[x] Lost Star
Etiquette/Willpower Roll: 7k4=44
-Sosuke has spent a Void Point to enhance this roll by 1k1. He has one Void Point remaining today.
For a brief, terrible instant you consider Nisshoku's words. What he is offering you is impossible. Bringing Shasa back to life? Closing the Festering Pit? These things cannot be done. The Karmic Wheel turns, and all souls must return to it before they eventually reach the Realm of Blessed Ancestors. As for the Pit, it has existed for over one thousand years and will likely continue till the end of time.
And yet if Nisshoku is truly an emissary of the Shadow Dragon, who is to say what is and is not possible? That creature is a being of strange and incomprehensible power, with abilities far beyond your mortal ken. Visions fill your mind of a world without Jigoku's foul touch, your Clan free from its never-ending duty, and you cannot help but desire it. Then your thoughts turn to Shasa, who died for you. She deserved so much better out of life than what she received.
What you would not give to see her alive again…
These feelings bubble within you, rising up your chest and filling your throat. Your mouth is full on the words to say yes to this gift, to agree to Nisshoku's offer. The Crab have suffered so much, you have suffered so much. Isn't it only right that you would see some recompense for your sacrifices?
Before you can speak, however, you remember your dreams. They seem so long ago now, even if they are only a few months past. You remember dreams of a man ridden by grief over the death of a loved one, making a deal with terrible creatures in answer to his pain. You remember a man, perhaps even a good man, taken down a dark path by his regrets and ultimately betrayed by his desire.
Shame blossoms in your heart, shame for your temptation and weakness. The similarities between you and Kohsa are all too obvious here. With that shame comes resolution, and you clench your jaw tight to stifle those damning words that almost slipped past your lips. They die a quick death, smothered and crushed before they can escape. Those dreams might have been prophetic, or they might not have been, but you will die before you accept a deal that could be the very same sin that caused Shasa's death in the first place.
You close your eyes and breathe in, then out. It takes you several moments to compose yourself, to fight away the lingering desire and the shame it brings. When next your open your eyes, your thoughts are clear. There can be no doubt of the path you must take.
"I must decline your gift, Nisshoku," you respond in as neutral a tone you can muster. It's so emotionless that you are almost screaming your displeasure with its apparent absence. "I have no use for what you offer, and wish no part of any bargains with you."
"I see," the creature replies. He gives you a wry smile. "Please answer me truthfully. Are we going through the full ritual where I need to offer three times, or should I just save us all the trouble?"
"I think you should leave the room now," you say, your tone not changing. You lean forward with one hand on your tetsubo. "There's nothing more we need to speak about."
"Ah, that answers that," Nisshoku says as he rises. He gives you a bow, still grinning, and walks toward the door. His smile widens as he looks over his shoulder toward you. "The best of fortune to you in your endeavors against Moto Shinichiro, Hiruma-sama. We wish you a swift and decisive victory."
You let out a sigh as the door closes behind you, shoulders slumping in sudden weariness. That whole ordeal has left you drained, and you are glad to be done with it. Even more, you are glad to be done with the dark creature that dares to hide behind a human face. They whisper words that would lead men and women astray, and you've no desire to further tarnish your ears with their filth.
Still, that was incredibly trying. You might be just about finished with this day… But no, of course you aren't. Nisshoku was only half of the danger in the room with you. The other half is still here, and you turn to address her.
"That wasn't easy for you, was it?" P'an Ku asks before you can speak, her expression pensive as she considers you. She seems to have sat back up some time in the last few minutes, her hands still playing with the puzzle box. "He was offering many things you want, but you refused."
"I…" you begin, not sure how to respond. You decide, as in almost all things, that honesty is the best course. "Yes, I did. It wasn't easy for me, but I did. His offer was poison, and would have corrupted anything it touched." You shake your head. "It's just not worth it."
"That is probably a good idea," P'an Ku says, nodding. Then her eyes widen, and she looks at you with dismay. "But if the mouth offered you a gift, surely I have to do the same! It's only proper, after all!"
P'an Ku's hands shift the tiles of the puzzle box, and you hear a clicking sound. The box opens up to reveal a set of faded prayer beads. You've seen many like this during your stay in Dragon lands, though only a few looked as worn. Only hints remain of the red lacquer that covers and protects the wood, and it is obvious these have seen great amounts of use in their time.
"Here!" P'an Ku says, smiling wide as she presents the beads. "I wanted to see you, and this has been an entertaining visit! So this is my gift to you!"
[] Accept the gift.
[] Refuse the gift.
[] Write in.