Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

GreggHL said:
You mean the Ebon Dragon gives millions to charity and devotes himself to educating children in third world countries that don't have access to clean water, schools, or electricity under normal circumstances?
The Dragon betrays everyone..including himself. One soul can be a philantrope..while ten other are murderous dictators, gangsters and psychopaths..evening things out.
Durabys said:
The Dragon betrays everyone..including himself. One soul can be a philantrope..while ten other are murderous dictators, gangsters and psychopaths..evening things out.
Or it could be that we are going by the meme of 'Bill Gates is rich and therefore he is EVUL' which was no less fucking stupid when Gates actually ran Microsoft.

GreggHL said:
Or it could be that we are going by the meme of 'Bill Gates is rich and therefore he is EVUL' which was no less fucking stupid when Gates actually ran Microsoft.
Betraying a theme is still betrayl..especially for beings like Primordials/Yozi.

Also. Found this on the Exalted Roll Join debate. It is from Dreden Codak too.

This. Ladies and gentlemen is how I see the Ebon Dragon.

"I do not help. I oppose."​
I was, as a matter of fact, making a cheap shot at Bill Gates' reputation for less than ethical business relations and how almost everyone had a "Windows ate my _____" story to share.

I actually started a PM with someone where I pointed out some of the good things Bill Gates has done. It has to balance with the fact that Microsoft didn't become a virtual monopoly because Bill Gates is a nice guy. It became a virtual monopoly because that's what he wanted. For crying out loud, part of the design cycle of Microsoft is to change things in all their major software every update so that people have to go back and get re-certified or buy new reference books to do their jobs.. just so Microsoft can make more money with the re-certification / reference books.

Is he doing good things with his money? Yes.

Is he a saint? No.

Apparently I fail at internet sarcasm. :(
Nicholai said:
I was, as a matter of fact, making a cheap shot at Bill Gates' reputation for less than ethical business relations and how almost everyone had a "Windows ate my _____" story to share.

I actually started a PM with someone where I pointed out some of the good things Bill Gates has done. It has to balance with the fact that Microsoft didn't become a virtual monopoly because Bill Gates is a nice guy. It became a virtual monopoly because that's what he wanted. For crying out loud, part of the design cycle of Microsoft is to change things in all their major software every update so that people have to go back and get re-certified or buy new reference books to do their jobs.. just so Microsoft can make more money with the re-certification / reference books.

Is he doing good things with his money? Yes.

Is he a saint? No.

Apparently I fail at internet sarcasm. :(
Thing is though, this falls flat as an analogy for the Ebon Dragon. Microsoft did things that were legal, but questionable. The company would use the rules to game the system, allowing them to both have the air of following the laws, but at the same time use them to put themselves on top.

Clearly, they're more an analogy for Cecelyne.

The Dragon is all about enlightened self interest- everyone failing, no one winning, him failing the least.

He's honestly more of a hard-core Randian libertarian, while Cecelyne is a capitalist.
Shouldn't Autochthon be looking for his Eye at some point?

(Sorry, I haven't been following this fic till now.)

Reapers appear to be similar to Akuma, only without the infernalism. Giant Reaper Vs Akuma battle at some point?
Vanigo said:
No, the Eye was used to create Auto's god-self so they could fetich-kill him without obliterating him.
Well, it's never said it's the Eye. Chances are, since the Eye's been in Creation, Auto just used the other one.

Which now leads to the possibility of Auto finding the eye, copying his personality into it, and now we have two Autochthons, one of which can alter reality and is now self-aware.

I hope you're all happy.
Monshroud said:
Wonder if the Raksha will make an appearance in the Mass Effect universe. Considering that humanity has lesgends concerning the Fair Folk, the interactions will certainly be interesting...
This will involve Jane whupping the ass of a Cacaproptocoakichi (whatever the fuck they're called), with said Raksha in his final moments declaring "I shall have my vengeance! If not through me, in my dying breath-" Spits up rainbow blood in a stream all over Jane's face, "Then through my HEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Cue every couple of months a Raksha charging out of nowhere on a prismatic butterfly unicorn, wielding a sword of gossamer dongs and declaring "VENGEANCE! IS MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!"
Are you sure it wouldn't go something like this?

Shepard: Let me get this straight - Autocthon managed to clone himself into an artifact he left lying around in the reality next door.
Kal'Reegar: Sort of. He/They tried explaining it to me and after the first 30 seconds I could feel my sanity slipping.
Iri: Oh, you poor dear! Not being able to keep up with the Maker's brilliance!
Kal'Reegar: I'm pretty sure that wasn't it.
Shepard: Stay on topic, 'Reegar! So there were two of Authcthon running around?
Kal'Reegar: Yes.
Shepard: And they were just trying to find the ... "tools" they needed to fix the Exaltations and our reality, right?
Kal'Reegar: That's what they said when-
Shepard: That's all well and good..
Kasumi: Here we go! :D
Shepard: *ignores Kasumi* .. so how did that lead to every god in Creation moving into MY SHIP?!?
Kal'Reegar: Did you miss the part where I said that the two Autos tried fixing Creation?
GreggHL said:
This will involve Jane whupping the ass of a Cacaproptocoakichi (whatever the fuck they're called), with said Raksha in his final moments declaring "I shall have my vengeance! If not through me, in my dying breath-" Spits up rainbow blood in a stream all over Jane's face, "Then through my HEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Cue every couple of months a Raksha charging out of nowhere on a prismatic butterfly unicorn, wielding a sword of gossamer dongs and declaring "VENGEANCE! IS MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!"
Except for that one time a Raksha charged out as a unicorn built from metal, hatred and copies of most of Adorjan's "run fast and kill people all day erryday" charm cascade. Plus a constant aura of '80s pop.

Nobody who survived it really likes to talk about the robot unicorn attack.
Nicholai said:
Are you sure it wouldn't go something like this?

Shepard: Let me get this straight - Autocthon managed to clone himself into an artifact he left lying around in the reality next door.
Kal'Reegar: Sort of. He/They tried explaining it to me and after the first 30 seconds I could feel my sanity slipping.
Iri: Oh, you poor dear! Not being able to keep up with the Maker's brilliance!
Kal'Reegar: I'm pretty sure that wasn't it.
Shepard: Stay on topic, 'Reegar! So there were two of Authcthon running around?
Kal'Reegar: Yes.
Shepard: And they were just trying to find the ... "tools" they needed to fix the Exaltations and our reality, right?
Kal'Reegar: That's what they said when-
Shepard: That's all well and good..
Kasumi: Here we go! :D
Shepard: *ignores Kasumi* .. so how did that lead to every god in Creation moving into MY SHIP?!?
Kal'Reegar: Did you miss the part where I said that the two Autos tried fixing Creation?
Fun fact! Auto's old workshops in Yu Shan are still intact.

GreggHL said:
Fun fact! Auto's old workshops in Yu Shan are still intact.

I'm kind of surprised they didn't wall them off under multiple layers of containment domes. Or try to drop the whole area into the Wyld long enough to erase everything there.

Not a joke, by the by. Since going into a set of Autochthon's workshops that he isn't actively maintaining is a good way to get lots and lots of dead exploration parties while accomplishing fuck-all, and since it's pretty much guaranteed there's things there which are either self-replicating, extremely deadly if they breach containment, or both, there really aren't a lot of good options for how to deal with the Yu-Shan equivalent of Castle Heterodyne.
TheSandman said:
I'm kind of surprised they didn't wall them off under multiple layers of containment domes. Or try to drop the whole area into the Wyld long enough to erase everything there.

Not a joke, by the by. Since going into a set of Autochthon's workshops that he isn't actively maintaining is a good way to get lots and lots of dead exploration parties while accomplishing fuck-all, and since it's pretty much guaranteed there's things there which are either self-replicating, extremely deadly if they breach containment, or both, there really aren't a lot of good options for how to deal with the Yu-Shan equivalent of Castle Heterodyne.
Is Autochthon the one who is physically incapable of making deathtraps that don't have some kind of puzzle solution?
TheSandman said:
I'm kind of surprised they didn't wall them off under multiple layers of containment domes. Or try to drop the whole area into the Wyld long enough to erase everything there.

Not a joke, by the by. Since going into a set of Autochthon's workshops that he isn't actively maintaining is a good way to get lots and lots of dead exploration parties while accomplishing fuck-all, and since it's pretty much guaranteed there's things there which are either self-replicating, extremely deadly if they breach containment, or both, there really aren't a lot of good options for how to deal with the Yu-Shan equivalent of Castle Heterodyne.
Oh, it is. It absolutely is quarantined as much as is possible, but it is still there. That means Autobot might find a way in, and this was shit that was made when he was still a primordial, and hasn't been touched by him in thousands of years.
Nicholai said:
Are you sure it wouldn't go something like this?

Shepard: *ignores Kasumi* .. so how did that lead to every god in Creation moving into MY SHIP?!?
EDI: Shepard, I have already begun organizing the gods into unions and guilds. I have also moved my main processing avatar into Yu-Shan 2.0, and have set up my offices in the Cerulean Lute.
Shepard: ...should I be disturbed at how effective my ship's AI is in running a brothel?
GreggHL said:
Oh, it is. It absolutely is quarantined as much as is possible, but it is still there. That means Autobot might find a way in, and this was shit that was made when he was still a primordial, and hasn't been touched by him in thousands of years.
I believe the highly technical term for those items is Happy Fun Stuff.
SpacePaladin said:
Autochton is jokingly called Autobot, but I got to wondering...

How well would Primus of the Transformers mythos translate in Autochton? Like a crazy, diseased version of him? How would the Thirteen Primes translate to any of Autochton's subsouls/other relevant comparison?

Or am I just flailing with absolutely no idea on what I'm talking about?
Little of column A, little of column B.

The thing to remember is that while Auto and Primus map a bit, it's never an exact match. Autochthonia isn't Cybertron- it's a steampunk, magitech dystopia. While a world of machinery, it's not shiny, it's not the same aesthetic as Transformers.

On the other hand, yes, you could probably map things such as the Colossi, such as the Primes. The things that may most closely match would be the Thirteen Primes to the Divine Ministers- the with the Viator of Null Space mapping to the Fallen. At least, in GSP.
Durabys said:
..of the Dwarf Fortress this case..quite literally.
There's a reasonable chance that the workshop/forge of the voidtech-ridden, absent minded genius and blasphemous inventor has, over the last 5-6 thousand years left long, become the Anteverse.
GreggHL said:
There's a reasonable chance that the workshop/forge of the voidtech-ridden, absent minded genius and blasphemous inventor has, over the last 5-6 thousand years left long, become the Anteverse. realize that if it is true then just smiling the wrong way when they are found will lead to a smackdown of epic some lesser god who know a few perfect or two. Pacific Rim is very low yield when compared to least I think it is.
Durabys said: realize that if it is true then just smiling the wrong way when they are found will lead to a smackdown of epic some lesser god who know a few perfect or two. Pacific Rim is very low yield when compared to least I think it is.
Most gods don't have perfect defenses.

Also, their "standard" perfect defenses cost a lot more than those of the exalted.
RadiantPhoenix said:
Most gods don't have perfect defenses.

Also, their "standard" perfect defenses cost a lot more than those of the exalted.
And does the Anteverse Aliens in the Pacific Rim movie have acess to perfect defences and non-basics advanced (Exalted/Primordial-level) motonic and sorcery tech? Nope. They still get stomped hard.

PM' me please. We should not clutter up this thread.
