You have three stats: Ferocity, Celerity and Vitality. Each stat represents a different aspect of your physical body. In the most general terms, Ferocity deals with Strength and Endurance, Celerity with Speed and Agility and Vitality with Stamina and Constitution.
Each stat goes from 1-10, with 1 being almost debilitating and 10 being peak human. Your stats will raise to 5 automatically just from being on the Island, but higher ranks require dedicated training. Starting at 1, you gain one d20 dice for every two ranks in a stat, gaining a max of five dice at rank 9. At rank 10, you will gain a special trait related to that stat.
Whenever you are doing something related to a stat, the number of dice you have for it will be rolled and any relevant modifiers will be applied. In most cases, only one dice needs to pass the DC for it to be counted as a success, with more increasing the magnitude. In a few cases, the sum will be considered for the purposes of the DC, such as for some combat rolls.
Skills represent the accrued knowledge and abilities you have learned while on the Island. Similar to stats, a skill may be raised to Novice purely through the natural course of the quest. Generally speaking, Inept can be reached by doing a task once, Novice by doing it twice (on separate occasions). All levels after require dedicated training time, at an increasing rate. Levels above Competent require better and specialized equipment in addition to training, while levels above Expert require great deeds (again, in addition to previous requirements).
Skill ranks grant modifiers to dice rolls:
- Unskilled: -5
- Inept: -3
- Novice: -2
- Adept: -1
- Competent: 0
- Skilled: +1
- Expert: +2
- Master: +3
- Legendary: +5
The modifiers are applied to all dice rolled for a task, so for example, assume you have a 7 in Celerity, an Expert rank in Traversal and you are attempting to run through the forest on a time limit (DC10). To roll for your attempt, you would roll 4d20+2. A single dice above 10 represents you succeeding; more lessens your travel time while a crit would mean you get something extra (multiple crits don't do anything). A failure here means you make it through the jungle, but not in time and a fumble means you get wounded in the process, or even end up lost. Success trump over failures, but a failure can cancel out excess success, while excess crits can only be cancelled by fumbles.
Food and Water
You have two meters for your Food and Water, two of the most important resources on this island. Things like Sleep and Shelter are consolidated into Physical and Mental Health. Both meters range from 1-10, with 10 being considered "full" or "hydrated".
An average human males needs around 2000 calories of food and 2 liters of water per day to survive. That's assuming ideal situations, and not including hot/cold temperatures, wounds, stress, etc. In this quest, food and water will be abstracted to a unit of days (eg. a day's worth of meat, two days worth of boiled water). Different conditions will add multiplication modifiers to your stocks on a case-by-case basis (eg healing from being severely wounded cuts the number of days by half, being sessile in a good shelter doubles it).
Every day, both of the meters will decrease unless offset by your supplies. Depending on the circumstances, they will decrease at varying rates, but you will lose some amount of points in food and more points in water every day (assuming an average day on the Island; a hunger strike would ironically last you much longer). So long as Food and Water are above or at 5, then there is no effects (aside from your character's increasing complaints). At below 5, your stats start to become affected. Every point below 5 will reduce the dice pool from your highest stat. Once that stat hits zero dice, you fall unconscious and began losing stat points from all your stats, at the rate of 4 per day. Unless treated, you will die once you hit zero in all your stats. However, if you
are treated and both of your meters hit 10 again, the process will reverse, with you gaining two ranks in each stat until it reaches the previous level. Lost dice are recovered during this process as well.
Physical and Mental Health
Unlike your Food and Water, your Physical and Mental health do not have a meter. Rather, they have a status bar, which will list any wounds above Light. During your time on the Island, you will inevitably suffer wounds (physical and mental). Wounds range in severity, from simple bruises and irritability all the way to severed limbs. Negligible and Light wounds may be mentioned in-story, but will not recorded on the status bar.
- Negligible wounds (rashes, errant thoughts) don't really need any attention, but may be representative of deeper problems.
- Light wounds (scrapes, moodiness) require the bare minimum of attention, but are generally gone within a day or two.
- Minor wounds (cuts, extreme emotions) require more attention, but are still automatically dealt with by your character and will be gone within a week (although they may leave a cool scar without good equipment).
- Moderate wounds (large cuts, loss) start requiring dedicated attention from the playerbase. You now have to spend time treating them, needing a few weeks to recover. As long as you have them, you will be subject to a negative modifier on dice rolls, but it will go away once you're healed.
- Severe wounds (broken bones, mental breakdowns) are much more serious. These pose a very real risk of killing you outright if untreated, and can last for months. They do not give negative modifiers, but they will decrease your stats until you are healed. Decreased stats won't affect traits, but will affect dice pools.
- Critical wounds (severed limb, insanity) appear rarely and are usually the signs of a game over. There is no way you can recover from these without extensive care, and even then only if treated immediately. And even if you do survive past the "critical" first few days, your stats are going to have a reduced cap, meaning they will be permanently decreased. Even magic won't be of any help, save for a few legendary, lost artifacts.