Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

[x] Explore the city
"Let's look around the city, maybe we can find more interesting times eh Shirou-san?"

You need to get the lay of the land. So far you've just restrained yourself to the castle proper, but that won't tell you everything about the customs and practices of the people who live here. You likely won't have much more to do with the negotiations now that you've told your story, but that doesn't mean you can't learn more about the Dragon.

"Let's look around the city," you say, smiling at your friend. "Maybe we can find more interesting times. Eh, Shirou-san?"

"It would not surprise me, Sosuke-sama," Shirou replies as you both walk toward the stairs. "Though hopefully not too interesting. You and Yasuki-sama are here for diplomatic reasons, after all."

A look reveals Shirou is keeping a pointedly straight face after saying those words, and you give a wry snort of amusement. You do have a tendency to get yourself into rather conspicuous situations whenever you walk into a town or city. It's almost become something of a recurring theme. It was the case in Kyuden Bayushi, Kyuden Ikoma, Tangan-mura...

Tangan-mura, where Shasa died…

The stink of blood fills your nostrils, suffusing you with the scent of sickly sweet iron. Nausea rises up in your throat, and you fight it down with everything you have. Everything is tainted by that smell, that terrible crimson tide, and for a moment you almost lose track of where you are. You gag, and only just manage to change it into a cough as Shirou eyes you with worry.

You force the memory of the cave, of the blood and the Oni, away as you clear your throat. Focus returns, and the cool scent of the mountains washes over you as you step out onto the valley side of Shiro Kitsuki. The chill purges what remains of that awful memory smell from your mind, and you revel in purity as you take a deep breath.

"Are you alright, Sosuke-sama?" your friend asks. "That seemed like a bad coughing fit earlier."

"I'm fine, Shirou-san," you answer. It's even true, now that you've had a moment to center yourself. "I just had a bit of nausea. It's likely the mountain air. Nothing to worry about."

He nods. "As you say, Sosuke-sama."

The two of you walk past the wall and into the city proper. Shiro Kitsuki isn't a large city, but it's still quite impressive considering the location. At this hour there are many who are going about their day. In that sense, it's like many cities you have passed through. Peasants and Samurai are performing tasks, or simply taking their ease after finishing their work. Some things are the same in every city.

What isn't the same are the number of craftsmen you see moving about, carpenters and stonemasons. Repairs are being done on a number of buildings, while others are being torn down to make way for new structures. Many of the houses and shops you see are quite new, no more than a decade or two old. Shiro Kitsuki, it seems, has gone through quite a bit of rebuilding.

Which is not surprising. The Dragon-Unicorn War, and more prominently Moto Shinichiro's rampage, tore through this city and into the mountains before heading south. Two terrible events, so close to each other, have left scars on the city that can be seen even now.

Perhaps that is why the merchant quarter of the city appears smaller than others you've seen? You glance over the street as you pass by, and its length is not impressive by any measurement. The Dragon Clan's focus on the spiritual, along with the still healing wounds of the past, seems the most likely reason for the lack of mercantile focus.

Which isn't to say there isn't a complete absence of earthly pursuits. You see a number of teahouses as you walk, as well as sake houses. It seems even with the Dragon's constant search for enlightenment, they still enjoy a good drink. There certainly won't be a lack of refreshment while you're staying here, that's for certain.

But most of all are the temples. It seems there is at least one on every street, often two or three! Some are grand structures, multiple stories rising into the air as if approaching the heavens. More often, however, the temples are single story affairs, a simple place to give worship and respect to both the ancestors and the Fortunes. Shrines, as well, sit at the entrance to every alleyway. Monks, mostly Togashi though you see some of the Brotherhood, chant sutras as they wander in a form of moving meditation and prayer.

You spend a good hour just walking and taking in the sights, enjoying the feel of the city. It is different from the festive and shadowy Kyuden Bayushi, or the robust and militaristic Kyuden Ikoma. It almost feels as if the city has grown out of the valley itself, emerging from the mountains like a natural outcropping. It seems… honest, if you had to choose a single word to describe it.

[] Write in.
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[x] "A lot of shrines here"

"There are certainly a lot of shrines here," you say, looking at one dedicated to Daikoku situated near a silk shop. Which only makes sense, since he is the Fortune of wealth. "And temples, as well."

Shirou glances at you and smiles. "Does it seem so strange? The Dragon are well known for their pursuit of enlightenment, as well as veneration of both the Tao of Shinsei and the Fortunes."

"I suppose so," you answer, moving out of the way of a group of chanting monks. "I've always known that from my studies on the other Clans, but seeing it right in front of me is a very different experience."

"The wider world often has a way of doing that," Shirou replies as you both cross another street, passing by a small temple holding the statue of a rough hewn man in peasant's garb. It is a structure venerating Ebisu, the Fortune of honest work. "We go out with our own preconceptions, and life will tear them down."

"You speak as if from experience," you reply, glancing at him askance. "Though I suppose you've seen quite a bit in your time traveling around Scorpion and Crab lands."

"And to other places around the Empire," Shirou says softly, his eyes looking at somewhere far away. "Though that was before I joined the Brotherhood."

There is silence then, and you both just walk along enjoying the afternoon. You do not wish to press Shirou on his past, at least not yet. He has alluded to some pieces of his life before, of traveling with his father. This obviously means a great deal to him, but you're not sure how to ask about it without being rude. Shirou is, after all, a monk. His former life is not something to pry into on a whim.

One thing does confuse you, however. Peasants are not allowed to travel great distances without express permission from Samurai, as with merchant caravans. That means Shirou's father was either a merchant… or he was a Samurai often granted leeway and papers by his lord to wander the Empire for some purpose.

Bah, you think, pushing those thoughts away. It's none of my business.

"I wonder if all the cities of the Dragon are like this," you say out loud. "If they are so ardent in their pursuit of enlightenment and veneration of the Fortunes, then I imagine we would see much the same elsewhere."

"I believe you would be correct," Shirou replies. "It is said the High House of Light is less a city, but instead a massive grouping of shrines and temples built into the mountains." He pauses for a moment, thinking. "Though it is also said that the High House of Light seems to change with every visit through its doors, so much so that many wonder if perhaps it is actually several such groupings dotting the mountainsides."

"That would be an impressive piece of engineering," you say. You're not of the Kaiu Family, but you can appreciate good architecture. "Especially so high in the mountains where the conditions are less than favorable."

"Indeed so, Sosuke-sama," he says with a nod. "I don't think I've ever told you this, but I must admit I find it heartening you've often shown such an interest in theology."

"Oh? What makes you think that?"

"You've taken time to visit shrines in several of the cities we've visited, as well as accompanied me to that Temple in Rugashi," Shirou responds, inclining his head in a shallow bow. "Forgive me if I am being offensive in my assumptions, but many of those trained in the Hida School do not care for such things. They focus purely on the never-ending war beyond the Wall, and pray almost entirely to the Fortune Bishamon, the Kami Hida and his son Osano-wo. From what I've observed, showing further interest in the Heavens seems rather uncommon."

You consider that for a few moments, and you can't say Shirou is exactly wrong. The war against the Shadowlands goes on every minute of every hour of every day. There is never a year where Crab Samurai do not die in defense of the Empire, and this breeds a rather understandable focus on earthly matters rather than spiritual. There's just so little time to give proper veneration to all the Fortunes, not when you have to worry if some giant monstrosity is going to assault the Wall or that some goblins might get clever and climb up the battlements in an attempt at a surprise attack.

But you'd like to think the Crab spend time honoring the other Fortunes in little ways, by embracing their aspects in what little time to relax they have. Not even the warriors of the Crab are fighting all the time. You do rotations and take breaks, for just as the sword will fall apart without maintenance so too will the body.

An outsider looking in might not notice this, however. In truth, the Bushi of the Crab might not notice it either. It could all just be your idle musings, born from a desire to believe that in your own ways you and your comrades give the Fortunes the respect they are due.

It may be that this is so, but you'd still like to believe you are correct.

[] Write in.
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[x] Voice your theory, about how the Crab honour the Fortunes in little ways without consciously realizing it, to Shirou. Get his thoughts on the matter.

The vote could probably use a bit of polishing, but I think it would make for an interesting conversation.
[x] Stop into a likely looking temple, and pay your respects.

Not saying this should be the complete vote, but it seems like we ought to fit "actually go into one of the temples, and actually worship" to the list of things to do while we're out here checking out all of the temples. Sousuke is a man of action, and all that.
[x] Voice your theory, about how the Crab honour the Fortunes in little ways without consciously realizing it, to Shirou. Get his thoughts on the matter.
[x] Voice your theory, about how the Crab honour the Fortunes in little ways without consciously realizing it, to Shirou. Get his thoughts on the matter.
[x] Stop into a likely looking temple, and pay your respects.
[x] Voice your theory, about how the Crab honour the Fortunes in little ways without consciously realizing it, to Shirou. Get his thoughts on the matter.
[x] Stop into a likely looking temple, and pay your respects.
[x] Voice your theory, about how the Crab honour the Fortunes in little ways without consciously realizing it, to Shirou. Get his thoughts on the matter.
[x] Stop into a likely looking temple, and pay your respects.
[x] Voice your theory, about how the Crab honour the Fortunes in little ways without consciously realizing it, to Shirou. Get his thoughts on the matter.
[x] Stop into a likely looking temple, and pay your respects.

"I think my Clan honors the Fortunes in little ways, Shirou-san," you reply as you continue down the street. "Perhaps it isn't consciously, but I feel that the Crab gives proper deference to Heaven by embracing the aspects the Fortunes represent during our lives."

"An interesting thought, Sosuke-sama," Shirou responds. "But then, could we not all be said to be honoring the Fortunes every day?" He waved a hand around him, taking in the city and the people within it. "After all, most every citizen of the Empire embodies the aspects of the Fortunes, for the Fortunes are supposed to represent those actions within our mortal world."

"Perhaps so," you say softly, frowning as you give your friend's words the considering they deserve. "But I would like to think that life itself honors Heaven, Shirou-san. I want to believe that we show our deference in little ways, and let the Fortunes determine whether or not it is enough."

"What use, then, is there for prayer?" Shirou asks. "If life honors Heaven, then why would so many beseech the Fortunes their attention and blessings?"

"I don't know, Shirou-san," you answer, shrugging. "I'm no scholar, thinking upon matters of spiritual and theological import. I'm just a Bushi trying to do his duty, as we all must." You sigh. "Maybe I'm wrong, but with how much time we must spend in defense of the Wall I would like to believe that Heaven understands and accepts reverence even in the most meager of ways."

"I can't help but agree with you, Sosuke-sama," Shirou says. Your eyes widen, and he grins at your expression. "Heaven is strict, but I do not believe it to be without understanding. Your Clan's time is dedicated to duty, and so you must give your devotion in what ways you can."

"But your questions…" you begin, trailing off as Shirou chuckles.

"Should not every belief be confronted, if only to affirm it more soundly?" he asks, his mirth fading until all that was left was a small smile. "I am of similar thoughts to you, Sosuke-sama. Many would disagree, but I belong to the Order of Osano-wo. What is most important is living life and never backing away from adversity. This, more than anything else, is what the Fortune of Fire and Thunder asks of us."

You nod. It makes complete sense, of course. Shirou's sect of the Brotherhood is one of the most concerned with worldly matters, and follows the path of a Fortune who elevated himself through his own deeds. For him, it would only be natural that life itself is an exultation of Heaven.

These aren't matters you normally concern yourself with, but you must admit it feels good to have another share your feelings. All too often people look upon the Crab as strange and brutish, never bothering to give thought as to your reasons. In the face of that, understanding is a welcome change.

"Let's find a temple to pray at," you say, breaking the silence. "All of life may honor Heaven, but it certainly doesn't hurt to give special commitment."

"That sounds like a fine idea."

You both make your way down to the end of the path and turn. Sure enough, there are temples down this way just as there were with the others. Two stand amongst the houses, and you choose the one on your side of the street more out of convenience than anything else.

The temple is austere, but well maintained. The wooden floor is clean, and the ceiling supported by thick pillars. Candles are set in placeholders on each of the pillars, and there is a heavy scent of incense to the air. The air is hazy because of it, and it grants the temple an almost otherworldly atmosphere as you step inside.

All across the walls there are shallow alcoves, each filled with a monk sitting in deep meditation. A few, to your shock, even seem to have gathered a light coating of dust. They must have been meditating for days! How could anyone sit still for so long, keeping that kind of focus?

Your attention doesn't stay on the monks for long, however. It is swiftly drawn to the end of the temple, where there rests fourteen statues in two sets of seven. It takes you but a moment to recognize them, for all who live should know these men and women.

They are the Seven Thunders, both old and new. They are the saviors of the Empire.

[] Pray (Write in prayer.)
[] Leave.
[] Write in.
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[X]"Seven Thunders, please smile apon those who serve the Empire, regardless of path they take to do so. Oh, and Hida-Sama? Please watch over the protectors of the Empire, no matter their Clan." 'Clap, Clap'
[x] Write in:

What can one say too these 14 heroes, legends that even now are taught to their clans when they are young?

Hida Atarasi, son of Hida Kami himself, who walked forth that fateful day to protect the Empire, when his father could not
Doji Konishiko, even if she is a Crane, she is one of respect, taking up her brother's blade when he could not
Lord Mirumoto, the greatest swordsman to live, the one to guide the rest when the Little Teacher himself could not
Lady Matsu, the pride of the Lion, who showed defiance even to Akodo-no-kami, striking down the foe he could not
Lord Isawa, genius of the age, crafter of the Black Scrolls, who bound Fu Leng for a thousand Years when others could not
Lady Shoshuro, the sole survivor, whose promise to the kami was stronger than any foe coming home when others could not
Lady Otaku, casting defiance and arguably winning the First Day of Thunder by her sacrifice where others could not

For a thousand years all Samurai have remembered these names, have honoured them, have looked to their spirits for guidance. They were human yes, but that seems a very small thing compared to what they accomplished.

Slowly my eyes turn to the Second Thunders, their tales are still young, but no less powerful by comparison.

Hida Yakamo, who became the sun, and bearer of the Jade Hand
Doji Hoturi, lord of the Crane, greatest swordsman of his time, who struck the final blow at the cost of his own life
Mirumoto Hitomi, who became the moon and bearer of the Obsidian hand, bound by a strange fate to Lord Yakamo
Lord Toturi, founder of a dynasty that still rules today, hero of the Clan Wars, and saviour of the Empire more than once
Isawa Takada, possibly the greatest master of the Earth kami there ever was, and sole reason that Doji Hoturi could strike
Bayushi Kachiko, villain, hero, both of these things who showed the way.
Otaku Kamoko, redeemer of the Moto, killer of the mad Yogo Junzen, and first to strike that day.

What does one say?

I am unsure if they want great words or long ones or pretty ones...I am a Crab at heart, maybe I should be simple?

"Oh Seven Thunders, heed me this day, I honour you for your sacrifices, and your deeds. I will not ask for guidance, for your lives are guidance enough, but I thank you for for the guidance you have already given, and ask that you smile on your Clans still."

There no problem with that right?