God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

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Mmm, since the vote seems to be dying down I'll lock in about four to five hours? That seems good.
With a cry, I jumped towards the now named Lizard Guildy and swung my sword.

Blazer Blade: 40 Base Damage, +14 Dice = 44 Total Damage
Lizard Guildy: 20 Base Resilience, +5 dice = 25 Total Reduction

19 End Damage

Lizard Guildy: 150 - 19 = 131 Health Remaining

The Blazer Blade cut through the air and towards the chest of the lizard, leaving a shallow cut across the skin.

Lizard Guildy inhaled sharply, "Oh god that hurt more than I expected it would."

"Oh sorry- Wait no! I meant to do that!" I paused for a bit, "...You gonna be okay?"

"No no! Do not worry for me! The look of worry in your eyes is more than enough to reignite my fighting spirit!" He raised a fist, "If only you had a doll! Than things would be perfect!"

I want my pity back.

"Hey, you know I'm a guy right?!" I scooted back a bit, "Doesn't hitting on me like that creep you out at all?!"

"Nonsense!" He waggled his finger and I could almost see an imaginary pair of glasses form on his face, "Everyone knows that only girls can be magical girls! And yes, there are cases where a boy turns into a magical girl but in cases like these it's when the boy is transgender which is the result of being born with a female soul! Thus, I can confidently say that your inner beauty has now come to fruition!"

I could feel the blood draining out of my face, "Where'd you hear that."

"Throne of Heroes Online."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

That was close, everyone knew that half of the information on Throne of Heroes Online was guesswork made by those crazy MG junkies-

"Oh and there was that entire documentary on the subject as well!"

"GAH!!" I yelled waving my sword in the air, "You just had to ruin my relief!"

"Ah, I see you are still in denial." He nodded sagely, "Maybe some experience in your new body would do you some good. May I suggest holding this doll and-"

"Dude I'm not going to pose for you!"

"Um, excuse me." Our heads tilted to the girl who shrunk back a bit before continuing, her voice shaky. "W-What's uh.. transgender?"


Absolute silence.

"This is your fault." I hissed.

"What, no! How is this my fault?!"

"You brought up the subject!"

"Only because you exist!"

"Um…" The girl looked sad, "I-Is that one of those things I'm not supposed to ask about?"

I sighed before giving her the best smile I could, "Aya right? This is something you're going to have to ask your mom about when you're older. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get back to her safe and sound."

"My god." Lizard Guildy commented from the side, "Such cuteness! It's incredible!"

Please shut up.

"O-Okay miss!" She paused before looking at the bed below her in thought, "Mister?"

"Don't worry about it." I smiled before turning serious again and facing the Lizard, "Now! Back to the fight!"

"Of course!" Lizard Guildy yelled, "Seeing such moe in front of me has more than reignited the burning in my hea-"


I slashed him again with my sword.

Blazer Blade: 40 Base Damage, +17 dice = 47 Total Damage
Lizard Guildy: 20 Base Resilience, +1 dice = 21 Total Reduction

26 End Damage

Lizard Guildy: 131 - 26 = 105 Remaining Health

"Grah!" He coughed out before throwing a punch of his own at me.

???: 45 Base Damage, +2 Dice = 47 Total Damage
Tail Red: 35 Base Resilience, +2 Dice, -5 WALL = 32 Total Reduction

15 End Damage

Tail Red: 175 - 15 = 160 Remaining Health


I could hear the girl's scream as I suddenly flew through the air and slammed into the metal wall behind me. My breath escaped my lungs and I fell to the floor.

Yeah that was… probably gonna leave a bruise.

"Hmph, it doesn't have to be this way. Just pick up a doll and-"

"Like… hell..!" I wheezed, "But… let me recover for a sec…"

"Oh! Uh right sure." He blinked and I managed to get back to my feet, using my sword to hold me up. "...You gonna be okay?"

"Ah right yeah. I'm good now." I lifted the Blazer Blade up and got into a stance, "That'd just leave a bruise at best! And when there's twintails involved, then I won't dare surrender!"

"Oh a heroic speech! Very well than, I shall grace you with my full power!" He grabbed four dolls off the bed and held them, two in each hand. "Behold!"

Quite frankly, it looked ridiculous.

"T-Those eyes! They're the same as before but somehow they seem much better!" Stop, please. "But nevertheless, these dolls are more than they seem! Come at me and I will show you the true power of dolls!"

"If that'll make you stop than bring it on!" I roared, using the metal wall to launch myself towards the Lizard as my blade cut the air.

"Kuhuhuhuh… now! BOOST!"

Blazer Blade: 40 Base Damage, +19 Dice = 49 Total Damage
Lizard Guildy: 28 Base Resilience, +4 = 32 Total Reduction

17 End Damage

Lizard Guildy: 105 - 17 = 88 Health Remaining

The dolls in his left hand glowed before vanishing in a burst of light, his body starting to glow as my blade once again sliced his chest.

Too bad it seemed to do absolutely nothing.

"Greh! You're pretty strong Tail Red…" The dolls in his right hand began to glow, "It pains me to think of how this battle will end but I will do what must be done! BOOST!"

???: 63 Base Damage, +4 Dice = 67 Total Damage
Tail Red: 35 Base Resilience, +3 Dice = 38 Total Reduction

29 End Damage

Tail Red: 160 - 29 = 131 Remaining Health

It felt like a wrecking ball had just smashed into my face. I couldn't even blink before his fist just sent me flying through the air and soaring through the warehouse.

Unfortunately for me my misery wasn't over.


???: 54 Base Damage, +1 Dice = 55 Total Damage
Tail Red: 35 Base Resilience, +7 Dice, -10 GROUND POUND = 32 Total Resilience

23 End Damage

Tail Red: 131 - 23 = 108 Remaining Health


I could vaguely make out a dark green blur in front of me before my entire body slammed into the ground with a loud bang (I think the concrete below me actually cracked a bit) and it was all I could do to look up at Lizard Guildy, who slowly began to walk back to the bed of Dolls.

"Do you see now the true strength of Dolls?" He began, "Each and every doll here is imbued with my power, which I can recall to boost myself at will. Unfortunately, I have to sacrifice the doll in question in order to access that power but their memory more than remains! When you are young you play with them as your companions, and when you are old you look back at them with the fond Memories of Youth! That is what a doll is and that is my power!"


I could barely understand what he said at the end but, if every doll in here gave him a boost…

Well then that was one hell of a boost.

I needed a plan, fast.

[] Aim directly for the dolls
[] Don't let him touch the Dolls
[] Pose Pictures for him NO
[] Write In

AN: Much to your shock, Lizard Guildy's sheet has already been updated.
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[X] Don't let him touch the Dolls

He'll probably save a few if we tried to destroy them all and I don't think our character has figured anything out other then their sword, so the best bet is to just keep hitting him away from the dolls if we can.
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[jk] Grab the dolls and take their powers for your own.

[X] Take the dolls hostage. Offer a hostage exchange for the girl.

This should work
You know that feeling where you have to feel embarrassed for someone? That's me. For both of them.

Anyway I don't think taking the dolls hostage will stop him seeing how he has just willingly sacrificed them, also that speech of his how the memories of his dolls will remain after they're gone... man this is such a weird start.

[X] Don't let him touch the Dolls
[X] Unleash the inner mechanism! Overwhelm him with the power of your twintails in one glorious blast!!!!

(If this vote wins both the count and the fight I will die laughing. Then again, that's probably going to be me the entire quest: the corpse in the corner with a busted gut.)
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