Grumpy Russian Bear (SV edition)
- Location
- Russia, Krasnoyarsk
*Sousuke does that courtier thing*
*two crits on five dice*
As usual, heh. Dice love that Hida Bushi Courtier thing.
*Sousuke does that courtier thing*
Frankly at this point it's just getting ridiculous.
I love how the good relations we've fostered with other clans is coming back to help us out."Not immediately," Hosaru responds. "They'll likely want some kind of proof the Scorpion and the Crab truly stand together. If the Crab can vouchsafe the intentions of the Scorpion, then perhaps headway can be made to removing Doji Noboru from these proceedings and a proper arrangement made between our two Clans."
I love how the good relations we've fostered with other clans is coming back to help us out.
Or... not? We aren't exactly super-manipulative. We don't *have* to be super-manipulative. At this point, the word has to have been spread, at least some. We got Glory for it, after all, and it was openly discussed with a Crane diplomat who was directly opposed to us over in the Dragon lands. Also, we're pretty good at tweaking stories. As for this guy... my read is that excessive manipulation will go over poorly. He's actually gone out on a limb for us to a degree. This is more in the vein of paying him back, both by sharing the story as a performance and by sharing the information. Also, there's a decent chance that he will find it convincing in any of a number of ways, and assuming we don't screw up, those are likely to be to our benefit.Is it actually a good idea to talk about what we did in Scorpion lands? A good amount of it can be easily spun to make them look bad, or for that matter to make us look bad- after all, tainted types getting past us is "clearly" a failure on our part, and the so-very-aware Scorpion failing to notice a brewing cult until it chose to reveal itself and attack is one on theirs. Even if we assume that this guy means to do well enough by us, he's loyal to the Crane first and will share whatever we say with his superiors, who can twist anything they know about us into a social weapon.
Perhaps it would be more prudent to simply get the names and locations of the key Scorpion present and involved, assure him that we will strive to bring this matter to an end that he would find satisfactory, and return to Yasuki Goro with what we've learned.
Edit: The reason to tell him must be to get him more on our side, to give a specific sort of impression when telling the tale so that he feels inclined to aid us somehow. But the current write-in to do so doesn't actually put forth any such objective; it's simply sharing information rather than a veiled pitch. If we want to tell that story we need a clear goal as to what we're accomplishing with it and how.
We do this:If we're going to save it for then, how can we possibly convince this Crane that out goals and the goals of the Scorpion are similar? We'll be rolling Storytelling, no matter how elaborate the story will be.
Unless you point out how to tell said story, of course.
Yeah, because actually providing that proof isn't our job. Heck, we don't even actually know what's going on; we literally just discovered that there are even Scorpion here because he told us. We can reasonably guess that the Scorpion are probably working to help us out on the basis that we have a positive relationship with them, and we can tell him that we think the Scorpion are on our side based upon what we currently know about the situation...The thing is that Hosaru wants a proof that the Scorpion and the Crab are together and are pushing towards the same goal and telling about what we did back on Kyuden Bayushi does exactly that. Your vote as it is doesn't cover that detail.
Is that vote going to be recognised?