finally granted access to the wonders of space, and so it was even busier than it had been before.

The monarchies, having purchased space craft from ECOTA, had a boost in getting their programs started. While many were mostly occupied with the exercise RIN-NE Flower, there were still finds to be made. The Three Seas League found 7 E-Types with Wave Rider packs in their first forays in space, securing valuable limited production mobile suits for their growing military. Unfortunately the Alpine Imperate was not so immediately successful. Their search for labs turned up no fruit, but they did manage to uncover data which may well lead to an ancient research facility that promised to be worth the trouble.

The Divine Monarchy of CanMexico ventured into the Pallas Shoal Zone to search for components to the DAN superweapon. They were able to find one of the DAN arrays thanks to the assistance of Pallas and ZOLON, even if it was heavily damaged. Unfortunately for them, they became acutely aware shortly after its discovery that there were many eyes on them. The nations of space took notice of the activation of the old superweapon, and amongst them it was clear that the Seraphim had taken interest in the project.

Continuing their meteoric rise, Ethiopia achieved their next major step in their space program. Across several trips, they managed to salvage and bring to life an old cruiser without any outside assistance. Blowing away many observers, their engineers managed to restore old systems and get the ancient machine running. The Ethiopian space program continued to be the jewel of Earthian ingenuity and perseverance.

The other major Earthian expeditions were done by the OSRA, with nearly every single member state managing to launch an expedition. Most of their activity was around the space elevators, with the United Federation making a point of clearing up the debris around the Singapore elevator. While they did so, they found nothing less than a functioning A-Minor, curled into a ball, with its railgun weapon attached to its back. The Applegate contingent of the work managed to find data on yet another hidden base on the moon, this one having been used by the Nephilim.

The other members of the alliance weren't quite so lucky. The CSR's frigate went hunting for orbital drop suits to help their war against Siberia. Perhaps spurred on by the orbital raid on Baikonur, they managed to find 19 ODS equipped with Wave Rider packs. The Amazonian expedition, meanwhile, went looking for cloning facilities and came up short. The facility they had spent the quarter investigating ended up not being for cloning at all, but rather for testing the limits of high G tolerance. Their disappointment was eased somewhat by the discovery of 12 Type-2 Boost mobile suits.

The newest member of the OSRA, Algeria, continued searching in their original space colony of Dhar Tichitt. Looking in the end caps of the colony they found 2 battleships and 6 cruisers, all equipped with high spec railguns as main armament. Elsewhere in the growing Side A the Cold League searched around their colony and found 24 Type-2 High Mobility mobile suits equipped with Quasi-Psycommus systems.

Not to be outdone by the Earthians, the nations of space engaged in vigorous salvage expeditions of their own. Jenus, the smallest of them, had a great quarter by finding a damaged assault carrier that would need only minor repairs. Inside they found 179 Type-1N full armour mobile suits, a massive haul. Not satisfied, information from the Carrier's database led them to the Pallas Shoal Zone where they found a further 58 Type-2N cannons.

The Seraphim did a sweep of the Thunderbolt sector. Despite a focus on Search and Rescue, which resulted in many saved lives of overeager scavengers and incautious civilians, they did make a find of military value. 86 Alpha-Cannons were found, heavily damaged after being caught in an asteroid field. Data on their computers provided a lead on a third Inorganic Angel, with Seraph expeditions already being prepared to go find it. The surveys of Luna-8 continued, with 20 Type-3s found in pristine condition split between two chambers. Each contained 12 Type-3s, with one chamber's suits being equipped with Defensor A units, and the other chamber's with Defensor B units.

Their sisters in the Astarti made an attempt to locate an Inorganic Angel of their own, but didn't have quite the same luck. Instead, they found a battleship fitted with railguns that could be used to supplement the fleet.

ECOTA, meanwhile, continued their work of recovering their past. Always with a firm eye on history, and perhaps the most connected to it, ZOLON sent an expedition to Solomon who secured it without difficulty. There, they found 4 heavily damaged battleships, and 4 heavily damaged cruisers. A total of 84 Type-1s were located nearby.

The Axis Seraphim made their own claim on a celestial body, heading to Moussa in force. It was good that they did, because upon venturing close they had to fight off the local pirate gangs who put up stubborn resistance. The women who tamed Mercury were not so easy to defeat, however, and Moussa was secured soon afterward. Initial surveys found a pair of heavily damaged mobile armours.

Pallas did a sweep of their very popular Shoal Zone and came away with the largest haul, if not the highest quality one. 417 B-Minor drop types were found in orderly rows, awaiting commands that never came to invade the planet. On the other side of the Shoal Zone, Anlscar came away with a smaller, but no less valuable prize. 12 Type-P Minors, a mass produced variant of the fearsome Seraphim suit, were discovered in a long lost freighter.

The mercenary group of the Moralian Cluster did their own survey of their history. At the Zedan Gate, a place many thought cursed, they found a terrifying sight. Once they arrived, it was almost as if they were lost in their own section of the galaxy. A truly terrible battle had taken place here, and wrecks were strewn about so thickly as to create a hazard to navigation. Ancient automatic systems would flare to life, and weapons fire from old systems imagining ancient enemies wasn't uncommon. Following the trail of wreckage, the Moralian expedition found what looked to be the end of the fight. Alone, in a forgotten corner of the battlefield, two mobile suits had torn each other to pieces.

Easily identified as the loser was a G Wing Orbital Drop suit, heavily damaged and yet it had grappled its foe so fiercely that it took days to pry it from its killer. That suit was another G Wing model, damaged by its fight it had held its ground and paid the ultimate price. Both suits were a match for an A-Minor in performance.

It had held its ground before the entrance to a massive fortress, though it could hardly bear the name any more. Entire sections of the structure had disintegrated under the weight of the ferocity of the battle. Massive craters pockmarked its surface, exposing the interior to the endless void of space.

On one panel they found its name: Megiddo

The curse that had been expected at the Zedan Gate was found instead by agents of Cradle. Their battleship, on a tour of old battlegrounds between them and the sinister Black Cradle, made a find of immense power. 2 E-Major types, bearing the colouration and upgrades typical of their schismatic brethren. Most troubling, however, were the modifications which had been done to grant them psy-cores.

They looked like Apocalypse Machines.
Turn 5 Part 1.5: Minimum Viable Pilot


A sleeve of flesh. Vat grown muscle over plastic bones, sinew, skin. Nerves. Not an exquisitely well-developed nervous system, but enough to operate the muscles and coordinate interior systems, connect through a standard psycommu suite and act on ingrained impulses and implanted stratagems. A vessel just about able to hold what was put into it.

The Seraphim commander on the scene has a few thoughts about the Black Cradle's conception of a 'minimum viable pilot', a steaming, pale, hairless thing sewn into a quarter-inch skin of hex-printed neoprene composite. It doesn't breathe, it doesn't eat. Those functions are delegated to cybernetic replacements and nutrient reservoirs. The thing's skin is visibly steaming under flurry conditions in a small valley near a swelling of the River Ob, as a result of a vestigial or missing hippocampus. No individual thought, no thermoregulation. Whatever biochemical homeostasis it needed to operate has begun to rapidly unravel. In a few hours, their prize capture will be an unfeeling bag of sludge.

"Disgusting." Domina sips her coffee, gesturing for the recovery team to step in. "Get its temp down and patch into the cockpit. I want to know what this thing needs to stay alive."

Korona and Ylse, the two medical staff are kitted out in smooth Spacian-style combat armor with well-articulated gloves to perform delicate tasks and pilot vehicles. Ylse is still tethered to her Series-C by a thick cable jutting from her supply backpack. She watches impassively as they zip the bioroid up in a transport bag, as the hot, chemical-smelling miasma rolling off it vanishes into the containment unit. She takes another sip. The Arabica medium roast, with shelf-stable soy protein whitener and three spoonfulls of only half-dissolved demerara sugar, is competing fiercely with the electric stink of a mobile battlefield and the soupy mess extraction has left in the shadow of the downed RDP-type. And losing.

"Who's our best scanner? We need a dive on this thing before too much grey matter goes bad." Domina asks.

The two exchange a glance, then turn to her. " this AO? You, ma'am."

"Well." Her expression sours in response to that, just slightly. "Don't let anyone tell you that I'm not hands-on. Hold it steady."

She's also out of coffee, with just a sweet, stick mess of semi-dissolved sugar crystals at the bottom of her thermos, jangling noisily like shards of glass in the dregs of her drink. She adds a quarter of her water flask to wash that down, not keen to waste caffeine or calories. The two comply with her order in the time it takes for her to finish her drink, making room as she moves to kneel over the bag. She gestures over the vague outline of its head, the movements more self-soothing than necessary elements of the process.

The dying mind has thin barriers to intrusion. It was born comatose, dissassociated and stagnant. There are complex engrams of skill, knowledge carved into the bioroid's brain to allow it to compete, albeit weakly, with the capabilities of a Spacian or even Earthian pilot. These are images cut out of better forms of life and etched into it with cruel utilitarianism.

She thinks its existence despicable, and that disdain is armor as she presses further, swatting away safeguards sown into its cognition like dragon's teeth. Pins and needles radiating up her spine, a cold sweat and chill up her neck and jaw, causing all of her to seize up. She catches her breath, unravelling a series of thoughts and images that would have given her a heart attack, just barely resisting the edge to cave the thing's skull in with her bare hands. "You disgusting machine!"

"Ma'am?" One of the recovery techs puts a hand on her shoulder. Korona seemed to have noticed her sudden anger.

"All good, just being kept on my toes is all." Domina laughs. She's mad, mostly at herself for almost getting zeroed by an expensive and stupid fire control system dying of heatstroke. Her mind refocuses, no pretentions, disdain, anger, distractions. Remember how to breathe. Inhale, exhale. Feet on the ground. She goes in clear. With its payload expended, the bioroid pilot yields some answers as to its purpose.

A Black Cradle search team, not just escorting the Jaburan brat's situationship as she stalks around to settle scores. That's all a sidetrip, a way to keep her motivated and useful against the local beligerents. Another cache hidden out somewhere in Eurasia. One that Twisted Tree is also looking for, a place they believe will lead to their total victory if they can discover it first. The Tomb of Kings.

Domina is only left with the word, images of it on a UI, radar pings, search patterns. She holds her chin in her palm, sucking in breath again, the air cool on her tongue.

No one can accuse the ancient Seraphim of being particularly thorough, it seems.

The lower hull of the Justice's Intent glowed a hot red as the frigate re-entered Earth's atmosphere. The friction of the descent rattled the ship, having only ever simulated such operations with most of the fleet having been intended for orbital operations and the chase of Twisted Tree. The hive of controlled chaos within filled the halls with chatter while comms traffic reached levels not seen since the waning days of the war, though for the women within that had only been a scant few years ago.

A column of normal suit-clad pilots marched down hanger to their individual mobile suits. In contrast to the hyperactivity of the rest of the crew, the women spoke not a word, whether with external speakers or internal communications. None needed to be spoken at all to understand their purpose, their intent, and their will. In peace, they were a legion of contradictions, perfect clones of one another yet as diverse as grains of dust throughout the world. In war, they were one. A wonderful symphony of violence, each consciousness a single instrument adding up to an astral orchestra fit to conquer the stars above and earth below. Their minds melded with one another so that each will could truly understand the other, acting as each other's fire controls, scouts, and second opinions on actions. From their union, they formed one chorus and from those choruses, the choir sang amongst the stars.

Of course, in entering their mobile suits, they could not forget those on the outside the cockpits. While the vast majority of the choristers of the fleet shared psychic sensations, the bond was specifically enhanced between unit members during times of crisis. To dilute such bonds so shortly before battle with the connections of other personnel would risk the degradation of psychic links mid-flight and invite disaster. Thus, communications between pilot and crew still had to occur verbally.

The pilot sat down in her seat, glancing at the various status screens around her before relaying her observations to the crew below her. "Primary systems: green. Reactor status green. Field motor m-particle density: below desired levels."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm working on that one!", the mechanic yelled, the cacophony of ammunition and missile pod replenishment behind her had nearly drowned out her speech, even if the microphone on her headset was right next to her mouth. "

"How's the nanite stores looking? Void Spinner can't spin without 'em but I ain't about to open the storage and flip a coin on the paperwork getting eaten."

"Nanite stores: 97% full. Acceptable."
An assistant crew member marked down the numbers on her data pad for record-keeping.

"A'ight then, we'll keep touching up out here until re-entry's done. After that, it's on you."

The pilot situated herself further into her cockpit, encasing her gloved hands within the control sleeves in front of her.

Then, she leaned back, closed her eyes, and breathed in.

This pilot had been assigned long ago with a special suit. One that, at the time, had never been seen before, fit to bring down an army itself.

Breathe out.

Her mind fell backwards, into the dark.


Then, she gripped.(A hand reaches out)

She was no longer a pilot. It was no longer a suit. Just as her sisters around her were one with her and she with them, this Type-P was far more than a hunk of steel and she was far more than a hunk of flesh within. Together, they would be one, making their mark in this ephemeral world.

Her eyes opened. The arms behind her came to life within the hanger. She gazed in front of her, at her sister, linking to her suit much like she had done.

The suit across from her and the suit she was a part of were both one and the same. Though sharing the designation of Type-P like the other suits of the type across the Solar System, these were a far cry from the traditional design philosophy. Eschewing the bit holders of the typical Type-P from which bits were held, charged, and launched, the Liliam variant is adorned with a series of tendrils sprouting from its back. At the base of these tendrils lies the central storage chamber, where captured material is stored and further converted into nanites that can create more of themselves or convert themselves into at the tips of the tendrils, ready for launching.

With few proper refineries and foundries past the Earth Sphere, such modifications and variations were necessary for continued efficient operation against an opponent at the end of the world. Every irrecoverable bit was a drain on resources, every unpatchable piece of armor another variable to be weighed in the inevitable divvying out of materials. But with these? Here, back on Earth? The world was at their fingertips.

The rumbling outside ceased.


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Turn 5 Salvage: North America, Europe and Russia

Turn 5 Salvage: North America, Europe and Russia

With the establishment of contract with the Vampires underneath the planet, as well as the discovery of potential Death Force Sites in multiple continents, CanMex and a number of other powers already invested in North America continue to search its every nook and cranny. Either to find the Death Force base before it could become active or to retrieve new and exciting weapons of war to be used across the Earth Sphere.

In Area 51, the Cradle Organization would come out in force to secure the base in its entirety. There they would once again stumble into a Lunari salvage team, and while both groups were escorted and heavily armed, the two sides did not come to blows.

They would find within one of its many storage halls massive stores of B-Types, modified to be used as air defense weapons. Long range beam cannons to act as Surface to Air AA-Weapons and flight manoeuvre packs to be used in dogfights proper. There were 245 of the Air Defense Variants, dubbed B-ADVs, in total. Another storage hall would contain a more exciting find, an advanced Ace variant of the F-Types found prior, dubbed F-Majors, these suits are just as capable as their regular variants in the field of Aerial combat.

CanMexican exploration and salvage teams would launch a general survey of Mexico in search for potential Limited Production Mobile Suits that they could hopefully use to fill the gap following the battles in Korea. While they did find a massive battlefield in a site called Alamo, dating back to Cataclysm, all of the mobile suits were in no condition to even be repaired. The team would salvage what they can, recovering 103 Components for their efforts.

Another survey, this time in the north of the country would be focused on the search for a potential North American Death Force Base. While they've yet to triangulate where exactly it is, CanMex teams with Spacian assistance were able to narrow it down to somewhere in the former region of Wyoming. The survey would also unearth an old civil defense bunker in ruins of St. Louis, it contained a total of 62 D-Types, ready to be deployed to the Korean Front.

CanMex's fellow Mondist state in Ethiopia would also launch two salvage missions into the Land of the Eagle, one in coordination with the CanMex survey of the regions around the Great Lakes and another to the Norfolk Naval Base. The former would result in a find of 43 BB-Types, named BB-Berserkers. They're modified for high intensity combat making them very powerful but utterly uncontrollable. Meanwhile in Norfolk, the Ethiopians would find another welcome addition to its fleet in the form of two Sub-Carriers, one of which contained a squadron of 12 E-Minor Aquatic Types.

The Lunari Republic in Cuba would also launch a general survey of their surroundings, perhaps hoping to keep any unwanted surprises away from their new prized colony. At the southwestern coast of Cuba, which the locals called Playa Girón, an entire fleet invasion had been found, beached on the shore. While the ships themselves were too rusted to be of any use, contained within them was an entire army of B-Types, 120 in all. Documents retrieved from the Captain's quarters indicated it was an invasion flotilla sent to overthrow a rebel group that had wrested control of the island away from the pre-war government.

Finally, the most exciting find within North America was made by a Pallasi Team, escorted by a number of CanMex and Moralian suits. In the half flooded city of Philadelphia, the Pallasi team would find the site of one of the major battles of the Cataclysm. A full scale Orbital Drop on the city. Of the attacking force, Pallas was able to retrieve 23 Viggans modified with Seraphim style upgrades, 23 Type-S Mobile Suits and 43 Type-2s that had served as their escorts. All were somewhat water clogged, but the suits could be pushed back into service with little repair needed.

With an established presence in Ireland, the English Fallow Zone was a natural destination for Moralian salvage teams. Zeroing in on the long lost academic institutions at Oxford, the mercenaries had hoped for findings of a more scientific nature. Instead they stumbled into a massive underground vault which held a mighty mobile assault fortress. The prototype was immensely powerful and able to output a truly shocking amount of firepower while also doubling as a command center. Computer records from the nearby workshops offered limited insight into the project, intended to be the first in a new class that would change warfare. The only one completed was called Camelot-00.

The England Section of the ESI continued to explore further into their mysterious base. While details are sparse, rumor has it that they found 47 C-Types inside a storage vault of the primary headquarters. Each is outfitted with additional weapons, armour and engineering equipment, getting them named C-Full Armour Types. Any further details typically resulted in the person telling those rumors disappearing.

The Lily Throne, seeking perhaps to find another ancient Royal Mobile Suit, also launched an expedition to the Fallow Zone in search of a rumored super weapon of the pre-Cataclysm British Royals.

In a quiet lake in Wales, they had found it.

Deep beneath its still waters, with the corpse of its last pilot still inside, was the E-Major Calibur; the final weapon of the British Isles and the most powerful E-Major ever developed, capable of even rivalling an A-Minor. As the suit was retrieved, its pilot was given a burial in Stonehedge with all the pomp and honor royalty deserved that could be mustered on short notice. And they were a Royal, as a brief analysis of the suit confirmed that only those of Royal Blood could pilot it due to a powerful psychic lock.

Turning to the European mainland, the war continued to rage on, spurring all combatants to dive deeper into the ruins of their past in order to preserve their present or in the case of some to build their future.

In France, the Lily Throne would seek to reactivate the Zeus Network, a pre-Cataclysm power grid located primarily in France that used to provide energy for the entire continent. They would be successful in doing so, restoring power to a number of ancient reactor systems; they would find a total of 37 RB and ZB Commandos that had been assigned to guard the plants in those final days.

In the Alpine Imperate, multiple friendly monarchies would launch their own missions in search of Mobile Suits. The Siberians would, in exchange for a hefty cash payment, search and find 75 C-Types in a military hangar near Naples, painted in non-standard colours uncommon to the region, marking as potentially having been from an invading force.

The Alpine Crown itself would continue to search the depths of its namesake mountains, mapping out and excavating collapsed portions of their mountain bunkers. In one of those missions, they found a vault that had been cut off from where the Sleeping Legion had been put to rest, it contained 105 B–Types, painted in the same heraldry as the Legion.

Its close ally, the Three Seas would also find another connected vault, this time in one of the higher peaks of the Alpine Mountain Range. A hidden airbase containing 60 B-Flight Types equipped with Q-Psycomm systems, having been prepared for a sortie that was never launched.

The Spanish would also further investigate their own ruins, eventually finding a cache dating back to the Eleven Month War containing 170 C-Hill Types equipped with prototype combat targeting systems.

Across the battlelines, the Godot League would also launch a survey of its own territory, one in search of Components to build Mobile Suits with. The vast and motivated army of Labor available to the socialist state was mobilized to see the program through. Civilian volunteers, Youth Leagues, professional and unprofessional salvaging unions and even the occasional penal battalion all cleared out and picked clean the ancient battlefields dating back to the Cataclysm for Components and scrap to recycle and fuel the war effort. All in all, they had managed to gather together 341 Components for their efforts, a great triumph for the Godotist state.

Further north, the Cold League would use some of the technical and location data left behind in the looted Odienbunker and the Swedish Grippen Factory to try and find old vaults belonging to the pre-Cataclysm Nordic states. They would successfully find one in Horten, Vestfold; it had apparently served as the Earthside headquarters for the old SAAB space merchant marine. While the information within the vault was too corrupted to be of any use, it did contain 12 Viggans and 40 Grippens to be used by the Provisional Government.

Closer at home, the Axis Seraphim, with permission from Helsinki, would plumb the depths of the Gulf of Bothnia in search for underwater vessels or wrecks they could use for the war effort. They did eventually find one, an underwater submarine pen in the drowned portion of Stockholm. Contained within were 18 intact Pre-Cataclysm Attack Submarines, ready and active to hunt the seas once more.

Despite the ongoing conflicts on both edges of the Russian Fallow Zone, the exploratory missions continued on, as warring states sought more tinder and steel to feed the ever hungry maw of the war effort.
The Caspians, looking for weapons to break the fortresses and defensive lines of the Siberians, found 8 pre-war Roller Artillery cannons in an old Eurasian Army Depot in Balochistan. It's hoped that these highly mobile siege weapons would be able to shatter even the armor of the Siberian Bear Colossi.

Further exploration of Baikonur had been planned, but the enemy raid on the Cosmodrome had seen large portions of the base destroyed. Though it proved a blessing in disguise as the damage had unearthed an underground vault deep beneath. Within it was the Zahhak, a one of a kind atmospheric mobile armour armed with heavy beam cannons, large enough to swallow a mobile suit whole.

An expedition into the military base in the Russian Fallow Zone the Astarte had found last quarter had turned up strange results. Deep within the military compound was an entire thriving forest ecosystem, one that stretched further than what initial surveys could explore. The salvage team did recover 21 ZB-Types equipped with old pre-Cataclysm Seraphim enhancement packs. The intact suits were surrounded by the heavily damaged, but still repairable, remains of 40 B-Types and 65 B-Flats.

The Gylendove Monarchy, looking to settle down roots in their new home, began a vast survey of the city of Novgorod and its environs. There, found in the ruins of the old industrial district, was an intact E-Type Factory. The complex had apparently been in the beginning stages of a planned refit that never finished before the Cataclysm reached its apex.

Further within the Novgorod Geofront, an exploration team had managed to locate and reactivate an old Tank Factory, capable of constructing Advanced Armored Battlegroups. Within the storage vaults of said facility were enough specimens of the armored units to equip 82 Battlegroups.

On the outskirts of Novgorod itself, a survey team had been following rumors of an old Cataclysm battle site between a trio of E-Majors and an A-Type. While the rumored A-Type was nowhere to be found, they did recover the trio, E-Majors modified for operating in the local environment, dubbed E-Major Tundras.

The mysterious backers of the Gylendove's, an apparent remnant of the Earth Federation that had survived underground, had also been spotted by Spacian attaches to the Kingdom exploring the Novgorod Geofront. While there was no photo evidence of such, eye-witnesses amongst the Kingdom's servants claimed that they had found a suit similar to what a few pre-war records called a V-Type. It was apparently smaller and seemed to be a mass production variant, close to a V-Minor. They had lost track of it afterwards, as the suit seemed to have gone invisible, as if it had advanced Stealth capabilities.

Spacian satellites would also detect a number of troops associated with the 'Underearth Federation' exploring a bunker near the Ural Mountains. Satellite pictures showed the troops later exiting the bunker bringing with them vast quantities of gold, believed to be the gold reserves of some of the member states of the Eurasian Bloc. They were also seen leaving with a large store of gems and other priceless ancient historical artifacts, likely having been brought to the bunker from evacuated museums all across the region.

Another rumor would make its way out of the Kingdom of the North, this one claiming that their vampiric backers had found a large store of ZB-Types deep underground. All of them, 97 in total, had been apparently outfitted for close quarters combat

Another liberal monarchy, the Three Seas, would launch an expedition to the northern Caucasus, skirting around the Axis Fortress in Crimea. There in the former Dagestan, they would find a vast cache of 170 C-Heavy Weapons, heavily modified with additional autocannon and machine gun systems.

Theirs was not the only expedition to the Caucasus that quarter, the Free Republics of Egypt and Arabia would launch another expedition to the Russian Fallow Zone. This time the expedition would not end in disaster, finding what could only be described as a walking war museum. In a hidden base, apparently belonging to remnants of the Principality of Zodo, the Egyptians would find vast stores of Mobile Suits dating back to the 11 Month War. 138 Eleven Month War B-Types, 20 D-Desert Types, 10 B-Minor Snipers and 8 E-Marine Types were found buried deep in the snow high up in the mountains.

The Axis Seraphim themselves would launch an expedition to the Baltic States in search for old construction and industrial sites to help support the refurbishing of the Sevastopol Superfortress and the potential construction of a new one. While they found some equipment and supplies, which were directed to Sevastopol as soon as possible, Eden has only managed to find 44 D-Types as a whole.

Within the Sevastopol Superfortress itself, the Axis Seraphim had begun securing the compound in its entirety, all to prepare it for full reactivation. Disabling and disarming a number of auto-weapons lurking its halls, the repair team found the old reserve garrison of the fortress. Two-hundred and five B-Fortress Mobile Suits, specifically outfitted and modified to defend Sevatopol to the last. Considering the fortress' state, it seems they failed.

As their patron continued its search in the Russian Fallow Zone, they were followed in exploring the region by their close ally in the Cold League's Provisional Government. Perhaps over eager to impress their new backers, a salvage team had nearly stumbled into disaster. Saved at the last moment by an Axis team that had been watching over them, they had found a rip in space leading to an area of trackless forest. Looming in the pocket dimension's horizon, was a massive pre-war fortress.

It was not the only anomalous encounter that the Cold League had experienced that quarter. Included in the shipment of another 74 Seax retrieved within the New City's depths, were a large number of panicked and urgent missives by the science team overseeing the site to increase lab support for their endeavors as well as for more troops to garrison the New City following a spike in anomalous readings.

Perhaps having learned their lesson regarding unwanted expeditions in the Cold League, the Godotists instead turn their attention towards their neighboring Fallow Zone. They would find in Volgograd, underneath the ruins of an old massive statue commemorating some ancient war, 17 RD-Reds, modified RD-Types equipped with additional weapons and a limited berserker AI system.

As if cursed with utterly rotten luck, when the Godotist team had left, an Astarte expedition looking for pre-Cataclysm sites belonging to the old Eurasian Bloc had reached the city. Clearing out the uppermost portion of the statue's base and the ruins above it, they had found a vast underground fortress. Known to the Eurasians as the Little Uranus, it contained over 300 Battlegroups worth of Drone Tanks, an iron tide meant to drown out the Bloc's enemies.

Also contained deeper within the Eurasian Fortress, were 44 modified C-Types, all painted bright pink and equipped with additional weapon systems and limited psychic systems. Dubbed C-Pinks, as insisted upon by the pilots of the suits themselves, 44 cryopreserved super soldiers of the Eurasian Bloc. All of them were identical, all women and had limited psychic abilities, the results of the Eurasians' attempts to replicate the Seraphim for themselves.

Theirs was not the only psychic remnant of the past dug up that quarter. ZOLON plumbed the depths of Yamantau hoping to find further secrets or even the potential locations of other Death Sites. There, in one of the deepest sub-basements of the mountain base, they would find one of Twisted Trees' magnum opuses. The Geist, the centerpiece Ace of Evil Mountain's omnicidal army.

In the nearby Perfect City, the Siberians, with permission and supervision from the city's governing AI, would explore a number of its many civil defense vaults. Contained within them could potentially solve the Siberian Mobile Suit woes; 119 Armour Battlegroups, as well as 84 B-Types and 97 B-Cannons, both types of suits equipped with additional reactive armours, now dubbed B-Reaction and B-Reaction Cannon.

Despite the impressive find, that was not the greatest bounty the Siberians had received this quarter.

In the depths of the Grave of Bears site, the Siberians had finally reached the deepest reaches of the bunker. There were complications the closer and further they dug, half of the exploration team had been attrited away as some of them would either suddenly fall asleep in the middle of work or simply not get up once the morning had arrived, remaining unresponsive to any attempts to wake them. Even powerful stimulants proved to have only moderate effectiveness in keeping the exploration team working.

Eventually, after opening a heavily armored door, the team would find highly advanced scientific facilities and equipment, which could be used as an Earthian Lab as is, but if properly staffed could be a full Spacian Lab. A significant find for the Siberians' efforts to bootstrap itself into the future.

They had also found what the King of Knives had been looking, ambushed and died for.

Its sibling.


Splayed and dissected, almost as if crucified, was an Apocalypse Machine. Partially disassembled, the lab had been dedicated to reverse engineering the secrets of the Calamity weapons, retrieved documents showing that the Eurasian's were in desperate search for a way to both counteract and prevent the psychic attacks the machines were capable of.

Despite its state, which the team believes will need orbital assistance to full repair, the Psycore was intact and was likely responsible for the losses the expedition had received on its way in. Frantic searching amongst the documents and research files within the facility on a potential way to reverse the process turned up empty. Even in such a state, the weapons of the Cataclysm continue to claim victims millenia after their creation.
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Turn 5 Salvage: Africa and Asia

Turn 5 Salvage: Africa and Asia

PCC Salvage teams conducted a series of general searches across the immediately accessible Chinese ruin system. Searching for high-quality aces to augment their forces, a quartet of matching suits were discovered after following the ancient trails of a fighting retreat against some unknown foe. Tucked away inside a reinforced hangar were 4 T+ paired with already mounted quasi-psycho and defensor packs that further augmented their performance. Inside each suit were lengthy, well-used logbooks showing fragments of a losing war. Sortie after sortie separated less and less by maintenance time until a final note with the last date noted next to the simple words: "Out of ammo, going on foot."

The Chinese Himamaylan forces supporting salvage operations would find themselves engaged in multi-week-long combat operations against the local Vampiric Hive. The terrain produced engagements alternating between high-speed low-altitude mobile suit duels, long-ranged slugging matches from one cliff side to the other, and brutal close-quarters combat. Engulfing the clash of military force was shifting and cold weather that at multiple points necessitated a halt to the fighting as both sides clung to the escarpments they fought amongst. Eventually, the PCC forces would achieve a victory that brought them to the crest of one particular location, Point 7379. As they dug in, a prize would be found: a large civil defense vault containing 30 battlegroups worth of well-preserved tracked assault artillery. And deeper within, a cache of 4 nuclear-capable artillery pieces were discovered along with ammunition totaling 12 10KT rounds, 6 50KT Rounds, 6 100KT Rounds, 6 200KT Rounds, and 6 300KT rounds.

Councils in the Indian regions most densely populated with ruins would see a buzz of activity as recovery personnel staked out areas to survey. While India was not renowned for its density or quantity of ruins, the efforts of Indian salvage work were nonetheless professional and efficient. Infantry were able would advance in a line abreast as aircraft flew overhead looking for any major disturbances. Behind the line, ground penetrating radars and other technologies would be brought forward to assess any possible anomaly. Through these methods, the Council Republics would be able to recover 784 individual Guntanks able to be used. Some may have had mismatching serial numbers from over a dozen separate units, but they worked.

Against the backdrop of Chinese conflict with Vampirc forces, Indian efforts into the region were relatively peaceful if still markedly dangerous. Mountains hid a great number of mundane threats from rockslides, winds, cold temperatures, and simple difficulty of movement. But despite these challenges, the Indian teams assigned to the task were successful in their efforts. From a small handful of isolated bunkers, 42 fully functional RB-Type suits equipped with Quasi Psychoma would be recovered.

Teams dispatched to Japan by the Federation were initially optimistic. Having access to a set of maps and reference points that seemed to indicate a nexus of psychic power from the last days of Cataclysm. Sifting through ruins around the supposed location, a bunker was indeed discovered. However upon entering no horrors or anomalies were found, instead 119 B-types. Reassessing their information it was discovered that a compounding series of translation and reference point errors had misled those involved as to the true character of the find they were approaching.

The Singapore Redoubt continued to be assessed and any finds were cataloged. And unlike other chagrined teams, while unable to find any Merge System blueprints or technical documents, a number of directly related suits were found powered down in excellent condition. 42 Merge ZBs and 31 Merge RBs was the final tally of the armored assault suits. Acting in conjunction with the Federation were the Applegate Teamsters whose efforts led to the recovery of 8 RE Merge Types in addition to the Federations finds.

The Challenger Deep was a difficult locale to conduct salvage operations. Oppressive darkness and pressure mixed with old sea mines resulted in any operations being near agonizingly slow. Using mobile suits and submersibles rigged to survive the unforgiving environment, Applegate would slowly comb the depths. Ghost sensor contacts were a regular occurrence due to the presence of unuseable scrap from some unidentifiable battle but eventually, a trio of active EM emissions would be detected emanating from a wrecked cargo submarine. Dredging operations to surface it were a success as even if the hull itself was cracked beyond repair its internal cargo bay remained intact. Inside, 3 Trilobite Aquatic Mobile Armour would be discovered. In remarkably serviceable condition, preliminary system tests indicated that the machines had once belonged to the old Earth Federation and had been en route between bases before, judging by residual radiation, being cracked by a nuclear depth charge.

Joint Federation-Teamster efforts to identify the group responsible for raids across the Fallow Zones found no clear name or motive to attach to the group. Tentatively, reconnaissance teams discovering pre-war Federation ration cans scrubbed of all labels could be considered a clue but beyond that the culprits remained a mystery. However, in the process of hunting for their rogue enemy, 119 old Type-1N Cannon suits were discovered. Each was damaged and clearly stripped for parts but with some effort, they would be able to be put into the fight once more.

Ethiopian salvage efforts in Ethiopia and nearby African territories turned up what has been described by outside observers as "not much". However, 83 components worth of salvaged electronics, armor plate, weapon assemblies, and other assorted usable material was certainly not nothing, and time would tell how the New Ethiopian Empire would use them.

In the streets of the capital of the old Earth Federation, Yammacin troops probed for finds predating Calamity. Old maps were pieced together as best able to go street by street. The first major find beyond old bones and unusable scraps was beneath what once was Senghor Stadium. Heavily overgrown, Yammacin infantry would after hacking through trees and debris find the accessways to an old civil defense bunker. No signs of fighting showed as they pressed forward, finding a number of D-Type mobile suits. A total of 126 suits split evenly between Desert, Hill, and Litoral specialties, they were once an independent reserve company of Old Earth Federation forces.

Meanwhile, farther south, Royal Republic of Zimbabwe salvage teams worked their way through the savannah of South Africa. Craters and crash sites traced a steady path to a forward operating base used by Federation forces. Makeshift bunkers dug out of the earth contained 180 B-Type Eleven Month War era variants powered down and preserved remarkably well. In a separate set of more forward positions only discovered through referencing battle maps found within the apparent headquarters were an additional 23 B-MInor Snipers. Piecing together the intended last stand of the scratch Earth Defense 294th Independent Company, there is no evidence of any attack on their final prepared position. Judging by the lack of any food and the abundance of ammunition, the unit was isolated or bypassed in whatever fighting had pushed them to dig in.

Algerian salvage efforts within their territory would coalesce around Mount Tahat with Seraphim supporting their search. It was hoped that somewhere near the mountain would be some sign of the mysterious organization known as the Nephilim. And whether from luck or skill, those hopes were borne out. While at first, it appeared as though their combined efforts would reveal nothing, a final overflight by a wing of mobile suits revealed a secluded clearing of rock that upon closer inspection would reveal access to a Nephilim cache. Inside was a stock of well-crafted and high-quality suits totaling 12 E-Nephilim types and 4 T+ with the standard upgrades of the organization. This was not all however as the crown jewel of the collection was a single bulky suit. Golden and covered with marks indicating dozens of overhauls or rebuilds, stood a mobile suit marked as an O-Type. Fast and heavily armed it stands as a highly capable mid-level suit suited for any ace of Earth.

Concurrent with other efforts, the ATLAS facility continued to be explored by Algerian specialists. Great care and attention were paid to the electronics of the base with almost never-ending streams of corrupted data being parsed through to find some hint as to the location of future finds. Data specialists supplied by the Seraphim were of the utmost assistance in this matter as fragmented pieces were painstakingly recovered. Amidst these more technical efforts, a simple opening of vaults and bunkers previously sealed would reveal 102 Hi-BB mobile suits in full working order. And as the last suit was being rendered combat-ready, the intelligence personnel would finalize their own report on what they were able to recover. Namely, what would be needed to start a search for a bunker belonging to the Nephilim.