From Stars to Worlds [Civilization Quest/Star Wars Multi-Cross]

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fanficwriter on May 8, 2023 at 8:39 PM, finished with 35 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Must Construct Additional [Everything]
    -[X] Cloning Artifact Use: [Cost: N/A]
    --[X] Clone Infantry: [Reward: 100.000 Clone Infantry Soldiers]
    -[X] Armor Replacement:
    --[X] AT-RT: [Cost: 100 Credits, 50 Materials, 10 AT-ST, Reward: 40 AT-RT added to forces, 10 AT-ST removed from forces]
    -[X] Build T65 X-Wing Starfighters: [Cost: 200 Credits, 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 300 T65 X-Wing]
    -[X] Build Furion Fighter Bomber: [Cost: 100 Credits, 300 Materials, 1 Turn, Result: 300 Furion-class Bombers]
    -[X] Build Observation Post: [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 1 Turn, 1 Construction Ship Occupied, Reward: Observation Post on Planet]
    -[X] Investigate the Shipyards: [Cost: 10 Turns, 1000 Credits, 1 Research Vessel Becomes Occupied, Requires 1 roll of 2d50 to determine success of the round. Failure will mean the progress stalls. Rewards: 1 Ring World Shipyard Section Operational]
    -[X] Explore the Ring: [Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, Reward: Roll 2d50]
    -[X] Debris Scanning: [Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Turn, 1 Research Vessel Becomes Occupied, roll 2d50 to determine success, Reward: ???]
    -[X] Study Computers: [Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Research Vessel Becomes Occupied, 2 Turns, Roll 2d50 to determine progress, Reward: ???]
    -[X] Ring World Converter: [Cost: World Converter Occupied for 5 Turns]
    --[X] "West" Ring: [Reward: Ring Section B Restored]
    -[X] Viper Assembly Line: [Cost: 400 Credits, 600 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Viper-class Heavy Interceptor Construction Action enabled (Construct 80 ships)]
    -[X] Drydock Construction:
    --[X] Construct Heavy Cruiser Drydock: [Cost: 600 Credits, 1600 Materials, 1 Turn, 1 Shipyard Slot used, Reward: Can perform Heavy Cruiser Construction Actions (600-1000 Meters) to construct 8 ships]
    -[X] Defensive Meassures:
    - [X] Golan 2 Battlestation: [Cost: 1200 Credits, 1000 Materials, 4 Turns, 2 Construction Ships Occupied, Reward: 1 Golan 2 Battlestation] - Menial Worker Droids
    -[X] Cloning Facilities V: [Cost: 300 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +1 Cloning Action]
    -[X] Fabricator Ship: [Cost: 500 Credits, 700 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: 1 Fabricator Ship]
    -[X] Civilian Productions II: [Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, -50 Materials/turn (Consumption), 1 Turn, Reward: +50 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +100 Happiness Rating]
    -[X] Menial Worker Droids: [Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions)] - Golan 2 Battlestation
    -[X] Menial Worker Droids: [Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: Reduce 1 Action's duration by 1 turn next turn (Only applicable to construction-related actions)] - Expand Advanced Industry
    -[X] Expand Advanced Industry: [Cost: 200 Credits, 200 Materials, 2 Turns, Reward: Advanced Factory built on Ringbardy I, +400 Materials from harvesting and Mining, +100 Credits] - Menial Worker Droids
    -[X] Farming Subsidies: [Cost: 100 Credits, 100 Materials, 1 Turn, Reward: +100 Food Income, +200 Credits Income]
    [X] Operation Red Alert
    -- [X] B2 Army: Heavy infantry is not something you have in abundance, but you have a factory that can build exactly that from scratch.
    -- [X] Secure the Ring: You do not know what may be found on the Ring, or inside the Ring. There are what look like shipyards but you know neither their operational systems nor what defenses may be found.
    --- [X] Assault Bunker: Your explorers have found an alien bunker on the surface and you want to know who in the hell is in there, shooting at your man. Send in a contingent of Storm Troopers and armored vehicles, whether AT-AT or AT-TE and AT-ST, doesn't matter. [Cost: 200 Credits, 1 turn, Roll 2d50 to determine success, Reward: Roll 2d50]
    -- [X] World Converter Use: The "World Converter" is in effect a giant factory with a Hyperdrive, mixed with a strip mining device that nobody quite understands. You can send it to another system to harvest resources and set it to build something when it returns. [Cost: 100 Credits, 2 Turns] (1 Action can be active at a time)
    --- [X] Droid Fabrication: Crews, you need tons of crew. But that isn't so easy to achieve without a huge population. Producing droids is naturally a good change.
    ---- [X] B1 Battledroid: B1 is a very simple platform, but their simplicity is also kind of a strength, seeing as they do not have complex parts which could get in the way of operating anything and their humanoid built but small frame. B1 Battledroids therefore can fill any role depending on their equipment, from light infantry to starship captains, if you install the right programming. The droids produced here will be on the higher end of specs, less skeletal and smarter, but otherwise basically just B1 units with some bells and whistles. [Reward: 200.000 B1 Units]
    -- [X] Cloning Artifact Use: The Artifact that was recently decyphered has yielded it's secrets. With this, cloning is possible at a rapid rate, allowing the production of 100.000 clones within a year.
    --- [X] Clone Crews: Clones are so useful, and very good whatever they're trained to do. Well, this is the first major specialization: Crewmen for starships. You are kind of short on those aren't you? [Reward: 100.000 Clone Crewmembers]
    -- [X] Heavy Cruiser Production: Heavy Cruisers are a mid-way point between light ships and heavy warships. A lot of ships fall in this category, regardless of what they're called.
    --- [X] Acclamator I-class Assault Ship: The Acclamator is by far one of the earliest ships of the Clone Wars Era Republic navy, sitting at 752 meters in length the Acclamator is capable of transporting and landing hundreds of thousands of troops with all possible gear and even a planetary garrison base to a battlefield. Well armed for a Transport to boot, landing zones are easily established. Just don't send them alone and then land them all on a planet. You need space surpriority if you have established it already. [Reward: 50 Acclamator I-class Assault Ships]
    -- [X] Build Scout Ships: Your Research Ships are dedicated mostly to the task of research and aren't very well suited for encounters with hostiles. This ship is the solution to this problem. The Scout Ship is a Corvette-sized starship armed with 2 Turbolaser Cannons and 8 Concussion Missile Tubes. It has advanced ECM technology, can fire flares, fabricate more of the latter and recover and refine materials on the fly. It is also equipped with a Cloaking Device with only an antennae sticking out to maintain sensor awareness.
    -- [X] Infiltrate Primitives: The primitive society on Gamma 9-c, the third planet of the system by the way, could likely be infiltrated by the skilled spies under our employ. After some research and adjustments of disguises it will be very likely possible to send in a team to infiltrate the planet.
    -- [X] Explore the Ring: You have a colony, now you should figure out what is on that section of habitable Ring you now call home. Don't want any nasty surprises like unknown tribe living on your new home, right?
    -- [X] Study Computers: There are a number of computer systems in the parts of the Ring's inner structure that you can study, maybe with this you can gain much needed insight and progress to make these shipyards useable. Send one of your Research Ships to do the deed.
Oh great, so we don't want to rule, Thrawn may want to but after seeing our work said "nah, we good" and everyone else said "Fuck that noice, that chump there can have that shit job"... Niiiiice, I see how it is now lol.
To make matters worse, we are...

Actually doing a good job, for reasons such as actually investing in the lives of the people. Something which means he ALSO is likely well liked by many people. So basically, either people love us, or they looked at our workload, and figured it was better to leave the guy that is actually doing a decent job in the chair to prevent everything from going to hell.
So what are all your thoughts on next plans needs and wants and what we lack at the time still.

As while I have been planning for future hard conflict and self defense, my plans haven't been focused on much besides that, what else do all of you think we need.

There have been three routes my next plans can go for, a slow buildup of more defenses while building up the Frigate class arm of our Navy and getting more crews and droids up

The moderate plan of pushing out a batch of Heavies every 2 plans, interspaced with a batch of more fighters and defenses and Industrial growth.

Or the Capital Boom, where I plan around going all in on Star Destroyers and Heavy Cruiser Docks, build more dockyards for in the next 2 years for the next batch of Drydocks being Battlecruiser+ weight, another batch of droids to cover the expansion of the Navy on the Heavy and Capital end, and after that year a probable double up of the Medium and Light ships we have.
To Roll or not to Roll
So, decided to put this in a vote.
Should I continue with my plan of rolling for the setting we're in on Round 10, or should I just go with a setting I'm fairly well acquainted with.
The setting in question is moderately dangerous, we don't have a huge advantage over the locals, but we're not completely outclassed.

[] Stay with Original Plan/Roll on Round 10

[] Go with a non-random setting, on Round 10

[] Go with a non-random Setting on Round 9
[X] Stay with Original Plan/Roll on Round 10

Pray for a good roll... or that we can weather the storm of the Chaos to follow.

Also gonna need to do more turtling. fuck me.
Personally, I'd say whatever setting, or settings that would work for you. Not just in a something you know sense, but in a setting you would like to work with way. 🤷‍♂️
[X] Go with a non-random setting, on Round 10

Honestly, I feel that you should do settings that you are comfortable with and that you like. I have seen several crossovers die because the author wasn't able to keep writing because the constant research was tedious and they'd lost all passion.
You're the QM, so do something that you enjoy, because you've earned it.
Pre-Round 9 Infrastructure P1
This list is work in progress
Round 9 Pre-Rolls Update

Capital & Colonies
Ringbardy I (Capital, Ring World)
4 Cities (320,000 Colonists + 50,000 Civilian Clones) +400 Food/turn, +4000 Credits/Turn

Ringbardy Governmental Branches
Grand Moff's Office
Military Council
Diplomatic Council
Colonial Security Board


+10 Thrawn Infantry Bonus
+10 Military Council
+20 Thrawn Navy Bonus
2d20 to certain Combat Rolls

+10 Diplomatic Council
+10 Diplomatic Training
+15 Thrawn Espionage Bonus
+20 Thrawn Diplomatic Bonus
+30 Thrawn Organizational Bonus
+First Contact Protocols Bonus 2d10 and +5d10 each roll to Diplomatic Rolls (Stacks with original bonus)
2d20 to Espionage and Counter-Espionage related actions
2d10 to Intrigue Rolls

+10 to all rolls for actions involving Ring-related machinery and artifacts
+10 First Artifact Understanding Bonus
+15 Thrawn Survey Bonus
+20 Egghead Archetype
+20 Thrawn Research Bonus

5 Cloning Facilities: 5 Years to Clone
Precursor Cloning Device Artifact: 1 Year Recharge after Use)

5 Prefabricated Industry Modules: +2500 Credits, +200 Food
3 Advanced Factories: +400 Materials/Material Retrieval Action +100 Credits, 1 Basic Factory +200 Materials/Material Retrieval Action
2 Mining Stations: 20,000 Minerals per Turn, +700 Materials/turn, +800 Materials/turn (Factories)
2 Civilian Infrastructure: +100 Credits/turn for every 5000 colonists on the same World, +200 Happiness Rating
3 Farms +300 Food Income: +600 Credits Income
1 Automated Xenos Factory: All Factory and Assembly Line Production Doubled
2 Menial Droid Factories: 2 Menial Droid Actions, +1600 Credits from Droid Sales, +400 Credits/turn

Civil Infrastructure
Imperial Pilot's Academy
1 Planetary School
1 Sports Stadium: +100 Approval, +500 Credits
Planetary Intranet Set-Up: +Approval

Droid Factories
1 B1 Factory: 8000 B1's
2 B2 Factories: 4000 B2's
1 Droideka Factory: 400 Droideka's

3 Xenos Ring Shipyards: Up to Dreadnought+ Scale
2 Non-Military Drydocks
2 Frigate Drydocks: 2x16 Slips
2 Light Cruiser Drydock: 2x10 Slips
1 Heavy Cruiser Drydock: 1x8 Slips

Starfighter Factories
1x T65 X-Wing 300
1x Furion Fighter Bomber 300
1x Tie/d Defender 80
1x Viper Heavy Interceptor 80

120x Type-A Interceptors
120x Type-B Bombers
600x T65 X-Wing
300 Furion-class Bombers
20x Viper Heavy Interceptor
80x Tie/d Defender
60x Tie/In II

Military Vessels
1x Praetor II-class Battlecruiser
2x Imperial II-class Star Destroyers
2x Providence-class Destroyer
3x Ascendancy-class Star Destroyer
4x Victory I-class Star Destroyer
2x Chaf-class Destroyer
4x Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruisers
12x Raider-class Corvettes
16x Survey Frigates
16x Lancer-class Frigates
1x Xenos Star Destroyer
1x Xenos Replica World Destroyer

Ground Forces
8000 B1's
2000 B2's
400 Droidekas
500 Planetary Defense Militia
40 AT-RT
10 AT-TE
40 AT-AT walkers
50 AT-ST walkers
103320 Stormtroopers/Galactic Marines/Army Troopers
140000 Clone Soldiers
20000 Clone Crew
4000 Clone Pilots

Civil & Industry Vessels
8x Research Vessel
6x Construction Vessels
5x Mining Vessels
4x Refinery Vessels
1x Medium Freighter
4x Super Heavy Freighters
2x Fabricator Vessel

1 Golan I Battlestation:
2 Golan II Battlestations: 1st finishes in 1 Turn, 2nd finishes in 3 Turns

Discovered Star Systems
2 Habitable Planets
Gamma 9 - Primitives, Delta 1 - Tomb World
Hyperspace Route charted

Discovered Star Systems Resources
11 Mining Spots
63 Resource Nodes discovered,
9 Tibana Gas Sources Found

This list is work in progress
Last edited:
Pre-Round 9 Infrastructure P2
That list is a pain to make, also someone needs to help me do the maths to unscrew the Resource usage so Writer can have an up to date resource pool cuz I suck at math lol.

So far at least 2 things I found could have caused the issue for the Economy to get less understandable

The Xenos Automated Factory which has this blurb for "All Factory and Assembly Line Production Doubled" which has some fairly far reaching consequences if we factor it in right, so lets say Advanced Factories undoubled is 400 Materials/Turn and +100 Credits, doubled its 800 Materials/Turn now and either +100 Credits or +200.

All the Starfighters undoubled could have been 150 or they are 300, which means they should be 300 or 600 per use now.

Droids is another one, right now we have 2 factories for B1's giving a total of 8000, so doubled that goes to 16,000 B1's, B2's would be 8,000 now instead of 4,000, and Droidekas would be 800

Minerals Income
10,000 + 10,000 = 20,000

Materials Income
400 (Adv Factory) + 400 (Adv Factory) + 400 (Adv Factory) + 200 (Basic Factory) + 700 (Mining) + 800 (Factory) + 1000 (Mining Station) - 100 (Upkeep) = 3800
800 (Adv Factory) + 800 (Adv Factory) + 800 (Adv Factory) + 400 (Basic Factory) + 700 (Mining) + 800 (Factory) + 1000 (Mining Station) - 100 (Upkeep) = 10400

Credits Income
2500 (Prefab Industry) + 1600 (Droid Sales) + 400 (Credit Income) + 500 (Stadium) + 9600 (Colonists) + 600 (Credit Income) + 300 (Food Income) + 300/600 (3 Adv. Factories) =

Round 1
2000 Credits
18.000 Materials
200 Food

0 Credits/Turn
0 Materials/Turn
0 Food/Turn

50 Food/Turn

Round 2
Resource Use This Year:
1500 Credits
1 Mining Vessel
-50 Food
+500 Credits
+1000 Materials (Resource Recovery)
+100 Food (Net Income: +50 Food)

Round 3
Starting turn credits: 1500 Credits Starting turn material: 19,000 material
Total Credit Cost: 1500 Credits Total Material (Mat.) Cost: 550
Next turn Credit Budget: 1200 Credits Next turn Mat. Budget: 18,450 material
Next turn Credit Income: 1200 Credits Next turn Mat. Income: 200 material

Round 4
Starting turn credits: 1200 Credits
Starting turn material: 18,450 material
Total Credit Cost: 1200 Credits
Total Material (Mat.) Cost: 620 material
Next turn Credit Budget: 4350 Credits (1200 from previous choices, +200 from Farming, +100 from Factory, +1600 from new Jobs, +50/turn from Droids, +200 from Droid Sales, +500/turn from Sport Stadium, +500 from Money Printing, +500 from new Colony site)
Next turn Mat. Budget: 17,830 material
Next turn Credit Income: 4150 (700 Credits of last turn were one-turn action income) Credits
Next turn Mat. Income: 0 material

Round 5
Starting turn credits: 4350 Credits
Starting turn material: 18,250 material
Total Credit Cost: 3000 Credits
Total Material (Mat.) Cost: 1,700 material(of which 50 is upkeep)
Credits Income: 9400 Credits/turn
Material Income: -50 Materials/turn (16.550 Mats left)

Round 6
Starting turn credits: 9400 Credits
Starting turn material: 16,550 material
Total Credit Cost: 4300 Credits
Total Material (Mat.) Cost: 3,800 material(of which 50 is upkeep)
Next turn Credit Budget: 26.400 Credits (21.300 Credits next turn)
Next turn Mat. Budget: 12,750 material

Round 7
Starting turn credits: 26.400 Credits
Starting turn material: 12,750 material
Total Credit Cost: 3.700 Credits
Total Material (Mat.) Cost: 3.520 material (of which 100 is upkeep)
Next turn Credit Budget: 22.700 Credits (I have a headache, if someone wants to try and figure this out, please do so)
Next turn Mat. Budget: 9.130 material (900+2000 (Factories)=2900 Materials/turn)

Round 8
4600 Credits, 5500 Minerals Spent
Current Credits Income: 34.100 Credits/turn
Current Materials Income: 5600 Materials/turn (-100 Materials/turn upkeep) +8000 Materials Generated w/ Artifact
Current Population: 320.000 Civilians
Wowie. That's a lot of information and Calcs to make...

Do we have any idea what kind of bonuses are available to us? Like Thrawn's bonuses.
Wowie. That's a lot of information and Calcs to make...

Do we have any idea what kind of bonuses are available to us? Like Thrawn's bonuses.
Already under Government & Bonuses, mighta missed some others, but got as many as I could.

@LordArcturus the list is also missing our Stormtrooper contingent as well as any remaining AT-ATs and AT-STs
Going off of a mix of Legends/Canon info, the Stormtrooper/Marine/Army Contingent alone onboard the ships totals a hefty margin if Writer actually maxed the complements out.
Outside of this, it seems like we are finally starting to pick up steam now!

Will there be longer chapters once we get out of the excel sheet completion phase the story is currently in?
Vote closed
Well we're gonna see some derpass rolls this turn, wonder where they go lol.

Also lets see what fun Writer gets with their roll for Multiverse choice next turn lmao