Or maybe they're digging their heels in because you won't stop sniping at them over it.

Like I said. Move. Along.

A) I literally have one single response to them. That's hardly an case of "won't stop sniping", that's me seeing a statement I find both idiotic and damaging to this quest's story and responding with my opinion on the matter.
B) If anyone's going to mod this thread, it's going to be a mod or Hadou. I had already said my piece and wasn't actually going to continue, as either people listen or they don't and if they don't then they get what the deserve. So good for you jumping in and declaring a discussion over by force of....what?

Such lol, much kek; wow.

I'll take "What is a guile hero?" for $500, please. :V

I'm just going to toss out Robin Hood for a concrete example of a hero in Fate who would not do a fair fight unless he had no other option. He spends most of that week trying to assassinate you outside the arena, and just keeps getting shut down until he decides that a fair fight is legit something he's never done and why not give it a go?

And then he loses.
Well, I've caught up, and I see some poor goddamn decisions have been made. A servant wasted and no benefit gained, with the implication that he could have brought an oni army to bear for our side had he not died.

And for what.

For what.

Potential wasted. A servant, and possibly a new one gone. And right here right now I'm calling my shot that the rest of this is about to go down poorly indeed.

Christ, I just got here and I'm gonna have to back off, because wow
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I will refrain from replying to the quote since it will only spark more argument if i reply.

Let's just say i have read them and it is interesting to hear a different opinion.

A debate at this current emotion ppl are in will just turn nasty.
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Chapter 15
There were a few things Shinji regretted over the course of his life. His inability to convince his school to run a proper fencing club was one of them; though really, he could never say he regretted meeting Shirou. Another regret was an unfortunate incident from his youth involving his father, though the less spoken about that, the better.

His regret in the now, however, related to not bringing an umbrella, for the clouds had opened up and become dropping a light drizzle on him, and in the breeze, it was downright miserable.

"Makes you wish for the wonder's of modern technology, doesn't it?" The only comfort he had, however, was that Sheba was no less miserable then he, her cloaks drawn about her tightly in an effort to ward off a chill. For a girl who did not look out of place in a desert, she was surprisingly intolerant of a cold breeze.

"Should we find a cave?" Astolfo called from a few metres ahead. Of course, since he was a Servant, he wasn't bothered at all. Temperature and climate were things that only humans were bothered about; it wouldn't make sense for the planets ultimate weapons to be bothered by something like a breeze anyway.

"No." Shinji finally answered. "If we take too long, we'll be dealing with demons ourselves." It was a sobering thought. "I don't suppose you can light a fire or something?"

"However good at magic you think I am, Shinji, I'm not that good." Sheba retorted. "Magic can't solve every problem."

"Geez, some sorceress you are."

"My magic comes from a desert! There isn't meant to be rain to ward off!" Shinji wasn't sure whether to find her grumblings amusing or not, and just left the subject alone. The greenery of the Kyoto region had given way to cliffs and plateaus. As much as he did not want to admit it, it wasn't unlikely that Astolfo had a point. How much further could they actually get in this sort of weather?

The road, if you could call it that, was slick and just a little muddy, but at least you could walk on it. Astolfo and Sheba didn't seem to struggle with the march at all, only Shinji's human stamina was at all a detriment to the group. That fact, however expected, did not make him too happy.

"I feel like something is going to go horribly wrong." Shinji admitted. The march was simply miserable, though. Nothing had exploded into a spectacular metaphorical fireball. At least, not yet.

"It's like a latent curse, just waiting to be unleashed." Sheba answered. "Or maybe it's more like a restrained grudge. We can't be too far away."

Too far away. That was not the comforting thought it should have been. Astolfo just crinkled his nose, pausing briefly.

"There's probably bandits along the road." He noted, kicking a broken arrow. "If we're going to travel, now is probably the best time."

"Unless their desperate." Sheba sniffed, looking off into the distance before shaking her head. "I can't see, in either case. The Singularity is good for something, I guess."

Shinji just followed her gaze. Even in the rain, that giant ring of light could be seen, an omnipresent reminder of the super weapon pointed directly at them. At least if Sheba couldn't see, neither could the enemy.

That was the claim, anyway.

"Can you smell something?" Shinji spoke up. It was quite faint as they marched, but it was a new smell, not like rain or dirt. A smell of ash, and bread. It was almost an unreasonable smell. Why should such a smell exist in a place like this?

"No." Sheba's response was blunt and too the point, muttering under her breath in a language Shinji didn't understand. "I don't think it's an enchantment. Maybe you're just imagining it?"

"No. Master smells something we don't." Astolfo spoke up. Shinji was never going to be used to the fact that Astolfo could share some of his senses, nor that he was more proficient at borrowing his senses then he was doing the reverse. The three briefly glanced at each other as they thought, before Shinji voiced the thought they shared.

"Think it's a trap?"

"Maybe. Better question is, is it for us?" Astolfo answered drily. "Can't be for Servants, neither of us can smell it."

"Do we care?" Sheba's voice indicated she likely didn't. "Is it warm?"

"We shouldn't be careless."

"Two of us are being soaked to the bone, Astolfo. What if it's the Kyuubi?"

Sheba had a point, although Shinji wasn't sure if it was a point in her favour or a point against her. What if the Kyuubi was the source of the smell? Would that imply she was setting a trap for them, or did it mean she was trying to bring them to her?

There was even a third possibility, they were horribly overthinking it. A shiver running up his spine, however, made Shinji's decision for him.

"We need to go there." He chattered. "It's getting too cold." Astolfo just looked at him for a long moment, before nodding.

"Right." He did not sound too enthusiastic. Shinji wasn't sure if the note in his voice was worry or not, but he certainly did not like it.

The source of the smell, as it turned out, was a small cave in the cliffs, the glow of a fire dancing out of the entrance. The smell was incredibly strong, to the point where Shinji was beginning to wonder if it was indeed a trap, however, they had already arrived. A single shadow was moving against the wall, though what, exactly, it was, Shinji couldn't tell.

Astolfo did not seem bothered by the idea of simply walking in, or maybe it was simply some sort of courtesy Shinji did not know. Really, Shinji had no idea what one was meant to do in this situation. He wasn't exactly a hiker.

"Greetings! Mind if we use your fire? We're freezing!" Astolfo's lips had twisted into a kind smile. Shinji just shivered, following behind him slowly. The cave was not particularly populated, with a large stone slab converted into what seemed to be some sort of makeshift over. Sitting by the fire, cooking what looked like fish, was a young woman, her hair unusually pink and long, but otherwise, she didn't look particularly unusual.

Had they simply stumbled on another traveller? Or was this really the Kyuubi?

"You can. Sit down, you look terrible." Her voice was soft, as she absently motioned at the fire. Shinji almost felt reassured at the statement, until his eye caught sight of the bundle of cloth in the corner of the cave, and his heart froze in his chest.

"Ame-no-murakumo-no-tsurugi." He whispered under his breath. The girl by the fire just glanced up, something approaching amusement playing out on her face.

"Oh, you actually recognise it, do you?" She asked. "Some ruffians did not, thought I would just let them take it." She popped a piece of fish into her mouth, chewing happily. Sheba just blinked, glancing at Shinji.

"Is that important?"

"That's one of the regalia." Shinji whispered. "Which means..."

He swallowed. There was every possibility this was just a Servant, but Shinji knew in his heart that she was not just some Servant. That would be too easy.

"Mmm? Your mouth is open." The girl noted, motioning at the bread. "I thought I'd try my hand at a Chinese dish, but it didn't work out too well. I suppose it resembles a western one more. Care to try?"

"You're the Kyuubi." Shinji wasn't sure if accusing her was a good idea, but it tumbled out of his mouth before he could answer. The girl didn't seem too bothered, popping another bit of fish into her mouth.

"That's nice." She answered. "It's also a bit rude. Close your mouth, Shinji-kun. You'll catch flies." Her words were nothing but gentle. Shinji had no idea what, exactly, was going on. Another few moments, and it finally occurred to him what his mistake was.

"The Kyuubi-no-kitsune wasn't summoned at all." He whispered. "You're not summoned as a demon fox, are you? You're just a person." The so called 'Kyuubi' just sighed, pointing at the bread.

"Boy. Shut up. Eat." She grumbled. "Sheesh, is he always this bad?" Sheba just giggled.

"I think you broke his brain." She mused. Shinji finally obeyed, taking a bit of bread and beginning to eat it. It was warm, very warm. It made him feel just a little better.

"Well, being a monster would suck." Astolfo mused, finger to his cheek. "Foxes don't have thumbs, after all." The Kyuubi just shook her head, sighing.

"You're equally clueless." She noted. "Well, I suppose the cat has crossed the street. What do you want to know, boy? Before your guts come tumbling out of your mouth." Her face did not betray much, but her lips couldn't stop twitching into a smile.

[ ] Weren't you summoned with Kiyomori?
[ ] How come your not a demon fox?
[ ] Why do you have Murakumo?
[ ] Write in.
[ ] Weren't you summoned with Kiyomori?
...i worry this question will lead to her getting upset. So...

[X] Why do you have Murakumo?
[X] Thank her for the food
- [X] How do you my name?
- [X] Why do you have Murakumo?

Warm up with less sensitive topics...hopefully.


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It feels like all of these are foot in mouth to various degrees. Well, the current bandwagon seems the least so.

[X] Why do you have Murakumo?
-[X] Thank her for the food.
Then say what you think needs to be said and let me formulate the wording.
Well, that's the thing, isn't it? What needs to be said is rather sudden. Feels like the right thing to do would be to eat good food, enjoy the fire, get situated, then ask about the situation. Kind of "So, I hear Kiyomori's made Suddenly Demon Army. Why?" would be a good thing to know, but it wouldn't be good to just blurt out.
Well, that's the thing, isn't it? What needs to be said is rather sudden. Feels like the right thing to do would be to eat good food, enjoy the fire, get situated, then ask about the situation. Kind of "So, I hear Kiyomori's made Suddenly Demon Army. Why?" would be a good thing to know, but it wouldn't be good to just blurt out.
So how would you formulate that vote?
So how would you formulate that vote?
I don't know

Also, because the update ended with us eager to ask questions and her picking up on it. Not doing so immediately kinda goes against that flow and might be a bit irritating when she's already invited us to ask something.

Actually, you know what? The person who edited their post above me had a pretty good idea.

[X] How do you my name?
-[X] Thank her for the food

Feel like with how the update ended, though, question comes first.

[X] How do you know my name?
-[X] Thank her for the food
-[X] Ask why Kiyomori went full demon army.
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[X] Thank her for the food
-[X] How do you my name?
-[X] Why do you have Murakumo?
It seems like a good opener, and I'm not sure that we would want to do much more than that since I'd want to get a better sense of her attitude before starting into fully serious topics or potential land mines...



[] First things first, be polite. She is sharing her fire and her food with you, thank her for them.
-[] Offer to exchange stories, get a little background on her perspective and then relay your own in turn, see if there's common ground perhaps?
-[] If not answered prior, ask how she came by Murakumo.

Anyone have any thoughts on this as a vote?
Its a start, I think, but I don't think it will get you the information you seek.

I'm honestly not sure what information we seek? I thought we were looking for an ally to be honest...

But really, it's meant to just be a start. Delving deeper into discussion on what we actually want can come once we've established rapport and we aren't as hungry and cold?