From Shadows we Rise (Kim Possible/Shadowrun Quest)

[X] Run 1: Den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Theft: Yori, Shego
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 1: den bust: Ron, Shego
-[X] Yes
Ok this gives us two people that are willing and able to blow stuff up, its also a good option to see how well they work together.
...nothing to do with shipping at all i swear
[X] Run 2: Courier work : Fiske,Yori
Here we have the two people most willing to use lethal force, they are also fairly good at sneaking so the chance of death is far less.
Basically i'm hoping that they avoid combat completely but if they have to then they can fight their way out.
[X] Run 1: den bust: Ron, Shego
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Courier work : Fiske,Yori

Ron and Shego on Run 1 since they kick ass pretty good, and are the most likely to have the margin to leave some alive.

Meanwhile IIRC Yori's good at doing the covert delivery thing?
So why exactly is everyone going for the courier mission.

It's only real benefit is that there's a low chance of combat and could likely be accomplished alone. That is all. It pays low, and doesn't do anything for your Karma.
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So why exactly is everyone going for the courier mission.

It's only real benefit is that there's a low chance of combat and could likely be accomplished alone. That is all. It pays low, and doesn't do anything for your Karma.
I guess it was for a low risk option, and that there isn't any moral issue with it. It appears to practically be a freebie. If I thought we could get away with it I would probably have Yori steal on her own but losing someone at this juncture would be a disaster. Not to mention Ron would never forgive himself. I may just switch to Yori and Shego stealing though. hmmmm

Screw it whats life without risk.
[X] Run 1: Den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Theft: Yori, Shego
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 1: den bust: Ron, Shego
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Courier work : Fiske,Yori

Ron and Shego on Run 1 since they kick ass pretty good, and are the most likely to have the margin to leave some alive.

Meanwhile IIRC Yori's good at doing the covert delivery thing?
Well she is a ninja.... sneaking is sort of implied right?
I think that this should let us know how dangerous each run will be, so that in the future we can decide how we are going to split the teams.
I think that this should let us know how dangerous each run will be, so that in the future we can decide how we are going to split the teams.

I can't really do that because no matter what the danger of a run can be variable.

Usually a good measure for danger is the payout, with modifications of around +/- 20-30% on how things are morally.
[X] Run 1: Den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Theft: Yori, Shego
-[X] Yes

I honestly don't care for the courier mission if were going to Shadowrun then where going to kill eventual that's just a fact, theirs no point in trying to avoid a inevitability.
[X] Run 1: Den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Theft: Yori, Shego
-[X] Yes

-guys, this is Shadowrun, there is no such thing as no risk, only no pay. also you need to be greedy here, that's the reason why dragons are on top of the food chain!:D
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I can't really do that because no matter what the danger of a run can be variable.

Usually a good measure for danger is the payout, with modifications of around +/- 20-30% on how things are morally.
Oh no i meant that it would let us know how to measure the level of danger, we haven't any idea of how much the payout is in comparison to the risk.

Currently for all we know the easiest one requires 2 people minimum while the more valuable ones require all four to have a 50% chance of success.
After this run we will know how to match danger levels and can take more risks, at the moment however neither we nor Ron know enough yet.

So yeah its basically just an attempt to play things safe, if we utterly crush one of the runs then we will know not to send two people on those ones.
Currently for all we know the easiest one requires 2 people minimum while the more valuable ones require all four to have a 50% chance of success.
After this run we will know how to match danger levels and can take more risks, at the moment however neither we nor Ron know enough yet.

... Where are you getting those numbers? I have OOC knowledge that at least one of those things is wrong, so I'm wondering where in the update you see that.

Obviously, I'm not basing my choices off said information, but you seem so certain with your odds.
... Where are you getting those numbers? I have OOC knowledge that at least one of those things is wrong, so I'm wondering where in the update you see that.

Obviously, I'm not basing my choices off said information, but you seem so certain with your odds.
Those were examples, not hard data. I was just trying to explain in a way that made sense.
I'll close the vote in an hour, so can someone get me a tally?

How it stands currently:

Vote Tally : From Shadows we Rise (Kim Possible/Shadowrun Quest) | Page 9 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.17

[X] Run 1: Den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Theft: Yori, Shego
-[X] Yes
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Run 1: den bust: Ron, Shego
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Courier work : Fiske,Yori
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Run 1: den bust: Ron, Yori
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Courier work : Fiske, Shego
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Run 1: den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] yes
[X] Run 2: Courier work : Yori, Shego
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 14

Votes separated by runner assignments.
Vote called. I believe:

[X] Run 1: Den bust: Ron, Fiske
-[X] Yes
[X] Run 2: Theft: Yori, Shego
-[X] Yes

Rolls will be happening in an hour in the dice room, just so everyone knows.

The link is on the front page.
Week one run results.
Location: Seattle Slums, Drug den
Time: Friday evening
POV: Montgomery Fiske

It was a strange experience, walking alongside Stoppable. Here he was, my greatest enemy, and yet for once I felt no hostility towards him. His pet rodent eyed me suspiciously from time to time, with good reason, but the Buffoon himself kept himself neutral whenever his gaze passed over me. For some reason, I'd felt more unsettled by that than I had from the open hostility. The enemy I had known was loud, wordy and cowardly to a fault. Yet this Ronald Stoppable was anything but. It was almost as if removing that girl that had always been at his side from him had forced him to adapt, and rapidly. It was an interesting line of thought to consider, but that would have to wait for now as we arrived at the building the elf had informed us about.

Stoppable approached the figure guarding the entrance, an Orc, and tried to talk his way into the place. He was shortly rebuffed, unsurprisingly given that his personality was still extremely grating even given the amount of calm he possessed right now compared to pretty much everyone from our world. As I came up, the guard looked to me with exasperation clearly written on his face. "Look, no matter how much you guys want to get in there and get wired, you need to pay the fee. 50 Nuyen per person." I looked at Stoppable, who seemed about as impatient as I probably looked at the moment.

Taking that as a signal of sorts, I decided to try my hand at convincing the ruffian to stand aside. Of course, I was going to take the direct route. Letting a bit of power suffuse my fists with a reddish glow, I smiled at the punk. "My good man, I know you have your obligations to collect a toll from us, but I believe it would be in your best interests to vacate the premises immediately. If not, I cannot guarantee that your organs will remain intact from the beating you will receive for refusing, not mentioning the subsequent one you will inevitably get for dirtying my coat with your blood," The sod blanched at that, and my smile widened, "Do I make myself clear?" The thug mutely nodded, before dropping his weapon and running off.

Taking that as a cue, Stoppable opened the door to the building. The inside of the room we walked in to held thirteen people. Twelve of them seemed to be on the drugs the elf had talked about, if the completely vacant stares were any indication. The remaining person was a dwarf, whom Ron had elected to talk to while I was busy observing the area. My train of thought was cut off by the sound of the buffoon's fist shattering the thug's nose, followed by swift chops to the neck and kidney before he finished off with a kick to the sternum that sent the ganger across the rooms.

In response, I heard the clamor of movement in the room next to this one. So much for subtlety, it seemed.

After taking a moment to collect ourselves, the two of us rushed through the next door. Power coursed through my fingertips as I confronted an orc that had the gall to try and pull a gun on me. My empowered fists first broke his ribs completely, before rupturing his intestines in two swift blows, finished by a punch that utterly crushed the thug's windpipe, sending a small spray of blood onto my arm as my opponent died. I looked to the side to watch as Stoppable broke his enemy's right leg with a brutal kick, putting the human he was facing out of commission.

The two of us turned to face the remaining gang member, another human with some weird looking metal in his head, but it seemed our little display had rendered him to a gibbering mass. The buffoon and I exchanged glances, before he went off into the next room, and I confronted the human. I gabbed him by his collar, putting him face to face with me. "Whatever you've done to the people there, stop it now. Make sure that it doesn't continue, to boot. Got it?" The thug, pale as a sheet gibbered for a little bit, before looking back to my bloodstained arm, and making a loud gulping noise. "Yes, got it."

After that, I let him go. He fiddled around with some technical apparatus in the corner of the room before running out screaming. The door next to me clicked, heralding the return of Stoppable. After taking a few seconds to consider the hardware the human had been fiddling with, I grabbed the nearest blunt object and made sure that our job destroying the den was thoroughly completed.

As the two of us left, passing the confused expressions of twelve confused junkies, I couldn't help but smile.

Today had been a good day.

We returned to the base, only to find Shego and the buffoon's friend had beaten us there. They talked about a rather uneventful run, where they managed to get all of the marked cargo without any strain due to a freak stroke of luck. Apparently one of the guards had seen something in the opposite direction, and led his companion to check it out. By the time they had returned the two of them had made out with all of the goods.

Result: Two runs completed Rewards: 4500 Nuyen (2000+2500), 4 Karma for everyone.

A/N You guys are extremely killy, but I'm pretty sure you knew that. Thus, missions to wreck shit are pretty easy.
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A/N You guys are extremely killy, but I'm pretty sure you knew that. Thus, missions to wreck shit are pretty easy.

Yeah, seriously, those guys got overkilled in EVERY SINGLE ROUND. Ron was trying to do pure stun damage and he managed to overflow both times. Magic fists OP plz nerf.

And the guards crit glitched on a perception check. That was fun.

Result: Two runs completed Rewards: 5500 Nuyen (2000+2500), 4 Karma for everyone.

Also, as much as I hate to point it out, 2000 + 2500 is 4500 Nuyen, not 5500.
Damn i actually felt bad for those guys we are way to killy for this to be fair, although runs like this do have the added benefit of giving our group a reputation as people not to be fucked with so their's that.
Week one report
Week one report:

Starting funds: 1200 Nuyen
Income: 4500 Nuyen
Expenses: 900 Nuyen

Current funds: 4800
Runner status:
Ron: Healthy
Yori: Healthy
Shego: Healthy
Fiske: Healthy

Week 2 plans (actions available: 5)
[] Go shopping (specify what for)
[] Go on a run (selection will appear if the option is chosen). Takes 2 actions.
[] Socialize with someone (select one below):
-[] Shego
-[] Yori
-[] Felix
-[] Fiske
[] Develop skills (can select two skills if you have the requisite Karma and if selected can be done for multiple characters, table for points required incoming)
[] Go looking for the other runners in Seattle.
[] Try to improve the warehouse.
-[] Basic improvements (1000 Nuyen)
-[] Make a training room (3000 Nuyen)

Notes on the relationship system will be coming soon to a post near you!

Edit: And remember, I like to see reasoning in the votes.

Please put your votes in plan format.
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Week one report:

Starting funds: 1200 Nuyen
Income: 4500 Nuyen
Expenses: 900 Nuyen

Current funds: 4800
Runner status:
Ron: Healthy
Yori: Healthy
Shego: Healthy
Fiske: Healthy

Week 2 plans (actions available: 5)
[] Go shopping (specify what for)
[] Go on a run (selection will appear if the option is chosen). Takes 2 actions.
[] Socialize with someone (select one below):
-[] Shego
-[] Yori
-[] Felix
-[] Fiske
[] Develop skills (can select two skills if you have the requisite Karma and if selected can be done for multiple characters, table for points required incoming)
[] Go looking for the other runners in Seattle.
[] Try to improve the warehouse.
-[] Basic improvements (1000 Nuyen)
-[] Make a training room (3000 Nuyen)

Notes on the relationship system will be coming soon to a post near you!

[X] Socialize with someone (select one below):
-[X] Yori
-[X] Felix
-[X] Fiske
[X] Go looking for the other runners in Seattle.
[X] Try to improve the warehouse.
-[X] Basic improvements (1000 Nuyen)

This ok?
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