Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

A few pages ago I speculated about a mad druid taking over a tribe of moldmen.

I might be halfway right here.
Also kinda useless in sunlight and control over mold men. Best you can use it for is clearing out a settlement or something in dark.
It makes a decent, low-cost bio-weapon. If you're careful about containment and use, and don't care about killing a bunch of people, once you have a sustainable patch of Russet Mold it never really goes away.
Where is the Russet Mold patch here? We need to consider that before we are infected.
I'm not super worried about accidentally stumbling across the mold patch itself. Our party has solid Perception skills and three of them have Darkvision or better, and the stuff should be pretty visually distinctive compared to everything else in the mine.

I'm much more worried about a Vegepygmy Chieftain being around here somewhere. That's more likely to cause an infection. I wish Mina still had her Web Bolt spell prepared, but that can't really be helped. Hopefully the acid, Alchemist's Fire, and alcohol we brought along will be enough, along with our stonebows, to deal with it at range if at all possible.
I'm not super worried about accidentally stumbling across the mold patch itself. Our party has solid Perception skills and three of them have Darkvision or better, and the stuff should be pretty visually distinctive compared to everything else in the mine.

I'm much more worried about a Vegepygmy Chieftain being around here somewhere. That's more likely to cause an infection. I wish Mina still had her Web Bolt spell prepared, but that can't really be helped. Hopefully the acid, Alchemist's Fire, and alcohol we brought along will be enough, along with our stonebows, to deal with it at range if at all possible.
Doubt it, due to CR-difference if nothing else.

I do remember that Gorok said some Vegepygmys in this general area had Thorn Dogs though, which could be a problem for our little party.

"Good-for-you that you didn't stumble into them, smarter than the spiders, more of 'em," the lizardfolk proclaims. "Hunt you with thorn-dogs."
Honestly I'd prefer to just stay above them and shoot/throw things at them until they die. We'd probably even have cover against any ranged attacks from below.
The trick isn't getting Gorok to throw Cob, but teaching Cob to throw himself.
There is a Rogue talent called Toxic regurgitation where the rogue swallows poison without getting affected and can then spit it at someone else.

It screams Cob all over its description.
Arc 1 Post 24: Of Cursed Cookery
Of Cursed Cookery

The Season of Still Stone

Peeking down through the hole in the age-gnawed limestone you bear witness to an odd sort of spectacle in the bone festooned hall. What one might have thought a sight of gluttony, but from your knowledge of mold-men it is their rites of birthing. There are a handful of hooks on the wall which may once have held meat, now they hold sat piles of bones and bloody cloth, some of the fresher ones with meat still rotting on them.

Perched upon three stools, set one atop the other, in front of a large iron cauldron stained by rust and other less recognizable things is a sort of... king of the moldfolk. Or at least he must imagine himself, a ladle as his scepter and upon his green and hairless head a bucket that had been roughly hammered to be narrower at the top than at the bottom. The guards with spears of bone and repurposed hafts from the mining tools are no great worry, but the beast coiled around the precarious perch makes for an unpleasant sight. Cob had called it a thorn dog, where 'dog' was some much hated monster of the Burnlands, though to you it looks more like the ill-favored offspring of a slurk and a patch of poisonous lichen, its four eyes like bubbles of ooze upon its rough approximation of a head

The misshapen fruit falls almost with malicious slowness from Mina's hand, almost as though it does not wish to harm its brethren, but fall it does. As you close your eyes against the flash the sickening light almost seems to pierce through it. But when you open them it is to a welcome sight. The chief is furiously trying to rub the light from his eyes while his guards attempt to bludgeon the thorn thing with the hafts of their spears. One misses and practically trips over his weapon, but the other blow lands, breaking off a couple of spines.

2 Vegepygmies Confused
Thorny takes 4 Damage -> Now at 22/26

Taking quick aim at the 'king' all you manage to do is hit the cauldron, sending an almighty clang though the chamber, the kind of sound that could alert predators miles away if there had been any predators within miles of the noxious and unpredictable mold folk... but the thought cuts off as a great boom echoes in return as a wordless scream and the thumping of flesh against metal answers it.

Even as Cob's stone puts a hole though the chest of a guard 'fortunate enough' not to have been struck by the light your eyes fix on the thing in the cage, the thing that is moving though certainly not alive. Rotted and pockmarked flesh hanging loose and ragged off the bones, ribs twisted outwards by the violent expulsion of its moldfolk 'progeny'. The lashing tongue tasting the bars makes for an strange contrast with the scraps of embroidered cloth that still hang from the shoulders of the thing.

One Vegepygmy killed (4 More+'King' and Thorny remain)

Mina Knowledge Religion: 1d20+9 = 25

"Ghoul, that's a ghoul!" you hear Mina shout in fear. The word she uses, part of a hundred dreadful tales you had heard as a child, a thousand warnings: the Deep Dead, at once a perilous and haughty folk and a plague that only fire can cure. You would have called the thing in the cage more the former then the latter... Then the corpse speaks: "Let me out! Vengeance! KILL THEM ALL FOR WHAT THEY DID TO ME!"

What do you do?

[] Let the ghoul out, it should distract the moldfolk and push come to shove you can kill it later

[] Keep fighting
-[] Write in plan (optional)

[] Write in

OOC: Sorry this took so long guys, I was trying to find a pic for the ghoul, but it turns out undead with exploded chest cavities are not easy to find.
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Well, this is an interesting development.

Ghoul is a CR 1 monster so should we let it out to fight moldmen and take damage for us? And if hostile to us end it afterwards?
[X] Let the ghoul out, it should distract the moldfolk push come to shove you can it him later
The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.
[X] Let the ghoul out, it should distract the moldfolk and push come to shove you can kill it later

A thorny is dangerous for our level. We are so going to level up from this. And we are so going to demand a pay raise.
[X] Let the ghoul out, it should distract the moldfolk and push come to shove you can kill it later