Been reflecting lately.
[X] Give Astolfo Murakumo. Allow him to fight.
Veekie makes a decent point.
Veekie makes a decent point.
[X] Give Astolfo Murakumo. Allow him to fight.
If we're going to have a sword fight, then the Saber should do the fighting. Sheba might not be a bad choice, but there are themes are work here.
Two people fighting using swords. It's a swordfight, even if it isn't swords-only
Well, the way I see it, aggressive negotiations were pointed towards. Astolfo was the wrong answer then, which must mean Sheba was the right one.
I don't see the situation as worse for her than it was before, so it feels like she's still the right answer.
[X] Give Sheba Murakumo. Allow her to fight.
What, got no faith in her?
I've got way more faith in the guy who's legend is built around winning with borrowed crap than in the Caster I know very little about.I guess not?
I mean... I don't really have faith in either of them, it really feels like we're screwed here. I just think we're less likely to be screwed if we give the sword to the saber.
Ibaraki knows a little magic, maybe enough to get close in. Sheba is a very skilled magic user, as has been demonstrated before, and probably knows enough about swords to push her back when she does get close.
Close enough that Astolfo realised tooting the horn was a terrible idea and elected not to release its true name.
Yeah, but if it's a fight with Astolfo, it defaults to close-combat, so Magic Resistance isn't very relevant. The beefier stat block and paladin-ness is a good point, though.On the other hand Astolfo has Magic Resistance B (higher if the phase of the Moon is right), a much beefier stat block, and is an actual paladin with all that that implies.