GODSTAR - a Science Fantasy Civilization Quest

[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[x] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[x] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X]The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Raven Tribe. You will have to fight a war against their rivals. +Influence to Warrior Societies.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.

Okay, we don't have boat, but at least we can be friend with people who have
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X]The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Raven Tribe. You will have to fight a war against their rivals. +Influence to Warrior Societies.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.

Since there's no Research class (yet), I'll have to settle for out-producing everyone in a 100 mile radius.
[X]The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Raven Tribe. You will have to fight a war against their rivals. +Influence to Warrior Societies.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
[X] The Raven Tribe. You will have to fight a war against their rivals. +Influence to Warrior Societies.
[X] The Long-River Lands. The Long-River Lands will become a second manufacturing center. +Influence to Mechanicals.
[X] The Pine-Nut Eaters. You will teach them to be miners in the hills. +Influence to Miners.
Vote closed, looks like it's the mountain men and voyageurs

Adhoc vote count started by ScottishMongol on May 11, 2022 at 10:39 AM, finished with 24 posts and 23 votes.
Turn 1
Turns in Godstar last a generation; this is an intentionally variable timeframe, but you can consider them to last 10-30 years. Normal turns are spent researching, although in the event of a war or crisis things will get more granular.

Turn 1

Ultimately, the Raven Tribe declines to join. The new Great League is not ready to start a war simply to settle some feuds, and the Raven Tribe is told they could fight their own battles. Their Speaker accepts the rejection with grace, and the remaining three tribes are inducted into the New League of the True People.

With only three Speakers to represent the tribe, Mato serves as the natural leader. Under his influence, traders go far and wide carrying goods made in Whiteclay or in the villages on the banks of the Long River. Miners are sent into the hills to teach the Pine-Nut Eaters how to find ores and dig them from the hills, and soon there are mining villages that are inhabited year-round.

In time, the influence of the White Clay People spreads as well. Mechanicals and Miners from all three times distinguish themselves by painting their faces white in the manner of the White Clay People, and the population of Whiteclay itself grows.

Material Science
You have 1 Research Point to spend.

[] Public Storehouses
With rising populations and greater volumes of goods being moved, whether it be charcoal, ore, trade goods, or food supplies, the question of storage space has become a key issue in the tribal assemblies. What is needed is the construction of public storehouses where goods can be kept, specially designed for safety, to prevent food spoilage, and for organization.

[] Walled Towns
As your villages grow, they also grow more vulnerable. Perhaps a system of fortifications could be constructed, encompassing towns like Whiteclay and offering a final defense against raiders.

[] Gunpowder Weapons (Tier 2)
Firearms are used among your people for hunting and as a secondary weapon in war. However, there may be further applications for the substance, given the right amount of experimenting – which is to say, letting Mechanicals blow things up.

[] Roads
Until now, travel between villages and tribes was along game trails or, more frequently, along waterways. Now, the League has brought safety, and there are more travelers. We can cut out more permanent tracks that will make it easier to move between population centers, especially through more hilly terrain.

[] Water Management
Growing population centers also mean a growing demand for water, for cooking, cleaning, and Mechanical processes. We could shape the waterways near major population centers to bring water closer to them, to store it in reservoirs and to carry away wastewater.

[] Wind and Water Power
You have mills – acorn bread is a staple of the region, and it needs to be ground into flour and processed. However, these things are turned by muscle power, a process that consumes time and energy. If there was a way to turn wheels by some other means, then it would save hundreds of man-hours in work on a key food source.

Social Science
You have 3 Research Points to spend.

[] Writing
The benefits of this should be obvious. A combination of the Mechanicals' notation, the holy men's religious symbols, and some invented numerals could serve as the foundation of a writing system.

[] Oral History (Tier 2)
Then again, your people already have a rich oral history. While there are special lores for different classes, most oral knowledge is commonly held by the tribe, but perhaps the creation of a specialized class of storytellers could serve to categorize your knowledge.

[] Courier System
Sending messages and spreading news is reliant on word of mouth, and there's no way around that yet. However, perhaps training the fastest runners and marking out the quickest routes between villages could let us have dedicated messengers, ensuring news reaches where it needs to be that much quicker.

[] Apprenticeships
The Mechanicals are a hereditary class, but the growth of demand has meant that this state of affairs is limiting how many Mechanicals can exist. If the Mechanicals accept apprentices from outside their families and teach them the necessary skills, they will increase in number.

[] Send Out Diplomats
We are surrounded on all sides by tribes that are not part of the League. We know precious little about what goes on out there, but by selecting more Speakers we could be more aware of our neighbors and perhaps put out feelers regarding future members of the League.

[] Currency
At the moment, barter is the only method of trade there is. However, your merchants would have a much easier time if there were, say, a system of tokens that could easily be exchanged for goods and services. Maybe we could use some of the more useless metals, or some similarly difficult to find material.

Exotic Science
You have 4 Research Points to spend.

[] Calendar
Your holy men know the names of the stars and their associations, but their knowledge can always be refined. A model of the stars that can accurately predict their future positions would be invaluable, and all it requires is long-term observation and some mathematics.

[] The Tree Spirits
The demand for wood is rising, and it has become necessary to harvest more of it from the forest. The tree spirits must be propitiated, and available forest stocks must be carefully managed, as they serve to provide both food and fuel. We must find a way to work with the spirits to fuel our industry.

[] Mine-temples
Mining is now a full-time job for many, and the risks are numerous; rockfalls and cave-ins can kill dozens, and the best way to avoid this is to propitiate the cave spirits. Our holy men can design shrines where they can be venerated, and compose prayer songs the miners can sing as they work.

[] Astrology (Tier 2)
That the stars are associated with fields and objects on earth is the foundation of astrology. This can be useful for reading omens and guiding actions, but actively invoking them could be the gateway to more powerful rituals. This requires a deeper understand of the mechanisms behind astrological magic itself, and demands extensive study and contemplation.

[] Alchemy (Tier 1)
Your Mechanicals know how to make gunpowder, a process that requires rare and dangerous components and precise measurements and proportions. You also have a wealth of herblore gleaned from your environment. However, perhaps you can expand on that, and begin isolating qualities of various substances.

[] Astrological Architecture
It is well-known that astrological symbols can be used to enhance the efficacy of holy items, such as the vestments of the holy men. Could the same process be applied to a whole building?

Vote by plan. Voting will open in 24 hours.
Since we're going down the route of industry and trade,

[] Plan Economic Development

Material Science:
-[] Roads

Social Science:
-[] Writing
-[] Apprenticeships
-[] Currency

Exotic Science:
- [] Calendar
-[] The Tree Spirits
-[] Mine-temples
-[] Alchemy (Tier 1)
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[] Plan: Clean Water, Storytellers, Mail Service and Other Trappings Of Civilization
-[] Water Management
-[] Oral History (Tier 2)
-[] Send Out Diplomats
-[] Courier System
-[] Calendar
-[] The Tree Spirits
-[] Mine-temples
-[] Astrological Architecture
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voting's not open yet
oops my bad, fixed.

Anyway, My Plan is centered on the thought that Clean Water is vital to a thriving people, especially as density increases, Diplomacy is also important because we fundamentally function through trade, which requires some diplomatic action, best get it out of the way now, get the lay of the land in our new expanded state, then check again in five turns or so. I feel, also that a unified storytelling class also helps to unify the culture of the League itself, creating a sort of pantribe identity that would increase social stability and interconnection, vital again this early on.

Couriers will also help maintain communication between the members of the League and I'd like to pop out roads in the next turn to make their jobs even easier
voting's not open yet

Anyways, the plan was to get all the industry online and internal economy connecting as soon as possible, with boosts to resource collection via tree spirit and mine temple, increase in mechanicals, roads, currency and calender to get internal trade going and writing to both provide a means of knowledge/skill spread and easier trading.