[X] Give Astolfo Murakumo. Allow him to fight.

If we're going to have a sword fight, then the Saber should do the fighting. Sheba might not be a bad choice, but there are themes are work here.
Well, the way I see it, aggressive negotiations were pointed towards. Astolfo was the wrong answer then, which must mean Sheba was the right one.
I don't see the situation as worse for her than it was before, so it feels like she's still the right answer.

[X] Give Sheba Murakumo. Allow her to fight.
Well, the way I see it, aggressive negotiations were pointed towards. Astolfo was the wrong answer then, which must mean Sheba was the right one.
I don't see the situation as worse for her than it was before, so it feels like she's still the right answer.

[X] Give Sheba Murakumo. Allow her to fight.

Give the caster a sword?
I don't see how the situation is all that dire, at least compared to how things have been from the word go. We haven't lost a Servant yet, all relavent humans are fully intact, and we still have a good shot at getting an oni gang to play party crasher on Kyoto. Things aren't perfect, but we're hardly screwed.
[X] Give Sheba Murakumo. Allow her to fight.

Ibaraki knows a little magic, maybe enough to get close in. Sheba is a very skilled magic user, as has been demonstrated before, and probably knows enough about swords to push her back when she does get close. Astolfo I feel also has a decent chance of winning, but Sheba is also a Caster, which has a mutual type advantage with Berserkers. I know that FGO isn't the most accurate thing, but I think it's a good shot.

Edit: looked it up, Sabers also have a mutual type advantage with Berserkers. Actually, almost every class has a mutual type advantage with it.
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"Actually, I'd say pick her." He admitted.

So is it night and what phase of the Moon is it right now?

Since Sheba's Clairvoyance is inoperable for the time being can Astolfo's janky discount Instinct be trusted?

His gut feeling is telling him Sheba's gonna do better...

Ibaraki knows a little magic, maybe enough to get close in. Sheba is a very skilled magic user, as has been demonstrated before, and probably knows enough about swords to push her back when she does get close.

On the other hand Astolfo has Magic Resistance B (higher if the phase of the Moon is right), a much beefier stat block, and is an actual paladin with all that that implies.

Then again Stats aren't everything. Except when they are. Poor William.
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Sheba is an unknown, while astolfo has filled information, what makes me doubt is how they both point toward one another, showing that they saw something in the other that can better deal with ibaraki, perhaps neither choice are wrong?

(Or as pointed out Astolfo's instinct giving us clue?)

Ergh, this is confusing
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On the other hand Astolfo has Magic Resistance B (higher if the phase of the Moon is right), a much beefier stat block, and is an actual paladin with all that that implies.
Yeah, but if it's a fight with Astolfo, it defaults to close-combat, so Magic Resistance isn't very relevant. The beefier stat block and paladin-ness is a good point, though.