Chapter 51: Cry of the Phoenix-Part 5
Secretly a Cat
- Location
- The Plane of Infinite Kittens
- Pronouns
- She/Her
A/N: .... Yeah, I had a bad case of Writer's Block. Sorry.
[X] Play the mid-range game. You'll be under more fire, but you have confidence in your ability to dodge, plus you have two shields.
Staying locked blade-to-blade with Luke won't get you anywhere. You need him to exhaust his arsenal so that the others have a good chance at taking him down. With tug of the control handles, you put some distance between yourself and him and stow your Beam Javelin. Both of your shields rotate into parallel with your forearms, and the Beam Cannons on them begin their charge.
"Ohohoho~!" You laugh with comms open, "Do you truly think that you can defeat me, Katarina Eirkuchen?"
There's a spike of rage from Luke as he fires his Beam Rifle at you again, forcing you to dodge. You're much more mobile than him, especially weighed down as he is. While he surpasses you in sheer thrust, his AMBAC is slower. Whereas with you…
"Heh, if you're going to put in the effort-" You deflect a beam off of your left shield and fire at him with the right, "-then I need to match you blow for blow!"
To your delight, he takes the bait and continues unloading munitions in your direction, eating through his finite stock of missiles. He launches his Fin Funnels too, prompting you to do the same to counter him. The two of you blast at each other at range while Fin Funnels swarm around the area, dueling in pairs.
That's it, Luke, waste your ammunition and energy on 'Katarina'.
As for the rest, it's up to the others to pull their weight.
The Mk.III is a pretty good Mobile Suit. You'd like to say that this one being intended for the Red Comet made it better than most, but given that he never received it, it was completely standard when you got it, sans the red paint job.
Sure, you've customized and tuned it yourself, but you are no Char Aznable. All things considered, you're the new kid. You're a piranha swimming with sharks.
Which is something that this guy in a black REZeL is teaching you. Thoroughly.
"Get out of my way-" he shouts as he switches his rifle to saber mode and swings it downwards, "-you Char wannabe!"
Beam sword out in left hand, you block. Blades flare against each other, and you struggle against them in a battle of thrust.
"I'm not a Char wannabe! I'm a historian!" You retort as you try to kick him off, only for him to grab your leg and swing you around. He moves his grip on his rifle, looking to cut your leg off at the knee. Shit! In a panic, you fire your Head Vulcans, which causes him to shield his head instead. With that opening, you wiggle out of his grasp.
"It doesn't matter what you are, Londo Bell!" He snaps back, and with a sinking feeling you notice his backpack snap open to reveal shining yellow panels underneath while the telltale glow of Psychoframe pours from around the cockpit "Nobody who clings to the legacy of the Red Comet can defeat the Federation!"
That is not a normal REZeL.
You like being a member of Cascadia Team.
Really, you do.
Here, it feels like you're a part of something bigger, like you're making your mark on history. Sure, you get dragged along on the craziest shit, since the rest of your team is made up of eccentric Newtypes, but that's just part of the charm, right?
You wouldn't give up your position for anything.
Even if it does mean that you have to deal with people like… this.
"-think yourself clever?! You race traitor!" The optical audio feed from your opponent isn't high fidelity, but you can hear her just fine. Not that you're listening.
You're too busy trying not to die.
"Hiding amongst them like a pawn," She snarls as she aims her shield at you, "when we both know what you really are!"
Shit, that's a Hyper Mega Cannon! You redline the verniers getting out of the line of fire. Just in time too, as a pillar of light from the Delta Kai tears through the space you just occupied. You gotta get this lady off of you! With a few frantic button presses, all the missile pods on your MS snap open.
"Eat this." You hiss under your breath as you fire off every single missile you have, for a 60-rocket barrage. She immediately goes evasive, and you waste no time beginning the charge cycle on your Large Mega Particle Cannon as you reposition.
The limited tracking abilities of the missiles try and home in on her as she erratically changes directions, causing many of them to slam into each other or wander into her defensive Vulcan fire. In the end, a good dozen breaks through and impact her shield. She bursts out of the cloud of fire and smoke, down one arm, and ends up straight in your line of fire facing away from you. It'll take her a second to notice you. That second will cost her.
"Gotcha." You pull the trigger.
It's your turn to fill the sky with light as a massive beam roars forth from your cannon, hurtling towards her…
And then you see blue flames gout from the frame of her MS, and she nimbly thrusts out of the way.
"What the hell?!" You switch to your Beam Guns and start trying to pin her down, but she's like a whole different pilot now, dodging your shots-No. It's like she's anticipating where you're going to aim, and moves before you've even fired.
She's flying like a Newtype.
The two Proto Fin Funnels on her backpack detach and flank you. They fire and force you to dodge towards her. Shit.
You can almost hear her scream of rage as she closes the distance and tries to shoot you point blank with her Long Mega Buster. You move just in time for the shot to core your Beam Cannon instead of your head unit, and retaliate by boosting straight into her and introducing her to the Knuckle Guards on your arms.
Yeah. This configuration has no Beam Sabers. You were going to try and be a support unit. That didn't work out. But you can still throw hands.
Your first blow connects solidly, your right arm hitting her cockpit and jarring her. The second swing puts your left Knuckle Guard through her Mega Buster, breaking it in two.
She grabs your head unit with her intact hand, and her voice comes across clearer than ever with the contact link and-is she laughing?
"Oh I knew it, I knew I was right!" She cackles in an absolutely deranged tone, "You're the true Ace of Cascadia Team!"
"Woman, let me say this as politely as I can-!" You yell at this lunatic as you wind up another punch, "Get your crazy ass off of me!"
The Sinanju Stein responds rapidly to your thoughts, spinning and stopping on a dime as the space you were about to occupy is speared by four thin beams all from different directions.
Shield up, and you deflect a burst of beams from your opponent, her MS dual-wielding Nu Beam Rifles as her Incoms retract and slot into her backpack.
"Knock it off!" You snap as you aim your shield and fire off the Beam Cannon. With a burst of her verniers she vacates her position, and your shots soar through empty space.
It's at times like this that you wish this Mobile Suit had Funnels or Incoms! What was the point of putting Psychoframe into an MS and omitting Psycommu weaponry?! Not that the Sinanju is a bad suit, but still!
Your opponent's backpack snaps open again and you see four small shapes dart out in different directions. There! You center your rifle on her and fire. Light seems to gather at the muzzle of your Beam Magnum before a large blast of beam energy roars forth. Your cockpit beeps at you, warning of stress limits on your right arm, but it's fine. The Sinanju can take it, if only barely.
The MP Nu is forced to dodge before she can retract her Incoms, and when the emitters finally reel back in, you notice that one slot is vacant, the cable returning with only a torn end.
One Incom down, but what a waste of an E-PAC! As if to punctuate that thought, your Beam Magnum cycles to the next cartridge, flinging the spent one off into space. You'll have to be more conservative with your rounds… and that may not be an issue anymore, because she has Beam Bayonets on her rifles.
Oh joy.
No time to stow your Beam Magnum properly, so when you input the command for a rapid weapon change, your MS just tosses the gun and switches to melee loadout.
You barely ignite your Beam Axes in time to catch her blades on yours, the four weapons sparking off of each other. She's fighting so ferociously! But what for? Doesn't the Federation want to kill her too?!
"Stop this, we're both Newtypes!" You shout as you throttle up your backpack verniers, countering her attempt to push you back, "We're on the same side, aren't we?!"
The laughter you hear in response is laden with bitter amusement, "Same side?! How naive of you, Londo Bell! I'm a member of Hunting Pack! The Federation tells me to jump-!"
She breaks contact and spins, verniers flaring.
"-I ask how high!"
You have just enough intuition to raise your shield and block the kick that would have otherwise caught you where your shoulder meets your neck.
"Damn it!" You throw her off and put some distance between you and her, "You don't have to fight for them! Come with us! We can protect you!"
"Protect me?" She snaps in disbelief, "You can't even protect your friend!"
Wait, what-?
A bright blur flies past the two of you, a Mobile Suit clad in glowing red Psychoframe. It jinks around the various pilots locked in combat, bypassing Mort as he fistfights with the enemy Commander (you'll process that bizarre image later), Eris as she tries to hold her own against a glowing REZeL, and Lorelei as she baits Luke around the combat area.
And now they have a clear shot at Cybele.
"Cybe-!" You don't even finish saying her name before you're forced to block another charge from your opponent's bayonets. You're a bit slow this time, and your shield is cleaved in half for it. Thankfully your Beam Axes stop them from going farther.
"Don't get distracted, you knockoff Full Frontal!" She laughs with excitement, "I'm your opponent!"
Knockoff Full Frontal? Is that what they're calling you?!
"My name is Theo, and my Mobile Suit isn't a knockoff! It's the Sinanju Cascadia!"
"Oh, is that so?" Her MS becomes wreathed in a rainbow of lights as her Psychoframe activates and an otherworldly force pushes you away from her.
"Are we having a Cool Names Party? I can dig that. You already know Luke and his Blue Wolf moniker. Wanna know mine? The other guys in the Corps gave it to me."
The light of her Psychoframe flows into her Beam Bayonets, and the blades grow to twice their size.
"I'm Ensign Acothley. Kinslayer."
Nimble birds, flitting birds, flocks in motion!
One of the big Wings unleashed a flock of its own, tiny chicks that dart to and fro, pecking at you and your own tamed flock.
The claws of your giant Wings are too slow too cumbersome to catch the chicks. Their flock flows around your flailing beam cannons and Vulcan fire.
Irritating! So, so irritating!
And you have to keep your own flock close, since those big Wings keep hitting you from afar!
Flock against flock, Wings against Wings. Your skies are burning.
They keep trying to get close to you, to hurt your giant Wings so that they can't protect you anymore. But you're smart, you're clever, you use your own flock to keep them at bay.
Still, this impasse… it can't continue.
You can sense even more Wings hanging behind the ones currently attacking you. They're waiting… waiting for a weakness to show itself.
Well, you'll show them that you have no weakness. Nothing to exploit.
These skies are yours.
It's kind of fun fighting alongside Big Sis when she has a Mobile Armor too! All this firepower the two of you are pumping downrange is downright exhilarating!
However, it isn't doing much to the Phenex, and you're starting to get a real bad feeling from it…
You should probably tell Big Sis about it. You toggle optical transmission and-
A proximity alarm. From above?!
It's like a crimson blur, racing down from above and firing a barrage of rockets from two Hyper Bazookas! Big Sis returns fire with her Diffuse Beams, but although most of the rockets blow up some of them hit! The enemy zips past her at blinding speeds, tossing aside their spent weapons. At first it looks like the attack only did minor damage, until secondary explosions rock the Fiver II, and you see Cybele eject the Woundwort from the beleaguered MA! No, Big Sis!
"Don't worry about-…..!" Her transmission comes across spotty, "Focus on-……! You're-….! Last-!"
Whatever she was going to say is cut off as her attacker loops back around and starts trading fire with her using the beam rifle and shield beam cannon it had stowed on its back. Cybele is quick to go evasive and their fight takes them away from you.
You want to help Big Sis, but you're the only MA suppressing the Phenex now! You… You have to follow the plan! Gripping the controls nervously, you try to watch Big Sis as you continue to fire on Rita.
Where's that stupid Sherman Team? They should have doubled back by now!
Ensign Carter would have doubled back by now. The Phenex had obviously evaded them by pushing forwards, the backup plan had both himself and Ensign Herrera following Rita to hit her from the rear.
Well, that's not how things turned out.
Upon entering the operational area, they barely had enough time to determine that Rita had moved before they spotted suspicious activity farther into the complex.
So of course, like idiots, they had to check it out. What had they expected to find? Carter didn't remember anymore, but he didn't expect to find the Jupitris II hiding behind one of the fuel tank stacks, siphoning it for its own stores.
Nor did they anticipate the ship's escorts, which promptly began trying to shoot them down.
Carter was lucky. He was flying the Dendrobium Night Fighter, so when he came under fire the sheer mass of his craft plus the I-Field easily absorbed the barrage, giving him time to duck behind nearby structures.
Herrera was flying the equally-capable, but significantly smaller Dendrobium II. It had an I-Field too, but proved much less durable against physical munitions.
Carter caught a glimpse of the experimental MA coming apart in a fiery conflagration, the Core Fighter ejecting on a pillar of flame. Hopefully Herrera would make it out, but Carter had his own ass to worry about.
Wasting no time, the Londo Bell pilot primed his main gun and swung about, firing at some of the Jupitris II's escorts. Whether by luck or skill, he cleaved one in two, although its explosion set off a nearby tank. Carter had seconds to roll his MA to present the more armored dorsal side and protect the vulnerable Core Fighter. The cockpit rattled around him as the craft shook from the impact of debris.
Carter glanced around frantically, looking for more cover. He had to get out of this area, this MA wasn't meant to fight in such tight quarters! If he could just find open space-!
He was nearly out from between two tank stacks when another Mobile Suit slammed into him from above. Looking above, his blood chilled at the sight of an MP Qubeley, its two monoeyes glaring menacingly. Shit. Carter braced himself for the inevitable beam saber through his cockpit…
And why was he still alive?
"Hey!" The voice of a young woman crackled over the contact link, "You faint or something? Get moving!"
"I… what?" He gaped upwards at the MS.
"I'm hitching a ride! Just follow the others!" She replied urgently. The others, who were the others?
The answer immediately presented itself in the form of what looked like a Zeta Gundam variant riding the ZZ Gundam in G-Fortress mode. The odd pair blazed past him at full burn, with tons of those MS from the Jupitris II hot on their heels.
Well, Carter was not eager to get blown up like Herrera, so he did what the nice lady in the Qubeley told him, and followed the ZZ Gundam at full burn. Once out of the fuel tank stacks, both the G-Fortress and Dendrobium Night Fighter utilized their superior acceleration to leave their pursuers in the dust.
On the bridge of the Jupitris II, Dogatie watched with a frown as his best leverage against Londo Bell escaped, becoming little more than distant specks of light.
So, the units they had on hand really were too inferior. Now that Judau Ashta and company had slipped his grasp, the clock was ticking. Londo Bell would soon be aware of his true intentions, and the relative ease with which his ship had operated with would come to an end.
No more flying under the radar. They'd have to fight their way through to the end, and for that, Dogatie needed his forces equipped with Mobile Suits that could stand against contemporary forces. He already had designs, he just needed resources…
"Hurry up with the refueling," He snapped at one of his officers, "Once the tanks are full, prepare for departure."
You just lost the Fiver II! Sure, it was still in one piece, albeit mission-killed, but you liked the thing! Now Rhea is going to yell at you for damaging it!
It's all because of this asshole in a barebones copy of the Nu Gundam, with tons of Psychoframe slapped onto the frame! Who is he even, you've never met him before!
"It's the Scarecrow-!" Lutetia is cut off as he slams into you, his saber sparking against your heat blade.
Scarecrow? Who the fuck is that?! You kick him back and lay down some suppressive fire with your Vulcans. All you know is that he's made a shitty situation worse, and you can feel the rising panic coming from Argama and Alex Teams. Sicilia can only do so much in her one MA!
It's insane, why is he attacking when the Phenex is right there?! Rita is clearly the bigger threat!
[] Try to convince the "Scarecrow" to postpone this fight until Rita is no longer piloting the giant death machine. There are clearly bigger fish to fry.
[] Fuck this guy and the spindly-looking MS he rode in on! You'll get to Rita in due time, but first you're going to obliterate this "Scarecrow".
[X] Play the mid-range game. You'll be under more fire, but you have confidence in your ability to dodge, plus you have two shields.
Staying locked blade-to-blade with Luke won't get you anywhere. You need him to exhaust his arsenal so that the others have a good chance at taking him down. With tug of the control handles, you put some distance between yourself and him and stow your Beam Javelin. Both of your shields rotate into parallel with your forearms, and the Beam Cannons on them begin their charge.
"Ohohoho~!" You laugh with comms open, "Do you truly think that you can defeat me, Katarina Eirkuchen?"
There's a spike of rage from Luke as he fires his Beam Rifle at you again, forcing you to dodge. You're much more mobile than him, especially weighed down as he is. While he surpasses you in sheer thrust, his AMBAC is slower. Whereas with you…
"Heh, if you're going to put in the effort-" You deflect a beam off of your left shield and fire at him with the right, "-then I need to match you blow for blow!"
To your delight, he takes the bait and continues unloading munitions in your direction, eating through his finite stock of missiles. He launches his Fin Funnels too, prompting you to do the same to counter him. The two of you blast at each other at range while Fin Funnels swarm around the area, dueling in pairs.
That's it, Luke, waste your ammunition and energy on 'Katarina'.
As for the rest, it's up to the others to pull their weight.
The Mk.III is a pretty good Mobile Suit. You'd like to say that this one being intended for the Red Comet made it better than most, but given that he never received it, it was completely standard when you got it, sans the red paint job.
Sure, you've customized and tuned it yourself, but you are no Char Aznable. All things considered, you're the new kid. You're a piranha swimming with sharks.
Which is something that this guy in a black REZeL is teaching you. Thoroughly.
"Get out of my way-" he shouts as he switches his rifle to saber mode and swings it downwards, "-you Char wannabe!"
Beam sword out in left hand, you block. Blades flare against each other, and you struggle against them in a battle of thrust.
"I'm not a Char wannabe! I'm a historian!" You retort as you try to kick him off, only for him to grab your leg and swing you around. He moves his grip on his rifle, looking to cut your leg off at the knee. Shit! In a panic, you fire your Head Vulcans, which causes him to shield his head instead. With that opening, you wiggle out of his grasp.
"It doesn't matter what you are, Londo Bell!" He snaps back, and with a sinking feeling you notice his backpack snap open to reveal shining yellow panels underneath while the telltale glow of Psychoframe pours from around the cockpit "Nobody who clings to the legacy of the Red Comet can defeat the Federation!"
That is not a normal REZeL.
You like being a member of Cascadia Team.
Really, you do.
Here, it feels like you're a part of something bigger, like you're making your mark on history. Sure, you get dragged along on the craziest shit, since the rest of your team is made up of eccentric Newtypes, but that's just part of the charm, right?
You wouldn't give up your position for anything.
Even if it does mean that you have to deal with people like… this.
"-think yourself clever?! You race traitor!" The optical audio feed from your opponent isn't high fidelity, but you can hear her just fine. Not that you're listening.
You're too busy trying not to die.
"Hiding amongst them like a pawn," She snarls as she aims her shield at you, "when we both know what you really are!"
Shit, that's a Hyper Mega Cannon! You redline the verniers getting out of the line of fire. Just in time too, as a pillar of light from the Delta Kai tears through the space you just occupied. You gotta get this lady off of you! With a few frantic button presses, all the missile pods on your MS snap open.
"Eat this." You hiss under your breath as you fire off every single missile you have, for a 60-rocket barrage. She immediately goes evasive, and you waste no time beginning the charge cycle on your Large Mega Particle Cannon as you reposition.
The limited tracking abilities of the missiles try and home in on her as she erratically changes directions, causing many of them to slam into each other or wander into her defensive Vulcan fire. In the end, a good dozen breaks through and impact her shield. She bursts out of the cloud of fire and smoke, down one arm, and ends up straight in your line of fire facing away from you. It'll take her a second to notice you. That second will cost her.
"Gotcha." You pull the trigger.
It's your turn to fill the sky with light as a massive beam roars forth from your cannon, hurtling towards her…
And then you see blue flames gout from the frame of her MS, and she nimbly thrusts out of the way.
"What the hell?!" You switch to your Beam Guns and start trying to pin her down, but she's like a whole different pilot now, dodging your shots-No. It's like she's anticipating where you're going to aim, and moves before you've even fired.
She's flying like a Newtype.
The two Proto Fin Funnels on her backpack detach and flank you. They fire and force you to dodge towards her. Shit.
You can almost hear her scream of rage as she closes the distance and tries to shoot you point blank with her Long Mega Buster. You move just in time for the shot to core your Beam Cannon instead of your head unit, and retaliate by boosting straight into her and introducing her to the Knuckle Guards on your arms.
Yeah. This configuration has no Beam Sabers. You were going to try and be a support unit. That didn't work out. But you can still throw hands.
Your first blow connects solidly, your right arm hitting her cockpit and jarring her. The second swing puts your left Knuckle Guard through her Mega Buster, breaking it in two.
She grabs your head unit with her intact hand, and her voice comes across clearer than ever with the contact link and-is she laughing?
"Oh I knew it, I knew I was right!" She cackles in an absolutely deranged tone, "You're the true Ace of Cascadia Team!"
"Woman, let me say this as politely as I can-!" You yell at this lunatic as you wind up another punch, "Get your crazy ass off of me!"
The Sinanju Stein responds rapidly to your thoughts, spinning and stopping on a dime as the space you were about to occupy is speared by four thin beams all from different directions.
Shield up, and you deflect a burst of beams from your opponent, her MS dual-wielding Nu Beam Rifles as her Incoms retract and slot into her backpack.
"Knock it off!" You snap as you aim your shield and fire off the Beam Cannon. With a burst of her verniers she vacates her position, and your shots soar through empty space.
It's at times like this that you wish this Mobile Suit had Funnels or Incoms! What was the point of putting Psychoframe into an MS and omitting Psycommu weaponry?! Not that the Sinanju is a bad suit, but still!
Your opponent's backpack snaps open again and you see four small shapes dart out in different directions. There! You center your rifle on her and fire. Light seems to gather at the muzzle of your Beam Magnum before a large blast of beam energy roars forth. Your cockpit beeps at you, warning of stress limits on your right arm, but it's fine. The Sinanju can take it, if only barely.
The MP Nu is forced to dodge before she can retract her Incoms, and when the emitters finally reel back in, you notice that one slot is vacant, the cable returning with only a torn end.
One Incom down, but what a waste of an E-PAC! As if to punctuate that thought, your Beam Magnum cycles to the next cartridge, flinging the spent one off into space. You'll have to be more conservative with your rounds… and that may not be an issue anymore, because she has Beam Bayonets on her rifles.
Oh joy.
No time to stow your Beam Magnum properly, so when you input the command for a rapid weapon change, your MS just tosses the gun and switches to melee loadout.
You barely ignite your Beam Axes in time to catch her blades on yours, the four weapons sparking off of each other. She's fighting so ferociously! But what for? Doesn't the Federation want to kill her too?!
"Stop this, we're both Newtypes!" You shout as you throttle up your backpack verniers, countering her attempt to push you back, "We're on the same side, aren't we?!"
The laughter you hear in response is laden with bitter amusement, "Same side?! How naive of you, Londo Bell! I'm a member of Hunting Pack! The Federation tells me to jump-!"
She breaks contact and spins, verniers flaring.
"-I ask how high!"
You have just enough intuition to raise your shield and block the kick that would have otherwise caught you where your shoulder meets your neck.
"Damn it!" You throw her off and put some distance between you and her, "You don't have to fight for them! Come with us! We can protect you!"
"Protect me?" She snaps in disbelief, "You can't even protect your friend!"
Wait, what-?
A bright blur flies past the two of you, a Mobile Suit clad in glowing red Psychoframe. It jinks around the various pilots locked in combat, bypassing Mort as he fistfights with the enemy Commander (you'll process that bizarre image later), Eris as she tries to hold her own against a glowing REZeL, and Lorelei as she baits Luke around the combat area.
And now they have a clear shot at Cybele.
"Cybe-!" You don't even finish saying her name before you're forced to block another charge from your opponent's bayonets. You're a bit slow this time, and your shield is cleaved in half for it. Thankfully your Beam Axes stop them from going farther.
"Don't get distracted, you knockoff Full Frontal!" She laughs with excitement, "I'm your opponent!"
Knockoff Full Frontal? Is that what they're calling you?!
"My name is Theo, and my Mobile Suit isn't a knockoff! It's the Sinanju Cascadia!"
"Oh, is that so?" Her MS becomes wreathed in a rainbow of lights as her Psychoframe activates and an otherworldly force pushes you away from her.
"Are we having a Cool Names Party? I can dig that. You already know Luke and his Blue Wolf moniker. Wanna know mine? The other guys in the Corps gave it to me."
The light of her Psychoframe flows into her Beam Bayonets, and the blades grow to twice their size.
"I'm Ensign Acothley. Kinslayer."
Nimble birds, flitting birds, flocks in motion!
One of the big Wings unleashed a flock of its own, tiny chicks that dart to and fro, pecking at you and your own tamed flock.
The claws of your giant Wings are too slow too cumbersome to catch the chicks. Their flock flows around your flailing beam cannons and Vulcan fire.
Irritating! So, so irritating!
And you have to keep your own flock close, since those big Wings keep hitting you from afar!
Flock against flock, Wings against Wings. Your skies are burning.
They keep trying to get close to you, to hurt your giant Wings so that they can't protect you anymore. But you're smart, you're clever, you use your own flock to keep them at bay.
Still, this impasse… it can't continue.
You can sense even more Wings hanging behind the ones currently attacking you. They're waiting… waiting for a weakness to show itself.
Well, you'll show them that you have no weakness. Nothing to exploit.
These skies are yours.
It's kind of fun fighting alongside Big Sis when she has a Mobile Armor too! All this firepower the two of you are pumping downrange is downright exhilarating!
However, it isn't doing much to the Phenex, and you're starting to get a real bad feeling from it…
You should probably tell Big Sis about it. You toggle optical transmission and-
A proximity alarm. From above?!
It's like a crimson blur, racing down from above and firing a barrage of rockets from two Hyper Bazookas! Big Sis returns fire with her Diffuse Beams, but although most of the rockets blow up some of them hit! The enemy zips past her at blinding speeds, tossing aside their spent weapons. At first it looks like the attack only did minor damage, until secondary explosions rock the Fiver II, and you see Cybele eject the Woundwort from the beleaguered MA! No, Big Sis!
"Don't worry about-…..!" Her transmission comes across spotty, "Focus on-……! You're-….! Last-!"
Whatever she was going to say is cut off as her attacker loops back around and starts trading fire with her using the beam rifle and shield beam cannon it had stowed on its back. Cybele is quick to go evasive and their fight takes them away from you.
You want to help Big Sis, but you're the only MA suppressing the Phenex now! You… You have to follow the plan! Gripping the controls nervously, you try to watch Big Sis as you continue to fire on Rita.
Where's that stupid Sherman Team? They should have doubled back by now!
Ensign Carter would have doubled back by now. The Phenex had obviously evaded them by pushing forwards, the backup plan had both himself and Ensign Herrera following Rita to hit her from the rear.
Well, that's not how things turned out.
Upon entering the operational area, they barely had enough time to determine that Rita had moved before they spotted suspicious activity farther into the complex.
So of course, like idiots, they had to check it out. What had they expected to find? Carter didn't remember anymore, but he didn't expect to find the Jupitris II hiding behind one of the fuel tank stacks, siphoning it for its own stores.
Nor did they anticipate the ship's escorts, which promptly began trying to shoot them down.
Carter was lucky. He was flying the Dendrobium Night Fighter, so when he came under fire the sheer mass of his craft plus the I-Field easily absorbed the barrage, giving him time to duck behind nearby structures.
Herrera was flying the equally-capable, but significantly smaller Dendrobium II. It had an I-Field too, but proved much less durable against physical munitions.
Carter caught a glimpse of the experimental MA coming apart in a fiery conflagration, the Core Fighter ejecting on a pillar of flame. Hopefully Herrera would make it out, but Carter had his own ass to worry about.
Wasting no time, the Londo Bell pilot primed his main gun and swung about, firing at some of the Jupitris II's escorts. Whether by luck or skill, he cleaved one in two, although its explosion set off a nearby tank. Carter had seconds to roll his MA to present the more armored dorsal side and protect the vulnerable Core Fighter. The cockpit rattled around him as the craft shook from the impact of debris.
Carter glanced around frantically, looking for more cover. He had to get out of this area, this MA wasn't meant to fight in such tight quarters! If he could just find open space-!
He was nearly out from between two tank stacks when another Mobile Suit slammed into him from above. Looking above, his blood chilled at the sight of an MP Qubeley, its two monoeyes glaring menacingly. Shit. Carter braced himself for the inevitable beam saber through his cockpit…
And why was he still alive?
"Hey!" The voice of a young woman crackled over the contact link, "You faint or something? Get moving!"
"I… what?" He gaped upwards at the MS.
"I'm hitching a ride! Just follow the others!" She replied urgently. The others, who were the others?
The answer immediately presented itself in the form of what looked like a Zeta Gundam variant riding the ZZ Gundam in G-Fortress mode. The odd pair blazed past him at full burn, with tons of those MS from the Jupitris II hot on their heels.
Well, Carter was not eager to get blown up like Herrera, so he did what the nice lady in the Qubeley told him, and followed the ZZ Gundam at full burn. Once out of the fuel tank stacks, both the G-Fortress and Dendrobium Night Fighter utilized their superior acceleration to leave their pursuers in the dust.
On the bridge of the Jupitris II, Dogatie watched with a frown as his best leverage against Londo Bell escaped, becoming little more than distant specks of light.
So, the units they had on hand really were too inferior. Now that Judau Ashta and company had slipped his grasp, the clock was ticking. Londo Bell would soon be aware of his true intentions, and the relative ease with which his ship had operated with would come to an end.
No more flying under the radar. They'd have to fight their way through to the end, and for that, Dogatie needed his forces equipped with Mobile Suits that could stand against contemporary forces. He already had designs, he just needed resources…
"Hurry up with the refueling," He snapped at one of his officers, "Once the tanks are full, prepare for departure."
You just lost the Fiver II! Sure, it was still in one piece, albeit mission-killed, but you liked the thing! Now Rhea is going to yell at you for damaging it!
It's all because of this asshole in a barebones copy of the Nu Gundam, with tons of Psychoframe slapped onto the frame! Who is he even, you've never met him before!
"It's the Scarecrow-!" Lutetia is cut off as he slams into you, his saber sparking against your heat blade.
Scarecrow? Who the fuck is that?! You kick him back and lay down some suppressive fire with your Vulcans. All you know is that he's made a shitty situation worse, and you can feel the rising panic coming from Argama and Alex Teams. Sicilia can only do so much in her one MA!
It's insane, why is he attacking when the Phenex is right there?! Rita is clearly the bigger threat!
[] Try to convince the "Scarecrow" to postpone this fight until Rita is no longer piloting the giant death machine. There are clearly bigger fish to fry.
[] Fuck this guy and the spindly-looking MS he rode in on! You'll get to Rita in due time, but first you're going to obliterate this "Scarecrow".