Beck is too confused to for any word, but he does manage to nod and walks to the side of Forte.
"That's the spirit! Now, let's make sure that we're not interrupted," Forte says as once again punches the ground, forming even more electric pillars at the end of the hallway, effectively blocking the entrance and stopping any mummy from approaching, the only thing that came from the other side of the electric blockage are the groans and moaning of the undead Navis..
Forte smiles at that and then focus his gaze on the main threat.
"Last chance criminal, are you going to surrender in the name of the law?" He asks the golden sarcophagus.
"E-energy!" The luxury coffin yells as its eyes glow yellow.
Another copy sarcophagus appears.
Forte just smirks, "I expected as much, Beck goes after the main body, I will deal with the minions!" He yells as he starts running towards the copies.
"Huh!? Al-alright!" Beck has barely a few seconds to respond before starting to move too.
The pair of copy sarcophagi float at opposite directions, leaving Forte at the middle, and then open their lids, shooting dozens of bandages from both sides.
"Bring it!" Forte challenges them as he summons what looks like one side of a scissor the size of a sword and starts brandish it around himself at great speed, the movements of the arm is barely visible and you can only see small flashes of the scissor-blade but what is very obvious is the slashing and cutting of the bandages that were flying at his direction, by the time he's done you could confuse the bandages pieces with confetti floating around Forte.
The armored Navi simply raises his metal claw and smiles at the two sarcophagi.
"My turn!"
A little to the side, Beck is having his own battle, shooting charge shoot after charge shoot towards the main sarcophagus is proving to be quite useless.
"Mo-more… Ener-energy…"
On the other hand, it's not doing much else besides dodging the shoots or tanking them.
"Ugh! Let's side if you can dodge this!" Beck yells in frustration as he pulls himself forward and dashes at the sarcophagus as a blue aura surrounds him.
Just as he reaches the sarcophagus he stops in front of it, jumps and then double kicks the side of the coffin impulsing himself backward with a flip and sending the golden enemy crashing against the wall making a small cloud of dust.
"…" The sarcophagus floats out of the cloud shaking, barely keeping itself in the air and with some cracks on his body.
"Yeah! Take that!" Beck pumps his fist in celebration as he sees the damage that he managed to cause, the blue aura around his body gone.
"W-won't... sto-stop…" The sarcophagus says in his broken tone.
"Huh? Wait, did you just say something differe-" but before Beck could finish his sentence another copy sarcophagus appear in front of the original opening to shoot even more bandages.
"Wha!" Beck yells as he covers his faces, prepared to be drained, but nothing happens.
"Huh?" He lowers his arms and sees that he wasn't the target of the coffin, it was Forte.
Forte quickly runs to the side of one of the sarcophagus with his metal claw extended, the sarcophagus tries to move out of the way but it's too late, with a satisfying crunch the claw captures the coffin and holds it in place.
"I love doing this, catch!" Forte yells as he pulls the sarcophagus with all his might and throws it towards the other copy both of them crashing against the side of the wall and ending on the floor. "And now, disappear!" Forte finishes the battle transforming his metal claw into a rocket launcher and shooting many missiles on the fallen opponents, deleting completely.
"Objective complete!" Forte celebration is cut short though as he hears Beck warning.
"Forte watch out!"
Forte turns and sees the bandages coming at his direction, he raises his sword ready to cut them!
...Except that they simply shoot past him.
"Huh?" Both Forte and Beck say in confusion.
Forte turns around to see what is the actual objective of the bandages, his eyes wide instantly as he quickly moves to cut the bandages, but is already too late.
The bandages coil around the metal pillars that are blocking the other side of the hallway, the metal pillar cracking with electricity, in an instant a huge amount of energy is absorbed by the copy sarcophagus.
"Hah!" Forte cuts the bandages but is already too late.
The copy sarcophagus disappears into a ball of light that enters the main golden coffin, instantly the eyes and cracks around its body start to glow with a golden light.
"Forte, what do we do?" Beck asks, uncertain.
"Be ready," is the short response of the cloaked Navi.
Then, as the glow starts to become more and more brighter, the sarcophagus starts yelling.
Arcs of golden energy start to come out of the sarcophagus while it starts floating higher. The cracks on its body start to expand and Beck and Forte have to close their eyes to protect them from the shine that's getting even stronger.
Then, it explodes, sending dust everywhere.
"Cough, cough, wha-what happened!" Beck asks as rubs his eyes trying to clean them from the dust.
"I'm not sure," Forte asks as he opens his eyes and starts to look in the dust.
"Freedom," a new voice suddenly comes out from inside the dust.
"Huh!? Who's there!" Beck yells and points his gun at the dust.
As the dust starts to settle a figure begins to walk out of it.
It looks like another mummy Navi, but this one is more regal looking, with more golden trinkets on his body, and his eyes… they're clear and focused, very different from the hollow ones of the other mummies.
"I am the one that will clean this land!" The new Navi declares in a deep but clear voice and suddenly he vanishes.
"...We failed," Forte whispers as he punches the wall to his side and his transformation finishes.
Explaining the whole situation to the authorities is definitely going to be a pain in the ass, fortunately for Forte, that's Beck's responsibility.
The young Navi has accepted his defeat with grace, after all, the museum is safe now and that was his main goal. He's somewhat curious about Forte's transformation but will wait until he decides to talk about it himself.
As for the cloaked Navi himself?
He's currently too preoccupied with something else to think of the mysterious Navi that managed to defeat him.
"So… you were approached by some members of SciLabs offering the chance to become an Official NetBattler's Navi if you worked as a spy for them for a while."
"That's right!"
"And your first mission was to follow another group of SciLabs Navis from another branch that's testing something with the capsule with Gregar's data that we use and report what were they planning."
"Yup, yup, right on the money!"
"But before they could start their test another spy warned you that some mercenaries paid by Alraumon are on their way to steal the capsule."
"That works as a resume of my current situation!"
"And you want me to help you in case the situation becomes too chaotic?"
"Indeed! Man, you're great at repeating things that I just told you about, Forte!"
"Skullman... what the hell!?" Forte yells in exasperation, finally reaching his limit of patience.
"My life is exciting don't you think?" The skeleton says with a shining smile
[] Go and stop the mercenaries from reaching the SciLabs Navis
[] Let the battle between the two forces start and see what information you can get.
[] The hell with this, go for that capsule now! That data is yours!
So, what do you think? Did you expected that from Pharaohman? Personally I always preferred his classic appearance compare with his MMBN model, now I was able to use both! n_n