From Stars to Worlds [Civilization Quest/Star Wars Multi-Cross]

Thanks for putting them in their own tabs! We need to build more science ships and construction ships! Its preventing our research and construction! Also I don't see where to build a science one. Also can we build an Higher education in order to get people start jobs and also help us get engineers and science officers? Also can we see all the types of ships and how many we have?

Edit: Had to edit my vote since I am limited on how many ships we can build. Especially the civilian/production ships though I can keep our frigate because of our space shipyards. That is different then our civilian slipyard. Though no scout ship.

[X] Operation Tick Tock
-Military Action 5
-- [X] B1 Army: You're in dire need of Infantry, so let us build one. You now also have a dedicated B1 Factory to boot so that's a big boon.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 8000 B1 Battledroids]
-- [X] Clone Army: While Droids can do a lot of work, humans do a whole lot more and far better. You already have the finest soldiers, starship officers, scientists and engineers lining up to donate themselves to your cause of creating clones. It may take a while, but never underestimate the value of this elite option.
---- [X] Clone Crews: New starships need new crews. And while Droids can fill in the holes, nothing is better than organics and their intuition. These clones spend their incubation period training to man any number of starships, so long as your new designs do not overhaul controls they are the perfect crewmembers. Made from the DNA of your best officers, probably including one or two blueskins here and there, these clones fill any ship handling roles you can think of. [Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 20.000 Clone Soldiers (Starship Crew)]
-- [X] Frigate Construction (Provisional Shipyard): You have built your own shipyard and now can build at least one set of Frigates and one set of Cruisers at a time. Bolstering. Admiral Thrawn was nice enough to provide an alteration of all known Imperial vessels so as to minimize crew complement issues by cutting the required crew down to a quarter. You can build your Frigates in batches of 16.
--- [X] Build Survey Frigates: The Survey Frigate is instead of a class a type of design. In this instance it is a medium-armed frigate with advanced sensor arrays meant to supplement the unarmed Research Vessels. The ship is deisgned specifically for long-range surveys albeit it won't be doing as good a job as the Research Vessels, it will be able to do it faster, at which point we'll likely be able to send in a Research Ship to take finer meassurements.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Survey Frigates]
-- [X] Armor Replacement: AT-AT and AT-ST, All-Terrain Armored Transports and All-Terrain Scout Transport. The most impractical vehicles in the entire empire, and ones who have the most misleading names of all. Whether it be the clunky footing or their problems keeping on their feet against any kind of obstacle, AT-AT and AT-ST are among the worst vehicles anyone has seen and have replaced far more practical designs for no reason other than looking a bit more intimidating. Your engineers tell you that they can use the Factory and parts from scrapping these abominations to replace them.
--- [X] AT-TE: The All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the most literal All-Terrain vehicle of all time. Far less vertically inclined but armed with better weaponry, less obvious blind spots and an actually higher top speed, if you would believe it, than it's successor the AT-AT, the AT-TE is a tank on legs with a heavy Railgun on the top and two Blasters mounted on the "Head" module. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-AT, Reward: 10 AT-TE added to forces, 10 AT-AT removed from forces]
-- [X] Build T65 X-Wing Starfighters: While being higher in cost than the TIE/ln, the X-Wing was designed to be economic in nature by it's Incom producers. While designed for the same purpose as the TIE/ln series, the X-Wing is the GOAT of mass-produceable strikecraft, featuring four Blaster Cannons, a Ion Cannon, a Concussion Missile Launcher, shields and a Astromech Droid slot. Equipped with a Hyperdrive, X-Wings can act independent of a mothership to a certain degree, allowing force projection far beyond a capitalship. They take-up twice the amount of space as TIE type starfighters would though.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 300 T65 X-Wing

-Diplomatic 6
-- [X] Propaganda: You need to make sure that everything is alright and that citizens will stay loyal in the futer. Might as well get the material prepared just in case. Can be a song, a poster, or a hollo episode.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials (if applicable)]

-Research 5
-- [X] Research Artifacts: There are 5 Artifacts that have been recovered from the Debris Field, maybe there can be insights into the systems of the structure found within.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 3 Turns, Roll 2d50 each turn to determine if it progresses, Reward: ???]
-- [X] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Roll 2d50]
-- [X] Study Computers: There are a number of computer systems in the parts of the Ring's inner structure that you can study, maybe with this you can gain much needed insight and progress to make these shipyards useable. Send one of your Research Ships to do the deed.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Research Ship becomes occupied, 2 Turns, Roll 2d50 to determine progress, Reward: ???]

-Engineer 5
-- [X] Create Mining Station: While a Mining Ship can do the job well, a dedicated facility will be much more effective at this job. Send a Construction Ship to the Rogue Planet to have it construct a mining station that will harvest materials much faster, and send a Cargo Ship along to create a supply line.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Construction Ship + 1 Cargo Ship become occupied, 2 Turns before first shipment, Reward: +10.000 Materials/turn]
-- [X] Design New Ship: With all the improvements in tech, maybe it is time for our engineers to start on designing a wholly new Starfighter. It may end up clunky at first but hey, at least you get something new and shiny.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: New Fighter Design, May Scrap old Fighters to build ???]
-- [X] Expand Planetary Industry: One factory is a good start, but why stop at one? Build a second factory to increase your output!
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Basic Factory built on Ringbardy I, +200 Materials from harvesting and mining]
-- [X] Expand Advanced Industry: You have an advanced Factory now, why not build another factory, but skip right to a second advanced factory? Well, you can.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: Advanced Factory built on Ringbardy I, +400 Materials from harvesting and Mining, +100 Credits]
-- [X] Stafighter Assembly: With new refits getting more complicated, maybe building a factory dedicated to their construction would be a good idea, right? With this you can build a factory which will enable you to build entirely new starfighters and, if new models were to be created, to build those or to scrap old ones for parts of those.
--- [X] Furion-class Factory: The Furion is a Fighter-Bomber superior to the TIE/sa, the Y-Wing and any other bombers you know. Modeled to something similar to a TIE fighter, these fearsome beasts are well equipped to take down enemy capitalships as well as enemy fighters. Having space superiority is definitely a must. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Furion Factory]

-Administrative 7
-- [X] Money Printing: Inflation can be painful, but you literally have a limited amount of money to begin with, by this level of deflation a Star Destroyer would be as cheap as 1 Credit all things considered even if every Credit you spend goes back into the economy ultimately. So yeah, printing more money is possible, though you need to do it slowly.
[Cost: 20 Materials, Rewards: 500 Credits]
-- [X] Civilian Productions III: More Economy is more economy, it is only natural that with more demand you want to increase production, right buddy?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, -50 Materials/turn (Consumption), 1 Turn, Reward: +50 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +100 Happiness Rating]
-- [X] Farming Subsidies: You will likely get a growing population soon, so getting started on expanding your farming capabilities would be a good idea for you. There are some farms already set up, but why not invest in them more? Besides, the better things are for your citizens, the more taxes can come in.
-- [X] Cloning Facilities III: One Cloning Facility is good, but two are better, am I right?
[Cost: 300 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +1 Cloning Action]
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]
-- [X] Found 4th Site: There is still one more site to build a city on, why not do it right away to give your citizens more places to go?
[Cost: 200 Credits, 1 Colony Ship is converted into a new City Site, 1 Turn, Rewards: +100 Food/turn, +500 Credits/turn, +40.000 Population]
-- [X] Construct Construction Ship: Construction Ships are the working horse of your fleet, setting up every piece of orbital infrastructure out there. Having more of these will just be beneficial in the long-run so why not build another?
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Construction Ship]

-- [X] Menial Worker Droids: Droids are great, especially for things like building things. You can now produce these droids for such a purpose from the same factory you get your normal Menial Droids from.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions)]
Note: You can only do one Menial Type Droid Production Action per turn due to only having one factory for them.
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I think you are missing a zero or another number here cause each colony ship holds 40k and we had 8 plus several years of population growth.
You got an error there. It's supposed to be 80, not 60.
I thought I already did this action, shouldnt it be civilian production 3 now instead of 2?
Errors detected and changed.
Thanks for putting them in their own tabs! We need to build more science ships and construction ships! Its preventing our research and construction! Also I don't see where to build a science one. Also can we build an Higher education in order to get people start jobs and also help us get engineers and science officers? Also can we see all the types of ships and how many we have?

[X] Operation Tick Tock
Problem, the civilian drydock on the surface can only build one ship at a time, all the ships in the Administrative category are built there and so is the Scout ship.
Ah, so it's: "Oh crap, the Flood" but Mechanicus Style.
That's just as bad-if not worse. As such, I'm choosing to believe I mistranslated your hint. I now presume we are heavily outnumbered by a (possibly artificial) race.
. . .
Wait a minute
That wasn't a hint, as stated I won't decide on the verse until after Round 10, though I admit, BSG2003 is a verse I'm considering in which case what was spotted on the Ring would be something like those two "Angels" Baltar and Caprica 6 were seeing.
how large is the Militia at the moment?
The militia is a couple thousand, it is a volunteer militia as you may recall.
Aside from that, all warships have their typical Storm Trooper and armored vehicle complements. Sadly that includes the Humpback horses and Chicken Walkers.
Fleetwise, I gave a full list on the thread header.
Ah, so it's: "Oh crap, the Flood" but Mechanicus Style.
That's just as bad-if not worse. As such, I'm choosing to believe I mistranslated your hint. I now presume we are heavily outnumbered by a (possibly artificial) race.
. . .
Wait a minute
I think it would be funny if we land in "Borderlands". There will be so many crazy stuff happening all around us from crazy psycho, giant corporations(some are communist for some reason), and interdimensional horrors. With a touch of freaky aliens. Then again there would be a lot of fun, horrifying, or stupid places we can end up in.
I think it would be funny if we land in "Borderlands". There will be so many crazy stuff happening all around us from crazy psycho, giant corporations(some are communist for some reason), and interdimensional horrors. With a touch of freaky aliens. Then again there would be a lot of fun, horrifying, or stupid places we can end up in.

On an backwater planet an ACU builds a metal extractor.
The sheer scale of supcom combat would make that verse poorly suited for this quest, by sheer dint of the fact the whole Galactic Empire would struggle against even 1 ACU, short of just calling an Orbital strike or force shenanigans, let alone any actual faction.

Starcraft packs highly advanced aliens with few numbers, the hivemind virtually numberless zerg, and humans with lots of stubbornness, and crazy tech centered on insane versatility. And then there are some options that may or may not be available depending on how much fanon or worldbuilding the author is willing to do on top of the existing lore. Such as possibly the Starbound setting, which although offering more lore than other options, I don't recall if there was much at all on ship-to-ship combat. 😅
If you feel like it you could stay in the Star Wars universe but end up in a different era, like the Old Republic around the time of SWTOR, or, if you can bear sullying your hands with it, the Sequels Era.
I imagine that you're planning to do a crossover, though.

I'd recommend that you don't go to a universe that would be a curbstomp for one side or the other. As previously mentioned, SupCom, for example, has extremely advanced military technology that would drown us in numbers. On the opposite side, Cyberpunk has space technology comparable to OTL, and has a population even lower than OTL Earth. Then again, an uplift story where we're technologically advanced but small compared to other parties could be interesting.

On the top of my head, some possible universes that haven't been mentioned yet could be Mass Effect, Battletech, Stargate, Killzone, Firefly, Babylon 5, or the MCU.
I mean the societies in those place will definitely clash against us since we are an old society with rich history. Though I can see it being fun and make the story complex.

What would be fun is if we take multiple places and stuff it in one universe. So that will be interesting!
MCU and fight it out with Thanos
We're running a Star Wars Civilization Quest, not some amalgam of Jumpchain and Quest with a visit to at least half the available Dragonball related Jumpchain settings with every power-up and Anti-Hax Perk taken.
Sorry but taking on someone who can duke it out with an entire team of superhumans using Star Wars troops and ships is asking for destruction on a level not even Mirai Trunks' timeline has experienced and that thing got erased.
We're running a Star Wars Civilization Quest, not some amalgam of Jumpchain and Quest with a visit to at least half the available Dragonball related Jumpchain settings with every power-up and Anti-Hax Perk taken.
Sorry but taking on someone who can duke it out with an entire team of superhumans using Star Wars troops and ships is asking for destruction on a level not even Mirai Trunks' timeline has experienced and that thing got erased.
Now if we had an Anikan level force user or something, there MIGHT be at least a snowballs chance in hell.

But of course, unless by some cosmic miracle we got some ex-padawan, or some random person picked up for a bit of training by one of the survivors, we'd be at ground zero, and even then, it would be pathetic compared to the potential of the Force.
Death Star: Prepare to fire
Thanos: Prepare to fire
The Galaxy: Booooooom!

That's not including the other super weapons in either universes.

Edit: Though I think it would be cool to have Sith sorcery!
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Now if we had an Anikan level force user or something, there MIGHT be at least a snowballs chance in hell.

But of course, unless by some cosmic miracle we got some ex-padawan, or some random person picked up for a bit of training by one of the survivors, we'd be at ground zero, and even then, it would be pathetic compared to the potential of the Force.
I may add some option like "Seek for Force Sensitives/Jedi Survivors" in a future Round, but that would take a success roll with a Moderate Result being a few Low-Level Sensitives, Non-Crit Success giving a good number of decent Force Sensitives, a normal Crit being a few survivor Padawans maybe with a few students of their own, and a Nat 100 being a couple straight-up Knight to Master-level Jedi Survivors or the graduate students of such survivors.
Death Star: Prepare to fire
Thanos: Prepare to fire
The Galaxy: Booooooom!

That's not including the other super weapons in either universes.

Edit: Though I think it would be cool to have Sith sorcery!
We're less than a Imperial Remnant over here, we're literally a Imperial Colony in the earliest beginning stages of military build-up. We literally can't build a Deat Star, especially since there are no Focusing Crystals likely to be found around here which would be Lightsaber compatible, thus none that can be used as Death Star Focusing Lenses.
So yeah, no Death Star unless you got your hands on just the right Infinity Stone to magic up the materials or ships.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fanficwriter on Apr 21, 2023 at 7:46 PM, finished with 24 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Operation Tick Tock
    [X] Operation Tick Tock
    -- [X] B1 Army: You're in dire need of Infantry, so let us build one. You now also have a dedicated B1 Factory to boot so that's a big boon.
    -- [X] Clone Army: While Droids can do a lot of work, humans do a whole lot more and far better. You already have the finest soldiers, starship officers, scientists and engineers lining up to donate themselves to your cause of creating clones. It may take a while, but never underestimate the value of this elite option.
    ---- [X] Clone Crews: New starships need new crews. And while Droids can fill in the holes, nothing is better than organics and their intuition. These clones spend their incubation period training to man any number of starships, so long as your new designs do not overhaul controls they are the perfect crewmembers. Made from the DNA of your best officers, probably including one or two blueskins here and there, these clones fill any ship handling roles you can think of. [Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 20.000 Clone Soldiers (Starship Crew)]
    -- [X] Frigate Construction (Provisional Shipyard): You have built your own shipyard and now can build at least one set of Frigates and one set of Cruisers at a time. Bolstering. Admiral Thrawn was nice enough to provide an alteration of all known Imperial vessels so as to minimize crew complement issues by cutting the required crew down to a quarter. You can build your Frigates in batches of 16.
    --- [X] Build Survey Frigates: The Survey Frigate is instead of a class a type of design. In this instance it is a medium-armed frigate with advanced sensor arrays meant to supplement the unarmed Research Vessels. The ship is deisgned specifically for long-range surveys albeit it won't be doing as good a job as the Research Vessels, it will be able to do it faster, at which point we'll likely be able to send in a Research Ship to take finer meassurements.
    -- [X] Armor Replacement: AT-AT and AT-ST, All-Terrain Armored Transports and All-Terrain Scout Transport. The most impractical vehicles in the entire empire, and ones who have the most misleading names of all. Whether it be the clunky footing or their problems keeping on their feet against any kind of obstacle, AT-AT and AT-ST are among the worst vehicles anyone has seen and have replaced far more practical designs for no reason other than looking a bit more intimidating. Your engineers tell you that they can use the Factory and parts from scrapping these abominations to replace them.
    --- [X] AT-TE: The All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the most literal All-Terrain vehicle of all time. Far less vertically inclined but armed with better weaponry, less obvious blind spots and an actually higher top speed, if you would believe it, than it's successor the AT-AT, the AT-TE is a tank on legs with a heavy Railgun on the top and two Blasters mounted on the "Head" module. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-AT, Reward: 10 AT-TE added to forces, 10 AT-AT removed from forces]
    -- [X] Build T65 X-Wing Starfighters: While being higher in cost than the TIE/ln, the X-Wing was designed to be economic in nature by it's Incom producers. While designed for the same purpose as the TIE/ln series, the X-Wing is the GOAT of mass-produceable strikecraft, featuring four Blaster Cannons, a Ion Cannon, a Concussion Missile Launcher, shields and a Astromech Droid slot. Equipped with a Hyperdrive, X-Wings can act independent of a mothership to a certain degree, allowing force projection far beyond a capitalship. They take-up twice the amount of space as TIE type starfighters would though.
    -- [X] Propaganda: You need to make sure that everything is alright and that citizens will stay loyal in the futer. Might as well get the material prepared just in case. Can be a song, a poster, or a hollo episode.
    -- [X] Research Artifacts: There are 5 Artifacts that have been recovered from the Debris Field, maybe there can be insights into the systems of the structure found within.
    -- [X] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
    -- [X] Study Computers: There are a number of computer systems in the parts of the Ring's inner structure that you can study, maybe with this you can gain much needed insight and progress to make these shipyards useable. Send one of your Research Ships to do the deed.
    -- [X] Create Mining Station: While a Mining Ship can do the job well, a dedicated facility will be much more effective at this job. Send a Construction Ship to the Rogue Planet to have it construct a mining station that will harvest materials much faster, and send a Cargo Ship along to create a supply line.
    -- [X] Design New Ship: With all the improvements in tech, maybe it is time for our engineers to start on designing a wholly new Starfighter. It may end up clunky at first but hey, at least you get something new and shiny.
    -- [X] Expand Planetary Industry: One factory is a good start, but why stop at one? Build a second factory to increase your output!
    -- [X] Expand Advanced Industry: You have an advanced Factory now, why not build another factory, but skip right to a second advanced factory? Well, you can.
    -- [X] Stafighter Assembly: With new refits getting more complicated, maybe building a factory dedicated to their construction would be a good idea, right? With this you can build a factory which will enable you to build entirely new starfighters and, if new models were to be created, to build those or to scrap old ones for parts of those.
    --- [X] Furion-class Factory: The Furion is a Fighter-Bomber superior to the TIE/sa, the Y-Wing and any other bombers you know. Modeled to something similar to a TIE fighter, these fearsome beasts are well equipped to take down enemy capitalships as well as enemy fighters. Having space superiority is definitely a must. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Furion Factory]
    -- [X] Money Printing: Inflation can be painful, but you literally have a limited amount of money to begin with, by this level of deflation a Star Destroyer would be as cheap as 1 Credit all things considered even if every Credit you spend goes back into the economy ultimately. So yeah, printing more money is possible, though you need to do it slowly.
    -- [X] Civilian Productions III: More Economy is more economy, it is only natural that with more demand you want to increase production, right buddy?
    -- [X] Farming Subsidies: You will likely get a growing population soon, so getting started on expanding your farming capabilities would be a good idea for you. There are some farms already set up, but why not invest in them more? Besides, the better things are for your citizens, the more taxes can come in.
    -- [X] Cloning Facilities III: One Cloning Facility is good, but two are better, am I right?
    -- [X] Found 4th Site: There is still one more site to build a city on, why not do it right away to give your citizens more places to go?
    -- [X] Construct Construction Ship: Construction Ships are the working horse of your fleet, setting up every piece of orbital infrastructure out there. Having more of these will just be beneficial in the long-run so why not build another?
    -- [X] Menial Worker Droids: Droids are great, especially for things like building things. You can now produce these droids for such a purpose from the same factory you get your normal Menial Droids from.

I wil use this post to roll some situations and naturally, the rolls of the actions.

First is an Intelligence Roll
Roll 2 is a Intrigue/Espionage roll
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Jedi Search Total: 62
39 39 23 23
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Encounter Roll Total: 48
6 6 42 42
Fanficwriter threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Rebel Espionage Roll Total: 11
8 8 3 3
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Artifact Research Roll Total: 73
36 36 37 37
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Artifact Research Roll 2 Total: 54
36 36 18 18
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Exploration Roll Total: 29
10 10 19 19
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Combat Encounter Roll Total: 43
1 1 42 42
Fanficwriter threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Computer Study Roll Total: 75
30 30 45 45
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Round 7: Moving On
"Another Year, Another Death Star sized stack of reports." You moan to yourself, staring at the stack of papers Thrawn had brought in with the help of a Paperwork carrier droid, with the amount of menial labor droids produced this sort of model was obviously popular among those who, like the admiral, liked to dot the I and cross the T by hand with a pen.
As a scientist, you found this painfully anachronistic given you were living on a stellar Megastructure with a fleet of advanced warships above your head.
"Not quite that large, Grand Moff. Though I must admit I was expecting a bit more construction on warships." Stated Thrawn, referring to the rather big budget issues that had plagued the annual planning season regarding the allocation of resources to various projects.
"I know, but having exploratory vessels that don't need babysitters was a bit more important, especially with these models being far more specialized than our Research Ships." You respond, shaking your head as you pick up the first stack of reports.
If nothing else, you liked seeing how your people were flourishing in this difficult situation.

"A wise man once said, to win a battle, you need to know your enemies. I hope we can find out something about any neighbors before we have to engage them in combat." Thus said Admiral Thrawn, he had been quite concerned with possible enemy factions close to your space, and you can't say you're not.
First on the reports, regarding the reorganizing the fleet's command structure. Well, Thrawn's report was fairly optimistic in it's progress, you wouldn't want to be in his shoes though.
[Will Finish Next Turn]
Next, the first batch of B1 Battledroids had been finished, they were somewhat upgraded compared to their stock versions so they could perform complex tasks more easily. You had them assigned to new ships as well as the two Providence-class Carrier-Destroyers.
[Rewards: 8000 B1 Battledroids]
On top of that, the second cloning batch had finally started, in the form of a Clone batch specialized for crewing new ships. Naturally they were far from ready for this, being that they were all the equivalent of four years old children at this point in time.
[Will Finish in 4 Turns]
By contrast, the fleet grew quite nicely, albeit only in terms of escorts or survey ships, depending on your view. The SR-1 type Survey ships come off the assembly line and took in crews made of B1 Battledroids led by recent graduates of the academy on your world. Not heavily armed the 450 meters long frigates still represent a nice middle ground in terms of starships and will bolster both our military and exploratory activities.
[Reward: 16 SR-1 Survey Frigates]
On that note, you had finally been able to make the bureaucrats allow for the retirement of AT-AT and their conversion into AT-TE instead. Not many yet, but the All-Terrain Tactical-Enforcers will certainly be more useful in the varied geography of the Ring than their unwieldy successors.
[Reward: 10 AT-AT converted into AT-TE]
To supplement the defenses of your fleet with a starship that is versatile and actually worth the money, the cheap T65 X-Wing is likely the best candidate. The wider spaceframe carries everything you had been squeezing into ordinary TIE/ln and TIE/in starfighters but carried additionally better weaponry. Paired with the superior training of your pilots, this is a deadly combination.
[Reward: 300 T65 X-Wings]

On the diplomatic side, things were… quiet. For most of the year anyway. Upper Rim reported several sensor blips coming and going but eventually your listening post managed to capture an image of what was going on. From the image, it appeared to be some manner of strikecraft which seems to come and go by FTL, it isn't clear what they're doing at first but going over the sensor readings indicate deep-scans from the unknown vessels.
[Results: 48+10 (Diplomatic Council)+15 (Thrawn Espionage Bonus)+11=84 (Critical Success), Reward: Detected unknown espionage starships.]

On the research side of the reports, the four research vessels hadn't returned yet, it would take another year before they would.
[Will Finish next turn]
One of your researchers meanwhile did something quite amazing, while meddling with the artifact, they actually managed to, somehow, reveal a control menu. A bit of fiddling later found it somehow adjusting to your language. The device, a large, almost ceremonial looking cube, somehow had the ability to draw energy from a subspace pocket and turn it into materials. You're not sure how it works, in fact you have no clue, but this appears to be a device from the same civilization which was able to build this Ring World. So yeah, not surprising they could to this. Sadly it isn't enough to make the other artifacts work albeit you suspect they may be similar.
[Result: 77+20 (Egghead Archetype)+20 (Thrawn Research Bonus)=117 (Critical Pass), Reward: Skipped 1 Turn, New Action: Material Conversion (+8000 Materials), +10 to all rolls for actions involving Ring-related machinery and artifacts]
With the success of this artifact in mind, your team dusted off the second, it doesn't look the same, but the same trick doesn't seem to work. However, this brilliant young researcher, or lucky as it may be, had managed to access the menu again, although it will likely still take a while before the artifact can be utilized.
[Result: 54+20 (Egghead Archetype)+20 (Thrawn Research Bonus)+10 (First Artifact Understanding Bonus)=104 (Critical Success), Will Finish Next Turn]
Exploration of the Ring went as usual, although sadly not as well as before. Your explorers have encountered what appears to be an old alien fortress and on approach they were fired upon. It isn't clear what was firing on them, but luckily the Galactic Marines Thrawn brought along had been able to get your people out of there.
[Result: 29+20 (Egghead Archetype)+20 (Thrawn Research Bonus)=69 (Success), Combat Encounter Result: 49+10 (Military Council)+10 (Thrawn Infantry Bonus)=69 (Success), Result: Found Precursor Fortress, Hostiles Contact, New Actions]
Naturally people were quite happy to try and hack more computers. Surprisingly, what we had learned from the cube before applied itself well to these computers and to the surprise of many, the shipyards become more accessible, allowing 2 more drydocks to be used at once (3 Drydocks total available).
[Result: 79+20 (Egghead Archetype)+20 (Thrawn Research Bonus)+10 (First Artifact Understanding Bonus)=129 (Critical Success), Reward: Skipped 1 Turn, +2 Xeno Shipyard Drydocks available for use]

On the engineering side, your engineers are happy to announce that they had finished the mining station over the Broken Planet, this meant a steady income of Materials would now come in.
[Result: +700 Materials/turn, +800 Materials/turn (Factories)]
With the success of this project, the Construction Ship had it's crew rotated out and was sent back again to build a second station. Nice right?
[Will Finish Next Turn]
On another note, the engineering corps had started work on using all that is available to you to build a new starfighter class, hopefully they can pull it off, you want the best possible design after all.
[Will Finish Next Turn]
Naturally, more factories mean more materials getting ready, a basic and an advanced factory had been built this year.
[Reward: +1200 Materials/Material Income, +100 Credits/turn]
Adding to your industry comes the addition of a Furion-class Fighter Bomber assembly line. Far superior to the TIE/sa you have lying around your fleet, this vessel is close enough to fall into the TIE family of starfighters while being comparable to the Rebel Alliance B-Wing Bomber.
[Reward: Furion-class Starfighter Assembly Line]

On the administrative side, things were fairly easy. For starters another set of Colonial Credits had been printed, a godsend to the economy.
[Rewards: +500 Credits, "Establish New Jobs" Enabled]
Civilian industries are a great way to keep the populace maintain the flow of cash, after all consumer goods are the thing they will always buy don't you think?
[Reward: +50 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +100 Happiness Rating]
Naturally with the soon to come clones, more food production will be necessary, so the fields were further expanded, with agriculture greatly built upon, as usual really.
[Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]
Additionally, a third Cloning Facility has been built, further expanding your ability to produce organics and, hopefully, helping with your massive manpower problem.
[Reward: Cloning Facility built, +1 Cloning Action]
And then, there goes your last Colony Ship. Now you have four cities on this piece of Megastructure, and no way of colonizing another planet. Well, it was what the populace had wanted anyway, these 40.000 settlers on the ship had wanted to get off after seven years up there.
[Rewards: +100 Food/turn, +500 Credits/turn, +40.000 Population]
On a different note, your "Planetary" shipyard had constructed it's first two ships, the Construction Ships lifting off the planet at long last joining their kin along with their crews.
[Reward: 2 Construction Ship (Note: I made a mistake here, there are two berths noted in the action to build this shipyard)]
Lastly your factories finished the construction of these droids. Built to aid in various tasks, they should make anything you use them for much easier and faster to complete.
[Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions) (Note: Whoever makes the build may apply this to one action)]
Starting turn credits: 26.400 Credits
Starting turn material: 12,750 material
Total Credit Cost: 3.700 Credits
Total Material (Mat.) Cost: 3.520 material (of which 100 is upkeep)
Next turn Credit Budget: 22.700 Credits (I have a headache, if someone wants to try and figure this out, please do so)
Next turn Mat. Budget: 9.130 material (900+2000 (Factories)=2900 Materials/turn)
Grand Admiral Thrawn is now the highest ranking officer of your military forces, the most brilliant mind in the Imperial military pledged his support to your government without a single shot being fired. There can't be much better attestation to how you have run things, can it?

[] Construction Slip Construction: You have the foundation for your planetary shipyard, now you just need to build the construction points for ships. However, a planetary shipyard like this is much more limited in the sizes it can be built so making any drydocks for ships larger than a 600 meters makes no sense. (You can build 1 more Drydock before needing to expand the Shipyard Foundation)
- [] Corvette Drydock: Corvettes are the most cost-effective means of using your resources, the CR90, it's various variants including it's carrier variant, can be built here effectively and at a relatively cheap price. Ships up to 200 meters in length can be built here. [Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 3 Corvette Drydocks]

- [] Frigate Drydock: Frigates are the workhorse in most sensible navies. Large enough to fend for themselves or coordinate with other vessels, but not large enough to be a flagship. At up to 400 meters in length, Frigates represent the optimal middle-ground between "Cheap enough" and "Large enough" if anyone asked. You also have no Frigates even though they can be built for just about any purpose. [Cost: 100 Credits, 150 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 2 Frigate Drydocks]

- [] Light Cruiser Drydock: Light Cruisers are the smallest serious capitalship. Fleets of them can be a serious threat to even larger capitalships due to superior maneuverability and their ability to act as flagships of a task force. The largest vessel that can be built is the Light Cruiser Shipyard would be the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer, or more accurately, the Gladiator-class Escort Carrier. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 1 Light Cruiser Drydock]

- [] Non-Military Drydock: Your fleet of support ships is large, but not infinite, if you continue landing colony ships like this you'll run out of them, and then what? Not to mention that any future mining operations will need support from freighters. This Drydock can build any of your support vessels except super-heavy freighters like the ones you have, instead it builds Y944 Mass Freighters, Those are 400 meters long. [Cost: 200 Credits, 150 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 2 Non-Military Drydocks]

[] Secure the Ring: You do not know what may be found on the Ring, or inside the Ring. There are what look like shipyards but you know neither their operational systems nor what defenses may be found.
- [] Assault Bunker: Your explorers have found an alien bunker on the surface and you want to know who in the hell is in there, shooting at your man. Send in a contingent of Storm Troopers and armored vehicles, whether AT-AT or AT-TE and AT-ST, doesn't matter. [Cost: 200 Credits, 1 turn, Roll 2d50 to determine success, Reward: Roll 2d50]

- [] Secure Outer Section III: You have 1/4th of the total internal space of the Ring, secure further areas to ensure no nasty surprises for your people. [Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 100 Credits, Roll 2d50 next turn for result]

- [] Secure Shipyards II: The shipyards are connected to the Ring's superstructure but can be entered from outside. There are three of them in total with each easily having the size of a Kuat Driveyards and similar shipyards. You have secured the first of the three, now it is time to get further ones. [Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 100 Credits, Roll 2d50 next turn for result]

[] Retrofit Strikecraft: While the research breakthrough wasn't enough to just put shields on your ships, it was enough to open up some space. You can retrofit some of your strikecraft with the new reactor system and give them and add a system on top of that.

- [] TIE/d Retrofit: With Grand Admiral Thrawn, the schematics for the TIE/d, or TIE Defender, have fallen into your hands. Armed with four Laser Cannons, two Ion Cannons, a Tractor Beam Emitter, two Concussion Missile Launchers, heavy shields for a starfighter, Life Support and a Hyperdrive, this fighter is a menace on the battlefield. Thrawn assure you, he knows how to retrofit TIE/ln and TIE/in into TIE/d fighters, reducing the cost. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, 40 TIE/ln or TIE/in, Reward: 40 starfighters retrofitted to TIE/d Defenders]

- [] Furion Fighter-Bomber Retrofit: "I always thought these TIE/sa are an eyesore, dear Grand Moff. Let me offer something." So said Grand Admiral Thrawn. His suggestion was less of a Retrofit and more dismantling a few TIE/sa to use their resources in the construction of Chiss "Furion-class" Fighter Bombers. They're deadly, they're fast, and they're shielded. Geez. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 40 TIE/sa Bombers, 1 Turn, Reward: 20 Furion-class Fighter Bombers]

[] Retrofit TIE/ln to TIE/ln II: You have a working Retrofit template, so why not work your engineers to implement it further?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 40 TIE/ln are retrofitted to TIE/ln II]

[] Retrofit TIE/in to TIE/in II: You have a working retrofit template, so why not work your engineers to implement it further?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 40 TIE/in are retrofitted to TIE/in II]

[] B1 Army: You're in dire need of Infantry, so let us build one. You now also have a dedicated B1 Factory to boot so that's a big boon.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 8000 B1 Battledroids]

[] B2 Army: Heavy infantry is not something you have in abundance, but you have a factory that can build exactly that from scratch.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 4000 B2 Super Battledroids]

[] Droideka Brigade: Small as a speeder, hardier than a tank, hits harder than an armored vehicle. The Droideka, the deadliest Battledroid in widespread use and the best there is in the opinion of anyone who sees them in action. Lets build some, shall we?
[Cost: 300 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 400 Droideka Battledroids]

[] Clone Army: While Droids can do a lot of work, humans do a whole lot more and far better. You already have the finest soldiers, starship officers, scientists and engineers lining up to donate themselves to your cause of creating clones. It may take a while, but never underestimate the value of this elite option.
- [] Clone Infantry: You have only a limited number of Storm Troopers and past sorties have cost you a number of them. Better to have some replacements. They are generalists and can fit any role in the military. [Cost: 200 Credits, 300 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 20.000 Clone Soldiers]

- [] Clone Pilots: Venator-class Star Destroyer shone through their fighter capacity and their fighter pilots, not so much their own firepower. This clone template takes the best pilots in your fleet, duplicates them in the hundreds to thousands, and then sits them through 18 years worth of simulated training in VR into the perfect pilots. The remaining year they're not in incubation just has them refine it outside simulations. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 4000 Clone Pilots]

- [] Clone Crews: New starships need new crews. And while Droids can fill in the holes, nothing is better than organics and their intuition. These clones spend their incubation period training to man any number of starships, so long as your new designs do not overhaul controls they are the perfect crewmembers. Made from the DNA of your best officers, probably including one or two blueskins here and there, these clones fill any ship handling roles you can think of. [Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 20.000 Clone Soldiers (Starship Crew)]

[] Armor Replacement: AT-AT and AT-ST, All-Terrain Armored Transports and All-Terrain Scout Transport. The most impractical vehicles in the entire empire, and ones who have the most misleading names of all. Whether it be the clunky footing or their problems keeping on their feet against any kind of obstacle, AT-AT and AT-ST are among the worst vehicles anyone has seen and have replaced far more practical designs for no reason other than looking a bit more intimidating. Your engineers tell you that they can use the Factory and parts from scrapping these abominations to replace them.

- [] AT-TE: The All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the most literal All-Terrain vehicle of all time. Far less vertically inclined but armed with better weaponry, less obvious blind spots and an actually higher top speed, if you would believe it, than it's successor the AT-AT, the AT-TE is a tank on legs with a heavy Railgun on the top and two Blasters mounted on the "Head" module. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-AT, Reward: 10 AT-TE added to forces, 10 AT-AT removed from forces]

- [] AT-RT: The All-Terrain Recon Transport, smaller than the AT-ST with an exposed cockpit but much greater speed than the AT-ST, allowing this scout vehicle to traverse rough terrain ahead of armored columns much better and gives it's pilot superior battlefield awareness. It only holds one seat, but given a AT-TE can hold two of them along with a complement of troops, that's hardly an issue. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-ST, Reward: 40 AT-RT added to forces, 10 AT-ST removed from forces]

- [] AT-PT: What may well be the direct predecessor of the AT-ST and, to a lesser extend, the AT-AT, the All-Terrain Personal Transport is a heavy duty personal Walker. Armed with two Blaster Cannons on the nose and a Concussion Grenade Launcher, this is a well armed support vehicle, lighter than the AT-TE it is meant to support, but heavier than the AT-RT which was meant to scout ahead of troops. Also, being smaller than the AT-ST helps with the target profile. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-ST, Reward: 15 AT-PT added to forces, 10 AT-ST removed from forces]

[] Frigate Construction (Provisional Shipyard): You have built your own shipyard and now can build at least one set of Frigates and one set of Cruisers at a time. Bolstering. Admiral Thrawn was nice enough to provide an alteration of all known Imperial vessels so as to minimize crew complement issues by cutting the required crew down to a quarter. You can build your Frigates in batches of 16.
- [] Build Carrack-class Light Cruiser (Anti-Fighter Variant): While the Carack-class is technically called a Light Cruiser, this vessel falls under the scale of a Frigate at 360 meters in length. These small combat vessels are heavily armed for their size and this variant represents an ideal escort for larger vessels to supplement your fleet.
[Cost: 400 Credits, 1000 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Carrack-class Light Cruiser (Anti-Fighter Variant)]

- [] Build Lancer-class Frigates: are relatively small Anti-Starfighter vessels originally conceived early into the era of the Empire. A serious threat to Rebel pilots in the few engagements they partook in, it isn't surprising that Grand Admiral Thrawn suggested this class to be constructed as soon as possible.
[Cost: 300 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Lancer-class Frigates]

- [] Build Sangrine-class Escort Carrier: A original design of Grand Admiral Thrawn, this is a 340 meter long escort carrier meant to supplement other vessels. Designed with two hangars, stacked on top of one another running along the ship's hull, it is only armed with 12 Laser Cannons and 4 Concussion Missile Launchers while being able to carry 4 squadrons of 12 TIE type starfighters or half that number in X-Wing or Y-Wing starfighters. In return this ship is significantly faster than most carriers.
[Cost: 300 Credits, 1500 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Sangrine-class Escort Carriers]

- [] Build MC30c Frigates: The MC-30c is a class of Mon Calamari starship used by the Rebel Alliance. While having one of these on hand would be suspicious as all hell if someone come over, they are one of the strongest frigates in ship-to-ship combat around and can definitely hold their own against enemy ships. Suggested by your Rebel contacts, this would bolster your offensive forces immensely due to it's heavy missile armament and Turbolaser weaponry, not to mention the design comes with redundant shielding, although like certain CIS vessels, it is rather weakly armored.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 MC-30c Frigates]

- [] Build Pelta-class Frigate (Combat Variant): The Pelta-class Frigate's stock model doesn't come with weaponry, often instead serving in a non-combat role. This variant however has been altered by your engineers to carry 5 heavy Quad Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Light Turbolaser Cannons and 22 Point-Defense Laser Cannons. They can also carry one squadron (12 TIE type starfighters or 6 T65 X-Wing) inside a custom hangar.
[Cost: 300 Credits, 1400 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Pelta-class Frigates (Combat Variant)]

- [] Build Starbolt-class Assault Carriers: The Starbolt-class is a Correllian Engineering corporation frigate. It was marketed to mercenaries and planetary defense forces with an armament of 2 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 4 Light Turbolaser Cannons, 2 Heavy Ion Cannons, 1 Twin Proton Torpedo Launcher and a Heavy Tractor Beam Emitter. It can carry 2 Squadrons of larger starfighters like the X-Wing or 4 Squadrons of smaller ones like TIE type starfighters. Naturally this pre-Clone Wars design has been updated but it is still fairly cheap but can do it's job. It can also carry a small contingent of troops and shuttles with speeder bikes and small vehicles.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 1300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Starbolt-class Assault Carriers]

- [] Build Survey Frigates: The Survey Frigate is instead of a class a type of design. In this instance it is a medium-armed frigate with advanced sensor arrays meant to supplement the unarmed Research Vessels. The ship is deisgned specifically for long-range surveys albeit it won't be doing as good a job as the Research Vessels, it will be able to do it faster, at which point we'll likely be able to send in a Research Ship to take finer meassurements.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Survey Frigates]

- [] Heavy Weapons Frigate: This is a new class introduced by designers under Thrawn. Armed with 20 Megamasers, 10 Masers and 2 Concussion Missile Tubes, these ships sit at 350 meters in length. Designed to bolster the fleet's ship-to-ship combat capabilities specifically in the department of energy weapons, they can pack a punch in groups, able to match a ISD2 with 8 of them. Naturally, you get twice that number if you build this, and it is spread out.
[Cost: -200 Credits, 1300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Heavy Weapons Frigates (Suggestions for class name may be made)]

- [] Tartan-class Cruiser: The Tartan is labeled a Cruiser, but due to it's 290 meters, falls instead into the category of the Frigate, at the lower half at that. Heavily armed against starfighters with sophisticated computer and targeting systems, sensor suits and much more, the class was more than a threat to most Rebel starships.
[Cost: 400 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Tartan-class Cruisers]

- [] Write-In
[Cost: 200-600 Credits, 800-2000 Materials]

[] Light Cruiser Construction (Provisional Shipyard): Light Cruisers are the backbone of a sane navy, they can fill any number of roles and naturally, the Empire has a lot of ship classes available. You're not sure why you have blueprints for so many capitalships but started with none for advanced technologies for starfighters, but anyway. You have enough drydock spaces to build 10 Light Cruisers at the moment, at the same time.
- [] Buiild Gladiator-class Star Destroyer: Ah, the longest-suggested cruiser class you have here. The Gladiator is a 600 meter long "Star Destroyer" in shape and style, but is a escort carrier most of all. At the upper limits of our shipyard, the Gladiator comes standard with 2 wings (12 ships) of TIE type vessels, though Grand Admiral Thrawn has tweaked the design to have more internal space by throwing out the frankly useless troop comparments. Able to carry 8 wings of TIE type vessels or 4 wings of X-Wing starfighters, the Gladiator is well armed for it's size and role and would fit in nicely in it's intended purpose.
[Cost: 600 Credits, 1800 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 10 Gladiator-class Star Destroyers]

- [] Build Strike-class Cruiser: Also known as the Strike Cruiser, the Strike-class is a Medium Cruiser technically, though not by size due to being only 450 meters long. Sporting numerous Turbolaser and Laser turrets, the class can carry 1 and a half airwings in terms of capacity, divided into three half-strength wings. Surprisingly, two ships of this class are able to match one Victory-class Star Destroyer in combat, although they're fairly fragile on their own.
[Cost: 300 Credits, 1600 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 10 Strike-class Cruisers]

- [] Build MC40a-class Light Cruiser: The MC40a is a Mon Calamari Light Cruiser used by the wider Rebel Alliance. Coming in at 500 meters in length, the MC40a is a classic Mon Calamari warship, ffielding redundant shielding, as well as a decent armament for a ship of this size. It can carry one squadron of X-Wings or two squadrons of TIE type starfighters, meaning 12 and 24 ships respectively. Thrawn: "Mon Calamari ships are stupendously reliable craft, too bad the empire poisoned that well decades ago."
[Cost: 400 Credits, 2000 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 10 MC40a-class Light Cruiser]

- [] Build Type-A Cruiser-Carrier: This is a yet unnamed class of carrier Cruiser designed by our engineers in collaboration with their Chiss counterparts from Thrawn's forces. 500 meters long the ship integrates redundant shielding mechanics similar to Mon Calamari ships and can carry 84, or seven squadrons, of X-Wing Starfighters or 14 squadrons of TIE type starfighters. In return this vessel has only 24 Laser Cannons, meant for Anti-Air defense, and 4 Missile Tubes for Proton-Topedo duty. It is a huge jump in carrying capacity though.
[Cost: 600 Credits, 1800 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 10 Type-A Cruiser-Carriers]

- [] Build Type-B Attack Cruisers: The Type-B Cruiser design is meant to supplement the navy's rather… lacking strength in anti-Capitalship engagements. While the current state of our shipyards prevents any larger vessels from being built, barring the use of the Xeno Shipyards, this ship is meant to hit hard, take hits well and be overall a pain to the enemy. At 600 meters it matches our size limit but packs 40 Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 20 Quad Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, and 40 Heavy Ion Cannons. Eschewing starfighter capacity and point-defense weaponry, the ship is designed for aggression with all of it's weapons being long-range in nature, allowing it to fire from long-range.
[Cost: 400 Credits, 2400 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 10 Type-B Attack Cruisers]

- [] Build Broadside-class Cruisers: Broadside-class Cruisers are a well-known type of Light Cruiser designed around an unconventional weapon load-out: Missiles. Armed with 40 Missile Tubes and only 2 Turbolasers, Broadsides are capable of devastating entire formations of enemy starships. While slow, their strategic placement can lead to a devastating turn of battle while they are obstructed from Sensors, using both natural obstructions and ECM suits.
[Cost: 500 Credits, 2400 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 10 Broadside-class Cruisers]

- [] Write-In
[Cost: 400-700 Credits, 1500-3000 Materials, 1-2 Turns]

[] Build TIE/d Starfighters: You have an assembly line, now how about making some of these bad boys? The TIE/d is one of the strongest and most elite starfighters ever produced by the Galactic Empire, boasting one of the heaviest armaments among ships of it's type with 4 heavy Blaster cannons, 2 Ion Cannos, a Tractor Beam Projector and two Concussion Missile Launchers. Add onto this a powerful Deflector Shield and Hyperdrive, and this thing has earned it's fierce reputation several times over. It is, however, a extremely complex craft and therefore, appropriately costly compared to it's number of ships that can be produced in a year with the current assembly lines.
[Cost: 500 Credits, 500 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 80 TIE/d Defenders]

[] Build T65 X-Wing Starfighters: While being higher in cost than the TIE/ln, the X-Wing was designed to be economic in nature by it's Incom producers. While designed for the same purpose as the TIE/ln series, the X-Wing is the GOAT of mass-produceable strikecraft, featuring four Blaster Cannons, a Ion Cannon, a Concussion Missile Launcher, shields and a Astromech Droid slot. Equipped with a Hyperdrive, X-Wings can act independent of a mothership to a certain degree, allowing force projection far beyond a capitalship. They take-up twice the amount of space as TIE type starfighters would though.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 300 T65 X-Wing

[] Xeno Shipyard Activation: You have unlocked a limited use for the alien shipyards, namely you can use two of their slots. They appear to be capable of building a vast variety of ships though it isn't clear where they get the designs from or where to input any. This means that for all you know, you could get an Executor-equivalent monster of a ship one time, and an unarmed colony ship of the same size another. Though experimenting is the only way. Though, to be fair, it costs about half as much materials for some reason. (You can conduct 3 Actions for this)
- [] Corvette Construction: Ah, the classic. This command will activate one of the smaller shipyard slips, building 24 Corvette-sized ships by your estimates.
[Cost: 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 24 Alien Corvettes]

- [] Frigate Construction: Frigates are far less straight-forward than Corvettes, at least in your experience. You can't say what sort of ships would be churned out here, though hopefully they won't be too bad.
[Cost: 500 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Frigates]

- [] Light Cruiser Construction: Cruisers are, you are told, Baby Captain's first Star Destroyer, meaning they're the first serious assignment newly commissioned captains usually get if they haven't majorly fucked up outside of Vader Range. Scans indicate this type of drydock, similar to your own, churns out ships in size ranges of 400 to 600 meters in length.
[Cost: 1000 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 10 Light Cruisers]

- [] Heavy Cruiser Construction: Heavy Cruiser are the much loved middle ground between smaller capitalships and Star Destroyers, the little brothers to the big boys. At a size range of 600 to 1000 meters in length, you can likely expect something quite phenomenal here.
[Cost: 1500 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 8 Heavy Cruisers]

- [] Star Destroyer Construction: Now onto the big boys, this type of drydock can construct ships from 1000 to 2000 meters in length, why it corresponds so well to your standards, you don't know. Building here would hopefully grant you a more powerful ship, of which you have a rather short supply.
[Cost: 2000 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 4 Star Destroyer-type Ships]

- [] Battlecruiser Construction: Battlecruisers go back to the Clone Wars with the formidable Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser, Malevolence, having been an absolute pain in the Republic's exhaust port to deal with. At a length from anywhere between 2000 to 5000 meters, you yourself have only one of them though they're better used for flagship durty rather than being used as an entire fleet. They are, however, the economic option compared to Dreadnoughts. Though then again, you have Freighters of similar size so…
[Cost: 3000 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 2 Battlecruiser-scale ships]

- [] Dreadnought Construction: You didn't think there was a chance for this, but some of these drydocks are truly ridiculous. Any size from 5000 meters and upward is considered a Dreadnought. These Drydocks are on the outer edges of the shipyard, and extend to a full 60km in length. And what little could be discerned, larger ships are possible, the finished parts are just moved further out. What in the hell?
[Cost: 2d6x1000 Materials, 2d6 Turns, Reward: 1 Dreadnought+ scale Starship]
Note: This roll is to be performed by the build maker.
[] Build Scout Ships: Your Research Ships are dedicated mostly to the task of research and aren't very well suited for encounters with hostiles. This ship is the solution to this problem. The Scout Ship is a Corvette-sized starship armed with 2 Turbolaser Cannons and 8 Concussion Missile Tubes. It has advanced ECM technology, can fire flares, fabricate more of the latter and recover and refine materials on the fly. It is also equipped with a Cloaking Device with only an antennae sticking out to maintain sensor awareness.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 400 Materials, 1 Turn, Use Non-Combat Shipyard, Reward: 1 Scout Ship]

[] Write-In
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials (if applicable)]
[] Investigate the Shipyards: There are literally giant shipyards built onto this damn Ring. If you had infinite resources, and could get this damn thing working, chances are you could build entire fleets of Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts, though manning them may be a problem given your limited population. However, you also have another problem: You can't operate the damn things. Why? Because you don't understand their language, the operating system, nor where the damn washrooms on this thing are, if there are any. You can send a whole Science Ship to one of the shipyards, maybe they can figure something out.
[Cost: 10 Turns, 1000 Credits, 1 Research Vessel Becomes Occupied, Requires 1 roll of 2d50 to determine success of the round. Failure will mean the progress stalls. Rewards: 1 Ring World Shipyard Section Operational]

[] Debris Scanning: There is a lot of debris floating around, mostly from what looks to be the shattered ring itself. Their momentum keeps the debris from falling into the sun, which is fortunate for you. You can send a Research Ship to scan this debris, maybe you find some helpful technology in it?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, 1 Research Vessel Occupied, roll 2d50 to determine success, Reward: ???]

[] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Roll 2d50]

[] Research Artifacts: There are 5 Artifacts that have been recovered from the Debris Field, maybe there can be insights into the systems of the structure found within.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 3 Turns, Roll 2d50 each turn to determine if it progresses, Reward: ???]

[] Study Computers: There are a number of computer systems in the parts of the Ring's inner structure that you can study, maybe with this you can gain much needed insight and progress to make these shipyards useable. Send one of your Research Ships to do the deed.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Research Ship becomes occupied, 2 Turns, Roll 2d50 to determine progress, Reward: ???]
[] Expand Planetary Industry: One factory is a good start, but why stop at one? Build a second factory to increase your output!
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Basic Factory built on Ringbardy I, +200 Materials from harvesting and mining]

[] Expand Advanced Industry: You have an advanced Factory now, why not build another factory, but skip right to a second advanced factory? Well, you can.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: Advanced Factory built on Ringbardy I, +400 Materials from harvesting and Mining, +100 Credits]

[] Droid Factory: Droids are an invaluable asset in many ways, sadly you have yet to produce any factories for their construction. While you can retool parts of your factory to produce them, a dedicated droid factory is always better. Naturally you can use the facilities of your factory to make this new factory quite well. But for which Droid?

- [] B1 Factory: Ah, the most basic and cheapest option. The B1 Battledroid is a basic model of droid which can be ordered around and is somewhat proficient in tasks it has been programmed to perform. Not very intelligent or armored, their strongest attribute is the fact they can be thrown at an enemy in the thousands with little regard. Not exactly a big paradigm shift for the Empire regarding it's infantry I suppose. They can also serve as pilots and crewmembers on starships.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 B1 Droid Factory, New Military Action "Build B1 Army" Unlocked (creates 4000 B1 Battledroids)]

- [] B2 Factory: The B2 Super Battledroid was a heavily armored and well armed Battledroid from the same design family as the B1. Constructed by the CIS during the Clone Wars, they are among the best droid Infantry out there with their built-in pair of twin Blaster guns, mounted inside their wrists. Your engineers say they can program them to also function as crewmembers should the need arise. Though they do cost more.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: B2 Battledroid Factory, New Military Action "Build B2 Army" Unlocked (Creates 2000 B2 Super Battledroids)]

- [] Menial Droid Factory: Not interested in military ones? Want something to sell to your people? Alright. This Factory would create humanoid, unarmed droids. Designed to specifications similar to Protocol Droids, these droids can be used for any number of uses from menial labor on planets to pure ship crew members. They would be very versatile and intelligent in return for a lack of inherent weaponry or combat programming.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Utility Droid Factory, Unlocks new Military, Diplomatic and Administrative Actions]

- [] Droideka Factory: Ah, the Droideka, the deadliest of all Battledroids. Armed with two, twin blaster cannons and a mortar, not to mention being equipped with a shield generator and a construction that lets them roll up into a wheel to move across the battlefield faster while having legs for greater stability, there is little as far as designs go that is better than these bad boys. They cost far more than their normal counterparts and are basically useless outside of combat, but like most other droids they can be stored with little space.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Droideka Battledroid Factory, New Miliitary Action "Build Droideka Army" Unlocked (Creates 200 Droideka Battledroids)]

[] Expand Shipyard Base: Your Shipyard is at the capacity where Drydocks can be built without hampering further expansion, so building an extension of the shipyard is necessary, luckily your engineers have practice.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 400 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +2 Drydock Slots]

[] Double Expansion: Why only one? Larger vessels need two expansions worth of space for their drydock anyway so why not build two expansions at once? Will enable the construction of a Battlecruiser and Dreadnought Shipyard.
[Cost: 400 Credits, 800 Materials, 2 turns, Reward: +4 Drydock Slots]

[] Defensive Meassures: Your fleet is fairly small, and if you were to give escorts to outgoing vessels, this would only grow smaller. Luckily there are some options for stationary defense platforms that can be built.
- [] 4 Turbolaser/Ion Cannon Satellites: Not the biggest, and relatively limited in range. These are the cheapest your Engineers can offer and build within the timelimit. These satellites are armed with a one Heavy Turbolaser, as you can find among your flagship's main battery, and one Heavy Ion Cannon, as you would install on a PLANET for Anti-Orbital attack. They are twin-linked with the Ion Cannon firing first and the Turbolaser Firing second.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, 1 Construction Ship Occupied, Reward: 4 Turbolaser/Ion Cannon Satellites]

- [] Golan 1 Battlestation: Ah, the Golan Station. This is a fairly large orbital battlestation with 6 Heavy Turbolaser, 24 Medium Laser Cannons, 12 Ion Cannons and able to house two wings of TIE fighters numbering 12 each. It is the size of a Cruiser, at 800 meters long, but it brings a tremendous amount of firepower to defend your current position.
[Cost: 600 Credits, 600 Materials, 2 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Golan 1 Battlestation]

- [] Golan 2 Battlestation: Well, this is the big brother indeed. At 1000 meters in length, the Golan 2 is the bigger, badder, costlier younger brother of the Golan 1. About the same design it boasts 12 Heavy Turbolaser, 48 Medium Laser Turrets, 24 Ion Cannons, 12 Missile Launchers and can house 8 squadrons of starfighters, 12 each. It also costs a whole lot more.
[Cost: 1200 Credits, 1000 Materials, 4 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Golan 2 Battlestation]

[] Debris Harvest: There is a lot of Debris flying around out there, your Miners can capture this Debris and recover materials for construction.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, 1 Mining Vessel Occupied, Reward: 1000 Materials]

[] Space Mining: There is a planet with easily accessible ores in the system. It may be on the other side of the system, but it is a great source of Materials. Send a Mining Ship to the planet to conduct mining operations.
[Cost: 50 Credits/turn, 1 Mining Ship becomes Occupied, 2 Turns, Reward: +2.000 Materials

[] Create Mining Station: While a Mining Ship can do the job well, a dedicated facility will be much more effective at this job. Send a Construction Ship to the Rogue Planet to have it construct a mining station that will harvest materials much faster, and send a Cargo Ship along to create a supply line.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Construction Ship + 1 Cargo Ship become occupied, 2 Turns before first shipment, Reward: +10.000 Materials/turn]

[] Design New Ship: With all the improvements in tech, maybe it is time for our engineers to start on designing a wholly new Starfighter. It may end up clunky at first but hey, at least you get something new and shiny.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: New Fighter Design, May Scrap old Fighters to build ???]

[] Stafighter Assembly: With new refits getting more complicated, maybe building a factory dedicated to their construction would be a good idea, right? With this you can build a factory which will enable you to build entirely new starfighters and, if new models were to be created, to build those or to scrap old ones for parts of those.

- [] TIE/d Defender Factory: The TIE/d is a definite step up from the TIE/ln or TIE/in, the most advanced starfighter fielded by the Imperial Navy to which you now have schematics. A dedicated factory to produce them is simply a natural extension of that. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 TIE/d Factory]

- [] Furion-class Factory: The Furion is a Fighter-Bomber superior to the TIE/sa, the Y-Wing and any other bombers you know. Modeled to something similar to a TIE fighter, these fearsome beasts are well equipped to take down enemy capitalships as well as enemy fighters. Having space superiority is definitely a must. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Furion Factory]

- [] T65 X-Wing Factory: You have the schematics for the successor of the ARC-170 Fighter, the Incom T65 X-Wing. Larger than any Imperial starfighter, these ships were designed to work with Astromechs, have a cockpit with good visibility and are well armed for starships of their size. One of them is also reportedly responsible for destroying the Empire's largest Credit Sink to date, the first Death Star, or maybe that was the second you heard of from those newcomers. Who knows? Well, point is that these costly fighters are worth their buck, and you can have them. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 T65 X-Wing Factory]
[] Designer Babies: Not as unethical as it sounds, this is cloning project in which select pairs of DNA donors have their DNA spliced together to form a new human being. Like regular clones they are then grown in the cloning facility at a x4 accelerated growth rate until they are 18 years of physical age, all the while undergoing a full life simulation. Like all clones, they are connected during this period and know each other from that.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: +50.000 Population, +500 Credits (Taxes)]

[] Farming Subsidies: You will likely get a growing population soon, so getting started on expanding your farming capabilities would be a good idea for you. There are some farms already set up, but why not invest in them more? Besides, the better things are for your citizens, the more taxes can come in.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]

[] Cloning Facilities IV: The more the merrier as they say.
[Cost: 300 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +1 Cloning Action]

[] Money Printing: Inflation can be painful, but you literally have a limited amount of money to begin with, by this level of deflation a Star Destroyer would be as cheap as 1 Credit all things considered even if every Credit you spend goes back into the economy ultimately. So yeah, printing more money is possible, though you need to do it slowly.
[Cost: 20 Materials, Rewards: 500 Credits]

[] Establish New Jobs: Your colonists are living rather basic lives at the moment with little to no job opportunities beyond the military and new factory. Pump materials into the economy along with some supply lines and you should get it working better.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +200 Credits/turn for each Source of Income]

[] Civilian Productions II: More Economy is more economy, it is only natural that with more demand you want to increase production, right buddy?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, -50 Materials/turn (Consumption), 1 Turn, Reward: +50 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +100 Happiness Rating]

[] Menial Droid Production: Remember that droid factory for menial droids? Well, this is their product, a number of utility droids More specialized than the normal droids you could produce before they are of a higher value too.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials,1 Turn, Reward: +800 Credits from Droid Sales, +200 Credits/turn]

[] Menial Worker Droids: Droids are great, especially for things like building things. You can now produce these droids for such a purpose from the same factory you get your normal Menial Droids from.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions)]
Note: You can only do one Menial Type Droid Production Action per turn due to only having one factory for them.

[] Construct Colony Ship: A colony ship is maybe not needed since no habitable planets are known yet, but they are useful as they are an easy way to expand and upgrade cities. In a way these ships seem to work for you more like Prefabricated cities really. A ship that's a city to land on a planet, weird idea.
[Cost: 1000 Credits, 1000 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: 1 Colony Ship]

[] Construct Freighter: A Freighter is a fairly rare commodity these days, isn't it? You only have a few of them but if you set up mining operations in more places, it will mean you need more ships to transport the resources to your planet for processing. Naturally you can build some here, but Frigate-scale freighters are the best you can get.
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Medium Freighter]

[] Construct Mining Ship: Mining Ships are useful, they can salvage wreckage, get a decent haul of resources without cost beyond paying the crew, though they have a limited amount of resources they can recover in one go. A Freighter going along would be the best option though you're kind of short on those aren't you?
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Mining Ship]

[] Construct Construction Ship: Construction Ships are the working horse of your fleet, setting up every piece of orbital infrastructure out there. Having more of these will just be beneficial in the long-run so why not build another?
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Construction Ship]

[] Construct Refinery Ship: Refinery Ships are one of the more interesting pieces of starship hardware, as they can operate along Construction and Mining Ships to set up an independent outpost without importing materials from elsewhere. Additionally, they and mining ships are crucial in maintaining any fleet's supply of fuel, repair materials and Tibanna Gas while on the go. You don't have any.
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Refinery Ship]

[] Fabricator Ship: A type of ship Grand Admiral Thrawn had thought up. Take the most bare-bones design for a bulky Frigate, put a factory inside and boom, this ship. This vessel can, on the fly, fabricate starfighters, droids and munitions such as Proton Torpedoes. To top it off, this ship will reduce any orbital construction done in the same system as itself, other than a inhabited system, by half due to producing the parts independently of the Construction Ship.
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Fabricator Ship]

[] Material Conversion: You have discovered a powerful artifact, one which can create Materials from energy alone. And it costs nothing, surprisingly.
[Cost: N/A, Reward: 8000 Materials]
Edit: I forgot to add Material Conversion to the list, sorry guys.
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