Glory of the Emerald Empire (Legend of the 5 Rings Quest)

[x] Put away your things and explore Kyuden Ikoma.
-[x] Check if any of your companions would care to join you.
-[x] Make sure you keep your arms and armor on - just in case.
-[x] This is the home of a family known for its storytelling. That has to have made its way into the local culture. See if you can find an appropriate place where stories are told.
-[x] Don't stay out too long, though. It would be a terrible embarrassment if anyone so august as Yasuki Goro or Ikoma Kiyoshi had to wait for you - and leaving a bit of time for cleansing is also likely a good idea.
Nah man, strict code of who is in charge. If the Lord of the castle said no guests, then its not an insult to anyone involved. They are a daiymo, we (Yasuki Goro included) are just Samurai. There was no insult.

IIRC, offering hospitality is an obligation, not a choice, under the Rokogungi social code.

There's a strict hierarchy, but the duties are mutual. As a daimyo, he has responsibilities to live up to, and the implication of us turning us away is that we're not actually due the level of respect we should be as samurai.
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IIRC, offering hospitality is an obligation, not a choice, under the Rokogungi social code.
It's interesting - she says "further guests" - suggesting that there are guests already there. Also, she invites us to dinner in a way that implies that her lord wouldn't exactly approve, but didn't tell her explicitly not to. Now, she is a courtier, and this is surely all part of the dance - but this isn't scorpion lands anymore.

It is entirely possible that nothing untoward is going on, but... well, if it were the case that there were guests in the castle that the diamyo wished to keep hidden from outsiders, and she were a loyal and honourable Lion who could not honourably disobey her lord, but wished that certain things be brought to light "accidentally".... Perhaps I have spent too long among the Scorpion, but this is almost *exactly* how I would expect her to act in that case.

This... if it occurs to Sousuke to think it, it's speculation that he probably wouldn't even share with Yasuki Goro without further corroboration, but... well, there is no dishonour in a Yojimbo remaining alert and attentive to his duties, is there?
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IIRC, offering hospitality is an obligation, not a choice, under the Rokogani social code.

There's a strict hierarchy, but the duties are mutual. As a daimyo, he has responsibilities to live up to, and the implication of us turning us away is that we're not actually due the level of respect we should be as samurai.

Actually there is no reason to think something's wrong here. Is a fact the daimyo is out and therefore she's following her superior's orders.

A daimyo has no reason to offer hospilarity and let samurais from another clan into his castle, unless he directly says so. We're a caravan that is just passing through. Is a manner of respect, yes, but is not an obligation.

So no grudges there.

It's interesting - she says "further guests" - suggesting that there are guests already there. Also, she invites us to dinner in a way that implies that her lord wouldn't exactly approve, but didn't tell her explicitly not to. Now, she is a courtier, and this is surely all part of the dance - but this isn't scorpion lands anymore.

It is entirely possible that nothign untoward untoward is going on, but... well, if it were the case that there were guests in the castle that the diamyo wished to keep hidden from outsiders, and she were a loyal and honourable Lion who could not honourably disobey her lord, but wished that certain things be brought to light "accidentally".... Perhaps I have spent too long among the Scorpion, but this is almost *exactly* how I would expect her to act in that case.

This... if it occurs to Sousuke to think it, it's speculation that he probably wouldn't even share with Yasuki Goro without further corroboration, but... well, there is no dishonour in a Yojimbo remaining alert and attentive to his duties, is there?

On the other hand, they're the Lion. I don't think they would something than would corner us. Is just a dinner for what I can see, and that doesn't mean we're staying. They wouldn't allow us anyway.


Perhaps we should stay at the inn and as for Yasuki's opinnion? Don't know if that's the right thing to do anyway.

Also, Sosuke will keep his armor and weapons while inside Kyuden Ikoma, specially after the what happened last time the shadowlands minnions showed up. Going somewhere that doesn't occupy much time would be good. A theather play is... time consuming, being honest there.

@Winged Knight, is there anything appart of the theather Kyuden Ikoma can offer? Like some other place to hang around? Or is it something we need to find out ourselves, since we don't have knowledge of the city?
Kyuden Ikoma doesn't offer much in the way of theater. They'd have storytellers instead - and stories tend to be shorter than all-out plays. Also, they're not as much of an event, so if we have to walk out early, it won't be as big a deal.
[X] Sirrocco

And add me to the list of people who thinks there's something fishy. A flat refusal to offer hospitality is not the way Rokugani work, especially not family daimyo; the ordinary way would be to provide some excuse that is understood as a refusal without being blunt about it. Further, I'm not certain that giving such explicit orders to a subordinate you trust enough to have them manage your affairs when you're away is normal, especially when you're not traveling all that far; the implied lack of faith in their judgment would be insulting.
Actually there is no reason to think something's wrong here. Is a fact the daimyo is out and therefore she's following her superior's orders.

A daimyo has no reason to offer hospilarity and let samurais from another clan into his castle, unless he directly says so. We're a caravan that is just passing through. Is a manner of respect, yes, but is not an obligation.

So no grudges there.
Sure, she in particular is not being insulting, but her superior might. That's kinda my question, since I don't know if Rokugan's traditions have a mandatory "offer hospitality" rule, or even a "not an obligation" obligation (You know, the "you don't have to do it, so long as you do it" kind). And the difference in rank here doesn't actually matter that much since our group is essentially a diplomatic envoy in service to our clan, not just a bunch of ronin or something unimportant.

So, yeah, it felt weird. Not a mortal insult (maybe to crane/scorpion/lion that's either rather extreme or actually looking for excuses to challenge someone to a duel), but it's unusual enough that it makes me wary.
Walking around with weapons and armor means you're spoiling for a fight, it's seen as an insult to the rulers of the area that they can't keep things safe, please take it out of the vote before we end up fighting off a couple of Matsu. Yes it means we're more squishy, but dammit we don't need to insult them when things are already tense. (Technically we shouldn't have done it at Kyuden Bayushi, but I suspect the Scorpion were A) using it as black mail possibly B) more used to Crab. )
It is indeed that is a bit odd, but a daimyo not being hospitalary with samurais of other clans is not an insult, or a obbligation. Is an act of good faith and great respect, and nothing more.

What happened in Kyuden Bayushi was because Chizara wanted an audience with Yasuki, and thus was the correct thing to do. This is not the case.

Lion courtiers, and Ikoma in particular, are better known for their honesty. Hmm... don't know if we should do an etiquette roll here, just to know if Sosuke knows what just happened here, before anything else.

Nonetheless, Yasuki accepted the offer anyway, so we have to stick to it.
And add me to the list of people who thinks there's something fishy. A flat refusal to offer hospitality is not the way Rokugani work, especially not family daimyo; the ordinary way would be to provide some excuse that is understood as a refusal without being blunt about it. Further, I'm not certain that giving such explicit orders to a subordinate you trust enough to have them manage your affairs when you're away is normal, especially when you're not traveling all that far; the implied lack of faith in their judgment would be insulting.

This is actually a very good critique, and perhaps a lesson to me not to write updates at 1:00 in the morning... I think I'll have to rewrite that snippet of dialogue to be less blunt.

Edit: Segment edited to be less blunt. My apologies for the confusion.
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Well... that's actually quite a lot less suspicious.
Walking around with weapons and armor means you're spoiling for a fight, it's seen as an insult to the rulers of the area that they can't keep things safe, please take it out of the vote before we end up fighting off a couple of Matsu. Yes it means we're more squishy, but dammit we don't need to insult them when things are already tense. (Technically we shouldn't have done it at Kyuden Bayushi, but I suspect the Scorpion were A) using it as black mail possibly B) more used to Crab. )
@Winged Knight could we get an etiquette check on this?
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Etiquette Roll: 6k3= 18

If you were to step inside the Daimyo's meeting room armed, or wear your armor and weapons at all times while staying as a guest within his castle, it would be an insult. It would imply you do not think the Daimyo can protect you within his stronghold. However, you're also a Yojimbo and it is your duty to protect your lord. As such, while wearing your armor to the dinner would likely be slightly insulting, bringing your arms to be hung on a nearby rack would not be. It's only expected you'd have your weapons nearby in order to fulfill the letter and spirit of your obligations.

As for walking around the city itself? You can be armed and armored all you want as far as that's concerned. No one will particularly mind.
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Etiquette Roll: 6k3= 18

If you were to step inside the Daimyo's meeting room armed, or wear your armor and weapons at all times while staying as a guest within his castle, it would be an insult. It would imply you do not think the Daimyo can protect you within his stronghold. However, you're also a Yojimbo and it is your duty to protect your lord. As such, while wearing your armor to the dinner would likely be slightly insulting, bringing your weapons to be hung on a nearby rack would not be. It's only expected you'd have your arms nearby in order to fulfill the letter and spirit of your obligations.

As for walking around the city itself? You can be armed and armored all you want as far as that's concerned. No one will particularly mind.
Do we get any leeway for being a Crab, I remember them bringing arms and armor into Geisha houses regularly?
Do we get any leeway for being a Crab, I remember them bringing arms and armor into Geisha houses regularly?

You get some leeway, yes, as it is often expected for Crab to not care about these kinds of things. It doesn't really make it less insulting, in an objective sense, but people aren't as bothered by it since from the Crab it's not all that surprising.
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[x] Cannongerbil

Evening is quite some time away, and while you should keep the dinner in mind it is not an especially pressing concern right now. So long as you give yourself enough opportunity to clean up and get ready you'll be fine. Half the reason for traveling is to see the sights, after all. It would be a shame if you did not indulge a little while you have the chance.

You turn to your comrades. Shasa is busy collecting what luggage she requires from her saddlebags, and Shirou is helping the servants carry things inside. You approach both of them, a smile on your face.

"It seems we have some time to explore this grand city," you say. "I plan to take advantage of this. Would either of you care to join me?"

"I would be happy to!" Shirou says, grinning. "As I said on the way here, I'm looking forward to what we might discover."

"I'm afraid I will have to pass for now," Shasa says. "I wish to properly rest up for the dinner tonight, and since we are not staying in the castle I wish to be on hand in case Yasuki-sama requires aid beyond what the Ashigaru can provide."

You nod. It is a good reason, and in your excitement it slipped your mind that this time around you are not housed within a fortified castle for protection. Yasuki Goro will need at least one of his guardians close by. It is, after all, the reason you and Shasa are Yojimbo.

However, your lord also has two Yojimbo for precisely this occurrence. When one is away, the other can stand guard. In this manner it helps prevent ennui and monotony from dulling the senses and perhaps slowing your reactions should you require swiftness.

"You are correct, of course," you say, bowing to her. "I should have considered such before asking my question. I apologize."

"There is nothing to apologize for, Sosuke-san," Shasa replies. She smiles at you, making her look even more beautiful than she normally does. "You are merely excited to see what this city has to offer. I understand."

"I would not deny you the wonders of Kyuden Ikoma, Shasa-san," you respond as you straighten, taking great care to keep from blushing. "We can switch later, and I will stand guard to give you an opportunity."

"My thanks, Sosuke-san," she says, smiling wider. This time you cannot stop a hint of redness from showing on your cheeks. "I appreciate your graciousness, and will be sure to take you up on that offer."

She bows to you, and then heads inside of the inn. You stare after her for a second, and then shake your head to clear it. You look toward the wagon, where Shirou has been standing with his back turned, apparently for the entire conversation you had with Shasa.

You smile in relief, glad that he did not observe your lapse of composure. It was slight, but even still it grates on you when it happens. Shasa… She makes you feel strange at times, uncomfortable even. But it is almost like a good discomfort, though that makes no sense at all.

I'm going to need to ask someone about this, one of these days, you think to yourself as you grab your bag off of your horse. You head inside 'The Stalking Lion', where a helpful servant leads you to your room on the third floor. It is directly adjacent Yasuki Goro's, which is perfect for you.

The room is well furnished, with a large bed and a wide rug upon the floor, but pales in comparison to the opulence of Kyuden Bayushi. In truth, you find that to be a good thing. The glitter of the Scorpion castle was distracting, meant to disorientate visitors. But here, there are no illusions. This is a place meant for comfort and rest, nothing else.

You stow away your luggage and head back outside. Shirou is waiting for you, arms crossed and his eyes closed. He opens them as you approach, smiling wide. He's apparently as ready as you are to get going.

"Shall we see what there is to see?" he asks, motioning a hand toward the street. "The city awaits."

[] Detail your plan for the afternoon. (Write in)
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[x] Go with Shirou and explore the city
-[x] Start with finding a place where the storytellers usually hang around.
-[x] Don't stay to much time there, remember you told Shasa to switch with her.
[X] Go with Shirou and explore the city
-[X] Start with finding a place where the storytellers usually hang around.
-[X] Don't stay to much time there, remember you told Shasa to switch with her.
[x] Go with Shirou and explore the city
-[x] Start with finding a place where the storytellers usually hang around.
-[x] Don't stay to much time there, remember you told Shasa to switch with her.
[X] Go with Shirou and explore the city
-[X] Start with finding a place where the storytellers usually hang around.
-[X] Don't stay to much time there, remember you told Shasa to switch with her.
[x] Go with Shirou and explore the city
-[x] Start with finding a place where the storytellers usually hang around.
-[x] Don't stay to much time there, remember you told Shasa to switch with her.
[X] Go with Shirou and explore the city
-[X] Start with finding a place where the storytellers usually hang around.
-[X] Don't stay to much time there, remember you told Shasa to switch with her.