Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

So the story goes that one week, way back when, Autochthon got really bored, wandered off into Elsewhere and built himself a massive facility where he could retreat if he suddenly realized he had gotten himself in actual danger. Sadly, physics being what it is in Elsewhere, the place is crooked, with bent walls, strange lights through the full wall-windows, and a tendency of things smelling like lavender.

It is, however, well appointed and quite safe. The floors are all at a slight angle but sturdy, the wood is freshly varnished, and the ceilings high enough to accommodate even is twenty meter-tall encounter bodies. However, the acoustics are a little off, so it does make him wince a bit and take a step back in his suit when the lovely young woman- who's fake mustache has fallen off in the confusion- screams at the top of her lungs and retreats against the far wall.

"Yes! Yes! No need to scream, the transit is over." The head of the giant opens with a burst of steam. Collapsing onto its shiny golden ass, the armor releases the sphere. It floats over, iris shifting open and shut, light playing over the wide-eyed face of the deity. "Before we begin, would you like something to drink? Or perhaps lie down?"

The back of the sphere opens up like a blooming flower. But instead of pollen and stems, eight skeletal golden arms come out, each ending in a different appendage or manipulator. Some of which glow. "Now, now are you unhurt?" The iris shifts and the sphere tilts. "Because you seem a little put out-"

Her shrieking comes to an abrupt end. Not because she has stopped screaming, but because her voice has given out. One appendage, a glowing bulb, wanders close to he collar where her fake mustache had fallen. An alarmed warble and he pulls it back. The wax construct, partially melted, snaps back and reforms on her lip.

"Sorry sorry," he says. The wall behind the sphere shifts and folds down. A blast of heat hits them both, the sphere turning a deeper, richer gold and the wax melting down her lip. The furnace behind Autochthon glows blue, then shifts down into the floor and is replaced by a series of overflowing clay jars.

Autochthon turns. The iris shifts wide. "My that's a lot of prayer. Let me get you something to drink." The sphere ambles over to the jars, humming to himself.

It hovers in front of the jars. The floor beneath the sphere opens, and another encounter suit- half the size of the one that abducted her, barely more than two meters tall, rises up. The sphere slides into an opening in the back, and large golden hands gathering up shimmering liquid. "Ah! Yes! Jadeborn. Good, good, they're still around need to do something about them..."

Golden lightning and crystal fire plays over a sphere of shimmering liquid hovering between his hands. It expands out, first into a large, antique plate. Upon it forms cups and a kettle. A stream of liquid rises from one of the jars on the floor and becomes rich brown tea before dripping into the cups and then filling the kettle.

"Please don't kill me," the god says, her voice faintly higher than a whisper.

The tray, cups, and kettle drop to the floor. The golden giant almost topples over from spinning so fast. He stammers for a long moment, then finally forms a coherent, "What?"

"Please don't kill me," she repeats, voice a strained squeak, her hands gripping her arms, "I don't want to die. I don't want to be turned into starmetal." Shoulders shake, eyes still locked on Autochthon, even as he gestures and the tray, cups and all rise into the air next to him. "I don't want to die," she repeats, stammering out words, "I don't want to die. I really, really don't want to die."

The tray hovers in front of her. The golden man tilts his head. Some dim thoughts, recognition, spark through the mind of the Maker. "What's your name?" he asks.

"Noedumari," she says, "God of Disguises Badly Put Together." She doesn't touch the tray, hands still locked around her arms. Wax dribbles down her chin, joined by two streams of clear water that begin to come from her eyes.

The facet eyes shift and blink. "Ah. Noedumari, do you know who I am, and why I brought you here?" It registers in the back of his mind. Old memories he had, by and large, forgotten. Sights and sounds of a time eons ago, when he was a universe into himself.

She nods, quickly. She wipes a red sleeve over her face, staining it with wax and tears and snot. Her hands come up to the collar of her tunic, her eyes meeting the expressionless metal face of the Maker. "I, uh," she chokes, "I'll do anything you ask, honest. Just, just." She begins working a clasp on the collar, pulling at it. Breaking it. "I just don't want to die. I just don't want to die."

She repeats it, over and over again, and he tilts his head. Confusion plays over his thoughts, watching her trying to undo her top. Shaking hands fail to even work the first two clasps before she gives up, tears and wax and raw, naked terror running down her face. "s'not fair," she gurgles, "I never did anything!" Her shoulders shake and her chest heaves. "I don't w'na die. I don't w'na die. I don't w'na die."

Head down, eyes closed, back pressed against the wall, she reacts only with harder and harder flinching from each step he takes closer to her. He glances at her face, tear streaked and nose running, the wax thing that must be some sort of badge of office a smudge over the lower half of her face. He looks down and sees the puddle dripping from the hem of her dress.

Actual, full recognition plays over his mind and at that moment, Autochthon, the Great Maker, realizes. It has taken over a billion years, endless eons of continued existence. Observations of others, endless cycles of life, death, everything in between. Self-surgery, self-improvement, to be able to look outside of his purview.

And for a brief moment, he does ask himself the question of what can I make to fix this problem? But then, even though it feels like it physically hurts him, he pushes down the question. He instead, asks himself a different question. A question that he has seen those he travels with ask, those he values as more than tools and vectors and components of plans ask.

What would Commander Shepard do in this situation?

Two gold hands, each one large enough that they could crush this girl's head with minimum effort, reach out and grip her shoulders. She starts, choked sounds coming from her mouth, and he gently eases her off the wall and against himself. Arms wrap around her shoulders, and he says nothing, silent and confused against the sounds of her miserable sobs and the repeated mantra of how she doesn't want to die.

After a while, after a time which his internal chronometer clocks at twenty four minutes, she stops. He glances down to make sure that, yes, she is still awake, she hasn't collapsed or fainted. But at very least she isn't shaking. Easing her off of him, he holds her at arms length. She does not look up, does not say anything.

"Right. Sorry for the scare. I just needed you to help me work through exactly what is happening here." He turns, a doorway appearing on a wall next to them. "Let's get you comfortable, shall we? And perhaps cleaned up, you are a guest after all and" He clears his throat. "Right! Everyone! We have a guest! Let's make things tidy!"

There are sounds of cheers and skittering legs, and he gently leads her out of the large, warped room.
Vanigo said:
But these are cleaning spiders built by Autocthon and left for millenia in one of his abandoned hideaways, forced to mange their own needs, growing, reproducing, and competing to clean up the increasingly scarce clutter in the workshop. They've organized into warring tribal groups, with their own language and cultures and okay yeah she's still seen weirder. But not by much!
On the other hand, it's also possible that these are semi-sentient lower-level avatars of Iri, who were sent here to make sure the Maker doesn't hurt himself or others while he's away and remembers to eat right.
GreggHL said:
On the other hand, it's also possible that these are semi-sentient lower-level avatars of Iri, who were sent here to make sure the Maker doesn't hurt himself or others while he's away and remembers to eat right.
Aww. Iri is bestest Alchemical Granddaughter.
Stonebrow said:
In the first bit, did he heal her mustache with his glowy appendage? Or is she so panicked she's losing control of her domain prop, or what?

The second bit, is she praying to him? Can gods sense prayer from other beings?

Sorry for the questions, but the Exalted Wiki isn't very good IMO, it gives as little info as possible to make you buy the books.
For the first bit, it's the idea that he accidentally melted it, then the domain prop returned to normal form. Given, she is panicking- as evidenced from the crying, sobbing, and wetting herself.

As for the second part, it is accumulated prayer to Auto. Prayers to machines give small bits of prayer to him, and the Jadeborn still pray to him regularly. Also, most of Heaven is probably praying for Auto to stay away from them right now, which still counts as prayer.
GreggHL said:
Also, most of Heaven is probably praying for Auto to stay away from them right now, which still counts as prayer.
Well, not most. The Heavenly City is of a size more generally associated with countries or small continents, and while word spreads fast amongst gossips, it doesn't spread quite that fast. Autochthon's only been there a few hours.

But yes, he certainly has a nice panic going, which is probably spreading further with every passing moment.
Kal'Reegar looks down at the still hot cup of something which he is told is coffee. Despite the fact that it shouldn't be edible to him, it is. Fucking magic is the mental response. Slumping shoulders back, he looks up. His helmet on the round table in front of him, with the rest of the assembled group sitting equidistant.

Wuffles, to his right, daintily eating a rich cream soup and on their second cup of tea. Kamilla, to Kal's left, drinking a dark chocolate drink. Around them, patrons of the indoor tea shop mill about, giving them distance and space, leaving a line of empty tables between them and Kal's group. Or, particularly, the straw haired woman sitting across from him.

"So you met Luna and this is the first I hear of Autochthon's return." Mercury blinks. "I feel I was denied pertinent, need to know information."

Customers mill about, trays carried by spider octopi. Out of the corner of his eye, Kal sees what he swears is a Krogan, but a second glance confirms it is just a turtle-camel-person. Sunlight streams through windows on the roof, and in a blink becomes moonlight. "And she's in the lead," Mercury states.

Kal taps his fingers on the table, wisely silent. Kamilla nods, a mustache of melted chocolate above her lip. Wuffles sips their tea. "Well," Mercury sighs, "It is still an excellent and long journey you have been on Chosen. And, it is about to resume."

Kal opens his mouth to ask what she means. However, his questions are answered in the form of a golden boot that takes the door of the cafe off its hinges and sends it flipping end over end.

"You lot are hopelessly lazy and corrupt, let me tell you that!" Kal's eyes go wide at the familiar voice. Wuffles extends all four petals, and four new ones that extend from the back of their head. Kamilla claps her hands and smiles, sitting up. "I tell you bureaucracy? Favors? Bloody politicking?!"
Dirtnap said:
Oh...does Auto the god hate inefficiency?
I think "hates inefficiency" is more of SWLIHN's thing. Auto merely finds it undesirable; as long as it works he'll be happy. Efficiency requires stress-testing, after all, and Autochthon tends to move on to the next project as quickly as possible.
GreggHL said:
"You lot are hopelessly lazy and corrupt, let me tell you that!" Kal's eyes go wide at the familiar voice. Wuffles extends all four petals, and four new ones that extend from the back of their head. Kamilla claps her hands and smiles, sitting up. "I tell you bureaucracy? Favors? Bloody politicking?!"
This can only end splendidly!

Pretty sure this is Auto. So, how long before he gets piled on by lions? Will it be before or after he announces who he is and promptly terrifies the shit out of every god in the immediate area?
Monshroud said:
You know, even though Autocthon stated that the MEverse isn't run by Gods, I firmly believe that, due to the crossover with Exalted, that it may be a part of, or at least created by, a Primordial of it's very own!

If it has a name, it is infinite in complexity and length, and it is so HUGE, even Auto hasn't noticed it yet!

Omnibenevolent and a extreme believer in Free Will, to the point were it allows atrocities to be committed, so that it's "children/mortals" may be the stronger for enduring them, eventually rising beyond such petty actions.

Clever and possessing wisdom that would overload Autocthon's data banks, it made a universe so efficient, it RUNS ITSELF.
Sadly, it will be revealed to be post-instrumentality, and the last scene of GSP will be Shinji Ikari waking up on a beach and staring at Giant Naked Rei's head.
Kal'Reegar looks down at the still hot cup of something which he is told is coffee. Despite the fact that it shouldn't be edible to him, it is. Fucking magic is the mental response. Slumping shoulders back, he looks up. His helmet on the round table in front of him, with the rest of the assembled group sitting equidistant.

Wuffles, to his right, is daintily eating a rich cream soup and on their second cup of tea. Kamilla, to Kal's left, drinking a dark chocolate drink. Around them, patrons of the indoor tea shop mill about, giving them distance and space, leaving a line of empty tables between them and Kal's group. Or, particularly, the straw haired woman sitting across from him.

"So you met Luna and this is the first I hear of Autochthon's return." Mercury blinks. "I feel I was denied pertinent, need to know information."

Customers mill about, trays carried by spider octopi. Out of the corner of his eye, Kal sees what he swears is a Krogan, but a second glance confirms it is just a turtle-camel-person. Sunlight streams through windows on the roof, and in a blink becomes moonlight. "And she's in the lead," Mercury states.

Kal taps his fingers on the table, wisely silent. Kamilla nods, a mustache of melted chocolate above her lip. Wuffles sips their tea. "Well," Mercury sighs, "It is still an excellent and long journey you have been on Chosen. And, it is about to resume."

Kal opens his mouth to ask what she means. However, his questions are answered in the form of a golden boot that takes the door of the cafe off its hinges and sends it flipping end over end.

"You lot are hopelessly lazy and corrupt, let me tell you that!" Kal's eyes go wide at the familiar voice. Wuffles extends all four petals, and four new ones that extend from the back of their head. Kamilla claps her hands and smiles, sitting up. "I tell you bureaucracy? Favors? Bloody politicking?!"

Startled and strangled gasps from the patrons. Trays drop in time with two golden hands tearing the doorway open. "I tell you! I think Little-Miss-Fire-and-Glass-Balls-and-a-thing-for-Daddy was right about you lot! Things were better when we were in charge, let me tell you!"

The front half of the restaurant empties. Shrieks and cries from skittering creatures running for the back door. Kal stands up, rolling his shoulders up and holding his face in his hands. Kamilla vaults over the table and floats towards the gold, facet-eyed giant that strides in with a huff and harrumph.

Shaking his fist, stomping his feet, Autochthon pushes aside tables between him and his companions. "Celestial bureaucracy! Departments! Turf wars! There's going to be some changes around here, let me tell you! There will be some-"

"Great Maker! Welcome back to Yu-Shan!"

The golden giant turns. Those patrons still left in the bar look over the tipped over tables and up from behind the bar, and their faces turn a paler shade of marble white.

Autochthon looks down, just as his wrist is taken in the hand of the man in front of him. "I have heard rumors of your return, O Maker, but it is good to see they are not just whispers and misdirection. Allow me to be the first to formally welcome you back to the world you called home."

Facet eyes twist in their sockets. The oversized, golden head tilts. "Ah, yes. An Exalted?"

The man, white hair receded to a long ponytail, neatly kept goatee on his chin, bows. The wrackstaff next to him keeps upright on its own volition until he grabs it once more. "Indeed. We Chosen of the Maidens have awaited your return. After all, the stories tell that it was you who created them, after all."

Autochthon raises a hand, single finger extended. "Yes, funny story about that..." The old man turns and leads the Maker out of the cafe. Kal turns to the others, and nods. Then turns to the table, and finds Mercury gone. Shrugging, he runs out and along to the retreating Auto and the man leading him.

"Excuse me! Sir!" The old man turns to Kal, not slowing his step in the least. "Excuse me, but what-"

"Chosen of Journeys," the elder says, pinning Kal with deep green eyes, "Welcome to Yu Shan. As well you, Emissary of the Geth." The eyes glance to the girl now riding Wuffles' shoulders. "And you, Miss Kamilla. Come, come."

They stop at a part in the wall over a canal. He taps his staff, and a boat appears as if bidden. "We have much work to do," he says, "Journeys, you have some paperwork to catch up with. As for you, honored Maker." He bows his head once more. "I do not know the fate of your estates in Creation, but I will gladly give you use of mine. Work keeps me too busy, after all."

They step into the boat, which speeds along the canal. Kal rubs the back of his head, glancing at Wuffles, then at Kamilla, then at Autochthon. Finally, he turns to the old man. "I...I'm sorry, sir. But who are you?"

The old man smiles, flashing green eyes and leaning on his staff. "My name is Chejop Kejak, Kal'Reegar. Welcome to Yu Shan."
So Reegar is about to be buried in paperwork? No wonder it was mentioned he spent more time in creation than he had been alive in the me-verse.
And kejak's reaction is a lot smarter than sending in the lions. If he plays his cards right he can distract them for quite a while.
Barret said:
Well, this is either good or Auto may be about to get ganked. Either way they are now caught up in some scheme by quite possibly the deadliest Exalt alive. Let our prayers be with them.
I highly doubt he can gank auto. He's now an Incarne level god.
Nightblade said:
I highly doubt he can gank auto. He's now an Incarne level god.
And Kejak is the oldest Sidereal alive.

I'm quite sure that Auto has no conception of Rule One.

("Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men!")
The only thing Auto needs to do now:

"Chosen Kejak. I returned because I found that something is horribly wrong with the internal workings of the Exaltion shards themself. I do not know all the effects it has on the Chosen but the few I was capable to oserve from the Solars and Lunars were madness, megalomania, pathologic egoism, permanent wyld mutations, chimerism,, why have we stopped? " Kejak spit takes and face faults to the ground.

I believe that Kejak is not really evil. He believes he is doing the right thing after all. Better the Terrestrials shitfacing over the face of Creation then ax-crazy Solars blowing it up to kingdom come. He is also very inteligent. He survived for millenia not getting killed so he must be. If he is shown good evidence that Autochthon in his assumption that Exaltions are damaged is of the first things he will think: How does this "damage" relates to Sidereal and Terrrestrial exaltions?
Nightblade said:
I highly doubt he can gank auto. He's now an Incarne level god.
Chejop came alone. The Conservation of Ninjitsu is not in effect.
Obfuscated said:
Hopefully the Heavenly Bureaucrats are about to run into:

a) A Soldier (Marine), who from what I recall about the thematic, has already tricks to dealing with paperwork.
b) The wonderful, wonderful world of VI (or Geth) assisted paperpushing.
This is going to break so many Sids if it turns out Kal'Reegar and Wuffles like paperwork. ("Paperwork's important, ma'am. Have to keep track of everything or you'll end up wasting something, and no one wants that." "Geth believe thorough accounting leads to increased efficiency. We have assigned programs 1121 through 1153 to track expenses and save digital copies of receipts.")
GreggHL said:

This is going to break so many Sids if it turns out Kal'Reegar and Wuffles like paperwork. ("Paperwork's important, ma'am. Have to keep track of everything or you'll end up wasting something, and no one wants that." "Geth believe thorough accounting leads to increased efficiency. We have assigned programs 1121 through 1153 to track expenses and save digital copies of receipts.")
I have a feeling other Sidereals will very much hate Kal for breaking the speed records for dealing with the paperwork. "Now our bosses want us to be as fast as that fucking newbie! :mad: That's it. He is going to die!" Kal should beware of assassination attempts.
Ah sadlyAutobot may be to blind to realise that he is standing in front of a man that can kill him and allows himself to be polite. Of course the man does not know it yet for sure especialy if he still thinks that this is a jouten.
You don't gank a god. You file an injunction and get them executed.

Really people, it's like you don't understand proper procedure.
HioH said:
You don't gank a god. You file an injunction and get them executed.

Really people, it's like you don't understand proper procedure.
Also, this being Auto, well...

Do we even know what magical materials you'd get from ganking him? It's one thing for getting lots of Starmetal from, say, Lytek or Ryzala.

There's no guarantee Auto's destiny won't come down in a giant robot and destroy Gem.
I'm not sure how the Oath's are worded, but Auto might be able to order any god to do ANY thing if they are still bound by the Geas.