Grasping the bottle in hand, Shinji felt his face twist into a grin.
"Well, you want me to sleep, huh?"
"If you need to ask that, you have no self preservation instinct." Sheba grumbled. "Tell Kayneth he will summon a Servant after he's stopped being a walking corpse."
"I'm not sleeping."
Sheba rounded on Shinji almost immediately. It took quite a bit not to wither under her gaze, her eyes a pair of burning purple flames. It was quickly occurring to Shinji that if Sheba wanted him to sleep, he only had the illusion of choice on the matter.
Gathering up his courage, he smiled, and raised the green bottle full of her medicine.
"Something for something. I'll sleep if you take your pills."
"But..." The staff member seemed to wither in their presence, as Shinji and Sheba engaged in a staring match, of which the victor was impossible to determine. Finally, Sheba sagged her shoulders and looked away.
"If it will get you to stop killing yourself." She grumbled. "You, bring some food to his room. It doesn't have to be particularly good food."
"You don't get a say, Matou." Sheba just started walking away. The staff member's eyes shifted between the two, before he slipped away, whimpering. In hindsight, Shinji had to wonder how much torture he'd probably hefted on the poor man. He had to tell Kayneth he wouldn't be showing up, after all.
That didn't bother Shinji that much, though, as he chased after the Caster.
"Where is my room, anyway?"
"Just want one and the Argo will lead you to it." Sheba answered sharply. "Not like I can lead you to it." Shinji just nodded, focusing his mind on what he wanted. A room, somewhere with a nice, fluffy bed.
That the hall ended in a dead end with a single door was quite surreal.
"Why does it keep having dead ends?"
"Because you focused on one thing." For Sheba, it must have been the most natural thing in the world, for she answered it immediately. Her hand turned the door knob and she was inside before he really got the chance to say anything.
"Isn't it rude to barge into peoples rooms?"
"It's also rude to bribe people, didn't stop you." Sheba snipped back. The room was quite plain, a rustic, ship cabin with a simple bed, some technology in the corner and a porthole for viewing the world outside. Of course, what was outside was simply a mess of colour.
"Everyone gets one of these?"
"Yes." Sheba sighed, motioning to the corner. "It has internet, when we're near a time that the internet exists in. It also has access to Chaldea's stored library of everything the world knows."
"… Is it everything the world knows?"
"Not even close. Kayneth is prouder of it then he really should be." The sarcasm in Sheba's voice was thick. "It only contains what he considers to be knowledge. Expect a lot of orthodox arcanity and not much else. Romani is useful in that regard, I suppose. He downloads so much data that Leonardo just hooked a recording device into his computer."
"Right. These are yours." Shinji's voice was dead serious, as he offered Sheba her pills. Sheba just grumbled, beginning to tuck them into her sash when Shinji spoke again. "Oh no, actually have them. I'm not falling for the take the pills then not have them trick." He considered for a moment, before raising his hand. "Don't make me."
"You wouldn't waste one on something that pointless." Sheba retorted. Shinji just grinned.
"So you think I know how they work." He answered. "Want to test that?"
If there was a clash of wills, it was a very brief one, as Sheba walked over to the water cooler and obtained a cup of water.
"Fine. By the way, your foods on your table."
"… How did that happen?"
"The kitchen is an amazing bit of work. Wish I could claim credit, but that was entirely Leonardo." Sheba answered, retrieving a trio of pills. "Well, hurry up and eat."
"You still haven't taken them." Shinji pointed out. Sheba just sighed, before popping the pills in her mouth and gulping them down.
"Done. Eat." Her words were a command. Shinji was not able to resist obeying. "Sleep. I don't want to see you again for eight hours." Shinji could see her form shuddering, though.
"You okay?"
"Fine." Letting out a long breath, Sheba made her way back to the door. "Come to the hold when you wake up, okay? I'll handle your summoning myself."
"Does it make a difference?"
"No." She admitted. "But it will make me feel better if it's a private affair. Excuse me, I need to direct Jason to where the Singularity is."
"Where are we going?"
"I haven't decided yet." Sheba's voice was almost wistful. "Depends on what is close, I think, but also what they are. Some Singularities are not as important as others."
"Why?" Shinji thought it was a good question. Singularities were periods of time in error. They all would have been important. However, Sheba simply put a finger to her mouth.
"Eat. Sleep. There's plenty of time for this conversation later." She answered, walking out of the room. "Good night, Shinji."
Letting out a groan, Shinji couldn't really do anything but obey. At least the bed was very comfortable, and fluffy.
If he dreamed, it was not a dream he remembered. No, the only picture that remained in his mind as he woke up was a young man, hair bleached white, dressed in an archer's robe and sitting on a rock within a large meadow. A smiling young man.
Yet when Shinji reached out to try to grasp that dream, it'd all just melted away. The cabin was how he'd left it, piping hot breakfast on his table notwithstanding. The food was delicious, but his body was lethargic and his limbs just a little heavy.
It was a bit annoying, but the coffee began to wake him up, bitter liquid passing down his throat. He was meant to go to the hold. Sheba wanted him there.
He glanced at the clock. It was still reading 12:00.
"Right. No time." He grumbled. Of course the clock wasn't moving. They were in a sea that was outside time altogether. The entire concept was meaningless.
So why bother with a clock? Probably to make people feel better. It was a sense of normalcy in a world of abnormal.
"Time to get to work."
Clothes was a potential issue. While there was a drawer, it was full of very plain clothes. Shinji wondered for a moment that he should ask someone for something more to his tastes, but that seemed almost pointless.
Leaving his room, he set his destination in mind and made his way towards the hold. It was a bit cold, and the air steamed just a little at his breath. How, exactly, was it cold in a world with no time, he wasn't sure.
The hold was full of all sorts of things as he walked in. Scorch marks littered the ground, and the remnants of multiple circles were still in the ground. It was almost surreal to look at.
"Took you long enough."
Sheba's voice sounded almost sleepy, from her perch atop of a crate. Her eyes looked like they were just a bit heavy.
"You fell asleep." Shinji's voice was almost accusing. Sheba did not immediately answer, letting out a long sigh and shuffling from the top of the crate.
"Just dozed off."
"Which Singularity did you pick?"
"Haven't, yet. It'll be another day before we're in range." Sheba's answer was dry. "Well, let's get started."
"Indeed. Let's."
Shinji's blood went cold. He knew that voice. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald. He very slowly turned, discovering the leader of Chaldea was barely thirty feet away, standing by the door.
"Oh, Archibald. Sit over there somewhere and let us work." Sheba waved him off. Kayneth just stared at her.
"Neither of you attended the summoning ceremony."
"My Master had a hole in his stomach and god knows what else. You pushed to hard." Sheba retorted. Kayneth did not immediately answer, though it made Shinji feel a bit better that Sheba was at least thoroughly on his side.
"Leonardo gave you the book. His talent is that low?"
"No magic output." Sheba answered. "A crippling defect for a magus, no?"
"Indeed." Kayneth did not immediately say anything, before finally nodding. "Very well, I will watch. Please continue as you were."
"Watch and judge." Sheba sniffed. Kayneth's lips twisted into a ghost of a smile.
"Yes, I will judge. I will judge your competence. Do please prove you know how to summon a Heroic Spirit, given you were happy to drop out on everyone two days ago."
"Wait, I slept two days!?" Shinji exclaimed. Both Kayneth and Sheba just stared, before Kayneth pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Right. Outside time. The clocks don't work." He admitted. "It's very easy to forget that."
"You overdosed." Sheba retorted. "You didn't even read the bottle, did you?"
"Well, no… two pills is normal, right?"
"For headache medicine, not for super potent fix your body medicine." Sheba grumbled. "Anyway, that box over there has the materials in it. We need a medium."
"Like chalk or blood?"
"Clearly you have something resembling an education." Sheba mused. Shinji just rubbed the back of his head.
"Not really. Just bits of what Tohsaka taught Shirou." He admitted. "None of it comes from grandfather." He peered into the box, rummaging through the materials. Something relating to his family. Chalk was a great base medium, but it did not have any special qualities.
Blood, on the other hand.
"Morbid pick."
"I remember my grandfather using it." Shinji answered. "What kind of circle?"
"Hmm? You know more then one?"
"Depends what your asking for." Shinji admitted. Sheba just nodded.
"Just a perfect circle. You can probably correct my mistakes, though." She admitted. "You probably know the Russian portions better then I do."
"Russian? Grandfather made it?"
"Our work is based on the initial work of Zolgen Makiri." Kayneth confirmed. "In a way, this should be child's play for you. Even if you get it wrong, this is magic keyed into your blood. You can probably get it working even if you make a mistake."
That… was actually a bit comforting, as Shinji set to work. Every so often he'd attempt to correct a symbol that looked wrong, but in truth, Sheba did most of the design.
A circle was really just a bit of hocus pocus. Unless the circle was the foundation of a barrier, it was just an aid, a form of hypnosis that worked because people believed it worked. That was the contradiction of magic.
"Finally, the summoning ritual." Sheba mused. "Look, this is long and complicated, but-" Shinji knew she was speaking, but in his blood, he already knew the answer. Maybe it was the brief time he'd spent as Archer that had informed him, but he had everything he actually needed.
Within his body were worms that contained the data of a Heroic Spirit. Shinji was not a dumb man. In fact, he was quite bright and intelligent, though he perhaps had a tendency to actions that would be considered immoral.
And so, ignoring Sheba's attempt to begin an explanation, he raised his right hand, and clicked his fingers.
"Hero! I call you forth! Answer now or remain silent!"
His voice was clear. His will was set. It was probably the only piece of magic he would ever do without assistance. For a moment, nothing at all happened.
Then the worm containing the summoning ritual obeyed, and completed the magecraft in an instant. The circle exploded in a pillar of light, and the world, briefly, shook.
Within the centre of the circle, kneeling before a planted sword, was a young man, pink hair tied into a ponytail and armour linked in chains. Well, Shinji supposed there was a possibility it could have been a girl, but that thought was quickly discarded.
He could have passed for a girl, that was true, but Shinji knew it wasn't. Perhaps it was the worms, or perhaps it was something else. Shinji merely clicked his fingers again, and his magic circuit closed.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that." Kayneth admitted. The Servant before them lifted his head, his rose-like eyes moving between Sheba, Shinji and Kayneth, before finally settling on his Master.
"I am Servant Saber. I have answered the call, Master." His lips were twisted into a grin, a small monster-like fang sticking out of his lip. "But really, did you have to call me in my worst class?"
A long moment passed, and Kayneth coughed.
"You used up the other containers, didn't you?" Sheba asked. "You didn't have Leonardo replenish them why?"
"We lost them in the escape." Kayneth admitted. "I wasn't expecting this to be an issue, to be honest. Saber is usually the strongest class one can possibly summon. The idea that someone might be worse in Saber hadn't actually crossed my mind."
Shinji wasn't following either of them, to be honest, stepping forward and offering his Servant his hand.
His Servant. This was a person he had summoned himself. He could feel the chain between him, Saber and Sheba. The mana flowed from Sheba to Shinji, and then from Shinji to Saber.
"I'm Shinji Matou." Shinji declared. "I called you. If you don't mind, what's your name?"
Respect. Yes, Shinji respected the person who had answered. That was a simple truth. Saber nodded, bowing briefly before standing and wrenching his sword from the ground.
"Astolfo, of the Paladins of Charlemagne." His voice was filled with pride. "My sword is yours so long as you fight in the name of humanity."
"Then you know what's going on?"
"Of course. What passes for your Grail told me!" Astolfo just winked, sheathing his sword. "Let's see… Oh, you're a Caster! What's your name, I told you mine!"
"… Sheba." Sheba just stared, as if she was shocked at the situation, before finally shaking her head. "Astolfo of the Paladins. Man, that's some luck."
"Oh?" Shinji glanced at her. "What makes you say that?"
"My son might not have picked particularly intelligent summons." Kayneth admitted. "At least two of the teams are effective combatants." He nodded to all three of those present. "I expect great things. Do not fail my expectations."
With that, he simply marched out of the room. It wasn't until he was out of earshot that Astolfo leaned in to stage whisper.
"He's not a very pleasant guy, is he?" Shinji could only chuckle, as Sheba's eyes lit up.
"Kayneth is a asshole." She answered. "I think I'm going to like you."
[ ] Talk to Astolfo.
-[ ] What?
[ ] Leave.
The Singularity you arrived at is…
[ ] 1495 AD – The Secret War of the Holy Grail – Italy
[ ] 1867 AD – Bakumatsu Inferno – Japan
[ ] 1431 AD – So Roar the Trumpets of War - France