Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

[X] Attack your enemy.

I really want to beat a fool with another fool, but this room is likely too small to get much momentum going. Better to shank for now.
[X] Grab Fool.
-[X] Beat fool with other fool. (Yay, Crab Hands!)
--[X] Spend Void.
[X] Grab Fool.
-[X] Beat fool with other fool. (Yay, Crab Hands!)
--[X] Spend Void.


[X] Attack your enemy.

Aww :(
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I hate to rain on people's fun, but while I treated the table as a weapon for the benefits of Crab Hands it's a different matter for using a person as such. If you want to make the attempt then you certainly can, but it would be a Grapple Roll in order to initiate and then use an actively struggling person as a club. This is the purview of the Jiujutsu skill, which Sosuke currently lacks. I'm just informing you of this so you'll know it will be difficult to manage should you take this course of action.

Frankly, as the rules are written I probably should have used Jiujutsu for the table. I just let it fly because it was pretty cinematic and decent strategy.
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[X] Attack your enemy.

Yeah, let's leave beating a fool with another fool for future assassins once we train in jujutsu and become even stronger. :p
[X] Aid Mataru

Given how his situation was previously described, he kind of needs some help.

Also, given the description of the wound we gave the guy in front of us, we only need to avoid getting shanked by him for a round or two before he collapses from blood loss and the need to hold his organs in.
[X] Attack your enemy.

We've taken some of the heat off of Mataru already, and it looks like one more good hit will take this guy out. At that point, we can engage the guy on Mataru, and if he needs to, he can just back off. Also, our other two comrades (one of whom has his weapon of choice, one of whom *is* his weapon of choice) are likely doing significantly better.

Leaving loose ends behind can be... unwise.