Fire Emblem General

Which is bloody stupid since the bloody FRobin/Chrom is the least romantic subplot in the game.


See, the reason I ship it is because I heard of the ships (read some fanfiction, fanart) before I saw the supports. It's the most central relationship in the plot (regardless of gender), it has some good pathos in it, it's got some thematic things to it that are nice... why couldn't the writers bother to give it a solid support?
See, the reason I ship it is because I heard of the ships (read some fanfiction, fanart) before I saw the supports. It's the most central relationship in the plot (regardless of gender), it has some good pathos in it, it's got some thematic things to it that are nice... why couldn't the writers bother to give it a solid support?

Yeah, it's kinda weird. I can understand some of Robin's supports being of a lower quality than others since, you know, s/he can support with everyone in the game TWICE (although aren't most of the ones for the different genders similar up until S-Rank?) and the creators only had so much time and money. You'd just think that they'd prioritize the supports with important characters like Chrom. Or maybe they just think that the tsun tsun interactions would be more popular than anything else? If so, they're definitely not completely wrong.
Decided to start playing again and went and shipped my ships.

Can anyone help me pick out skills for Henry-fathered Inigo? I have him as a Barbarian with Wrath, Vengeance, Vantage, Armsthrift, and Axefaire with a Forged Killer Axe and a Hellswath right now. Can I optimize this any more? Not really used to min-maxing.
Took someone's suggeation and married Nowi to Donnel, went to the Sidequest.
Bloody collapsing walls. I'm lucky I'm in DIRTY CASUAL mode and Morgan isn't permadead.

Now, I need to work out who to ship together to get the other children. Anyone have suggestions?
Decided to start playing again and went and shipped my ships.

Can anyone help me pick out skills for Henry-fathered Inigo? I have him as a Barbarian with Wrath, Vengeance, Vantage, Armsthrift, and Axefaire with a Forged Killer Axe and a Hellswath right now. Can I optimize this any more? Not really used to min-maxing.

Maybe Lifetaker instead of Armsthrift or Axefaire? I'm not particularly good at min-maxing either, so I just steal all mine from the internet.
I don't really bother with minmaxing. Too boring. I only use it as a tiebreaker for ships I like, such as passing down Wrath to girls with Vantage or Galeforce to guys.
Now, I need to work out who to ship together to get the other children. Anyone have suggestions?

Seriously, that man goes well with all those people. But seriously

Henry/Lonqu - Olivia
Decided to start playing again and went and shipped my ships.

Can anyone help me pick out skills for Henry-fathered Inigo? I have him as a Barbarian with Wrath, Vengeance, Vantage, Armsthrift, and Axefaire with a Forged Killer Axe and a Hellswath right now. Can I optimize this any more? Not really used to min-maxing.
Honestly, you're as optimized as you can get with a V/V/W build. That's its downside: massive power in exchange for limiting what you can add on. The only thing left is Limit Breaker, and you can drop Axefaire for that.
I never recruited Donny on my playthrough. Was he any good?
On Normal and Hard, if recruited early enough, he's good.

Aptitude makes his growth rates ridiculously high, meaning it's completely possible to several levels in a row with +2 HP +1 Everything Else. On Normal and Hard it's easy enough to abuse this to level him into a great attack unit. By the time he reaches level 15 Villager and you reclass him into Merc or Fighter his stats are about the same as a Level 20 Lord Chrom or Lv 20 Cavalier Stahl/Sully(assuming no repeated reclassing for grinding).

On Lunatic, he's just kinda crap. Leveling him gets much harder and impractical and his only use is for eugenics.
Once you've trained him up enough, he's awesome.
(And by "Enough", I mean "To Lv15 for Underdog, then reclass to something else.")
I agree with this, except instead of to lv. 15 for Underdog, I'd say to lv. 10 for 'not being a Villager'. Underdog's nice, but I wouldn't say it's "5 more levels of Villager" nice. Especially since it only has an effect if the enemy is higher level than you. I'd say having a class whose bases aren't absolutely terrible is worth more. That'd basically give you the dodge bonus from Underdog anyway just from the stat increase. And with Donny's 80% luck growth + 20% from Aptitude, if you make him a Mercenary, Armsthrift will be going off a lot. That and the change in effectiveness once you get him in another class is pretty dramatic.
Something I forgot to add to the previous post: main thing is that the Villager class specifically is pretty terrible, especially for Donnel. It has the lowest bases of any class, it's one of the special classes so its second skill doesn't come until level 15 (which means you'd need to keep them in that class 5 more levels than strictly necessary to get it), and in Donnel's case it's the only class he has that uses lances (so any lance ranks he gets are useless unless you keep him a Villager). Any sons he has can also get the class, but even Aptitude isn't worth 10 levels of Villager. Otherwise Donnel's pretty decent. He's just one of the first two people you'll want to Second Seal if you intend to use him.
See, the reason I ship it is because I heard of the ships (read some fanfiction, fanart) before I saw the supports. It's the most central relationship in the plot (regardless of gender), it has some good pathos in it, it's got some thematic things to it that are nice... why couldn't the writers bother to give it a solid support?
Having restarted the game with a female Robin I found a lot of the identical story conversations with Robin to make a lot more sense - fast friendship is one thing but the way he reacted was...well let's just say that I feel a game with male Robin has Chrom marrying for the sole purpose of producing an heir.

Incidentally I was only on Chapter Two before I restarted the game.

Now, onto other questions!

Does this game have an Arena where you can grind for gold and XP?
No, but there are random encounters that start showing up after I think chapter 6. Those pop up every once in a while and can be used to grind experience and loot. Basically a normal map gameplay-wise. And Reeking Boxes can be used to spawn one of those on the location you're at.
Having restarted the game with a female Robin I found a lot of the identical story conversations with Robin to make a lot more sense - fast friendship is one thing but the way he reacted was...well let's just say that I feel a game with male Robin has Chrom marrying for the sole purpose of producing an heir.

Incidentally I was only on Chapter Two before I restarted the game.

Now, onto other questions!

Does this game have an Arena where you can grind for gold and XP?
It has the EXPotential growth and the Golden Gaffe DLC. I guess Reeking Boxes count? They summon dudes to fight.
Having restarted the game with a female Robin I found a lot of the identical story conversations with Robin to make a lot more sense - fast friendship is one thing but the way he reacted was...well let's just say that I feel a game with male Robin has Chrom marrying for the sole purpose of producing an heir.

Incidentally I was only on Chapter Two before I restarted the game.

Now, onto other questions!

Does this game have an Arena where you can grind for gold and XP?

If you're on Normal mode, then you can buy Reeking Boxes at either Chapter 3 or 4 for only 500 gold. When you use them to summon Risen, you're guaranteed (I think) a small Bullion drop (1000 G), so you get a 500 G profit, along with any XP. However, on any mode above Normal, Reeking Boxes cost 4800 G, so the best way to grind gold then is too just use the DLC or get a Barbarian, who have a skill to drop Bullions from defeated enemies based on Luck. If you just want to grind XP, you can use the Spotpass battles.
If you're on Normal mode, then you can buy Reeking Boxes at either Chapter 3 or 4 for only 500 gold. When you use them to summon Risen, you're guaranteed (I think) a small Bullion drop (1000 G), so you get a 500 G profit, along with any XP. However, on any mode above Normal, Reeking Boxes cost 4800 G, so the best way to grind gold then is too just use the DLC or get a Barbarian, who have a skill to drop Bullions from defeated enemies based on Luck. If you just want to grind XP, you can use the Spotpass battles.
And if you drop the, what, 2 or 3 bucks for the Golden Gaffe DLC... dear god, I got the bundle, so much gold...
The funniest part is hearing about how the Shepherds have their own little stockpiles of gold, never more than 20, and Robin muses about whether he/she has been managing the army's funds too tightly.