Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

If those three are fear, loneliness, and regret? Yeah. You got the basics covered. You can be emo.

Well, it's Desire instead of loneliness. But you've got the other two spot on.

Anyway, today is the find day to make your wishes known on how to use your Experience Points! Voting ends at 10:00 this evening.
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[x] Save for the Void point (or something else we might need more urgently in the interim).
[x] ...except for one XP, to go into Lore: Nezumi.
Okay, got home hella late and I'm really tired. Roadwork on the freeway can be a real killer sometimes. Voting is still on till tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. Then, we will begin the next arc. Be ready, all of you, for "Weight Of Honor."
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Weight of Honour - 2.1
[X] Save up your points.

It has been a year and a half since the Battle of Skulking Shadows. The tunnel system the armies of the Shadowlands used to get so close to both Shiro Hiruma and Shinsei's Last Hope have been collapsed, Shugenja wielding the might of the kami closing them up under tons of rubble. New tunnels may be built, but never again would these passages threaten the Crab Clan.

The monstrous hordes of Jigoku have come at the Shiro Hiruma three times during these months, and twice at Shinsei's Last Hope. But none of these attacks were as coordinated as that first assault, and were rebuffed handily. Even still, many Samurai have lost their lives, and more have been wounded. After so many years of relative quiet, it is obvious that the Shadowlands stir.

You have been busy during this time, and the renown you have gained for your part in the Battle of Skulking Shadows ha not lessened. You fought as fiercely as any of your comrades during the three assaults on Shiro Hiruma, your tetsubo spilling blood and breaking bones as the goblins and Lost attempted to defile your home. They learned the foolishness of their actions with their lives.

You have noticed that your actions during your Gempukku have gained notice and attention from your fellows. Some of your comrades whisper to each other when they see you, and some of the older Samurai clap you on the back congenially as you pass. You are only seventeen years old, but you've apparently gathered some measure of fame and prestige.

Which is the only reason you can think of for why you are here in Kyuden Hida, waiting for your Clan Champion, Hida Tanaka, to bid you enter his offices. You sit uncomfortably on the small cushion provided in the sitting room, your tea untouched. You are not thirsty. In truth, you are too nervous to take in anything resembling food or drink.

Hida Tanaka is a hero of great renown. The man has served as Clan Champion of the Crab for over thirty years, a brilliant tactician and formidable warrior. Stories have been told of his prowess in battle, and even more of the armies he has led to victory.

It was Hida Tanaka that led the armies of the Crab in repulsing the huge influx of Lost who assaulted the Wall with the failure of the First and Third Imperial Legions' invasion of the Shadowlands after the Death of the Empress. It was Hida Tanaka who led the vanguard that destroyed the City of Bone while the Heroes of Otosan-Uchi slew Daigotsu. And when the combined forces of Rokugan assaulted the City of White Clouds to combat the Shadow Dragon, it was Hida Tanaka who took control of the Army after Kakita Zhuge led his fellow heroes in combat against the avatar of the Nothing.

So what does he want with you, of all people?

"Come in," he calls from his room, taking you from your musings.

You hastily rise from your feet and enter your Clan Champion's chambers. You bow deeply, but even as you do so you can see that the room is full of papers, all tightly organized. There is a large table in the center of the room, and atop that table is a multitude of maps all strewn about.

"You may rise," Hida Tanaka says, his voice gravelly. You do so, and take in the man who leads the Crab.

He is a giant of a man with a full head of gray hair, standing a few inches taller than you. Even more apparent, he is absolutely covered in muscle. Hida Tanaka's armor is so thick it looks like it could provide enough coverage for two men, but seems just barely enough to cover him. His face is covered in scars, but the thing that most catches your attention is his eyes. They are hard like stone, and they are measuring you.

"I'm sure you're no doubt curious why I have summoned you and your parents," The Crab Champion says. "I'll be talking with them later. For now, you and I must speak."

"Whatever you need, Hida Tanaka-sama, I will do my best to provide," you say, managing not to sweat under the larger man's gaze.

Hida Tanaka smiles. "Such enthusiasm. Good. You're going to need it."

The Champion moves to a chair and sits down, the wood creaking under his weight. He steeples his hands before him and looks at you.

"I will be blunt," he says. "The Battle of Skulking Shadows worries me. More precisely, this Kyosuke who perpetrated it worries me. He has not led any further assaults since then, which makes me feel he is gathering his strength."

You frown. "But my Lord, there have been five attacks since then. Do you not believe this foul creature has been the one orchestrating them?"

"I do not," he responds. "The Battle of Skulking Shadows was a brilliant piece of strategy. For all that this Kyosuke is a monster deserving of death, he cannot be dismissed as incompetent. These last several assaults, while large, have no true intelligence behind them. I am concerned that this means Kyosuke is conserving his energies, and will strike us when we are least prepared."

The thought makes you pale. You had hoped that perhaps the Dark Lord had simply forgone subtlety after his failure and was throwing his power fruitlessly against the Crab these last several months, but if your Champion's words are true this is not the case. That means darker times are coming.

"My Lord," you say, being careful to not meet your Champion's eyes and thinking over your words. "If I may be so bold, why are you telling me this? Do you have some task for me?"

"I do," Hida Tanaka says. "The signs we've been seeing worry me, and I want the Crab to be prepared. As such, I have taken steps to increase our presence in the Courts of Rokugan. During the last two decades of silence we have not been as proactive as we could have been, and I feel this has been something of a mistake."

You blink. "You want me to speak for the Crab in the other Courts, my Lord?"

"No, boy," Hida Tanaka says with a chuckle. "Not alone, at any rate. I want you to accompany some of our Courtiers. Specifically, I am sending contingents to both Crane and Dragon territories." He frowns. "The Crane may be a Clan of mostly weak fools, but they hold economic influence all over the Empire. Their aid could give us many resources we need." He leans back, and the chair protests. "As for the Dragon, they have recently discovered very large deposits of Jade in their mines. They are still recovering from Moto Shinichiro's rampage twenty years ago, and are giving only the bare minimum amount of Jade required by Imperial Decree. If my suspicions are right, we will need more than that."

"And you desire I should travel to these places, my Lord?"

"Yes," he says. "You have renown to your name, Hiruma Sosuke, and that is a useful tool. Either the Dragon or the Crane, I care not which. But I want you to go and be what help you can to our Courtiers. The Crab needs resources. By any means necessary, we must have them."

[] Choose to go to Dragon Lands.
[] Choose to go to Crane Lands.
[] Try to convince Hida Tanaka you should remain at the Wall.
[] Write in.
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[X] Choose to go to Dragon Lands.

The Crane sound like assholes, and jade sounds more important than other misc. stuff.
So we have to go and get aid from the famously isolationist clan, or the clan who hates our guts more then any other. I'm beginning to think we should have invested our experience in more social skills now.
[X] Choose to go to Dragon Lands.

Jade is more useful then gold, and we will be guarding the social people. We may have to talk a some though, so we should put some effort into learning that.
The Crane are classy assholes.

but as my Avatar indicates...

[x] Choose to go to Dragon Lands

Dragon are less likely overall to say
"Bitch it's go time, with iaijutsu"
You know it says something about Rokugan that I think this is so much more dangerous than any expedition into the Shadowlands.
It is oh so very easy to accidentally insult somebody important (or be manipulated into insulting somebody...)
Of these choices the Crane are probably the more important group since they have the ear of the Empire and control over vast amounts of power. If we manage to get them on our side we'd have vastly improved our situation. Unfortunately the Crane and the Crab traditionally get along like a house on fire and our chances of getting their support is almost zero.
Meanwhile the Dragon Clan is on the other side of Rokugan their not as finicky as the Crane and are less likely to kill or manipulate us... they are also just as unlikely to give us their support since they very rarely act in worldly politics.
Still if we want to learn more about the spirit watching over us than they are probably the second best clan to approach (the best being the Phoenix)
Choosing not to go is not really an option since it is a great honor to be chosen for something like this. Refusing would mean we belief that he chose wrongly which would be a great hit to our Honor and Glory.
Anyway I'll take some time thinking about this because it's actually not as obvious a choice as it may seem.
The Dragon might be viewed as the overall more pleasent choice but you really shouldn't underestimate the power of the Crane. If we suceed at getting their support we basically will have a overall much easier time getting ANYTHING inside of Rokugan.
Sorry for the Double Post but another important think I just realized that might not be obvious is that the Crane are pretty much our next door neighbors while even if we get the support of the Dragon since they're so far away they'll be limited with how much they can do...
So yeah actually with that being said and in the full awareness that this might be suicidal I'm going to vote:

[x] Choose to go to Crane Lands.

Because getting support of the Cranes is really important. If they decide to sabotage us (which is possible) they have a shitton of options that we are basically defenseless against.
[X] Choose to go to Crane Lands.

Crane is a lot more influential than the Dragon. Not to mention that Crane and Crab tend to have a rather poor relationship. If the Shadowlands are stirring, then the last thing we can afford is an reluctant Crane hampering our call for assistance in the future.
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"Bitch it's go time, with iaijutsu"
Technically speaking, in Rokugan is not strictly wrong to do the Iai duel with a Tetsubo. Just saying. :p

On Crane and Dragon: Crane are problematic but not impossible to deal with, specially given that we do have some skill in Etiquette.

The Dragon on the other hand, can be incredibly frustrating in their "mysterious and enigmatic wise monk" affection. It's not too bad if you are patient, but can have one pulling their own hairs if they are not.
If we use a tetsubo in a duel, then we lose regardless because we spat on the traditions of the Empire.

Dragons can be frustrating true, but as long as we stick with the Mirumoto and Kitsuki we should be good.
If we use a tetsubo in a duel, then we lose regardless because we spat on the traditions of the Empire.
The traditions actually kinda allow it, even if it's quite crass, and we have some extra leeway as crab. If I remember correctly, there was an explicit example of a crab samurai showing up for a duel in full armor and a tetsubo in the books.
Worth noting...
- We have some exp banked, and we *do* want Reflexes at some point. Spending the banked exp on awareness is probably a good idea as soon as we have an opportunity to do so (assuming we get such an opportunity prior to the end of the courtier arc), as awareness is basically social everything. Picking up Investigation 3 when exp permits is likely also a good idea.

- We're Brash. That's potentially a very real problem here - especially if anyone wishes to move against us or our clan, and knows enough to exploit it.

- On the flip side, as Crab Clan Bushi go, other than the Brash issue, we're actually pretty solid for courtier work, especially if we buy that point of Awareness. Rolling 6k3 for Etiquette as a first rank Crab Bushi is, frankly, a little absurd.

- It's not about where the Crab are sending courtiers. The Crab *will* be sending courtiers (probably mostly Yasuki) to both locations. The question is which of these two is best for *us* to go to - which one we'll be able to help the most at, which we'll be the least likely to harm our own side, which we'll gain the most from personally, and which we'll be least likely to develop problems for ourselves with later on.

Crane is by far the most dangerous, both to ourselves and to our clan. The Crane do battle in the courts, and their courts often contain at least a few scorpion, who are *also* doing battle. We have little in the way of refinement, and the Crane are all about refinement. We do have a degree of both Honor and Glory... but it is a particularly Crab form of glory, and in many ways it makes us a bigger target. Also, if we go to the Crane lands, we can be essentially guaranteed that some Crane somehow will see a way to gain advantage by exploiting our brashness, to the detriment of both ourselves and our clan. He may wish to duel us to the death. If he succeeds, he will almost certainly win.

The Dragon... the Dragon are funny. There the issue is far less likely to be a "save vs social attack or seppuku" and far more likely to be "Demonstrate enlightenment or be ignored". Traveling to the Crane lands means playing a much more dangerous game with much higher stakes. the real question is whether there's a payoff that would be worth it. For right now? I don't really see one. I could be convinced, though.

If we use a tetsubo in a duel, then we lose regardless because we spat on the traditions of the Empire.

Dragons can be frustrating true, but as long as we stick with the Mirumoto and Kitsuki we should be good.

Whether or not it's valid to use a tetsubo in a duel depends entirely on the nature of the duel. Note the friendly link - four tetsubo have been printed. Two have special effects for dueling. That having been said, any purpose-built crane duelist can tear us apart, and the standard crane duelist package often includes enough social know-how to get the duel under favorable conditions.

edit: removed vote from post to post changed vote later.
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[x] Choose to go to Dragon Lands.

The Crane would eat us alive, and we're probably self-aware enough to know that. The Dragon are less likely to try to provoke us into a duel and then murder us out of spite.

Also, if we have to fight a duel in Dragon lands, there's precedent for tetsubo use. Although if we're imitating Hida Yakamo, it's probably better to take his early years as an example of what not to do.

And it would give us a better look at Rokugan. We'd be crossing pretty much the entire length of the Empire, after all.

...there's also the bit where if I'm right and the being that took an interest in us is the Jade Dragon (who apparently is female, contrary to the initial source I used for her description), the assignment that involves getting more jade for the clan should be fun (for us, not so much for Sosuke).

Oh yes, and while we're with the Dragon we can try finding out if they might know of some way to restore life to the dead Hiruma and Kuni lands. They are the go-to clan for esoteric bullshit, after all, and obviously just asking the kami to come back in normal Shugenja fashion didn't work.

The one respect in which it's kind of a shame that the Destroyer War didn't happen here is that it means the Crab and Scorpion are still at odds. I've always felt that they're actually the most similar clans in their willingness to carry out their duty even if it costs them everything else, so that the rest of Rokugan might be safe. As opposed to the Lion, who are hidebound douchebags who constantly harp about how they're the military heart of the Empire and yet never seem to bother sending anybody to fight in the one war that's been running constantly for the past thousand years.
On one hand fancy tea parties and pretty ladies.

On the other hand, jade.

I'm torn. Sosuke isn't going alone into either territory and there is a chance that the Crab will send their best courtiers to the crane. We could learn A pretty ladies. It's always fun to be flustered.

On the other hand, JADE. We could very well get a jade studded bashy club eventually.

[X] Visit the Crane.
[x] Spend 12 exp on 1 level of Awareness immediately.
We need to learn courtly ways eventually.
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