How much control do you want over battles?

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  • Round by round commands

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  • General battle plans

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Just select whether to fight or not.

    Votes: 2 15.4%

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If the drives were already active it would have taken 3 minutes at the most, 40c is really fast for in-system travel. The jump drive roll basically just meant that the initial jump sequence was performed more or less flawlessly, with the nat 100 leading to a beyond-flawless exit. I'll probably give more specifics in the AAR.
I don't actually know what the 40c means, but I think I get the rest of it. Also, is there a section where the materials are somewhat explained?
Can you imagine how terrifying this must be for the opfor? Not only are a bunch of mysterious warships intercepting their squadron but they just did the mother of all hot drops and pulled it off flawlessly.

Our tech is bad enough, but our C3 and fleet maneuvers are just as bullshit.
Can you imagine how terrifying this must be for the opfor? Not only are a bunch of mysterious warships intercepting their squadron but they just did the mother of all hot drops and pulled it off flawlessly.

Our tech is bad enough, but our C3 and fleet maneuvers are just as bullshit.

The benefits of networked, intergrated AI combined with each ship with it's own, dedicated C3 module which only gives different effects based on the size of the ship it's installed on.

There is a reason why quite a few people think space combat is split between two time frames:

The distance is so great that the time to make decisions amounts to days, weeks or even months.


The speed of the vessels is that great that the time lag of biological hand eye coordination and muscle response makes them useless.

That and getting crits.
40 times lightspeed. I'll might have to read the material explanations, I may have forgotten to import them from the old thread.
Ah, I'd thought you were talking about time, not speed, so that makes sense (I always find the speed of light in the weirdest places and always assume that it can't be the speed of light, but of course, it is.). Thanks for the explanation.
Yeah, going FTL insystem lets you get insane travel times.

It takes light 9 hours to get from the outer layer of our sun (it takes miilions of years for light to get from the center of the sun, but I digress) to reach Pluto.

Yep, our home system is just that big.

9 hours is 540 minutes, divide that by 40 and you get 13.5 minutes.

In other words you can cross pretty much our entire solar system in less time it takes you to walk into your town center, walk into any store, pick up something, get to the till, pay and then walk home.

And that is not including any weird side effects, like time discrepancies due to suddenly leaving your point of origin and travelling such a massive distance away from it.

GPS satellites had to have their internal clocks modified to match Earth's passage of time.

Einstein was both brilliant and a bit of a pain in the backside....

No one really knows what happens if we actually break the lightspeed barrier.
Still working on the interlude.

Since it might make it easier to visualize the Rektians, the original "colonists" came from a civilization with highly advanced genetic engineering. They'd probably have attained biological immortality in a few decades. This means that the original colonists were, on average, smarter, stronger, more attractive, more dextrous, more resistant to disease, and just generally better than normal human average with no real downsides. The effects of this were noticeably dulled by generations without maintenance of genes designed for tweaking at least every other generation, but the Rektian average was still well above human in most areas. The only real relevance of this is that the Rektians tend to be more attractive by human standards and have a lower rate of congenital defects. This affects character descriptions because they are almost always from the Carmote-Rektian point of view.

There are some other relevant effects of the "colonists'" situation, but they should be easier to make apparent in the Quest itself so I'll leave their discovery to the players.
I'm hoping to finish the interlude by Friday, but I'll probably put this on Hiatus until I finish sorting out the mechanics once I post that. In the meantime, I'm starting a new Quest with significantly less focus on mechanics to continue practising my writing. The link can be found in my signature if anyone is interested. It's currently still in character gen.
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