Thanks for putting them in their own tabs! We need to build more science ships and construction ships! Its preventing our research and construction! Also I don't see where to build a science one. Also can we build an Higher education in order to get people start jobs and also help us get engineers and science officers? Also can we see all the types of ships and how many we have?
Edit: Had to edit my vote since I am limited on how many ships we can build. Especially the civilian/production ships though I can keep our frigate because of our space shipyards. That is different then our civilian slipyard. Though no scout ship.
[X] Operation Tick Tock
-Military Action 5
-- [X] B1 Army: You're in dire need of Infantry, so let us build one. You now also have a dedicated B1 Factory to boot so that's a big boon.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 8000 B1 Battledroids]
-- [X] Clone Army: While Droids can do a lot of work, humans do a whole lot more and far better. You already have the finest soldiers, starship officers, scientists and engineers lining up to donate themselves to your cause of creating clones. It may take a while, but never underestimate the value of this elite option.
---- [X] Clone Crews: New starships need new crews. And while Droids can fill in the holes, nothing is better than organics and their intuition. These clones spend their incubation period training to man any number of starships, so long as your new designs do not overhaul controls they are the perfect crewmembers. Made from the DNA of your best officers, probably including one or two blueskins here and there, these clones fill any ship handling roles you can think of. [Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 20.000 Clone Soldiers (Starship Crew)]
-- [X] Frigate Construction (Provisional Shipyard): You have built your own shipyard and now can build at least one set of Frigates and one set of Cruisers at a time. Bolstering. Admiral Thrawn was nice enough to provide an alteration of all known Imperial vessels so as to minimize crew complement issues by cutting the required crew down to a quarter. You can build your Frigates in batches of 16.
--- [X] Build Survey Frigates: The Survey Frigate is instead of a class a type of design. In this instance it is a medium-armed frigate with advanced sensor arrays meant to supplement the unarmed Research Vessels. The ship is deisgned specifically for long-range surveys albeit it won't be doing as good a job as the Research Vessels, it will be able to do it faster, at which point we'll likely be able to send in a Research Ship to take finer meassurements.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Survey Frigates]
-- [X] Armor Replacement: AT-AT and AT-ST, All-Terrain Armored Transports and All-Terrain Scout Transport. The most impractical vehicles in the entire empire, and ones who have the most misleading names of all. Whether it be the clunky footing or their problems keeping on their feet against any kind of obstacle, AT-AT and AT-ST are among the worst vehicles anyone has seen and have replaced far more practical designs for no reason other than looking a bit more intimidating. Your engineers tell you that they can use the Factory and parts from scrapping these abominations to replace them.
--- [X] AT-TE: The All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the most literal All-Terrain vehicle of all time. Far less vertically inclined but armed with better weaponry, less obvious blind spots and an actually higher top speed, if you would believe it, than it's successor the AT-AT, the AT-TE is a tank on legs with a heavy Railgun on the top and two Blasters mounted on the "Head" module. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-AT, Reward: 10 AT-TE added to forces, 10 AT-AT removed from forces]
-- [X] Build T65 X-Wing Starfighters: While being higher in cost than the TIE/ln, the X-Wing was designed to be economic in nature by it's Incom producers. While designed for the same purpose as the TIE/ln series, the X-Wing is the GOAT of mass-produceable strikecraft, featuring four Blaster Cannons, a Ion Cannon, a Concussion Missile Launcher, shields and a Astromech Droid slot. Equipped with a Hyperdrive, X-Wings can act independent of a mothership to a certain degree, allowing force projection far beyond a capitalship. They take-up twice the amount of space as TIE type starfighters would though.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 300 T65 X-Wing
-Diplomatic 6
-- [X] Propaganda: You need to make sure that everything is alright and that citizens will stay loyal in the futer. Might as well get the material prepared just in case. Can be a song, a poster, or a hollo episode.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials (if applicable)]
-Research 5
-- [X] Research Artifacts: There are 5 Artifacts that have been recovered from the Debris Field, maybe there can be insights into the systems of the structure found within.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 3 Turns, Roll 2d50 each turn to determine if it progresses, Reward: ???]
-- [X] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Roll 2d50]
-- [X] Study Computers: There are a number of computer systems in the parts of the Ring's inner structure that you can study, maybe with this you can gain much needed insight and progress to make these shipyards useable. Send one of your Research Ships to do the deed.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Research Ship becomes occupied, 2 Turns, Roll 2d50 to determine progress, Reward: ???]
-Engineer 5
-- [X] Create Mining Station: While a Mining Ship can do the job well, a dedicated facility will be much more effective at this job. Send a Construction Ship to the Rogue Planet to have it construct a mining station that will harvest materials much faster, and send a Cargo Ship along to create a supply line.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Construction Ship + 1 Cargo Ship become occupied, 2 Turns before first shipment, Reward: +10.000 Materials/turn]
-- [X] Design New Ship: With all the improvements in tech, maybe it is time for our engineers to start on designing a wholly new Starfighter. It may end up clunky at first but hey, at least you get something new and shiny.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: New Fighter Design, May Scrap old Fighters to build ???]
-- [X] Expand Planetary Industry: One factory is a good start, but why stop at one? Build a second factory to increase your output!
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Basic Factory built on Ringbardy I, +200 Materials from harvesting and mining]
-- [X] Expand Advanced Industry: You have an advanced Factory now, why not build another factory, but skip right to a second advanced factory? Well, you can.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: Advanced Factory built on Ringbardy I, +400 Materials from harvesting and Mining, +100 Credits]
-- [X] Stafighter Assembly: With new refits getting more complicated, maybe building a factory dedicated to their construction would be a good idea, right? With this you can build a factory which will enable you to build entirely new starfighters and, if new models were to be created, to build those or to scrap old ones for parts of those.
--- [X] Furion-class Factory: The Furion is a Fighter-Bomber superior to the TIE/sa, the Y-Wing and any other bombers you know. Modeled to something similar to a TIE fighter, these fearsome beasts are well equipped to take down enemy capitalships as well as enemy fighters. Having space superiority is definitely a must. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Furion Factory]
-Administrative 7
-- [X] Money Printing: Inflation can be painful, but you literally have a limited amount of money to begin with, by this level of deflation a Star Destroyer would be as cheap as 1 Credit all things considered even if every Credit you spend goes back into the economy ultimately. So yeah, printing more money is possible, though you need to do it slowly.
[Cost: 20 Materials, Rewards: 500 Credits]
-- [X] Civilian Productions III: More Economy is more economy, it is only natural that with more demand you want to increase production, right buddy?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, -50 Materials/turn (Consumption), 1 Turn, Reward: +50 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +100 Happiness Rating]
-- [X] Farming Subsidies: You will likely get a growing population soon, so getting started on expanding your farming capabilities would be a good idea for you. There are some farms already set up, but why not invest in them more? Besides, the better things are for your citizens, the more taxes can come in.
-- [X] Cloning Facilities III: One Cloning Facility is good, but two are better, am I right?
[Cost: 300 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +1 Cloning Action]
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]
-- [X] Found 4th Site: There is still one more site to build a city on, why not do it right away to give your citizens more places to go?
[Cost: 200 Credits, 1 Colony Ship is converted into a new City Site, 1 Turn, Rewards: +100 Food/turn, +500 Credits/turn, +40.000 Population]
-- [X] Construct Construction Ship: Construction Ships are the working horse of your fleet, setting up every piece of orbital infrastructure out there. Having more of these will just be beneficial in the long-run so why not build another?
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Construction Ship]
-- [X] Menial Worker Droids: Droids are great, especially for things like building things. You can now produce these droids for such a purpose from the same factory you get your normal Menial Droids from.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions)]
Note: You can only do one Menial Type Droid Production Action per turn due to only having one factory for them.
Edit: Had to edit my vote since I am limited on how many ships we can build. Especially the civilian/production ships though I can keep our frigate because of our space shipyards. That is different then our civilian slipyard. Though no scout ship.
[X] Operation Tick Tock
-Military Action 5
-- [X] B1 Army: You're in dire need of Infantry, so let us build one. You now also have a dedicated B1 Factory to boot so that's a big boon.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 50 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 8000 B1 Battledroids]
-- [X] Clone Army: While Droids can do a lot of work, humans do a whole lot more and far better. You already have the finest soldiers, starship officers, scientists and engineers lining up to donate themselves to your cause of creating clones. It may take a while, but never underestimate the value of this elite option.
---- [X] Clone Crews: New starships need new crews. And while Droids can fill in the holes, nothing is better than organics and their intuition. These clones spend their incubation period training to man any number of starships, so long as your new designs do not overhaul controls they are the perfect crewmembers. Made from the DNA of your best officers, probably including one or two blueskins here and there, these clones fill any ship handling roles you can think of. [Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 5 Turns, Reward: 20.000 Clone Soldiers (Starship Crew)]
-- [X] Frigate Construction (Provisional Shipyard): You have built your own shipyard and now can build at least one set of Frigates and one set of Cruisers at a time. Bolstering. Admiral Thrawn was nice enough to provide an alteration of all known Imperial vessels so as to minimize crew complement issues by cutting the required crew down to a quarter. You can build your Frigates in batches of 16.
--- [X] Build Survey Frigates: The Survey Frigate is instead of a class a type of design. In this instance it is a medium-armed frigate with advanced sensor arrays meant to supplement the unarmed Research Vessels. The ship is deisgned specifically for long-range surveys albeit it won't be doing as good a job as the Research Vessels, it will be able to do it faster, at which point we'll likely be able to send in a Research Ship to take finer meassurements.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 16 Survey Frigates]
-- [X] Armor Replacement: AT-AT and AT-ST, All-Terrain Armored Transports and All-Terrain Scout Transport. The most impractical vehicles in the entire empire, and ones who have the most misleading names of all. Whether it be the clunky footing or their problems keeping on their feet against any kind of obstacle, AT-AT and AT-ST are among the worst vehicles anyone has seen and have replaced far more practical designs for no reason other than looking a bit more intimidating. Your engineers tell you that they can use the Factory and parts from scrapping these abominations to replace them.
--- [X] AT-TE: The All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the most literal All-Terrain vehicle of all time. Far less vertically inclined but armed with better weaponry, less obvious blind spots and an actually higher top speed, if you would believe it, than it's successor the AT-AT, the AT-TE is a tank on legs with a heavy Railgun on the top and two Blasters mounted on the "Head" module. [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-AT, Reward: 10 AT-TE added to forces, 10 AT-AT removed from forces]
-- [X] Build T65 X-Wing Starfighters: While being higher in cost than the TIE/ln, the X-Wing was designed to be economic in nature by it's Incom producers. While designed for the same purpose as the TIE/ln series, the X-Wing is the GOAT of mass-produceable strikecraft, featuring four Blaster Cannons, a Ion Cannon, a Concussion Missile Launcher, shields and a Astromech Droid slot. Equipped with a Hyperdrive, X-Wings can act independent of a mothership to a certain degree, allowing force projection far beyond a capitalship. They take-up twice the amount of space as TIE type starfighters would though.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 300 T65 X-Wing
-Diplomatic 6
-- [X] Propaganda: You need to make sure that everything is alright and that citizens will stay loyal in the futer. Might as well get the material prepared just in case. Can be a song, a poster, or a hollo episode.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials (if applicable)]
-Research 5
-- [X] Research Artifacts: There are 5 Artifacts that have been recovered from the Debris Field, maybe there can be insights into the systems of the structure found within.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 3 Turns, Roll 2d50 each turn to determine if it progresses, Reward: ???]
-- [X] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Roll 2d50]
-- [X] Study Computers: There are a number of computer systems in the parts of the Ring's inner structure that you can study, maybe with this you can gain much needed insight and progress to make these shipyards useable. Send one of your Research Ships to do the deed.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Research Ship becomes occupied, 2 Turns, Roll 2d50 to determine progress, Reward: ???]
-Engineer 5
-- [X] Create Mining Station: While a Mining Ship can do the job well, a dedicated facility will be much more effective at this job. Send a Construction Ship to the Rogue Planet to have it construct a mining station that will harvest materials much faster, and send a Cargo Ship along to create a supply line.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Construction Ship + 1 Cargo Ship become occupied, 2 Turns before first shipment, Reward: +10.000 Materials/turn]
-- [X] Design New Ship: With all the improvements in tech, maybe it is time for our engineers to start on designing a wholly new Starfighter. It may end up clunky at first but hey, at least you get something new and shiny.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: New Fighter Design, May Scrap old Fighters to build ???]
-- [X] Expand Planetary Industry: One factory is a good start, but why stop at one? Build a second factory to increase your output!
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Basic Factory built on Ringbardy I, +200 Materials from harvesting and mining]
-- [X] Expand Advanced Industry: You have an advanced Factory now, why not build another factory, but skip right to a second advanced factory? Well, you can.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: Advanced Factory built on Ringbardy I, +400 Materials from harvesting and Mining, +100 Credits]
-- [X] Stafighter Assembly: With new refits getting more complicated, maybe building a factory dedicated to their construction would be a good idea, right? With this you can build a factory which will enable you to build entirely new starfighters and, if new models were to be created, to build those or to scrap old ones for parts of those.
--- [X] Furion-class Factory: The Furion is a Fighter-Bomber superior to the TIE/sa, the Y-Wing and any other bombers you know. Modeled to something similar to a TIE fighter, these fearsome beasts are well equipped to take down enemy capitalships as well as enemy fighters. Having space superiority is definitely a must. [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Furion Factory]
-Administrative 7
-- [X] Money Printing: Inflation can be painful, but you literally have a limited amount of money to begin with, by this level of deflation a Star Destroyer would be as cheap as 1 Credit all things considered even if every Credit you spend goes back into the economy ultimately. So yeah, printing more money is possible, though you need to do it slowly.
[Cost: 20 Materials, Rewards: 500 Credits]
-- [X] Civilian Productions III: More Economy is more economy, it is only natural that with more demand you want to increase production, right buddy?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, -50 Materials/turn (Consumption), 1 Turn, Reward: +50 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +100 Happiness Rating]
-- [X] Farming Subsidies: You will likely get a growing population soon, so getting started on expanding your farming capabilities would be a good idea for you. There are some farms already set up, but why not invest in them more? Besides, the better things are for your citizens, the more taxes can come in.
-- [X] Cloning Facilities III: One Cloning Facility is good, but two are better, am I right?
[Cost: 300 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +1 Cloning Action]
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]
-- [X] Found 4th Site: There is still one more site to build a city on, why not do it right away to give your citizens more places to go?
[Cost: 200 Credits, 1 Colony Ship is converted into a new City Site, 1 Turn, Rewards: +100 Food/turn, +500 Credits/turn, +40.000 Population]
-- [X] Construct Construction Ship: Construction Ships are the working horse of your fleet, setting up every piece of orbital infrastructure out there. Having more of these will just be beneficial in the long-run so why not build another?
[Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Construction Ship]
-- [X] Menial Worker Droids: Droids are great, especially for things like building things. You can now produce these droids for such a purpose from the same factory you get your normal Menial Droids from.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions)]
Note: You can only do one Menial Type Droid Production Action per turn due to only having one factory for them.
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