Onboarding Vignettes

"Finally," the Deputy Director said, "we have another Brockton Ward candidate coming in for initial processing."

"I don't envy them," the Director said. "Just finishing up with the Nazi mole hunt when a Ward gets attacked at home? Bad business." He shook his heads "Still, Piggot is one of the better ones, pragmatic too, did us a real favor with Bastion."


The power test analyst accepted the offered clipboard without looking up. "This the bee girl?"

"Yes," the monitor said in a defeated tone. "Yes. The bee girl."

The analyst looked up, surprised at her colleague's expression. "How many bees do we even get around here?"

The man looked at her with haunted eyes. "She brought her own."


A faint buzzing alerted the Image deputy to the arrival of his next appointment. Walking out into the front office, he squinted. Was the new girl somehow… fuzzy?

Then he registered the movement. The constant movement. Of god only knew how many creatures were crawling over the masked girl. Well, that's the buzzing explained.
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Still, Piggot one of the better ones

"This the bee girl."
'girl?'? - replace full-stop with question mark?


Does Taylor carefully move the bees out of the way, so when she sits in a chair she doesn't squash any?

I'm a bit confused - girl controls bees, brings a few along to demonstrate this? What's the problem? Have they never seen a beekeeper, working on a hive, covered in bees? Weird.

Does fear of bees vary? I've seen children who cheerfully kill any flying insects, and who get confused when told not to kill bees, because 'They're the good ones, who make honey'. And, adults who will cheerfully watch a bee walking on their hand, with interest. Even, go get some honey to feed a bee (like the odd bumblebee) who looks to need it.

Personally, I've never known bees to attack and sting unless attacked, trapped, or defending their hive/honey. Are attack-bees the only sort you get, some places??? Wasps, on the other hand, can be nasty, and some people just seem to attract them - maybe their sweat tastes good?

Even so, people who get a cup and a bit of cardboard, catch wasps buzzing around, inside their home/office, carefully release them outside. Ditto with houseflies, spiders, etc. Of course, watching someone try and squash a noisy fly with, say, a rolled-up newspaper (and often fail), can entertain...

I'm a little Bee-mused...
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Bee alert, the world needs more lerts. Bee afraid, Taylor's coming to town. Bee alarmed, bee cause she's bringing the swarm. Bee-have, bee cause the puns wont stop (can't stop, never stop, shoe shop)...
I wonder how she would enjoy reading 'The Bee Dungeon' by Icalos. I have a feeling she would identify with the main protagonist and maybe bee a bit jealous.
Personally, I've never known bees to attack and sting unless attacked, trapped, or defending their hive/honey. Are attack-bees the only sort you get, some places???
Certain species of stinging bees are very aggressive in defending the area surrounding their hives, and will use swarm tactics to do so (thus victims don't get stung a few to a dozen times, they get stung dozens to hundreds of times). Mostly used to be found in parts of Africa until a bunch being used in hybridisation experiments with European bees (which had already been bred over centuries to be more docile) to improve honey production were accidentally released in Brazil; the new bees retained their aggressiveness and now could tolerate a wider range of climates so they rapidly multiplied and spread, out-breeding and inter-breeding with the local bees. Now very common in South and Central America, and spreading into North America. They do however produce more honey, at least in their preferred climates.
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Onboarding Vignettes, Part 2

The lawyer looked up incredulously. "She wants what?"

His assistant rolled her eyes. "Permission to engage in apicultural and other husbandry activities under the supervision of the Guild, the Kings Men, and other official groups sanctioned by friendly governments on some list the PRT keeps. Oh, and they won't sign unless they are happy with whatever they get out of branding."

"They're just normal bees? What's she going to do, make candles?"

His assistant shrugged.

"We'll punt on the branding piece for now, see how things play out. As for the collaboration, that's the same list the tinkers use, it's fine. She can't actually deploy any of it without our permission anyway."


"What is this?" The Image deputy forced himself to look at the sheaf of papers and not the bees, oh god the bees, they were right there. Buzzing. The bee girl staring off into space, seemingly unbothered by it all, did not help.

"Ideas for names," the older woman said. "Organized by theming and meaning."

The man flipped through the list, scanning quickly. He didn't recognize most of them, and those he did were… all bee themed.

Then he made the mistake of asking.

"Oh," the girl said perking up. "Well, let's see…" She craned her head to look at the paper. "The one you are pointing at, Mead Foiche, means 'Wasp Nest', it's Gaelic. The other ones in this block are different terms for wasp nests and types of wasp nests. See, the English is on top…"

Note: What about 'Trigona', that one seems nice?
What about 'Trigona', that one seems nice?
You'd think the PRT would bee a bit quicker on the uptake. They're faced by a bee-knighted teen, almost a bee-got. They need to bring in consultants, experts!
(Insect experts, at least, to test the water, likely full-on bee/wasp/etc. ones, ASAP!)
Hymenoptera isn't terrible as a bee/wasp themed codename; it is, however, open to too much interpretation from the... more puerile... sections of the Internet. Apocrita, maybe?
Onboarding Vignettes, Part 3
The Director blinked, and looked again. His status board did, in fact, show a portal arrival that morning. Looking closer he saw it was one of The Fairy Queen's (no, damnit, Valkyrie, she was a friendly foreign leader now, not a guest of Baumann whose lack of conviction was a mere formality, progress was a bitch).

While it was a comfort to know they didn't have Eidolon wandering around, or some untested tinkertech to worry about, the list of people using Valkyrie's portal service was short.

They had a VIP underfoot, had been there half a day already, and he had no idea who they were or what they were doing.

Well, since they presumably had a reason to not announce themselves, he couldn't do anything to 'blow their cover', as it were. People got funny about that.

He needed to find out, but quietly. He removed a small notebook from his desk drawer and flipped to his notes on personnel. Who was it, the woman who'd been in her role since the Boston office had first been spun up.

There. Food Services. Out of the service for decades but there was no escaping the E4 mafia. Fortunately, so long as he left with a snack, no one would bat at eye at the Director dropping by.

Note: Dr. who?
since the Boston office had first been spun up.
should end in a question mark?


Poor Director (Anderson?), someone will have briefed him on Dr. Weaver, won't they? Yes?

Maybe he shouldn't have skipped that virtual conference, because he was too busy, and it didn't look that important? Someone from DC? How should he have known? Briefing papers? Maybe he shouldn't have let them pile up?

Of course... If it is Doctor Who, from another Earth, sent by UNIT, he's got real problems! :)
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Onboarding Vignettes, Part 4
The Head of Image smiled apologetically, carefully focusing on the older woman and not looking at the girl covered in bees.

"I apologize for the inconvenience," he said carefully. "We do aim to have a single point of contact, but a personal emergency has pulled away my deputy." At least the man had been considerate enough to excuse himself before going into a gibbering fit. Having a breakdown in front of the client would not give the right impression.

The older woman put on an understanding expression. He carefully ignored the snort of disbelief from the recruit. Teenagers.


"Combat trials?" The teenager looked at the proctor dismissively. "Why would I be in combat? The bees might get hurt."

The proctor blinked. "What do you plan to do then?"

"Apiculture!" The teen's face brightened with interest. "It has been well established that honey will reflect certain properties of the plants harvested in its creation. However, until now, our ability to explore this phenomenon has been limited by…"


"The bee girl?" The Director blinked. "What new Ward recruit warrants an escort from someone with portal permissions? Especially from the Bay, it's not a difficult commute."

His Deputy shrugged. "Kamil met with her before, but I wasn't briefed and there are no notes. Her file is no help," she added, passing it across.

"Who the hell has a redacted CV?"

Note: Where did she even get her degree? Normally they can't shut up about that.
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certain properties of the plans


Where did she even get her degree? Normally they can't shut up about that.
"I tried to turn it down, twice, but they seemed to insist on giving it to me, then escorting me out the door..."

"The second degree? When I checked, the university had gone, overnight, not one brick left on top of another. A friend checked, said there were signs of 'dimensional anomalies', which meant it'd be really difficult to track down where it went. Another friend, they triple-checked, the degree was valid, all previously associated institutions said so. It was all a bit strange..."

"My other degrees? I don't talk about them. People don't believe me. So, it's simpler, that way."
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Remember, Unit never dispatches The Doctor. He goes where he wants, and UNIT merely follows along in his wake while trying in vain to be actually useful in the current crisis.
Maybe, but, the idea that UNIT has some control over The Doctor, or is in some way responsible for them, will make some other organisations happy. If nothing else, you can get UNIT to fill-in all the forms, afterwards. What are the odds you'll get The Doctor to do that???