Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

[x] Respond as is proper
-[x] compliment them both on their prowess

You blink in surprise at the woman's tone. Even more, you can't help but be shocked by her posture. Every muscle in Kimi's body is tense, and she is obviously ready to strike at a moment's notice. For a moment you consider that she might still be filled with the rush of her spar, but that doesn't seem to fit. She spoke amicably enough to Shirou when the fight was over, after all.

That leaves you at a bit of a quandary as to your response. Her tone is disrespectful, for certain, but considering this woman's age and skill you're not certain you're of sufficient status to admonish her on this. The woman is clearly at least ten years your senior, which no doubt has gained her some measure of prestige.

Even more, she is a Monk. A Monk associated with a Clan, certainly, but still a Monk. That allows certain leeway with interactions on her part. Less so than if she was of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, but enough that she can get away with some irregularity in how she addresses Samurai.

She said she is of the Kikage Zumi… You rack your brain on that, and don't come up with more than just general history of how they were folded into the Togashi Tattooed Order as a sect. Frankly, you're surprised to see one of them. Not many have been seen anymore outside of Dragon Lands, though you suppose that means little considering where you are.

"My greetings," you say, opting to simply ignore the rudeness of her tone. "My name is Hiruma Sosuke, and I would like to say-"

"I know who you are," Kimi says, cutting you off. "You are of the Crab Clan, and one who has built himself quite the reputation for one so young." She sneers at you, barring her teeth. "One might wonder if you are truly deserving of it."

You frown, eyes narrowing. "I don't appreciate being spoken to that way."

"That's entirely the reason why I'm doing it," Kimi says, moving closer to you. She only comes up to your chest, but she almost seems to loom over you. You notice her feet have moved into a combat stance, but her arms stay by her sides. "You have a reputation for fine words, Crab, but such things mean nothing to me coming from you. Yours is the Clan that slew my Founding Lady's brother and sent her on a path of madness. I have no interest in hearing anything you say."

Kimi turns her back on you and walks away, rounding a corner even as you open your mouth to respond. You scowl in the direction she's gone, wondering just what you had done to bring the woman's ire upon you. Considering her words, however, it seems you just being in her presence is enough to make her angry.

And yet she restrained from striking you despite obviously wishing to. That means she has some understanding of tact, at least. Enough to know that striking a member of a visiting delegation merely for engaging in conversation would end poorly for her.

And here you believed you might be free of such tumultuous political interactions after leaving court. Reality, as it is with so much in your life, does not appear to be so charitable.

"I must apologize, Sosuke-sama," Shirou says softly, walking up to your side. "I certainly wasn't expecting anything like that when I began introductions."

[] Write in.
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So Remember when we talked about how Hitomi hated Yakamo, because he killed her brother?
Hitomi made the Kikage. We don't know that IC but just explaining it, and my bad for not catching that earlier.

[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."
[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."
[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."
[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."
[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."
[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."
[x] "....She's stubborn, but it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."

You glare after where Kimi went for a few moments more, thinking over the confrontation. She is obviously passionate and strong, both fine qualities in anyone. Unfortunately, she's also very much inclined to hate you over events that happened over one hundred years ago.

Grudges like these… Today has been an abject lesson on how they linger and warp into something nasty. The Doji antagonized you mostly because you were there, and Togashi Kimi is angry with you for something that happened long before your time.

Though you can't be certain you're much better. After all, the moment you saw the Crane courtier you decided to avoid her, making a judgement based on the very same events that encouraged her to provoke you. The Crab and the Crane have butted heads over the defection of the Yasuki Family for centuries, neither giving an inch on the matter. The wars over it have only increased the bitterness.

For a moment you wonder what the world would be like if both your Clans simply let go, forgive and forget the whole issue. But no, that is impossible. After so much time it would bring great shame to simply drop the matter. Neither Crab nor Crane can stand for that, and so you will continue to quarrel over these events. It seems inevitable.

But for some reason, you can't help but feel a pang of sorrow over that fact. You've grown up on stories of the wonders the Clans can accomplish when they work together, and even seen it with your own eyes. Why must such things only happen during a crisis? Why can't this be how things always are, instead of what must happen to ensure survival at the eleventh hour?

You have no answer for these questions.

"She's stubborn," you say at last, turning to your friend. "But it's not your fault she holds a grudge for something that happened before either of us were born in this life."

"The past will always hold influence on we who must live in the present," Shirou says softly. The monk looks after where went and smiles sadly, his expression pensive. "It is just something we have to live with, bearing the consequences for events long since concluded."

"Wise words, as always," you respond. "Though I must admit they're a bit depressing. Can there be no escape from the past then, Shirou-san?"

"The past is what forges us into what we are today, Sosuke-sama," Shirou replies, turning back to you. "We must always acknowledge that truth." He pauses. "Though perhaps this, too, can be a trap. We must be wary to not look so deeply into the past that we let it shackle us. All the world is a circle, continuing without end, but that doesn't mean we must repeat the same mistakes again and again."

"I'm not one for philosophy, Shirou-san," you say with a shrug of your shoulders. "I leave that sort of thing for the scholars and the monks… Though I admit, I wouldn't mind speaking further over some tea."

"Would I be remiss in assuming there is a break in the negotiations?" Shirou asks.

"You would not be," you respond. "The talks are likely continuing in their own ways, but with Kitsuki Ryojiro-sama handling other matters it seems the major court functions are complete for right now. Yasuki-sama has given me leave for the time being."

"Then I suppose we should make the most of it!" Shirou says, smiling. "What would you like to do, Sosuke-sama?"

That is a good question. You spent a little under two hours with the court function, so it is now approaching afternoon. There is plenty of time left in the day for other things, if you so wish. If Yasuki-sama requires you, then a messenger will no doubt be sent. You've more than enough opportunity to do whatever you wish.

You merely have to choose.

[] Explore the city. [Write in.]
[] Stay in the castle. [Write in.]
[] Investigate The Pale Radiance.
[] Write in.
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[x] Explore the city
"Let's look around the city, maybe we can find more interesting times eh Shirou-san?"
[x] Explore the city

To know and understand the locals, and thus, find new truths. (Helps with manipulation, too.)
[x] Explore the city
"Let's look around the city, maybe we can find more interesting times eh Shirou-san?"

Ah yes the good ol a-fightin and a-feudin in a grand scale...

How about that message we got earlier about that teahouse? anyone fancy walking in a trap? :p
[x] Explore the city
"Let's look around the city, maybe we can find more interesting times eh Shirou-san?"
For a moment you wonder what the world would be like if both your Clans simply let go, forgive and forget the whole issue. But no, that is impossible. After so much time it would bring great shame to simply drop the matter. Neither Crab nor Crane can stand for that, and so you will continue to quarrel over these events. It seems inevitable.
So, how heretical would it be to attempt to smooth this over through a fusion of the clans?

If not that, turn the Yasuki into an exchange program. Giving the clans exposure both to each other and the threats they face would go a long ways towards soothing the hatred between them.

If we can keep it up, I expect tensions to lessen within a few generations.
Basically, the way to fix this stuff is to do something sufficiently awesome and/or helpful for them (by their own lights) that they're honor-bound to like you, rather than dislike you. The problem is that the default Crane and the default Crab work in such different areas of endeavor, and are so fundamentally dissimilar that there's very little opportunity for that sort of thing. Also, the scorpion are much closer, have many more common interests, and are basically the Crane's natural enemies... so when we need courtier support, we tend to go to them, instead.
So, it seems exploring the city is going to win. Does anyone have something in mind they'd like to see in Shiro Kitsuki? I can just have Sosuke and Shirou wandering, but if you all have something specific you'd like to do you should probably let me know.
So, it seems exploring the city is going to win. Does anyone have something in mind they'd like to see in Shiro Kitsuki? I can just have Sosuke and Shirou wandering, but if you all have something specific you'd like to do you should probably let me know.
Since I know very little about L5R, I'm just curious to see what it's like, and whether they find/see anything interesting.
Shrines and temples are usually good to check up on if we need specific destinations, but getting a feel for the city and comparing it to other places he's been is an important objective for Sosuke's ongoing education in how the rest of the world lives.
I'm a fan of the mostly "shrines and temples" plan. This is a good opportunity to offer some prayer up to the fortunes, and Sousuke could use some esoteric insight, if he can get any. The shrines are also at least as likely to offer insight into the Dragon way of doing things as anything else is. Maybe hit a tea-house afterwards.