Fire Emblem General

What if you could reclass Chrom to Bride?
I'd do it in a heart beat for the sheer lulz. Especially if it was an actual genderbend and let Chrom pair up with MaleAvatar. The sheer "WTF" going through everyone's mind when the bombshell that Lucina is Chrom's daughter drops would be glorious!
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What if you could reclass Chrom to Bride?

I'd nope the fuck out.

I'd do it in a heart beat for the sheer lulz. Especially if it was an actual genderbend and let Chrom pair up with MaleAvatar. The sheer "WTF" going through everyone's mind when the bombshell that Lucina is Chrom's daughter drops would be glorious!

I'll just leave this here...

(Not Chrom, but close enough.)
Does anyone know if there's an online version of the avatar creator that you can use to get pictures from?
More weird things about FE:A - Ylisse is apparently hilariously geologically unstable. Or running on magic, because this does not look like 2000 years of change.

How big is this thing, anyway? I'm guessing less than continental Europe, maybe a bit more than France.

Personally, I blame Grima. Fun little note: Marth's homeland is part of Plegia. Interesting.
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That's what happens when you build your kingdom on the half-opened prison of thousands of borderline feral dragons who only remember their hatred of humanity.
More weird things about FE:A - Ylisse is apparently hilariously geologically unstable. Or running on magic, because this does not look like 3000 years of change.

How big is this thing, anyway? I'm guessing less than continental Europe, maybe a bit more than France.

Personally, I blame Grima. Fun little note: Marth's homeland is part of Plegia. Interesting.
Naga's time travel spell managed to rip open the Earth, and expose molten rock very close to the surface.
So, yeah, I think it is unstable.
More weird things about FE:A - Ylisse is apparently hilariously geologically unstable. Or running on magic, because this does not look like 2000 years of change.

How big is this thing, anyway? I'm guessing less than continental Europe, maybe a bit more than France.

Personally, I blame Grima. Fun little note: Marth's homeland is part of Plegia. Interesting.
That is one hell of a drop in sea levels
Storywise, the characters are definitely the game's strongest point. The gameplay is great. While the plot isn't the best (or even very good) it has it's moments. The DLC tend to be tongue-in-cheek with regards to how silly the excuse plots are. On easier difficulties, the game isn't too hard, but on Lunatic and above it's pretty intense, though there is some fake, throw-it-at-the-wall stuff. You won't have to worry about it on Normal, though. Overall, I'd recommend the game, even if it's your first Fire Emblem or turn-based-strategy game in general (it was my first!)
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What does the DLC include? How much for the base game and all the DLCs?
DLC includes extra challenges (some of which provide bonus skills, characters, and/or classes), a grinding pack, some stuff that's character-centric and has some fanservice, a spoileriffic mini-campaign in the Future Past, and Apotheosis which is an incredibly difficult to beat challenge.

I never bought all the DLC, but I'd say buying some is worth it. The base game costs about $40, and all the DLC comes to about $50 (I think. As I said, I didn't buy all the DLC).
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For a first Fire Emblem game, Awakening's a good choice. It and Sacred Stones are probably the easiest ones to get into. The other ones that came out overseas are 7, 9, 10, and 11. 7 and 9 are pretty great and I'd recommend checking them out too if you like the general gameplay style. 10's a direct sequel to 9, so you'd want to play 9 first. 11's a updated port of the first Fire Emblem, and while it's not bad, it's something I'd only suggest if you've played a lot of the games. It's got pretty much the same gameplay from when the first one came out.
For a first Fire Emblem game, Awakening's a good choice. It and Sacred Stones are probably the easiest ones to get into. The other ones that came out overseas are 7, 9, 10, and 11. 7 and 9 are pretty great and I'd recommend checking them out too if you like the general gameplay style. 10's a direct sequel to 9, so you'd want to play 9 first. 11's a updated port of the first Fire Emblem, and while it's not bad, it's something I'd only suggest if you've played a lot of the games. It's got pretty much the same gameplay from when the first one came out.
Pretty much(?) all the Fire Emblem games've been translated.
12 is basically 11 but better, but it's a sequel to 11.
4 is kind of amazing, compared to most games on the SNES. I'd like some of the feature in it to be in newer Fire Emblem games. (Super-large maps that you can see on the World Map if you look carefully, repairing weapons, etc.)
5 is a sequel to 4 and the "Hard" Fire Emblem. (Permadeath is a thing in all of them, so they're all hard compared to some, but it's... just... It's a thing.)
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Yeah, I just meant official releases. If you're considering playing 11, 12's a better choice in general. And since we're talking about all of them, 4 is great and should be played if at all possible. 5's pretty impressive from a technical standpoint. It's an excellently made game. Also the programmers hate you. It's pretty amazing.
Path of Radiance is noted in that you can beat the game using the first character you get (Ike) and no one else. In fact, it's considered a handicap using Ike only.