Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Arc 15 Interlude 11: A Reason to Smile New
A Reason to Smile

19th of Abadius 4708 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

The dark elf was a great deal more personable than Aticus Bozbeyli had given him credit for. He knew elves, some of them and to his sorrow and he had found all but those they called 'forlorn' to be touched by the sort of whimsical inclination that makes for very good telling on a bard's lips and very frustrating politics, at least to a human scale. Saenar on the other hand... some of the servants called him 'the Smiling' for his agreeable nature and willingness to help even when it was not called by one of his station. He hadn't poisoned anyone, Aticus has checked and he had done all his work without complaint and on time. It would have been nice if that new 'sleep smog' was also under budget, but he had yet to meet a craftsman of any skill who did not consider his patron's purse more expansive than first offered.

And the concoction did the work very well. Horse, dog, man, all out like a candle in Lamashan, all had been knocked clean off their feet on the testing field and then revived without magical healing, a powerful tool for the Watch and potentially a means to start clearing out the mid levels of the Locker when combined with the insights of the alchemist in question. Still smiling, bright against soot-black skin.

"You seem in good spirits master alchemist," he finally offered, voice just a bit over the volume he would normally use to overcome the southern wind whipping though the city and into the empty grassy space embraced by the wings of the old Abbey.

"Your hospitality has made for a great deal of free time Governor," the elf's accent was still noticeable, but that certainly wasn't responsible for the strangeness of his words.

"Truly, I was told you are most diligent in tasks great and small."

"One grows bored of all the..." he stopped and looked around. "You wouldn't know, wouldn't think about it at all would you?"

"Pardon?" Though no stranger of peril on the battlefield Aticus was worried that this had something to do with the assassination attempt two weeks past.

In an odd way it did. "No one's attempted to poison, crush, stab smother me since I entered your service. A novelty, but a most welcome one."

"Wha..." It wasn't very common for Aticus to be left blinking into the sun, though he could at least blame the rapidly dispersing smog. "What about when you came up to the surface, surely your fellows didn't attempt such tactics while you were on unfriendly ground."

"Unfriendly ground," Saenar chuckled as though he had just heard a fine jest. "Excellency the only ground without potential 'un-friends' for a drow is one with no others upon it."

"Know that Cassomir will serve you better then," the governor said, finding his footing again as he looked towards the Captain Barstos of the Watch, a minor noble with the look and temperament of a bulldog with enough sons for a whole pack all waiting for new honors he was just the man for the job.

"I want squads deployed in in sweep of the locker as soon as stocks are built up, volunteer only of course, but remind the men that it pays well. True not all things that welled up from below was a problem, but it's time to plug up0 the hole."

OOC: I was a bit busy today, so here's an interlude of the Governor and one of his new and very cheerful underlings.
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