Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

I don't deny that sneaking away is a viable path.
We can probably get away without being spottet as long as we get lucky.
It's just that we also have a good chance of taking them right out and I'd much rather play to our strengths rather than try something we're just plain not trained for.
Regarding the Nezumi i didn't expect that we'd fight with him on our back. I assumed we'd put him down before attacking... and get back to him after we finish them off.
Also consider that Heavy armor is going to penalize our stealth rolls (I don't remember completely by how much but I think it was a +10 difficulty increase...)
All in all I believe that attacking would work better.

So - you think that taking on three foes of unknown skill (probably individually less than ours, but certainly better than a goblin's, one asleep, given a surprise round, with unknown taint powers to deal with) is more likely to work and also leave us capable of travel afterwards than sneaking by, when we have almost every advantage for sneaking that there is? Really?

Also worth noting that if we do try to sneak and fail, we still have a chance to fight. It's not anything like as good a chance, but it is a chance, and the stone forest may make it easier for us to fight them one or two at a time. If we try to fight and fail, we can't go back and attempt to sneak afterwards.

Side note - for those voting for stealth, I really would encourage using a void point.
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Whatever y'all decide, you've got three and a half hours till the votes are locked. Just letting everyone know.
So - you think that taking on three foes of unknown skill (probably individually less than ours, but certainly better than a goblin's, one asleep, given a surprise round, with unknown taint powers to deal with) is more likely to work and also leave us capable of travel afterwards than sneaking by, when we have almost every advantage for sneaking that there is? Really?

Also worth noting that if we do try to sneak and fail, we still have a chance to fight. It's not anything like as good a chance, but it is a chance, and the stone forest may make it easier for us to fight them one or two at a time. If we try to fight and fail, we can't go back and attempt to sneak afterwards.

Side note - for those voting for stealth, I really would encourage using a void point.
Yes because we aren't trained for stealth.
If we were to manage getting away quietly without the noticing anything sure that would be great.
I just don't buy us managing something like that.
Only now we will have to do it on their terms without the advantage of surprise while carrying the Nezumi.
There's also the fact that if we leave them alive they might notice our trail and find us while we are resting. I don't like leaving enemies at my back alive.
If we tried sneaking away we'd roll 3k2 against an unkown TN and we'd suffer penalties from our heavy Armor and probably also from carrying the Nezumi...
As you mentioned they probably suffer penalties for their positioning so let's say they cancel each other out.
That means it comes down to us rolling better with an untrained skill against what is probably a trained skill for them (let's assume they only have Investigation 2 and Perception 2) meaning they get to roll 4k2 against our 3k2.
And that's assuming they don't have a taint power that allows them to see in darkness or increase their perception or something (which is also a posibility...)
I'd just much rather try my chances with something we're actually good at rather then trying to do something we suck at...
I believe you are massively overestimating their perceptiveness. We are attempting to sneak past unaware and inattentive foes with violently loud snoring immediately next to them. Also, you assume you will have the surprise round. Would that not also require a sneak check of some sort?
[X] Keep moving, quietly. As much as we would love to dispose of this scum, this isn't a fight we can win. And we can be fairly certain that once we've cleared this patrol we have an open path to Shinsei's Last Hope.
[X] Try to follow the tracks of whichever Nezumi these Lost wounded; hopefully, we can find out what happened to them.
- [X] Don't waste too much time on it, especially not until we are out of visual range of the Lost. It is highly likely that the Nezumi is currently either safe or dead
[X] There are two eating, staring into the fire, and the snores are killing their ability to hear. Move past in a way that will keep you out of their sight as best you can, but move by quickly. Make no loud noises, but don't worry too much about the standard noise of walking.
[X] Spend a void point​
[X] Keep moving, quietly. As much as we would love to dispose of this scum, this isn't a fight we can win. And we can be fairly certain that once we've cleared this patrol we have an open path to Shinsei's Last Hope.
[X] Try to follow the tracks of whichever Nezumi these Lost wounded; hopefully, we can find out what happened to them.
- [X] Don't waste too much time on it, especially not until we are out of visual range of the Lost. It is highly likely that the Nezumi is currently either safe or dead
[X] There are two eating, staring into the fire, and the snores are killing their ability to hear. Move past in a way that will keep you out of their sight as best you can, but move by quickly. Make no loud noises, but don't worry too much about the standard noise of walking.
[X] Spend a void point

Void Point Spent to temporarily gain Skill: Stealth. One Void Point remains.

Stealth Roll: 3k2=17

You've heard everything you need to. Chances are good these three Tainted souls wounded Gazat'ken yesterday. These dishonorable curs used poison on him, though from their words they might not have any more. You grit your teeth, tempted to rush in and bludgeon these fools into a fine paste for injuring your comrade.

Then you take a moment to breath, and think it through. You've got to get to Shinsei's Last Hope. If Gazat'ken was poisoned, then that means only you and Talak'tet are left to warn the village. Furthermore, you have to take care of the injured Jarit'ya. You gave your word, and you're not about to risk failure.

As quietly as you can, you move away from your position. Neither of the two Lost still awake are looking in your direction, just peering into their fire. You time your steps with the snores of the shark toothed lost, and you get an appreciable distance away. You think you're in the clear, when suddenly one of the Lost speaks up.

"You hear something?" he asks, and you stop dead behind one of the rocks. You hold your breath and listen as hard as you can, straining your ears to pick up every little noise.

"All I hear is wind and Hachi snoring," his companion says back. "Sound's all weird in this place."

"I could have sworn I heard something," the first one says again. "C'mon, I think we should start looking around."

"Seriously? But I want to eat the rest of the food!"

"You can eat after we check!" the first one snaps back. "Come on! I want to make sure it's nothing before we wake Hachi up. You know how much be complains when he doesn't get any sleep."

You hear the two Lost standing up and gathering their gear, and you can feel sweat bead down your forehead. These two don't know where you are, but they're still aware there's something making noise out in the forest of boulders. You've got to think of something fast.

[] Set Jarit'ya down and attack.
[] Stay still and hope they overlook you.
[] Cause a distraction and sneak away.
[] Write in.
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OK, given that they heard us I don't think our chances of getting away are too good. So lets set up the best possible combat circumstances. At least their third guy is likely out of range for a round or two.

[X] Set Jarit'ya down and attack.
-[X] If there is anything that could block line of sight as they come toward us, get behind it. Hopefully we can get the first swing in as they round the corner.
[x] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[x] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[x] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.

Their third guy is asleep - and waking him from this far away is going to be a trick. We likely won't have to deal with more than two-on-one at a time, at least - either one stays to fight us while the other goes back to wake shark-face, in which case we can probably end our dance-partner before they get back, or they double-team us, in which case shark-face may not wake up at all.

edit: EtchedSteel's arrangement was just better than mine, for the same idea. Upgrading.
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[X] Set Jarit'ya down and attack.
-[X] If there is anything that could block line of sight as they come toward us, get behind it. Hopefully we can get the first swing in as they round the corner.
[x] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[x] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[x] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.
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The basic difference between our votes is that mine is still holding out some hope that they'll give up and go back to the fire after nothing shows up for a while. Otherwise, they're basically identical.
Welp, not a victory, not a defeat. I can deal with this.

[x] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[x] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[x] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.

Simpler to read, and open for all options.
[X] Put one of our rations on top of a boulder, making it look like the most obvious trap imaginable
[X] When they stop to examine the obvious trap for whatever hidden trap is under it, we step out from another rock that's behind them and splatter them with our tetsubo.
Let's see if we can still salvage this...
[x] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[x] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[x] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.
[x] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[x] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[x] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.
[X] Set Jarit'ya down and attack.
-[X] If there is anything that could block line of sight as they come toward us, get behind it. Hopefully we can get the first swing in as they round the corner.
[X] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[X] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[X] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.
[X] We're almost clear. Get behind a large rock (if you aren't already) and set down Jarit'ya. Then stay still, tetsubo ready.
-[X] If they get too close, ambush them.
-[X] If they give up before they find you, that's great - hold still until they go away, then move off.

Y'all got really lucky with these guy's rolls, let me tell you.

Slowly, ever so carefully, you take Jarit'ya from your shoulders and set him down at your feet. The rock you're hiding behind is taller than you, and wide enough to hide you from sight. It's the best spot you're going to find without moving around, which would likely attract attention.

You tense, and keep both hands ready on your tetsubo. If either of these fallen souls comes toward you, there will be a single moment to strike before they can retaliate. You're determined to make it count.

You hear the Lost wander about the forest of boulders, looking around for the source of the noise they'd heard. But neither of them come near you. You'd already made it a good distance away from their camp before they'd detected your presence. Perhaps they'll keep looking in all the wrong places?

"I'm not seeing anything," one of the Lost says to his companion. "Are you sure you actually heard something out here?"

"Positive," he says back. "There's definitely something out here."

You shift your grip, waiting for them to walk near you. But they never do. The Lost wander about with their weapons drawn, making a circle around their camp. They don't venture out too far, though. Whether it be laziness or true martial caution, these two don't seem to want to wander too far away from their sleeping comrade.

"I'm not seeing anything," the first Lost says again. "Look, the wind makes weird noises in this place. Maybe that was it?"

"Could have sworn I heard footsteps," the other Lost says. "Maybe we should explore further?"

"It was the wind!" the first Lost responds, his tone exasperated. "Come on. Let's go back to camp and finish off the rest of the meat. I don't want to waste all the hours of our watch chasing after things that don't exist."

"Fine," the other Tainted man says back. "If you're going to keep whining." He grumbles a bit under his breath. "This is going to bother me all night."

You hear the two of them wander back to their camp, and restrain yourself from exhaling noisily. You didn't even notice you'd been holding your breath, readying yourself to attack at a moment's notice. But that doesn't seem like it will be necessary now. Whatever moment of insight that had aided that one former Samurai, it obviously didn't hold up.

Gently, taking care not to rattle Jarit'ya, you place your Nezumi comrade back over your shoulders. Then, moving as quickly and as quietly as you can, you make haste from the forest of boulders. After half an hour, you are back in open ground again.

The walk for a few more hours, and it starts to get dark. You look at the setting sun and wince, and you know you're going to have to stop for the night soon. But once again, you've not covered as much ground as you would have liked. The delay with the Lost didn't help matters, though you did learn some interesting information.

Kyosuke, you think to yourself. Could that be the one organizing the forces of the Shadowlands to the West?

"Burrow there-there," Jarit'ya says over your shoulder, taking you away from your thoughts. The Nezumi points to a collection of holes in the ground, like some giant beast had stabbed the earth with a spear several times. Which, for all you know, might actually have been the case. "Can stop-stop here. Is getting late-late."

[] Write in.
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Yeah. I feel bad for poor nezumi. If he only has one day before dying of poisoning (that is, assuming he could treat it in time), then getting into last hope became the top priority.

[] Keep going. We still have a few hours until full night kicks in. With luck we'll find whatever happened to Gazat'ken.
-[] Try to avoid any encounter, if posible. We would love to take our part of smashing foul creatures, but this is not the time to do so.
[] If it becomes to late, find some burrow/cave for rest.

As always, I'm open for ideas.

EDIT: Corrected a typo, and added a few more words in the name of english correctness.

2nd EDIT: strikethrough in favor of another vote!
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[x] Keep going. We still have a few hours until full night kicks in. With luck we'll find whatever happened to Gazat'ken.
-[x] Try to avoid any encounter, if posible. We'll take our part of smashing foul creatures, but this is not the time to do so.
[x] If it becomes to late, find some burrow/cave for rest.