Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

Draconas said:
He's acclimating well.
You're now imagining, when TIM goes to confront the entity which stole his organization, him telling her;

TIM: "I plowed your Mom."
Dragon: "And I watched."
SpacePaladin said:
For some reason, I think this:

ED: I've given you all the answers I'm capable of.
Jack: You gave me answers, all right, but they were all different. What I want to know of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't.
ED: My dear Jack, they're all lies.
Jack: Even the truths?
ED: Especially the truths!
Solar truth-telling charms work by asking 'Does the speaker believe what they are saying?'

The Dragon believes not a single thing he is saying. Even when it is the truth.
The end of the smooth wooden staff wracks against the floor. It is less to support him, and more to give ample warning he is walking. One hand wrapped around it, the other in a pocket of the gray robe, eyes glance between the young woman walking alongside him, and the endless sea of spires past her.

"I do wonder why you're less than pleased," she says, the jade and silver dragon wing decoration bobbing with each step, "You yourself have talked at length about the trouble she would cause on the throne."

"It is one less unpleasant option, yes. But it is still one less option." He shifts the corners of his lips. Smooth stone becomes warm underneath his feet, and the coiled serpent wall decoration moves, greeting them both. Doors ahead of them part to another empty hallway. "Mnemon is enough like her mother to require the same strategies, but her own inadequacies would require extra handling. The Throne, however, would satisfy her ambition enough that we could more easily direct her."

A faint sigh. She turns, cocking an eyebrow. Ignoring her, he stops, turns, and walks past her. Rather than down the hall, he walks to the wood and gold railing on the side. It overlooks this section of the city, this small slice of the grandeur. Rivers of gold run at breathtaking speeds beneath them. Spires pierce the sky, a dome of colors shifting and laid upon shapes.

Green eyes narrow. He takes a breath, closes his eyes, and looks. Past the sprawl, past the grandeur and past the essence that permeates this place, he sees the events just as they play out. Just as planned.

"They're here," he says, "Excuse me."

Gripping the wrackstaff tighter, he turns and walks back the way he came, ignoring Anys's shouted question. He has little time, after all.

The Great Maker has returned to Heaven.
Sadly, Auto is now the Maker Who Was. Still interesting set-up they've got in Yu Shan. Very nice imagery details.
Dirtnap said:
Sadly, Auto is now the Maker Who Was. Still interesting set-up they've got in Yu Shan. Very nice imagery details.
You have three guesses who the POV character of that scene was, and all of them should make you appropriately pity Auto, Kal, and Wuffles.
GreggHL said:
You have three guesses who the POV character of that scene was, and all of them should make you appropriately pity Auto, Kal, and Wuffles.
Sadly, I'm lacking in the details of Exalted, but I'm gonna guess that he's something that can see the Loom, given that he closed his eyes and "Saw" everything going "Just as Planned"(tm) Maybe Kerjack/Kerchop? Or however his name goes.
The Gate snaps into light and sound. Symbols of an ancient language he should not know but does play out in front of him. It becomes distance, and distance becomes a concept, transcending such mere things as possible and impossible to become is. He is pulled along, exiting one realm of existence and entering another, and can only watch the endless fields of Creation become something more.

A great city- a city greater than any other. A city from which the mere concept of a city takes root. Endless spires of gold, silver, jade and crystal rise into a sky lit by the constellation-sigil of Jupiter. The noise that hits is not the desperate music and shouts of the Demon City, but endless talking, arguing, politicking of the gods.

Kal'Reegar vas Rayya nar Idenna looks out, and he is hit with awe, wonder, and dread. But not dread at the sight. Dread at something else, something much deeper. He has returned, into the endless streets of a city to which the Citadel would be a district. To which the entire population of his people would be a statistical anomaly.

The Chosen of Journeys takes a deep breath and balls his fists.

"Welcome," Autochthon booms, "To YU-SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!"

And then Kal falls into a rushing river of liquid silver and is run over by a speeding boat.
Chapter 5:
Paperwork Avoidance Prana
Five days after the attack, she found herself in a field in the middle of nowhere. Unhurt. Disoriented, yes. Alone, yes. But such things are rarely such an obstacle for her. For ones such as her. A simple spell located the mortals of this land, and she flew over the grassy fields, soaring over the treetops, the rolling hills, and the farmlands attended to by the odd magitech of this place.

A day of steady travel, her hunger and her thirst abated by her own inner magicks, and she comes across the steady hum of blue walls. Green eyes glance from side to side. Walking forward, the red and black armor creaking with every step, well-kept boots streaked with mud and silt from that unfortunately placed river she passed over, she passes the blue wall.

Before her, a collection of...boxes...are arranged. Large boxes, with windows and open doors, in which there are mortals tending to their business, talking to glowing plates, sitting in idle chatter. Children run along, a girl with blonde pigtails running past her, followed by a small, red haired boy with some sort of bright colored wand that shoots water.

She walks past the boxes, into a city of low houses, spires glowing with blue lightning, and mounted...things...with many barrels pointed past the blue walls of light. She walks, observing, feeling eyes on her, but not eyes of suspicion, not gazes of fear.

Awe. She senses awe. She senses that they admire her- even though she does not know where she is, she is certain that they have a measure of respect for-

"Commander Shepard!"

Green eyes narrow. The woman with red hair and marble skin turns to the sound of the voice. The voice saying the name those intruders, those interlopers said. The name they believed belonged to her.

"Yes." It is not a question. It is not a statement. It is the tone of grinding rocks and weathered stone. A man, a mortal man in dark blue armor, his face concealed by a helmet that reveals only the eyes, swings his open hand to his brow.

"Welcome to Elysium, Commander! If you need anything, just ask!" He points to his right- to the center of this town. City. Place. "Are you here to see the statue?"

She nods. He walks, and she follows, hands balled into fists. Listening to chatter about 'Eden Prime', and 'Reapers,' and 'Illium', as if such words are supposed to have meaning to her. She nods, but does not speak. Does not betray her ignorance of this place.

Lead past storefronts with glass made of blue light, lead down streets paved with steel, she is lead to an open pagoda, at the center of which is a circle of blue light and water streaming upwards in short bursts. At the center of all this, though, there is a statue. Of her. Standing atop a hill of stone, foot atop the destroyed helmet of an invader.

Holding one of those wands above her head in one hand, other hand covered in some sort of construct of light. Shouting in triumphant victory at some hard won-battle. "We also got some news from Eden Prime, so we added the last bit just recently."

Her eyes wander to the forehead of the statue of her-but-not-her. To the garish, glowing, golden circle upon her effigy's brow.

Green eyes flash and become glowing coals. A white stone appears in her right hand, and she clenches her fist to reduce it to powder. The soldier tilts his head, even as the vermillion aura wafts off of her, and rather than run he simply taps something on the construct appearing around his arm.

"Oh yes," Mnemon of House Mnemon growls, sparks flying from her grinding teeth, "It's just going to be one of those decades."
fijkus said:
"What's up with her?"

"Are you aware of the concept of the Christian anti-Christ?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You're kind of it for her, Shepard."
Don't forget, that unlike her mother, Mnemon is actually rather religous.
The Nomad said:
I don't remember if it was established that standard summoning spells work in MEverse? Because Mnemon without her demon/elemental cohort seems just plain wrong (I recall one book (was it an Aspect book in the old edition or a magic sourcebook?) were she was described as appearing blurred in spirit sight because of the horde of spirit servants surrounding her at all times).
Unfortunately, her elemental/demon entourage is currently still in Creation, planning constant ambushes on Autochthon.
fijkus said:
"What's up with her?"

"Are you aware of the concept of the Christian anti-Christ?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You're kind of it for her, Shepard."
Let's not forget the massive statue of her with an Anathema caste mark.
Dirtnap said:
Eheheheh Mnemon is gonna have such a fun time.
Amusing thought.

Jane is paragon- I've said as much, and she has a tendency of making friends, rather than enemies.

Mnemon's general attitude is less 'friends out of enemies' and more 'I have those who serve under me and I have people I have not yet killed.'

Mnemon's eyes can glow red. As a high-breeding, elder Earth aspect, she would probably get glowing scars.

Does this make Mnemon into a Renegade Femshep or Jane into a Paragon Mnemon?
SpacePaladin said:
From a purely semantic perspective, Shepard is Paragon Mnemon, as Mnemon is older than Shepard and has been living her life as she has for longer than Shepard.

But I think I'm going to be the only one and everyone else if going to say Renegade Shepard, because Shepard.
Also, because hitting as many of Mnemon insecurity buttons at once is both hilarious and really dangerous.
A good Quarian navigator knows how to tell certain things. Speed, distance, size. Navigating in three dimensions for most of your life makes these things important. When you're in two dimensions, it becomes easier.

Frames of reference are steadier. Stationary. He can judge the motion of the liquid silver against the walls of the canal. The trees against the wind. Mental math combined with the rangefinger in his helmet. This tells him the boat speeding towards him is clocking one hundred miles per hour.


He blinks out of existence the moment the boat hits, appearing behind the driver- a squat, bobble-headed white creature in pink robes. It turns its head completely around, empty black eyes staring at Kal before shaking.

Kal turns, and stares at the passenger of the boat- a black furred, cat faced woman in blue and gold silk robes, reclining on a set of pillows. Her ears perk and the tail straightens. "Service," she says, and wags her eyebrows.

On the walkways overlooking the canals, Wuffles runs, Kamilla hanging from their back. They run as fast as synthetic limbs will carry them, watching Kal leap from boat to boat, running against the flow of speeding boat traffic and weaving between amorous deities and angry drivers.

Kamilla urges them on with her cries, pointing to the leaping, dodging sidereal. Which is when Wuffles sees a figure approaching from the distance. Petals extend, and the synthetic- well, more a pile of gods than a synthetic here- makes a careful decision with both the data it does have, and the data it does not.

In essence, Wuffles decides to take a leap of faith. Grabbing Kamilla, they tuck her under one arm. Leaping, the Geth hops first off the head of a stone lion, then through the air and off of one, two, three metal birds. Weaving between flying discs, between insects with man faces, Wuffles dives down towards their friend, currently running down a long dingy and pursued by an angry, spear wielding goat.

Kamilla closes her eyes. Wuffles extends a hand and spreads their feet. They catch, as they hoped, on the rungs of a ladder that was not there a moment ago. "Creator Kal'Reegar!"

Kal leaps, swinging his hand into the Geth's own. Wuffles pulls, swings, and sends them both towards solid ground. Kal hits first, rolling to a crouch. Wuffles swings through the air and lands on both feet, before extending their arms. Floating above them, Kamilla nods and drops into their arms.

Followed by a figure skipping along the runs of the ladder, tapping a sandal-covered foot on solid ground before clapping her hands. The ladder, stretched across the city, disappears. Straw hair tied back and hidden in a white hankerchief, she fixes them with amber eyes.

"You've come on quite a journey," she says, in a voice that makes Kal's eyes go wide with recognition, "I know Kal, of course. But I don't know you."

Kal falls to one knee, head bowed. Kamilla blinks, tilts her head, and then straightens up and smiles. "I'm Kamilla!"

Wuffles extends their head petals. "And we are Wuffles. Emissary of the Geth."

The woman blinks. "Wuffles." Mercury, Maiden of Journeys, tilts her head and blinks again. "What."
GreggHL said:
The woman blinks. "Wuffles." Mercury, Maiden of Journeys, tilts her head and blinks again. "What."
The Malfeas...
She managed...
To not stumble...
On one of the more ridiculous names or name/person combos...

I mean it Creation, 2.5 meter tall warrior with name Picker of Flowers or burly smith named Eyecandy or giant tyrannosaurus that breath fire with name Fluffy are obligatory!
Well, the lightning sparked thoughts of the once-god monster think, This place certainly has changed. The scarecrow hangs underneath him, swinging back and forth like a straw-filled effigy pendulum. The cloak, spattered with blood, seems to still be bleeding and he really should press Kamilla as to where she acquired it.

But yes, Autochthon thinks, this place has changed. The streets seem a lot busier, he muses, weaving between shifting crowds of spirits, around carts drawn down ley lines carved in the street. The hooded Maker bobs up and over a magnificent beast, ignoring the glowing scales completely and passing a pair of chattering, elephant sized grasshoppers.

Yes yes indeed, well. Well that's because the last time he was here, he was a universe in of himself, grand and vast and yes occasionally shedding void monsters into the landscape.

A sigh. The night turns to day, as if light by the sun at noon. Yes, Autochthon thinks, Ignis is in the lead in the Games. He passes between a pair of rickshaws, glancing from side to side. A wide street, with stands and stores and cafes lining it as far as he can see, but he is still maudlin about this.

Well, enough of that, he thinks. Yes, he left this place a coward. Yes! He has committed horrific acts! Yes, he was a monster! But he has learned empathy! And to show that he has brought his niece and his ally and and and "Oh dear I seem to have abandoned them."

The iris shutters closed, then reopens. He rises, turning side to side. "Kamilla? Kal'Reegar? Wuffles?" Another sigh. "Damn it," he harrumphs, "Well, between the Chosen of Journeys, the collection of Gods and the unspeakably powerful Adorjan behemoth oh dear I brought an Adorjan behemoth into Yu Shan."

He lowers back to the ground. Well, may as well see if he can track them down. Floating away from the storefronts, he hurries towards a canal port. Boats speed past, roaring along the silver lanes and blurring along the gold lanes. A lovely young figure, curvy and clad in form fitting red and black waits with her back turned to him.

"Excuse me? Hello? I'm looking for my companions and I was wondering-" The woman turns. Autochthon's iris snaps open. "No! My plan is foiled!"

The lovely young woman with a fake, wax mustache cocks an eyebrow.
GreggHL said:
The iris shutters closed, then reopens. He rises, turning side to side. "Kamilla? Kal'Reegar? Wuffles?" Another sigh. "Damn it," he harrumphs, "Well, between the Chosen of Journeys, the collection of Gods and the unspeakably powerful Adorjan behemoth oh dear I brought an Adorjan behemoth into Yu Shan."
Kamilla: "Nah. I'm not unspeakably powerful. I can totally talk about how powerful I am; it's not like I'm mama, who doesn't like talking! And FYI, I'd just like to point out that I'm totally allowed to be present, because my daddy was a Solar and that means I'm allowed to visit Yu Shan because that's in the Rules and also FYI it's only demons who aren't allowed to set foot in Yu Shan and I'm not a demon so nyah! Oh, but if people are going to be annoying about it, I can totally fly instead of setting foot in here. Ooooh, oooh! Uncle Auto, can I get a part-time job in the Bureau of Endings? I'd get to collect lots and lots of dead bodies that way and I'm going to ask you because I can't talk to Mama because she's not here and I can't talk to my daddy because he's been dead for, like, thousands of years and also I never met him."

Kal: "Do you need to breathe?"

Kamilla: "Only if I want to!"
Maes said:
Aaaand then they BOTH have to deal with it when the goddam Clone shows up. :p
Jane: "... so. Whose clone is she?"

Mnemon: "She's annoying enough to be yours."

Jane: "Nah, she's a bitch, so she's yours."

TIM: "Actually... mwhahahaha, she's your daughter."

Jane: "... my daughter?"

TIM: "Both of your daughters!"

Jane: "No, I'd remember having a child."

Mnemon: "Yes. I schedule my children in my calendar, thank you very much; an unplanned daughter would be bad for my health."

TIM: "Ah ha ha! Cerberus! You have no comprehension of the secrets we keep! Why, our knowledge is quite beyond..."

Mnemon: "Ah. So you used a neomah."

TIM: "..."

Mnemon: "Sweetie, I was binding demons when your great-great-great grandfather was molesting sheep. Don't think you can out-demonologist me."

Jane: "I have no idea what's going on, but fancy a wager on how long it takes for my Cerberus-made daughter with this utter bitch to take over the base, kill or subjugate all the scientists, and escape?"
This latest update means that Autochthon is alone right when Chejop Kejak is probably heading straight for him, and Chejop is still freshly annoyed over losing Mnemon.

I wouldn't want to be him in the next few updates.
Awesome to see this up and running again. Rise Exalted! Become the Fandom you where meant to be!