Also, guard tower signals are often limited to "We're under attack. Massive surge. Everyone get ready." or similarly crude signals. On the other hand, both Shinsei's Last Hope and Shiro Hiruma are likely to have shugenja and/or message birds who are able to send messages. If we head for one, and the ratlings head for the other, more than likely one group or the other will get through with the message.
Yes but they could receive notice to start defending thenselves ...
we don't realy know how much time we have...
I lie, we do have an idea.
it takes two day from here to any of the targets , and this group, aparentily was tasked to join one of them.
if travel time inside of the tunnels are the same (difficult to gauge) them we have at a minimum two days.
Of corse the attack could already be happening or will happen tomorrow.with this groups tasked to reach the army after the start of the engagement.
any one of this options are not very good for us, as try means that even if we reach the place in time , it may not be enough for a full defense.
on the other hand, we have two other options...
one is to go for the tower, sending our companions for one of the targets... This way, if we reach the tower and manage to get a full mobilization signal, the defense will be already in place when they get there.
if we don't manage, they will be able to give notice, with luck, in time.
the other option is for as one of us go to the tower or one of the target, the rest try to scout the tunnels for more information.
anyway I belive that the tower would be the best option