From Shadows we Rise (Kim Possible/Shadowrun Quest)

[X]Plan Zaratustra
[X] Go on a run (selection will appear if the option is chosen). Takes 2 actions.
[X] Socialize with someone (select one below):
-[X] Fiske
[X] Go looking for the other runners in Seattle.
[X] Try to improve the warehouse.
-[X] Basic improvements (1000 Nuyen)

we should prioritize socializing with Fiske so we have a better of where we stand with him ,we also can't stop doing runs since we still need a lot of money for a lor of things
looking for the other should complet one of our current priorities , and improve the warehouse should make everyone happier
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[X] Go on a run (selection will appear if the option is chosen). Takes 2 actions.
[X] Socialize with someone (select one below):
-[X] Yori
-[X] Felix
-[X] Fiske

We need more money and we need to build bonds with our companions.
Sorry, I forgot to say this, but I'd prefer it greatly if you guys put your ideas into plan format. It makes my life much easier.
[X] plan Aegir

improving our group dynamics is always a good thing.
improvements to the base are most likely going to unlock further options for us to see.
meeting other runners in the area will probably give us new contacts for future jobs
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[X] Plan Aegir
[X] Go on a run
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Yori
[X] Go looking for the other runners in Seattle
[X] Try to improve the warehouse
-[X] Basic improvements

So... We still need money. Getting enough to pay for Felix's legs is a big priority, and runs are the best way to do so. Getting Felix on his feet will probably open up more per week actions as well.

Socializing with Yori because we missed our chance with her last week, and because I needed an extra action.

More runners are good, hopefully giving us more actions, or at least a wider margin for error on runs.

Might as well make things livable, and avoiding major expenses until we have Felix up and about. Although... @Iandude0, what effect does the training room have on our training actions? It might be worth investing in earlier rather than later.
A training room will allow you to reduce the time required by about 10-20% to train some skills, and also unlocks new interactions with people. Not to mention that you will be able to upgrade them to get more benefits. Some rooms that can be built also unlock other options.
[X] Plan Aegir
Gets us earning some money to fix up Felix, some more versatility for the team, and makes the warehouse slightly less of a shithole. Plus Yori is probably the only one handling this remotely as calmly as Ron.
On relationships:

Okay, so here's my current system for relationships with other members of the runner group (which will be named... eventually).

It goes in tiers, ranging from enemy to ally. The progression itself goes:


To go from one to another, you will have to basically fill a gauge of 100 which will change depending on how you interact with said person.

Things that raise it include: interacting with people, fulfilling their objectives, and going on successful runs with them.
Things that lower them include: Siding against people in arguments, ignoring them and failing runs (nobody likes losing).

Ranks past Acquaintance gives a bonus to the dice pool when attempting to assist one another with actions. Ranks below annoyance do the opposite. For example, if Yori wanted to help Ron with sneaking, she would give whatever her mechanical bonus is along with another die for being at friend.

Current relationships are:

Yori: Friend: 0/100
Shego: Neutral: 20/100
Fiske: Rival: 10/100
[X] Plan Aegir

We need to keep talking to all our people but we also need money, the improvements are also a major goal so we should grab it when we can.
So I rolled for who the other characters landed with when they impacted, and I'm going to say this will be... interesting.

I'll tell you guys that there are a total of eight groups that will end up forming, for now. I might throw in some more KP characters later.

They also all have leaders whom were selected by me because they were competent at what they do.