[X] Stay with them and let them work through lunch. Better to let them use their enthusiasm when it's still fresh.
- [X] Send out a clone to either make snacks or get Sakuya to prepare a small tray. That way, once their enthusiasm no longer overshadows their hunger, you have something ready.
You set Ilya on her feet and carefully slip your clones out of the workroom. Ilya frowns at the door, then at you, but Lulu doesn't notice, and her excited chatter draws Ilya's attention back to her, and they quickly make their plans for the day's work. Refining the connections, strengthening the mirrors, improving the spells, and the like. Making it so they can be
used rather than are simply available and useable. You perch on a stool and watch them, smiling, but after a few minutes Lulu looks up and, noticing you, blushes slightly.
"We're just going to be working, Flan, so you don't need to stay here and watch if you want to do something else." Lulu's blush deepens at Ilya's comment, and you grin. So she was worried about making you upset? You shrug.
"I don't really mind. Just because I'm not a magician doesn't mean I can't follow along. If you want me to leave, though -" Lulu shakes her head quickly, and Ilya sighs and smiles before gently shaking her head. You clap your hands together. "Oh, yes - if you're planning on staying here all afternoon, should I bring something to eat?" Lulu starts to look excited, but Ilya shakes her head sharply.
"No. No food or drinks, no eating or drinking, in the workroom." Lulu slumps a little, and Ilya's expression softens as she turns to the other mage and pats her shoulder. "I'm sorry, but a place like this needs to have a certain atmosphere, certain qualities. It just can't be a place where people can eat." Lulu pouts.
"Not even snacks?"
"Not even snacks." Lulu sighs theatrically and you chuckle as they examine the mirrors once more, looking for even the slightest bit of erosion or change in their magical makeup. Ilya's requirement seems a bit strange to you - but then, you're most familiar with Remilia's workrooms, which featured blood quite heavily anyway. And while she may not have allowed feeding
during a working, she didn't mind it before or after. Of course, Remilia is also a very powerful magician, a vampire, and uses a different system of magic than Ilya does, so it's not really so weird after all. Still, you prepared for this, and your clones have their instructions: sandwiches, salads, dumplings, and other modest fare that will keep for a few hours.
And so you watch your friends work magic in their own ways. Ilya uses the magic circles inscribed in the stone floor, lighting the room with red from the tracings on her body and silvery-green from the circles, chanting quietly. Lulu merely clasps her hands and conjures a purple triangle beneath her feet, and gently, silently, lays her hands upon the mirrors. Ilya sometimes shakes her head and begins her work anew, carefully working on the same mirror several times before becoming satisfied. Lulu never repeats her work, but sometimes spends more time studying the mirror before casting her spells. They make several passes - Ilya leads, and Lulu follows, first the large mirrors, then the small, then alternating one way, and then alternating the other.
And then, nearly four hours after starting, Ilya steps back and nods to herself. Lulu slowly lowers herself to the floor. "Are they finished?" Ilya shakes her head and looks back at you.
"No. We're done for today, but they aren't finished. We'll work on them again tomorrow -" Two stomachs gurgle in unison, and you giggle. Ilya looks slightly embarrassed, but even past her covering hands you can see that Lulu's face is quite red. You float over and pick her up.
"Well, food might not be allowed in here, but there should be something in the library." Ilya nods, dignity mostly recovered - she only looks envious about Lulu being carried now - and leads you out of the sealed workshop. Your clones succeeded in the task you set them, and a small table is near the door with some covered trays and stands with more food. The three of you sit down, and you smile amusedly as Ilya oh-so-carefully takes small portions that she proceeds to eat with ruthless efficiency before getting more, while Lulu simply starts with a huge portion and chomps her way through. Your clones return to you and you shuffle through their memories.
"You have to work on it again tomorrow? Will you be getting up before breakfast or waiting until we get back?" They stop eating, and a look of realization spreads across Lulu's face. Ilya just looks uncomfortable. "I'll be going, and Ilya you really should, just so you get more of an idea about what it's like outside the mansion." Ilya looks down at her plate.
"W-We could say we got sick -" Ilya shakes her head almost as quickly as you do.
"Apart from being a lie, Patchouli and my sister would probably realize that you did
something - assuming they didn't just make sure you weren't able to do anything by barring you from the workshop or taking away your Device." Ilya leans forward, pushing her plate out of the way and resting her elbows on the table.
"… After, Lulu?" Lulu nods.
"There wouldn't be anything wrong with leaving it later, after all. We just wouldn't want to try using it too early." You lean forward and pat your friends' heads. Lulu ducks her head slightly, embarrassed, but Ilya sticks her tongue out at you. Then she sits up.
Will we get into trouble for not saying anything about skipping lunch?" You shake your head.
"No, no, especially since I was with you. And Sakuya saw my clones in the kitchen. You might get asked what you were doing during dinner, or maybe lightly teased, but you won't get in trouble." Lulu sighs in relief. You look up and stretch. "So did you have plans for the rest of the day, or are you just going to nap until dinner?" Lulu looks guiltily at you.
"Well, we didn't really think it would take us
this long to finish, so we had thought about going for a walk, but …." Ilya nods.
"Now it's a bit late for that, isn't it? I did want to go down to the lake, but by now it would probably be better to wait until after dinner for that." You ponder the idea for a moment, then nod in vague agreement. It all depends on the circumstances and just what she wants to do, but it probably would be better to wait, especially since then you can bring Satsuki!
"I could play some more music for you," you say, and Lulu nods interestedly. Or ….
What do you do?
[ ] Play some music.
[ ] Skip to the Forest of Magic.
[ ] Other?
DM Note: My mind is literally blanking on other things to do.