Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

Aleph said:
Relevance to thread?
It is, somewhat. Loosely. The thing to remember is that Autochthonia- where Autobot spent most of his time- is much closer to the Abrahamic mythos than the eastern mythological version of Heaven that is Yu Shan. Also, that the Yu Shan that Auto is used to- prior to the celestial bureaucracy, is also closer to the monotheistic 'ruled from on high' Heaven.
TheSandman said:
Well, I'm not sure that Auto-the-Primordial was incapable of regretting the shit he did; his thing was not thinking the consequences through before doing things, not an inability to recognize the consequences after the fact. IIRC, he basically had a monument to his regret for how the Primordial War went down in his world-body.
As I understand it, his bailing on Creation wasn't so much 'regret as to how things went down' as 'realising he might well be next'.

And the lack of consideration of consequences applies after as well as before: as a Primordial, he couldn't conceive of a reason to regret his actions. Everything was 'FOR SCIENCE!' and 'FOR ADVANCEMENT' - one must of course break a few eggs to make your progressive omelettes, no?

Of course, now he can.

And the chickens that laid those eggs are coming home to roost.
Draconas said:
Actually, can Exalted hurt him?
I mean, immunity to his own inventions is thematically appropriate and he made the Exalted.
Given he ran the fuck away from the Deliberative when they started eying him side ways, hid in the middle of nowhere, put the best seal he could between himself and any pursuers, and in doing so basically condemned himself to starvation?

Yeah, I think they can hurt him.
Draconas said:
Actually, can Exalted hurt him?
I mean, immunity to his own inventions is thematically appropriate and he made the Exalted.
His immunity to his inventions is based on the fact that 'He put it together and knows how to take it apart.' He does not know how to take apart the Exaltations.
It was against the rules, it was explained, for a being of Hell to walk along the streets of Heaven. However, rules were made to be either followed, bent, or broken, and hence Kamilla sits on the shoulders of the straw haired woman who leads them along the jade-paved streets.

Rather than be in awe or dumbstruck by the scale of the city like Kal is, Kamilla merely hums happily, hands resting on the top of Mercury's head. The Incarnae and the behemoth happily make conversation, only occasionally interrupted by Kamilla's pointing at interesting sights and blurting "And what's that?"

All in all, they're making good time. Since encountering the woman- a woman Kal's mind screamed is The Maiden of Journeys, Incarnae and Attendant to the Loom of Fate, she has been giving them a silent but fast paced tour of this city. Which Kal's mind keep reminding him is Heaven, in a voice of thunder.

They walk at a pace which leaves rikshaws behind. Beings of many shapes, many colors, many species which he knows are gods line the city. Some work fruit and vegetable stands, many walk along in idle chatter or stoic, determined silence.

Sliding between two six armed elephants, pumping his legs to keep up with his two female companions, Kal looks to his side to see Wuffles striding alongside him. "Not that I don't appreciate the rescue, Ma'am! But we sort of let Autochthon wander off!"

Mercury stops in mid step. Rotating on one heel, she turns and levels her gaze upon Kal. "I'm sorry," she says, rotating her head in time with the rolling 'r', "Could you repeat that?"

Before Kal can respond, there is an ear splitting scream. He looks past Mercury, who herself turns to the sound of the shriek. Two identical men push past them in a dead run. Pushing aside Mercury, Kamilla looses her balance and floats in the air next to the straw haired goddess. A walking stick insect speeds past with a brick colored man on its back, followed by more and more gods.

A stream of screaming, panicking deities, the panic spreading over them like wildfire, like an infection. Kal reaches out and grabs the arm of one. A young, black haired woman with a fake wax goatee. "Why's everyone running?" the marine demands.

The woman's face is white, sweat and horror beading on her brow. "Autochthon's back!" she screams, wrenching herself free from Kal, and dives into the canal.

Kal turns to Wuffles. The Geth extends all their petals, and the two take off in a run. Feet floating inches off the ground, Kamilla takes Mercury's hand and flies off with the Incarnae running to keep up.
Found Autochthon...that was easy. Just follow the screams ^_^.
"Most people run from the sound of the gods screaming in terror. Migrant Fleet Marines run towards it."
The golden giant lumbers, watching the retreating crowd of gods. How odd, he thinks. He did not expect that. Certainly not fear. Well, on the other hand it has been millenia since he has been home, so it is nice to be remembered. "Ah, well," he says, voice grinding and digitized, "At least they are not disgusted. Better to be feared than hated, so at least that's an improvement."

He turns, footsteps like thunder. Jade paving tiles shift up around his encounter suit. Most every god in the area that is within reach has already run. He spots some swimming across the silver and golden canals, many running in opposite directions.

Facet eyes shifting, he muses on this. Walking with exaggerated, swinging motions, he muses on the reactions. They certainly never ran like that. They also certainly never argued like that, not in his day. But then again, back in his day they were all under control.

It was always Theion and SO IT WILL BE or Cecelyne and DO YOUR JOBS AS IT IS THE LAW or "Ah yes, no primordial direction and if the Most High isn't directing things...ah!" The steady blip becomes a chime, his sight shifting to the faint lines of Essence. Reaching out, he seizes the fruit stand, tosses it aside, and looks down on the young woman with the wax mustache.

"Yes! Yes, you will do nicely!" The woman's eyes go wide and she screams, her pitch going higher and higher when the golden hand wraps around her waist and lifts her up. The grill covering the lower half of Autochthon's face parts, the orichalcum collar lowers, and white light issues forth.

Past the spinning turbine and clapping together mandibles that now make up the lower half of his face, of course. "No, no! Don't struggle! This will be quite swift and I guarantee you will be generously recompensed for your service!"

The woman struggles, eyes wide, trying to pry open the hand. She kicks off one of her sandals in her thrashing before her foot is caught in the gears, pulling her down with a shriek. "For science! And understanding!"

She is yanked down, screaming and shrieking, before disappearing into the golden giant's maw with three bass beats. The collar rises and the grill closes. Glancing from side to side, he makes a quick count of the jade lions that are now surrounding him, and stops counting when he reaches the triple digits. "Right! Elsewhere shunt!"

The giant glows with bright, crackling light. The Jade Lions leap. "Alons-y!" And with a crack of white, Autochthon is gone.



Right. No consequence-filter. At all.

... you'd think the triple-digits of Celestial Lions would be a tip-off...
Poor God of False Disguises. She really didn't deserve that. Auto can't stop making things worse for himself can he?
GreggHL said:
"No, no! Don't struggle! This will be quite swift and I guarantee you will be generously recompensed for your service!"
For some reason I can't help but hear this in the voice of Abridged Android #20 (aka Dr. Gero).
Winged Knight said:
If he was a Primordial still, then maybe. It's an iffy proposition even then, considering Creation was a collaborative effort between Titans and Autochthon was only one of many who helped build it. But as just a god, even one on par with the Incarnae? I highly doubt it. I don't think he's got the mojo to pull off something like that.
I think that this issue is one of the few that Malfeas and the Yozi would be actually willing to collaborate on with Autochthon to solve.
Monshroud said:
So, whats the story behind all the Gods fearing Auto? Sure he was one of the Primordials, but he aided the Gods against his Fellow Titans didn't he?
"Aided the gods" does not stop him from being an "Insane god-monster who did not thing twice about melting crowds of gods into starmetal for his projects" and "grinding down mountains for raw materials."

Autochthon the Primordial was not nice. He was an autistic universe-monster who treated the universe of Creation as a constant laboratory, but also would forget about the experiments he was running, letting them run rampant. He was a universe into himself, occasionally shedding void monsters like we do dandruff. Gods preferred cleaning up after Isidoris, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies over Autochthon, because with Izzy you a) have an idea of what the fuck happened, and b) less chance that there's some sort of gremlin-syndrome-creature that will violate you to death through your forehead, consume your essence, and wear your face like a nice hat. And if you were lucky, it would do it in that order.
horngeek said:

Really, I get the impression that would be a perfectly acceptable alternate title to this chapter, really.
The Gate snaps into light and sound. Symbols of an ancient language he should not know but does play out in front of him. It becomes distance, and distance becomes a concept, transcending such mere things as possible and impossible to become is. He is pulled along, exiting one realm of existence and entering another, and can only watch the endless fields of Creation become something more.

A great city- a city greater than any other. A city from which the mere concept of a city takes root. Endless spires of gold, silver, jade and crystal rise into a sky lit by the constellation-sigil of Jupiter. The noise that hits is not the desperate music and shouts of the Demon City, but endless talking, arguing, politicking of the gods.

Kal'Reegar vas Rayya nar Idenna looks out, and he is hit with awe, wonder, and dread. But not dread at the sight. Dread at something else, something much deeper. He has returned, into the endless streets of a city to which the Citadel would be a district. To which the entire population of his people would be a statistical anomaly.

The Chosen of Journeys takes a deep breath and balls his fists.

"Welcome," Autochthon booms, "To YU-SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!"

And then Kal falls into a rushing river of liquid silver and is run over by a speeding boat.
Chapter 5:
God Dammit Autochthon
Five days after the attack, she found herself in a field in the middle of nowhere. Unhurt. Disoriented, yes. Alone, yes. But such things are rarely such an obstacle for her. For ones such as her. A simple spell located the mortals of this land, and she flew over the grassy fields, soaring over the treetops, the rolling hills, and the farmlands attended to by the odd magitech of this place.

Well, it is now.
I am waiting for the moment when the full mental dissonance smashes into Auto-kun's mind when he puts 1 and 1 together and gets 0..with his behavior and memories from his Primordial days clashing with his current state and beliefs. I think we will see a very much broken Autochthon in the near future.
So the story goes that one week, way back when, Autochthon got really bored, wandered off into Elsewhere and built himself a massive facility where he could retreat if he suddenly realized he had gotten himself in actual danger. Sadly, physics being what it is in Elsewhere, the place is crooked, with bent walls, strange lights through the full wall-windows, and a tendency of things smelling like lavender.

It is, however, well appointed and quite safe. The floors are all at a slight angle but sturdy, the wood is freshly varnished, and the ceilings high enough to accommodate even is twenty meter-tall encounter bodies. However, the acoustics are a little off, so it does make him wince a bit and take a step back in his suit when the lovely young woman- who's fake mustache has fallen off in the confusion- screams at the top of her lungs and retreats against the far wall.

"Yes! Yes! No need to scream, the transit is over." The head of the giant opens with a burst of steam. Collapsing onto its shiny golden ass, the armor releases the sphere. It floats over, iris shifting open and shut, light playing over the wide-eyed face of the deity. "Before we begin, would you like something to drink? Or perhaps lie down?"

The back of the sphere opens up like a blooming flower. But instead of pollen and stems, eight skeletal golden arms come out, each ending in a different appendage or manipulator. Some of which glow. "Now, now are you unhurt?" The iris shifts and the sphere tilts. "Because you seem a little put out-"

Her shrieking comes to an abrupt end. Not because she has stopped screaming, but because her voice has given out. One appendage, a glowing bulb, wanders close to he collar where her fake mustache had fallen. An alarmed warble and he pulls it back. The wax construct, partially melted, snaps back and reforms on her lip.

"Sorry sorry," he says. The wall behind the sphere shifts and folds down. A blast of heat hits them both, the sphere turning a deeper, richer gold and the wax melting down her lip. The furnace behind Autochthon glows blue, then shifts down into the floor and is replaced by a series of overflowing clay jars.

Autochthon turns. The iris shifts wide. "My that's a lot of prayer. Let me get you something to drink." The sphere ambles over to the jars, humming to himself.

It hovers in front of the jars. The floor beneath the sphere opens, and another encounter suit- half the size of the one that abducted her, rises up. The sphere slides into an opening in the back, and large golden hands gathering up shimmering liquid. "Ah! Yes! Jadeborn. Good, good, they're still around need to do something about them..."

Golden lightning and crystal fire plays over a sphere of shimmering liquid hovering between his hands. It expands out, first into a large, antique plate. Upon it forms cups and a kettle. A stream of liquid rises from one of the jars on the floor and becomes rich brown tea before dripping into the cups and then filling the kettle.

"Please don't kill me," the god says, her voice faintly higher than a whisper.

The tray, cups, and kettle drop to the floor. The golden giant almost topples over from spinning so fast. He stammers for a long moment, then finally forms a coherent, "What?"
Fiach McCarthy said:
He passed through Malfeas to get to Creation, they already know.
..and are munching popcorn all the while 1st Circle demons are headsplodding, 2nd Circles demons are diening left and right and the 3rd Circles are rolling on the floor from the sheer hilarity.

Ninja'd by Samarkand.
Samarkand said:
Hell, by now they've got out the metaphysical popcorn and are laughing their brass asses off. The Reclamation probably has been put on hold, because watching Auto bumble about Creation is the funniest thing they've seen in ages.
Well, the Dragon's watching, Malfeas may have shit itself in epic rage, Adorjan doesn't remember who Autochthon is, Cecelyne is a bit ahem busy, and SWLiHN is also a bit preoccupied with her new legion of mind-hollowed dreadnoughts.

Then again, Auto's only encountered a handful of the Yozi. Like Isidoros. And Izzy don't care.