34: Backstage
- Location
- Germany
[X] Scold your students for not coming to school.
"I can think of something I want to say, yes," you tell her as you take the microphone. You turn around and stare down the audience before delivering your judgment upon them. Yumiko's words seem to have done a good job in calming their sense of unrest. It wasn't enough to unite them in excitedly cheering for you, but at least some of them have found the decency within themselves to anticipate your words instead of merely being confused.
A quick attempt to scan the crowd for your missing students turns out fruitless. None of them are audacious enough to be wearing their school uniform and their constant absence means you know none of them by sight. You're not about to waste your time on attempting to fish them out on such silly things as their general age group, so you simply plunge your words into their ears.
"I have recently started to act as a teacher at Homurahara Academy and it has come to my attention that some of its students are skipping to attend this concert." A pale imitation of your voice once again stirs up the hapless people in front of you. You'd be a lot more forgiving of the unrest they're causing, if it was for understandable reasons like an inability to grasp how anyone might willingly miss one of your lessons, but at this point you know better than to expect such virtue from these people.
"Of course, none of you knew about my addition to the teaching staff in advance," you contine. "As such, I am willing to count you missing out on my classroom as punishment unto itself without further disciplinary measures. However, that does not change the simple fact that you neglected your duties by-"
"You're being too harsh to them after all, Miss Teacher," Yumiko says, while leaning over your shoulder to speak through the microphone you're holding. It's hardly a surprise that the root of this evil is trying to interrupt you, but you take issue with the shameless audacity she displays in an attempt to continue appearing friendly.
"I am being as strict with them as they deserve, or do you care so little about their future that you think listening to your live-performance is more important than their education?"
"Not exactly, but we all have to enjoy life while we still can, right?" Undeterred by your confrontational reply, she shifts until she has effectively draped herself over your shoulder. You find yourself forced to shift your stance to accommodate for the additional weight she's putting on you.
"I promise that I'll let them go back to their ordinary lives soon enough, but we're all here already, so I'd much rather just be friends and enjoy ourselves." Yumiko goes so far as to brush her cheek against yours, bringing the two of you close enough together that her warm breath tickles your skin.
Right now, she reminds you of a cat. A sadistic predator that uses their cute appearance to manipulate the people around them into doing their bidding.
Noting your distaste, Idasviel yanks the idol off you. The woman goes stiff in your sister's arms, likely reminded of the fact that behind your servant's blushing smile hides enough strength to snap her in half like a bloody twig the moment your patience runs out.
"I'm terribly sorry for the trouble we've been causing for everybody." Cassy speaks with her head bowed towards you and the audience. You remain skeptical of her sincerity, but begging for your forgiveness is a much more promising start than her partner's attempt to charm you. "It's just that… some of us won't have another chance to stand on this stage again, so we wanted to make the best out of the time we have."
"So you've already accepted your death?" you ask her. She'd be right to, of course. If nobody else is going to kill her, you'll do it yourself. Not that you're about to let a spirit guilt you for returning them to their natural state. That she won't have to live with them doesn't change the fact that there are consequences to her actions.
The audience, meanwhile, lacks your perspective on the conversation. As a result, various screams of concern for Cassy are directed at the stage. You'll have to concede that at least they're loyal admirers.
"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't intend to talk about this on stage." Cassy's voice is quiet enough that, even standing directly in front of her, you'd have trouble hearing her without the microphone she's whispering into. In response, the crowd falls still as a grave to make sure they can hear her every word.
The somber atmosphere would be much easier for you to respect, if you hadn't just witnessed her nibbling on the souls that are now weeping for her.
"It's just that… Yumiko was kind enough to recognize somebody as wretched as me and.. my doctor didn't think it was a good idea, but I wanted to do something with my life and I'm truly thankful for each and everyone of you. I… I-"
Yumiko pulls her partner's head against her chest and takes a moment to performatively stroke her hair. Then she takes the microphone from her hands and addresses the crowd. "I know that must have just been a lot for you all to take in, but I'm afraid that Cassy needs some time to collect herself. If you're kind enough to give us some of your patience, we'll be right back for you."
Without further Ado, she guides Cassy backstage. You only wait long enough to signal Amna to find her own way backstage before following the two idols. You're not entirely out of the public's eye yet, but you imagine that some nondescript illness will make it much easier for the church to cover up her inevitable undoing.
There are some concerned backstage employees that try to check up on the idols, but Yumiko gently pushes past them. You meanwhile glare at them, while slightly activating your mystic eyes to paralyze them in place just long enough to make sure they don't inconvenience you. With nobody remaining to stop you, the pair leads you to their dressing room. It's not a very ostentatious chamber to retreat to, holding little more than a pair of dressing tables, a clothing rack for their costumes and a coffee table, but it'll do for now. The four of you settle down around the coffee table, which is covered in fashion magazines and a handful of sweets. You and Idasviel on one side and them on the other, with Yumiko still coddling the Servant.
"How long do you plan to keep that sobbing act up?" You ask Cassy.
"Ease off her. It's only natural she doesn't want to be killed," Yumiko snaps at you.
"Ho?" You meet the angry glare directed at you. The impotent feelings raging inside of her is enough for her to shortly stand her ground and not look away. Then it slowly starts to sink in that she is prey before a predator and a nervous quiver runs through her posture and the fire in her eyes mixes with a manic fear that you might pounce on her the moment she gives in to her weakness. You don't share your sister's sadistic love, but even you have to admit to a tinge of satisfaction upon seeing such a feisty mouse remember her place.
"It's alright. I can face them myself," the Servant says and finally stops hiding behind her friend. She straightens her posture and looks at you with a sliver more confidence than Yumiko has remaining.
"I realize it was inevitable that the Holy Grail War would catch up with us, but would it have been too much to ask for you to wait until after our concert to avoid making a scene?"
"Yes, I'm sure you hate having your meal time interrupted," you reply unmoved. "You can hardly complain after using your audience as an unwitting energy source for said war."
The idol's objection is interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. Judging by the fact that you can sense another Servant just outside of it, you take it that Amna has found her way to you.
"You may enter," you tell her.
With your permission your fellow homunculus quietly enters the room. She gives you and Ida a quick nod as she walks up to the table you're gathered around and then addresses the two idols. "Greetings. My name is Amna. I don't mind standing, but do you have another chair for me?"
The simplicity of her question seems to take them by surprise and Yumiko has to take a moment to process it before answering. "No, I'm afraid this room isn't really set up to receive visitors. We already had to pull over the chairs from the dressing tables to fit the four of us."
"You can sit on my lap instead," your sister jumps to offer and invitingly spreads her arms towards her date.
After a brief moment of consideration, she accepts the offer and lowers herself onto your sister. Overjoyed, Ida clamps her arms shut around her waist and pulls her in close to allow her to better snuggle up against Amna, who fails to react to the physical closeness in any discernible way. Instead she turns her attention to you. "Kari, I didn't know you worked as a teacher."
"I do. It's a new passion I've recently discovered for myself. Unsurprisingly, I'm quite the natural at it. The youths of Fuyuki are truly blessed."
"It does suit you rather well, thanks to letting you indulge in your more caring nature and establishing relationships with others while allowing you to remain in a position of authority." She nods to herself with a small, but unmistakingly satisfied smile.
"I suppose you aren't too far off. Although you forgot to call attention to my boundless wisdom. Still, I am a generous goddess. If you've come to understand that much, I'll happily accept your worship."
"I decline. I'm perfectly satisfied just having learned something new about my friend."
"But I can guarantee you that there's nothing more fulfilling than devoting yourself to her," your sister mumbles with her face half-buried in Amna's shoulder.
"Excuse me," Cassy dares to interrupt your chat. "You're allies, right?"
"We're dating!" Ida says.
"We're on a date," corrects Amna. "Although our plans got severely derailed by discovering that you're also participants in the Grail War."
"Wait. You originally just wanted to see our concert?"
"Thank you! I hope you enjoyed yourself despite the unfortunate circumstances." Cassy quickly slips back into her cheerful demeanor.
"Would you stop fishing for compliments?" You interrupt before either of your companions can answer. "What you should be concerned about is what's going to happen to you now that we have discovered you. Your Master is one thing, but you're a Servant. Sentimental nonsense like sparing you isn't an option."
"Right. I understand." With that, she's back to acting somber. At this rate, she's going to give you whiplash. "Honestly, I know that I'm not powerful enough a Servant to have any chance of winning a war where I have to contest with real heroes. The most I can ask is for you to spare me until you've run out of other enemies and in return promise that I won't put up a struggle once my time has come."
You don't attempt to restrain the derisive chuckle that the situation tickles out of you. "What do you think, Amna? I'll say that this offer has a very different flaw from the one that you made me."
"Right. If she'll let us kill her, then there's no risk of her stealing victory away from either of us after we tired ourselves out… Is it that she didn't mention suspending her concerts? We would be complicit in her stealing the audience's life force, should we knowingly let her continue."
"That's a valid concern, but no. That is not the problem I see at the heart of their offer."
It takes Amna longer to come up with a second answer. Once her silence stretches on for more than a couple of seconds, Yumiko tries to speak up, but you shush her. You want your fellow homunculus to think this through herself.
"Regrettably, I think I might require a hint."
Regrettable indeed. At least she wasn't simply asking to be given the answer.
"The problem is with the if, Master," Rider finally decides to speak up. He materializes behind the two idols, where he easily looms over them with his massive frame. He gently puts a hand on one of their shoulders each and as friendly as the gesture might seem it's enough for both of them to go rigid with fear.
Ida coos at their reaction.
"So you think they'll attempt to backstab us regardless of our agreement," Amna says.
"I think they might not hold up their end of the agreement and there's no way for us to be certain," you say. "I'm sure they want something from this war and even a weakling can aspire to backstab one, or two enemies that have lowered their guard."
"Oh, come on now!" Yumiko objects. In her anger she leans towards you and inevitably pulls her shoulder out of Rider's grasp. He seems to take this as his que to let go of Cassy as well and position himself behind Amna and your sister instead, while Yumiko keeps attempting to bargain with you.
"You're magic, right? Can't you set up some kind of magically compelling contract to assure we don't betray you?"
"Easily, if it was only a matter of binding you," you answer. "The problem is that Caster of yours. There's no way of knowing how she might be able to break whatever chains we put on you if given enough time."
"I understand that we haven't been off to the best start, but there has to be something I can do to make you trust us," Cassy pleads with you.
"There's one compromise I'm willing to make." You flash them a wide smile. "I'd be more than happy to take you into my custody under the condition that you cancel your contract with your current Master and become my Servant instead. Don't worry, I have no need for you to be victorious, so I'll be perfectly content to hide you away in my castle where I can keep an eye on you. I assure you that it'll be quite the comfortable stay and much more secure than your current setup where anybody can just wander into one of your concerts."
"Objection," Amna says. "As a fellow Master I can't stand by as you sink your claws into another Servant."
You sigh. Looking at it from the twisted perspective of somebody that endeavors to beat you, it's a reasonable precaution. There should easily be a way for you to put a Caster to use, even without risking their safety in direct battle and it'd be foolish to assume you'd waste such an advantage simply because you don't strictly need it.
"That's fair enough. Fighting you over them wouldn't be worth it. What solution do you propose instead?"
"It depends. I think there's something we should clarify first. Cassy, exactly who are you?"
"If you want me to spell it out, I am the Caster class Servant contracted to Yumiko as well as her partner idol. The name I've taken, unimaginative as it might be, is Cassy," she says almost brimming with confidence. Then she fails to say anything more that would be of actual interest.
"I was inquiring about your true name to better access what you're capable of," explains Amna in a confused attempt to prod Caster into continuing her introduction.
"About that, I do consider Cassy to be my true name. I am not a Heroic Spirit. None of us Servants truly are. We're effectively clumps of aether molded after a specific template without being given a chance to self-determine and I reject that. That's a big part of why I joined Yumiko on the stage. I won't ever go down into the history books, or ascend into the Throne of Heroes as myself rather than being reduced to a mere record that doesn't even qualify as a memory, but if even a handful of people can remember me as Cassy, I'll be satisfied."
"Don't worry, Cassy. There's no way that I'll ever forget you." Yumiko pulls her Servant into another hug that she readily leans into. Both of them share a sickeningly heartfelt smile.
"Me too!" Ida yells and leans over Amna's shoulder. "Servants are transient beings and you deserve to be remembered as you are. I know just how valuable your life is, so as long as you don't let anybody else kill you, I'll- Aaargh!"
The pained moan that interrupted your sister's monologue was caused by Amna breaking one of her fingers. As far as injuries go, it's negligible, so you watch on as Amna calmly pushes Ida off her shoulder and back against their seat. You're mildly impressed by the composure with which she stares right into Ida's eyes and the unfiltered bloodlust that shines through them.
Rider reaches out to restrain Ida, but his Master swats his hands away.
"We're on a date, right?" Amna asks.
"Yes-" Ida's head is thrown to the side as Amna forcefully slaps her. Then Amna grabs her jaw and pulls her back until they're eye to eye again.
"Then I think you should be less enthusiastic about other women right now." Amna falls quiet just long enough to give Ida an opportunity to nod. "Good. Now hush, Kari has been looking like she wanted to say something for a while."
With that she turns back around to face the group properly and for the first time notices the shocked expression of the two idols. "I apologize if my behavior just now was inappropriate, but I assure you that I only carried myself in such a manner because she likes it."
Her claim is supported by an enthusiastic nod from Ida.
"I'm happy to see that you're learning to get along with my sister, but I'd rather not have you use me as a means of manipulating her," you say.
"I am sorry. However, I did get the impression that you wanted to say something."
"Perhaps so, but I can speak for myself." After how enthusiastically your sister supported Caster's claim of self-determination, you no longer feel like making a snide remark about how monstrous Caster must have been in life to reject herself this strongly. You suppose, how much of a person Caster is is none of your business, as long as she doesn't try to evoke pity from you.
"Cassy" you continue, "even if you don't want to tell us who you inherit your abilities from, you must be able to do something useful besides luring people away with your music and wearing colorful clothing. Makes us an offer that's worth keeping you around."
"I do have a unique ability that can support other Servants," Caster says. "I can make specialized formal wear that allows Servants to unlock abilities that they normally would only be able to access in another class."
"Oh? That does sound like we could get good use out of you," you say. What you leave unsaid is that this ability also means that Caster is more likely to have some kind of hidden weapon suited to open combat than is usual for her class. "That being said, I can't help but wonder how much information about our capabilities you want for your work."
"It depends. If you're lacking something straightforward, like a magical weapon, I should be able to cobble something together without too much information. For a more conceptual ability, I would need a more specific brief to work from."
"And how quickly can you produce results?"
"It shouldn't take too long? A day, or maybe two given that I have to prepare something for both of you."
That would be too late to be used in tonight's hunt for Avenger.
"There is one more thing," says Caster. "The items I create would lose their effect, if I were to die. I do think it would be in our shared best interest for you to protect Yumiko and me going forward."
"Cheeky, but I give you points for being upfront," you say. "This is more tangential, but I do have one more question. Yumiko, how did you get involved in the Holy Grail War?" After Naoki it's no longer a surprise to find lacking candidates being chosen as Masters, but even he needed somebody to guide him into summoning Lancer.
"Ah, well, it doesn't really fit my image, but if you want to know," Yumiko says and starts rummaging through her pile of magazines. She produces something titled Occult Detective Magazine. "I have somewhat of a fascination with the occult, so I dabbled into some rituals and one of them ended up working in a very unexpected manner. Honestly, speaking to real wizards is amazing to me. I know that we must have made a bad first impression, but I meant it when I said that I'd much rather be friends."
"Karisviel doesn't like to admit to having friends," says Amna. "However, she's very likely to indulge you, if you keep gushing about how amazing she is."
"I can do that. Getting stared down by her was intimidating, but that just means she has the strength to back up her cool beauty persona, right?"
"You'd be hard pressed to find any magus more powerful than me," you say, unimpressed by the blatant attempt to pander to you. "In contrast, I can't imagine you even knowing the basics of magecraft."
"You're right. Cassy thinks that there must have been a mage somewhere in my heritage, but I know effectively nothing about how real magic works. I also can't really maintain Cassy on my own, which is why we had to resort to siphoning off energy from our audience."
"I don't think you have to feel too bad about that. I think it's rather romantic," Ida says. "Ideally you should be able to let them know, of course, but with how much the audience seems to love you, I don't think any of them would mind."
"However that may be," you say, "we're currently building an alliance to dispose of a rather troublesome participant of the war that has the potential to turn this into an unavoidable tragedy. Would you be willing to participate in the fight against them?"
The two idols share a worried look, before Yumiko answers you, "We would rather not join in direct battle."
"I imagined that would be your answer," you say. "That should be all then. Let's see what this cool beauty decides to do with you, shall we?"
[X] Attempt to kill Caster.
You don't trust them enough for an alliance and want them out of the fight as quickly as possible. You do have to conserve your strength for tonight's assault on Avenger and have to avoid attracting the public's attention, so you might have to retreat before bringing the fight to a proper conclusion. Regardless, giving Amna a taste of proper combat before tonight can't hurt.
[X] Take the deal.
The enhancements she's offering to Ida's capabilities are enticing. Accessing the Caster class should help speed up her mastership of rune magic. You do have some concerns about relying on a non permanent enhancement that depends on a potential enemy to function, but you're sure you'll manage to work things out.
[X] Leave them alone for now.
You don't trust them enough for an alliance, but also don't want to risk something going wrong after blindly rushing into combat with them. As long as they stop luring away your students, they're a low enough priority that you can come back for them under more favorable conditions. It might give them more time to prepare, but the same goes for you.
[X] (Optional) Write in desired conversation topics.