Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

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The Guang family is gone, their holding destroyed and their members slaughtered.

Guang Li, the only survivor has fled to the Verdant Flames sect, where he is now an outer disciple. Utilizing the Guang bloodline he has summoned you, his ancestors to help him on his path of vengeance.

He would advance in cultivation, find out what happened to his family and achieve vengeance for their deaths.

So long as you can keep him form dying to the first young master he encounters of course.
Should I start another Quest when I already have 4 projects? No, probably not but this idea won't leave my head and I've been experiencing writers block recently and I've found that starting something new is helpful with it.

Anyways, welcome, this is the first time I've done a Riot quest so I hope you'll enjoy. I'm not sure exactly how many players are going to participate (although from my experience Riot quest draw a lot of people in) so I've been conservative with my numbers, if I judge that they are too high for the number of players I will likely adjust them a little.

Also I need like 5 posts reserved so hold posting for a minute or two.

"I've done it… I've finally done it!" a rather plain boy exclaimed as sweat and gunk covered his body and cloths.

He didn't seem to care as he jumped up and down in his excitement, letting the impurities expelled in his breakthrough spill into the even plainer room he was in.

It was several minutes before the young boy seemed to remember his currant predicaments and hurried to clean himself using the water from a basin prepared beforehand.

When he was as clean as he could reasonably get, the boy turned to his self-appointed task once more.

"Okay, if I remember right the Qi should go like this and then like that and then spread through my entire body" with a look of determination and concentration on his face, the boy began twisting his Qi in patterns half remembered before finally letting out an "ahaa!" sound as you and your fellows were tugged -ever so gently- one step closer into the physical realm.

Of course, one step out of a million was nothing but it was enough, enough for the boy -and only the boy- to look upon the shades that you were. Enough for you to influence him through the power of your blood.

At your appearance the boy fell to the ground Kowtowing "honored ancestors, this humble Guang Li begs for your support. The Guang family is gone, our killers free to glut themselves on our corpses, grant me your aid so I may acquire the power to avenge our line."

There was no response, no response you could have given for you were not far enough on the path to the physical realm for anything like sound to be possible for you to emit. But you didn't have to.

You too felt the rage at your bloodline destruction and so you answered the call and were dragged one step even closer to the realm of the living.

But who where you?

[ ] The old, the infirm, the wise.

You were the ghost of an elder, old and gray, your time at the land of the living has given you wisdom beyond your fellows.

When picking a wisdom action roll 2d6 instead of 1d6.

Guang Li starting attributes are weighted toward Intelligence and wisdom.

[ ] The broken, the sorrow, the wrath.

You were the restless ghost, the one who died unfulfilled, the one who was killed with regrets the innocent killed at the hand of a murderer. You have been born into this world with anger in your heart and it will never fade.

When picking a Wrath action roll 2d6 instead of 1d6.

Guang Li starting attributes are weighted toward strength and dexterity.

[ ] The young, the lifeful, the Qi.

You were a child, a teenager, so full of life, so full of promise, all of it cut short by cruel fate, you died without regret, without anger and your youthfulness has carried though to the realm of the dead. You are more connected with the living, more aligned with the energy of life itself.

When picking a Qi action roll 2d6 instead of 1d6.

Guang Li starting attributes are weighted toward constitution and perception.

"Thank you oh honored ancestors, for answering my call" the Boy have yet to rise from his supplication as he bowed toward his ancestors' spirits. "After the destruction of the family hold, I fled here, to the Verdant Flames Sect and has been accepted as outer disciple, as far as I can tell no one else has survived but you would know more about this then me, honored ancestors."

The boy was right, through the connection of your bloodline, all the knowledge accrued by the family members was available to you, including who was currently alive who perished and joined with the collective. Except… except for some reason that reservoir of knowledge was muddy and sluggish. knowledge that should have been at your fingertips requiring active effort to claw even the barest hint.

You frown, did the boy foolishness cause this… or was it merely your enemy action, a way to strike at your family beyond the realm of the living.

Unknowing of your thoughts the boy continued on "In three months' time, the sect will test all outer disciples and expel those it deems unworthy and untalented."

"Honored ancestors, I possess no resources, no backing and little talent, if I am expelled from the sect my journey of cultivation -and the chance for vengeance- would end. I implore you to help me!"

Event tracker.

Time: 3 turns.

Type: threshold, combat.

Description: the sect is going to test it's outer disciples, their cultivation and skills. Those found unworthy would be expelled with the rest allowed to stay in the outer sect. those who prove talented beyond their peers would see their status advance.

Failure: expelled from the sect. end of quest.

Successes: remain in the outer sect.

Welcome to Ancestor ghosts, in this quest you'll be playing as the ancestors of Guang Li as he tries to advance in his cultivation, find out what happed to his family and gain vengeance.

The main way time is going to pass is between events, whenever on event is done, another will be put on the event tracker, you won't have information on all of them, some would actually be completely hidden with you needing to take action to reveal them.

Every event will have a timer, which shows how many turns before it occurs. It has a type which determines how it is resolved (for example combat means, combat rolls would occur and threshold means that a certain point must be reached in your cultivation/skills) an event may have more then than one type and that means it judges successes based on either both of them or one of them.

Every turn, Guang Li will pick 3 action to do (in time you will have a way to affect this) and every player may pick an action from the list and then roll according to the type of ancestor he chose (1d6 for action no tin your category and 2d6 for action in your category) you roll by posting and then hitting edit on that post and clicking roll dice on the bottom of the post.

There are two types of action, progress and DC. Progress actions are easy your roll total is added to the shared progress count and when that count reaches a certain number it resolves and you gain its effect.

Dc actions are different (and there is currently only one) here the rolls aren't added up but rather every roll is checked against the DC, if its higher or equal the action passed if its lower than it failed. For every failure the next player gains a +1 to his roll until the action passes but be warned that rolling too low against the dc may have negative consequences.

Guang Li starts out with 6 different attributes and 4 skills (certain action may or may not unlock new ones). The six attributes are Strength, dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence and perception these attributes add a modifier to his roll (and only his rolls at this time) the modifier is determined by taking the score-10 and dividing it in 2 (basically how DnD dos it).

The skills are different, every skill level adds a d10 to Guang rolls (and if his skill is 0 or there is no skill relevant to the action, he only gets his attribute modifier).

The four skills are the following.

Combat- this is the skill for combat. And it covers everything about it.

Cultivation- this is the skill for cultivation, gathering Qi, condensing it or refining body is using this skill.

Breakthrough- this skill is for breaking through bottlenecks, realms and basically anything that has a Dc in cultivation. (think of cultivation as the skill for progression type action and this for Dc type action) this skill is difficult and so has a higher progress requirement to advance.

Fellowship- this is the social skill; any social challenge or encounter uses this skill.
Currently you have 2 types of cultivation available (Techniuqlly 3) Qi cultivation and body refining. Both cost Qi (which you must gather) and give benefits. Body refining is separated into 8 sections, each representing refining a different part of the body and each give a different benefit as well as having different costs (completing the entire Tier gives an additional benefit).

Qi cultivation on the other hand, only has a single path forward. Currently you are in the Qi condensation great realm. This realm is divided to 9 stages each of which is then further divide to 4 phases, low, mid, high and peak, each phase gives +1 to all attributes and going up a stage gives an additional +5 Qi reserve limit and +5 Hp.

You may only attempt go up a stage when you have reached the high phase of your current stage, this will require a breakthrough roll but well get to that when we get there.

Lastly, we have meridians. Each one you unlock (beyond the first which you started with), gives you a +0.1 multiplayer to gathering Qi. (So, if you had 11 meridians opened every time you would gain 1 Qi you would actually gain 2).

Qi reserve [10/20]

Guang Li actions.

[X] Cultivate (Wis)- condense Qi in his Dantian.

[X] Work for the sect (Variable)- grunt work (Con).

[X] Train (Int)- combat.


[ ] Map Guang Li body [0/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Map Guang Li spiritual roots. [0/50]. Unlock actions and gain knowledge.

[ ] Scout the meridian blockages [0/50]. Reduce the DC needed to clear meridians.

[ ] Look for knowledge about the verdant flames sect test [0/25]. Reveal basic requirements for the passing the test.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [0/25]. Raise the cultivation skill to 2.

-[ ] Combat. [0/25]. Raise the combat skill to 2.

-[ ] Breakthrough [0/50]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 1.

-[ ] Fellowship [0/25]. Raise the fellowship skill to 2.

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] Knowledge of alchemy [0/50]. Unlock Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [0/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] Refine the bloodlust. [0/100]. Unlock more wrath options.

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track.


[ ] Screams of death- nothing more than restless ghosts wailing of their death, diffuse and weak, it is nonetheless the best way for the ancestor ghosts to directly attack their enemies. The result depends on the final roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [0/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.


[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Advance to QC 1 Mid.

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined skin (+1 Constitution).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined muscles I (+1 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 10 (15/20/25) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian.
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End of the beginning. Start of turn 2.
I dearly hope I haven't made any mistake but were marching ahead, I'll edit in the character sheet sometime tomorrow. I'm going to be available for another hour or two but if you have a question and id dint get to you tonight, I'll answer first thing in the morning.


Cultivation to 2 4/25

Only a single ghost chose to whisper about the secret of cultivation, its voice drowned out by its fellows, only a fraction of the knowledge willingly shared retained by its descendant.

Scout meridians 12/50

As nature is imperfect so too is the impurity within the meridians, locating the one which possess the least impurity to clear and which acupuncture point upon has the lowest concertation is a long process, even for the ghosts of the Guang whose separation from the living word opens their eyes to its follies.

Progress has been made, yet much must still be made to locate the easiest starting point.

Refine Bloodlust 17/100

The anger eats at the ghosts of wrath, the world is not as it should be.

Their anger, their death rattles are weak, diffuse and unfocused, this should not be so yet they cannot seem to remember why.

Yet they work to achieve the world that was, with the determination only the vengeful ghost could ever possess.

They fail, which only serves to motivate them further.

Clear meridians: Failed 2.

Energy is sent forward, balls of energy wrapped in intent meant to purify and destroy that which is impure.

They fail in their task but bit by bit the poison of the jealous earth is dislodged, it still clings to its prey but not for long. (OOC Note: 2 failures mean the next roll gets +2 and if that one fails the next gets +3 and so on till you succeed).

Restless anger: 19/10.

Anger fills Guang Li body, wrath is infused into his bones. Determination is born out of the rage.

Yet not all is well, the rage leaves him short tampered, easily annoyed and quick to take offense. Only great effort on his part ensures no problem arise from such side effects.

Gather Qi: 50/3. (+16 Qi)

Slowly the ghost gathered, slowly they drank of the lifeblood of the earth, slowly they breathed in Qi into Guang Li Dantian.

The process was slow, though they have made many steps back toward the lands of the living they are still far away form it, the energy resists them yet they need not rest nor feed, their body long shed the vestiges of life.

The Qi resists but not for long.

Condense Qi 53/50 Completed!

With great effort, Qi is gathered and held.

It is then pressed on, with a dozen wills and slowly it gives and condenses.

Until finally a single drop of Qi now sits within Guang Li Dantian, yet not for long as it is swiftly absorbed by the dantain itself strengthen and expanding it ever so slightly.

New power fills Guang Li as something shifts within him.

Guang Li is now at QC 1- mid, gaining +1 to all stats and +2 to his Qi reserves.

Sect Test 26/25 Completed!

The ghosts are bound, they are bound by ancient ritual, by blood and by connection.

Yet they are also free, free by death the end of all things and so when they wish to find information, they travel the realm of the dead and the realm of living unseen by all.

They talk to dead disciples, eavesdrop on the elders' conversations and overlook the living disciples training and soon enough a picture forms.

And they whisper the secrets of the test into Guang Li ear.

It is nothing complicated, to stay within the outer sect one must demonstrate a mediocre talent of cultivation by reaching the second stage of Qi condensation within six months of their acceptance to the sect.

They must also then battle against their fellows to show both their determination and worth to the sect, only one battle of three must be won but benefits are given to those who go beyond.

Although even one win might be beyond Guang Li as he is now, the ghosts have watched the others train, they have seen their skills and concluded Li is far behind.

Next event conditions reveled.

Guang Li must reach QC2- low and win at least one battle with his fellow.

Basic outer disciple combat skill reveled to be 4

Fellowship to 2 34/25 Completed!
Combat to 2 27/25 Completed!

How do ghosts teach? Simple.

They whisper. They whisper in Li ears as he talks with the inner disciple in the mission hall, they whisper in his ears as he bows to an elder, he meets while exploring the sect's ground.

They whisper as his fist stirk the mannequin and they whisper as he eats with the other disciples.

They whisper, in in their whisper they grant him knowledge beyond his years.

Combat and fellowship rise to Level 2.

Guang Li rolled his shoulders as he strolled into the training grounds. They were still stiff from yesterday when he had to sweep the five hundred steps to the alchemy hall as part of his work.

The sounds of flesh punching flesh resounded all throughout the large filed, even at this early hour it was already full of disciples practicing the art of hitting one another in the face.

Normally Guang Li would go to one of the many mannequins strewn around and practice his punches with his ancestors' whispering corrections in his ear.

But this time he strode forward toward one of the disciples in the field and fell into a shallow bow "senior brother Lu, this junior once again thanks you for allowing me to exchange pointers with you" the large man just laughed Li gratitude off as he waved his own partner way.

"Nonsense, it is my duty as a senior to help my dutiful juniors, now" his tone turns serious as he dropped into a fighting stance "come at me".

Guang Li complied, there was no chance of victory -Lu Chi was in the fifth stage of Qi condensation and two years older than Guang I besides, he was one of the older disciples who passed the test years ago and remined in the sect, so no there was no chance of victory here.

Only the opportunity to learn. And learn he did, one punch at a time.

All the while his ancestor's wisdom seemed ever louder.

Guang Li has trained combat this turn, training on ones own is not efficient or practically effective so he only gains 1+int +restless anger bonus which is a total of 3.

However, Guang Li has succeeded in his Fellowship roll to gain a sparring partner and has gained a contact. Contacts are the people you know, those you can call upon when you need something, they are friends, comrades, teachers or just plain acquaintances.

In particular you have gained Lu Chi as a contact.

Lu Chi- an older disciple who has taken a liking to Guang Li and agreed to trad pointers with him. Distant Acquaintance. You may call upon Lu Chi for help with basic disciples' actions (things like basic cultivation*, training combat, training cultivation and so on) calling upon him adds +3 to your roll.

This time its Guang LI which called upon him so instead of just 4 he gains 7 progress to combat 3.

Now a few things you need to know, depending on your relationship calling upon someone (which done by just adding a –[x] calling upon X ,below your picked action for the turn) might mean they would call upon you in turn or expect something in return for their help.

Lu Chi for example is just a distant Acquaintance, so don't go calling on him for every action he's not going to invest hours into teaching Gunag Li not without the relationship fundamentally changing.

*Currently the only cultivation action you have which isn't basic is clearing meridians.

Additionally, Guang Li has worked for the sect this turn, as he was just doing grunt work, he gains 1+con +restless anger contribution points. Which is 4.

You can either choose to (you basically whisper to Gunag Li what to do with his points):

[] Save the points to use for Qi pills (1 contribution point = 1 Qi point) they will only be used if you go below 0 Qi.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points

Or ask me for something else and I'll tell you if its withing your price range, this shop is going to be open every turn so don't be afraid to save your points (note: pills and elixirs wok on the turn after you buy them so if you buy something this turn its effect would be on turn 3).

The shop vote is a simple majority vote but it's also requires at least half of the total voter count for turn to have voted for buying something (so people won't have to copy save points into their votes every turn)

Turn 2.

Event tracker.

Time: 2 turns.

Type: threshold, combat.

Description: the sect is going to test it's outer disciples, their cultivation and skills. Those found unworthy would be expelled with the rest allowed to stay in the outer sect. those who prove talented beyond their peers would see their status advance.

Failure: expelled from the sect. end of quest.

Successes: remain in the outer sect.

Requirements: QC2- low. Win on fight of three

Qi reserve [8/22]

Guang Li actions.

[X] Cultivate (Wis)- condense Qi in his Dantian.

[X] Work for the sect (Variable)- grunt work (Con).

[X] Train (Int)- combat.

-[X] Call upon Lu Chi +3.


[ ] Map Guang Li body [0/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Map Guang Li spiritual roots. [0/50]. Unlock actions and gain knowledge.

[ ] Scout the meridian blockages [12/50]. Reduce the DC needed to clear meridians.

[ ] Attempt to narrow down Guang Li probable opponents [1/25]. Increased effectiveness of restless night action, knowledge about opponents.
[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [4/25]. Raise the cultivation skill to 2.

-[ ] Combat. [9/50]. Raise the combat skill to 3.

-[ ] Breakthrough [0/50]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 1.

-[ ] Fellowship [2/50]. Raise the fellowship skill to 3.

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] Knowledge of alchemy [0/50]. Unlock Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [0/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] Refine the bloodlust. [17/100]. Unlock more wrath options.

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track.


[ ] Screams of death- nothing more than restless ghosts wailing of their death, diffuse and weak, it is nonetheless the best way for the ancestor ghosts to directly attack their enemies. The result depends on the final roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [9/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] Restless nights- the ancestors may whisper in the ears of those they are not bound to, such whispers are untaggable, but while knowledge cannot be carried through it, raw emotion can, let the ancestors whisper in the ears of the sleeping disciples, let them whisper of anger, despair and hatred and let their sleep suffer. Effectiveness depends on rolls. Sabotage your fellow disciple's


[ ] Gather Qi [2/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [3/50]. Advance to QC 1 high.

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined skin (+1 Constitution).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined muscles I (+1 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 10 (15/20/25) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note 2 failures so far).
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Fortunes encounters. / Start of turn 3.
An: Took me a bit but I've finished it, now excuse me as I go edit in a very basic character sheet.


Anger, the ancestors know of anger, know of wrath.

It is a vesicular thing born of death and loss. Raw and unmotorable yet control it they must.

Slowly the ancestors work on transforming the raw anger into something more.

They refined it form its raw form into something more elegant, sharp and deliberate.


In the ear of Guang Li do the ancestors whisper, they whisper corrections and knowledge.

Drawing from the vast repository of a thousand lives, slowly they teach him of the art of combat and cultivation.

The skills needed for his survival.

The combat skill increased to Lv 3 and the cultivation skill advanced to Lv 2.


Gently, Qi is cycled throughout Guang Li body mapping out all the concentrations of impurities.

For someone of Li skill such an act would have resulted in the loss of Qi yet with the sublime mastery of over a thousand lifetimes the ancestors of the Gunag cycle the Qi through his body and deposit it back in the dantain with nary a drop less.


Finding out who exactly it would be that Guang would fight is a hard task, one wich is almost impossible, as there are hundreds of new outer sect disciples which must be crossed out.

Unless of course, a ghost could look over the shoulder of the elder charged with preparing the test and read the document of the match pairings as they were written.

Three names were plucked form that most secret of documents.

Quing Ling, daughter of the Quing clan she is beyond Guang Li ability even with the ancestors help. Her cultivation alone surpasses him by leaps and bounds already at the third stage of Qi condensation and as a clan scion her skill would be beyond that of the average outer sect scrub.

The ancestors waste no time one seeking her out and instead move to the next two names in the list.

Ma Rong and Yu Feng.

Both belong to no clan and although their cultivation is more advanced then Guang Li (both standing at the second stage of the Qi condensation realm, one at low and the other high respectively) initial scouting has revealed that their skill is not so beyond him.

With the ancestors help of course.

The three opponents-

Quing Ling: QC3-high, skill: ??? (presumably very high)

Ma Rong: QC2-low, Skill: 4.

Yu Feng: QC2-high, skill:6.


With their targets known the ancestors of Guang focus their wrath and displeasure on the two opponents that Guang Li possesses a chance against.

To little effect, maybe a few bags under the eyes for a day or two.

The effort invested was just too little to achieve something meaningful.

Ma Rong and Yu Feng suffer a very slight malus to their advancement during turn 3.

GATHER QI: 55/3= +18 QI and 1/3 to the next point.

Once more the ancestors drink of the worlds blood, drawing the energy necessary to advance.

+18 Qi.

CONDENSE QI: 55/50 to QC-1-high.

Advancing through a stage of Qi condense requires condensing a more danse drop of Qi.

This drop of Qi is absorbed by the dantian and by so strengthens and expands it. unknown to mere outer disciples this act also reinforces one's presence within the endless scrolls of heaven.

As above, so below.

The world bows to the heavens command and so the cultivator becomes greater.

This is known to the ghosts and as they watch the newly condensed drop of Qi absorbed, they notice strange fluctuations in Guang Li connection to the heavens.

Perhaps once they knew what it might have meant but lesser as they are they do not.

Guang Li rises to QC1-high. +1 to all attributes, +2 to Qi reserves.

Sweep left, sweep right. Push the blossom leaves off the staircases and paved roads of the alchemy pavilion.

Gunag Li has spent the last three hours sweeping away at the large of compound of the alchemy division of the outer sect and he will spend three more if he wants his contribution points.

He didn't mind, it was an easy enough job and it paid decently -mostly because most cultivator though it was below their honor- besides it gave the time to acquaint himself with the outer sect members of the alchemy Pavilion.

Sure, it was nothing more them a simple hallo and hey there but it was good to be on positive terms with those who make the pills.

Instinctively, Guang Li steps to the side and bows, allowing the elder who is strolling up the stairs to pass with no obstacle and showing the proper respect.

Exapt, the elder doesn't pass him by but rather stops besides him.

Guang Li remains bowed, perhaps the elder has seen something interesting in the trees that surrounded the stairs and when he grows bord he will leave.

And so, Guang Li waits, hoping for the elder to continue on his way.

A few heart wrenching moments later and Gunag Li risked a subtle glance only to despair as the elder was still there and looking straight at him.

There was no choice, the elder was clearly here for him "This disciple greets his elder" he can feel his ancestors whispering in his ear and feels relic at not being alone in the elder gaze -even if he can't actually see them.

The elder for his part, just strokes his long and gray beard as if in deep in thought. Guang Li dares not speak, least he courts death.

"Disciple" the elder begins "are you not the one who cleaned this stairway every day for the last week?"

"Yes, elder!" Guang Li all but shouted his answer, wishing to stay the least possible amount of time under the elder gaze.

"Hmm… is it not currant policy for the maintenance missions to be rotated?"

"Rotated elder?" Gunag Li nervously replied.

"Yes rotated, shouldn't you have switched with the others who took the mission?'

"Others. Elder… its just me who took the mission."

"Just you" the elder asked sounding flabbergasted "for the whole compound?"

"Yes elder."

"Hmm… well I suppose such diligence deserves to be rewarded, here" Guang Li rushed to catch the small jade bottle thrown his way. When he returned his gaze to the elder, he found the man has disappeared.

Guang Li glanced at the small bottle he has been granted; he wouldn't know what kind of pill it was -such an appraisal was beyond his skills- but his ancestors would know.

So, he put it in one of his robes inner pockets and returned to his job.

Once again Gung Li dos grunt work for the sect, he gains another 4 CC (now at 8) an passes the DC to increase his opinion with the outer sect which is now at 2 (opinion is added to all rolls where what people think of you matters).

Additionally, thanks to his high fellowship roll as well as a positive event Guang Li has been gifted a pill, specifically.

A Calm Qi pill, this pill gives +2 to all QC breakthroughs attempts this turn.

Shop (requires 15 votes to buy something)

CCC- 8.

Default- points will be used instead of Qi (at 1 to 1) when Qi runs out.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a calm Qi pill (+2 to all QC breakthrough attempts in a turn) for 5 CC.

[] Buy a Ox strength pill* (+10 to strength for a 3+x rounds) for 5 CC +X.

[] Buy A willow drop pill (advance a single sub stage in you QC stage) for 10/20/40/80** CC.

[] Purchase a spiritual roots examination service (Instantly complete the map spiritual roots action) for 8 CC.

[] Purchase basic lessons (+3 to skill progress bar) for 1 CC.***

[] purchase advance lessons (+10 to skill progress bar) for 3 CC.***

*There is a variant available for all the other attributes.

**the cost is dependent on the stage you are on (IE: a QC 1 pays 10, while a QC3 pays 40).

***rare skill double the cost.

Turn 3.

Event tracker.

Time: 1 turns.

Type: threshold, combat.

Description: the sect is going to test it's outer disciples, their cultivation and skills. Those found unworthy would be expelled with the rest allowed to stay in the outer sect. those who prove talented beyond their peers would see their status advance.

Failure: expelled from the sect. end of quest.

Successes: remain in the outer sect.

Requirements: QC2- low. Win one fight of three

Qi reserve [12/22]

Guang Li actions.

[X] attempt breakthrough. -1 Qi. +1 to subsequent attempts.
[X] attempt breakthrough. -1 Qi. +1 to subsequent attempts.
[X] attempt breakthrough. -1 Qi. +1 to subsequent attempts. *

*with the pill you're now at +5 for all of your attempt this turn.


[ ] Map Guang Li body [0/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Map Guang Li spiritual roots. [0/50]. Unlock actions and gain knowledge.

[ ] Scout the meridian blockages [35/50]. Reduce the DC needed to clear meridians.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [11/50]. Raise the cultivation skill to 3.

-[ ] Combat. [26/75]. Raise the combat skill to 4.

-[ ] Breakthrough [0/50]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 1.

-[ ] Fellowship [2/50]. Raise the fellowship skill to 3.

[ ] investigate the anomaly in heavens power [0/50]. ???

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] Knowledge of alchemy [0/50]. Unlock Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [0/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] Refine the bloodlust. [31/100]. Unlock more wrath options.

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track.


[ ] Screams of death- nothing more than restless ghosts wailing of their death, diffuse and weak, it is nonetheless the best way for the ancestor ghosts to directly attack their enemies. The result depends on the final roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [9/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] Restless nights- the ancestors may whisper in the ears of those they are not bound to, such whispers are untaggable, but while knowledge cannot be carried through it, raw emotion can, let the ancestors whisper in the ears of the sleeping disciples, let them whisper of anger, despair and hatred and let their sleep suffer. Effectiveness depends on rolls. Sabotage your fellow disciple's


[ ] Gather Qi [1/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [5/50]. Advance to QC 1 peak.

[ ] attempt to break thou to QC2-low. Cost 1 Qi per attempt. DC 14. Advance to QC2-Low

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined skin (+1 Constitution).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined muscles I (+1 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 10 (15/20/25) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note 2 failures so far).
Breakthrough (end of turn 3).
condense qi: 5 + 10 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 7 + = 49 + 5 = 54/50
gather gi: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 5 + = 60/3

breakthrough attempt (dc 12): 7(fail), 11 (pass).

A great ocean of Qi rushes throughout Guang Li body as dozens of ghosts gather and then condense Qi, filling his dantian.

When it expands one final time Guang Li ingests the pill he was gifted and attempts to breakthrough to the next stage.

His efforts are hesitant, clumsy and disordered. His Qi rages out of control and only the pill stops Li form harming himself.

And yet the attempts weaken the inherent shekels of mortality upon him and his ancestors capitalize on the weakness and strike at the chains of heavens.

The first blow cracks one and the second shatters it.

Guang Li body is covered in black gunk, the impurities expelled by a successful breakthrough.

As he hastily moves to wash himself with a bath prepared beforehand, the ancestors Exprt eyes are drawn to the anomaly of heavens power.

It seemed some of the power has been released by the shattering of chain and has sunk into Guang li body, refining it beyond mortality.

Net -3 Qi, cultivation raised to QC1-peak and then QC2-low. +2 to all attributes, +7 Qi reserves capacity. Guang Li gains refined skin I (+1 con) due to ???

scout meridan blockages: 4 + 7 + 8 + = 19 + 35 = 54/50

with the work ethics only a ghost can endure, the ancestors cycle Qi throughout Guang Li body constantly. Mapping out any and all of the meridian blockages

Until at last they were to start.

Open meridian DC reduced by 1 and rises by 3 (instead of 4) for every meridian open.

teach combat: 3 + 5 + 7 + 10 + 6 + 3 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 9 + = 74 + 26 = 100/75

while Guang Li was busy attempting to advance his ancestors continued to whisper the secrets of combat to him.

This time, they whispered not of the how but of the when. An even more important aspect of combat then knowing how to attack.

While perhaps not a lot the knowledge spoken has been retained by Guang Li with the dozens of ghost at work enough has been retained to mark a substantial improvement in Guang Li combat ability.

The combat skill advances to Lv 4.

restless anger: 6 + 7 = 13 + 9= 22/10

the dead are full of anger, anger born from regrets and from violent ends.

It is this rage that they infuse into Guang Li, sh8imerring his anger and empowering his body.

The cost is high, living bodies are not meant to endure the emotions of the dead but the power is undeniable.

+2 to all Guang Li actions. -2 Hp (which is healed at the end of the turn, so you're at full health during the event)

restless nights: 7 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 7 + = 31

With more ghosts turning their attention to hunting Ma Rong and Yu Feng the two disciples' life has turn much harder.

Its hard to stress the importance of an hour of sleep, yet when it comes to the learning of new information being sleep deprived significantly effect knowledge retention as Ma Rong found out when attempting to refine his fighting style.

Same as a single moment of inattention, on the face of it doesn't seem like much. Yet when Yu Feng attempted to breakthrough and the Qi broke out of his control because of a single whisper at the right time, a single moment is the difference between success and failure.

Ma Rong failed to advance his combat skill to 5 and Yu Feng failed to advance to QC3 because of the penalties this turn. They both also gain slight penalties in the event itself.

investigate anomaly: 3 + 5 + 9 + 8 + 8 + = 33 + 0 = 33/50

Many ghosts were drawn to the anomaly, especially in light of what happened after breaking havens chain.

Yet the power of heaven evaded their sight. They will need more time to pin it down and truly gaze upon it.

knowledge of qi: 4 + = 4 + 0 = 4/100

refine bloodlust: 4 + 7 + = 11 + 31 +5= 47/100

A few ancestors attempted to once more dive into the knowledge held by the collective, the work was slow, the knowledge sluggish and broken.

Yet they persevere, working tirelessly to turn to the height they once occupied.

"Place your hand here" said the young inner disciple, her voice like honey to Guang Li ears, the whispers of his ancestors of charm techniques are disregarded before the anger from withing snaps him out of it.

"Sure" he replied no longer smitten with the inner disciple, she seemed to out when she realized he was under her spell, his ancestors whispered him the words she said uttered silently "always ruining my fun".

The orb Guang Li placed his hand upon started to glow in a kaleidoscope of color's and… shapes? the inner disciple -he never did get her name- just hummed and tapped the orb a few times. With every tap the colors shifted and changed until finally she was satisfied.

"Wow, you have shit luck junior" the women began "your highest elemental root is water at grade ten".

"Is that good?" Guang Li asked even though he knew form her earlier statement that it probably wasn't good. But his ancestors were silent on the subject so he asked anyways.

She looked at him as if he was crazy "is that good?" she repeated his question with an amused tone "is it good to have your highest-grade root be water at the verdant flame sect?"

Right... put that way it really was shit luck.

"Anyways, your pure root is grade three, which is below average for outer sect members but not too bad, you also have Yin at grade seventeen which is really rare, the average is grade fifty-seven, you also have another root which I'm pretty sure is yang but at grade sixty its so low you might as well not have had it".

Gunag Li breath hitched as her hand suddenly reach out and swiftly touched his skin and robes in three locations, apparently, he didn't completely shack of her charm technique. "The roots are located here, here and here, got that?"

"Y-yes" he didn't but his ancestors had and he didn't want to have the inner disciple stay longer than she must.

"Good" and with that she picked up her equipment and all but disappeared in an eye blink.

Reveled Guang Li spiritual roots, spiritual roots are how one gathers Qi, with the amount of progress needed equal to the grade of the root. Unlocked: water Qi, Yin Qi and Yang Qi.

Spiritual Roots:

Pure (what you were using up to now)- grade 3.

Water- grade 10.

Yin- grade 17.

Yang- grade 60.

Water Qi is ever flowing, water represent change and flexibility and it naturally attempts to become a liquid. Utilizing water Qi for condensation accrues double the progress, completing a project which gives +Dex with mostly water Qi doubles the Dex gained.
Yin represents the mind and spiritual. By dint of their bloodline the Guang posses Yin roots heavily developed. Utilizing mostly Yin Qi for projects which improve the mind/spirit double the benefits incurred.
Yang represents the energy of the living, physically. The Guang line has been known to have well below average Yang roots. Utilizing mostly Yang Qi for projects which impose the physicality aspect grant double the benefits.
Fire is destruction, it is wild and uncontrollable but it is also renewal, purification and the forge of all things. Using fire Qi to refine one's body yields double the progress and double the benefits.

No vote this time, I thought about holding this until I finshed the start of the event but I figured its better this way.
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First fight: Ma Rong.
In a well-maintained field, in one of the many valleys in the mountain range the verdant flame sect occupied, over five hundred young men and woman gathered, organized into neat rows and standing at attention.

To the last they were all the new outer disciples which have risen to the second stage of Qi condensation and in light of their achievement have been given the right to fight for their place in the sect.

Many have already been kicked out, the untalented and the lazy those without a future and no prospect.

In front of them, on a raised platform stood the reason for the crowed peacefulness, outer elder Mu Dong, his very presence pushing down on all of the cultivators present. He might have look like any second he's going to kneel over dead form old age, yet his aura was something different.

'Nascent soul' whisper Gunag Li ancestors, as he watched the elder slowly walk to the edge of the platform he was own and start a speech.

He talked of duty, of courage and how iron would sharpen iron this day.

Then he was gone, like he was never even there and his assistants have started moving between the disciples, organizing them into groups and distributing blunt weapons.

Guang Li found himself staring down Ma Rong a blunted spear in hand, the black-haired disciple seemed as nervus as Guang Li felt.

Swallowing his nerves, he immersed himself in his ancestors' whispers letting his worries melt away.

The inner disciple watching the pair signaled the fight beginning and Li rushed forth the anger flowing in his veins giving him the strength and speed to react first.

His spear thrusted forward, breaking through the clumsy guard attempt to draw first blood.

Not to be undone Ma Rong swiped the blunt end of the spear into Li stomach knocking the breath from his lungs.

Quickly recovering Guang Li sent a wide sweeping strike which Ma Rong dodged by hastily moving backwards before retaliating with a quick thrust which Li ducked under.

This continued for some time, as both Guang Li and Ma Rong exchanged strikes, achieving little else then tiring themselves out and a few minor cuts.

With his ancestor's rage flowing between his veins, it was Guang Li that broke the stalemate as Ma Rong tired guard broke before his anger filed stirks and pushed him to the ground where Guang li proceeded to rain blow after blow at Ma Rong prone body until at last the boy surrendered.

As Guang Li left the improvised arena, his soul screamed of triumph, he has passed, his place at the sect was secured and his vengeance was one step closer.

Now, he had to decide if what he achieved today was sufficient or should he risk more. Wining more fights would come with their own rewards and yet they also come with the chance of death and injury.

The chance was low, but it was risk all the same.

As Guang Li caught his breath form his match, he entreated his elders for advice and the whippers spoke.

[] Of courage and risk. (Gunag Li will fight the rest of his battles in the hopes of gaining prizes).

[] Of wisdom and caution. (Guang Li will forfeit his next fights to ensure he won't receive a grievous injury)

Guang Li currant state- Hp 18/24. 2 stacks of exhaustion.

Welcome to events, normally an event would be more then 1/2 posts and would have more choices/options for the ghosts to intervene but for this tutorial event you only have a single choice.

The choices you make in events effect more than just the event, they effect Guang Li personally and priorities. This effects both the choices he makes during events, as well as what kind of actions he chooses every turn.

So, keep him in mind when you're choosing your vote.

Now, votes during events are random in nature (when voting is done, I gather all the votes give each option a number depending on how many voted for it and then roll a die, the number it fell on is the what Guang Li heard) this is done for two reasons.

One, it retains the inherent riot quest trait where every vote changes the outcome and very vote matters and two, the ancestors cannot yet fully converse with Guang Li and doing things this way helps emphasize that what Guang LI hears form the whispers of his ancestors can be random at times.

That all for today, the vote would be left open for 2~ days and then well move to either T4 or to the next fights (depending on the option chosen).
Rising flame. Start of turn 4.
I really hope I didn't forget something but ehh I'll remember if it was important.

Anyway, I'm going to shamelessly plug myself now, if you don't know Winterfest is going on and as always there is a vote for the best fics/quests on the site and there is a snazzy banner as a prize (among other things) which I want so I'm going ask that you go vote for GOTA.

This quest is eligible for the best new work award and best original work and you can nominate it to both, simply click on the link and copy the name of the quest as its formatted below and post there.

[X] Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

And if you need some incentive, being nominated (or wining) in winter fest is great publicity for fics/quests and that means more players and as this is a riot quest more players mean more progress.

Now with the shameless plug over, do enjoy as we move onwards.

Guang Li takes a moment to regain his breath before following his ancestor's wisdom and stepping back into the impromptu arena.

Yu Feng, was a short man standing a full head below Guang Li but his farm was broad and full of muscles and his eyes were attentive and alert.

Guang Li barley managed to sway out of the way of the first spear thrust, only the swiftness gained form his cultivation allowed him to block the second and just about to deflect the third and forth although the pain in his side reveled that he was not as successful as he thought he was.

Yu Feng was fast; he was also skilled both facts allowed him to keep Gunag Li on the backfoot never allowing him to counter attack or break away.

And then things got worse, Yu fang spear burst into flame and swiped into Guang Li side, he managed to block the strike the crack of wood echoing in the arena form the strength in the blow, yet he could not block the flames which spread to his spear and cloths.

As pain started to blossomed across Guang Li body, he followed his instincts and dropped, rolling on the ground, hoping to extinguish the flames.

Somewhere in that tumble he managed to trip Yu Fang and he pounced on the opportunity throwing himself over Yu Fang body and brawling with him until he managed to get him in a hold.

Yu Fang was fast but he was not strong and with leverage on Guang Li side there was nothing he could do.

Guang LI forfeited the fight aginst Quing Ling, even if he was at top shape he wouldn't have managed to win, the woman in question just rolled her eyes as it seemed he wasn't the only one who forfeited.

Afterwards, the disciples gathered once more as the elder congratulated those who won at some point those who lost slinked off as they were kicked out of the sect but Guang Li was in too much pain to really pay attention.

The next day, with his wounds starting to heal and the pain subsiding he returned to the administration hall to see what the rewards for his pain were.

For passing at all he has been given five contributing points -which he very much suspected were meant to be use to help him heal- and the right to attend one of the elders lectures.

He was then given a requisition form for his second win, which he could redeem to one of three prizes.

[] An inner flame pill- a valuable pill full of fire Qi. (+10 fire Qi).

[] Elixir of pure thought- a valuable and rare elixir which enhances one ability to learn and retain information (+2 to all learning/teaching actions for 2 turns. this includes the ghosts)

[] Meridian cleanser pill- a rare and valuable pill, ingesting it will fully cleanse a single meridian. (+1 meridian opened).

He just hopes the prizes were worth the injuries he suffered.

Guang Li is at 7/28 Hp and has suffered the injury; spiritual burns: - 3 to guan Li physical actions, -1 to Qi actions (this includes ghosts). Evry turn Guang Li will roll to heal his injuries the chance is dependent on how full his HP bar is (IE: when at full health he has a high chance and when its low he has a very low chance).

And so, ends the first true test of Guang Li resolve, his ancestors hope it will be the last one in a while and yet the strands of fate relevel otherwise.

The stage is set and the actors are in place, the heavens put their finger on the scales and all follow.

The strands of fate are opaque to the ghost of the Guang, once they may have read as easy as breathing but lesser as they are the meaning and interpretations are beyond them.

The only thing they know is that it will happen soon and it will either be a great opportunity or a great ruin.

Turn 4.

Event tracker.

Time: 2 turns. (end of turn 5).

Type: ???

Description: ???

Failure: major setbacks???

Successes: an opportunity???

Requirements: ???

Qi reserve [9/29]

Hp [7/28]
Shop (requires 15 votes to buy something)

CCC- 0.

Default- points will be used instead of pure Qi (at 1 to 1) when pure Qi runs out.

[] Buy fire Qi. 2 CC for 1 point of fire Qi.

[] Buy Yang Qi. 4 CC for 1 point of yang Qi.

[] Buy water Qi. 8 CC for 1 point of water Qi.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a calm Qi pill (+2 to all QC breakthrough attempts in a turn) for 5 CC.

[] Buy a Ox strength pill* (+10 to strength for a 3+x rounds) for 5 CC +X.

[] Buy A willow drop pill (advance a single sub stage in you QC stage) for 10/20/40/80** CC.

[] Purchase basic lessons (+3 to skill progress bar) for 1 CC.***

[] purchase advance lessons (+10 to skill progress bar) for 3 CC.***

*There is a variant available for all the other attributes.

**the cost is dependent on the stage you are on (IE: a QC 1 pays 10, while a QC3 pays 40).

***rare skill double the cost.
Guang Li actions.

[] Attend the elder lessons. +cultivation skill.

[] Rest and recuperate +2 Hp (in addition to the base healing rate of 2 to a total of 4 HP heal this turn).

[] pursue the library and its technique selection.


[ ] Map Guang Li body [0/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [11/50]. Raise the cultivation skill to 3.

-[ ] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.

-[ ] Breakthrough [0/50]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 1.

-[ ] Fellowship [2/50]. Raise the fellowship skill to 3.

[ ] investigate the anomaly in heavens power [33/50]. ???

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] Knowledge of alchemy [0/50]. Unlock Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [4/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] Refine the bloodlust. [47/100]. Unlock more wrath options.

[ ] Attempt to divine the strands of fate and glimpse the future to come [0/50] ([0/75 for phase 2, 0/100 for phase 3) reveal basic information about the event. (further phases revel more information).

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track permanently.


[ ] Screams of death- nothing more than restless ghosts wailing of their death, diffuse and weak, it is nonetheless the best way for the ancestor ghosts to directly attack their enemies. The result depends on the final roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [2/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [0/10]. +1 contribution point.


[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[ ] water Qi [0/10].
-[ ] Yin Qi [0/17]
-[ ] Yang Qi [0/60]

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [4/100]. Advance to QC 2 mid.

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined skin II (+3 Constitution*).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined muscles I (+1 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 9 (12/15/18) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note: 2 failures so far).

*this replaces the refined skin I trait so the actual bonus of the action is +2 but the total is +3.

Yin. (a new category, discover more about your bloodline to unlock further actions in this category).

[ ] Nurture Yin- as ghost of the dead, you are binges of Yin inhabit Guang Li body and let his roots nurture of your power but be careful for even those of the Guang cannot stand the chill of death for long. -3 Hp per time taken. [0/100] advance Guang Li Yin root to grade 16.

[ ] The power of thought- flood Guang Li mind with Yin Qi and show the power of thought and mentality Cost: 1 Yin Qi per attempt. [0/50] +1 to all learning/teaching actions next turn (ghosts actions included).
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Lectures and teachings. Start of turn 5.
QI GATHER: 15/3 +5
water Qi 5/10 +0
Yin Qi 87/17 +5

The presence of the roots reveled to them the ancestors drink deeply of the world bounty pure and yin Qi flowing freely into Guang Li dantian.

+5 Qi, +5 Yin Qi.

QI CONDENSE: 16/100 to Qi 2-Mid. Spent 2 Pure Qi.

Slowly the ghosts gather the Qi and start the process of condensing it. applying just the required pressure and no more.

With the expansion of the dantian the amount of Qi needed to condense a liquid drop of Qi has risen, although that is more a side effect of the needed pressure and work to truly condense the drop.

Consequently, much work is still needed before another drop could be condensed.

MERIDIAN BREAKTHROUGH: +1 failure (3 total),

Another attempt on clearing the meridians, this attempt like its predecessors has failed but in its failure It has dislodged some of the impurities paving the way to the next attempt.


What is the difference between breaking though and just regular cultivation?

At the end of the day both skills are just Qi control applied differently.

To cultivate you need stamina and precision, to control Qi for long periods of time and apply just the right amount of force.

A breakthrough needs explosive power, to throw its entire might at once and the control to not let it rage further then you need.

Both skills require Qi control but of differing kinds and the difference can be quite hard to learn.

Thankfully, with his ancestors' words in his ears Guang Li has learnt well.

Breakthrough skill increased to Lv 1.


Unseen by all the ghost of warmth and anger prowled the sect grounds hunting for their prey.

Small as they were the various critters that inhabited the sects' lands fell swiftly and with Guang Li gathering the corpses and turning them in his ancestors effort has provided him with a modest amount of Contribution points.

+5 CC.


Rarely do the heavens turn their eyes to the mortal world, even when their chains are broken heavens sight is elsewhere.

So, to see such a concentration of its power within Guang Li was both mystifying and worrying. Yet out of all the sects and clans none knew of the power of heaven more than the ancestors of the Guang and under their close scrutiny its secrets were revealed.

The energy was protective of Guang Li, deeply infused with the Dao of the shield. It has been tied to his soul specifically so it could protect him.

The why eluded them but the evidence is clear beyond all doubt, the heavens have moved to protect Guang Li investing enough power to stave his death thrice.

Only two instances remained now, some of the energy released during the breaking of the chain, and it will continue to do so with every chain broken.

At least now that the collective knows of the energy and its purpose it might be diverted to different courses.

Revealed, the energy of heaven (shield)- when Guang Li die's (or a quest end is achieved) remove one stack of heaven energy instead, when ascending a stage remove one stack of the energy of heaven and receive a random small benefit. 2 stacks remaining.

COMBAT SKILL: 25/100 to lvl 5
CULTIVATION SKILL: 19/50 to lvl 3

Even deeper do the ghost dive into the collective, aiming to reclaim the knowledge that they once possessed to middling results.

Meanwhile the wrath of the ancestors is ever closer to true potency.


Deciphering the strands of fate is a difficult task at any time, especially when one possesses no tools or true talent for the art.

In truth the only reason the ancestors of the Guang can even divine the future is their nature, they stand in the in-between, not alive yet not dead. This has a few benefits one of which is a clearer sight of fate.

But where talent and resources fail, hard work prevails and precious nuggets of information are stolen form the strands of fate.

They see a crowed of outer disciples all surrounding three people, one is shadow, the other is Guang Li and the last is a man adorned with rich robs, full and decorated beyond all good tase, all the bystanders hang on his words, they all compete to garner his favor for fate bends around him.

Upon his words will either doom or glory arrive.

knowledge of the event.

The hall housing the Elder lecture was full to bursting, hundreds of outer disciples close to suffocating as they push and are pushed. All to gain an even closer sit to the elder so they would stand the chance to get personal tutelage.

Guang Li remained in the back already in one of the many seats not been fought over. He might have also wished to ern a closer seat but he was nothing if not a realist and knew he could not claim one even if he tried.

And so, he didn't and conserved his effort and attention to the coming lecture.

The elder was an old man, with wrinkling skin and long gray hair drawn into a ponytail. It might have been redundant to call an elder old but as a core formation cultivator and one which -according to his ancestor's wisdom- reached close to its peak, to show the signs of aging that he did must have meant he was positively ancient.

Guang Yu, Guang Li great-great aunt reached a similar cultivation level and she hasn't shown a single sign of aging despite being more than six hundred years old.

The elder voice was deep d and full betraying the frail image his body showed. The elder spoke of the basics of Qi, on its nature, power and how to beast yield it. he shard knowledge control and under his keen eyes did they practice the art of cultivation the elder calling out corrections.

Guang Li was only corrected once, not because he was skilled -his ancestors corrections proved otherwise- but because he was at the back and it is here that the fruits of the earlier scuffles bared fruits as the closer you sat the more attention fell upon you form the elder.

For Guang Li this mattered little as his ancestors filed in the role of the elder and he learned plenty but his fellows struggled.

Some of his ancestors whispered to him of how the others are failing pointing their mistakes so he wont peat them.

And on an ideal fancy he decided to share some of it.

By the time he left the lecture, Guang Li left surrounded by friends.

Cultivations skill rises to Lv3, gain contact struggling disciples (close acquaintances)- a group of outer disciples who struggle behind their peers, they cannot offer much but may be relied upon to back Guang Li up should he need it (IE: this contact may only be called upon during events).

"No" came the decisive and final declaration of the inner disciple manning the library counter.

Gung Li just stared at the man reading a book while on the job, the disciple in question did not even bother to raise his eyes form the pages.

In the end he just sighed and turned to the many shelfs of the library and began the long and boring task of trying to find something worthwhile in the unorganized mess that was the outer sect library.

After hours of searching Guang Li only found three techniques that are worth his time, the rest mostly being fire techniques that are pretty much useless for him.

He would need to pay if he wanted to learn anyone them but thanks to his ancestors he won't need to repay if he wanted another look as they would remember the technique near perfectly.

(OOC: keep in mind that all of the following techniques are untrained and would become better as they are mastered and improved).

Type: defensive.

Cost 1 Qi.

Effect: absorb 1 Hp damage at armor 1 rating.

Special: utilizing non-pure Qi will apply its nature to the shield. (I.E. using water Qi would make the held more water and as such more effective against fire).
Type: offensive, ranged.

Cost: 1 Water Qi.

Effect: execute a ranged attack of a small water bullet (base 2 damage, pierce).
Type: utility.

Cost 1 yang Qi, must be done as part of a recuperate turn action.

Effect: spread the warmth of life and the physical world into your body, strengthening and healing it. (+1 HP, +2% chance of healing injuries).

Turn 5.

Event tracker.

Time: 1 turns. (end of turn 5).

Type: Social, ???

Description: a meeting within the sect between Guang Li, someone important and a shadow that is hidden from sight.

Failure: major setbacks???

Successes: an opportunity???

Requirements: ???

Qi reserve [12/29]
-pure 7.
-Yin 5.

Hp [13/28]

Shop (requires 15 votes to buy something)

CCC- 8.

Default- points will be used instead of pure Qi (at 1 to 1) when pure Qi runs out.

[] Buy fire Qi. 2 CC for 1 point of fire Qi.

[] Buy Yang Qi. 4 CC for 1 point of yang Qi.

[] Buy water Qi. 8 CC for 1 point of water Qi.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a calm Qi pill (+2 to all QC breakthrough attempts in a turn) for 5 CC.

[] Buy a Ox strength pill* (+10 to strength for a 3+x rounds) for 5 CC +X.

[] Buy A willow drop pill (advance a single sub stage in you QC stage) for 10/20/40/80** CC.

[] Purchase basic lessons (+3 to skill progress bar) for 1 CC.***

[] purchase advance lessons (+10 to skill progress bar) for 3 CC.***

[] Buy a technique.

-[] which one?

*There is a variant available for all the other attributes.

**the cost is dependent on the stage you are on (IE: a QC 1 pays 10, while a QC3 pays 40).

***rare skill double the cost.

Guang Li actions.

[X] Gather Qi (pure).

[X] Rest and recuperate +2 Hp (in addition to the base healing rate of 2 to a total of 4 HP heal this turn).

[X] Work for the sect (Variable)- grunt work (Con).


[ ] Map Guang Li body [5/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [0/75]. Raise the cultivation skill to 4.

-[ ] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.

-[ ] Breakthrough [4/100]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 2.

-[ ] Fellowship [2/50]. Raise the fellowship skill to 3.

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] Knowledge of alchemy [10/50]. Unlock Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [12/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] Refine the bloodlust. [77/100]. Unlock more wrath options.

[ ] Attempt to divine the strands of fate and glimpse the future to come [0/75] (0/100 for phase 3) reveal advanced information about the event. (further phases revel more information).

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track permanently.


[ ] Screams of death- nothing more than restless ghosts wailing of their death, diffuse and weak, it is nonetheless the best way for the ancestor ghosts to directly attack their enemies. The result depends on the final roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [2/10] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [9/10]. +1 contribution point.


[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[ ] water Qi [5/10].
-[ ] Yin Qi [2/17]
-[ ] Yang Qi [0/60]

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [4/100]. Advance to QC 2 mid.
-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined skin II (+3 Constitution*).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/20]. Refined muscles I (+1 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).

--[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 9 (12/15/18) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note: 3 failures so far).

-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

*this replaces the refined skin I trait so the actual bonus of the action is +2 but the total is +3.

Yin. (a new category, discover more about your bloodline to unlock further actions in this category).

[ ] Nurture Yin- as ghost of the dead, you are binges of Yin inhabit Guang Li body and let his roots nurture of your power but be careful for even those of the Guang cannot stand the chill of death for long. -3 Hp per time taken. [0/100] advance Guang Li Yin root to grade 16.

[ ] The power of thought- flood Guang Li mind with Yin Qi and show the power of thought and mentality Cost: 1 Yin Qi per attempt. [0/50] +1 to all learning/teaching actions next turn (ghosts actions included).
Cycle of the elements (end of turn 5).
silent hunters +6 ccp, [2/10].

Unseen to all the ghosts of the Guang hunt the sect's ground in search of pray.

Yet through unseen, their work is not unnoticed as the population of spiritual critters falls rapidly, enough for the mission to not be as urgent and with it a fall in the contribution points Guang Li gains for turning them in.

+6 CC, silent hunters effectiveness reduced.

Teach fellowship 3 finished, 17 overflow.

The wisdom of the ancestors truly is endless.

They always know the right word, the right gesture the right metaphor to push forward the conversation and make a good impression.

They teach Guang Li this skill, in drips and pieces they guide him on the path of social awareness. This knowledge gathered over generations is passed down so It may one day be passed down once more.

Gain fellowship 3.

Gather water Qi +2 water Qi [9/10]

Gather pure Qi +13 Qi, [0/3]

Gather Yin Qi +1 Yin Qi [9/17]

The essence of the world is gathered, fed to the roots of Guang Li soul most is stripped of any contamination, becoming as pure as it could be but some is turned to water and is made to flow through the pathways of the body lest it lose its essence.

A small part is given to the mind, turned into Yin.

As it joins the others something within the collective is knocked loose an instinct rises to the surface to reclaim what they once were. To feed on Yin and step closer to the waking world once more.

It's too little, far too little but it will grow in time… and the ghost will be waiting hungry for life.

Net +7 pure Qi and +1 Yin Qi.

Reveled milestone, the second step- allow the ghosts to feed on 50 Yin Qi and 50 Hp. When complete all ghosts gain +1 base dice (which means +2 in their specialty) and their dice are turned to d8's

Refine the bloodlust. Finished.

Over the course of months, the ancestor of the Guang has tamed the bloodlust of their wrath, refining it from the crude form it has degraded into.

It is now pure and precise and with comes both he ability to harm and to limit harm.

Bloodlust refined. Unlocked actions.

Map body [36/100].

Condense Qi [58/100]

More Qi is sent cycling throughout Guang li body mapping the various inefficiencies and impurities within it.

The Qi is then brought together and condensed, the ancestors applying pressure to the amphoral Qi to turn it into liquid. The water Qi is eager, leaping to their command attempting to return to its natural form.

Knowledge of Qi [37/100]

Breakthrough skill lvl 2 [23/100]

More knowledge is drawn from the collective, this reservoir of knowledge has been built over centuries and is in no danger of being run dry.

Refine muscle. finished.

By the guiding hand of the ancestors, Qi is infused into Guang Li muscles, the impurities washed away and expelled. A small step but a step nonetheless as Guang Li body becomes just a bit more of the havens then of the earth.

Gain Refined muscles I (+1 strength).

Knowledge of alchemy. Finished.

Water nourishes wood, wood feeds fire, form fire is earth born, In the earth metal is born and metal collates the water. This is the cycle. The endless cycle.

One element strengthens another's. at its most basic form alchemy can be distilled to this cycle. Strengthening natural properties by choosing and mixing the right elements to strengthen them.

Within the mind of the Guang Lies the legacy of centuries, hundreds of recipes the knowledge of herbs and medicines secret from the world.

Many require unique or rare ingredients but many can also be brewed from common herbs if one only knew how.

Already Guang Li has started gathering some random wild herbs grown around the sect.

Unlocked alchemy. +3 common herbs (Guang Li will randomly gather common herbs as he goes around the sect). I'm not going to bother to generate a huge list of possible pills but assume that you can concoct any pill/elixir in the shop under 10 cc with common herbs ( 1 cc worth = 1 common herb) anything above it will require a rare herb,, you may also ask for specific effects and I'll add it (although the price may be out of your reach) the Guang Alchemy library is full of hundreds of basic recipes so you'll have a receipt for most things.

Nurture Yin [6/100]. -3 Hp

A single ancestor decided to rest within Guang Li, at the foot of the yin root did it stay, weeks it rested there feeding the root its energy and essence.

And yet the human body is not meant to house the dead not even the Guang who are a bridge between death and life can come out unscathed.

Work in the sect.

Working for the sect can be quite boring, especially for those who are taking the grunt work. Their refined and cultivated bodies make the work easy and light and yet it is that same ease which makes it so boring.

Guang Li perseveres, eight hours a day for a month and in payment he gains more wealth than a peasant family makes in a decade. Such is the reward for working for the sect, such is the due of a cultivator.

+5 CC. (a total of +11 this turn)

AN: the next part is going to be our event but it might take a bit, I have some Necron diplomacy to write out (or a war if things go badly I suppose) and I've started writing up a backlog of chapters for a new projects of mine, (which would replace craven heart as I decided to cancel that story) which is slowing things down a tad but it shouldnt be too long as break is coming up and I'll have more time to write.
The Young Master.
It is a sunny and clear day, Guang Li is on his on his way to his room after a long day of work when he spots a commission up ahead. The glint of golden robes can be spotted evens form as far He is.

Guang Li knows this is the meeting his ancestors warned him about, he knows that halting his strid and turning around would be the wise course, to do away with the chance of ruination.

He knows this, he accepts this, he yearns for nothing more then to go away and forget he ever saw this gathering, yet he can't stop.

For fate is already written.

One steps and then another, little by little he walks to his doom... or salvation.

As he gets Closer Guang Li can see the commotion more clearly, around two dozen disciples are gathered around spectating young master Meng Qi beat around a fellow disciple in rattan robes.

Young master Meng Qi is radiant as ever, his short blond hair shines with the sun, his large frame is adorned by a heavy assortment of jewelry and decorations, his golden robes are so dedeacent and decorated that if sold they could feed a whole village for a decade.

As Guang Li pushes thorough the crowd of disciples he manages to catch a glimpse of the young master face, his expression conveys rage and anger, yet his smile betrays the sadistic pleasure he gets from beating around a weaker opponent.

Guang Li did not recognize the disciples getting beaten but the short and dark-haired man did not stand a chance against the young master, only standing in the second stage of Qi condensation to the young master sixth stage.

And it showed, despite the man effort he was getting kicked around near effortlessly, the bruises pilling up while the gathered disciples bay for his blood.

"You dare!" the young master shouts as he slaps the men once more "you dare lay your eyes on Ma Fen, you scoundrel, you dog, you're courting death!" with every slap or kick the young master threw out another insult.

Whatever the man did, it really pissed of the young master, form the subtle questioning Guang Li managed of the gathered crowd. It seemed the disciple -whom Guang Li found is named Shu Cai- flirted with d fellow disciple which the young master considered to be his woman.

The disciple in question -Ma Fen- was within the crowd watching Shu Cai get beaten up with a horrified expression on her face but as someone only within the third stage of Qi condensation there wasn't much, she could do other than watch.

Guang Li ancestors pulled his attention back to the "fight" just as the inventible happened, Su Cai, received a powerful paunch in his stomach -form the cracking sound it seemed at least a few ribs were broken- and fell not getting up again.

The young master threw a few more kicks into the prone form of Shu Cai getting a few more groans and gasp of pain but it's the disciple just didn't have the power left to stand or put even a token of a fight.

The young master, clicked his tong in annoyance and turned around as if to leave before turning back around and watching Shu Cai attempts to crawl away and smiling as if he had a practically good and fun idea.

The next words out of his mouth sent a chill down Guang Li spine. "Kill him and I'll reward you handsomely".

Killing of your fellow disciples was forbidden by the verdant flame sect, accidents of course still happened -supernatural warrior going at one another in training would lead to a few deaths here and there- but this was no accident, the judgment hall would harshly punish whoever took the final blow.

Of course, young master Meng Qi could protect the killer, being the son of a respected elder came with more than a few perks.

Guang Li wished for nothing then to stand aside, this was not his fight and while he might feel for Shu Cai this world was not kind – the Guang family slaughter a prime example- besides what can he do against the gathered crowd, he is barely into the second stage of Qi condensation an aside from his muscles and skin his body is unrefined.

But the heavens have already decided.

Guang Li will intervein in this scuffle.

The only question is on which side.

He could attempt to Kill Shu Cai and claim the rewards or he could stand with Ma Fen and attempt to protect him against the gathered disciples until the judgment halls arrives doing so will of course gather the young master enmity.

Across the filed he meets the gaze of the struggling disciples he helped a month ago and they will follow his lead, whatever he decides to do. They are week compared to their fellows but no one here is so strong that numbers are ineffective.

In the precious seconds before the fight breaks out Guang Li entreats his ancestors for their wisdom.

And his ancestor's answer.

[] Kill Shu Cai.

[] Protect Shu Cai.

Guang Li has called upon the struggling disciples contact and they will influence and improve the success chance of whatever option is chosen.

An: well, here we go. I'll go make sure the character sheet is up to date but I'm really interested how this vote will pan out.
The Blind Eyes of Justice. (start of turn 6).
A.N: We'll I'm pretty sure I got everything but we'll see, anyway I hope you enjoy this.

For a moment there is silence.

Into this silence Guang Li steps forward, standing next to Ma Fen who fell into a combat sentence at his advance, and uttered a single word "No" conveying both his and his ancestor's convention.

There is shuffling and nervus muttering as the struggling disciples move to his side, forming a protective ring around Shu Cai rising form, Guang Li can see the hesitance in the crowd around him.

It's one thing to strike a wounded opponent and his single companion, it's quite another to start a brawl against a dozen disciples, especially that while in theory numbers are on their side, only one of them can get the prize and they must watch to the knife in the back as well as the one in the front.

From the conner of his eyes, Guang Li spots young master Meng Qi and he looks absolutely livid at someone daring to defy him but curiously he doesn't seem to make any move to interfere, just clenching his fists and glaring.

Without his intervention, the crowd loses its energy and for a moment it looks like they would disperse and no fight would be had.

Then someone puts its finger on the scales of fate.

High above the clouds the sound of thunder could be heard as the heavens move to strike at the one who dared interfere with fate. As down below the voice of the young master bellows "a phoenix rebirth!" all eyes turn to him at his words "a phoenix rebirth for each of those scoundrels you kill!".

Guang Li closes his eyes at the young master words and falls into a combat stance, conflict is now guaranteed, the prize too high to disregard. Even a foundation establishment cultivator would move if a phoenix rebirth pill was on the line and the young master offered a dozen of them.

A single one would change the fortunes of any disciples in this square and likely their grandchildren too.

With such a prize on offer it is not a surprise that all hell breaks loose, Guang LI deflected a fist aimed for his head and ducked under the sword following not long behind it, he desperately pushed his assailants away hoping to get space to only limited effectiveness.

Behind him he heard screams and felt the heat as someone decided to breath fire and burn the gathered disciple's, more chilling than their screams of pain are the sudden quitting of several voices.

Besides him, a sword is skewered through one of the disciples who stood in Shu Cai defense and he falls to the ground, dead.

And now Guang Li needs to defend himself from three different angles, he puts up an admirable fight but this is beyond his skills.

Guang Li body is quickly covered in cuts and bruises as he franticly attempts to dodge and block as many attacks as he can. Somone manages to sweep his legs and Guang Li fells to the hard ground.

His ancestors swarmed the first disciple attempting to take advantage but they didn't gather the energy and will for fighting in the last few days and there was nothing they could do about the second disciple.

Guang Li could only watch slowly as the disciple swung his sword for his heart.

There was nothing he or his ancestors could do.

And so he died.

The disciple's sword broke upon Guang Li skin as Heaven's authority made itself known.

Guang Li wasted no time to take advantage of the respite given to him and struggled to his feet only to see an axe form a third disciples coming for his face.

"Enough" a voice thundered through the square, freezing all the disciples in place.

Guang Li raised his head toward the voice and saw an older man floating just above the square, he was adorned in the green and red robs of the sect elders and he looked, angry as he stared down at the disciples who just a second ago were brawling

"Now" the elder started "anyone cares to explain what the hell is going on?"

Thing's took a swift turn from there; members of the judgment hall rushed onto the square and took everyone into custody. Guang Li himself spent a day in one of the holding cells as they took testimonies and witness accounts to understand why a full brawl occurred within the sect grounds.

It was only later, after he was released -and fully healed of his injures after he was deemed to not have been in the wrong- That Guang Li discovered the true extent of the damage done in the brawl.

Aside from the square being completely ruined, seven disciples died and two dozen more were injured. It took another week for the elders to come up with suitable punishments but not before Guang li was called twice more to report his testimony.

In the end, disciple's which participated in the brawl on Meng Qi words but not killed anyone, received a black mark on their record, a small contribution points fine and a week of stay in the cells of the judgment hall. Where they could not cultivate or do much else then reanimate on their deeds and thoughts.

Three of the of the four disciples that actually managed to kill each received a large contribution point fine -which from Guang Li poking around understood was paid out to the families of the killed disciples- and sentenced to one year in the judgment hall cells.

The disciple who decided breathing fire into a crowd of disciples was a good idea had his dantian shattered and meridian raptured, crippling his cultivation, before he was expelled from the sect.

Meng Qi has gotten off lightly, he would spend no time in prison nor face any black mark on his record, only two months home imprisonment and a hefty fine paid by his father in addition to the sect confiscation of the offered "payment" of twelve phoenix rebirth pills.

A travesty for justice but such is the way of the world.

Since the end of the incident Ma Fen and Shu Cai began visiting and training with Guan Li and have struck something of a friendship with him.

His relationship with the disciples who stood with him is more strained, there is no bad blood between them as they had chosen to follow his lead on their own but the fact his choices led to four of their deaths and heavy injuries -now Heald- for the rest, the relationship has considerably chilled.

The true cost of defying the young master would not be felt until a few day after the punishment has been meted out, when Guang Li has purveyed the sects catalogue in the mission hall and been informed -by a rather irritated attendant- that because of recent events his name has been put into the trouble makers list and as sect policy he must pay a surcharge for his every purchase from the sect.

Apparently, Meng Yan, Meng Qi father has used his influence to bend things so Guang Li would be identified as one of the main instigators of the brawl and put this name on that list even as he was otherwise not punished for "instigating" the fight.

With the influence of an elder behind the decision only another Eldar could counter act it, which means the only real way to remove it would be to join one of the halls and get their backings.

A difficult prospect.

Still life continues. Guang Li soon returns to his regular schedule of cultivation and work.

For the ancestor part, they continue to aid him as they watch the strands of fate for any event of importance, one is soon revealed to their eyes.

The sect made an announcement.

Guang Li is fully healed, gain Ma Fen and Shu Cai as a contact (they are effectively a single contact) their social link is 5 giving you a passive +1 to all rolls to teaching and learning non advanced skills (this includes ghost rolls) additionally they van be called to provide an additional +5 to such actions, the struggling cultivators contact consider Guang Li to be heavily in their debt.

Due to your altercations with Meng Qi shop prices have risen by 1.5X the easiest way to get rid of this penalty is to join one of the halls.

-1 charge of the shield of heaven.

Turn 6.

Event tracker.

Time: 3 turns. (end of turn 8).

Type: Social, combat, turn, optional.

Description: the sect has announced it is organizing an expedition to the caves of ten thousand reflections, a valuable and important secret realm in the possession of the sect. while the elder and inner disciples in charge would delve deep into the caves in search of valuable cultivation material, hundred of spots on the higher levels were open for outer disciples, so long as they possessed the contribution points.

Delving into the caves would be dangerous, two out of three disciples who enter don't make it out but those who do come out all the stronger for it.

Failure: injury, possible death.

Success: resources, knowledge

Requirements: buying a spot on the expedition.

From time to time, you'll get optional events. Some you will get by default, some are secret and can be unlocked by various routs and they are completely optional, its your job to conclude if the opportunity they give is worth the danger and cost in attending them.

Don't feel as if you're required to take optional events most of the game is designed with you taking none or few of the optional evets. Of course this means that they can be utilized to get ahead of the curve… if you can survive them.

Qi reserve [20/29]
-pure 14.
-Yin 6.

Hp [28/28] +4 a turn.

Active effects:

Healing pill- +1 HP a turn. Turns left: 2.

Ma Fen and Shu Cai social link- +1 to all rolls for learning/teaching non advanced skills. Turns left: social link.

Elixir of pure thought- +2 to all rolls for learning/teaching skills. Turn left: 1.

The shit list- all shop costs rise by 50% (the shop costs is the base cost to make it easy for alchemy calculation).

Shop (requires 15 votes to buy something)

CCC- 19.

Default- points will be used instead of pure Qi (at 1 to 1) when pure Qi runs out.

[] Buy a spot on the expedetion for 20 CC.

[] Pay the fee for one of the hall exams (required to get accepted by a hall) for 20 CC.
-[] The Alchemy hall. (medium alchemy skills).
-[] The exploration hall. (medium cultivation, medium combat, high survival).
-[] The judgment hall. (high cultivation, high combat).
-[] the contracts and oaths hall. (high cultivation, high social).

[] Buy fire Qi. 2 CC for 1 point of fire Qi.

[] Buy Yang Qi. 4 CC for 1 point of yang Qi.

[] Buy water Qi. 8 CC for 1 point of water Qi.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a calm Qi pill (+2 to all QC breakthrough attempts in a turn) for 5 CC.

[] Buy a Ox strength pill* (+10 to strength for a 3+x rounds) for 5 CC +X.

[] Buy A willow drop pill (advance a single sub stage in you QC stage) for 10/20/40/80** CC.

[] Purchase basic lessons (+3 to skill progress bar) for 1 CC.***

[] purchase advance lessons (+10 to skill progress bar) for 3 CC.***

[] Buy a technique.
-[] which one?

[] Buy 2 common herb for 1 CC.

[] buy a rare herb for 8 CC.

[] Buy basic alchemy tools (reduce cost and progress required to concoct pills by 20%) for 40 CC (renting them for a turn would cost 10 CC).

[] Buy an advanced healing elixir (+2/4 HP a turn for 5/6 turns) for 7/15 contribution points.

[] Buy a mending elixir (+8 HP) for 7 contribution points.

[] Buy an advanced mending potion (+20 HP) for 15 contribution points.

[] Buy (and install) a basic Qi gathering formation (+0.5 multiplier for Qi gathering) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the fields of lava (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Fire Qi for one turn) for 20 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the hot springs of Yang (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Yang Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space high in the mountain (+1X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering pure Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic protection talisman (consume to negate HP loss from attacks) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic artifact weapon (+10 to combat rolls) for 20 contribution points.

[] Buy basic armor (reduced HP damage form attacks so long as the armor is intact) for 10 CC.

*There is a variant available for all the other attributes.

**the cost is dependent on the stage you are on (IE: a QC 1 pays 10, while a QC3 pays 40).

***rare skill double the cost.

Guang Li actions.

[X] Help the struggling disciples (pay off debt).
[X] open a meridian. – 5 yin Qi

[X] visit the library in search of techniques.

[ ] Map Guang Li body [36/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [0/75]. Raise the cultivation skill to 4.

-[ ] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.

-[ ] Breakthrough [23/100]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 2.

-[ ] Fellowship [17/75]. Raise the fellowship skill to 4.

-[ ] alchemy [0/50]. Raise the alchemy skill to 1.

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] knowledge of internal alchemy [0/100] unlock internal alchemy.

-[ ] Knowledge of advanced alchemy [10/250]. Unlock advanced Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [37/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] attempt to search for information on the caves of ten thousand reflections. [0/50] information.

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track permanently.

[] Search for common herbs [0/30] 2-5 common herbs, 5% for a rare herb.

[] Search for rare herbs [0/30]. 1-2 common herbs, 20% for rare herb.

[] Brew a pill 1/2- the ghost of wisdom will direct the brewing of a pill to the exact requirements [0/20]. One of two actions needed to brew a pill.

-[] which pill/elixir? (look at the shop, basic costs are the amount of Common herbs needed, any item over 10 CC requires a single rare herb in addition to its cost in common herbs, items over 30 CC require two).

-[] and how many are you brewing? Current max 5 items at a time.


[ ] Screams of death- with the refinement of their blood lost, the ancestor may now focus their power to fell even great enemies. Result dependent on total roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [2/8] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [2/15]. +1 contribution point.

[ ] Cut away life- using the precise application of wrath cut away a portion of Guang Li life force for the power within. -1 Hp per time taken [0/30] +1 blood Qi.

[] body refining (Warth version)- utilizing the power of wrath and blood the ghosts of the Guang may refine Guang Li body to Strang and secret purposes.
-[] refine his nails. 1 Blood Qi, -1 HP per time taken [0/20]. Gain natural weapons I.
-[] Refine his heart. 1 blood Qi, - 1 HP per time taken [0/40]. Gain blood surge I (may be active during events for a bonus at the cost of a penalty for al the next scenes of the event).
-[] refine his eyes. 1 blood Qi, -2 HP per time taken [0/50]. Gain blood seeking eyes I (reduce the critical hit threshold)*
-[] refine his mind. 2 Blood Qi, -4 HP per time taken [0/100]. Gain wrathful mind I (increase combat dice to d12, large increase to comprehension of combat arts/skills).*

*mutually exclusive with the Qi version.

[] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [0/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

-[] the fast route. -5 Hp, 3x time the progress.

[] Aura of death- with better control the ghosts of wrath can subtly wave an aura of fear and intimidation around Guang Li. [0/10] +1 to social rolls.

[] Wrath and Sacrifice- with advance applications of blood and vitality the ghosts of wrath may extend the duration of many of the miraculous medicines Guang LI imbues. 1 blood Qi [0/50] a semi-random (things like the healing elixirs or other low value stuff are excluded) positive effect gains an additional turn to its duration.


[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[ ] water Qi [9/10].
-[ ] Yin Qi [9/17]
-[ ] Yang Qi [0/60]

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [58/100]. Advance to QC 2 mid.
-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined skin II (+3 Constitution*).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined muscles II (+3 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).
--[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 9 (12/15/18) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note: 3 failures so far).

-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[] brew a pill 2/2- the ghosts of Qi will give the energy and essence required for the brewing of pills. [0/20] the second action required for the brewing of pills.

*this replaces the refined skin I trait so the actual bonus of the action is +2 but the total is +3.

Yin. (discover more about your bloodline to unlock further actions in this category).

[ ] Nurture Yin- as ghost of the dead, you are binges of Yin inhabit Guang Li body and let his roots nurture of your power but be careful for even those of the Guang cannot stand the chill of death for long. -2 Hp per time taken. [6/100] advance Guang Li Yin root to grade 16.

[ ] The power of thought- flood Guang Li mind with Yin Qi and show the power of thought and mentality Cost: 1 Yin Qi per attempt. [0/50] +1 to all learning/teaching actions next turn
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