[] Your Name (We need a name for the lead character, I can't keep writing them without an identity forever and "Imperial Scapegoat #4449" isn't a proper title either. And Grand Moff isn't all that personal) [Write In]
Military Actions (5 Actions/turn)
[] Military Academy: Now that you have a colony, it is high time to make sure that everyone does their part. Open a military academy on Ringbardy I where citizens can go to become capable soldiers.
[Cost: 1 Turn, 100 Credits, 50 Materials, Reward: 500 civilians will become Militia, defending the Ring in case of attack (Population limitation)]
[] "Planetary" Dockyards: While the Ring's gravity, 0.7 G, isn't too far from galactic standard, it makes it somewhat more feasible to conduct groundside construction of ships. Lay the groundwork, quite literally, to reinforce your fleet. [Cost: 1 Turn, 100 Credits, 100 Materials, Reward: Planetside Shipyard Foundation, more Actions]
[] Secure the Ring: You do not know what may be found on the Ring, or inside the Ring. There are what look like shipyards but you know neither their operational systems nor what defenses may be found.
- [] Secure the Surface: You have established a colony, yes, but what may inhabit this Ring section aside from you? Send in a contingent of Storm Troopers to investigate. [Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 100 Credits, Roll 2d50 next turn for result]
- [] Secure Outer Section: The outer shell of the ring is obviously not completely solid but has a sort of system of corridors with visible connection hardpoints. Send a Contingent of Storm Troopers into the Ring to secure the mechanical parts of this Ring World. [Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 100 Credits, Roll 2d50 next turn for result]
- [] Secure Shipyards: The shipyards are connected to the Ring's superstructure but can be entered from outside. There are three of them in total with each easily having the size of a Kuat Driveyards and similar shipyards. Send in a Contingent of Storm Troopers to try and secure a section of one of the Shipyards. [Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 100 Credits, Roll 2d50 next turn for result]
[] Retrofit Strikecraft: While the research breakthrough wasn't enough to just put shields on your ships, it was enough to open up some space. You can retrofit some of your strikecraft with the new reactor system and give them and add a system on top of that.
- [] Missile Launchers: Concussion Missiles can do a lot of damage, even to capitalships. You know that missiles are one thing your larger ships are kind of lacking and the slow TIE/sa isn't exactly the ideal fighter-bomber. This means your TIE/ln and TIE/in will be equipped with missile launchers.
- [] Life Support: You know what the Incom starfighters have that the TIE line lacks? No, not shields or Hyperdrives, something that would be incredibly crucial to the survival of a pilot: Life Support. As is, your pilots need to wear full body flightsuits that are environmentally sealed and have life support in them. Those things are already incredibly cramped so imagine the claustrophobia!
- [] Bomber Speed: Huh? Just make the engines of the TIE Bomber bigger and stronger and just make it faster? Okay… that's kind of odd. I guess you can pack some bigger engine units in to accomplish that.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, Reward: 20 TIE/ln or TIE/sa will be equipped with the chosen system]
Diplomatic Choices (6 Actions/turn)
[] First-Contact Protocols Overhaul: The Empire hasn't had first-contact in a long damn while, and you know that. With the severe Xenophobia to add onto this problem, it is no surprise to say protocols aren't exactly made for a position where you are severely underpowered and need to play nice. But maybe you can make something up.
[Cost: 1 Turn Duration, 100 Credits, Roll 2d50 to determine success, Reward: ???]
[] Diplomat Training: Education on how to handle first-contact in the Empire is… less than ideal. To be fair though, they're the most enthusiastic diplomats you've seen to date, wanting to meet new people and grow peaceful relations if at all possible. Luckily you have a few senior diplomats from the time of the Galactic Republic. And while they were far too old for active duty, the offered to train a few diplomatic teams to try and improve your chances in diplomatic talks even further than what your advisors on the council say.
[Cost: 1 Turn Duration, 100 Credits, Reward: +10 to all Diplomatic Rolls]
[] Write-In (I can't think of any other possible actions at this point due to a severe lack of outside contacts, if you can, please suggest them.)
Research Actions (5 Actions/Turn)
[] Survey the Stars: This system is… kind of empty, it seems, and you can't even do planetary mining here since the Ring itself is all there seems to be. However, your Astrographic division has determined three systems nearby that you may be able to reach with ships.
- [] Alpha 4: A Twin-Star system that appears to consist of two orbiting starsystems that are too closeto one another to not be in each other's gravity well.
- [] Gamma 9: This is a priority choice of potential targets, the system has been observed to potentially be home to at least one habitable planet. It is, however, also the furthest away from you current location, doubling the overall time it will take to survey.
[Cost: 3 Turns, 300 Credits, 1 Research Vessel Becomes Occupied, Reward: ???]
[] Investigate the Shipyards: There are literally giant shipyards built onto this damn Ring. If you had infinite resources, and could get this damn thing working, chances are you could build entire fleets of Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts, though manning them may be a problem given your limited population. However, you also have another problem: You can't operate the damn things. Why? Because you don't understand their language, the operating system, nor where the damn washrooms on this thing are, if there are any. You can send a whole Science Ship to one of the shipyards, maybe they can figure something out.
[Cost: 10 Turns, 1000 Credits, 1 Research Vessel Becomes Occupied, Requires 1 roll of 2d50 to determine success of the round. Failure will mean the progress stalls. Rewards: 1 Ring World Shipyard Section Operational]
[] Debris Scanning: There is a lot of debris floating around, mostly from what looks to be the shattered ring itself. Their momentum keeps the debris from falling into the sun, which is fortunate for you. You can send a Research Ship to scan this debris, maybe you find some helpful technology in it?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, 1 Research Vessel Occupied, roll 2d50 to determine success, Reward: ???]
[] Imitate Despite the Hate: You lack a lot of technologies that the much hated Rebel Alliance kind of takes for granted. Like, you know, starfighter-scale shield generators, hyperdrives, Life Support, you know? You can however set one of your Research ships to concentrate on figuring one out.
- [] Miniature Shields: Shields are a vital part of why Rebel starfighters manage to survive as long as they do. They take far more hits before going down than the light armor of a TIE/ln or TIE/sa can. Even the TIE/in is a glass cannon most of time while it's main rival, the Rebel A-Wing, can compare to it in terms of speed while also having shields. Maybe you need to rectify this, especially with this much debris flying around. [Cost: 200 Credits, 1 Turn, 1 Research Ship becomes occupied, Reward: Starfighter Shield Technology]
- [] Miniature Hyperdrives: FTL Capable starfighter have a lot of benefits over purely carrier-based ones. For starters they're not stranded to die if their mothership is blown up. Also, they don't need a mothership to go anywhere and can instead use their own Hyperdrives. Problem is that TIE model starfighter are dumb as rocks, literally. Their computer systems aren't sophisticated enough on their own to plot Hyperdrive coordinates and besides that they lack Hyperdrives even if you had small enough ones. Your researchers think that they can deal with the Hyperdrive problem and create a rudimentary computer for the processing issue from spare parts and ones you can manufacture, found in R-Series Astromechs, although you only have R3 units on hand. [Cost: 200 Credits, 2 Turns, 50 Materials, Reward: Starfighter Hyperdrive Technology]
- [] Specialized Life Support: You have Life Support Systems small enough to install on your starfighters, but they do occupy a fair amount of space while being less effective due to not being designed for the starfighter you'd be installing them in. Your Researchers, naturally, have a means of trying to improve the design of the adapted systems. [Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, 50 Materials, Reward: Proper Life Support Systems to install on starfighters]
[] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Roll 2d50]
[] Education, Education, Education: As a scientist at heart, you know that rudimentary education as found in most of the empire just isn't enough. There are thousands of young children that come with their parents on this trip, so why not ensure they become well educated? Build a civilian academy to teach the next generation all manner of subjects from biology to mathematics. This may, one day, be quite useful. [Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Found first School]
Engineering Actions (5 Actions/Turn)
[] Space Engineers: Ah, desperate times call for desperate meassures, don't they? Construction Ships aren't exactly built for this but… technically you can use two of them as a makeshift shipyard, I guess. It'll take a whole lot of time but you can build one Carrier, though how long it'll take will depend on the size, but you're in desperate need of more carriers.
- [] Gladiator-class: Technically labeled a "Star Destroyer", the Gladiator-class is a type of Escort Carrier which has seen tremendous success in the past. At 600 meters long it is also a rather small vessel but relatively self-sufficient compared to most designs in the Empire. It can carry two squadrons of 12 starfighters each and is armed with light Turbolasers and a plethora of point-defense Laser Cannons. One would be a great aid on it's own, expanding your ability to project power.
[Cost: 500 Credits, 1000 Materials, 4 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Gladiator-class Escort Carrier]
- [] Venator-class Star Destroyer: Ah, an oldie but a Goodie indeed. The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Jedi Cruiser, was the primary capitalship of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. At a bit over 1000 meters it is significantly smaller than an Imperial Star Destroyer but houses hundreds of starfighters, especially with the overall smaller vessels prevalent in your fleet. It is, however, also significantly more costly than the Gladiator.
[Cost: 1000 Credits, 1400 Materials, 6 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Venator-class Star Destroyer]
- [] Carrier variant CR90 Corvette: Ah, well, this is an odd idea. One of your Correlia native engineers proposed this, essentially a CR90 Corvette, known for it's speed, but modified so that on it's sides there are hangars. It trades all weaponry for the capacity to carry one wing of Starfighters, 12 in total, into battle but in return is far faster than any other carrier. Additionally, at 150 meters in length, two can be built at once.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 400 Materials, 2 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 2 CR90-CV Corvettes]
[] Planetary Factory: You still only have a limited industrial capacity. While your engineers are more specialized in space operations, they proposed to build a factory to increase your capacity to process Materials of any kind.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Basic Factory built on Ringbardy I, +200 Materials from harvesting and mining
[] Provisional Shipyard: Traditionally, orbital shipyards are built in geo-stationary orbit around a planet, however there is no orbit to be had in this place. However, the large alien shipyards do not occupy all space and, given time, your engineers are confident that they can build shipyard slips on the superstructure to build Imperial starships. You just need to start.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 400 Materials, 2 Turns, 1 Construction Ship Occupied, Reward: 1 Shipyard Base Built on the Ring Section, 3 New Construction Projects]
[] Defensive Meassures: Your fleet is fairly small, and if you were to give escorts to outgoing vessels, this would only grow smaller. Luckily there are some options for stationary defense platforms that can be built.
- [] 4 Turbolaser/Ion Cannon Satellites: Not the biggest, and relatively limited in range. These are the cheapest your Engineers can offer and build within the timelimit. These satellites are armed with a one Heavy Turbolaser, as you can find among your flagship's main battery, and one Heavy Ion Cannon, as you would install on a PLANET for Anti-Orbital attack. They are twin-linked with the Ion Cannon firing first and the Turbolaser Firing second.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, 1 Construction Ship Occupied, Reward: 4 Turbolaser/Ion Cannon Satellites]
- [] Golan 1 Battlestation: Ah, the Golan Station. This is a fairly large orbital battlestation with 6 Heavy Turbolaser, 24 Medium Laser Cannons, 12 Ion Cannons and able to house two wings of TIE fighters numbering 12 each. It is the size of a Cruiser, at 800 meters long, but it brings a tremendous amount of firepower to defend your current position.
[Cost: 600 Credits, 600 Materials, 2 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Golan 1 Battlestation]
- [] Golan 2 Battlestation: Well, this is the big brother indeed. At 1000 meters in length, the Golan 2 is the bigger, badder, costlier younger brother of the Golan 1. About the same design it boasts 12 Heavy Turbolaser, 48 Medium Laser Turrets, 24 Ion Cannons, 12 Missile Launchers and can house 8 squadrons of starfighters, 12 each. It also costs a whole lot more.
[Cost: 1200 Credits, 1000 Materials, 4 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Golan 2 Battlestation]
[] Debris Harvest: There is a lot of Debris flying around out there, your Miners can capture this Debris and recover materials for construction.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, 1 Mining Vessel Occupied, Reward: 1000 Materials]
Administrative Actions (3 Actions)
[] Find a Secretary: Administrative work, you're not entirely lacking experience here, but you're by no means ready to do Emperor Palpatine's work. Sure, chances are you'd be better than him, for example you'd have scrapped the Death Star and built a bunch of Gladiator-class Star Destroyers instead, way better spending, but that's besides the point. You need someone to assist you, but people consistently insist you only get a Secretary, you're the leader, so you shouldn't leave it all to others. *sigh*
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Rewards: +1d4 Administrative Actions]
[] Land Second Colony Ship: While you haven't secured a second landing Zone yet, you can land one of your Colony ships near your first. This will double the population in the first city as well as increase it's capacity.
[Cost: 200 Credits, 1 Colony Ship is converted into a City, Rewards: +50 Food/turn, +500 Credits/Turn]
[] Form Intranet: Your colony is rather… free of entertainment, a suggestion you were given was to formalize a computer network and to upload everything from the Holonet your fleet has on file. This should give people something to do, especially with Holonet computers in every household of the prefabricated housing unit. As an added bonus, this will likely improve information exchange.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Space Internet set-up, +100 Happiness rating]
[] Farming Subsidies: You will likely get a growing population soon, so getting started on expanding your farming capabilities would be a good idea for you. There are some farms already set up, but why not invest in them more? Besides, the better things are for your citizens, the more taxes can come in.
[Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]
[] Cloning Facilities: You're short on manpower, and there is no way of increasing it safe for getting people to reproduce like rabbits. Well, aside from the very solution the Empire's predecessor, the Galactic Republic, used to compensate for their lack of a military during the Clone Wars: Clones. You have the tech, strangely enough, just just need to set it up.
[Cost: 300 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Military Action [Clone Army] enabled, Administrative Action [Design Babies] enabled]
[] Money Printing: Inflation can be painful, but you literally have a limited amount of money to begin with, by this level of deflation a Star Destroyer would be as cheap as 1 Credit all things considered even if every Credit you spend goes back into the economy ultimately. So yeah, printing more money is possible, though you need to do it slowly.
[Cost: 20 Materials, Rewards: 500 Credits]