Misukume has divination. Think we can ask more, like where is the genji?

Communication is important, letting our allies know and trading information could save ours and theirs life

I like the idea of scattering the people, that way we buy time and have no need to defend a place until we get to kyoto.Giving us time to get the ninja
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I suppose ill be responsible and ask this then. Are you actually capable of winning? If you go along with this plan, your going to have to accept what forces you have are what you have to work with. The Assassins are on the other side of the basin. Your going to be very short on time once your done with them.

What about the ninja? Or are those two one and the same?

Aside from that... I don't see how we have many other options. We are on a time limit already anyways. Still...

Added sections are in blue.

[X] Plan: While the Demons are Away
[X] Ask Misukume to help you. You'll need her to extract the grail from the banner at the end of this.
-[X] Get in touch with the others via radio and get them up to speed on the current (dire) situation.
--[X] Sort out priorities. Someone needs to warn that camp. Someone should also help Einzbern out.
--[X] The plus side is, with a demon army chasing Einzbern, there's a lot less of them in the city, which provides us with an opportunity to get in and go after Kiyomori while he doesn't have as many forces. Get the opinions of the others on this. Can they keep the demons chasing them while you make the attack?
---[X] Are there any forces that could be diverted to assist you as well? The army will need all the help it can get against the demons, but so will you.
-[X] In the event that no major objections or hurdles that would require a break to vote are brought up, you need to get into Kyoto, retrieve the grail, and take down Kiyomori. For that, you probably need some help. Ask Misukume if she has any information or knowledge of either potential assassins or the ninja that you heard of earlier. They'll probably be your best bet for this operation.

Apart from seeing if any of our own forces can be diverted to help, I don't think we really have a choice? What other allies can we call upon at this point?

I think the only other thing to keep in mind here is Shuten-doji. When she hits the city will most likely be a fantastic distraction, so if we can be ready by the time she arrives or shortly afterwards then that would be ideal. Will getting the assassins take us past that window?
I have no idea if we're actually capable of winning, but I don't see how we can bring any more force to bear. It's this or nothing...
A shame
What of her skill as caster or magecraft?
I make this question because i don't know the scope of sheba's skill.
Sheba's abilities are more orthodox. When you can literally see the future, divination magic isnt helpful to learn. Handy in a fight, less so out of one.

Perhaps it would be of assistance to describe what you know you have and know of your enemy. Lets start with what you have.

Your main group of masters has 8 servants between them. In addition, you have Masamune, a Saber, and Hijikata, a still living hero. You know that Okita, a still living hero, is somewhere in the singularity, likely with Einzbern. You have Shuten, a unknown class great demon who will attack Kyoto. You know that Ushiwakamaru is somewhere in the singularity. You presume Atalanta was successful and you have a army of nature spirits on the way. You know that there are at least two, possibly ten members of the seishingumi still alive, all of whome would qualify as still living heroes.

You know Einzbern and Idael have left Kyoto and are heading soemwhere. You know they have about 300 people, whether thats split between them or not you dont know.

The enemies stre gth is Kiyomori, a Blackened Lancer, and Forneus, a Demon God. Kiyomori has opened the Rashomon, and at least one greater demon known as Sutoku crossed over. It is likely Sutoku is unkillable, given the discussion between Misukume and Astolfo. Its reasonable to say that Kiyomori cant be reasoned with. They have disputable control over Kyoto, given that a rescue effort was even possible. You know that Kiyomori has the Holy Grail sealed in his flag, where he cant use it. You know that Forneus used the Sea of Life, and might be able to do so again. Forneus was part of the imperial court, so they could have any number of traitors inside the city.

You know there are ninjas to the east, likely assassin class servants or still living heroes. You know Atalanta believes Jack the Ripper is somewhere in the singularity. You know that Ibaraki-Doji is to the north, but she wont lift a finger at this point in time.

These are all facts that you know. What can you do with this information?
Hmm... The most immediate things I'm coming up with off the top of my head here are the need to make sure that Sutoku and Kiyomori are separated when we go after Kiyomori. That said, I'm not sure that's really within the scope of this vote. Seems like more of a tactical concern than a larger scale strategic one at the moment.

I know Misukume is less than likely to be able to find Ushiwakamaru, but what about Kiyomori? Can she scry him to get us a better picture of what he's doing and where he is? What about Sutoku?
I mean, you could scry them, but it would look like a scene from Jojo with Kiyomori staring down over the city, menacing floating up in the captions.
I mean, you could scry them, but it would look like a scene from Jojo with Kiyomori staring down over the city, menacing floating up in the captions.

...*has never actually watched jojo*...

I mean, okay? But the reason is more about finding out where Sutoku is. Is he with Kiyomori and we'll have to split them up once we arrive? Or do they normally operate in different areas where we can get to one and have time before the other shows up?

I have at least some confidence that if we can get a strike in -especially with assassin assistance- against Kiyomori we can probably take him down and end this. Sutoku needs to be out of the picture for that though.

Again... that's probably not something we're even going to be able to deal with until we see the situation much closer up, but if we can no ahead of time we can at least start planning for it?
I mean, you could, but if you think Sutoku wont immediately be where the fighting is, then your being optimistic.
Alright, been talking on discord, apparently going to the Ninja is a huge time sink but Shinji and co. are actually only a few miles south of the Oni. Also we forgot about Kayneth who's aboard the Argo.

Revising plan accordingly.

[X] Plan: While the Demons are Away
[X] Ask Misukume to help you. You'll need her to extract the grail from the banner at the end of this.
-[X] Get in touch with the others via radio and get them up to speed on the current (dire) situation. Inform Einzbern about Forneus and let him know that it can disguise itself as a person and that it could potentially be among his 300 refugees, you don't think it's likely, but better he be ready just in case that turns out true.
--[X] Sort out priorities. Someone needs to warn that camp. Someone should also help Einzbern out.
--[X] The plus side is, with a demon army chasing Einzbern, there's a lot less of them in the city, which provides us with an opportunity to get in and go after Kiyomori while he doesn't have as many forces. Get the opinions of the others on this. Can they keep the demons chasing them while you make the attack?
---[X] Assuming no objections to the overall plan are raised, see if you can get Atlanta's group and the Army of forest spirits to stay apart and prepare to attack Kyoto with you.
-[X] In the event that no major objections or hurdles that would require a break to vote are brought up, you need to get into Kyoto, retrieve the grail, and take down Kiyomori. For that, you probably need some help.
--[X] You're only a few miles south of where the Oni are, see if you can treat with them to gain their aid in person. They're the closest option available and you're running out of time.
--[X] Kayneth is aboard the Argo as well, relay to him the possible location of the Ninja you heard of earlier. Hopefully he can pick up some additional help from them? Ask if he has any alternate ideas for getting us aid.
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So wait until shuten shows up, then we strike

Edit: placing this here in case i am not around to vote later

[X] Plan: While the Demons are Away
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I know Misukume is less than likely to be able to find Ushiwakamaru, but what about Kiyomori? Can she scry him to get us a better picture of what he's doing and where he is? What about Sutoku?
I mean, you could scry them, but it would look like a scene from Jojo with Kiyomori staring down over the city, menacing floating up in the captions.
Man, that wasn't even something I considered. I thought that Kiyomori would probably be in the main building or whatever it's called.
You know there are ninjas to the east, likely assassin class servants or still living heroes. You know Atalanta believes Jack the Ripper is somewhere in the singularity. You know that Ibaraki-Doji is to the north, but she wont lift a finger at this point in time.
If Jack the Ripper is somewhere in the singularity, then getting her could net us a sizable advantage over our enemy at night against the mooks. I'm unsure whether that investment is important enough to bother going for it.
You have Shuten, a unknown class great demon who will attack Kyoto.
She will probably go for Sutoku ASAP, and will be a huge distraction.
You know that Ushiwakamaru is somewhere in the singularity. You presume Atalanta was successful and you have a army of nature spirits on the way. You know that there are at least two, possibly ten members of the seishingumi still alive, all of whome would qualify as still living heroes.
Ushiwakamaru is, as stated many times, a risky move. We'd waste a lot of time to maybe find her, when we need her on our side.

If Atalanta was successful, that will be a huge help against the mookery, so that's good. I don't know much about the abilities of nature spirits in Nasu, so that's pretty much all I can say on the matter atm.

The Seishingumi sound like they could be very helpful against the big guys, since we will have to take down a demon god. But I can't find anything on them, I might be entirely wrong.
You know Einzbern and Idael have left Kyoto and are heading soemwhere. You know they have about 300 people, whether thats split between them or not you dont know.
300 people isn't much in the grand scale, but it's something. If we wanted to really push our luck, we could maybe use them to distract and lead some of them out of the city. That'll probably only work beyond the immediate short-term if there are important people there.
The enemies stre gth is Kiyomori, a Blackened Lancer, and Forneus, a Demon God. Kiyomori has opened the Rashomon, and at least one greater demon known as Sutoku crossed over. It is likely Sutoku is unkillable, given the discussion between Misukume and Astolfo. Its reasonable to say that Kiyomori cant be reasoned with. They have disputable control over Kyoto, given that a rescue effort was even possible.
We don't know the Blackened Lancer, and Kiyomori and the Demon God are the big boys. Sutoku, I've been over before, try to take advantage of his fight with Shuten, try to make it happen if it seems unlikely, with a possible back-up plan of telling him that the next Emperor will make sure he's enshrined as a kami, or perhaps (now this is definitely not something I'd bank on) we could meet him beforehand and get him to at least turn neutral.

Given that their control is disputable, that's a good sign, since it shows that they aren't truly in control yet. That means that there might be rogue elements in there to hopefully take advantage of, and not be screwed over by.

There's also the very slim possibility that we could (at least briefly) drive Kiyomori out of the city into the open, where we'd fight him there. I don't count on this happening, since Sutoku.

You know that Forneus used the Sea of Life, and might be able to do so again. Forneus was part of the imperial court, so they could have any number of traitors inside the city.
Speaking of rogue elements, this is what I was thinking of. Sting operators who could maybe get Kiyomori out of the city if we got into contact with them (and get lucky), and others who could help us once we get inside.

That's all I've got for the moment.
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[X] Plan: While the Demons are Away
[X] Ask Misukume to help you. You'll need her to extract the grail from the banner at the end of this.
-[X] Get in touch with the others via radio and get them up to speed on the current (dire) situation.
--[X] Sort out priorities. Someone needs to warn that camp. Someone should also help Einzbern out.
--[X] The plus side is, with a demon army chasing Einzbern, there's a lot less of them in the city, which provides us with an opportunity to get in and go after Kiyomori while he doesn't have as many forces. Get the opinions of the others on this. Can they keep the demons chasing them while you make the attack?
-[X] In the event that no major objections or hurdles that would require a break to vote are brought up, you need to get into Kyoto, retrieve the grail, and take down Kiyomori. For that, you probably need some help.
--[X] You're only a few miles south of where the Oni are, see if you can treat with them to gain their aid in person. They're the closest option available and you're running out of time.
--[X] Kayneth is aboard the Argo as well, relay to him the possible location of the Ninja you heard of earlier. Hopefully he can pick up some additional help from them? Ask if he has any alternate ideas for getting us aid.
Yeah, I think this plan is solid.

[X] Plan: While the Demons are Away
[X] Ask Misukume to help you. You'll need her to extract the grail from the banner at the end of this.
-[X] Get in touch with the others via radio and get them up to speed on the current (dire) situation. Inform Einzbern about Forneus and let him know that it can disguise itself as a person and that it could potentially be among his 300 refugees, you don't think it's likely, but better he be ready just in case that turns out true.
--[X] Sort out priorities. Someone needs to warn that camp. Someone should also help Einzbern out.
--[X] The plus side is, with a demon army chasing Einzbern, there's a lot less of them in the city, which provides us with an opportunity to get in and go after Kiyomori while he doesn't have as many forces. Get the opinions of the others on this. Can they keep the demons chasing them while you make the attack?
---[X] Assuming no objections to the overall plan are raised, see if you can get Atlanta's group and the Army of forest spirits to stay apart and prepare to attack Kyoto with you.
-[X] In the event that no major objections or hurdles that would require a break to vote are brought up, you need to get into Kyoto, retrieve the grail, and take down Kiyomori. For that, you probably need some help.
--[X] You're only a few miles south of where the Oni are, see if you can treat with them to gain their aid in person. They're the closest option available and you're running out of time.
--[X] Kayneth is aboard the Argo as well, relay to him the possible location of the Ninja you heard of earlier. Hopefully he can pick up some additional help from them? Ask if he has any alternate ideas for getting us aid.
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for a tl;dr of the current plan

  1. The overall plan is that the camp forces plus Einzbern and his group beat a fighting retreat to draw the main bulk of the demons off while we go for Kyoto.
  2. Atlanta, George, and Heine with the army of forest spirits will prepare to assist us in our attack.
  3. Shinji, Sheba, Astolfo, and Misukume will go to get the oni on side with us. They're close by.
  4. Kayneth will try to recruit the ninja and will be asked for any alternatives.
Just to simplify it down because I realize that the plan as it stands is a bit of a wall of text.
I mean, La Black Luna means that Astolfo is an army-router. If he had a force behind him, he could destroy much larger armies.

Also, Ushiwakamaru is op. She has a noble phantasm that lets her rearrange the battlefield at will, summon Benki as a defense, and a demon killing blow.
Nani's not here at the moment, so I'll relay a message: consider that the Demon Pillar is hiding as a person, and that 300 people are being rescued right now.
Nani's not here at the moment, so I'll relay a message: consider that the Demon Pillar is hiding as a person, and that 300 people are being rescued right now.

Jackie's probably also with them as well. If you're a little kid trying to find your (a) mom, being with all the human refugees seems like the most likely place to hang out.