Fyre, Fyre, Burning Skitter

Still waiting for someone to do a story that interprets the Prophecy literally. Specifically the one who approaches who was born at the end of the seventh month being Snape walking up to the room to eavesdrop, because he's a September baby. He's also the only Marked half blood with a muggle father and witch mother.
A Game of Fetch (Omake)

Still waiting for someone to do a story that interprets the Prophecy literally. Specifically the one who approaches who was born at the end of the seventh month being Snape walking up to the room to eavesdrop, because he's a September baby. He's also the only Marked half blood with a muggle father and witch mother.
Severus Snape looked at the potion. Within the confining circle. It'd been... tricky to brew, took a year and a day, and had to be started on a very precise day.

Getting the muggle doctor to operate on Harry Potter, excise his scar. In some ways that hadn't been too difficult. The hard bit was seeing the boy, figuring-out exactly what his scar was, the secret research, the dealings with the dangerous people, who owned the forbidden books.

But. He owed Lily that much. If only he'd understood at the time what was going on. What his report to Riddle would cause.

He had to deal with things as they were.

Summoning the FiendFyre? Researching a spell to help confine it, so he could get to know it, train it? Tricky, but do-able.

The flaying spell he'd used on his arm, to remove the Mark. So far the pain relief spell was holding, but, once that failed... Had he crippled himself? He'd see.

Draw the potion into the pure crystal flask. Add the scar-tissue, the flayed-off, Mark, both ritually cleaned. Cap with a muggle atomiser, spray the UK map, then the globe of the world.

A deep breath.

Release the confinement on the Fyre. Watch it, only slightly bound by his will, sit, eagerly, before him. Cast it the map, the globe.

"Rover! Kill!"



AN: This is deliberately a one-off 'snapshot' - if you're interested in background, maybe what comes next, see speculations.
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Interesting to know if this is before or after Harry's eleventh birthday…
I'm guessing this is after a lot of work by Snape, starting after Lily's death, which is his motivation. If we say seven years (a magical number), Harry Potter would be between eight and nine years old.

And, 'Wuff'. Snape knows he may be killing himself, as well. But. He'll get all the horcruxes, and very likely all the Death Eaters. Tommy-boy might survive as an unanchored wraith, but there'll be no one to help him. He'll likely fade away, or be eaten by a bojum.

The amazing evaporation of Percy Weasley's pet rat may surprise some... But, odds are, Sirius will be forgotten. Unless someone starts asking questions. Pity wizards seem to be so bad at that...
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Have a Man reported dead body show up suddenly during a meeting at your home would open door to Question about who still in Azkaban?
While a nice idea, Fyre tends to be thorough. Odds are there'll be no bodies, only the odd smudge of ash. Much neater than SHC. What this will do to the political landscape of Magical Britain, of course...
While a nice idea, Fyre tends to be thorough. Odds are there'll be no bodies, only the odd smudge of ash. Much neater than SHC. What this will do to the political landscape of Magical Britain, of course...
I didn't say his Death Eater Son's body was around long. Just that having your Dead Son Body in house suddenly set it on fire with your House Elf wailing it a point you can't cover it up.....
While a nice idea, Fyre tends to be thorough. Odds are there'll be no bodies, only the odd smudge of ash. Much neater than SHC. What this will do to the political landscape of Magical Britain, of course...
I'm sure there will be a lot of handwringing about what happened to all those 'upstanding citizens' and contributors to the Minister's (what would be a good name for a magical go fund me?) personal well-being funds.

Regarding prophecies: it seems to me the best way to deal with them is not hear about it at all. Maybe cast a silencing charm the moment the Seer starts going into the trance would be the safest way. Also depending on how they are recorded at the Ministry, maybe ensure the total destruction of the records to make sure.

Because if you hear it, it is already too late. It will happen whether you try to follow it or avoid it. Studying the myths shows that much at least.
But, odds are, Sirius will be forgotten.
There are plenty of unmarked DEs as well as non-Voldemort aligned horrible people who would be happy to endanger Harry simply because he's the BWL. If one such individual made the headlines instead of the Weasley family on the paper that instigated Sirius' escape originally, the third year shenanigans could very well take place.
Apart from the Dementors, hopefully.
Ohh! Maybe Snape could use Fiendfyre to off those things too if he survives (because they NEED to BURN).
I hate it when people whitewash Snape. He's an unrepentant Death Eater and Pureblood supremacist who only turned against Voldemort because he was obsessed with Lily and wanted her for himself, and Voldemort was probably going to and then did kill her.

If Harry had been born a day later (August 1) or a few days earlier, such that he was not interpreted as having been born as the seventh month dies, Snape would never have turned against Voldemort, with the possible exception of Voldemort killing Lily in a fight at some point.

That said, if all the Marked Death Eaters get roasted by remote Fiendfyre and Sirius is unaffected by whatever did it, I believe that Amelia Bones would probably have questions for him.

Prophecies are messy as hell and it should be remembered that they're a possible future, and the future is not fixed. Prophecies should at most be used as an if-then guide and warning to a possible future.
Snape. He's an unrepentant Death Eater and Pureblood supremacist
Early books, Snape is a cardboard cut-out, featureless, like all the other non-children. He is 'nasty teacher'. Pure and simple.

Later? Don't forget the 'Half-blood Prince'. He's a half-blood, just like Tommy. But, arguably, a slightly nicer background. Almost completely self-centred. Bought-into Riddle's 'revolution', as a teen. An 'Outsider', arguably rather broken. "Does not play well with others", might sum him up?
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