From Genesis (Riot God Quest)

The Darkness would have Dream be born to more readily interact with its beloved.
Oooo. This goes nicely with my plan, so I'm probably going to subordinate my idea.

[] Birth of the Goddess of Dreams, Water, and Life
-Born from the great seas of the Rain Whales comes the slumbering goddess. Said to hold beauty beyond compare, she sleeps forever in her watery heaven which is filled with her essence and dreams. Where it falls those dreams shall take root, bringing life and cooling the land so that those whom live there may not be scorched by the infinite power of the light. So the waters of dreams shall give birth to the life of the Earth.

Edit: I'll probably throw in a bit of this being born from the Darkness's love of the Light. Her watery sea can serve as something akin to stars, and she would make a great moon.

Edit 2: Probably going to refine this further. If she is also supposed to be a gift to the Darkness, it would make sense for her to usher the dead and broken to the void.
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[] The Great Artist

Divine entity born from its greatest masterpiece - the Spark of Space Shaping, when Pyralis was struggling against the Pit. Creator of the first spark came not before, but after it because casualty was defined fully only after contraction. This kind and peaceful entity was mostly led and shaped by others, because they really didn't have a strong character right after the birth. This non-physical entity was able to fill matter and energy with itself in order to create a physical embodiment of itself. They were extremely talented in creating beautiful and interesting things, a born artist and artisan, savant of arts and crafts. But a naive child about any other things.

However, one of important thing about them was the ability to perceive the world through the prism of Sparks other hosted (created before or after the Artist). This is how Artist learned about Pyralis and her struggle near the Pit, this is how she could ask for help. And Artisan, being a kind soul, couldn't just leave them alone in the dark. They couldn't create True Spark, but was able to make lesser variants of them. They could create for any Master Spark (or One Spark) three Royal, seven Great and nine Lesser Sparks using concepts from its predecessor. In this case Artist used the Spark of Space Shaping as One to create smaller copies to help Pyralis escape the trap. These smaller Sparks was weaker, but much more specialized on certain manifestations of the primordial aspect of the Master Spark. Some created only numerous variations of portals, others only distorted the metrics, others could only observe space with incredible accuracy... The hierarchical position of the Sparks determined their boundaries and pure power.

Using their talent Artist was able to free Pyralis and started to follow her because they didn't really know what to do next. Like a hatched duckling that follows the first thing it sees. Artisan made itself a body in the image and likeness of the first creature they saw. They became a dragon of sort. Pyralis was able to find out about full scope of Artisan talent and thier ridiculous naivete and innocence. They could take and store the True Sparks, but only with the consent of the true owner and a limited amount of time, before they have to give their creation to someone else. The same applied to Small Sparks, which they also should give to others at some point. Another facet of their talent was related to the ability to create smaller copies of other primordial items. For example, after spending a lot of time and effort, they were able to create three Royal copies of the Needle. But these were much more limited in scope and more specialised - like Lesser Sparks. All the Artist needed was access to a primordial object as source of inspiration and time to create.

It was they who suggested not trying to kill the goblin, but simply capturing him. Not only because goblin could not be killed, but also because the Artist did not like to intentionally cause others suffering or stop their existence. So maybe it possible to talk to the goblin, or trap him, or stop in any other way. Because immortal doesn't mean unstoppable or infallible. And true artist should understand feelings, desires and souls of others. This is why kindness, understanding, empathy and wise subtle insight was an artist's inclinations.​
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Darkness does not like the light. It is indiffirent to it.

Rather the Darkness loves the Earth.
Refined version then.

[] Goddess of Water, Dreams, and Life
When all was shaped and defined, the Rain Whales fled to the scant yet infinite astral sea of light as the only land left to feed. It is not too unsurprising that in this land where there was still some infinite that one of their seas would act as a prism of the infinite light and birth an infinite possibility that caused this particular sea to not fall, but stay high in the air.

It is in this impossible refreaction of an impossible number that light took shape and birthed an impossible goddess. She slumbers in the Sea of Heaven, it being her domain as much as it is a part of her, and in her slumber she Dreams. Those Dreams take shape in the sea, creating new and myriad of life of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, and thus those born from such are her children and hold an inexplicable link to her.

Yet the sea is not infinite, yet impossible, and as such possibility occasionally takes hold of it. It is then that the waters are brought to fall where they will. Yet those waters are still part of the Goddess, and where they fall life may arise and nurish as she Dreams of such, and this life too holds connection to her as her children.

Such is the goddess of the Heavenly Waters that reflect the Blessed Light into a myriad of forms. Such is the goddess whom Dreams in her Heavenly Sea, held only in the Astral Realm. Such is the goddess who bares Life from her Dreams and is its mother.

This is my current running idea.
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With this artifact, and following the example of the Great Snails that he had so offended, he utilized the Staff to craft new life from the material of the universe. Uncreative creatures desired beings to lord over and so only had themselves as an image. Thus the first Goblins were born, their first sight was the sneering face of their forebearer, their only purpose was to suffer and serve the monstrous creature who wielded the First Sun's authority.
Needless to say, Pyralis was outraged at what had happened to her offspring. Her rage shook the great sea and she scoured the Goblin Kingdom from the Spike, leaving only Grobbus and a small retinue of servants behind. Ironically they were safe for they were tormenting their draconic prisoners for
And to spite the one who destroyed his kingdom he took his prisoners and mutilated them. With the Scepter he forced obedience onto their minds and with mastery of the shaping of light he reshaped their forms. He encased them in stone scales and harnessed their starry power to fuel his workings and even made a way to harness their endless growth to create offspring, just as bound and just as broken as them.
watches Gobbus make his own race
kill off the snails
mutilate DRAGONS

I'm not mad. Just.... FURIOUS

[] The Censoring of Gobbus
-[]Someone, somewhere, does not appreciate the actions performed by the first Goblin. Their judgment falls like a hammer blow upon the evil little monster, and such is it's force Gobbus loses their vile cunning and malignant intelligence. They are not reduced to the level of a slobbering simpleton, but never again shall they be able to plot and scheme. Furthermore, another curse is placed on Gobbus; magical or divine items burn their skin, meaning they cannot be used. Finally, to forever remind the Goblin of his torture of Pyralis's children, Gobbus gains an irrational fear of fire.

I have further plans, both for the Goblin race and the Stone Dragons. But we'll see how it goes...
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You are far too cruel towards poor lonely goblin, who was brought into this harsh, violent world without anything, but luck to live and suffer forever. His very existence is punishment enough. And besides, your act not going to make him more kind, quite opposite really.​

Edit: Hmm, interesting, from Gobbus and his people perspective how things look like? Maybe for them he is a mighty hero, who fight and enslave horrible monstes and dragons.
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You are far too cruel towards poor lonely goblin, who was brought into this harsh, violent world without anything, but luck to live and suffer forever. His very existence is punishment enough. And besides, your act not going to make him more kind, quite opposite really.​

Edit: Hmm, interesting, from Gobbus and his people perspective how things look like? Maybe for them he is a mighty hero, who fight and enslave horrible monstes and dragons.
You make some good points. I'll see how I feel in a bit, but for sure I'm not allowing Pyralis' shattering
watches Gobbus make his own race
kill off the snails
mutilate DRAGONS

I'm not mad. Just.... FURIOUS
Not entirely sure what you expected there. A creature designed to do evil is going to do evil. Works for a pretty good backstory/myth especially with the dragon in the void.

Anyways maybe reduce the level of punishment, I think just preventing him from using magic items will be enough to significantly reduce him.

Edit: Hmm, interesting, from Gobbus and his people perspective how things look like? Maybe for them he is a mighty hero, who fight and enslave horrible monstes and dragons.
He wasn't exactly nice to his own people either, a tyrant king who gathered his power on the back of slaves.

Ultimately both view are probably going to be held, makes for an interesting character.
You make some good points. I'll see how I feel in a bit, but for sure I'm not allowing Pyralis' shattering
Aye, Pyralis works well as a balancing figure for this world. Although I do kinda like her trapped down there because it makes for a good myth.

Regardless It's going to be interesting to see if she blames Gobbus and sees his people as victims or just hates goblins in general.
Edit: Hmm, interesting, from Gobbus and his people perspective how things look like? Maybe for them he is a mighty hero, who fight and enslave horrible monstes and dragons.

Gobbus created the goblins so he can lord over and bully them. He is a Tyrant who loves lording over his being. The only reason they had a functional society is that Grobbus ranked having cool stuff over tryannically dominating his creations.

And the Goblins of this point are lesser clones of Gobbus. Essentially Gobbus if he was weaker, less intelligent, etc. though just as petty, just as cowardly, and just as evil. He knew nothing else when he created them after all.

Of course, part of the inspiration when writing for Gobbus was Haphestus, they are still incredibly intelligent and cunning beings.

edit: Now that I think about it you could probably look at the Skaven from WHF and have a picture for how Goblin society is though with less infighting.
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"The Earth cared not but its growth so was impregnated with the seed of the World Tree to cover it with life."

I'm not entirely sure what this means, is the earth going to create life or is it asking for life to be created?
Okay @Nigerian Duck

What is this supposed to be? Because depending on what it is it is no way it could have passed as lesser.
Well, explaining now doesn't matter since the update is out, but they were meant to not be the *total* embodiment of what I mentioned, but rather forms of thought that existed and we're given a sort of pseudo-life and sentience. Alien in their existence, since they're not really 'living' per se in the natural sense.

Or something. That was what it was meant to be, but then you said everything was boosted to Universal. If I knew beforehand I would have been a bit more ambitious and more detailed in the explanation.
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"The Earth cared not but its growth so was impregnated with the seed of the World Tree to cover it with life."

I'm not entirely sure what this means, is the earth going to create life or is it asking for life to be created?

The Earth is generally apathetic to anything with the belief it can endure anything. so the only thing that interests it is what helps it grow. Which is why it absorbe all the materials that dropped onto it and began to generate more of those elements itself.

The World Tree is to add another avenue of growth as the Earth would view anything that grew from it to be extensiosn of itself.

Or something. That was what it was meant to be, but then you said everything was boosted to Universal. If I knew beforehand I would have been a bit more ambitious and more detailed in the explanation.

To a max of universal. So if you got 10 votes then it would get boosted to Universal.

For turn 2 if you got 10 votes it would stay at cosmic, but if it got 7 votes it would be boosted to Cosmic.
Nice. If the stuff I created before have any meaning in which they were boosted to Universal, I'll think of something connected to them that fits the Theme. I mean, even the mechanic is scrapped there's still a theme for each age, right?
[] Jarnvidr the Vaultwright and the Forest Founders
Jarnvidr is a large divine wolf made of wispy black-purple smoke with shining red eyes. Jarnvidr is an excellent craftsman, capable creating magical and impossible artifacts. All of Jarnvidr's crafts are in some way magical and supernatural; it is impossible for him to create something that is mundane, and the fact that something is made by him is enough for it to gain a magical effect. He toils underground, forever crafting items. He crafts because it relaxes him and is something he enjoys.

Jarnvidr has a certain dislike of light. Exposure to light causes Jarnvidr to dissolve and become incorporeal. He spawns the Forest Founders, demi-divine spectral wolves he tasked with blotting out the light of the sun. The Forest Founders create plants that take in the light of the sun and trap it away in wood, leaf, sap, and fruit. The Forest Founders can weave the flesh and bones of monsters to tend and protect their forests. Like Jarnvidr from they spawned from, the Forest Founders are capable of magical treasure, albeit much lesser than those of their progenitor.

They build vaults in the heart of their forests wherein they stash away their most precious magna opera. Every so often, they would invite their kin to show off the neat stuff they have. They jealously guard this vault and would employ the most dangerous vegetation, monsters, and traps to keep out thieves.

This is my main idea. I am afraid that it is long. However, I have side ideas gained from the update. What do you think?

[] Put Lynaris in the Sky
Lynaris, one of stone mutilated children of Pyralis, sets off to the sky, swearing to never come down again. It becomes the Moon, overlooking the Earth. It watches over all, recording all the sins and atrocities of Gobbus and his people.
Okay, I have 4 Ideas now.

The Five-Eyed King: Eldritch Entity with five different colored eyes and a body made of an inky black goop that can shapeshift. Its eyes have special powers and it can give a copy of one them to a mortal in exchange for half their lifespan upfront and 1 day of their lifespans per use. Eyes have powers based on Chaos, Famine, Pestilence, War, and Death. The Five-Eyed King is also inherently clairvoyant and can give out knowledge of the past and present to anyone who asks for it in exchange for knowledge, specifically secrets. When someone using a copy of its eyes dies, they are reborn as some form of beastfolk under the service of their new King, the kind of beastfolk depending on which eye they got a copy of.

The Elemental Mother: Angelic 'Goddess' with dominion over the classical elements, can conjure and manipulate them at will and create living entities made up the elements she commands, and can choose if they are sentient or not when making them. If killed, will split into four lesser 'goddesses' with command over a single element.

The Ur-Titan: Mt.Everest sized giant golem made of Orichalcum, Mythril, and Adamantine that is a walking forge and city builder that can make cities, monuments, wondrous items of mythical quality, and even smaller living golems that are basically miniature versions of itself. If killed, its body will transform into a city of living metal.

The Star of Glory: Not a Godlike Being in of itself, but something that can allow a mortal to ascend into a Godly form by burning away their mortal body and memories as fuel for their transformation, their consciousness transferred into a core of crystal filled with celestial power that has a Divine Name engraved into it that grants them authority over one thing based on their Divine Name.

What should I go for?
[ ] God of Stone
One of the larger pieces of the shattered Spike was propulsed above the Void and infused with both Dark and Light became the God of Stone.
The God looks like a immobile wheel surrounded by swirling white and black fires and is by nature a deity of balance with a fondness for mortal civilizations; it desires to help them grow although it favors safe and incremental paths of advancement over anything radical.

The only mortal civilization right now is the Goblins so do not be surprised by what happens.

Greater Act

[] God of Destruction: The Devourer's avatar is uplifted to the status of a god.

The Devourer does not have an avatar right now considering it just woke up and then chock slammed by the Darkness.

Though making one is Grand, and again no one has defined what godhood is. As it is the Primordials are simply ultra powerful beings who can manipulate large swathes of reality.

[ ] The broken made whole. Those slaved dragons find their curse of obedience lifted and their stone scales absorbed however the celestial realm shall be denied to them for the stone is a part of them and the void pulls them down.

Greater Act

[] God Weaver
A multi-armed creature that uses a Needle to sew its "Everything and Nothing" Tapestry. He remembers the whole world as a Tapestry, his perception sees in it only a hodgepodge of "not yet processed" matter, "small" tapestries and threads. Actually, God wants to create a beautiful Tapestry in his understanding (that is, the World). However, in his understanding, he is always imperfect, correcting some threads, others form a pattern that is not interesting to him. If the gods had Aspects, then the Weaver would be stuck between Change and Chaos. He wants stability too much for Change and too consistent for Chaos.
His changes to the Tapestry are rarely appreciated by mortals. A river "pulled" out of the "pattern" of the region, or a new monster "sewn" into the sewers frighten mortals. Although no one will refuse, if the Weaver considers it harmonious to place veins of precious stones in the mountain.
For unknown reasons, most likely because of the worldview, "he does not change living beings without their consent. He can create, but not change. However, the consent of animals and most sentient beings is easy to obtain.

Sounds like a super diety able to alter all of reality so Universal.

[] The Divine Thread
A force, an element echoing the authority that the staff grants, the insight of the spark, and the power of the needle the divine thread is a material that can not be normally brought into the world but is the power and the right to alter things in the course of the world. Those with the thread are known as gods, and all those brought into the world with the Title of god will have access to the thread. Of course, the thread does not grant all things all power. Rather the power of the thread is limited for those who bare it in two ways. The Ties, the thread is a metaphysical element but it has a shape and structure that is the concept, this concept is the field in which the thread can work and operate a thread with the Tie of water can not be used to summon or form metal as it only has authority over water and that which resonates with the concept of water. The second is the strength of the thread, which is generally a measure of its quantity but those with skill and ages to hone it can make less thread do more than those with a great measure of the material and no skill in its use. If a god is killed or choices to remove their thread the material is loose but not without power, those who take time can use it with far less ability than those it is born to, and with ages to work they may take the thread into themselves. Beyond those of the age born as gods, those of the last age with the authority of their age and the might of their deeds are granted the thread as is fit for them.

System of power, Universal

[] The Perfection of Six
The Dice saw what was, what would be, what could never be in a world were time did not truly exist it talents were limited by the chains of freedom that said all could happen. The creation of time elated the minds that splintered in the Dice the freeing nature of rules, plausibility and sense had come at last as the Dice spun again. For the universe had grown greater and smaller at the same time and the Dice wished to follow in it footsteps, the utter destruction and change of the First Age drove into it desire.

So the Six-Faced God splintered minds showed themselves in it form, as the mighty die tasted the sweetness of loss and the bitterness of comfort. Each would demand and each would chain themselves as the form grew six arms, six legs, six faces and so on for the all knowing and all ignorant die forsook a portion of itself to embody the desire it loved. Six broken psyches each competing for different outcomes to Gain and Lose some for absolute victory others for total loss.

The Six-Faced God of Knowledge who gambles for experience and loss. For nothing is static and neither is knowledge.


[] God of the Broken and the Suffering (Subordinate)
Within the Spike lies a broken nameless thing. The son of a son of a son of a son of one the Celestial Dragons captured by Gobbus's cruelty. Their entire existence was suffering, the entire reason for their birth was to be used as a cruel jest to their first creator Pyralis and to further empower their captor. They had lived and died as a tool, a wretched being without any hope or true sense of self. They had shattered upon the ground when the earth fell upon the Spike, a mercy in it's own way. However, in their shattering, in their brokenness, they had found something powerful and raw within the world, a truth that was not to be spoken, a truth that existed before the light.

The nameless thing was remade complete in their brokenness. They had become a god.

They appear as a vast stone puzzle that grows larger with each sufferance in the universe, gaining a stone puzzle piece each time. When all suffering in the world is gone that puzzle will be solved and the image the puzzle portrays will be the one truth that will lead to salvation for all. It would shatter the universe and remake it to be complete in it's brokenness just as the God of the Broken and the Suffering was remade to be complete and perfect in it's shattering.

The god's goal is end all suffering by any means to bring about the Universes shattering.

Greater act

[] the swarm

When the pit was sealed away pieces of it had broken of from the main body they mutated and changed growing till they grown strong enough to move to breath to eat… they were the first of the swarm extremely week compared to the pit only as strong as the weakest dragons, but hey would survive not because of strength but because of numbers for as a single swarmling ate more and more eventually they would split into two swarmling those two become four those four become eight, but there life spans and intelligents made sure they would never consume everything and once a swarmling dies it's body will become the twice the materials it consumed creating a infinite loop so that the earth would grow

Population of magical creatures, Greater Act.

[] Birth of the Goddess of Dreams, Water, and Life
-Born from the great seas of the Rain Whales comes the slumbering goddess. Said to hold beauty beyond compare, she sleeps forever in her watery heaven which is filled with her essence and dreams. Where it falls those dreams shall take root, bringing life and cooling the land so that those whom live there may not be scorched by the infinite power of the light. So the waters of dreams shall give birth to the life of the Earth.



[] Goddess of Water, Dreams, and Life


[] The Censoring of Gobbus
-[]Someone, somewhere, does not appreciate the actions performed by the first Goblin. Their judgment falls like a hammer blow upon the evil little monster, and such is it's force Gobbus loses their vile cunning and malignant intelligence. They are not reduced to the level of a slobbering simpleton, but never again shall they be able to plot and scheme. Furthermore, another curse is placed on Gobbus; magical or divine items burn their skin, meaning they cannot be used. Finally, to forever remind the Goblin of his torture of Pyralis's children, Gobbus gains an irrational fear of fire.

Lesser Act.

[] Jarnvidr the Vaultwright and the Forest Founders

Grand Act for sapient race creation.

[] Put Lynaris in the Sky
Lynaris, one of stone mutilated children of Pyralis, sets off to the sky, swearing to never come down again. It becomes the Moon, overlooking the Earth. It watches over all, recording all the sins and atrocities of Gobbus and his people.

Greater Act

Okay, I have 4 Ideas now.

Grand Acts.

Take into account a lot of these god ideas I have no idea what scale of power you want so I went with low level implementation.
[X] The Perfection of Six
The Dice which saw what was, what would be and what never could was limited in form. For in a world were all things could happen and all things did not occur in sequence the freedom it granted was a chain on it self. The birth of time elated the mind in the Dice for the formation of rules, laws, plausability and order gave it power which it did not have before. It's Knowledge of All Things was truly now unlimited and only the furthest of things were beyond it sight… yet it was a Die and it had plenty of time. With the universe cracking and changing in what would be called seconds the Desire of Knowledge was inflicted upon the Die. As the universe became greater and lesser so did the Dice for it knew all yet would not reveal for it was it nature as a tool of luck.

In the footsteps of utter destruction in the First Age the desire crystallised into the mind of the Die and splintered the Knowledge of All. So was born the Six-Faced God the power drawing it a new form greater then a mere little cube one that each of the screaming minds demanded. With each demand chaining it physical body as six arms, six legs, six faces and the Perfection of the Six took form. The taste of sweet loss at all the knowledge that had fractured and changed drove the minds drunk. Like an addiction the desire of comforting security of knowing all demanded, to return to it prime state.

Six-Faces for six version of itself a duality of sorts one side demanding GAIN and the other LOSS. Three for three they battle within thee their desire each to gamble like the universe gambled it very existence. It is a gambler that cannot decide what it truly desires only the sweet taste of winning and losing drive it ever onward. For the Six-Faced God is the seer of all words, all thoughts and all choices but so deafened by it own clamouring psyche it can focus only some.

The Gambler of Change for nothing is static and neither is Knowledge.

[Subordination] I desire to gamble.

[X] The Divine Thread
[X] God of the Broken and the Suffering
[X] God of Stone
[X] Gravity Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Gravity Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of its own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into its maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.
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Authored Act
[X] Mukuris, Deteris, Imadura

From the wisps of thoughts the mental and immaterial (the previously created Ogbeni, Ademi, and Owa), rises those spawned of their existence and seeking to do right by them. For after Mind does come the Body, and these are the beings that cross the realm from mental to physical. (The three thoughtforms have now given birth.)

Mukuris: From Ogbeni, the Body of Creation is spawned. Mukuris represents something that exists, something that is there, something which is unashamedly not a part of nothing. His from is ever-changing, representing and reflecting a little bit of everything that is in existence, and he draws his strength from just the tiniest, infinitesimal part of anything to exist under the umbrella of Creation. He seeks only for Creation to continue it's existence and further grow, things that one can solidly say are there. (A guy who likes things existing, and wants them to continue to exist if they already do. He reflects the changes that happen in the Universe and stuff.)

Deteris: Where there is nothing, Nothing (Deteris) is there. In everything that is Creation, Deteris wishes to reduce to the final nothingness beyond non-existence. A state in which there exists not anything. Not even the concept of "nothing", to make the unreal as unreal as possible. The ultimate peace, a forever rest of the _____ (or whatever one may call the universe, if it did not exist). True to form, he will never truly appear as anything, but as the tendency of nothing is to darkness so will his "non-appearance" seem as such.

Imadura: One who is fleeting and fancy in nature, much like her ideals, out of what has yet to be she also has been born, and yet at the same time failing to have been created, existing in a state of limbo one from a _______ would refer to as "Shröndingers Cat". Being "destroyed" and "born" again and again has shown its mark. So to does she represent the impossibilities. Her form is dependable in its inconsistencies, showing no particular bias towards anything, and perhaps both appearing as everything and nothing. One could view her as the bridging gap between Creation and Nothing: the Imaginary.

(Just three things representing what I made before.)

Supported Acts
[X] Void Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Gravity Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of it's own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into it's maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.

[X] Pyralis's Gift of Understanding

[X] Gob of Shards
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[X] The Divine Thread
A force, an element echoing the authority that the staff grants, the insight of the spark, and the power of the needle the divine thread is a material that can not be normally brought into the world but is the power and the right to alter things in the course of the world. Those with the thread are known as gods, and all those brought into the world with the Title of god will have access to the thread. Of course, the thread does not grant all things all power. Rather the power of the thread is limited for those who bare it in two ways. The Ties, the thread is a metaphysical element but it has a shape and structure that is the concept, this concept is the field in which the thread can work and operate a thread with the Tie of water can not be used to summon or form metal as it only has authority over water and that which resonates with the concept of water. The second is the strength of the thread, which is generally a measure of its quantity but those with skill and ages to hone it can make less thread do more than those with a great measure of the material and no skill in its use. If a god is killed or choices to remove their thread the material is loose but not without power, those who take time can use it with far less ability than those it is born to, and with ages to work they may take the thread into themselves. Beyond those of the age born as gods, those of the last age with the authority of their age and the might of their deeds are granted the thread as is fit for them.

[X] The Perfection of Six
[X] The Elemental Mother
[X] Gravity Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Gravity Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of it's own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into it's maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.
[X] The Great Artist
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[X] The Elemental Mother

Born from a union of the power and essence of the Primordial Earth, Darkness, and the imprisoned Pyralis, an angelic female entity is created and given dominion over the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air along with their more complex combinations and iterations (lightning, ice, steam, metal, lava, etc.). She will resemble a woman with ivory skin and silver hair, and possess four pairs of angelic wings of different colors: crimson, azure, viridian, and auric. Her eyes shine with all the colors of her wings swirling together like a chromatic vortex. She can conjure and manipulate the elements under her command, and use them to form elemental forms of life. She may choose to give these life forms sentience or not, with those that do possessing human level intelligence while those who don't will never rise above the mind of beasts. Both forms will obey their Mother, though the "Fairies" (those with sentience) can argue and debate with her to a degree and choose how to interpret her orders while the "Daemons" (the bestial non-sentient ones) act more like automatons and following the Will of their Mother in both letter and spirit. She loves her sentient children, and will often allow them a great deal of leeway. She feels a kinship with other elemental beings, while typically feeling very little for those of flesh and blood, though those who remind her of the elemental forces (such those with fiery passions or icy demeanor, etc.) will bring forth some affection. She is fully capable of having children with mortals, though not in a conventional manner, instead creating a sort of Homunculus that looks like a mix of herself and the mortal she holds affection for, and bearing power over one element, only in the vein of manipulation of it.

If she is slain by violence, for she is immune to aging and disease and poisons, she will split and reform as four less powerful beings with only a single pair of angelic wings and only dominion over one element and its iterations, identified by the color of their wings: crimson for fire, azure for water, viridian for air, and auric for earth.

[X] Goddess of Water, Dreams, and Life
[X] The Divine Thread
@Planetary Tennis
[X] God of Shards
[X] Void Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Void Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of it's own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into it's maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.
@_Plague Doctor_
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[X] Goddess of Water, Dreams, and Life
When all was shaped and defined, the Rain Whales fled to the scant yet infinite astral sea of light as the only land left to feed. It is not too unsurprising that in this land where there was still some infinite that one of their seas would act as a prism of the infinite light and birth an infinite possibility that caused this particular sea to not fall, but stay high in the air.

It is in this impossible refreaction of an impossible number that light took shape and birthed an impossible goddess. She slumbers in the Sea of Heaven, it being her domain as much as it is a part of her, and in her slumber she Dreams. Those Dreams take shape in the sea, creating new and myriad of life of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, and thus those born from such are her children and hold an inexplicable link to her.

Yet the sea is not infinite, yet impossible, and as such possibility occasionally takes hold of it. It is then that the waters are brought to fall where they will. Yet those waters are still part of the Goddess, and where they fall life may arise and nurish as she Dreams of such, and this life too holds connection to her as her children.

Such is the goddess of the Heavenly Waters that reflect the Blessed Light into a myriad of forms. Such is the goddess whom Dreams in her Heavenly Sea, held only in the Astral Realm. Such is the goddess who bares Life from her Dreams and is its mother.

[X] Pyralis's Gift of Understanding
[X] God of Shards
[X] God of Stone
[X] The Great Artist
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