Glorious Shotgun Princess, Thread 3

The sunlight beams through the windows of the office, shifting into sunlight. Golden eyes look up and he straightens up, shifting the full measure of his awareness into his more human looking avatar. Stretching his neck, grunting, he idly wonders if he can work with this- this separation and compartmentalization- to make some component souls for himself.

He glances up again, musing on the stars he can see through the newly installed skylight in the domed office. "Saturn, mm? I wonder if Ignis let her win on purpose."

Autochthon, the Great Maker, has been thinking quite a bit lately. Not just on his normal trains of thought- invention, creativity, wonder, and new ideas- but on other things as well. Consequences, responsibility, what not.

The golden lightning streaming from his fingers hums in time with his own tune, a musical piece he picked up from the Normandy. The plate of jade underneath him reacts in time, legs forming and enchantments carving their way across it. To make the owner better rested, to organize papers in their draws.

The light from the gold skinned, lanky and disheveled man provides the brightest illumination. Like his craft, like his calling, it consumes his attention to the point where he does not hear the gears of the walls click or the lights switching on. He does not hear the automated floor or the door close.

It would take a craftsman months to do such things. But he is no craftsman. He is the Craftsman-god-thing. And, since he has taken a shine to the girl, he must make the best desk he can for her. He muses on it, muses some more. Then is broken out of the musing by two arms wrapping around his shoulders from behind and a quite perky chest pressing against his back.

The head rotates completely, looks down, and centers on Noedumari's smiling face. "Please do give me some warning when you do that," he says, smiling nonetheless, and turns his head back around, "I should be done with your desk within the next few days. You can use mine for paperwork while I'm working, of course."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't see any requisition orders for new office furniture."

The moving floor stops, and with a shuffling of long and embroidered skirts, the woman steps off. Tall, as tall as Autochthon's current body, lanky, she folds two arms behind her, two arms in front of her, and the third set of arms move as she walks, swaying from side to side in motion to the steady swinging of her angular, mantis-like face.

Noedumari makes an uncertain squeak, stepping behind Autochthon, then darting over to his desk. Auto himself tilts his head. A brief flicker of his awareness goes into one of his other bodies, checking records and images, before confirming who this is.

"Ah, Lady Ryzala." Shogun of the Department of Celestial Concerns, Lady of Paperwork and Bureaucracy, unofficial head of the Bureau of Heaven. Which his department is a part of. "Ah, my apologies." He extends a hand to the side, and Noedumari slaps down a form into it. Forming a pen in his free hand, he checks boxes, scribbles his assumed name, and hands it over. "I am not requisitioning it as much as using my own resources to create it, so I was uncertain if I should submit this form."

Not a lie, more an invention. In theory, at least.

She takes the form, glances at it, and nods. The corners of her mouth twitch, as if in some sort of hazy memory of how to react, before pulling into the beginnings of a smile. "There may be a more appropriate form," she says, "I will check. A crafter?"

He nods. "My calling. I come highly recommended for this position. Perhaps this department may be expanded." He smiles, part of his mind still checking records. Facts. Interesting reputation, he finds.

She smiles, slightly wider. "Interesting," she says, circling around him, Noedumari giving her a wide berth, "Of course, there would be quite a few forms for you to fill out, too. Especially, since you've just taken over as department head."

He smiles, straightening up. "Happy to fill out any and all paperwork you have. And a few more, if it would make you happy."

She cocks a hairless eyebrow. "I think it might." She folds her third set of arms at her waist. "Perhaps we can talk about this, in private. Perhaps over dinner. I will send a time and date."

"And I will be punctual."

She turns and strides out. He does not hear Noedumari collapse into his chair, nor hear her pull out a paper bag to hyperventilate into. Rather, he looks down, and cocks an eyebrow at the tent that has pitched itself over the front of his pants.

"My. That's never happened before."
Chapter 6:
Like a Bull in a Spider Web


Autobot just got a date.

Ah well, he should be find as long as he remembers to use protection.*

*Aka, a nice indestructible helmet. She is a mantis after all.
I... what... Autochthlon... wait...
Considering Auto isn't detected by Ryzala, just... does he mask his aura or something? Or... just how powerful, roughly, Autochthlon-as-God-is? I mean, I hear he is compared to Incarnae, but...
A date with honestly-not-Delores-Umbridge, no less.

This should be fun.
TheWeepingMan said:
I... what... Autochthlon... wait...
Considering Auto isn't detected by Ryzala, just... does he mask his aura or something?
Detected how? Gods don't have Essence sight naturally, I believe.
Nervaqus987 said:
They don't, but Measure the Wind is really low Essence and one of the things you'd expect from a high ranking god.
And not necessarily something they toss off on everyone they meet. She'll probably use it if he gives her a reason to, but for now she's likely assuming he's just another machine god she hasn't met before. Heaven knows there are enough gods in Yu Shan for that not to be surprising.
Nervaqus987 said:


Autobot just got a date.

Ah well, he should be find as long as he remembers to use protection.*

*Aka, a nice indestructible helmet. She is a mantis after all.
"She has six hands. She can do amazing things with all of them."
BadRoad said:
I don't know who to feel bad for: Noedumari, Ryzala, or Auto.

...Kal. I'll feel bad for Kal. That seems safe.
The problem is, as head of the Department of Machines, Mr.-I-Am-Not-Autochthon-No-Seriously is going to have to deal with something he has never had to before as a primordial.

Female gods who get his jimmies rustling. And who find him, as a maniac inventor who nonetheless somehow commands a huge cult, useful.
GreggHL said:
The problem is, as head of the Department of Machines, Mr.-I-Am-Not-Autochthon-No-Seriously is going to have to deal with something he has never had to before as a primordial.

Female gods who get his jimmies rustling. And who find him, as a maniac inventor who nonetheless somehow commands a huge cult, useful.
Well maybe even Vanileth will get a upswing from that should the god with the bad disguise and fictional name decide to influence some Inventions.
GreggHL said:
The problem is, as head of the Department of Machines, Mr.-I-Am-Not-Autochthon-No-Seriously is going to have to deal with something he has never had to before as a primordial.

Female gods who get his jimmies rustling. And who find him, as a maniac inventor who nonetheless somehow commands a huge cult, useful.
Is some kind of bonus or boon happening to machinery and technology across Creation now that Autochthon took over as God Of Machines btw?
Durabys said:
Is some kind of bonus or boon happening to machinery and technology across Creation now that Autochthon took over as God Of Machines btw?
It's less his domain in Yu Shan (which is paperwork) or his status (somewhat like Incarnae Level- he's actually a Divine Minister, which means 3rd Circle Demon. Think less UCS or Luna, think more 'Erembour, Madelrada, et al with a lot of work done by the Primordial and a bit of a power boost'), and more the fact that he has a massive cult in the form of the Jadeborn who worship him as their creator-god and will make any damn thing he asks them to.
Talon88.1 said:
And then little Miss. Mace decides she's in the mood for a bit of playtime.
Nothing is safe.
Sadly, Iron Siaka would not go for Kal. She'd go for Tali.

Unless, 'playtime' means 'find her serenity', which translates to 'bash someone's face in.'
GreggHL said:
Sadly, Iron Siaka would not go for Kal. She'd go for Tali.

Unless, 'playtime' means 'find her serenity', which translates to 'bash someone's face in.'
Now, now, let's be fair.

Sidereals aren't meant to kill each other, and get in massive trouble if they do. She'll need to wrap Mr Thumpy in Celestial Bubblewrap before she hits Kal in the face with it.
Alasnuyo said:
Just a niggling thought: Considering the massive time differentials between ME-verse and Creation until recently, as well as the, um.. considerable age of Harbinger/Bright Star, what are chances that Bright Star actually had more EXP than The Ebon Dragon right now?
You can't really apply EXP to something like a Yozi. That's…not how it would work. Also, considering the nature of the Dragon, whatever amount of power Bright Star has acquired, the Dragon will mirror perfectly, as that is how the Dragon do. He is the nemesis. He is the perfect nemesis.
Alasnuyo said:
Just a niggling thought: Considering the massive time differentials between ME-verse and Creation until recently, as well as the, um.. considerable age of Harbinger/Bright Star, what are chances that Bright Star actually had more EXP than The Ebon Dragon right now?
Zero - besides what gregg said, primordials have EXP: ALL OF IT. The limitation on thier charm access is not ability to purchase - its thematic space and ability to munchkin the most out of it. Hence why they don't have things like Gnostic Immanence Shintai until some infernal creates it.
Low wet coughs become guffaws, the coils of the shadows wrapping around his shoulders, binding his arms against him. A stream of yellow puss pours out of a bleached patch of brow and fills the empty eye socket. It forms into a sphere, rotating into place, and the cat slit opens on the newly formed eye.

"Oh, you poor, deluded little fuckwit. You even believe you're still a Solar!" The forked tongue runs along Bright Star's jawline, the coils wrapping around him and holding him tight. "I could not ask for more. The arrogance to do it, and the raw stupidity to not realize what you have done!"

Pulling the cracked and bleeding lips into a smile, the Dragon leans forward to blast the bare face of the former Harbinger with steam and snot. "You're not holy. You're not even human. You do nothing more than play at being the man you were, and have even dressed up the toys to play along."

There is a snarl, but not from the dragon. It comes from Bright Star, just before the sun sigil erupts on his brow. With a roar, he thrashes and slams his forehead against the shadow serpent. The coils loosen and he drops to the metal floor, watching the dragon floating back, one hand on its snout and more arms spreading out like an uncurling cuttlefish.

Bright Star grins. "I studied Golden Janissary."

The dragon narrows its eyes. "You cheeky fuck." And then he erupts into flames, screaming and screeching to the sounds of the roaring holy fire.

The obsidian woman watches with a faint smile, red eyes centered on the thrashing, screaming serpent.

It centers three eyes on her, even as the sunfire and light makes its skin crack and slough off. "Kill him!"In response, she calmly raises her right hand, extends her middle finger, and daintily kisses the tip. "You and I are going to have a long talk about appropriate levels of respect when this is over."

And then the serpent explodes. But not into flame, not into smoke. But into a pillar of darkness which smothers the light in the room, drenching the dome in darkness. It warps and curves the metal, drowning out even the pulsing light of the core beneath them. Bright Star averts his gaze, standing between the Collectors and the torrent.

The shadow gathers, sliding off the floor and walls like liquid, flowing upwards like like water, drawn into the center like by a singularity. It forms into a sphere, hanging in the air for a second, and then slams into the ground in front of Bright Star.

It rises, and forms into him. Only a shade darker, a shade more sinister. Black veins run up his neck, shadows curling around him like living tattoos. "Well, as they say, sometimes you just have to beat the respect into people." The Dragon throws back its head, laughs, and then stomps its foot to the floor. Propelled forward, it extends its fingers and goes for Bright Star's eyes.
Well. It is interesting to see the Dragon take personal interest, instead of using his Third Circle. Then again, it is the Dragon...
It forms, floating between Wuffles' hands. The Geth has returned its number of limbs to standard bipedal, and extends its petal. The shimmering liquid twists, coils, and stretches into its new form, with the starlight of Saturn's sigil shining down on the four.

Standing on the roof of the spire they were in, wind blows gently past them in the flavor of a summer breeze. Helmet held underneath his arm, Kal lets it blow his dreads, watching his friend. "So, quintessence?"

Next to him, May Blossom nods. "It's part of your Salary. I'll explain later."

"Creator Kal"Reegar, we have determined that we can form Quintessence into any object we have the blueprints of. This includes standard weaponry." A pause. Petals extend again. "We have leaned how to craft Quintessence. Making note of this. We stand by our new designation of God of the Geth."

Kal sighs, resting his face in his hands. Liquid becomes metal, covering the exposed circuits and moving parts of the blue and red tube. A handle and a sight form, and the object begins to whirr. Extending their hands, the Geth catches the rocket launcher, and hands it to Kal.

Next to May Blossom, Iron Siaka taps her foot. Leaning over her, she glares at the large, awkward device in Kal's hands. He leads them along, past the gold-rimmed entrance to the stairwell, past raised bumps in the roof, and towards a set of raised bullseyes on the other end of the building.

Winds float past them, puffs of transparent clouds, with one carrying a small cloud of dead insects in it. It pauses, glances at the group, and flies along to follow the other winds.

One hand fits his helmet back on. Yellow eyes track the crosshairs that appear, marveling slightly at how exact Wuffles had made this copy, complete with the software that can link up to his suit. "Wuffles, did you put some Geth in the rocket launcher you made?"


Kal sighs. Had to be expected. Hefting up the rocket launcher to his side, he aims at the center target of the half dozen archery targets. "Ladies! You may want to cover your ears!"

And he presses the trigger. Five minutes later, May Blossom is still stumbling around, hands over his ears and talking louder than she needs to. The targets, themselves, are gone. There is still fire and ash where they once were, and the occasional piece of stuffing or splinter which falls from the sky.

Siaka has not stopped smiling. "Teach me to use that," she finally says.

"WHAT?!" May Blossom yells.

Kal nods, flipping open the panel on the side and turning a dial. The whirring stops, a spent thermal clip falling to the ground. "Deal," he says, "Can I ask for something in return?"

"WHAT?!" Fingers digging into her ears, May Blossom leans against Wuffles. The Geth raises its petals, glancing at the Secrets. Iron Siaka looks Kal up and down.

"Sorry, but you're not my type," the Serenity responds.

Kal shakes his head. He pauses, blinks, and shakes his head again. "Nothing like that. I teach you how to use this," He raises the launcher. "And in return you teach me what I need to know."

Siaka nods. "Deal." She extends a fist. Hefting the launcher under her arm and fist bumps his new Sifu. Which is answered by May Blossom's loud, questioning, "WHAT?!"
May Blossom does not know what was just said, but she knows something BAD just happened.