From The Ashes of the Old: A Post-American Collapse Quest

@Lazer Raptor I hate to be annoying but can I ask two questions ?
how do you feel about plan voting in this quest?
and over how long a period of time do these actions take?
like is an in game turn days weeks months etc

I support @Fission Battery idea so I'll vote for them for now but if we're doing plans I'll come back and edit it
[X] Fostering Goodwill
[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
[X] Mobilize the Young Communist League
Plan voting is fine. Turns *right now* are one ingame month.
We need to mobilize our base first and foremost, otherwise we're at the mercy of other people's factions.

Agreed, but at the same time, I feel like going too hard in that direction could potentially capsize attempts to bring other factions alongside - it could present Angela as immediately preparing to stand pretty directly against the powers that be, which given her tenuous position seems risky as an out the gate approach, since I imagine other figures are also courting allies at the present.

[X] Fostering Goodwill
[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
[X] Steeling Yourself for the Struggle
[] A House Divided Against Itself: Jarvis Tyner is no friend of yours. He's one of Hall's lackeys, a man who called you a right-deviationist for arguing in favor of more open party discussions. That being said, he's notably more… flexible when it comes to social issues than Gus was. He's also a voting member of the politburo with major sway over the American People's Army. Getting him on-side might require some doing, but you think it's definitely possible. (Will result in a negotiation mini, mutually exclusive with Fostering Goodwill)

Foster's support base in the intelligence services and the economic ministries is far more of a threat to our leadership than Tyner's support from the military. He will oppose any reformation of the intelligence services, no matter how necessary they may be, and thus we must start to maneuver against him by allying with Tyner for now.

[] Dealing With the NRC: James West is, politely speaking, a prick. He's one of Hall's toadies, who has spent his whole career keeping his boss in power. Perhaps you can use that loyalty to your advantage and convince him to step down rather than oppose you. It would give you the opportunity to put one of your people in charge of the National Review Commission. You don't need him to like you, just accept you.

There's not much I foresee improving our image in the eyes of West going forward, and he's sitting on an important position (and politboro vote). Best to get him to leave the stage gracefully by leaning on Hall's deathbed endorsement of our leadership while it still has the most political clout it can have. Ideally, his removal will also signal to Steele that we're not going to just be Hall 2.0, and make it easier to secure his support next turn as we move against Foster and the PIB.

[] Lock Down the California Communist Party: Kendra needs to get to work and make sure the entire California Communist Party is on the same page. California is the base of your power and support base, and you need to ensure that you can properly mobilize it.

During this time we cannot afford to have our main pillar of support pulled out from under us or unwittingly causing us issues. The Youth can be mobilized next turn when we have a clear target to mobilize them against (the PIB), not while we're still in the phase of setting things up.

[X] Plan Go West, Old Man
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Why exactly are people trying to work with Foster? We're ideologically incompatible tbh. We're never gonna be able to work with him
[X] Plan Go West, Old Man
-[X] A House Divided Against Itself
-[X] Dealing With the NRC
-[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party

This is what I'm thinking at the moment. I'd rather cut a deal with Tyner than with Foster. Foster's a fun character but I think it'll be easier for us to make the concessions Tyner will want (military build-up and Liberationist aggression) than the concessions to orthodoxy that Foster will want.

If this is the CPUSA Jim West that I'm thinking of, he's only a couple years younger than Gus, an octogenarian. With Hall's endorsement in hand, I think we have decent odds of convincing him to retire instead of rolling the dice. Getting one of 'our people' on the Politburo is even more valuable than the support of an existing member. Not to mention control of the NRC, which is also a big prize. Too tempting for me not to go after it.

Finally, third action goes to the California party kinda by default. I don't want to split our attention between too many individual members of the Politburo, and I'd like to hold off on aggressive/decisive actions (mobilizing the youth, convention, attacking the PIB) until we've nailed down our votes and our enemies.
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[X] Plan Go West, Old Man

I am broadly in agreement, we need to stabilize our source of cadres, geting a balance to the internal service via the NRC will buy time in terms of avoiding a state sec coup. Also, am in general far more comfortable working with the army then internal security and state side elements when our entire political feifdom is in party bodies. We can follow this up by defanging the interior and then if all goes well have the convention turn 3.
Why exactly are people trying to work with Foster? We're ideologically incompatible tbh. We're never gonna be able to work with him

I'd argue we're ideologically incompatible with both. Tyner may be more open to our social positions, but he also is the "man who called you a right-deviationist for arguing in favor of more open party discussions". Either option is going to be tenuous, so it's more a question of how useful the inroads successfully coming to a truce with one or the other would offer us, in my opinion.

controversial maybe but

[X] Take power, you son of a bitch, when it is handed to you
-[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
-[X] Mobilize the Young Communist League
-[X] Approach the American People's Army
[X] Take power, you son of a bitch, when it is handed to you
-[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
-[X] Mobilize the Young Communist League
-[X] Approach the American People's Army

I thought it over. VeteranMortal's right. We're the successor, let's force our rivals to play catchup with us. Fuck it we ball.

A lot of quests are too quick to appease opposition to do coalitions and bridgebuilding, even when its detrimental and unnecessary. This doubles down on our base of support and undercuts rivals. It's on them to come to us looking for support.
[X] Plan Take power, you son of a bitch, when it is handed to you
-[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
-[X] Mobilize the Young Communist League
-[X] Approach the American People's Army

Seems to me that most quests like this have the voters choose to engage in careful politicking - trying the bulldozer approach sounds like fun!
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Why exactly are people trying to work with Foster? We're ideologically incompatible tbh. We're never gonna be able to work with him
I'd much much rather take Foster's hardline Leninism (which is not actually a bad thing) then Tyners social patriotism any day of the week

[X] Plan: Modern Vanguard for a Modern Party
-[X] Fostering Goodwill
-[X] Mobilize the Young Communist League
-[X] Approach the American People's Army

edit: approval vote for

[X] Plan: We Can Be Friends Until The Revolution
-[X] Fostering Goodwill
-[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
-[X] Approach the American People's Army
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[X] Take power, you son of a bitch, when it is handed to you (edited)
-[X] Lock Down the California Communist Party
-[X] Reform the PIB
-[X] Approach the American People's Army

Okay so I've been shitposting on discord but to be serious for a second - sincerely, I think the plan I have proposed can work but only if you commit - you need the army and the local party and our hardliners to all be onside. We can't do halfmeasures - either you engage in diplomatic/bureaucratic wrangling like Reforming the PIB or reaching out to committee members, or you change the rules of the game.

You cannot ride two horses.
ok all fair points. I retract my edit and fully commit. Ugh doing Democratic Centralism makes my CouncilCom/Communalist self feel dirty 🤢
[X] Take power, you son of a bitch, when it is handed to you

Feels like a risky play, focusing pretty much all on the offensive. However the quote alone makes me choose it.