[X] "Indeed." Gently smile and hold out your hand for her to take.
EDIT: btw, if people like an option they should post a vote for it in chat so its easier for King_me to see that there's a clear consensus on what course of action to take so he doesn't wait longer to see if other people come in with their own ideas)
[X] "Indeed." Gently smile and hold out your hand for her to take.
Hey @KingMe question.
When are we going to have the chance of going to the South Pole and get Lancy?
Speaking of the South Pole.
Has it ocurred to Gendo that Second Impact might have injured both Nasuverse Gaia and Alaya to the point that they are in comas?
It would explain why the world is not drowning in Counter Guardians.
[X] "Indeed." Gently smile and hold out your hand for her to take.
Hey @KingMe question.
When are we going to have the chance of going to the South Pole and get Lancy?
Speaking of the South Pole.
Has it ocurred to Gendo that Second Impact might have injured both Nasuverse Gaia and Alaya to the point that they are in comas?
It would explain why the world is not drowning in Counter Guardians.
"Indeed." you smile Gently and she takes your hand hesitantly but surely.
You make a simple show of signing the papers before leading Lucy out of the building. As the two of you near your car however she suddenly jolts as if remembering something.
"W-wait! I can't leave-"
"Were you about to say him little miss?" Suddenly one of your agents came up carrying a certain puppy you'd described for them to find in the area.
She instantly perked up and your agent gingerly handed her the pup. You smirk as it licks her face and she turns to you questioningly.
"Don't worry your little friend is coming with too."
She beams brightly and follows you into the car.
Where to take Lucy?
[ ]Have Shinji's Tutor take care of her in addition
[ ] Keep her in the Geofront to monitor like Rei
[ ]Write in!
[X] Keep her in the Geofront to monitor like Rei but give her more freedom, especially as it relates to interacting with people (she needs a therapist and some positive human interaction BADLY)
-if she's stable enough, we might introduce her to Shinji or possibly even move her to sensei (with supplemental agents to monitor her mental state and evacuate Shinji if necessary); bit iffy on this idea because I'm not sure how Shinji will react to learning his dad is collecting animu girls while he's been sent to live with some stranger, but it gives Lucy a more normal environment to grow up in and maybe gives Shinji a super powered friend.
I figure she might grow them soon enough as we're close to having the showdown with the kids/puppy..,
Also what can we say? Spend time with our "family" will do wonders for mental development and such, and if she does have BS psi-powers we train her with them for control.
[X] Keep her in the Geofront to monitor like Rei but give her more freedom, especially as it relates to interacting with people (she needs a therapist and some positive human interaction BADLY)
-if she's stable enough, we might introduce her to Shinji or possibly even move her to sensei (with supplemental agents to monitor her mental state and evacuate Shinji if necessary); bit iffy on this idea because I'm not sure how Shinji will react to learning his dad is collecting animu girls while he's been sent to live with some stranger, but it gives Lucy a more normal environment to grow up in and maybe gives Shinji a super powered friend.
[X] Keep her in the Geofront to monitor like Rei but give her more freedom, especially as it relates to interacting with people (she needs a therapist and some positive human interaction BADLY)
-if she's stable enough, we might introduce her to Shinji or possibly even move her to sensei (with supplemental agents to monitor her mental state and evacuate Shinji if necessary); bit iffy on this idea because I'm not sure how Shinji will react to learning his dad is collecting animu girls while he's been sent to live with some stranger, but it gives Lucy a more normal environment to grow up in and maybe gives Shinji a super powered friend.
[X] Keep her in the Geofront to monitor like Rei but give her more freedom, especially as it relates to interacting with people (she needs a therapist and some positive human interaction BADLY)
-if she's stable enough, we might introduce her to Shinji or possibly even move her to sensei (with supplemental agents to monitor her mental state and evacuate Shinji if necessary); bit iffy on this idea because I'm not sure how Shinji will react to learning his dad is collecting animu girls while he's been sent to live with some stranger, but it gives Lucy a more normal environment to grow up in and maybe gives Shinji a super powered friend.
---------------------------------------------------------------- NERV
In the depths of NERV you watch through a sound proof window as Dr Fubuki keeps Lucy occupied by playing with her and her puppy.
"Are you really sure about this?" Fuyutsuki asks for what feels like the thousandth time with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes Fuyutsuki, as I explained, characters from different media and stories to the one I initially knew this world to be have begun popping up on my radar and-"
"And if left in the environment she was in young Lucy would have likely undergone her 'canon' trauma and become a dangerous threat..."
"Exactly. Which is why-"
"-You say she needs to be temporarily kept in the Geofront for her and everyone else's own saftey."
You turn to him fully with a raised brow of your own "If you so thoroughly understand my actions and motives then why argue this with me?"
He let out a sigh "Because even if you've proven correct on certain things thus far that doesn't mean your infallible and you need somone to call you out and force you to explain your actions. From what you've informed me of the true Gendo's original fate I'd true then you'll need somone to keep you grounded even if you intend to avoid his mistakes."
You give a wry smile and roll your eyes "I appreciate the concern but-"
Before you coukd finish the door opened and you looked to see Fubuki carefully closing the door to the now dark room behind her.
Looking back through the glass sure enough reveals that the young Diclonius and her canine companion had both fallen asleep utterly tired out.
Fubuki turned to you "I ran some passive scans like you asked and..." her face looked uncertain "Your correct in that she's undergone some sort of mutation. It quite frankly has altered her AT field in a way I've never seen or heard of before."
You nod having expected as much. "So after having directly interacted with her?"
"If you don't I'm scheduling an appointment for her with the NERV psychologist stat. Even after she's ready to be outside the Geofront have her keep up regular appointments."
"Don't worry that was already the plan."
-------------------------------------------------------------------- A month later
You look in your rear view mirror to see Lucy sitting ancy, a pet carrier by her side.
After weeks of therapy and as rigorous as moraly possible testing most were in agreement that Lucy was ready to stay outside the Geofront (with section two overnight of course)
And so here you are driving her down to stay with Shinji and the tutor.
"Will I still see you?"
"Yes Lucy, I visit Shinji as often as I can and now I'll be visiting you too."
You hold back a sigh and eventually drive up to the house where the owner is expecting you.
How to introduce Shinji and Lucy?
[X] Have Shinji come outside to meet Lucy and introduce the two of them, maybe see if they want to hang out or play. Tell the two of them you wanted to do something kind and give Lucy a home as an explanation; when you get the chance take Shinji aside and explain that as part of your job helping people you took Lucy away from a bad place, and you trust him to be a good friend or even brother to her while she recovers. Make sure that you tell him you still love him as well and you're doing this because its the right thing and not anything against him personally.
[X] Have Shinji come outside to meet Lucy and introduce the two of them, maybe see if they want to hang out or play. Tell the two of them you wanted to do something kind and give Lucy a home as an explanation; when you get the chance take Shinji aside and explain that as part of your job helping people you took Lucy away from a bad place, and you trust him to be a good friend or even brother to her while she recovers. Make sure that you tell him you still love him as well and you're doing this because its the right thing and not anything against him personally.
[X] Have Shinji come outside to meet Lucy and introduce the two of them, maybe see if they want to hang out or play. Tell the two of them you wanted to do something kind and give Lucy a home as an explanation; when you get the chance take Shinji aside and explain that as part of your job helping people you took Lucy away from a bad place, and you trust him to be a good friend or even brother to her while she recovers. Make sure that you tell him you still love him as well and you're doing this because its the right thing and not anything against him personally.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutors House
You walk up to the house with Lucy close behind you and are met by the houses owner at tge front door.
"Mr Ikari." He nods to you before turning his gaze towards the Pinkett "And you must be Lucy" he says simply.
He then turns inside and calls out Shinji, who comes running and smiles seeing you...before looking to Lucy and gaining a confused expression.
"Hello Shinji, this is Lucy, I recently adopted her and she'll be staying with you and your sensei. Lucy, this is my son, as I just said you'll be staying with him."
You put on a smile and place a hand on both their shoulders "Why don't you two go and play a bit while we get things set up?"
They both nod and run off, with Lucy letting her puppy out of the crate.
Eventually you manage to pull Shinji aside to speak privately.
"Dad...why did you adopt another kid?"
You put a hand on his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze "Shinji, this is nothing against you. Do you remember how my job is about helping people, making the world better?"
He nods
"Listen son. Lucy came from a very bad situation and needed help. She's been through alot and taking her in was the right thing to do. Understand?"
"Ok" he replies, understanding but looking down.
"Shinji, look at me." He eventually complies.
"Even if it's a bit soon to be thinking of her like a sister, at least try to be a freind and help her. Can you do that son?"
He looks up and into your eyes "I understand dad."
You smile and bring him into a hug "Good. I love you Shinji."
money: 1300
[ ] Minimum (100)
[ ] Mid (200)
[ ] Maximum (400)
Eva enhancement research
[ ] Heat resistant armor
[ ] Write in (budget and specific mod)
Activities with Shinji and Lucy: ( pick 3 for each)
[ ] Focus on encouraging one or both of them to socialize
[ ] Ensure they focus on schooling
[ ] Subtlety steer towards creative pursuits
[ ] Take them on more outdoor activities
[ ] Write in!
Other: (pick 2)
[ ] Spend time with Rei
[ ] Spend time with Fuyutsuki
[ ] Spend time with Fubuki
[ ]Spend time with Naoko
[ ]Spend time with Major Akemi
[ ]Spend Time with Shirou
We should organize a company picnic as a thank you to all our employees, so socializing, school work, and creative pursuits for both shinji and Lucy.
Keep to the ball on the wall for the budget and hope that the heat resistant armor can be sold as a way to get more royalties/budget for more cool shit.
--[X] Artificial Ensoulment: 100 budget
--[X] Heat resistant armor: 100 budget
--[X] Progressive sword/machete (100 budget): A longer, enhanced version of the progressive knife meant for slashing and hacking.
--[X] Focus on encouraging one or both of them to socialize
--[X] Ensure they focus on schooling
--[X] Take them on a fun trip somewhere; maybe a museum or Tokyo-2?
[X] Spend time with Rei
[X] Spend time with Major Akemi
Free time:
[X] Stage the first annual company picnic and invite Shinji and Lucy along; if possible, draw upon your previous life's cooking knowledge to become the GRILL MASTER to aid the cooks in preparing a balanced, healthy meal of grilled vegetables, meats, and grains.
--[X] Artificial Ensoulment: 100 budget
--[X] Heat resistant armor: 100 budget
--[X] Progressive sword/machete (100 budget): A longer, enhanced version of the progressive knife meant for slashing and hacking.
--[X] Focus on encouraging one or both of them to socialize
--[X] Ensure they focus on schooling
--[X] Take them on a fun trip somewhere; maybe a museum or Tokyo-2?
[X] Spend time with Rei
[X] Spend time with Major Akemi
Free time:
[X] Stage the first annual company picnic and invite Shinji and Lucy along; if possible, draw upon your previous life's cooking knowledge to become the GRILL MASTER to aid the cooks in preparing a balanced, healthy meal of grilled vegetables, meats, and grains.
-------------------------------------------------------- NERV HQ
You sit at a small conference table with Shirou and Akagi.
After Shirou's edition to the team he gave the last touches to the heat resistant armor as it came to fruition and so here you were sitting with them looking over the 'progressive sword' prototype schematics. Discussing and making adjustments.
"What about this material?" "No go. Doesn't appear to work well with A.T technology from previous tests." "Ok, how about this? We'll need to adjust for the greater weight, but it's the cheapest comparative option for-"
Well... they were. You were mostly nodding along pretending to understand certain technobabble.
Still, they seemed to be making progress.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Later
You rushed down to a certain room in NERV's depths after receiving a urgent call from doctor Fubuki.
When you arrived you found her thoroughly disheveled but with a bright smile on her face.
"We had a breakthrough!"
"That's wonderful" you replied, smiling in turn.
"Sir, permission to begin testing this on a actual Eva?" She asked seeming almost giddy and it was now you noticed the manic gleam in her eyes.
"Dr, are you alright?"
"I'm fine! I've just been pulling some all nighters!"
"And what of your daughter?"
"Oh she's studying abroad for the semester! So really it's fine!
--------------------------------------------------- Tokyo-2 Museum
The museum was an interesting mish-mash of different artifacts recoverd and/or scavenged from the ruins of similar institutions that got hit by the second impact.
You walked with Shinji and Lucy by your side as the three of you went from observing water damaged classic Japanese art to carefully put back together fossils.
It was honestly a rather nice day. Lucy had apparently been having some trouble at school do to her appearance, nowhere as bad as the orphanage but still. Shinji had at least kept his word and looked our for her where he could.
Overall a nice family outing to take all your minds off things.
----------------------------------------------------------- Park
You and Major Akemi were walking through a small empty park exchanging basic informational updates. It was a rather short meeting all things considered and so the two of you entered a amicable silence.
...Until you noticed a concerning and distracted look on Akemi's face.
----------------------------------------------- NERV Company Picnic
"I still can't believe you actually did this." Akagi says behind you. You can practically hear the eye roll in her voice. Still you get the distinct feeling she's also smirking.
You can't check yourself as you stand behind the grill carefully preparing the food.
So far the first official NERV company picnic had been a genuine success.
Shinji and Lucy were playing, Fuyutsuki was making small talk with Ritsuko about university goings ons and Shirou had been very helpful in setting everything up.
Overall it was looking like a good day.
Artificial Ensoulment Project
[ ]Begin practical tests
[ ]Do some more tests and preemptive work to be safe
[X] Do some more tests and preemptive work to be safe
no brainer, when experimenting with crazy shit things can go wrong at any moment, always good to make sure things are well...plus she is tired as fuck and hyped up on coffee, time to make sure too triple check stuff.
A friend notices a friend is having issues, best friend asks what the hell is going on and what they can do to help.
[X] Do some more tests and preemptive work to be safe
----------------------------------------------------- NERV
"Listen Fubuki, we should do a bit more testing before we bring it to an Eva."
"Did you ever make that therapy appointment?"
She doesn't look you in the eye.
You let out a sigh. "Fubuki look at me." She complies reluctantly.
"Make. And. Attend. The. Appointment. Then I want you to take some time off. Clear your head, run a few more out-of-Eva tests and saftey check. I'm saying this because I'm concerned about you."
"...I understand."
---------------------------------------- Park
"What's wrong Akemi?"
"I-" he cut himself off and let out a breath.
"I was going to say I'm fine but...it's been a bit trying lately. My granddaughters heart problem acted up again and gave everyone a scare."
"I'm sorry to here that."
His fists clench as he looks down "It's not right! Homura's just a little girl! Why should she have to suffer like this!"
He let's out a deep sigh after his sudden shout then a joyless chuckle.
"...you'd think after living through wars and the second impact I'd be a bit more hardened to the natural injustices of the world."
"I won't came to be able to fully understand what your going through. All I can do is offer to sneak her some top quality NERV medical staff if her condition worsens further and a promise that while we can't fix all it's flaws we will fight to make the world better."
The Major nods with wry smile and the two of you part ways for now.
Next up: Another Interlude!
Ryoji Kaji was a man one could never accuse of being stupid.
Could put his foot in his mouth from time to time? Sure. But you don't work your way to attending a prestigious university after growing up a street rat in the hell hole that was parts of post second impact Japan by not knowing a thing or two.
As such he raised an eyebrow at the arrival of one of his teachers in the bar he was currently drinking at.
Especially when he went out of his way to sit next to him.
"Good evening." Professor Kozo Fuyutsuki asked as casual as could be.
"Sam's to you sir. What brings you here?"
He shrugged "I needed a drink and none my usual colleagues for such things were free."
Kaji let out a light hum before they both placed their orders.
They made simple small talk for a bit and after a few drinks the conversation died down as Kaji began staring listlessly at the wall on the far side of the bar and spacing out. His mind drifting back to certain beautiful purple haird things that brought him here in the first place.
"Romantic troubles?" The professors voice suddenly startled him out of his thoughts.
He raised an eyebrow "How could ya tell?"
Fuyutsuki scoffed "I've been around the block a few times boy. Believe it or not you can pick up a thing or two."
"And I should just spill my guts to you because?"
"We've already started drinking. What else does one do in a bar?"
"Well we could always both head into the bathroom and-" he began with a smirk. He knew it was only through sheer experience of having to deal with similar remarks from him in class the Fuyutsuki wasn't showing a reaction other than a scowl.
Ryoji turned away "Long story short I had a bit of a fight with Misato."
They were both silent for a good while.
"Don't let her slip through your fingers."
"Don't. Trust me, pining for somone close to you and wanting yet more? Say it. Don't wait till its too late, trust me."
With that the older man abruptly stood up and walked out of the building.
Leaving Kaji with his thoughts....
How was this interlude? Don't worry we'll return to normal choices next update.
It was a rather routine day so far. Filling out some basic paperwork and such, nothing truly important.
The year was now 2006. You take a moment to look around your office, still large and baren exept for your desk. On said desk aside from your current work alongside framed pictures of Lucy and Shinji.
Suddenly you receive a message from Fuyutsuki asking to meet in one of the specific un-bugged rooms of the Geofront without elaborating.
Walking down at a hurried pace you find Fuyutsuki in the room not alone.
Leaning against the back wall is a young man with brown tied into a Pony tail.
He was smirking
"Hello commander, nice to meet you. I'm Ryoji Kaji, but I'm Ryoji Kaji. But I'm sure you already knew that."
Response to Kaji?
[ ]Write in