Fate/Reawakened Wishes

34: Backstage
[X] Scold your students for not coming to school.
Yumiko might only be handing you a microphone instead of a knife, but you have no qualms about stabbing her in the back with it.

"I can think of something I want to say, yes," you tell her as you take the microphone. You turn around and stare down the audience before delivering your judgment upon them. Yumiko's words seem to have done a good job in calming their sense of unrest. It wasn't enough to unite them in excitedly cheering for you, but at least some of them have found the decency within themselves to anticipate your words instead of merely being confused.

A quick attempt to scan the crowd for your missing students turns out fruitless. None of them are audacious enough to be wearing their school uniform and their constant absence means you know none of them by sight. You're not about to waste your time on attempting to fish them out on such silly things as their general age group, so you simply plunge your words into their ears.

"I have recently started to act as a teacher at Homurahara Academy and it has come to my attention that some of its students are skipping to attend this concert." A pale imitation of your voice once again stirs up the hapless people in front of you. You'd be a lot more forgiving of the unrest they're causing, if it was for understandable reasons like an inability to grasp how anyone might willingly miss one of your lessons, but at this point you know better than to expect such virtue from these people.

"Of course, none of you knew about my addition to the teaching staff in advance," you contine. "As such, I am willing to count you missing out on my classroom as punishment unto itself without further disciplinary measures. However, that does not change the simple fact that you neglected your duties by-"

"You're being too harsh to them after all, Miss Teacher," Yumiko says, while leaning over your shoulder to speak through the microphone you're holding. It's hardly a surprise that the root of this evil is trying to interrupt you, but you take issue with the shameless audacity she displays in an attempt to continue appearing friendly.

"I am being as strict with them as they deserve, or do you care so little about their future that you think listening to your live-performance is more important than their education?"

"Not exactly, but we all have to enjoy life while we still can, right?" Undeterred by your confrontational reply, she shifts until she has effectively draped herself over your shoulder. You find yourself forced to shift your stance to accommodate for the additional weight she's putting on you.

"I promise that I'll let them go back to their ordinary lives soon enough, but we're all here already, so I'd much rather just be friends and enjoy ourselves." Yumiko goes so far as to brush her cheek against yours, bringing the two of you close enough together that her warm breath tickles your skin.

Right now, she reminds you of a cat. A sadistic predator that uses their cute appearance to manipulate the people around them into doing their bidding.

Noting your distaste, Idasviel yanks the idol off you. The woman goes stiff in your sister's arms, likely reminded of the fact that behind your servant's blushing smile hides enough strength to snap her in half like a bloody twig the moment your patience runs out.

"I'm terribly sorry for the trouble we've been causing for everybody." Cassy speaks with her head bowed towards you and the audience. You remain skeptical of her sincerity, but begging for your forgiveness is a much more promising start than her partner's attempt to charm you. "It's just that… some of us won't have another chance to stand on this stage again, so we wanted to make the best out of the time we have."

"So you've already accepted your death?" you ask her. She'd be right to, of course. If nobody else is going to kill her, you'll do it yourself. Not that you're about to let a spirit guilt you for returning them to their natural state. That she won't have to live with them doesn't change the fact that there are consequences to her actions.

The audience, meanwhile, lacks your perspective on the conversation. As a result, various screams of concern for Cassy are directed at the stage. You'll have to concede that at least they're loyal admirers.

"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't intend to talk about this on stage." Cassy's voice is quiet enough that, even standing directly in front of her, you'd have trouble hearing her without the microphone she's whispering into. In response, the crowd falls still as a grave to make sure they can hear her every word.

The somber atmosphere would be much easier for you to respect, if you hadn't just witnessed her nibbling on the souls that are now weeping for her.

"It's just that… Yumiko was kind enough to recognize somebody as wretched as me and.. my doctor didn't think it was a good idea, but I wanted to do something with my life and I'm truly thankful for each and everyone of you. I… I-"

Yumiko pulls her partner's head against her chest and takes a moment to performatively stroke her hair. Then she takes the microphone from her hands and addresses the crowd. "I know that must have just been a lot for you all to take in, but I'm afraid that Cassy needs some time to collect herself. If you're kind enough to give us some of your patience, we'll be right back for you."

Without further Ado, she guides Cassy backstage. You only wait long enough to signal Amna to find her own way backstage before following the two idols. You're not entirely out of the public's eye yet, but you imagine that some nondescript illness will make it much easier for the church to cover up her inevitable undoing.

There are some concerned backstage employees that try to check up on the idols, but Yumiko gently pushes past them. You meanwhile glare at them, while slightly activating your mystic eyes to paralyze them in place just long enough to make sure they don't inconvenience you. With nobody remaining to stop you, the pair leads you to their dressing room. It's not a very ostentatious chamber to retreat to, holding little more than a pair of dressing tables, a clothing rack for their costumes and a coffee table, but it'll do for now. The four of you settle down around the coffee table, which is covered in fashion magazines and a handful of sweets. You and Idasviel on one side and them on the other, with Yumiko still coddling the Servant.

"How long do you plan to keep that sobbing act up?" You ask Cassy.

"Ease off her. It's only natural she doesn't want to be killed," Yumiko snaps at you.

"Ho?" You meet the angry glare directed at you. The impotent feelings raging inside of her is enough for her to shortly stand her ground and not look away. Then it slowly starts to sink in that she is prey before a predator and a nervous quiver runs through her posture and the fire in her eyes mixes with a manic fear that you might pounce on her the moment she gives in to her weakness. You don't share your sister's sadistic love, but even you have to admit to a tinge of satisfaction upon seeing such a feisty mouse remember her place.

"It's alright. I can face them myself," the Servant says and finally stops hiding behind her friend. She straightens her posture and looks at you with a sliver more confidence than Yumiko has remaining.

"I realize it was inevitable that the Holy Grail War would catch up with us, but would it have been too much to ask for you to wait until after our concert to avoid making a scene?"

"Yes, I'm sure you hate having your meal time interrupted," you reply unmoved. "You can hardly complain after using your audience as an unwitting energy source for said war."


The idol's objection is interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. Judging by the fact that you can sense another Servant just outside of it, you take it that Amna has found her way to you.

"You may enter," you tell her.

With your permission your fellow homunculus quietly enters the room. She gives you and Ida a quick nod as she walks up to the table you're gathered around and then addresses the two idols. "Greetings. My name is Amna. I don't mind standing, but do you have another chair for me?"

The simplicity of her question seems to take them by surprise and Yumiko has to take a moment to process it before answering. "No, I'm afraid this room isn't really set up to receive visitors. We already had to pull over the chairs from the dressing tables to fit the four of us."

"You can sit on my lap instead," your sister jumps to offer and invitingly spreads her arms towards her date.

After a brief moment of consideration, she accepts the offer and lowers herself onto your sister. Overjoyed, Ida clamps her arms shut around her waist and pulls her in close to allow her to better snuggle up against Amna, who fails to react to the physical closeness in any discernible way. Instead she turns her attention to you. "Kari, I didn't know you worked as a teacher."

"I do. It's a new passion I've recently discovered for myself. Unsurprisingly, I'm quite the natural at it. The youths of Fuyuki are truly blessed."

"It does suit you rather well, thanks to letting you indulge in your more caring nature and establishing relationships with others while allowing you to remain in a position of authority." She nods to herself with a small, but unmistakingly satisfied smile.

"I suppose you aren't too far off. Although you forgot to call attention to my boundless wisdom. Still, I am a generous goddess. If you've come to understand that much, I'll happily accept your worship."

"I decline. I'm perfectly satisfied just having learned something new about my friend."

"But I can guarantee you that there's nothing more fulfilling than devoting yourself to her," your sister mumbles with her face half-buried in Amna's shoulder.

"Excuse me," Cassy dares to interrupt your chat. "You're allies, right?"

"We're dating!" Ida says.

"We're on a date," corrects Amna. "Although our plans got severely derailed by discovering that you're also participants in the Grail War."

"Wait. You originally just wanted to see our concert?"


"Thank you! I hope you enjoyed yourself despite the unfortunate circumstances." Cassy quickly slips back into her cheerful demeanor.

"Would you stop fishing for compliments?" You interrupt before either of your companions can answer. "What you should be concerned about is what's going to happen to you now that we have discovered you. Your Master is one thing, but you're a Servant. Sentimental nonsense like sparing you isn't an option."

"Right. I understand." With that, she's back to acting somber. At this rate, she's going to give you whiplash. "Honestly, I know that I'm not powerful enough a Servant to have any chance of winning a war where I have to contest with real heroes. The most I can ask is for you to spare me until you've run out of other enemies and in return promise that I won't put up a struggle once my time has come."

You don't attempt to restrain the derisive chuckle that the situation tickles out of you. "What do you think, Amna? I'll say that this offer has a very different flaw from the one that you made me."

"Right. If she'll let us kill her, then there's no risk of her stealing victory away from either of us after we tired ourselves out… Is it that she didn't mention suspending her concerts? We would be complicit in her stealing the audience's life force, should we knowingly let her continue."

"That's a valid concern, but no. That is not the problem I see at the heart of their offer."

It takes Amna longer to come up with a second answer. Once her silence stretches on for more than a couple of seconds, Yumiko tries to speak up, but you shush her. You want your fellow homunculus to think this through herself.

"Regrettably, I think I might require a hint."

Regrettable indeed. At least she wasn't simply asking to be given the answer.

"The problem is with the if, Master," Rider finally decides to speak up. He materializes behind the two idols, where he easily looms over them with his massive frame. He gently puts a hand on one of their shoulders each and as friendly as the gesture might seem it's enough for both of them to go rigid with fear.

Ida coos at their reaction.

"So you think they'll attempt to backstab us regardless of our agreement," Amna says.

"I think they might not hold up their end of the agreement and there's no way for us to be certain," you say. "I'm sure they want something from this war and even a weakling can aspire to backstab one, or two enemies that have lowered their guard."

"Oh, come on now!" Yumiko objects. In her anger she leans towards you and inevitably pulls her shoulder out of Rider's grasp. He seems to take this as his que to let go of Cassy as well and position himself behind Amna and your sister instead, while Yumiko keeps attempting to bargain with you.

"You're magic, right? Can't you set up some kind of magically compelling contract to assure we don't betray you?"

"Easily, if it was only a matter of binding you," you answer. "The problem is that Caster of yours. There's no way of knowing how she might be able to break whatever chains we put on you if given enough time."

"I understand that we haven't been off to the best start, but there has to be something I can do to make you trust us," Cassy pleads with you.

"There's one compromise I'm willing to make." You flash them a wide smile. "I'd be more than happy to take you into my custody under the condition that you cancel your contract with your current Master and become my Servant instead. Don't worry, I have no need for you to be victorious, so I'll be perfectly content to hide you away in my castle where I can keep an eye on you. I assure you that it'll be quite the comfortable stay and much more secure than your current setup where anybody can just wander into one of your concerts."

"Objection," Amna says. "As a fellow Master I can't stand by as you sink your claws into another Servant."

You sigh. Looking at it from the twisted perspective of somebody that endeavors to beat you, it's a reasonable precaution. There should easily be a way for you to put a Caster to use, even without risking their safety in direct battle and it'd be foolish to assume you'd waste such an advantage simply because you don't strictly need it.

"That's fair enough. Fighting you over them wouldn't be worth it. What solution do you propose instead?"

"It depends. I think there's something we should clarify first. Cassy, exactly who are you?"

"If you want me to spell it out, I am the Caster class Servant contracted to Yumiko as well as her partner idol. The name I've taken, unimaginative as it might be, is Cassy," she says almost brimming with confidence. Then she fails to say anything more that would be of actual interest.

"I was inquiring about your true name to better access what you're capable of," explains Amna in a confused attempt to prod Caster into continuing her introduction.

"About that, I do consider Cassy to be my true name. I am not a Heroic Spirit. None of us Servants truly are. We're effectively clumps of aether molded after a specific template without being given a chance to self-determine and I reject that. That's a big part of why I joined Yumiko on the stage. I won't ever go down into the history books, or ascend into the Throne of Heroes as myself rather than being reduced to a mere record that doesn't even qualify as a memory, but if even a handful of people can remember me as Cassy, I'll be satisfied."

"Don't worry, Cassy. There's no way that I'll ever forget you." Yumiko pulls her Servant into another hug that she readily leans into. Both of them share a sickeningly heartfelt smile.

"Me too!" Ida yells and leans over Amna's shoulder. "Servants are transient beings and you deserve to be remembered as you are. I know just how valuable your life is, so as long as you don't let anybody else kill you, I'll- Aaargh!"

The pained moan that interrupted your sister's monologue was caused by Amna breaking one of her fingers. As far as injuries go, it's negligible, so you watch on as Amna calmly pushes Ida off her shoulder and back against their seat. You're mildly impressed by the composure with which she stares right into Ida's eyes and the unfiltered bloodlust that shines through them.

Rider reaches out to restrain Ida, but his Master swats his hands away.

"We're on a date, right?" Amna asks.

"Yes-" Ida's head is thrown to the side as Amna forcefully slaps her. Then Amna grabs her jaw and pulls her back until they're eye to eye again.

"Then I think you should be less enthusiastic about other women right now." Amna falls quiet just long enough to give Ida an opportunity to nod. "Good. Now hush, Kari has been looking like she wanted to say something for a while."

With that she turns back around to face the group properly and for the first time notices the shocked expression of the two idols. "I apologize if my behavior just now was inappropriate, but I assure you that I only carried myself in such a manner because she likes it."

Her claim is supported by an enthusiastic nod from Ida.

"I'm happy to see that you're learning to get along with my sister, but I'd rather not have you use me as a means of manipulating her," you say.

"I am sorry. However, I did get the impression that you wanted to say something."

"Perhaps so, but I can speak for myself." After how enthusiastically your sister supported Caster's claim of self-determination, you no longer feel like making a snide remark about how monstrous Caster must have been in life to reject herself this strongly. You suppose, how much of a person Caster is is none of your business, as long as she doesn't try to evoke pity from you.

"Cassy" you continue, "even if you don't want to tell us who you inherit your abilities from, you must be able to do something useful besides luring people away with your music and wearing colorful clothing. Makes us an offer that's worth keeping you around."

"I do have a unique ability that can support other Servants," Caster says. "I can make specialized formal wear that allows Servants to unlock abilities that they normally would only be able to access in another class."

"Oh? That does sound like we could get good use out of you," you say. What you leave unsaid is that this ability also means that Caster is more likely to have some kind of hidden weapon suited to open combat than is usual for her class. "That being said, I can't help but wonder how much information about our capabilities you want for your work."

"It depends. If you're lacking something straightforward, like a magical weapon, I should be able to cobble something together without too much information. For a more conceptual ability, I would need a more specific brief to work from."

"And how quickly can you produce results?"

"It shouldn't take too long? A day, or maybe two given that I have to prepare something for both of you."

That would be too late to be used in tonight's hunt for Avenger.

"There is one more thing," says Caster. "The items I create would lose their effect, if I were to die. I do think it would be in our shared best interest for you to protect Yumiko and me going forward."

"Cheeky, but I give you points for being upfront," you say. "This is more tangential, but I do have one more question. Yumiko, how did you get involved in the Holy Grail War?" After Naoki it's no longer a surprise to find lacking candidates being chosen as Masters, but even he needed somebody to guide him into summoning Lancer.

"Ah, well, it doesn't really fit my image, but if you want to know," Yumiko says and starts rummaging through her pile of magazines. She produces something titled Occult Detective Magazine. "I have somewhat of a fascination with the occult, so I dabbled into some rituals and one of them ended up working in a very unexpected manner. Honestly, speaking to real wizards is amazing to me. I know that we must have made a bad first impression, but I meant it when I said that I'd much rather be friends."

"Karisviel doesn't like to admit to having friends," says Amna. "However, she's very likely to indulge you, if you keep gushing about how amazing she is."

"I can do that. Getting stared down by her was intimidating, but that just means she has the strength to back up her cool beauty persona, right?"

"You'd be hard pressed to find any magus more powerful than me," you say, unimpressed by the blatant attempt to pander to you. "In contrast, I can't imagine you even knowing the basics of magecraft."

"You're right. Cassy thinks that there must have been a mage somewhere in my heritage, but I know effectively nothing about how real magic works. I also can't really maintain Cassy on my own, which is why we had to resort to siphoning off energy from our audience."

"I don't think you have to feel too bad about that. I think it's rather romantic," Ida says. "Ideally you should be able to let them know, of course, but with how much the audience seems to love you, I don't think any of them would mind."

"However that may be," you say, "we're currently building an alliance to dispose of a rather troublesome participant of the war that has the potential to turn this into an unavoidable tragedy. Would you be willing to participate in the fight against them?"

The two idols share a worried look, before Yumiko answers you, "We would rather not join in direct battle."

"I imagined that would be your answer," you say. "That should be all then. Let's see what this cool beauty decides to do with you, shall we?"

[X] Attempt to kill Caster.
You don't trust them enough for an alliance and want them out of the fight as quickly as possible. You do have to conserve your strength for tonight's assault on Avenger and have to avoid attracting the public's attention, so you might have to retreat before bringing the fight to a proper conclusion. Regardless, giving Amna a taste of proper combat before tonight can't hurt.

[X] Take the deal.
The enhancements she's offering to Ida's capabilities are enticing. Accessing the Caster class should help speed up her mastership of rune magic. You do have some concerns about relying on a non permanent enhancement that depends on a potential enemy to function, but you're sure you'll manage to work things out.

[X] Leave them alone for now.
You don't trust them enough for an alliance, but also don't want to risk something going wrong after blindly rushing into combat with them. As long as they stop luring away your students, they're a low enough priority that you can come back for them under more favorable conditions. It might give them more time to prepare, but the same goes for you.

[X] (Optional) Write in desired conversation topics.
35: Backstage Part 2
[X] Leave them alone for now.
You don't trust them enough for an alliance, but also don't want to risk something going wrong after blindly rushing into combat with them. As long as they stop luring away your students, they're a low enough priority that you can come back for them under more favorable conditions. It might give them more time to prepare, but the same goes for you.

[x] (Optional) Write in desired conversation topics.
-[x] Did they make contact with any of the other Masters? Have they contacted the Overseer?
-[x] What would be the price of commissioning one of their enhancements outside of a proposed alliance?
-[x] Why aren't they in school?
-[x] Offer to train Yumiko in magecraft after the war.
The two idols await your decision with grave anticipation. Whether you become their enemy, or ally will greatly shift the course of their lives for these all important days to follow in the wake of the Holy Grail War. In contrast, you can afford not to care.

"On second thought, I'll deal with you later," you say.

The two of them stare at you blankly with their emotions thrown into a free fall tumble by the sheer anti-climax. Some unspoken response dies silently in their open mouth, as it's strangled to death by the concern that a bad choice of word might tip you over into wanting their blood after all.

"I and Amna have more important concerns than dealing with you for today and I don't trust you enough for a long standing arrangement," you mercifully elaborate.

"Well, we'd at least be happy to meet up again under more amicable circumstances," Yumiko says.

"We'll be happy to take you up on that," Amna says, sounding quite content to delay the fight for now.

"I imagine they'll be quite desperate to please, if given the chance," you tell her. Then you shift back to addressing the idols, "Talking about ways you can redeem yourselves, is there any price for which you're willing to sell those augmentations of yours besides an alliance?"

"I can hardly think of a deal that's better for you," answers Caster. "If you don't want them to stop working, you effectively have to keep me safe."

"You shouldn't try to tell my elder sister what's best for her." For the first time since having been disciplined by her, Idasviel takes her eyes off Amna to glare at Caster. "She knows better than you. Always."

"That's quite right. As I said before, I don't need any more advantages, but I am in possession of more than enough wealth to afford whatever luxury I desire, even if it turns out to be quite short lived."

Caster trembles in frustration, but manages to hold on to enough good sense to bite down a snappy remark. Meanwhile, a more composed Yumiko genuinely considers an alternative offer.

"I would like to learn how to perform actual magic myself. You can teach me, right?" she eventually asks with her voice weighted down by hesitation and the faintest hint of guilt for making a request that would only benefit herself at Caster's expense.

Well, that does work for you.

"Not if I were to insist on proper terminology, but in layman's terms, yes. I can teach you how to 'do magic'," you say. "However, the path of magecraft is a thorny one and proper tutelage will stretch until long after the Holy Grail War has ended. Do you have the dedication to hang on for that long?"

"I think I do, yes."

"I see. In that case we might both consider the arrangement." If you were to be honest, you don't think anything the two of them have to offer is worth much of your time, even at the prospect of eternity. Regardless, giving Yumiko an incentive to be loyal towards you in the long term might lower the odds of her attempting to backstab you, so you might as well entertain the idea for now.

Of course, none of that gives Caster any reason to obediently walk to her death, but that's what command spells were invented for. Driving a wedge between the pair could give you the means to terminate her with one order from Yumiko. First though, you'll have to assess how attached the idol has truly grown to her Servant and if winning her over is worth the effort when compared to squishing them like bugs on the roadside.

You'll worry about it in earnest in due time. As you've already said, you have other matters to deal with first.

"On a related note, you've not made any previous contact with other participants of the Holy Grail War, have you?" you ask.

"No, we've been laying low until now, so you don't have to worry about being dragged into any preexisting drama," Yumiko says. "Although, you never know, one of the other Masters might end up being our fan and just couldn't manage to attend one of our shows because of all the stress they're under right now."

You can't quite tell if she's genuinely that conceited, or if she considers that vain hope a legitimate point in her favor.

"Have you visited the church?" you ask.

"Cassy had a bad feeling about the place, so we stayed away from it as well," she answers. "Was that a mistake?"

"An agent of the church serves to oversee the Holy Grail War," Amna explains. "You're not the only participants that have failed to register for one reason or another and at this point she is unhappy about the situation."

"Indeed." You reclaim control of the conversation. You're already familiar enough with Amna to know that she's about to mention the bounty placed on rogue Masters, now that the topic has shifted to Kotomine. If you're to give up on the option to sell the idols out, you want to make sure that your generosity is given the focus it deserves. It won't do for Amna to steal the display of benevolence from you.

"It is arguable how much authority she truly commands, but her position comes with a hoard of Command Seals that can be used to entice the other Masters into acting on her behalf by appealing to their worldly desires. Quite uncouth for a woman of the cloth, don't you agree? It's easy to see why Cassy might have gotten a 'bad feeling' about her."

Yumiko blinks at you a couple of times. A different emotion washes over her face each time she closes her eyes. Ultimately she appears to settle on smiling at you with cautious gratitude. "Thank you for letting me know. Is there any chance we can still get into her good graces?"

"That might be pushing your luck. However, if you contact her yourself, she should at least be satisfied enough to not punish you for your mistake. That is unless she finds out about you continuing your concerts. Secrecy is valued highly amongst our circles. Much higher than an individual's life." For once, you don't intend to be harsh on her, even if she could have been more fervent with her gratitude.

"It really is a choice between getting hunted down and fading away, isn't it?" Caster sinks back in her seat and covers her eyes with a hand, as if it was a blanket that could hide her from reality.

"With such a hand for theatrics, you truly do belong on a stage," you say.

Caster parts her veil of martyrdom to glare at you through her fingers. An impotent gesture, as you refuse to sympathize with her self inflicted misery. If she didn't want to suffer, she should have stayed dead. What kind of monster would even choose to live, only to tempt others into mourning?

"Be grateful you got away with any of your concerts," you say. "I'm under the impression that you've been giving these concerts for a while before you arrived in Fuyuki and today you have already started creating the narrative for your tragic curtain call. Judging by how enraptured your audience was today, I imagine that should be enough to create yourself at least somewhat of a legacy."

"She'll be remembered as one of the best," Yumkiko states confidently. "In that regard, Karisviel has a point that you can rest assured, Cassy. That being said, I like the idea of canceling our remaining concerts here in Fuyuki as little as I do the idea of going mute entirely, but I think it'd be worth it, if it means we can keep you alive for a little while longer."

In light of her Master's positivity, Caster's dedication to moaning about how unjust the world is to her begins to begrudgingly melt away. "You're right. I just want to make what little time I was able to borrow count."

Yumiko wordlessly pulls her needy Servant into another hug. She runs a calming hand through Cassy's hair, while wearing a gentle smile that threatens to strangle your heart.

"You should be taking more care of yourself as well," you tell her.

"What do you mean?" Yumiko asks.

"You are the one that has at least a chance to survive this war. You should take care that your life isn't in shambles afterwards, no matter how much you want to grant her wish."
"Thank you for being concerned about me, but-"
"This has nothing to do with you in particular," you cut her off before she had a chance to finish the thought. "I already told you that I'm a teacher and I take issue with your concerts keeping students from their duty. That doesn't change just because you're affecting yourself."

"Ah, well, I did get permission from my school to temporarily skip classes," Yumiko says in an attempt to excuse her truancy. "I did always have good grades, so my teachers trusted me to not fall behind so long as I did some studying on my own. Which I have been doing very diligently."

"Nonsense!" you scoff. "We wouldn't need teachers, if students could just learn on their own."

"I mean, it's only for the length of…" Yumiko's feeble excuses die in her throat, as a revelation seems to grace her. "Say, if you're a teacher, do you also hold any lessons unrelated to magic?"

"Naturally. In fact, I have taken up a position here at Homurahara Academy. A truth you could have long discovered for yourself, if you had properly attended school." Still, you give an appreciative hum at where the conversation is going. Ideally she should pursue her education for its own sake, but if seeking your wisdom is what brings her back on the proper path, there may be hope for her yet.

"In that case, maybe I should stop by school, if our concerts are suspended anyway. What do you think, Cassy? Some more friends to remember you can't hurt."

"I'm not sure how close we could grow to others in such a short time, but I'll at least consider it." Her Servant's answer is devoid of enthusiasm.

"You should accompany your Master, if you know what's best for you. Regardless, I'll send word in time for my next lessons. Don't worry about any formalities. They are easily taken care of."

"Great! I can't wait to see how you teach. We're staying at a hotel not too far from the concert hall. Actually, just let me write down the address and my number." Yumiko picks up a pen and a piece of paper from the table. She hands you the note after quickly scribbling a couple of things down. You'll grant that even with how hastily written it is, her handwriting remains clean and refined. Although, no matter how legible her writing is, you can't quite place the longer string of numbers accompanying the address and room number.

You decide to put the note away without making a big deal out of it. If it was important information, you'd understand what it means. That's how the world works. It's only after you fold it up and store it away in your pocket that you manage to vaguely collect the string of numbers to the concept of a telephone. Meaning you were right, it's useless information. You'll just send a familiar regardless.

"If that's all, we should take our leave," you say. No one objects, so you say a round of short goodbyes—with the exception of your sister, who tells the concerned idol pair how badly she wants to see them again when she isn't on a date and appears mildly disappointed when Amna doesn't slap her back into paying attention this time—and part ways.

As you navigate your way outside the backstage area, Amna asks you a question. "Kari, do you think I should be sad when somebody is dying?"

"Why? Did Caster manage to pull at your heartstrings?" You do not keep your distaste from your voice.

"No. It's the opposite. I can sympathize with her plight on an intellectual level, but I can't bring myself to care."

"Good. A stranger has no right to demand your grief. You should reserve that for the death of those you actually care about."

"I see." The faint signs of confusion on Amna's face faint, only to quickly be replaced by the onset of another question. However, this time she doesn't vocalize it.

"Have you now decided to think your questions through yourself?" you ask approvingly.

"Partially. I admit that I mostly don't trust you to give me an honest answer."

You brush off her answer with a heavy sigh. Whatever she's thinking can hardly be worth the effort of trying to crack her stubborn skull. "Just promise me that you'll consult me before coming to any far fetched conclusions that involve me."

"That is a fair request. I promise to do so. However, that's enough about me for now, or the idols for that matter. I still have a debt to repay and after how sidetracked we have gotten during the concert I do not feel like I have delivered on a very satisfying experience."

"You don't have to worry about that at all." Idasviel gently cups Amna's face between her hands and locks eyes with her. "I love you and just having you near me is enough to enrich my day. I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of you in my lap… Ah, I'm sorry. What I was trying to say is that you're a wonderful person and you don't ever have to feel inadequate for my sake. Of course, I'm always going to be happy about spending even more time with you, so I'll happily accept your offer to continue our date. What do you say, Elder Sister?"

[X] Continue the date. It helps your sister's morale and for all her oddities, you could easily do worse for company than Amna.
-[X] You're already in town, so you might as well take a stroll. It should give you a chance to finally familiarize yourself with the shinto area of Fuyuki and maybe make some purchases that strike your fancy.
-[X] This entire situation has made you feel more than a bit peckish. It's Amna's turn to invite you to dinner at her place and you might as well get to know that mother of hers.
-[X] Write-in

[X] End the date. You don't see much point in continuing this affair, if Ida is already satisfied and there's something else you'd like to do today.
-[X] Return home to your castle and recharge some energy before the Avenger extermination operation later today.
-[X] Visit the Ryuudou Temple. This is likely your last opportunity to air any grievances between you and Akihiko and Abe no Seimei, before you have to rely on each other in battle.
-[X] Write-in
Last edited:
36: Night 4: Gathering
Sadly, I can't really say that it's unusual for me to take way too long between updates, but this time was pretty bad even by my standards. I apologize for that. Some stuff happened and it took me significantly longer than I would have liked to get back into writing. Regardless, I once again want to express my gratitude to anyone still following this quest.
[X] End the date. You don't see much point in continuing this affair, if Ida is already satisfied and there's something else you'd like to do today.
-[X] Return home to your castle and recharge some energy before the Avenger extermination operation later today.
"If my sister is satisfied, it's likely best to end this date for now," you say. "We'll meet again soon enough and it would serve us to be well rested then."

"Elder Sister is right," Ida agrees and tightens her hold on Amna. "It's not exactly a date, but tonight has a very romantic air about it."

"If that is your wish, we shall depart for now." Amna gently extracts herself from your sister's hug and then stops, seeming unsure what to do.

"We can simply keep walking together until our paths split naturally," Rider offers, which earns him a nod from his Master.

"Ah, how inconsiderate of me. Of course you'd want to linger in my presence for longer." You chuckle. "Don't worry, I'm hardly banishing you out of personal dislike."

"You're over exaggerating the issue," she says.

"But you're not denying the core of the matter?" you ask with a hum.

"No. I would not be calling you my friend if I didn't enjoy spending time with you."

"So close. You could be exemplary, but you keep insisting on propping up that ego of yours."


There's no hope for this woman, is there?

Instead of wasting more time on this particular argument, your group instead discusses your usual tastes in music. As it turns out, you and Amna share an appreciation for classical music, although it was quite the challenge to get your stoic companion to settle on a true preference.

Meanwhile, your sister lacks the necessary exposure to music to have developed a taste of her own. Wisely, she assumes that classical music must be wonderful if you like it. Still, while your recommendation is all she should need to come to that conclusion, you nonetheless resolve to give her a demonstration in the near future.

It isn't long until your group has to part in earnest and you drive back to your castle. Once there, you set Ida off to play in the forest to get used to the way her body performs with her divinity increased, while you watch her and enjoy some tea prepared by Melsritt.

Unlike lesser Masters, you don't have to worry about some light prancing around draining your magical energy reserves. Thus, a reminder not to start any forest fires is all it takes to set your mind at ease. You do eventually order her back once Mel has finished preparing dinner for you.

She's more than happy to follow your call and spends most of the meal recounting the events of the date to Mel, who listens with a gentle smile. You doubt your maid cares much for the particular details of the events, but the sheer joy Ida radiates means that only a heretic with a heart made out of crystalized misery could resist growing engrossed in her retelling of the events.

The three of you pass the time with idle conversation like that, until you notice something entering the perimeter of the bounded field spanning your forest. You tell Mel to prepare a selection of music you can introduce Ida to and then head out with your sister to greet your approaching guest. It is about time that Caster gathers everybody for the hunt.

What you find upon opening your doors is a paper talisman that's roughly the size and shape of a human standing in front of you, rather than Caster himself. You can't say that you're surprised, in fact you expect that he and Akihiko will only be present through Caster's proxies rather than putting themselves in the same risk that their companions for this night are required to take.

Upon registering your presence, it lets itself fall backwards and folds in on itself. The rather delicate set of movements is completed before it hits the ground, leaving it transformed into the shape of a paper crane. It gently sails through the air with a grace that is rightfully unbothered by gravity.

You would have preferred a more cordial invitation, but the cue is obvious enough. You follow the crane.

It's not an arrangement you're exactly happy about, given how he lured you into a trap the last time you extended your trust towards him, but you don't have much of an alternative at the moment. Regardless, even if Caster is silly enough to ambush you before needing your help to subdue a common enemy, he already failed to kill you with that kind of subterfuge once before.

However, your level of concern does increase once you notice that the crane does not lead you towards Fuyuki, but instead eastward through the forest. He wasn't expecting you to track through undergrowth and foliage on foot without a road, was he?

After a handful of minutes with no roads in sight, you decided that yes, he was indeed expecting you to do so.

You graciously decide to give Ida the honor of carrying you.

With Ida's increased motivation and pace you quickly reach a clearing. The only ones already present are Akihiko and Caster, or at the very least their doubles. The paper crane lands on Caster's outstretched, shrinks, unfolds and then slithers into his sleeve.

"I figured that you would arrive first," Akihiko says with a sigh.

"Why yes, this place is concerningly close to my front yard after all. Unless you gathered everybody in advance, I'd be quite impressed for any of them to arrive before us."

"True, but it shouldn't take long for the others to arrive," Akihiko says. "I'm not in the mood to give the same explanation of Caster's findings every time somebody else appears, so I hope you can be patient until then."

"Gladly. I hardly want to endure you giving one monotonous speech after another. Luckily, that means you're free to say whatever else you might be aching to tell me." Your expectations might be low, but you're charitable enough to at least offer him an opportunity to give you a genuine apology this time around.

"If you insist. I am curious to know why you still have your Servant carry you around like some kind of princess," he says with pretend nonchalance.

"Oh, that." Perhaps it is inevitable that disappointment always finds its way to you in a world full of inferiors.

"My elder sister isn't a princess. She is a goddess and carrying her is an honor," Ida offers. You pet her head.

"Quite right. More importantly, I'm unsure if I want to sully my feet by standing on the same ground as a treacherous murderer such as yourself. Excuse me, an attempted treacherous murderer, but being a failure is hardly a redeeming trait."

"Come on now. We went over this already. This is a war between magi, you should know well enough that the risk of death is to be expected."

"Yes. And I already told you that I expect genuine remorse from you, rather than simply lip-service for appearance sake."

Akihiko gives another sigh, this time tinged with exasperation that has climbed from the depths of the ocean, and glances at Caster for advice.

"Ignore her, Master. There is no winning an argument with somebody that doesn't care about reasoning."

"I suppose I can agree to ending this charade," you say and signal Ida to let you down. "The risk of death you were talking about is very real for you after all. In fact, it is much too scary for you to crawl out of your shelter, so there was never any risk of me stepping on the same ground as you. Perhaps I am even judging you too harshly for the actions desperation has driven you to.

"Regardless," you continue, "I am willing to set our differences aside for tonight just as much as you are, but you can't complain about me taking the opportunity to vent my frustration with you a bit in advance. We'd hardly want animosity to boil over at a critical moment, do we?"

"God, do I actually hear you saying something sensible for once?" With those words, Ayano announces her arrival. She saunters into the clearing with a wide grin. In contrast, Rider follows behind her without his usually jovial smile.

"If you ever feel like your argument is winding down," she continues, "don't be afraid to ask me for pointers. I can think of more than a couple of bones you could pick with each other."

"Please don't start this up again," Akihiko says, sounding utterly resigned to whatever is going to happen next.

"You could start with his fashion sense," Ayano tells you. "It's hardly the worst thing about him, but also needs no explanation."

"I think I shall decline," you say. "I do not exist to perform for your entertainment."

"Good." For once, Akihiko sounds relieved. "It seems that we can at least agree on how unbearable her antics are."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Ayano might be a rebellious troublemaker in her own right, but at least she appears to take her duties seriously. Indeed, different from a truant like you, receiving my wisdom might already have planted a seed of redemption within her."

"Yeah... no.'' Ayano once again slaps your goodwill away.

A sardonic burst of laughter tears to the clearing like the bark of an especially mean-spirited dog. It takes you a moment to place it as belonging to the usually amicable Rider.

"If the three of you are an accurate representation of the founding families, it's no wonder that this holy grail has turned into such a mess. Of course, I would not be standing here otherwise, so I don't have much room to speak."

"This isn't like you at all, Rider." Your sister skips up to the offending Servant and stands up on her tiptoes to bring their faces closer together. "Are you pouting, because they left you out of the conversation?"

"No. I don't mind."

"Well, whether or not you want to complain, I'd be happy to keep you entertained."

"I'm not in the mood to talk."

While those simple words seem enough to settle the matter for him, they leave Ida crestfallen, leaving her to haplessly stare at him. As Rider's attention shifts away from her, everybody else focuses on her like one would on a starving beast.

That is, of course, aside from you. You are however considering if you should simply set her free to maul Rider. Even if there's a limit to how much his body can take, you should be able to put him back in working order by the time the others arrive.

Your consideration is interrupted by another set of new arrivals. Lancer rides into the clearing with Naoki and Mara sitting behind him, who look decidedly more comfortable than they would be if all three of them had to squeeze on an ordinary horse.

Naoki seems to understand the basic gist of the situation quickly and—after getting some help from his Servant to dismount his steed gracefully—approaches Ida.

"It's good to see you again, but you don't seem very happy right now. Is there anything wrong?" he asks her. It's good to have somebody else that appreciates your sister again.

"Naoki!" It looks like Ida had been distraught enough that she only notices him right now. His presence does improve her mood tremendously, or maybe it's simply the fact that he immediately decided to pay attention to her. "Something is wrong with Rider. He doesn't want to talk."

"That is… unusual." He glances at Rider, only to be ignored as well. Instead he turns to Ayano. "Do you think that the stress of today's outing might have caught up with him after all?"

"Probably? I've mostly just been happy that he hasn't been chewing my ear off." Ayano accentuates her words with a shrug.

"Let's go with that then. No reason to take things personally, Ida. I'd be more than happy to talk with you instead." Naoki offers her his arm and she more than happily latches on to it and lets him lead her away.

"I might start to get jealous, if other Servants keep occupying my Master like that," Lancer jokes as he walks up to you. He hasn't materialized his armor yet and casually keeps his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. "Maybe I should hog you for a bit to even out the score."

"Don't be like that," you tell him. "My sister is going to survive this war, so it's only proper that she gets more attention from the living."

"You don't hold back, do you?" Lancer says with a chuckle. "I guess I can't really blame you given the situation. Still, constantly throwing barbs at each other doesn't sound any fun."

"A war isn't meant to be fun," you say. "But I suppose I can show you some mercy by not constantly reminding you of that truth."

"I'll take it. I'm more of a fan of friendly competitions, regardless of the stakes."

"That's the spirit of a knight," says Mara as she joins the two of you. "Some of us still seem standoffish despite currently being allies."

She gestures towards Akihiko, who anxiously eyes Ida and the grip she currently has on Naoki. You're quite sure that the only thing holding him back from attempting to rip him away from her is the concern that she might resolve the conflict by splitting Naoki in two.

"Although, that isn't really new for Naoki," Mara says. "For as good he is at getting along with people, life didn't deal him a good hand when it comes to his friends getting along with each other. Although, I'm not exactly the most popular kid around myself, so I don't have much room to complain."

"It's not a problem I'm familiar with, but I suppose that if you can only manage to have one friend, you could do worse than Naoki," you say.

"Heh! Figures you wouldn't jump to console me."

"Obviously not. You better not get any ideas of trying to talk your way into being my friend." It may be a more severe reaction than she deserves in particular, but you fix her with a glare regardless. You don't need anyone else getting the same ideas as Amna.

"Yes ma'am!" Mara yelps. "I'm just going to turn to Lancer for support instead."

"I do owe you one, given that I wouldn't even be here without you, so I suppose I can look past some misbehavior," Lancer says with a teasing smile.

"Lucky me that we didn't get a stuck up knight then."

"There's only so much luck involved, as long as you used a catalyst that left room for compatibility with Naoki," Lancer points out.

"You got me there." She sticks her tongue out at Lancer and the two of them share a laugh.

"It's nice that you get along with each other," you say, "but I hope you didn't take my rebuke as a sign that it's permissible to ignore me.."

"Of course not. I apologize for making you feel left out in the first place," Lancer says. He even gives you a small bow in apology. It isn't nearly deep enough to satisfy you, but it's plenty more than you've come to expect.

"I'll forgive it. I'm the only one capable of perfection after all. Just make sure to pay me my proper due going forward," you say.

"About that," Mara interjects before Lancer can answer you properly. "It looks like somebody else has just arrived." She jabs her thumb over her shoulder and following the gesture you can see Amna and her Servant entering the clearing. Ayano happens to be closest to her, which appears to be enough for Amna to approach her.

"Ah, it's about time she arrived," you say. "Come. I might as well introduce you." For all her eccentricities, you're still too fond of Amna to leave her alone when faced with a hyena.

By the time your little group walks up to them, Amna is offering Ayano a handshake, which the latter reluctantly accepts.

"Here's hoping you aren't another eyesore," Ayano says.

"I will attempt my best, but request some leniency on your part. My social skills are admittedly lacking," Amna responds.

"How reassuring. At least you're willing to admit your flaws, that already puts you ahead of some. On which note," Ayano turns to you, "Looks like you couldn't stand being left out of a conversation, could you?"

"I assure you that I'm being quite benevolent in involving myself. Nor do you have a monopoly on Amna."

"Hello again, Kari." After greeting you, Amna addresses Lancer and Mara. "Greetings to the two of you as well. My name is Amna."

The two introduce themselves as well and Mara asks, "So, the two of you already know each other?"

"Yes," says Amna. "Kari and I have come to an agreement and quickly became friends."

"You have a friend?" Ayano asks you in incredulity.

"What a ludicrous question. In case it isn't obvious enough, I don't have friends," you say.

"I figured. Although, I can't say I expected you to just come out and say it."

"What's there to be silent about? It's hardly my fault none are worthy to be my equal," you clarify.

"Ah, that makes more sense." Ayano clicks her tongue. "Pity, I was looking towards a flying pig."

"It's not that strange for Kari to have friends," Amna says, earning herself a frown from Ayano. "She may be conceited, but she can be rather insightful when her ego doesn't get in the way. I've also found herself to be a more caring person than she's willing to admit. I know that she can be difficult, but I would request that you try to get along with her."

"No," is Ayano's succinct response.

"You don't have to get into an argument for my sake," you tell Amna. "Nor should you talk about me in such a patronizing way. My pride is entirely justified."

"I see. I apologize for being rude."

"You did at least try to highlight some of my good points, so I'll be lenient. However, I and Ayano can take care of our own issues."

"That's something we can agree on for once," Ayano says.

"If that matter is settled, that sounds like a good opportunity for me to introduce myself as well." Naoki joins the conversation with Idasviel still clinging to him. "I'm Naoki Watanabe, one of Karisviel's students and Master of Lancer."

"That's me, to be clear. No matter how attached other Lancers are to him." Lancer skips over to his Master's side, links arms with him on the side not occupied by your sister and gives Amna a playful salute.

"It should be obvious that I'm my sister's Servant," Ida grumbels.

"On which note, I think you've strayed from me for long enough," you say.

"Of course, Elder Sister!" She lets go of Naoki without complaining and rushes back to your side. "I wouldn't want to make Amna feel jealous either."

"That will not be a concern as long as we aren't on a date," responds Amna.

"Oh. Well, I suppose that's for the better. For the sake of my elder sister, I can't let myself be monopolized by any one lover regardless." Despite her best efforts to put on a brave face, Ida's voice is twinged in disappointment.

You give her a reassuring pat on the head.

"I'm sorry, we've been interrupted. I am Amna, the Master of Rider." She offers Naoki a handshake.

"It's a pleasure, Miss Amna," Naoki says as he shakes her hand. "The same goes for your Servant."

"Yes, greetings young man," Amna's Rider says as he materializes next to Amna. "I was waiting until my Master had finished her own introductions. I hope you don't take my silence as an insult."

"No, of course not," Naoki responds.

"Wonderful. Then I'll leave the two of you to your conversation." He gives a hearty laugh, before taking a couple of step backs. Then he acknowledges you and the others with a nod. A lacking greeting, but you'll let it slide.

"There's something I'm still curious about," Amna says to Naoki. "What exactly do you mean when you call yourself one of Kari's students?"

"Well, she has been helping me make sense out of magi culture and the Holy Grail War. She has also taken up a teaching position at my school."

"I see. What subjects does she teach?"

"Social studies," answers Naoki.

"Do you want to come to our school as well, maybe? I don't think we could do her lessons justice by describing them." Mara spreads the good word of your teaching to your fellow homunculus.

"That does sound intriguing. I'll consider it," Amna says.

"In that case it might be best to shelf the topic for now." Akihiko bluntly inserts himself into the conversation, walking up to you with his arms clasped behind his back and Abe no Seimei trailing behind him to bolster his Master's lack of gravitas.

"No one else is headed our way anymore and it's about time we go over our strategy for tonight," he continues.

"In that case, I should announce my presence." With that whisper that carries through the clearing like a midnight chill, Assassin materializes amidst your ranks. "Although, if my understanding of the situation is correct, we cannot simply kill Avenger, or their Master for that matter, less their Servant's corruption fades into the Grail?"

"Indeed," you say.

"In that case, I fear that my skills will not be of great use. I'll keep myself hidden and see if an opportunity to assist presents itself."

"Noted," you say. You take another look at your group, now that you appear to be complete. Six Servants is a considerable number, but you still can't help but leave out a disappointed sigh. "I was already aware that the world revolves around me, but am I truthfully the only one that managed to recruit additional members for this undertaking?"

"I was expecting Mister Steube to join us," Naoki says, while sending a questioning glance at Akihiko.

"The freelancer, yes. Caster did send a familiar to fetch him and while he followed it at first, somebody met up with him on the way and he had his Saber destroy the familiar." Akihiko explains. "I can't tell you exactly what his current situation is, but I assume he wanted his privacy."

"Right, there's nothing you can do about that then. I just hope he's alright." Naoki forces a smile, but you don't think even Amna could fail to pick up on how concerned he is.

"Every night you find something else to worry about," you tell him. "This isn't the time to concern yourself with somebody that just brings you more grief. You're about to march to danger and can't afford anybody dragging you towards death. Spend your thoughts on something that'll lift you towards victory instead. Like how you might be able to earn my praise for a job well done. What better reason could there be to cling to life?"

"That's a good question. I can't think of anything," Naoki says with a chuckle. Once again you brighten somebody's mood like the sun piercing through dark clouds.

"I can." Ayano gives Naoki a slap on the back that sends him stumbling into Lancer, who readily catches his Master. "Still, she started out sounding halfway sensible, so heads up."

"What's that supposed to mean?" you ask her. "Everything I say is more than simply sensible. I am a font of divine wisdom."

"It means your friend might have a point about your ego."

"Cease your squabbling!" Akihiko cuts into your conversation with unfiltered agitation. "Please just listen to Caster explaining the situation."

You glance at Ayano. The nerve she has to drag Amna back into this as soon as it's convenient for one of her swipes. Of course belittling you is the greater offense on principle, even if she inadvertently accepted some of your advice as sound in the process, but those scoldings have failed on deaf ears more than once and altruistic as you are, your tongue aches to lash out at her on account of your fellow homunculus.

Yet, Amna is present and perfectly capable of speaking up for herself, so if she doesn't feel the need to act, you suppose it isn't worth your effort either. With the exception of a sigh, you remain silent and getsure for Caster to speak.

Likewise, Ayano only regards you with a raised eyebrow, before shrugging and turning to Caster. For someone that went to the effort of throwing out provocations, she seems perfectly content to let the matter go. Given that situation, having her share your restraint is appreciated.

Akihiko isn't wrong, there is vermin that needs extermination.
No vote this time. I figured that giving any life signs was more important at this point and this seemed like a decent point to cut before moving into this night's main event proper.
37: Night 4: The Guardian Monster
With all of your attention centered on him, Abe no Seimei speaks. "As promised, I did track down Avenger. While the out of the way location might have been a bother for some of you, I find it only appropriate that an abomination would seek shelter as far away from human civilization as it can afford to be. Fortunately, it also means we're far away from any prying eyes that might catch on to our activities tonight. While the location was hardly chosen out of consideration for us, we should make sure to repay the favor regardless. Please, spare no effort in granting Avenger a splendid death."

Alongside his jovial tone, Caster's voice carries a chill that exceeds the cold of the evening air. You're not about to spare any sympathies for Avenger, but there was a clear undercurrent of glee accompanying Caster's calm demeanor.

"Setting aside their corruptive nature, I did not sense a great amount of power from Avenger," Caster continues. "However, they're accompanied by another more powerful and monstrous Servant. Although, there's something more intriguing about this protector. Given our research a few nights ago, I'm quite certain that they've not been summoned by our local grail. Although, they're likely the cause of the interference affecting our ritual's remaining Berserker position. I also distinctly remember one of the highly esteemed members of our group mentioning their family having experimented with summoning an Avenger in another grail war and I can't help but wonder if perhaps our current predicament might have something to do with them not properly cleaning up after themselves."

"I see you remain petty over the experiment having taken place in Kyoto," you say.

"It's nothing of the sort," Abe no Seimei responds. His smile still contains animosity, but he's suppressing any open hostility he might feel towards you. "It'd be quite silly for me to care about human life just because of where you happened to risk it."

"I can tell that this conversation won't get us anywhere." You sigh. "Given how much you've already harped about time, I'll move on to the point you were alluding to. I was not directly involved with the Kyoto incident, so all I have to go on are reports as well. Given the amount of destruction the corrupted grail inevitably caused, it isn't impossible that the exact details of events might have been distorted through the faulty investigation work of people that aren't me. Should the enemy masters survive we might be able to extract some information out of them and sate our curiosity, but until then there's little point dwelling on a cause that won't help us fix the problem."

"Little point, indeed," Caster uses his baton to obscure his expression and with it the last traces of his anger. "Then let us turn the conversation to what's ahead. Our highest priority is to neutralize Avenger, the beast guarding them is a secondary concern. As such, it would be best for us to split into two groups. One led by me that heads directly for Avenger and another that focuses on holding back our more dangerous opposition."

"And why don't we just kill the other Servant first and then come down on Avenger as a united front?" Ayano asks. "All snark about me being happy to have you out of my hair aside, I don't like the idea of you trying to get rid of as much of the competition as possible by leaving some of us behind to become monster food."

"I assure you that my Master would never approve of such a tactic as long as Mister Watanabe is with you." A slight chuckle escapes Caster. "I also shouldn't need much aid for my task, leaving you as equipped to handle yours as we can afford. What concerns me most is that should word of Kyoto have reached Avenger, it knows exactly what they're capable of and why we want them gone. Thus I fear what it might do once it realizes that it no longer has an escape. We're dealing with a creature drenched in spite. I can't rule out that it would rather kill itself to ensure we all drown in its agony once it spills forth from the Grail than let us succeed tonight. "

Foul nausea takes a grip of your heart, sending a putrid pulse through your entire being with every beat. It leaves you feeling utterly sick. You don't want to imagine the scenario Caster just outlined, but it forces itself onto your mind through the sheer inevitability that you might not get a chance to stop Avenger in the first place just on account how overwhelming and hopeless the prospect of having to fight you is.

A deep breath.

Fear ought to be beneath you. What do the consequences of failure matter, if there's no chance for you to fail? You didn't walk into this situation blind, so all you need to do is create an opportunity before Avenger can accelerate their otherwise well deserved demise to the point of disaster.

"In that case," says Ayano's Rider, "it might be best if I act as your support. That way my Master will have less reason to worry about being left to fend for ourselves and I'm not the most well suited to dealing with berserkers in the first place."

"That is acceptable," answers Caster.

"I guess I have no room to complain at this point." Ayano sighs. "Is there anything else, or can we get going?"

"Anything else awaiting us we'll have to discover in person. I'll lead the way." Caster does as he said and you and the others follow him back into the depth of the forest.

You leave the chatter behind in the clearing. Given that Servants can sense each other's presence, it's inevitable that the enemy will notice your approach. However, it would feel improper to walk into enemy territory with bickering and jokes. As much as you might want to destroy them, you're not aiming at their dignity.

As you move yet deeper into the forest, the last rays of the sun recede, leaving behind only the faint light of stars that can't pierce the ever thickening canopy. The lack of visibility makes your march even more cumbersome than it was to begin with. Minor obstacle as it is, Ida still takes note of it. She steps in front of you and interlaces her hair with flames, giving you more than enough light to see what's in front of you.

"Oy! Careful with the fire," shouts Ayano.

Ida gives a self-confident chuckle before twirling in place, causing the nearby shadows to dance with her radiance. She comes to a stop facing Ayano and flips her hair back. Despite her vigorous movement, not so much as a single spark could bear to part with her.

"My elder sister already warned me not to start a forest fire today and my self-control is impeccable when it comes to following her orders."

"And what if she wasn't here to keep you in check?" Seimei asks.

"I don't like to think about what life would be like without my sister," Ida says.

"Then let's instead consider what you would do if Lady Karisviel tells you to indulge yourself."

"That's easy. I'd pursue romance."

"Given what I know about you, I presume that would involve murder?"

Ida hums in agreement.

"Would it be fair to say that you love humanity?"

"Hm, I don't simply love people because they're human, but I can't imagine a human I wouldn't fall in love with and if I love everyone individually, then by extension I suppose that also means I love humanity as a whole."

"Thank you for your honesty. Your answer helped to demonstrate what kind of beast you are."

"I don't think that is quite fair." Naoki speaks up. "Setting aside your specific scenario, it's not like Kari is about to let Ida drive humanity extinct."

"Of course not," you agree.

"Perhaps," answers Caster. "I'll leave it to my Master to decide whether she needs to be put down or not."

"Which is something I won't worry about until tomorrow," Akihiko says. "For tonight we're cooperating. It's as simple as that."

"I'd hope so," you say. "Now, this was quite enough interrogating." Your admonishment causes the group to fall silent again.

Regrettably, you perhaps could have used something to occupy you. As you draw nearer to Avenger, there's a sense of wrongness attempting to encroach on your heart. A yet empty grail it could use to birth omnipotent misery. It's bound to remain impotent for as long as Avenger remains alive, but the mere presence of it sickens your heart non the less.

You're briefly distracted from that discomfort, when Amna falls into step next to you. She remains silent and seems content with simply being in your presence. You do suppose the display of appreciation makes the walk marginally more comfortable.

Reaching your destination takes longer than you would have liked. However, with no real obstacles in your path, it's only a matter of time until you arrive.

Regardless of the depth of night, no darkness could hide the ominous aura of the Servant that has come to intercept you. From between the trees steps forth a tall woman with pale skin and hair wearing a faded dress that's barely better than a dirty rag. While she doesn't exude the same sense of impending catastrophe as Avenger's lingering presence does, even the faint movement you can make out in the darkness carry with them the nature of a beast that belongs in neither human cloth, nor skin.

"What is that?" There's naked fear in Naoki's voice. No matter how much magic he has been exposed to these last couple days, this is the first time he has come face to face with a being that is antithetical to his survival as a human being.

"I'm afraid that I was being quite literal when I described Avenger's guardian as monstrous," says Caster. "The grail does sometimes accommodate inhuman Servants by granting them a vessel to manifest in that doesn't make their true identity apparent for all to see. This appears to be the case for her, even if no disguise can hide her sinister nature."

"You really shouldn't talk about Mother like that." A male voice calls out from slightly deeper in the forest. You can't make out much beyond his voice, but the lack of notable weight to his presence leaves you to assume that he isn't another Servant, but rather the monster's Master. You're not quite sure if someone being willing to call such a creature their mother stokes your curiosity more, or less.

You don't quite catch Caster's response, as Ida addresses you telepathically.

Elder Sister, that woman seems familiar, or at least that's how Brynhildr feels.

So you think they knew each other in life, you respond.

No, that definitely isn't it. It's more that they're related… somehow. I'm sorry that I can't be more specific, but I would like to try talking to her.

You're skeptical of how much success your sister might have, but you're already headed towards a fight anyway. There should be no harm in letting her at least try, so you give her the permission to do so.

"Excuse me." Ida pushes herself past Caster and addresses the monster. "I know it's terribly rude of us, but despite Caster's direct demeanor we're not here to kill anybody tonight."

The monster responds with a soft growl.

"Dinner does sound lovely, but if I had to describe our objective today, it'd be more like a doctor making a home visit," Ida responds, having no apparent problem with understanding the monster's intent.

There's another growl and again Idasviel responds. "I can respect being protective of your family, but I don't think my elder sister will like being turned away."

"And for a moment I was thinking her Mental Pollution might come into handy," mentions Ayano.

"At least she's stalling that thing," says Akihiko. "I don't think we'll get a better chance to make our move. I trust all of you know what to do and by God, keep Naoki safe."

He springs into action without waiting for a response and Caster and Ayano's Rider follow suit. Ayano herself meanwhile, parts from her Servant and moves closer to Naoki.

The way Akihiko simply took charge rubs you the wrong way and you detest the idea of leaving the most important task of handling Avenger entirely to others. They're nearby, just out of sight behind the trees. Yet, no matter how much you sharpen your senses, the most you can make out is… the faint smell of gingerbread.

With no further time to contemplate, you give your orders to Ida.

[X] Attack the monster.
As much as you might want to handle Avenger yourself, keeping your allies safe is a part of your responsibilities. You don't know the capabilities of Amna's Servant and Assassin isn't a frontline fighter to begin with, but together with both Lancers, you should be able to slay Avenger's guardian with minimal losses and secure her Master in case you want him to sate your curiosity.

[X] Break past the monster
Nobody will have the time to object to you joining the group headed directly for Avenger. The others should be fine handling their opponent by virtue of their number advantage. They might have to fight more defensively, but even if she manages to get away alive, that's a small price to assure that you successfully exterminate Avenger.

New Skill
Mental Pollution: C+
A skill representing the distorted mentality not born from Brynhildr, but Idasviel herself. The abnormal way her mind operates has a chance of disrupting the effect of all kinds of mental interference. It's to be expected that Idasviel will have trouble coming to a mutual understanding with sane individuals, while also showing an surprising capability to communicate with others whose mental state has been altered.

Lies and slander
Class: Berserker
True Name: Unknown
Master: Unknown

Strength: A+
Endurance: A+
Agility: A
Mana: B
Luck: C

Mad Enhancement: C
Berserker is granted a rank up for all parameters except Luck and Mana, but in exchange, one can no longer think and speak properly. Further there's a possibility that certain techniques, Personal Skills and Noble Phantasms of the Servant are limited.

Monstrous Strength: A+
An offensive special characteristic possessed only by monsters and magical beasts. This skill temporarily grants a rank-up to one's strength parameter for a time limit determined by the ranking of this skill.
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38: Night 4: Crossing Fates
[X] Attack the monster.
In the end, you remain back to help fight against the monster. No doubt Ida will appreciate the violence.

Berserker's attention shifts to Akihiko's group as they attempt to slip past her. Meanwhile your sister seems to no longer concern the monster, despite standing directly in front of her. You'll have to teach her the proper punishment for ignoring a masterpiece of the Einzbern.

"Ida, that woman has stood in my way for longer than is permissible. You may kill her."

She follows your command with unbridled glee. She lunges forward and her spear materializes with its tip aimed straight at Berserker's heart.

"Mother! Watch out for the girl!" the hidden Master screams just as Ida's spear digs into the side of the berserker that by now had turned away from her completely to chase after Tohsaka.

Then the monster's attention snapped back onto her attacker and Ida's spear lurched to a stop as the flesh it was biting into became unyielding. The sudden resistance causes Ida to redouble her effort by casting the set of runes that increase her divinity. Using the momentum of her initial charge, she tackles Berserker and shifts her grip to the gap in the spearhead to drive it further in.

Berserker didn't flinch, even as the ground began to crack under the continued strain of Ida pushing forward. Uncaring, the monster raises one of her arms and brings it down on your sister as one might strike with a flyswatter.

Idasviel swings her spear around to intercept the attack with its shaft. She succeeds just in time to brace against the casual strike that impacts with enough force that the already cracked ground shatters entirely. A cloud of dirt gushes forth from the earth's fresh wounds and obscures the two Servants from sight.

Once the dust settles, Ida still stands without injury, but she has to visibly strain just to resist Berserker pushing down on her. The monster regards Ida with bewilderment before snarling at her. Now that she has survived the first strike, Idasviel is regarded as more than a bug on the roadside.

Berserker's posture shifts and her right arm swells up, tearing her false skin as she prepares to unleash her full strength. A set of claws displace her old nails and stop growing just in front of Ida's face, which bears a wild smile at having drawn the monster's murderous intent upon her. Her expression is only mildly marred by the disappointment of the claws not being long enough to dig into her.

The two of them are entirely focused on their clash, leaving them entirely unaware of Lancer. With his armor and storm needle manifested, he lunges for Berserker. It's only because of another warning from her Master that Berserker manages to react in time.

She grabs the length of his weapon, casually crushing the light shell containing the energy vortex within. A tempest mixed with red lightning escapes through her fingers, yet doesn't manage to budge even a single one of them.

Ida uses the opportunity to push the monster back. Berserker's head snaps back and forth between her two opponents, only for it to be thrown back with the sound of an explosion, causing her to let go of her two opponents to claw at her face instead. You glare at Rider for firing a musket this close to your ears, but you refrain from scolding him.

"It looks like our attacks are more effective when she doesn't see them coming," he says.

"Indeed," you agree, "and the warnings from her Master help her to keep track of everything through the fog of madness."

"That sounds about right. I'll leave him to you Masters, while the three of us occupy the Servant."

"So you're as presumptuous as your Master after all," you say, feeling more bemused than affronted.

"Rider and I compliment each other well," Amna says. "However, I currently do not think we have the time to expound on the topic."

"Right, right." You create a set of familiars and have them spread out through the area. As far as you can tell from his open yelling, the enemy Master lacks the finesse to surveil the situation with his own familiars and direct his Servant from a safe distance. "This shouldn't be much of an issue. Ayano, feel free to stay back and keep Naoki and Mara safe."

"Works for me," Ayano agrees while keeping her attention fixed on the Servants.

"I'm not sure how I feel about being lumped in with needing protection, but I'll take it," says Mara. "Good luck out there, homunculus squad!"

"I don't think that's necessary." Naoki corrects his friend. "We just have to thank them for taking care of this for us and leave everything to Karisviel's competent hands."

"You could do more than simply thank me, but you're correct that I'm not at the mercy of something as feeble as luck," you say. "Let's go, Amna."

While Lancer felt a sense of trepidation, Idasviel watched with voracious anticipation as Berserker tore away her human disguise damaged by Rider's attack to reveal her true face. What emerged could not be considered any such thing. Her true appearance was a white void. A mere placeholder for facial features to be layered upon.

Two points of red surfaced, rapidly expanding with the fluidity of pooling blood, until they formed two circles that served as a facsimile of eyes. Just enough of an imitation to fool itself into being able to see. The red spills over from the two pools and flows down her face in fine lines that form an erratic pattern until they disappear under the remains of false skin around Berserker's throat. It only occasionally becomes visible again at the spots on her arms and hands where her skin now hangs as tattered as the rags she's wearing after the initial clash.

Berserker's face split open in a crude mimicry of a mouth armed not with teeth, but rather a jagged set of lips. With a mind numbing roar she once again settles on Idasviel as her target. The homunculus readied her spear for the clash, feeling giddy that she already left enough of a mark to be her first priority. Lancer moved to intercept the attack on behalf of his fellow knight, signaling Rider to stay behind as support.

He was not fast enough to keep up with Berserker. Worse, the red pattern on her hand stretched out to form a replica of a familiar lance. Lancer's very own Noble Phantasm. Its tip clashes with Ida's spear. It cracks, allowing a surge of magical energy to escape and throw Ida's weapon back. She attempted to go with the impact and jump back. Berserker caught her by the throat with one hand, while the other tore into her gut.

No scream manages to escape from Idasviel's crushed throat. There's only a ragged gurgle as she tried to fight back, barely audible over the noise of Lancer's armor as he rushed to her rescue.

He swung his sword at Berserker. While not holding the same raw power as one of his Noble Phantasm, it's a weapon that has served him well in slaying monsters before. It also had the precision to serve as a feint. Its blade only danced close enough to Berserker's neck to elicit another warning from her Master. By the time Berserker's grip eased off of Idasviel and her bloody claws left her gut to catch the incoming attack, Lancer's sword was safely out of range. His strike didn't need to make contact to hit its aim.

It was his partner's turn next.

The lion materialized next to Lancer without the need for a command. He lunged for the monster's legs. Teeth sunk into her flesh before she could adapt to the new enemy. Once the lion dragged her away, her awareness of Ida was only enough to toss her aside before kicking at the beast trying to bring her down.

Lancer caught Ida and set her down gently. She rewarded him with a mangled complaint.

"Our fight against Saber was one thing, but I'm not always going to throw you right back at the opponent," Lancer responded to what his best guess of her complaint was. Even as he refused her, he felt some relief at seeing her wounds mend themself rapidly, even by the standards of Servants. Healing magecraft courtesy of Karisviel. Thanks to her sister's care, Ida's body might be able to keep up with her eagerness to kill.

Another bullet from Rider found Berserker's back, giving the lion a chance to retreat to his knight's side.

"Just focus on making the Master scream out his warnings for now," Rider called out to Ida. "It's the best we can do to help your sister track him down and if he goes mum, we take turns slowly cutting his mother up."

"I'm not sure how I feel about making her son watch something like that, but it can't be helped if it's for the sake of my elder sister." Idasviel started circling Berserker, moving opposite Lancer and his lion until they had her surrounded as well as the three of them could manage to.

The beast was momentarily unsure which prey to settle on. Before she could decide, the choice was made irrelevant by a single absolute request.

"Mother, I'm sorry to leave this to you, but I beg of you, don't lose sight of the enemy Servants and that lion!" The Master's words were accompanied by the strength of a command spell. With the aid of a crystalized miracle, partially lifting the fog of madness clouding Berserker's mind was an easy task.

It granted her all the clarity she needed to keep track of the four of them at the same time.

Rider took a shot using the enormous release of magical energy as a beacon. His bullet might as well have been a snail.

Berserker lunged forward and in one fell motion swiped the bullet out of the air and pointed a claw at Rider. Its flesh tore itself apart to form a replica of a barrel. A flesh of red traveled across her digit in a spiral pattern ending at her finger's muzzle. With a wet plop, she fired a shot at Rider.

Guided by the command spell, her aim was dead on and tore through the space Rider had been a mere instant ago. Him dodging the bullet hadn't been a matter of speed. Rather, after already having seen Lancer's weapon replicated, he anticipated the counterattack and waited until Berserker had committed to the path of her bullet. In that instance, he used his Disengage skill to let the tides of battle carry him away from the fight.

Idasviel denied Berserker the opportunity to take aim again by attacking her. The monster turned to face her, poised to devour the prey throwing itself at her. For as much it pained Ida, she refused Berserker's loving embrace and with an explosion of flame kicked off the ground at the last second before their clash. She vaults over Berserker with her spear sliding off the monster's skin leaving not a single scratch.

Ida landed next to Lancer. "She's a very selfish lover. Do you have any idea how we can break through her defense?"

"Not really," he answered. "This might turn into a battle of endurance."

Berserker was about to lunge for them once again, when a dark shadow materialized on her shoulders. Assassin looped several wires around her before melting back into the night. The bindings managed to halt Berserker's attack.

She strained against them once.


Then the forest lurched forward.

The trees Assassin used as an anchor were torn apart. Splinters and trunks alike exploded into the clearing. Berserker paid them no mind as she charged towards the two knights.

Lancer dived into the storm of wood and took hold of the largest piece of wood tumbling through the air. He thrusted it at Berserker as a makeshift lance to keep her at bay.

She threw herself into the strike without hesitation. It burst between the two Servants, doing nothing to slow the charging titan. Her claws were a hair's breadth away when Lancer's lion tackled him out of the way.

Berserker set after them. One hand swatted away the lion like it was a mere housecat, while the other dug into Lancer's breastplate. A kick to his abdomen sent him flying towards Ida with enough force for his armor to be torn apart in Berserker's grasp.

Ida caught the bullet aimed at her. Her gut wound rebelled against the strain. Delectable as the jolt of pain might be for her, the laps in focus was enough to send her stumbling backwards as she struggled to stop Lancer.

Berserker raised a claw at the pair of knights. Once again it shifted into the mimicry of a gun to tear through the two of them in their moment of weakness.

She didn't notice the person rushing at her through the carnage of the battlefield. To her, they were not illuminated by the light of the command spell.

"Release. Soar through heaven."

Ayano tossed the primed topaz into the air and poured as much reinforcement magecraft into her legs as they could endure. Then she jumped.

She sailed through the air past the monstrous Servant. Her arms snaked forward to grab Berserker into a headlock. She has taken hold of death and she had no intention of being gentle with it.

Before Berserker could comprehend the frail magus dragging her through the air, her face was roughly slammed into the ground.

The cutter caused little more than a dull ache to Berserker, but her instincts demanded that she tear her attacker apart. Eyes set on Ayano, Berserker paid no mind to the gem gently sparkling in the air above her.

The precious stone burst, releasing the magical energy stored within it as a violent gale. The wind was strong enough to keep her pinned to the ground for the briefest of moments. The tempest washed over her, spreading over the ground until it picked up Ayano and carried her away from Berserker.

It was by no means a gentle get away, but it created the distance needed for Rider to safely approach. His Magic Resistance dispelled Ayano's wind spell on contact, letting him pass through the storm without getting touched by so much as a breeze. He picked up Ayano and carried her off to a safe distance before Berserker could regain her bearings.

"I respect the bravery, but I don't think you should repeat that stunt," he told her.

"I wouldn't have had to get involved at all if the three of you did a better job killing that thing," she shot back.

Their conversation was interrupted by a primal scream of pain from deeper into the forest.

It stabs into Berserker's heart with more anguish than any of the other Servants could ever hope to accomplish. Paying no further attention to her opponents, Berserker raced into the woods to rescue her son.

"About time they found him," Ayano said.

Finding the enemy Master had been an easy task once Assassin thinned out the forest for you. It's not like you had required the help, but taking away his cover made the whole process much more convenient.

Now he's standing a slight distance away from you and Amna, caught in the crossroad of fight or flight. At first glance, he doesn't look particularly dangerous. Just a tall lanky boy in his late teens with a mane of green hair that a strand of black runs through. While unkempt, he doesn't look nearly as feral as Berserker.

There's still something off about him. It's faint, but he exudes a foul aura that is unlike the monstrousness of his Servant. He almost feels too human.

You catch a brief glimpse of the command seals on his right hand. The markings take up an unusually large amount of space.

The moment for you to seize each other up passes and he decides to attack. He brandishes a wicked piece of black and red metal that's fashioned to resemble a claw. It looks more like a ceremonial tool than an effective weapon. Not that a weapon of any kind is going to make a difference before you.

One of your familiars descends from the sky as a blade and severs his body at the hips before he could take more than a single step towards you. The familiar unravels itself and wraps part of itself around the boy before returning into the shape of the bird. It holds him in the air for further inspection.

"Kari," Amna speaks up. Her voice is trembling ever so slightly.

"Hm? Oh yes, my apologies," you say. You have your familiar wrap part of itself around the Master's mouth to muffle his screams. You suppose it's no real surprise that Amna is a tad squeamish about these kinds of things.

After casting a simple bit of magecraft to keep the blood from staining your dress, you approach your captive and place a hand on his chest. Right now, there's a limit to what even you can accomplish, but while you can't completely dislodge his soul from its vessel entirely without negative side-effects, you can easily establish a link to sustain it with magical energy rather than having to rely on his bodily function. You aren't quite sure you want him dead yet.

You move on to inspecting the command seals on his right hand and find that you were right to be curious. What should be a pattern of three strokes is instead six, one of which is smudged after having been used up mere moments ago. Twice the amount of seals does imply twice the amount of contracted Servants.

How a nobody like this is able to sustain two separate Servants is not a question you exactly want to consider, but you vaguely remember Mel mentioning missing person reports being on the rise. A monster such as Berserker is unlikely to have any reservations against sustaining herself by eating humans for sustenance.

More pressingly, it is entirely likely that the second Servant contracted to this Master is Avenger. It appears you're going to have to go through the hassle of keeping him alive until confirmation of Caster's success to avoid Avenger fading away prematurely.

The familiar lops off his right hand and pulls it into its main body. You don't expect you'll have the opportunity to extract his command seals, given they'll be reclaimed by the Grail if either he, or both of his Servants die. Still, you'd rather not give him the opportunity to use another one of his seals in case he ever gets his mouth free.

Tremors running through the ground warn you off Berserker's approach. Turning towards her you can barely recognize the monster's appearance after she shed her human disguise, but nothing changed about her true nature.

You can sense that Ida is following shortly behind Berserker. Once she slows down, it should take a handful of seconds for your sister to catch up with her. Plenty of time to crush a pair of skulls.

With no time to run or hide, Amna puts herself between you and Berserker.

A futile gesture, but the dedication to protecting you is commendable.

Your familiar swings in front of her, using the Master as a meatshield. Berserker's claws stop just shy of impaling her own child. Seeing the state he's in, she starts wailing—a deep primal sound of anguish—and carefully tries to cut him free from your familiar.

While she's distracted, you slightly drag Amna to the side. Just enough to step outside of Berserker's shadow and move yourself into Ida's path instead.

She arrives shortly afterwards and scoops both you and Amna up to carry you away.

"Elder Sister, I'm terribly sorry that I didn't arrive sooner," Ida says.

"It's fine," you reassure her. "I'm not injured. What's more important is how we're going to deal with that monster."

[X] Overpower her with Noble Phantasms.
Normal attacks might be ineffective against Berserker's defenses, but it should be possible to overpower her with the combined strength of three Servants' Noble Phantasm. It does mean Ida's, Lancer's and Rider's true names are out in the open, but in exchange you can keep Berserker's Master around. There are some questions you want to ask him, even if they're mostly a matter of curiosity.

[X] Buy time until Avenger is purified, then kill the Master.
While the command spell means Berserker is no longer reliant on her Master's support to predict incoming attacks from your Servants, she still needs him to anchor her to the world. If you kill him, she should quickly cease to exist and once Avenger is no longer a concern, nothing necessitates that you keep him alive. Naturally, this means you won't be able to interrogate him at your leisure.
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39: Night 4: Treasures of Execution
[X] Overpower her with Noble Phantasms.
Berserker's wails still sound through the forest by the time you make your decision. Her anguish is clear to anyone with both a functional set of ears and a soul. It's a pain that cannot be felt in isolation and refuses to be felt alone when compared to mere wounds of the body.

Empathy and the fear of loss.

The unavoidable punishment for growing attached to a mortal life, such a sweet poison that not even an inhuman monster could abstain from it.

Most of Berserker's agony is imaginary, her Master does not have your permission to die. However, all she's seeing is tattered flesh that's unable to sustain the life leaking out of it. Her mistake is almost convenient, leaving her to waste time on a meaningless rescue. If only her cries were those of mere pain, rather than stirring memories of people long past.

You're not sentimental enough to find a sense of mercy within you just because you know how hollow one is left by mourning. Shutting her up will do just fine.

"Let's simply kill her," you tell Ida and Amna.

"I don't think we'd be in this situation if it was that easy," Amna says.

"Nonsense," you object. "Berserker might be a handful, but a battle between Servants isn't decided until both sides bring their Noble Phantasms to bear. That's at least three trump cards for us. We can worry about alternatives once our sleeves are empty."

"I have plenty of love to slaughter her with." Ida gently strokes her blood stained stomach and accompanies her comment with a giggle that carries her unique blend of affectionate sadism. It's a clear and beautiful sound that carries the warmth of a match stick to another's heart in hopes of setting them ablaze.

"I see. Should we give them a moment to say their goodbyes?" Amna proposes. Such an innocent idea you can't help but wonder how it lost its way onto the battlefield. It belonged as much as a lone flower ready to be trampled in spite of its beauty.

"That sounds like a fool's pity," you say.

"I do know better than to object to what you've done so far out of purely sentimental reasons," she responds. "If you need a practical reason, consider it a distraction while our Servants get into position. Your familiar is already fraying apart."

"I don't know why you expect to convince me with an argument you don't even care about yourself." You sigh. At the very least, she's correct that you don't have much time to argue before Berserker manages to free her Master. "Fine. I'll handle them. I'll leave organizing the execution to you. Do try to leave the killing blow for my sister. "

"Okay. I'll take care of it, but Rider will decide on the exact battle plan. He's the one in charge of the battlefield." With her piece said, Amna splits off from you and Ida to head towards the others. She only strays from the most direct path to keep a safe distance from Berserker.

Meanwhile, you head directly for the monster with your sister following behind you. At a glance, Amna's assessment of the situation was accurate. Most of the magically constructed thread that would usually make up your familiar's shape in the likeness of a magnificent bird has been ripped away. All that remains is the strand of your hair making up its core wrapped around the Master's severed hand—which now hangs in the air like a disembodied puppeteer—and barely enough wire to hold him up by his shoulders and keep his mouth shut. Indeed, the strings are just as broken as the puppet they're holding up.

Naturally, not even that much would remain if Berserker wasn't concerned that the shock of ripping her son free more brutally would be enough to free him from life alongside his bindings.

You may as well take that fear from her first.

Using the magic pathway you've already established to sustain his soul, you send healing magecraft through his body. You do just enough to close his open wounds. Repairing him any more than that would be a waste of effort and while you could spare that much, forcing him to regenerate at a rate relevant to the current situation would likely place enough stress on him to make him pass out after all the trauma his body already experienced.

"Berserker!" you call out to the beast before she can get any ideas about carrying her son off to safety.

Her attention shifts to you. She only shortly lingers on Ida before settling on you. Murderous intent flows off her like the blood that has now soaked into the nearby soil. You let it wash over you like waves breaking themself against a rock. You're not about to be intimidated by a half empty canvas scowling at you.

"Here are the terms," you dictate. "You should be able to sense the flow of magical energy between me and your Master. I don't want him dead yet, so he'll continue to live for as long as I live. Likewise, if I die, he dies."

There aren't enough features on Berserker's face to properly gauge her reaction, but the wave of hostility begins to ebb. Apparently she has enough of a mind left to listen to you. It won't save her, but at least she'll be able to choose the terms of her death.

"However, I fully intend to kill you," you continue. "You're free to fight back of course, but you'll die all the same. There's only one rule you have to abide by. If I notice you exploiting the fact that I'm preserving your Master to drain more magical energy that he should be able to supply, I'll let him die. There's little stopping you, if you want to cease your ephemeral existence by cannibalizing your son, but I might as well grant you a chance to spare his life."

The two pools of red that approximate Berserker's eyes gain a dangerous glint. The feral beast in front of you is aware of the corner you've pushed her into and that the way out is through you.

There's no sign of the others being ready to go on the attack, but you do still have a treat to make Berserker behave. With a snap of your fingers for an added flourish you have your familiar free the enemy Master's mouth.

Rather than anything resembling coherent speech, he lets out a strained and faint moan carrying the pain that still lingers in his mind, even after his wounds have been patched up. Well, whatever comes out of his mouth makes no difference to you. Without his command seals, it's all mere noise.

"Merciful goddess that I am, you're granted an opportunity to say your goodbyes."

"That's right," Ida adds. "Make sure to scrape up as much of her love as you can manage. She's going to be all mine before you know it."

"Mother," he croaks. Just that one word was coated thickly with malice, making him sound less like he's reaching out to loved family so much as spitting out a vile curse. "Forget about me. Just make sure these bastards get what they deserve."

Berserker cared nothing for his wish. She simply cradled his head with a gentleness that belied her monstrous appearance and touched her forehead to his. The soft growls she makes are indiscernible to you, but her meaning is clear enough without language. She would do everything in her power to keep him alive, with no regard for her own survival.

The willingness to sacrifice one's life for the sake of a loved one might seem touching at first glance, but ultimately it's mere window dressing for their cowardice. Nobody wants to live through grieving a loved one. For weaklings that have already given up on saving both of them, it's much easier to die and leave that pain to somebody else.

"What's even the point of giving you any last words if you're going to waste them on empty nothings like this?" You can't help yourself but chide them.

Both of them turn to you with unabashed hostility.

You scoff. "At least don't go out on this poor excuse of an argument. Only one of you is in any condition to do anything and the other will have to live with it. Don't give yourself more things to regret than necessary."

He glares at you, feral and malevolent. The truth of your words matter not, only that they displease him. That is until something gnaws through his impertinence and his focus shifts back to where it should be just once as a special exception.

"Mother, I love you. Thank you. For everything. I'll… keep living."

Berserker eases up at his newfound willingness to outlive her. She still isn't willing to lay down her life without a fight, but now at least there are less concerns about her child's survival weighthing her down.

They hold their embrace for much longer than could ever be appropriate with an enemy in their back. Eventually, Berserker lifts her head to meet your eyes. The sheer malice she has directed towards you before seems to have softened to mere murderous dislike after the moment of respite you've granted the two of them. Ultimately it matters not.

The time of her execution has arrived all the same.

"It appears that it's time for me to reenter the stage," Rider loudly announced as he approached the four of you.

Despite his proclamation, Berserker doesn't spare him a glance. The lingering effects of the Command Spell was still enough for her to keep track of him.

You decide to let Rider set the stage and signal Ida to follow you as you back away from Berserker. It requires some literal tugging to tear the mother and son's out of their embrace, but in the end Berserker sees the point in removing him from the fighting and the boy doesn't even have the strength left to cling to her.

It doesn't stop him from spouting impotent complaints, but that's easy enough to solve. Once your familiar has returned him to your side, you lock eyes with the boy. Activating the magecraft that rests in your eyes is more than enough to put him to sleep. His role for the night has concluded. There's little point in making him watch its conclusion.

As soon as the audience has vacated the stage, Rider wastes no time starting his performance. Instead of the rifle he has been using so far, he brandishes a barbed spear laced with sharp teeth. No matter how much success it might find in practice, his weapon was poised to sink itself into Berserker's flesh.

It's enough of a challenge that she finally deems to face him. Just as her attention has settled on him, the puddle of her son's blood that had pooled around her feet begins to ripple. The faint movement quickly grows as liquid hands raise themself out of the blood to grab onto Berserker's legs.

She attempts to shake them off only to find that the sanguine limbs lack the firmness to bind her. They simply cling to her and get dragged along with her movement. Chaining her to her son's blood.

Only after she spends a moment struggling can you tell that she's slowly sinking into the pool's nonexistent depth.

An obstacle that Berserker decides to overcome by ripping Rider to shreds before there's any time for her to be dragged into the ground. She pounces towards him, only slightly slowed by her bindings.

Rider points his spear at the advancing monster. With a light one-handed hold, it's a gesture holding no intent to engage his opponent in close quarters. Then he shouts into the night, voice calm and commanding.

"Young(Lopaka), fire!"

The roar of cannon fire sounds from within the forest. A projectile coated in dense magical energy follows close behind, barrelling straight towards Berserker.

She abandons her charge to find her footing within the treacherous ground. Whatever ground there is below the blood's surface, she finds it in time to swing one of her claws at the approaching attack.

The magical energy dissipates on contact and whatever cannonball was at the core of it is shattered through sheer brute strength.

It doesn't amount to much as an attack. However—whether it's because of the increased force of the attack, or a conscious effort on berserker's part to conserve what remains of her magical energy—it did force her to stand still as she's dragged further into the ground. By the time the sparks of Rider's attack fade, she's down halfway to her knees.

Following behind the cannon ball, Lancer rides into the clearing on his horse. The size of his Noble Phantasm has extended to match a proper jousting lance and the magical energy barely contained within it has only grown more dense. Never has describing it as a storm been more appropriate as it is right now. The currents of power inside of it strike the shell as flashes of red lightning, roiling endlessly in search of even the smallest opening that'll allow it to escape.

For a normal magus like Mara, being able to supply this amount of magical energy is impressive. You doubt she'll have anything left to give Lancer after this decisive strike.

The remaining distance between Lancer and his sunken target is crossed in the time it takes him to utter his Noble Phantasm's true name.

"A Crack of Thunder Roaring Like a Thousand Cheers!"(Red Esclados)

His spear tip finds Berserker and breaks against her. Thus, destruction is unleashed into the world with a crack violent enough that it makes Rider's canon sound like a mewling kitten in comparison. Most of it is targeted against Berserker, but enough of the storm escapes to the side to drown out your senses as red light and vicious winds rage past you.

The world returns to your senses as quickly as it was taken away, enabling you to process the aftermath of Lancer's attack.

Berserker has been thrown back by several meters, pulled free from the pool of blood, but forced to her knees and clutching her chest. You can't fully gauge the severity of her injuries, but blood is slowly leaking between her claws to stain the ground red again.

You can only guess how much strength it has actually taken to pierce through her protection. Aside from some slight scorching of the earth at the feet of Lancer's steed, the surrounding area is free of any blemish telling of the Noble Phantasm that has just been unleashed. The destructive power had all been concentrated directly at Berserker.

It still wasn't enough to put her down.

Wounded she might be, but Servants do not die easily. She rises back to her feet, slowed by her injury but that will matter little without another strike capable of overpowering her. Exactly as requested.

"It's my turn now, right?" Idasviel is eager, already taking small steps towards Berserker as she waits for your command.

"Of course. There's no need to hold back. Let your love burn bright," you say. It's time to let her satisfy her hunger.

Excited and delighted in equal measure, she breaks into a run headed straight for Berserker. By some unspoken agreement, Lancer trots into her path before dematerializing his horse. He lands in a kneeling position and offers himself as a step for Idasviel. Using him as a springboard, she arcs through the sky until she's right above Berserker.

"Until Death Unite the Two Eternally!"(Brynhildr Romantia)

Brynhildr's Noble Phantasm converts the love held towards the target into more mass for her spear. With its true name uttered, Ida's spear expands rapidly and its previous momentum seems to evaporate as it jerks to a stop. Rather than merely growing in size, the spear's shape shifts and twists. The heart shape of the spearhead remains, but its edge turns jagged and the holes near the handle grow more round and fill with flame.

Upon reaching its full size—the head easily three times as tall as its wielder and the shaft towering in the night sky like a golden spire—it resembles a face with its lower jaw removed, unable to chew, or swallow, yet still poised to sink its fangs into its prey solely for the sake of sadism.

For a second, the spear hangs in the air, with Idasviel standing atop its head and leering down at Berserker. Then gravity thrusts it downward. The gigantic weapon quickly descends upon Berserker, but your sister isn't content to leave the killing to the cold causality of the world. She lays a hand against her oversized weapon's shaft. Several sections along its length fold outward. Torrents of flame shoot out from these newly created openings and propel the spear downwards at an even more lethal speed.

You're not sure if Berserker could dodge the Noble Phantasm rocketing towards her in her current state, but she makes no attempt to do so. Her claws catch the spear and it fails to bite into her skin. Their impact causes a shockwave that threatens to unearth the remaining trees in the surrounding, yet Berserker stands strong with a steadfastness that would drive a mountain mad with jealousy.

Idasviel meanwhile has her footing shaken. She lets herself drop to a sitting position, lightly dangling her feet across the edge of her spear. She takes Berserker's resistance in good spirit, as she continues to stare down at her from atop her weapon.

After all, not even the most arrogant of mountains would hope to stand unmoving against the power of love.

Idasviel pushes herself off her seat, giggling as she's falling towards her prey that's pinned in place by the weight of the spear that's still relentlessly pushing towards her heart. She draws closer and closer, until she's in reach to wrap her arms around Berserker's neck. Ida uses her hold to swing the momentum of her fall around and wrap herself around Berserker's back. Her face draws close to Berserker's. She whispers words only they can hear and then envelops them in flames.

The inferno fueled by Ida's passion rages strong enough that the two Servants disappear out of sight, dragged into an endurance match in which the world around them might as well not exist.

That is, aside from yourself. Ida's magical energy reserves are your reserves and the fact that your opponent would run dry was more certain than gravity pulling them to the ground. Unless Berserker finds a way to break out of Ida's embrace, her death was only a matter of time.

Specifically, it's a matter of minutes.

Every now and then the spear would shake as Berserker tries to throw it off, but the rocket thrusters on Ida's Noble Phantasm adjust their output to stabilize it. Thus, their stalemate drags on until the spear overwhelms her and sinks through her and into the ground. With its love delivered, the spear returns to its original size and disappears from sight into a cloud of dust and flames.

Once the air clears, it reveals a crater out of which your sister's manic laughter can be heard. By now Berserker's presence has disappeared entirely, so you consider it safe to approach. As you draw closer, Idasviel comes into sight, spinning around in between the last motes of ether that used to make up Berserker's body still hanging in the air.

She spots you and spins to face you with an eager smile. "Elder Sister, I did it. I burned everything besides myself out of her mind and now she's all mine. I did good, right?"

Despite her claims, your mind turns to your captured Master. Berserker did in fact heed your warning and avoided draining him beyond his magical energy reserves. It's an impressive show of restraint from a dying Berserker. Doubtlessly, her focus was still on the survival of her son until the very end.

The things we do for family.

You descend into the hole Ida punched into the ground. However accurate her assessment of the situation might be, she fulfilled her purpose excellently. You wrap your sister into a hug and pet her head. "You did very well. I'm happy with you."

"Ah! Thank you, Elder Sister! Thank you!" Ida's voice is pitched, almost breaking with delight. She turns your hug with her hands wildly pawing at your back. "Who should I kill next? I don't think Lancer could put up a fight right now and Ayano is without her Servant. Or maybe you want Amna's head?"

"Now, now. You're free to bask in your first kill, but you shouldn't grow too needy."

"Of course. I'll be eager, but patient."

"Good. Then let's go. Perhaps you'll get a chance to add Avenger to your collection."

"Making the entire family mine sounds lovely."

You give Ida a nudge, but ultimately she's the one carrying you out of the pit she made. By now, Amna, her Rider, Naoki, Mara, Lancer and Ayano have gathered near you. You eye the two Servants. It might be time for proper introductions.

"We accomplished our part of tonight's mission. You may all feel honored for having supported me. Ayano, have you gotten any word from your Rider if they need help handling Avenger?"

Ayano takes a short moment to consider before answering. "There's some complications, but he's got everything under control. We wouldn't arrive in time to help anyway."

"I see, In that case, we might as well take the time to address the obvious." You look towards Lancer. He has dematerialized his damaged armor in favor of returning to his street clothes with the addition of a small lion that could pass for a stuffed animal at a glance resting on his shoulder. It lifts a pawn towards you in greeting. "Yvain, the knight of the lion, I take it?"

"Correct. I imagine it was only a matter of time, but I apologize for the secrecy nonetheless." He gives the gathered crowd a deep bow, causing his lion to abandon its seat to jump on his head instead.

"Don't start with the platitudes", Ayano says and rolls her eyes. "That much is to be expected in the Holy Grail War. Although, I'm sure our fair lady already considers that much unforgivable."

"How pessimistic of you," you chide. "I'm always willing to grant absolution to a sinner genuinely seeking redemption. As for now, I imagine we have more fruitful matters to discuss."

"For example," Ida says and jumps towards Yvain, "that Noble Phantasm of yours, Red Esclados, it's named after a knight you killed, isn't it?"

"Yes," Lancer answers. "I don't want to go into too much detail, but let's just say he was the guardian of a magic spring and I inherited the position."

"By marrying his widow," Mara added in a deadpan tone.

Ida ignores the comment and simply squeals at Lancer. "I knew we were similar. Say, when I kill you, do I get to keep you lance as a keepsake?"

"That sounds more like it should be an 'if'," Lancer says with a chuckle. "I can see why you'd want it though. You lasted her out, but I still dealt her the most severe blow."

"That doesn't matter!" Ida yells. "It's about the death blow. I killed her. She's mine!"

"Nobody is disputing that," Naoki says in a soothing tone. "He's just trying to make some banter, but if you don't like the topic we can move on." He glances over at Rider.

"I am curious to see how recognizable I am," Rider offers.

"A name is a name, which is all I require," you say. "I would place you as Kamehameha, the first king of Hawaii and the first Hawaiian to ride a horse. One of your most pertinent military battles being the Battle of the Dammed Waters, making use among other things of a pair of canons named Lopaka and Kalola operated by John Young and Isaac Davis."

"Good. As useful as the secrecy is, being too obscure to be recognized would be rather shameful for a Heroic Spirit." Rider accompanies his comment with a heartfelt laugh. "Regardless, consider Berserker's life to be a one time gift. There's enough value in a slain enemy's mana that I won't simply concede them in the future."

"Neither will I!" Ida declares. Compared to her viciousness when she thought Yvain was contesting her kill, she seems to accept Kamehameha's words as a fair competition.

"Right, before any of that there's another matter to settle now that the secrecy is out of the way," Ayano says. Then she points to Ida. "What the fuck even are you and what's up with this Brynhildr business."

"Hehe! I am Idasviel von Einzbern, the only Servant here honest about their Identity, the second greatest creation of the greatest family of alchemists and most importantly the younger sister and most devout worshiper of Karisviel von Einzbern." With a hand on her proudly puffed chest, Idasviel becomes more upbeat with each boast she makes. "Brynhildr… has been conscripted to aid me."

Ayano is visibly unimpressed, so you supplement a more detailed explanation. "The Heroic Spirit I summoned is indeed Brynhildr, who now rests within my sister's body. The technical details are of no greater importance, all you need to know is that she's her own person that happens to be able to wield the same powers as a Servant."

"You really can't help yourself but fuck with the system, can't you?" Ayano asks.

"The fundament for this summon was built into the Greater Grail from the beginning and the practice of channeling Heroic Spirits predates the use of summoning Servants with the aid of a grail. You're being needlessly critical about this." You purposely leave out the possibility that summoning Brynhildr into Ida might be related to the increased number of Servants that are participating in this war.

Ayano considers it for a while before giving a heavy sigh. "Whatever. I guess we're done here."

"Actually," Amna says, "for the sake of fairness, do you intend to reveal your Servant's true name as well."

"Fuck no," she scoffs. "I don't have to give you some stupid honorbound information handouts."

"That is… fair enough."

"Well then," Naoki says, "we should probably head towards Akihiko and the others. Whether or not we'll be in time to help them, it can't hurt to check up with each other."

"Nah, there's no point in bothering." Ayano waves dismissively. "Avenger got cleansed, but managed to pop Caster's substitutes and got away."

"Which you're awfully nonchalant about," you note.

Ayano shrugs. "We got the important part done and apparently they managed to wriggle out of the situation by taking the others by surprise due to being some kinda freak that got summoned as a duo rather than being genuinely powerful. Worst case, we can cut them off at the source by offing their Master, even if that'd be a shame before we managed to extract the command seals out of his arm. That is unless you're scared about Avenger staging a rescue for him. Maybe you need me to tag along as your big strong bodyguard?"

There's a challenge in Ayano's smile, even if you both know that you're not going to be scared of some boogeyman. Still, you do give some consideration to her offer.

[X] Accept her offer.
You may not need any protection, but serving you even for a short while might help her to build character. It's not like she poses any danger to you on your own land. Especially not while you still hold the key to her gaining another command seal. Whether or not she's trying to bait you, she should at least follow through on her word.

[X] Ask Amna to stay with you instead.
You suppose that if there's anyone in this group you'd trust your back to, it's her. There should be no harm in keeping her around a little bit longer. You're also somewhat curious if experiencing proper battle has helped her reconsider some of her priorities.

[X] Ask Naoki to stay with you instead.
He has been an attentive student so far. It might be a good idea to set him, as well as Mara and Yvain, aside to review some material now that he has some battle experience.

[X] Just return home without any of them.
The fact of the matter is that you can keep yourself safe. To pretend otherwise is below your dignity. Having another person to deal with is only going to slow down getting to whatever matter you decide to handle tomorrow.

Regardless, after all the violence Ida was allowed to exert tonight, you're quite sure Idasviel will manage to coax some more rune magic from Brynhildr's consciousness. You wonder what exactly it'll be.

[X] Flight
While Idasviel can already rocket herself through the air with the aid of her mana burst, that pales in comparison to the maneuverability offered by proper flight, the ability to levitate herself for unrestricted movement through the air. At this point, she can not make other things fly, but she can carry the same amount of weight with her that she would be able to lift on the ground.

[X] Use basic elemental magic
A wide array of spells that lack finesse, but add versatility to Idasviel's arsenal. It should be noted that a lot of Servants capable of fighting Idasviel head on will have Magic Resistance that will protect them from direct attacks with magecraft.

[X] Enchantement
The ability to imbue the power of her rune magecraft into things besides herself. The variety of enchantments at Idasviel's disposal is directly tied to the other forms of rune magecraft she has acquired. For now, increasing divinity would make a rather temperamental enchantement, that technically gives very universal benefits, but will also take a heavy toll on any target without the proper compatibility.
True Name: Kamehameha

Divinity: C
Rather than having divine blood himself, Kamehameha was designated as the guardian of Ku, a Hawaiian god that holds authority over war. Beyond his close ties to Ku's divinity, he also has access to rituals granting him further favor, including sacrificial practices that allow him to harness the strength of slain enemies from their remains.

Charisma: B
A composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as their natural skills as a leader. At this rank the Skill is sufficient to lead a nation as its King. The morale of the military forces he commands is extremely high.

Disengage: A
The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat or reset the battle conditions.

Noble Phantasm:
Lopaka and Kalola: Young and Davis
Rank: C+
Type: Anti-Army

A pair of canons operated by Kamehameha's old advisors. Their lack of mystery means they don't hold as much raw power as most anti-army Noble Phantasm would, even if Rider was able to instill enough magical energy into them to make them a force to be reckoned with. However, the fact that they're effectively remote controlled grants them some amount of versatility to compensate for their relative lack of fire power.

Dammed Waters
Most details of this Noble Phantasm are still unknown, but it appears to grant Rider some influence over blood spilled on the battlefield and cause people to sink into it. You currently don't know if anything lurks under its surface.
True Name: Yvain

Animal Dialogue C
While complex conversation with animals is impossible, Lancer does have an uncanny ability to reach an understanding with animals. Though, having his orders understood does not guarantee that an animal will follow them.

Noble Phantasm:
Red Esclados: A Crack of Thunder Roaring Like a Thousand Cheers:
Rank: B++
Type: Anti-Unit

A weapon tied to the guardianship of a magical storm causing spring within the enchanted forest Brocéliande. Its gnarled wooden hilt can convert magical energy into a powerful storm contained by a thin bounded field shaped like a lance. Any impact is likely to damage the shell, creating a localized opening that allows for the storm within to be released, while concentrating its strength into a small point.

The exact size and power of this Noble Phantasm is relative to the amount of magical energy used to activate it.

Knight of the Lion: The knight's loyal companion
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit

A majestic lion that aids Lancer in battle. While it is loyal to Yvain, it is capable of storing magical energy of its own to manifest according to its own will without no regard to Lancer's orders. Still, the two are connected on a fundamental level, allowing the lion to appear at Yvain's side regardless of what obstacles are in its way, including those that would otherwise disable the use of Noble Phantasm entirely.

Besides manifesting at its full size, it can also take a smaller form resembling a stuffed animal.
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40: Start of Day 5
[X] Accept her offer.
[X] Enchantement
You meet Ayano's smile with a smirk of your own. What kind of benevolent goddess would you be if you denied people the blessing of your presence?

"Very well, I'll indulge you, Ayano. I expect you to do good work in return for being allowed to accompany me."

Ayano's smile withered and she stared at you flatly for a silent second, or two. "I'm not even surprised, but I regret my choices already."

"I mean, I don't think you-" Naoki spoke up, but found himself interrupted by Ayano.

"Don't bother. There's no fucking point."

"You heard her." Mara gently pulled Naoki away by his shoulders. "Who knows, maybe some alone time will help them get along." Mara was prompted to reconsider her statement by a glare from Ayano. "Anyway, it's been a long night. It's about time we get some sleep."

"Well, if you guys say so," Naoki said. "Although, I should probably at least drop by the temple, so Caster can inform Akihiko that everything worked out on our end as well."

"How diligent," you say. "Make sure to tell him that I'll expect him to crawl out of hiding, if he wishes to claim one of the Command Seals. I'm sure he'll agree it's too valuable a commodity to be treated with any less care than that."

"Right," Naoki replied. "I take it I should also make a visit to you then?"

"Yes," you confirm. "I'm sure we'll find an opportunity eventually."

"I'll make sure to keep in touch as well," Amna says.

"I'd expect you to," you answer. "Farewell until then."

"Yes. Sleep well, Kari." Amna says her goodbyes to the others as well and then leaves together with Kamehameha. The others quickly follow suit and your little group dispenses until it's only you, Ida and Ayano. Well, the three of you and the Master you captured, but given the circumstances he hardly counts.

"Alright then, lead the way. Rider is going to catch up just fine," Ayano says.

"Very well. It's good of you not to make me wait," you praise her. Judging by her clicking her tongue, she does not take that as the honor it is. Not that you expect her to at this point. You signal Ida and she skips in front of you. Her hair is once again set aflame to act as a beacon for your walk through the dark forest.

It's quiet, except for the sound of leaves and twigs being broken underneath your feet. The local animals have fled from the carnage of the dead. It's your sister that ends up filling the silence after only a couple of steps. Mostly she decided to recount the part of the Servant battle you weren't present for. There's some practical information in there, but for the most part she's simply giddy to share the violent details with you. However, there's one thing that stands out to you.

"Idasviel, what did you just say Ayano did?"

"She jumped into the melee and pulled Berserker to the ground," Idasviel repeats. "It didn't hurt Berserker much, but I still think the effort was gallant."

"You do realize I'm here?" Ayano asks.

"Yes," you answer. "Because you got lucky. Do you have any idea how dangerous getting close to Berserker was?"

"Obviously," Ayano replies deadpan. "I probably would have died if she dragged me off to have tea. The boredom would have been fatal, duh."

"By what kind of madness are you the one treating your own death as a joke?" You aren't shouting at her yet, but there's heat rising in your voice.

It elicits nothing more than an eye roll from Ayano. "Yes, because a Grail War is the place to be if you're afraid of risking your life. It's not like I'm actively suicidal here, but if it needs doing, I'm not gonna hold back. Though, I hardly see how that's any of your business."

"People are only allowed to die when I don't care about them. I suppose rather than merely giving you a scolding, you do deserve some praise for managing to personally contribute to a fight between Servants. Still, do keep in mind that the death of a student of mine would be a bother for me, especially when I'm taking them out on an excursion."

Ayano eyes you for a moment. It's not with the same insolent distaste she usually displays, but also a far cry from the gratitude she should be displaying after receiving your praise and concern. Then she glances at your captive. "Quite the change in attitude, but you're still gonna have to drop the teacher shtick eventually. Or not. Would make things easier for me."

"Don't you worry about that," you say. "I'm giving you an opportunity to act in your own best interest. If you continue insisting on declining it until the bitter end, you will be dealt with appropriately."

"I'll hold you to that." Ayano stops with her arms crossed over her chest. She regards you with some amount of satisfaction. You weren't exactly attempting to intimidate her, so her reaction doesn't bother you in the slightest, but it continues to astound you just how much she's spoiling for a fight.

"Of course you're looking forward to it." Ida is bent forward to send her hair cascading over her shoulders to avoid blocking the light. As a result the fire frames her face, casting her wide predatory smile into a haunting light. "Don't worry, I crave it just as badly."

"That's entirely the wrong takeaway." Ayano bites back whatever other remarks she's eager to hurl at your sister. Her breath would only fan Ida's flames.

"You're surprisingly shy under all your bluster, aren't you? Don't worry, you're…" Ida trails off. She's counting something on her hand. She was confident with her thumb, but now she's holding her index and middle finger as she's making her deliberations. "You're definitely within the top three of Masters I want to kill."

"I'm afraid that isn't as charming a line as you want it to be." With those words, Rider announces his arrival. He nods towards his Master before turning back to Idasviel.

She eagerly hops towards him. "I was afraid of that, but it's not right that I'm expected to pick a favorite lover."

"If nothing else, I can relate to the hardships of winning someone's heart." He gives her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Regardless, I'd like to apologize. My manners might have been lacking in the lead up to tonight's operation."

Ida hums. "You were rather cold, but I can tell you're back to your usual self, so I won't hold a grudge."

"At least your Servant knows how to get along with my sister," you tell Ayano.

"Trust me, the fact they get along with each other is a scathing indictment for both of them." Ayano steps up towards your Servants. "Before you chew off each other's ears, at least make it a walk and talk. It's already past late and I don't want to get cold as I have to wait on you."

Ida increases the intensity of her flames to act as a heat source for Ayano.

In turn, she thrusts her chin forward. "Get a move on."

Idasviel whimpers, but starts walking again. You do your best to reassure Ida that Ayano is simply tired. It's hardly like she's going to be in a more agreeable mood even after a good rest, but you can protect Ida's maiden heart. At least until tomorrow. You don't particularly care for having to deal with any more problems today, especially something heinous enough to sadden your sister.

The remainder of your return goes by uneventfully, with only Ida and Rider chatting amongst each other. That being said, the conversation itself held some interesting information. Namely what Rider had learned about Avenger. Although, when he opens by mentioning them being hidden away in a gingerbread house, you already have a good idea as to the true identity of this seemingly harmless pair of Servants that managed to catch a powerful Caster unaware. Every further detail only reaffirms your suspicion.

Hänsel und Gretel, a pair of siblings abandoned by parents that couldn't afford to feed them and ultimately end up captured by a cannibal witch that keeps Gretel as a servant and fattens Hänsel so that he makes a nice meal. The boy manages to stave off his fate by tricking the nearly blind witch into probing bare bones rather than his own plump fingers. Then she decides to simply cook him anyway, at which point the girl shoves the witch into her own oven, who frankly has nobody to blame but herself. Some looting of their captor's riches later, they make their way home, find the evil step mother that had the idea of abandoning them in the first place dead and get their happy ending.

Rider seems amused by the story, but refuses to show his hand enough to reveal just why exactly that is. If nothing else, you suppose it's curious they have found themself in the care of another man eater.

Much more pressingly, Ida seems perturbed by all the murder directed at and committed by children. You never considered it before, but much like how she has no desire to kill you—her family—it makes sense there would be other limits to her appetite. She ought to go through with the deed regardless, if you order her, but perhaps you can find an alternative.

Once you arrive at the castle, you instruct Melsritt to show your guest to a suitable room, lock away your captive and be more on guard than usual for Servant attacks in case Avenger decides to stage a hasty rescue for their Master. Then you retreat to your room to settle down for your own sleep, expecting haunted dreams.

Your body serves as the lesser grail that collects the souls of Servant's after they've been killed in this ritual war and then turns them into fuel to perform the miracle that'll let you claim your proper place in the world. Tonight Servants have been returned to their graves and your role as a vessel begins in earnest.

The foreign sensations were difficult to place at first, but as your mind falls asleep and the vestiges of the Servants' memories drift into your mind, you manage to discern the two clumps of ether that have flowed into you.

The first is Berserker. While she wasn't summoned in Fuyuki, her proximity and connection to a Master participating in the local war was enough for the grail to claim her all the same.

Your dreams are swallowed by black waves, sinking further and further into the depths of her recollection until you hit the peaceful bottom. Not even the turbulence of the lake's surface can reach you anymore, cutting you off entirely from the detestable outside world.

Even Berserker's own name is slowly washed away by the currents, remaining not even within her own memories. Instead, what springs forth from the center of her Identity is her child. Grendel. A rowdy runt driven to occasionally leave their home to carry his hatred to the outside world.

He'd return with food and treasure, or perhaps they were both the same to begin with. Regardless, the cycle was established and continued right until it got Grendel killed. Without his return, it was his mother's turn to venture forth into the world to save or avenge him. She accomplished neither.

Memories of her first and second life blend together, as images of Grendel—his ripped off arm mounted as a trophy—get overlaid by those of her Master. Both times she struggled, but was put down shortly after crossing paths with the protagonist of the story.

There are flashes of this incarnation carved into her soul as well, but they're obscured behind the fog of her Berserker madness. All that remains for you is rage. Heretical hateful rage that is directed at you in particular. How thankless, after you granted her a chance to do over her death.

Unwilling to let her rage on in your mind, you move on towards the second bundle of memories. Here too anger greets you, but it isn't directed at you. It's a rage mixed with shame and regret into a toxic cocktail of emotions.

That's what Ajax the Great, summoned as Shielder in this war, has become. You can catch glimpses of the honor he won during the Trojan war, but his ultimate tragedy taints his memories. Recovering Achilles' remains together with Odysseus should have been a great feat, but achieving it together with Odysseus revealed itself to be more of a curse than he anticipated.

There was no way for them to split the spoils. Akhilleus Kosmos, the magical armor forged for Achilles by the god Hephaestus, a prize that anyone would covet. It went to Odysseus and along with it the ire of Ajax the Great. His rage was deflected from accomplishing anything by illusions send by Athena and once he comes back to his senses, he ultimately commits suicide. It's an unseemly end for such a once great warrior, but even given his pitiful choices, there's one detail that causes you to sympathize with him.

The likeness of Odysseus is burned into his soul and even apart from Ajax's own recollection you can recognize him as the Archer that attempted to kill you on the night you visited the Tohsaka mansion. A truly vile soul that can't help himself but cause ruin with his touch.

His memories of the Grail War are clearer than those of Berserker and as far as you can tell, his Master, Justine Terrevibrer, did not use a catalyst to summon Ajax. Rather the two of them were drawn to each other by a common cause as his Master mirrored him through this hatred of Krone, a professor of the Clock Tower that summoned Odysseus. Their partnership was a pragmatic and single-minded one, only briefly clashing with the other participants until your own excursion opened up a path towards their target.

Ajax should have just taken the kill after Rider sliced up Odysseus for him. Instead he tried one final time to end things with honor and forced him into a duel instead, leaving Odysseus a whole day with his back to the wall.

You aren't sure what exactly happened in that time, because Ajax himself only caught on once he once again found himself impaled on the tip of his own sword.

Judging the scant glimpses you can gleam from his soul, it appears he suffered for the fact other Master and Servant pairs don't have the kind of personal bond tying them together that you and Ida share. Odysseus, you imagine, has little reason to stick with his Master until the bitter end and as an Archer he has the means to sustain himself independently for at least a while. Likewise, Justine is only interested in aiding her Servant's revenge for as long as Odysseus stands between him and Krone.

Order your Servant to kill himself and I'll hand my Master over to you.

A deal between the two could have been as easy as that. Ultimately though, both the truth and the aftermath are something you can only find out yourself.

The swirl of memories is banished from your consciousness as you wake up, reduced to a faint sense of numbness within the depths of your stomach. When you open your eyes, you're greeted by the familiar sight of Ida staring at you, but her facial expression is unusually perturbed.

"Elder Sister, did you not sleep well?" she asks.

"Ah, I suppose so. It's nothing you have to worry about, just some lingering memories bleeding through. Something this meager won't affect my mind." You give her hair a comforting ruffle and climb out of your bed.

After taking a moment to check if Mister Schnabel has been fed and to make yourself presentable, you head to a nearby sitting room. The bounded field around your mansion allows you to keep track of everyone inside of it, allowing you to locate Ayano with ease. It appears she was already up and about.

After a short walk, you find Ayano tapping away on her cell phone, while her Servant attempts to hold a conversation with Melsritt, who seems to have little interest in him beyond making sure he doesn't cause any trouble.

Ayano notices you. "Took you long enough to wake up. No wonder you only ever show up for the last couple classes."

"I have no reason to make my sleep cycle suffer to keep up with daylight activities," you say as you take a seat yourself.

"Sure, whatever," she says. "We won't manage any pleasantries anyway, so let's get to business. Rider."

On her command, he holds up his hands, spread open with his palms to you to demonstrate they're empty. Then he performs a little flourish with them and produces two gemstones.

Their mere presence makes your stomach sink.

Rider lightly throws one of them to you. Upon catching it you give it a closer inspection and find one of the Matou's crest worms embedded inside of it. Even beyond the worm's disgusting appearance—gray and bulging with a mouth that doesn't belong filled with sharp teeth to dig into their host's flesh—there's something wrong about it.

You know of these creatures, the familiars of the Matou family created by Zouken Matou. Simplistically speaking, they're an organic mechanism for replication. First, something is engraved into them and then by the same process they carve that something into their host. Primarily, this would be something like the family's knowledge of magecraft, skipping the process of having to teach a disciple to instead reconfigure their body into one that has mastered their brand of magecraft. Of course, as efficient a process it might have been, the skill to perform magecraft ultimately means nothing if the basic aptitude in the form of magic circuits to metabolize magical energy was missing. Which is exactly what the family declined to after they left their home in Russia to move to Japan, or at least it was until Ayano's mother snatched up their remnants.

However, that's hardly the worm's only use, such as the former Matou patriarch Zouken using them to host his soul to prolong his life beyond the limit set by human flesh. Hopefully long enough to get his hands on the Grail and use it to stop the decay of his soul. He failed.

Now, Rider seems to have done something similar by segmenting the parts of Hänsel and Gretel's spirit core that held Avenger's curse to preserve the familiar taint you had thought yourself rid off already, prepared to be transferred into another body.

"I see that expecting you to simply exorcize Avenger was too much to ask for," you say with a heavy sigh.

"The opportunity presented itself." Rider shrugs. He doesn't exactly look apologetic, so much as he's awkwardly trying to placate you.

"Right," you respond dryly. "So you took the corrupted parts of Avenger's souls, had the worms devour them and then nested them inside the gems." You run your thumb over the precious stone's smooth surface. Looking at the one still in Rider's hand, both of them were shaped like eggs. "I'll grant you that the soul outside its vessel is a delicate thing to work with, so just transferring part of it without having it quickly erode is impressive craftsmanship from someone that doesn't have access to the third magic. Most Caster class Servants would find themself unable to accomplish the same feat. I only wish you would have put that skill to use for something more worthwhile. You realize that segmenting the problem away doesn't make it any less dangerous should anything happen to Avenger, or the worms?"

"Quite so, I'm afraid," Rider admits readily. "However, my limitations aren't yours. I imagine if there's anyone that can make sure Avenger's curse will stay filtered out of the Grail, it's the scion of the Einzbern family that both holds the remnants of the third magic and is the closest to the Grail."

You hum and take another look at the worm. All the World's Evil is a grandiose name for what's ultimately a crude curse that happens to be highly compatible with the holy grail and is inherently diminished by having been split between Hänsel and Gretel. Instead of one single martyr meant to represent a scapegoat that all others can vent their grievances on, you expect it to have a more subdued effect. Place it into a Servant and they should become slightly more adept at slaying humans and have an easier time drawing the ire of others and turn that resentment into fuel to empower themself.

Rider is right that you should be able to keep this under control.

That leaves the question of what you have to gain from going along with this. You hold up the gem to look through it at Ida. If you want to play things safe, there's already another soul trapped inside her that you should be able to use as a breaker to stop overt effects on your sister's psyche for as long as Brynhildr stays suppressed. Given her perspective on things, she might even see the gathering of grudges as a means to gauge the love others hold for her. Though, you suppose you should still talk with her about it.

"Is there something I can help with, Elder Sister?"

"No, not yet," you answer your sister. "I've just been wondering how you'd look wearing black."

Idasviel leans her head to the side and brings a finger to her chin as she thinks it over. "Please let me know what you think. I still haven't entirely decided on my wardrobe."

"Can we stay on topic?" Ayano barges into your sisterly chat.

"Yes, yes," you tell her. "I take it the idea here is that we both walk away with one of these Avenger gems to do with as we please?"

Ayano responds with slow deliberate clapping. "A genius deduction. Can we get to it then?"

[X] Take the deal.
Whether you decide to enhance Ida, or to use it as a bargaining chip with another Master, this Avenger gem might turn into a useful resource. Regardless, there will be no risk of the remnants of Avenger causing any large scale complications once you've worked your magic on them.

[X] Reject the deal.
You don't know what exactly Ayano's plans are and don't expect her to give you a straight answer. You also have no intention of finding out. However, without being treated by you, these gems are essentially ticking timebombs. You are going to hand them over to Seimei to get them cleansed properly this time and you can only hope that Ayano is going to hand them over peacefully without starting a fight.
41: Gem Treatment
[X] Take the deal.
In hindsight, it's easy enough to see how Ayano's offer to help safekeep you from Avenger was an excuse to make this deal in privacy and keep the existence of the two tainted gems a secret from the others. At least temporarily. You're not quite sure if you ought to scold her for being insincere with you, or praise her for realizing that she's dependent on your help.

On second thought, there isn't much point in scolding Ayano. She's the type to argue back out of principle.

"Very well. You found it in you to approach me as a supplicant, I'm not cruel enough to turn you away."

Ayano lets out a deep breath. "I'll take it. Treating this like an equal deal would clearly be expecting too much from you."

"Indeed," you agree. Ayano groans in response and you refrain from rubbing in the fact that it's a given she has more need of an additional advantage than you do, when she's already quite reasonably keeping her head down.

"Now then," you continue, "give me the other gem and I'll get to work."

"About that," Ayano tossed the gem she still had up and then firmly caught it in her right hand. "We're going to have a little exchange after you finish cleaning up the first one."

Next to you, Ida bristles at the impudent demand, but you signal her to stay calm. It's true that there would be little more than your boundless benevolence keeping you from keeping both and chasing her out of your home. Meanwhile, neither of you would want to start a fight when you were still sitting on a bomb.

"It's a pointless precaution in this case," you say, "but it's reassuring to see that one of my students knows how to keep herself from being taken advantage of."

"At least we have an understanding," Ayano says. "I'll leave you to it then."

"Very well. Mel and Ida, make sure to keep the two of them company." The last thing you need is your two guests walking around unattended. You could keep track of their movements to stop them from wandering anywhere they aren't meant to be, but that'd be an unnecessary distraction while you work.

On your own, you retreat to the workshop contained in the depths of your castle. It's only sparsely equipped given that the castle was effectively abandoned when no Holy Grail War was being held and leaving your family's secrets unattended would be an unwise decision, regardless of how well protected the place was in your absence. However, its structure remains. A vault within a fortress that accumulates magical energy and condenses it to create an ideal environment for your magecraft.

More than that, there are some highly valuable… remnants that have been transferred here in preparations for the war, but you should only require them once you have to interface with the control system of the Grails more directly, or transfer souls from one vessel to another. Given that Rider already completed one of those tasks, you can let them rest in peace for now. Just a little bit longer.

The remaining steps you have to take care of are reinforcing the soul fragments enough that they can continue to persist without the connection to the greater whole of Avenger's soul, sever said connection and then inoculate the Grail—yourself—against their taint once it's connected to another Servant.

The first step is as simple as it is unpleasant. What little remains in the world of the third has been gathered within your body. Completing this task is as simple as running magical energy through the right foundation and connecting it to your target. It does mean you have to metaphorically touch the vile curse that makes up the essence of Avenger. It's safe, but a distasteful reminder of what lows humanity is capable of, being so unable to face their own shortcomings that they'd rather blame all of it onto an arbitrary martyr.

The second is more elaborate, but hardly more complicated. Performing spiritual surgery with the subject being only partially present is a finicky prospect, but the difficulty is balanced out by the curse having been grafted onto Hänsel und Gretel in the first place. Once you've taken care of the ritualistic aspects, it's the spiritual equivalent to a scalpel swipe to free the two. Whichever one of the two this gem was connected to might even feel relieved by their soul no longer being being pulled into two different directions once the initial burst of mind rotting pain fades.

Lastly, the third. Right. You can hardly call yourself a magus if you let sentimentality stay your hand.

You turn to the coffins. Two caskets of solid wood set aside at the far end of the room. They're plain on the outside, enchanted to preserve a body from decay and hold the bodies of your deceased maids.

The thought of them makes your heart seize up.

The first step was to walk over to the coffins. You find yourself unable to decide if you should start with your left, or right leg.

Actually, there ought to be a simpler way to handle this matter. You can look into that first.

No, that's a silly idea, cowardly even. You're better than that.

As your eyes keep lingering on the coffins, your thoughts stall out. Every which way they go, you don't want to follow. Ultimately, they all lead to the same grief. So you stand still. You should be moving, but you don't. Every attempt to do anything goes nowhere.

You can't even keep track of the time you waste hesitating.

"Mistress." It's Melsritt's voice that snaps you out of your stupor.

You spin around towards her. She's looking at you with a gentle expression that holds no apparent judgment of the shameful display she just walked into.

"I told you to stay with Ayano and Rider, didn't I?" Your voice comes out sharp. The fact you might have taken a little bit longer than purely necessary doesn't mean you need somebody to check on you, as if you were a lost child.

"You did. However, I mentioned the brewery to Ayano, causing her to ask for a drink. I thought it would be best to ask your permission before serving her."

"She can drink on her own time." You go along with her excuse.

"As you wish, Mistress." She takes a couple of steps towards you and lets her gaze drift towards the coffins. "May I help you to get dressed? I would like to pay my respect."

You don't answer immediately. It doesn't feel like you should allow anybody else, but Mel is their successor… She has never met them regardless. She might feel like she has inherited a responsibility from them, but ultimately this is about you and her wanting to care for you. This is the one thing you shouldn't drag her into for that reason.

You nod.

Mel walks past you, her heels clacking against the marble ground without hesitation. She reaches one of the coffins faster than you can force yourself to turn around to look at them. You can hear the slight creak of the hinges as she opens the lid. Inside, she can see a lifeless Einzbern body, paler than pale and with an uncanny resemblance to her. Melsritt, Milla and Lotletta have all been created from the same model. The similarities between them are greater than those between yourself and Idasviel. Except there's one fundamental difference between them. Mel won't die.

One of the bodies is lifted out of its coffin and the magical energy within the workshop begins to stir as flesh is rendered into ether. Your maids have been made to support you on a fundamental level, not just as an individual, but also in your function as the lesser grail. Just as your body holds the foundation for a great mystic, theirs can be woven into the Dress of Heaven, a formal dress that allows you to act as the heart of the Greater Grail.

Dress in hand, Mel steps close behind you. You let her hands guide you through the motions of swapping your clothes and soon you're wearing an elaborate white dress with gold accents and a matching crown. Along it, seven rings run from your navel to your head that track how filled the lesser grail is. The two lowest ones are filled out red.

It feels gentle to wear. Not the physical material, but rather its spirit. You can feel the embrace of old memories. Of sunny days and simple smiles. It hurts.

You lean against Mel. "This is Milla, isn't it?"

"Yes. She was your first maid after all. It seemed right to give her the honor."

You nod. There's nothing left of her mind, but it still feels wrong to let her see you in such a miserable state. You are a glorious goddess after all and Milla should know you've only grown more brilliant with time. You take a deep breath.

"Indeed! She has earned herself much more than that, but even if her first task is such a wretched one, I'm sure she'd be happy to know she can still guard my soul."

Finding some strength back in your limbs, you turn to the Avenger gemstone and continue your work. With the Dress of Heaven, it's a simple task. All it requires is to familiarize the dress with the taint of the Avenger class and to have it memorize it as a foreign element that's to be rejected by the Grail, rather than absorbed alongside the Servant's soul proper.

You consider the gem once you're finished. It is—as far as the integrity of the Holy Grail is considered—perfectly harmless. It is significantly more dangerous towards the participants of the war, but that's the nature of the beast. You wouldn't have performed this entire procedure if you were concerned about your safety.

No, it's exactly because you can do so without risk now that you want to smash it. Regardless of how potent its taint is, the fact it would corrupt you if it could remains an affront. Alas, it can at least make itself useful and there's little point in holding a grudge against a mindless curse. Perhaps there'll be redemption in its future, but for now you hand it over to Mel.

While the dress has served its purpose for now, you don't particularly want to change back into your normal clothes, but not doing so would be careless. There wasn't a need to keep it secret, Ayano likely already has rudimentary knowledge of its existence. Rather, its connection to the Greater Grail and the cursed Rheingold incorporated into it makes the dress inherently harmful to humans. While it makes a useful defense to prevent the dress from being stolen and it'd frankly be Ayano's own fault if she can't prevent herself from being turned into gold, it'd add an unnecessary edge of danger to your conversation when she's already constantly spoiling for a fight.

After changing back, you take care to store away your prized dress properly. This level of mystery isn't meant to be put on display, but even if only you and Melsritt ever lie eyes on it, it deserves to be treated with due respect regardless. A coffin was no longer a place for it. It never should have been, but there's no changing the past. Now at least it'll be displayed in a place of honor in your workshop.

Once you've hung it up on one of the walls of your workshop, you return to Ida and your guests. They're still in the same room as before and it seems that Ayano has returned to her phone, while the two Servants occupy each other's attention. Though that quickly comes to an end as Ida's the first to notice you and breaks off their conversation to rush back to your side. You give her the go ahead to hug you. The time without you must feel like an eternity to her.

Rider seems slightly bothered by how abruptly your sister took her leave, but that's quickly replaced by a look of expectancy when he notices that she did so because of your return.

Ayano meanwhile, is decidedly less enthused about your arrival. She stops herself halfway through some snark when taking a closer look at you. Instead, all she said was, "Looks like we're done here then."

She wasn't wrong. All that was left for you was to exchange the two gems. That is, unless there's something else you want to do with her first.

[X] Write in any conversation topics you might have for Ayano, or Rider.

Which leaves you with the question of what you should do next. For a moment you consider if you should take Ayano to school with you, but at this point it's already too late to bother.

[X] Talk the implications of the Avenger gems through with Idasviel.
Given that their entire purpose is to alter Servants, it only feels right that your sister gets a say in the matter, regardless of whether you use your gem on her, or trade it away.

[X] Interrogate Berserker's Master.
-[X] Keep Ayano around during it so you can get her share of the command seals out of the way.
Even setting aside your personal curiosities, he still has his command seals. You should extract those from him before interacting with any of the others that participated in taking down Berserker. You wouldn't want them to think you're holding out on them.

[X] Get Seran's help in tracking down Oliver Steube.
According to Naoki, Saber's Master was supposed to join you in last night's hunt. Whatever has occupied him instead might not strictly be your business, but your interest is piqued. It'd better be something important, if they're willing to ignore Berserker over it.

[X] Visit the city's library.
Krone might have met an unfortunate fate, but Annabella and Date Masamune are still at large. Preparing for your next encounter by reading up on her Servant can't hurt.

[X] Head to the church.
Whether she likes it or not, Kotomine owes you some appreciation for removing such a rabid Servant like Berserker before she compromises the secrecy of the Holy Grail War. You'll get your dues. It would also give you an opportunity to contact Assassin.

I apologize for how long this took to get written even by my own slowing standards. I don't exactly bother you with how I related to it emotionally, but let's just say that while writing this didn't have me stall out quite as badly as Kari did, I also didn't have a Mel to drag me through it.

Regardless, I hope it was at least a decent read and thank you for sticking around.
42: Interrogating a Captive
[X] Ayano's goals for the War, and her wish.
[X] Interrogate Berserker's Master.
You briefly glance at the Avenger gem again. It might have been an opportunistic act, but Rider and Ayano still went through some effort to tame this curse. It's not much compared to what will be required of them to struggle against the inevitability of your victory, but you can hardly accuse them of taking it easy. It does make one wonder.

"There's still something I'd like to know, actually," you tell Ayano. "What exactly are you trying to accomplish in the Holy Grail War?"

"Winning the Holy Grail," Ayano answers with a flat stare that's fully aware of how unhelpful she's being.

"Obviously. I'm asking for your actual motivation. Even as rash as you are, you ought to have better reasons than just digging in your heels because you'd rather die than bow out of a fight."

"What? Are you going to tell me that your vaunted Holy Grail is just a cheap bauble that's not actually worth going through with this whole ritual? Even without a specific wish, we're still talking about a miracle that can punch a hole straight through the world to gain access to the source of everything and a never ending wealth of magical energy."

"If I may say so," Mel says, "Miss Matou, you do not strike me as the typical magus dedicated to reaching the Root."

"You got me there," Ayano says.

"In that case, owning the Grail itself should be of little value to you," Mel says. "Mistress Karisviel will be more than capable of fulfilling any material wish once she acquires it herself."

"At the low low cost of groveling before an all powerful lunatic. Thanks, but no thanks." Ayano brushes off Mel's wisdom with nary a second of hesitation.

"I'm afraid your words are wasted on her, but rest easy that your attempts to convert her are appreciated nonetheless," you reassure your faithful maid.

"As far as my own wish is concerned, it's quite the simple matter," Rider says while smiling broadly. "I want to live."

You hum. "I can hardly blame you for that. I imagine even the heroes of the past would welcome being incarnated amongst the living."

Rider nods. "Quite so. Though, truth be told, I always had my sight set higher than a single lifetime. In that sense, I quite admire your own ambition. It's easy to see why Zouken considered your Holy Grail as his gateway to utopia."

Zouken Matou. Most of your knowledge about him comes from memories passed down by Justeaze, the homunculus that collaborated with him and Nagato Tohsaka to establish the Holy Grail Ritual and eventually became the core of the Greater Grail. They're nice memories, though there's little doubt that the former patriarch of the Matou family degraded into a less kind person since their time together, as he clung to his life until his inevitable death.

"I may have never met the man," you say, "but whatever may have become of him, it's a testament to the man he once was that he held affection for my predecessor."

Ayano makes a gagging noise. "As one of his descendants, take it from me that you're lucky not to have encountered him in person. Now please, move the conversation on to anything that isn't fondly reminiscing about a literal fucking monster."

"Well," Rider speaks up with an awkward cough, "however that may be, I do feel a responsibility to keep aiding Ayano, but in the unlikely circumstance that I find myself without a Master and your sister can no longer serve as your knight, it'd be my honor if you considered me as your replacement Servant."

A soft growl escapes Ida. "That won't be necessary. Please do not insinuate that I might fail my sister."

"Of course, it's not an outcome I expect. Still you can hardly blame a Servant for envying you for your Master, right?"

Shifting the topic to how wonderful you are seems to have calmed Ida's initial burst of anger, but it does little to return her usual cheer. Instead, her expression shifts to one of complete neutrality, looking not so much at Rider, as simply glancing in his direction. Her voice comes out cold.

"You aren't good enough for her. Please keep your arrogance in check. The same goes for your aspirations. To be free of one's mortality is my elder sister's domain. Without her blessing, you are best served to make peace with the fact that you'll again die as you have in the past."

"Look at that, you actually managed to make the psycho hate you," Ayano tells Rider through a burst of laughter.

"That's not true at all!" Ida objects. "If I expected perfection, I couldn't love anyone but my sister. Rider might need some correction, but I'll be sure to carve that into his very soul until even his self in the Throne of Heroes can't help but bear the scars."

"I'm afraid you'll find that to be quite difficult," Rider says. "Arrogant or not, I won't surrender my life to anything, time or divinity alike."

"That's fine. It's no fun if the other person doesn't struggle in the first place."

"That much I can do. I hope we'll both manage to enjoy ourselves, in case we end up crossing blades," Rider says.

"Alright, if you're going to get along, it's about time we wrap this up." This time, Ayano doesn't give you a chance to respond. By the time the words left her mouth, she's already headed for the door.

Rider is the first to follow after his Master. "I hope I didn't insult you."

"No worries. I'd love to swap you out as well, but we're stuck with each other for now." Hardly the reassurance her Servant wanted.

Whether or not you like having to follow her lead, she still has her gem, so you accompany them to the castle's entrance. Once there, you trade her for your already cleansed gem. She passes it on to Rider, who immediately begins to study it with the eye of a seasoned craftsman.

"At least this ordeal was worth it in the end," Ayano says.

"It could have been a significantly more pleasant stay, if you weren't being difficult," you tell her.

Ayano very eloquently grunts in response. "I have no idea why all you lunatics feel the need to play nice during a deathmatch."

"Shouldn't we all grow closer with each other exactly so that the killing becomes more intimate?" asks Ida.

None of you exactly want to respond to Ida, so you commit the most gentle act of cruelty the situation allows and ignore her to address Ayano instead. "I'm too kind to let all of you waste away in the darkness of my absence. You shouldn't think too much of it."

"Just so we're absolutely clear, I'm not going to pull my punches just because your life stands between the Grail and everybody else. Blame your family. They're the ones that put you in that situation."

There's not just anger flickering in Ayano's eyes. Part of you wonders if she would be more willing to open up to you if you could join her in the pit of misery by cursing the Einzberns for mistreating you. However, you might never find out. Family is much like health and even before Idasviel you've been blessed with a proud lineage that deserves to be tended to.

The scion of the Matou family has certainly been less lucky. You don't know the details of her family situation, but if the resentment she carries towards them is justified, it might be accurate to say she's been struck with a cancer that she'd be best served to cut out of her life. Unfortunate, but all are unfortunate compared to you.

More than that, there's a wariness to her. Something that's not concerned with the consequences of her actions, but rather their responsibility. If Ayano can even find fault in a flawless person such as yourself, by what standard does she measure herself?

"Don't worry," you say, "in the impossibility that you manage to best me, I give you full permission to kill me."

"How charitable of you to pretend that you have a choice in the matter," Ayano responds.

You wave her off. "It hardly matters. My defeat won't come to be. Now, I think this has dragged on for long enough. You're dismissed."

Ayano rolls her eyes at you and stalks off with Rider.

With your guests gone, it was time to shift your attention to your captive. You tell Ida as much and she follows you, bouncing with glee. It seems Ayano's posturing about killing you has left her quite excited. Maybe you could find her an outlet.

Given that your awareness stretches over the whole of the castle grounds, you let Mel return to her work without leading you to where she stored the boy and his command seals. She didn't go quite so far as to imprison him in a cell, but then there was little chance of him escaping with no legs and only one arm in the first place. He could never manage to crawl his way to freedom under his own power and anything that could force its way this far into your domain to free him could only be slowed down slightly by iron bars.

Instead he's held in a room tucked away deep within the east wing. It is one of the many rooms that aren't in use due to the castle being abandoned most of the time. Upon your arrival you find it maintained well enough for appearances, but only sparsely furnished with a desk, a chair and the bed upon which Berserker's former Master lays.

He's still unconscious. You imagine that even if his body was in a better shape, his mind would want to stay as far away from the reality of yesterday night as possible. His mournful sobs aren't anything you look forward to. You could turn your attention to the familiar hidden away in the room's corner first, but you go ahead and wake him up all the same.

You snap your fingers in front of his face and imbue it with magical energy. It reverberates in his skull and forces his awareness to emerge back in this cold and unyielding reality.

His eyes snap open, flitting across the room with the urgency of a startled animal that could feel its death looming over it. To his credit, when he spots the two of you, he doesn't simply freeze. He lunges at you.

And impotently slides off the bed and crumples to the ground, as his mangled body fails to carry out his attempts at violence.

For a moment, he remains prone on the ground. Face pressed against the ground, he ends up reminding you of an ostrich, as he silently twitches. Tenderly testing out his body with the desperate hope that his missing limbs are simply numb and might only need five more minutes to follow him into the world of the waking.

Reality sinks in and he breaks out into raw undignified tears before you run out of patience. By now, you're quite sure that he must have not only realized the state of his body, but also that he's missing his connection to Berserker after her death.

Sympathy escapes you, given the kind of murderer lying before you, so you spur Ida into action. She tosses him back on the bed and straddles him. One hand clamps over his mouth to silence him, while the other intwines itself with his remaining one.

Anger mixes into his muffled cries. Technically he makes an attempt at freeing himself from your sister's grasp, but the gap between their strength allows no contest. All his struggle accomplishes is enticing the predator leering down at him.

"I love you," Ida whispers to him.

He bites her hand.

His hatred finds his mark, but fails its purpose. Ida looks at you and whimpers for permission.

You do not grant it. All you give her for now are gentle back rubs to help her restrain herself. Then you address your captive. "You still have your siblings, or whatever you're playing at with Avenger. They're going to survive as long as you do, so at least behave yourself for their sake, even if you're stopped caring about your own life."

He responds to your well meaning advice with what you can only assume are muffled obscenities.

If you didn't still have a use for him, you'd be gravely tempted to simply allow Ida to have her way with him and be done with such an insolent cur. As things are, you give him another chance to play along and continue. "I have questions for you. Consider answering them your chance to convince me to keep you and Avenger around, maybe you could even be useful. Alternatively, I pry the information directly from your mind and kill you afterwards."

Chances are you'll dispose of him regardless, but a bit of motivation can't hurt.

You tell Ida to keep her hand from his mouth. She brings the bite wound up to her mouth to suckle on it.

Your captive glares at you with tear stained eyes. His aggression eventually makes way for resignation as you remain unfazed.

"Fine," he spits out. "What do you want to know?"

"Let's start with your name," you say.


You acknowledge his answer with a hum and sit down in the room's chair. You call the familiar still holding onto Koji's arms to you. You can work on extracting the command seals from it while he talks. That just leaves you with deciding on what to ask him exactly.

[X] Kyoto
There hopefully are no more loose threads spun by that war, but you remain curious as to what happened in Kyoto regardless. You have what's quite likely the last remaining witness in front of you. Have him sate your curiosity.

[X] Berserker
Dead she might be, but perhaps he can shed some light on what kind of creature she was. It might well be his last opportunity to talk about his mother.

[X] Avenger
You might already have an idea as to their true name, but it can't hurt to confirm it with as much information as he's willing to part with. While you might be using them as leverage, they won't instantly cease to exist the moment he dies. They could even manage to find a new Master.

[X] Koji
You might as well give him an opportunity to speak up about himself.

[X] Their activities
You don't know if they've been doing anything beyond eating people, but if their little family had any run-ins with the other participants of the war this is your chance to learn about it.

[X] Plans
There has to be a reason they stumbled into another Holy Grail War instead of laying low as they did in the years since Kyoto. Find out why. If nothing else, it might be a carrot to dangle in front of him.

[X] Write in

Feel free to vote for more than one thing. In general, this is probably less of a vote for any one option to win and more of an interest check to see where I should place the focus for the conversation.

And because I kinda hinted at it during the update, we are going to have a vote on what exactly to do with Koji in the next chapter. I don't exactly expect people will want to keep him around, but either way, I might as well leave the details to you.
Last edited:
43: Interrogation Part 2
[X] Kyoto 5
[X] Avenger 3
[X] Koji 1
[X] Their activities 5
[X] Plans 4
As a heads up, Ida gets to take a bite this chapter.

"Well then, Koji," you say once you settle on the questions you want to ask him, "tell me, what connections do you have to the Grail War ritual that was held in Kyoto?"

He stares at you for a while, until something clicks in place for him. "I thought you looked familiar. Although, that…" his eyes flick up to Ida, who's still perched on top of him, "lady died. No clue how she got any word to you."

"She didn't," you say. "In fact, you would have been hunted down long ago, if anyone had an idea of your unfortunate survival. Regardless, what you did to twist your Servant into an Avenger is unmistakable. I don't require any witness accounts to piece together the obvious. I also shouldn't have to explain things to you. Keep yourself to answering."

He clearly doesn't enjoy the reprimand, but manages to choke down his complaints. You let it slide for the sake of speeding the conversation along.

"It's not like I ever got a full explanation, but I remember your… relative? Anyway, whoever that broad was, she visited the bastard in charge of the area and I guess they were talking about a Holy Grail War."

"I can't help but feel you've skipped an important part of the story there." You interrupt his vague retelling. "Why were you anywhere near a conversation between Kyoto's second owner and a member of the Einzbern family?"

"Does that part matter?" he asks.

"Most likely not, but there's little point in this if I have to fill in the holes myself. Ida, one finger. Don't swallow"

"Yes," Ida whispers. It's less an acknowledgement of your divine judgment than it is a celebration for herself, now that you've ever so slightly loosened her restraints.

She pulls Koji's hand up to her face and places a kiss on his ring finger. As a gesture it's tender, loving and wholly at odds with his desperate attempts to pull his hand free. Her lips part and wrap themself around his finger. She locks eyes with him, savoring the building panic as his digit is trapped between her teeth.

Then she bites down.

The sound of broken bone and flesh is swallowed by screams of pain.

You let the moment linger.

You want to make sure the pain burrows itself into his flesh properly. There's something grotesque about what remains of his body doing its best to trash around like a fish making a desperate attempt to free itself from the hook. Yet, Ida is not letting go of him. Without fail, she's devouring every drop of blood she spilled alongside the sight of his suffering.

It feels cruel to interrupt her feast, but you can only busy yourself so long with extracting the command seals from Koji's severed arm and you doubt she herself would want you to grow weary of waiting for her. You give Ida a sign and she lines up the finger with the bite wound within her mouth, allowing you to reknit the flesh with an injection of healing magecraft.

Ida pulls the finger out of her mouth and twists Koji's arm until the hand is in front of his face. A slight string of red-tinged saliva drips down on his face.

"As a cannibal, I hope you can appreciate how much of a delicacy you are," Ida says.

He growls at her.

"As you can see, even if the process is taxing on you, we can repeat this as many times as need be," you say. "I'll be kind enough to help your memory after the shock. What was your connection to Kyoto's Second Owner?"

Your captive's voice comes out shaky. "He abducted me for some kind of experiment. Something about possession, or some kinda shit like that. I honestly don't remember much about that time. Just that I had to spend all of it locked away in some kind of magic dungeon. For what it's worth, the Einzbern he was talking to didn't seem too happy about it. It was more of a secrecy concern though, so she didn't raise much of a fuss about it as long as I couldn't escape."

He laughs. Weak as he is, his spite still rings true. Serves them right, proclaims the lone survivor.

His account matches up with the reports of the Second Owner experimenting with demonic possession. Depending on how the story continues, it could have given him an affinity for All the World's Evil. Something that might have some application when interacting with opponents that themself make use of curses, or are related to demons.

However, you see little inherent use in him. If he can't even identify the place he was held in as a workshop, you can be sure he had no practical education concerning magecraft. Most likely, he's a case of magic circuits occurring in an otherwise mundane family. Uncommon, but unremarkable. Except if one is seeking a convenient research subject, you suppose.

"I see," you say. "That's a sufficient answer. You can resume recounting the events."

"Right. I wasn't part of the conversion itself, but while those two were dealing amongst themself, it was the Einzbern's Servant that took note of me. Avenger, Angra Mainyu. He looked… I don't really know how to describe it, faded, I guess? He was clearly a person, but I couldn't tell you any of his features.
"He definitely had a personality though," Koji continues, his tone shifting to become less hateful, almost fond even. "Insufferably chipper for someone poking at a prisoner. I told him as much and he had the guts to sass back at me. 'What, would you rather have people grow miserable at the thought of talking to you? Sounds like a drag, doesn't it?'
"Then he just kinda kept rambling. Dude seemed straight up proud about being a weakling that would get murked the moment they ran into another Servant. Apparently whatever plan your family had was fucked even before shit really went belly up."

He freezes as soon as the words are out of his mouth. Apparently, it didn't occur to him beforehand that badmouthing your family might anger you enough for another round of punishment. Having to waste time on that kind of discipline is frankly too much of a bother for you to even consider it.

"Keep going," you order.

"Well, Angra Mainyu was happy to run his mouth over the Holy Grail War, but his Master wasn't too happy about the amount of info spilled, so she ordered him to get away from me. What he did tell me ended up pretty useful though. As one last goodbye he slipped me one of his knives. Pretty wicked blade that one… I guess I lost it in the forest. Actually, it might be gone by now. It wasn't nearly as much as an actual Servant, but it still had to be maintained with magical energy.
"...What did he say again when he gave it to me? 'Here, I won't get to put it to use anyway. Just to make sure we're clear, if you stab somebody with that, it's totally my fault. You don't give a kid with a look as nasty as you a weapon and expect them to cut vegetables with it. I'm basically setting you up here.' Shortly after the two of them left."

"That's very droll," you say. "I'll be sure to direct my complaints towards him."

Idasviel nods in agreement. You can tell by her scowl how distasteful she finds the act of giving a child an instrument of murder.

"What happened next?" you ask.

"Okay, so, apparently the war hadn't properly started yet, or something. I dunno the details, but point is that the bastard hadn't summoned his Servant yet and thanks to having the home advantage felt safe enough to wait a bit longer for some kind of ideal summoning condition. I'm only guessing at this next part, but Angra Mainyu probably died in the meantime. Which means he got absorbed by the Grail and… stuff happened.
"You probably have a better idea what exactly he did to the thing, but it led to the command seals being stripped from the bastard that was holding me and I got them instead. So I ended up hijacking his ritual, summoned my mother and she killed him. Which left us with one more participant that I honestly know jack shit about, but they didn't even know we exist, so we took them by surprise without too much issue.
"After that the Grail activated and all hell broke loose. Whatever the Grail was supposed to do, it just vomited out black mud that was like solidified malice. Pure destruction that spread flames to everything it touched. I haven't seen anything like the resulting inferno since. It was really pretty. Looking at it, I just stood there, enchanted. If Mother didn't drag me away, I might just have let it swallow me up.
"But yeah, that's pretty much it for Kyoto. After that we just ditched town."

You acknowledge him reaching the end of his story with a low hum. The details match up, you suppose. The qualifications to be a Master transferring to another person without an obvious trigger isn't an assumption the people investigating the incident would have automatically jumped to, but it's within the capabilities of the Grail. Especially with the original Avenger corrupting its decision making. Then the flames purged all the evidence of their involvement, so nobody ever knew to look for them.

The only mystery left is why Angra Mainyu even cared about some random child, regardless of how unfortunate his circumstances were. You're aware he wasn't the almighty god of evil your family had hoped to summon, but you still doubt that a man forced into its likeness was the kind to hand out random acts of kindness. Was he simply angling for the boy to grow into a killer to cause as much damage as his short manifestation would allow?

You're half tempted to summon him just to get a definite answer out of him, but Koji's story does well to act as a reminder why the consequences wouldn't be worth it. Evidently, All the World's Evil includes withholding definitive answers from you. Lingering on his motives any longer won't produce any good, but maybe the present will be more productive.

"And then you eventually made your way to Fuyuki in time to join another Holy Grail War," you say. "What brings you here?"

"Both of us vaguely knew about the Holy Grail here in Fuyuki from the whole mess in Kyoto," he says. "But it was actually Mother that felt the pull of the Grail when this ritual was starting up again. We figured we could use the chance to summon her son. That didn't work out, but getting to meet my brother would have made as good a wish as anything if we won the thing."

"Grendel, was it?" You are mildly pleased by Koji's surprise at having discerned his mother's true identity. Whatever scraps of information he learned don't appear to include the exact relation between the Grail and the Master of the Einzbern.

"A family reunion sounds like a lovely goal. It's a shame it didn't work out for you." Ida leans down on Koji to give him a hug he has no means of rejecting. Still, for a short moment her predatory instincts recede to give way to compassion. Even outside her devotion to you, her passion for familial love is strong.

"Chasing after heroic spirits is quite the lofty goal for an ordinary person indeed," you say. "They can hardly run away given they're confined to the Throne of Heroes for eternity, but without the necessary skill the road to reaching it might as well be without end as well. Not everyone has the same means as the Einzbern."

"Wait?" Koji lifted himself up to the best of his ability, causing the predatory glint to return to Ida's eyes in anticipation of his next punishment. "If you're talking like that, does that mean you can bring my mother back?"

"We've been over this," Ida says and pushes him back down against the bed. "You're not supposed to ask questions.

He ignores her and keeps glaring at you.

"We can make an exception this once," you say. Maybe a carrot will help to keep him in line. "Right now, there would be little point in summoning another version of her. Servants aren't connected to their primary self in the Throne. Records of their manifestation only return there after the Servant's transient existence comes to an end. A process that the Holy Grail delays until the conclusion of the ritual. Assuming the war concludes without any complication that disturbs the process, the information in the Throne will be updated accordingly. At that point, I could assist you in another attempt to summon her without difficulty."

You stop your explanation there to save yourself the need to lie to him. While what you said is generally true, it's closer to the Heroic Spirit being informed about what their alternate self did, than them actually remembering the manifestation. As far as they're concerned it might as well be a well written work of fiction about them. It's not strictly impossible for the events to resonate with her strongly enough that a newly summoned version of her still considers herself Koji's mother, but the odds are not in his favor.

"Then-" Koji starts.

But you interrupt him, "Now you're getting ahead of yourself. Why don't we focus on the other Servant you've summoned for now. The other Avenger. Why don't we talk true names to avoid confusion?"

"I'm not going to sell them out," he says.

Still not as compliant as you would like, but you suppose you have to respect the dedication to his Servants. Or maybe he's holding on to a faint hope they'll manage to rescue him? Regardless, you'll take the opportunity to show off your insight. "I'm sure Hänsel and Gretel appreciate your dedication."

Koji responds by clicking his tongue in frustration.

"There's no point trying to play coy with me," you say. "But let's not linger on them too long. I take it you had Angra Mainyu's knife with you when you summoned him?"


"In that case, you can blame the happy little accident adding them to your family on him. As far as I can tell, his knife was effectively a taint interfering with your ritual. Otherwise Grendel's Mother should have been enough of a catalyst to reach her first son. Tell me, what kind of effect did being turned into an Avenger have on them?"

"It's not like I have a before and after comparison, but… they're resentful. Hurt. I take it you know about them being abandoned by their family and captured by a witch. That last part may be why I summoned them in particular. As they are now, they can't move past that part of their story. Winning the war is less important to them than killing the other Masters."

How lovely. You can see how having Avenger stalk down the enemy Master while Berserker occupies their Servant would be a nightmare for anyone challenging them on their own. And yet. "I feel I would have noticed, if you had succeeded in murdering one Master after the other. What have you actually been doing so far?" you ask.

"We've a bit of a complicated dynamic," he says. "The kids are always pretty eager to throw themself into the thick of things, so Mother got distracted trying to keep them safe and the one time we tried to take somebody down they managed to get away. Beyond that we were mostly scouting things out."

"Oh?" Naturally you can only trust him so much, but the thought of useful information on your competition has your attention. "Interesting. Let's start with your hands-on experience. Tell me about that fight."

"The Servant was a Saber, I think. Whatever kind of weapon he wielded was wrapped in a bunch of straw, but that's what his Master called him."

"Did the straw actually do anything notable?" you ask.

"Probably. I can usually get a good grasp on Servants, but that bundle of straw was a complete blank. Like, it still had the general feel of being magic, but nothing beyond that clicked for me."

You hum in satisfaction. If it has that profound an effect in blocking a Master's clairvoyance, it was likely gained due to actually having been used to hide the sword within the Heroic Spirit's legend, hiding it in the present as it once did in the past. "What else?"

"Not too much. He went on the defensive pretty quickly, but to his credit, he was pretty hardy. Does Battle Continuation mean anything to you?"

"Naturally. It's a Skill that allows Servants to temporarily disregard their injuries to continue fighting at full capacity where others would be held back by their wounds. At the highest level, they can even push off their death for a short precious moment."

"Oh!" The talk of death has piqued Ida's interest. "Someone that's fully cognizant of already having been killed by me, but can still hang on long enough to return the love. I'd like to see Saber like that."

"I'm sure that can be arranged," you say before turning back to your captive. "Can you infer his place of origin judging by his appearance?"

"Definitely a foreigner, going by the blond hair. I haven't exactly been around enough people to tell you more than that."

That's the best you can hope for, you suppose. "Then what about the Master?"

"Also a foreigner, male… probably older than me but not by much? I'd say the guy knew his way around combat. He used a gun too, not sure how common that is for mages."

"It's not something the proper ones do, but it's not unheard of amongst the riff raff that has abandoned the craft to sell themself as mercenaries." There aren't many Master and Servant pairs left that you don't know about, but if you had to guess, the description would fit what you know about Oliver Steube. A possibility that makes the fact he failed to join you in yesterday's hunt all the more aggravating. The intel on Avenger and Berserker from their previous encounter only could have helped.

"Anything else?"

"Only if you want a full play by play. As I said, they managed to get away from us."

At least he had some new information for you. Time to see if the same would hold true for his reconnaissance.

"That won't be necessary. Tell me about what you found out during your scouting."

"The Caster you were working with last night has holed up in the local temple."

"Yes and do you know where his Master is hiding?"

"Uh, I just kinda assumed they're staying at the same place?"

You sigh. That isn't exactly an assumption you can blame him for. All you know is that Akihiko wasn't there when you visited the temple. You wave at Koji to have him move on.

"The Matou girl is operating out of three different houses."

"Do you know what exactly she's using the houses for?" Thinking back on it, the Edelfelt still own a pair of mansions within the city, so it's no surprise Ayano would have access to them. The better question is why she'd bother to spread herself that thin instead of fortifying one stronghold.

"One of them she actually lives in. The other two were mostly being used by her Servant. However, Hänsel and Gretel didn't really feel confident investigating close enough to find out what he's doing there. The guy gives them the creeps."

Ida bristles on Rider's behalf, but then catches herself. "I can see how he might not appear to be the most child friendly at first and he can be a bit moody, but there's no need to be rude to him."

"Discussing his merits as an individual strikes me as rather irrelevant, so how about we move on?" You do however file away that you might want to investigate the Edelfelt mansions in the future. Whatever an enemy Servant is preparing in secret can hardly be good news.

"I… don't think I have anything else to tell you," Koji says, while being perfectly unwilling to look either of you in the eyes.

Ida tries to knock the truth out of his mouth with a hearty slap.

"There still isn't a point in lying," you remind him.

"Fine. Me and the Avengers ended up visiting the Monochrome Rainbow concerts."

"You don't mean to tell me that you're a fan of Yumiko, do you?" You silently swear to yourself that, if she had been secretly working with Avenger, you'd feed her to your sister limb by limb at the first opportunity.

"So you already know about them." Koji sounds relieved. The fool had actually been worried about revealing the identity of a woman he could only know for a couple of days at best.

"We have been to one of their concerts ourselves, actually!" Ida basically starts to bounce on Koji's stomach with ill-contained excitement. "The two of them are cute, aren't they?"

"Well, yeah. We were mostly lured in by Cassy's song though. There's something in her voice that just speaks to us," he said, presumably ignorant of her siren song. "Plus, the kids said Yumiko didn't feel like much of a mage, so they don't have much of an urge to kill her."

"What about yesterday's concert?" you ask, slightly irked by the complete lack of mentioning your own presence on the stage.

"Missed that one. Mother didn't like how much time we were spending attending them." His expression sinks at the memory.

Truly, you did kill the member of the family with the most sense. You likely shouldn't let him linger on what he lost before you're done interrogating him.

"Did you ever meaningfully interact with her?"

"I got an autograph. It's not like we talked about the war, or anything though. Hänsel and Gretel can hide the fact they're Servants and I don't exactly scream Master either, so I don't think they could tell us apart from regular fans."

That does make sense. The Grail has been modified to allow an Avenger to manifest only under very narrow circumstances. While Koji managed to stumble his way into those conditions, Hänsel and Gretel would normally have been summoned as Assassins. It isn't shocking to find that they retained some amount of Presence Concealment even after being corrupted.

"Do you have anything else relevant to tell me?"

"No." This time he sounds much more convincing.

You sigh in relief. There's only so much listening to people other than yourself talk that you can endure. You're also about finished the preparations for transferring his command seals to yourself. Now you just have to decide on what to do with him.

[X] Kill him.
The quick and clean way to be done with him. You're sure Ida would be delighted to do the deed. Although you suppose that not dealing with them personally means there's a chance Hänsel and Gretel might manage to find a new Master before they fade away.

[X] Use him as bait.
Keep Koji alive for just long enough to attract his siblings. Then kill what remains of their family in one fell swoop.

[X] Make Koji and the Avengers work for you.
You've already laid out some bait by giving hope for his mother's resurrection. That still isn't enough to expect him to be loyal, but if you force him to transfer masterhood over Avenger to you, your newly acquired command seal should be enough to force Hänsel and Gretel to forfeit their lives should they ever dare to defy you.

[X] Hand him over to Kotomine.
She likely doesn't care much about whatever happens to Koji, but giving shelter to failed Masters is the responsibility of the Church Overseer. Now that you have captured the irregular, she might as well handle the clean up for you. Wash your hands of whatever rescue Hänsel and Gretel might attempt.

[X] Write in

You might decide on what to do next as well. Although, given how long you took to cleanse the Avenger gems, there isn't much time left in the day. It would also be rather awkward to get into a fight with one of the other members of last night's extermination group before you handed them their part of the spoils. Maybe you could afford to spend this night more leisurely.

[X] Track down Oliver.
Learning that he had a prior engagement with Avenger's group only makes you more curious as to what justification he possibly could have for standing you up. You are going to track him down and get your answers.

[X] Pay Naoki a home visit.
You have to start handing out the other command seals with someone and Naoki should be easy enough to find. You did look up his address at the school after all. Even unannounced, he's sure to be honored by welcoming you to his home.

[X] Receive visitors.
Amna has decided to pay you another visit. However, for some unfathomable reason she has decided to drag a stray Annabella along with her.

[X] Avenger attacks.
Before you can decide on what to do with the night, the two Servants try to rescue their Master. It's presumptuous of them, but at least you can use the opportunity to tie up the remaining loose ends.

The option to be attacked by Hänsel and Gretel is somewhat of a special opportunity to tie up loose ends. If not taken now, if and when they come up again depends on how you decide to deal with Koji. Maybe they'll become irrelevant, maybe they'll attack you at a dramatically appropriate point in the future.

Given that it's been a while, Saber is indeed Oliver's Servant Sigmund. Although they only ever appeared in an interlude so far.