Great Grand-Uncle Schimmelhorn's Toolbox

Which, for a bird, is nuts
It's terrifying is what it is. When scientists talk about "human child level intelligence" they normally mean on the level of, like, a toddler. Basic object permanence, capable of first order tool use, can maybe connect specific sounds to specific objects or descriptions with a double digit vocabulary.

A seven year old? That's a fucking person. A real, independent, capable of abstract thought, human being. Not the smartest or most complex person sure, but still way the hell beyond the line that anyone can count as animal.
"Unfortunately I have been to school recently and I remember how it works too," Taylor grumbled, making Anne grin at her. "It better not work like that at Arcadia or I'll be very disappointed…"
And one way or another, Arcadia would disappear.
She peered dubiously at one of the more advanced tomes and added, "I probably need to find a couple on math, though. This is going way past what I know at the moment."
Have you tried A Family Math Primer by BBFO Press?
Lisa peered at Edgar, who looked back with his head turned to the side, blinking a couple of times.

"That's a raven," she said after a moment of puzzlement.
And remember, Lisa's supposed to be a Thinker 7.
"Same, really," Taylor added, causing the pair to look back to her. "Whatever you've heard about Winslow, the stories don't do it justice, trust me. It makes Mos Eisley look like paradise."
I understood that reference! I may have coined it.
"How much harm can one raven cause?" Dauntless queried with a shrug.

Everyone slowly turned and stared at him. Ethan grinned. "You said the thing. I can't wait to see what happens."

"Dark Lady Amy?" Miss Militia mumbled, looking at the tablet in her hands with her eyebrows up.

Assault started laughing.

Director Piggot put her hands over her face.

Dauntless tried to look like he wasn't worried, but didn't quite pull it off.
It's good to see that the local PRT/Protectorate are savvy to the ways of Murphy. Sorry Dauntless but you're the one who just had to say it. Prepare for it to fall on your head when things get crazier.
can she count to ten tough?
Give her a month or two. I bet she hits the twenties if Gesellschaft get involved.
The thing that Amy did notice via her momentary contact and her own ability was that Taylor's brain was… somewhat odd. Not in a way she'd ever come across before either. And not in any sort of malignant fashion, she didn't have anything wrong with it, but it was somehow, in a way that the healer couldn't put into words even in her own head, not the way a brain was normally laid out.
And now Pan-Pan knows something the rest of Brockton Bay doesn't until it's too late: Taylor is simply built (wired since it's her brain) Different.
Also nice Count reference. Keep up the good work, MPpi.
And now Pan-Pan knows something the rest of Brockton Bay doesn't until it's too late: Taylor is simply built (wired since it's her brain) Different.
Also nice Count reference. Keep up the good work, MPpi.
Of course the question is, did she come like that stock, or was it an aftermarket mod? Would Amy scanning any of the others that have been learning Papa's tricks show a similar though lesser difference? Taylor's been grokking Papa's stuff easier than anyone she's tried to teach, but she has successfully taught them, so...

They were admittedly quite distracted, particularly at the end there, but I wonder when Amy and Vicky are going to put two and pi together and come up with "Taylor's Winslow experiences are part of the case Mom's still working on"?

Very nice wordz, Mpπ.

Amy's certainly smart enough, and I've always been of a mind that Vicky is more of the "I'm not a dumb blonde, I just play one of TV" types to throw peopleoff mentally. (I added mentally because if they're a Nazi, not only does she like punching them, but using them as airborne projectiles to stop OTHER Nazis...*grin*)

I read that outloud. I couldn't help my self.

I did the voice too. It's required.

Nice to know I wasn't the only one ...
I just had a thought, could Edgar be the Simurgh? I'm reminded of a fic where Simmy was using some animals to spy on the MC (I think it was Taylor with cyberpunk powers that let her control 2 bodies or something because I remember the animal that Simmy was using came in with a mount so she could watch the MC in both locations.)
I'd imagine that Contessa's paths are now including the unstated and unknown to Contessa herself requirement of "avoid Brockton Bay", to avoid just such a situation.
Oh I'm quite confident they are, because Administrator is making sure that it's the case. The first Shard to get powers from a Host is not about to let PtV fuck up the Great Data Acquisition.
Reading that line I had a flashback to one fic where Taylor got counter-powers to parahumans in range and she named her match to Tattletale's "captain obvious" because it had her think and point out every obvious thing while changing her body language to show not much going on upstairs.

(I think it was Heels Over Head)
That's the right fic, and she certainly did. I also remember Denial over on SB, where Lisa went up to Taylor and told her she was a parahuman and a villain, so Taylor arrested her (she was a Ward, even though she didn't have powers), and Lisa ended up with a Thinker 1 rating.
Scion is shiny! I have no objections to the Golden Idiot going yoink into a raven's pocket.
Remember, that's an avatar. And, replacements can be created. But, underneath is timeless, so, Edgar could collect a set of such, each in different postures.

How many avatars would be collected until Scion gives up, or Edgar gets bored? I might like to imagine a series of them, starting with a blank expression, then going through a number of poses and emotions...
Brought to you by the people of Sesame street.🧛‍♀️
And the number 3.1415...
I think you guys mean....
"Brought to you by the people of Sesame π street.🧛‍♀️"

There, fixed.

mp3.1415player when is Amy going to create herself some bio-tech?
It's said that Silicon lifeforms are possible and that you could make diamond from sand.
So when is Amy going to grow herself a treehouse that also happens to be a internet server at the same time?
Perhaps a bit Techi Muyo, but who actually cares???
As long as she doesn't make this treehouse as big as the trees from the Wookie home-world...

Who would not like to have their own server databanks, for free?
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I know there is at least one omake in there about a flock of color coded Ravens attempting to perch on Amy and Amy making very confused noises about dem legs.
@mp3.1415player when is Amy going to create herself some bio-tech?
It's said that Silicon lifeforms are possible and that you could make diamond from sand.
So when is Amy going to grow herself a treehouse that also happens to be a internet server at the same time?
Perhaps a bit Techi Muyo, but who actually cares???
As long as she doesn't make this treehouse as big as the trees from the Wookie home-world...

Who would not like to have their own server databanks, for free?
It's a nice idea, but unlikely to happen any time soon, for two reasons:

1) Amy's power is not known to work on silicon life forms.

2) With people like Nilbog and Blasto around, the idea of anyone who can create new things out of living tissue is pretty thoroughly polluted on Earth Bet. Hence why Amy goes to a lot of trouble to let people think that her power is only good for healing.
Edgar learning to yoink stuff will inevitably lead to loads of stuff to ending up in Amy's bedroom.

One day she's gonna notice Ascalon or a cauldron vial lying on her bed.