For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest.

Clan Patriarch Bao Zhi
[X] Patriarchs Bao Zhi
-[X] You start with 2 secret Qi techniques of rare quality.
--[X] The duality of the Oven and the Icebox: a technique for exerting extremely precise control over the tempature of an area. Most effective in an enclosed space.
--[X] Dividing Meat from Bone: a blade technique for slaughtering and butchering food animals. Poorly suited for combat, but the focus on quick, quiet, and painless death means it is occasionally practiced by assassins

[X] The Sky Piercing Talon Sect

Form (Pictures optional): short, old, long white hair worn in braids,
Family name (The last name. Must be unique from all other players): Bao Patriarchs name: Bao Zhi
Patriarchs focus: Immortal Cuisine Family/Clan focus: Mercantile transitioning to Research
Clan Specialty: Cooking/Restaurant management
Clan description/background: The Bao clan operates Fresh Delights*, the finest restaurant in the province**. Several years ago a wandering cultivator chef borrowed the kitchen of Fresh to prepare a meal. Just as he finished plating, a rival attacked him. The chef managed to defeat his rival, but the dining room was largely destroyed in the battle and several of the staff and guests were injured. The wandering Immortal felt bad enough about this to share a few bites of his meal with Bao Zhi, causing him to Awaken. The chef left the city the next day. Since then Bao Zhi has been obsessively trying to recreate the meal that Awakened him, to limited success. He has created recipes with minor cultivation benefits, a pastrie that can change a person's hair color, and a soup that cures many diseases. *Formerly Fresh Fish Daily Catch Best Prices, renamed when they rebuilt the dining room.
**Formerly the city, this claim was expanded when the resturant was renamed. So far no one who has contested this claim has had the strength to defeat Bao Zhi.
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Sorry, I meant specialties like formation and alchemy and such

Thats intended to be more the clan specialty option. The focus is the broad category. Aka your clans goals. Your specialty is how you achieve that goal and is what your clan is known for. Nothing is there because I don't intend to limit you all on that, within reason.
Sorry, I meant specialties like formation and alchemy and such
I'm going to do such a list because we'll need it for any new player that were waiting for the end of chargen and may be useful for Kitty.
Exploration (Hsiung): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Beast Tamers (Zhang): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Herbalist/Alchemy (Song): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Cooking (Bao): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Police (Zhìxìng): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Formation/Talismans (Du): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Smithing (Cui): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Healers (Raiko): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Architecture (Mian): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Military (Ling): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Agricolture (Buchi): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Trading (Zywa): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Fortifications (Chéngbǎo): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Poison/Explosives (Lumeng): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Archeology/Temples (Wù): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Weaving (Bianzhi): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Dimensional Travel (Chen): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
Agricolture 2 (Po): For Glory and Honor! A cultivation riot quest. Original
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Join the Hsiung(or Jing if you're looking at my matriarch), we love to explore the world while making contacts and friends along the way!
Clan Patriarch Zhang Guang
[X] Sect of the Lost Dragons.
[X] Patriarch Zhang Guang
-[X] You start with one bloodline ability of common quality.
--[X] Man-Beast Dual-Fusion Cultivation Bloodline: A odd bloodline that doesn't improve the owner's strength directly, but adapts bloodline holder's body to a beast they bond with. The holder of the bloodline will first tame a beast, and then trade blood essence with each other, giving the human beast like qualities, instincts, and affinities, and the beast will gain improved intelligence and reasoning. Thus, it is suggested for those with this bloodline to not bond with too many beasts, until they master the animal instincts and power.

Form (Pictures optional):

Family name (The last name. Must be unique from all other players): Zhang

Patriarchs/Matriarchs name: Guang

Patriarchs/Matriarchs focus: Spirit Beast Tamer

Family/Clan focus: Mercantile

Clan Specialty: Beast Breeders/Miners

Clan description/background: Guang Zhang discovered he had a way with animals from a young age. The small pests of his family mine always seemed to understand him and were just that little bit smarter the longer he spent with them.

It was one day, when a small spirit beast, an electric rat, appeared in the mine and was beaten by Guang. The beast was barely able to shock a normal person, mostly using its power to surprise predators so it can run away.

Guang figured out a way to mix what little Qi he had with the beast as they started to train together. This allowed both of them to grow far faster than they would normally. The little rat is close to awakening, and the Patriarch gained the rat's lightning affinity.

Guang eventually found a Blazing Red Earth Rabbit, digging through his family mines. With the help of his rat, he defeated the rabbit, taming it, but collapsing the mine in the end.

The whole Zhang clan moved to join the Sect on the frontier for a new start. The clan stayed with their roots as miners, but with Guang's help, they would soon be more…
Clan Patriarch Lumeng Zhao
[X] The Lin Sect
[X] Patriarch Lumeng Zhao
-[X] The clan Patriarch/Matriarch starts at late attunement.

Form: Short, with long bushy eyebrows, when they aren't burned off.
Family name: Lumeng
Patriarch's name: Lumeng Zhao
Patriarch's focus: Alchemy
Clan focus: Mercantile/Research
Clan Specialty: Poison/Explosives

Clan description/background: A small clan of alchemists who specialized in creating substances that were definitely not meant for consumption. Their enemies fabricated a slanderous story of them creating poisons to sell to assassins. Fortunately thanks to Zhao's quick wit they were able to deny the charges and escape to the frontier before any other misfortune struck.
Clan Patriarch Prototype, Elder Forged
Form (Pictures optional): Golem (Humanoid)

Family name (The last name. Must be unique from all other players): The Forged

Patriarchs/Matriarchs name: The Prototype

Patriarchs/Matriarchs focus: Research

Family/Clan focus: Research

Clan Specialty: Creating seal arrays. Can make custom augments, clan-only.

Clan description/background: The Prototype woke up in a decrepit ruin , a prototype of an ancient and long dead civilization. After some time, it studied itself. It being lonely and no stimuli for miles, it tried replicating itself. It succeeded. However, they were hunted down by enterprising treasure hunters who attempted to capture and sell them. Evading capture for decades, the Forged finally settle down.

Is this okay?
[X] Sect of the Lost Dragons.
[X] Patriarch Chu Chen
-[X] You start with one bloodline ability of common quality.
--[X] Ancestral Memory Bloodline: A utility bloodline that allows for one to store their memories in their blood to be awakened by future cultivators of their line once they also awaken it. This bloodline also allows for one to peer into another's ancestral memories if they are at a lower cultivation then them by mixing both parties blood essence and drinking it.

If we pick bloodline ability, do we get to choose the ability?
[X] Patriarch Prototype, Elder Forged
-[X] You start with 2 secret Qi techniques of rare quality.
--[X] Chronos: This is a two part technique which slows down the user''s perception of time and speeds up their body. Thus this allows them to become so fast that all a mortal and low level Cultivator can see is a blur. It also makes them a bit more stronger due to the sheer speed.
--[X] 2nd Technique: Up to the GM
Clan Patriarch Tang Junjie
[X] Sect of the Lost Dragons.
[X] Patriarch Tang Junjie
-[X] Get a random treasure of rare quality

Form (Pictures optional):

Family name: Junjie

Patriarchs/Matriarchs name: Tang

Patriarchs/Matriarchs focus: Dueling

Family/Clan focus: Military

Clan Specialty: Bodyguards

Clan description/background: The Junjie Clan has a long history of military service. The veteran soldiers produced by this have a habit of going on to serve as bodyguards for prominent officials. Their cultivating traditions began when Tang Junjie's branch of the clan, through luck and weight of numbers, managed to slay a low rank cultivating beast that was targeting their charge. Granted possession of the beast's carcass by their grateful employer, they took to crafting weapons and armor from it remains. This facilitated to hunting of yet more beasts, allowing the clan to steadily grow in power. (If anybody has suggestions on improving this I'm more than open to hearing them, I don't have much experience with this kind of setting.)
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Clan Patriarch Cang Wei
[X] Patriarch Cang Wei
-[X] You start with three awakening realm npc cultivators. Exact level randomly generated.

Family name : Cang
Patriarchs/Matriarchs name: Cang Wei Patriarchs/Matriarchs focus: Hunting
Family/Clan focus: mercantile
Clan Specialty: Gathering resources
Clan description/background: The Cang have lived in the mountains as long as they can recall. Hardy people who have to hunted and gathered resources in order survive. Turns out some of the stuff they find are valuable too. Who knew? They didn't until recently.
Clan Patriarch Ling Wu
[X] Patriarch Ling Wu
-[X] The clan Patriarch/Matriarch starts at late attunement.
So my reason for choosing this clan bonus option even through getting a rare treasure or technique that can benefit anyone (in the clan) is that as the ling clan has a lot of members (like 4-5) we can churn out the basics pretty fast for the clan but cultivation is done on a per character basis and take slower so getting it out of the way first is better.

Form (Pictures optional): tall, black of heir and musculer

Family name: Ling

Patriarchs name: Wu

Patriarchs focus: combat

Clan focus: Military.

Clan Specialty: mounted combat/ secondary: beast rearing

Clan background: a large mortal tribe that has recently risen to prominences in the frontier, as mortals they surveyed the manifold dangers of their land by never staying long in one place preferring a nomadic lifestyle and the raising of beasts upon which they road into battle to plunder needed resources and defend their tribe both.

Swift riders and terrors on the battlefields members of this clan are supreme warriors and exalt in raising the beasts upon which they ride to battle.

Under patriarch Ling Wu they have subjugated many (mortal) towns into paying tribute and drove their competitors from prime hunting fields, becoming one of the larger (and wealthier) mortal tribes in the frontier, a fact which saw them receiving an invitation to join the newly funded sect.
Clan Matriarch Songshan Mian
[X] Matriarch Songshan Mian
-[X] You start with 2 secret Qi techniques of rare quality.
--[X] living fortress - allows the user to fuse their body with an area or a structure, their influence will slowly spread over the area, giving them increasingly stronger influence to greater range, allowing them to shape the ground into structures, move the earth for variety of purposes and improve it's durability, while also allowing them to use their techniques through the area and enhance them, the process of the spread is slow and unlikely to be useful in a battle when the user is taken by surprise, it's main use being in entrenching in said area, the user body can be attacked and forced out if found, but already prepared area takes time to fade, and he can merge back into the area unless the effect is given a lot of time to fade, it can fade though, which could potentially allow users to make structures and leave them if he wants, user can't use the technique even if the effect didn't fade until he merges back, but once he does, he can use his influence to move his body to different place, by burying it for example.
--[X] statue guardians - allows the user to fashion stone constructs that can act by themselves or be directly controlled by the user, their minds are relatively inflexible by capable of performing simple tasks (including fighting) and transmitting information to the user, their strength depends on techniques imbued into them on their creation, the user's strength and the quality of materials making them, the user control of them is limited to their attention, without a way to split his attention, the user can't control many at once, switching between them quickly is possible though thanks to their own ability to act (albeit extremely inflexibility), within the effect living fortress, the user can empower them, particularly those he directly controls by taking them into the effect of the fortress.

Considered taking the resources since it fit the best for my focus, but decided to put my trust in the patriarch pick, his whole thing is that he got plenty of super resources, so I will wait to get resources with missions from the sect, considered picking higher realm of cultivation, but it isn't that big of a boost, and doesn't make me significantly closer to the next realm, so it was techniques or a random treasure, picked techniques to aim my sect and character in a particular direction.

Playstyle is basically making a single heavily defended location my fortress and than sending a bunch of weaker minions (the guardians) to do stuff for me, resources could potentially be used to make a stronger guardian either as a meat shield I can directly pilot in case my main body is attacked or as stronger minion, not sure if the stone guardians using living fortress will be allowed, but they can build stuff the old fashioned way, or probably learn stone shaping, and I can send cultivators to do such things when I get them, or, if the prize big enough, abandon the safety of my prepared location (getting weakened for a while) to build something myself.

Family name (The last name. Must be unique from all other players): Songshan

Patriarchs/Matriarchs name: Mian

Patriarchs/Matriarchs focus: architecture with heavy space focus

Family/Clan focus: research/political

Clan Specialty: architecture

Clan description/background: an otherwise mortal clan, if connected and successful one, it's fame grew when the heir of the patriarch shown talent for cultivation, a change that didn't lead much to apparent change on the outside, with time the clan's connections led to it making contact with a new sect on the frontier, one that had access to resources the clan never encountered before, the new Matriarch soon moved there herself to join it properly.
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[X] Sect of the Lost Dragons.
[X] Patriarch Chu Chen
-[X] You start with one bloodline ability of common quality.
--[X] Ancestral Memory Bloodline: A utility bloodline that allows for one to store their memories in their blood to be awakened by future cultivators of their line once they also awaken it. This bloodline also allows for one to peer into another's ancestral memories if they are at a lower cultivation then them by mixing both parties blood essence and drinking it.

If we pick bloodline ability, do we get to choose the ability?

Yall can write in what you like. Youll find out the mechanical effect during turn 1. But i will try to make the mechanical effect match the flavor text you put. Though it might be weaker than you expect due to it only being a rare technique at the moment.

All new clan submissions so far have been good. Just make sure you put in a vote as well and claim your starting benefit
[X] The Broken Gate Sect

It seems like the one of the main reasons our sect leader even bothers to have a sect instead of chilling in his hidden realm in between repairs is because the door is broken, so it would be funny if our name reflected that.

[X] Patriarch Du Jian
-[X] You start with a Clan hall, which gives you a small boost to clan Fame and makes your mortals more happy.
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Any preference for what the clan starts with? I just went with fame for the general boost but I'm willing to switch if theres something you're interested in
Fame is fine by me.

My guy wants to get the clan a good bloodline eventually, but having an elder basically mono focused on that is a pretty good reason not to spend the starting boon on it.
[X] The Broken Gate Sect

It seems like the one of the main reasons our sect leader even bothers to have a sect instead of chilling in his hidden realm in between repairs is because the door is broken, so it would be funny if our name reflected that.

[X] Patriarch Du Jian
-[X] You start with three awakening realm npc cultivators. Exact level randomly generated.
Would you be taking new clan members? Of the research clans yours is the one with a specialty that interests me the most
[X] Patriarch Ling Wu
-[X] The clan Patriarch/Matriarch starts at late attunement.
I agree, but I hope for your frequent invitations to participate in the plunder, ahem, destruction of hostile monsters/bandits/clans/sects. Of course with a fair division of the spoils.

P.s I hope for your friendly voice in support of [] Sect of the Lost Dragons.
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Clan Elder Du Xong
[X] The Broken Gate Sect

[X] Clan Elder Du Xong

You are welcome to join. The Du clan can always use more researchers.
May want to consider the bloodline or Clan Hall. Clan Hall because I imagine there are buildings that make it easier to do and store research as well as for making Formations and Talismans, Bloodline because that could help with the research or creation side.

Form : Older man with graying hair and a beard down to the upper chest

Family name : Du (Du Jian is in charge)

Elders name: Xong

Elders focus: Formations

Family/Clan focus:Research

Clan Specialty: Formations/Arrays/Constructs

Clan description/background: here
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[X] The Broken Gate Sect

[X] Clan Elder Du Xong

May want to consider the bloodline or Clan Hall. Clan Hall because I imagine there are buildings that make it easier to do and store research as well as for making Formations and Talismans, Bloodline because that could help with the research or creation side.
I changed it to clan hall since the clan now has 2 cultivators.