18: Night 2: The State of the Greater Grail
- Location
- Germany
[x] Let Naoki try to talk your way in. You can decide if you'll let Ida kill them once you're actually done investigating the Grail.
You do not like the idea of relying on the Tohsaka's hospitality again, not in the slightest. However, given the desperate look Naoki is giving you, you're starting to suspect that attacking them would be worse for him than having to fend off their betrayal would be for you.
"I must say, continuing to draw on my good will like this when you're already in my debt is outright audacious of you," You say. "You can count yourself lucky that my benevolence is without equal. I'll give you your chance to talk with them."
"Thank you, Kari. I really do appreciate it."
"As you should, it does redeem your brazenness somewhat. Regardless, given that the Tohsaka's trustworthiness would depend entirely on your presence, we have to make sure that they don't separate you from us. Ida, make sure to hold on to Naoki until I tell you otherwise."
At your words, Ida's mood brightens again and she jumps towards Naoki, wrapping herself around his arm. "Gladly, Elder Sister. Don't try to leave my side, understood, Naoki?"
"Of course. Why would I even want to get away from you in the first place?" Naoki says meeting Ida's eyes.
She lets out a happy yelp and hugs Naoki even tighter. "Thank you. Thank you so much. It's not as bad as with my elder sister, but I like being with you so much, that I don't want to be separated from you for a second and it's good to know you feel the same."
"I'm pretty sure that question was rheto-" Whatever snide comment Ayano was going to make is interrupted by Mara making a loud whistling noise at Naoki and Ida.
Naoki sends her a weak glare, which Mara only responds to with a smirk and a shrug. Instead it is Rider who stepped up to Ida and put a hand on her shoulder. "I realize that the boy is quite charming, but now that we've established that he won't run away I think you can leave him a bit more room to move."
"Oh yes, I'm sorry. The excitement got the better of me," Ida says and loosens her grip on Naoki. "Now let's go, we've made my elder sister wait long enough."
"Right. I apologize again, Kari," Naoki says as he's half dragged up the stairs by Ida.
"I'll forgive it. Just make sure to eventually give my sister her due."
With the matter settled you continue climbing the temple stairs. As you approach the top, the gate comes into view and within it the black clad figure of Caster, his pale skin and the white stars on his sleeves standing out in the darkness of night. Even without being able to make out his expression, the distaste he's considering your group with is palpable.
Even if this is his territory, he must be quite brazen to openly face three enemy Servants, not to mention yourself, like this.
"You're Caster, Akihiko's Servant, right?" Naoki asks as he keeps climbing the final stretch of the stairs.
"I am. As a piece of advice, you should distance yourself from the vixen clinging to you. You never know when she'll decide to bite you," Caster says, sounding as if he doesn't particularly care whether or not Naoki listens to him.
"That's not true. I wouldn't never hurt anyone without permission. I bet he's only trying to separate us," Ida says with a hint of panic in her voice.
"Don't worry, I know you mean well," Naoki says and gives Ida a reassuring pat on the head. "Although I appreciate the concern for my safety, Caster."
"Don't think anything about it. More importantly, what brings you here? My divinations have predicted a much more productive meeting than your company would imply."
"I'll have you know that he's in the best possible company," you say, even if you have to mentally exclude Ayano.
"Yes, I can see why you'd think so," Caster says. "Regardless of your quality, I'd think we've moved past the point of a friendly chat over tea by now."
"Honestly, we didn't even expect to find you here. We're here because there's something we need to investigate about the Greater Grail," Naoki says. "I'm sure Akihiko wants to know about it as well, if you could let me talk with him."
"My Master isn't present, but I can contact him for you, if you insist," Caster says.
"Are you saying you left your Master defenseless without his Servant during the middle of the night?" you ask slightly incredulous.
"He certainly is without his Servant right now, but I wonder if that makes him defenseless," Caster says. By now you're close enough to see a slight smile forming on his face. "As ideal a territory as this temple might be for me, it does not suit my Master in several ways, so we had to make some arrangements. Feel free to have one of your familiars search the premises for him, if it's really that hard to believe."
You take him up on his offer, pulling out one of your hairs to send it into the temple. It'd be a disgrace if Caster managed to hide the Tohsakas from you simply by bluffing.
Caster meanwhile informed you that he's contacting his Master. After a short amount of time, he addresses Naoki, "Excuse me, young man, but could you tell me your name?"
"Naoki Watanabe"
"A nice name," Caster says absentmindedly before falling silent again. Then he mutters something under his breath and flicks his wrist. The gesture shakes loose a black and white wave of Ofuda streaming forth from his sleeve. The mass of paper folds in on itself until all the pieces are assembled in the shape of a person. Then the ink covering the talismans dissolves and spreads over the whole paper shell, appearing to change both color and texture during the process. Within moments the paper replica of Akihiko had been completed.
Rider appreciatively whistles next to you.
Akihiko takes a moment to reorient himself, before he frantically steps up to Naoki and grabs him by the shoulders. "Nonono. Why are you here? You shouldn't even be able to get involved."
"I'm probably the last person that knows how all of this works exactly, but I just kind of ended up selected as a Master." Naoki almost sounds apologetic.
Akihiko winces, looking just shy of being in physical pain. "You know you can quit, right? You don't even have to let down you Servant, if that's what you're worried about. The overseer can just transfer them to another Master along with your command seals."
"I know. Thank you for your concern, but I think I'll keep myself involved for now."
"And I like the Master I ended up with," Lancer says. "Being handed off to a different one sounds like a pain."
"Fine, just make sure you don't die." With a tired sounding sigh, Akihiko turns from staring at Akihiko to meeting Ida's eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"The two of you are cute together," Ida says.
Akihiko recoils at the statement, letting go off Naoki and taking several steps back. Bafflingly, it seems like the simple remark is enough to embarrass him, if his rather pronounced blush was anything to go by.
At least his odd behaviour gets a giggle out of Ida. Yet, the sweet sound only seemed to make him more aggravated, instead of soothing him with the knowledge that he had been of use to her. Again the twisted mentality that has him oppose you stands in the way of his happiness.
"You're cute on your own as well, but we're not here for you. Please don't try to tempt me away from Naoki, I have to keep him safe on Elder Sister's orders."
Unable to face your sister's earnest request, Akihiko flees by turning back to Naoki. "You should also pick your company better."
"Jealous?" Ayano asks. Her smug tone seems painfully unjustified, given that she only gets to call herself his ally on account of your temporary alliance.
"You really should have come to me first, Naoki," Akihiko manages to growls out between clenched teeth.
"I would have, but you, uhm, weren't home."
"Right, at least you'll know how to find me going forward." Akihiko pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath, ridding himself of his prior embarrassment and replacing it with the grim determination of not wanting to talk about his own mistakes. "Regardless, what was your reason for coming here?"
"There's some things off about this war, most importantly, it doesn't look like there was only one Servant of each class summoned. Hopefully, we'll be able to figure out what exactly is going on by taking a closer look at the Greater Grail," Naoki explains.
"At least that explains your current company, even I have to admit they'd be useful in picking apart the grail. Very well, just for tonight I shall grant them passage through Caster's territory."
"As my Master wishes." Caster takes a step to the side and gestures towards the temple gate.
Your group follows his lead, with Lancer giving Naoki a congratulatory clap on the back. "Good job, Master. You only took a little bit more time than what forcing our way in would have."
The comment draws a vexed glance from Caster. Appearing blissfully unaware, Lancer keeps cheerfully praising the virtues of his Master's charm, which Ida happily joins in with.
You meanwhile use the chance to survey the temple grounds to complement whatever information you can gain from your familiar exploring the building. A rather enjoyable task, given that the temple's serene atmosphere manages to persist, even with Lancer's voice cutting away at it.
Caster leads you behind the temple itself and back into the forest, where the nightly silence slowly turns oppressive. It's not a malicious sensation exactly, the vast amount of magical energy the Greater Grail is saturating the area with upon having awoken from its long slumber is simply tremendous enough that one can't help but be overwhelmed by it.
At least that's how you imagine the others feel. It's not like anything could ever break your ironclad composure. Likewise, Caster and Rider seem unaffected. The others in comparison have grown visibly uneasy and stopped their conversation, returning the forest to silence. Absolute silence that's disturbed by neither animals nor the rustling of leaves.
The entry to the cave holding the Greater Grail is close to the temple and the main cavern itself is directly below it. All still within Caster's territory. A shame. Otherwise, you're sure you could reach the cave by cutting through the forest from the mansion without having to cross the temple grounds.
However, you have something more important to pay attention to than an opportunity that never existed. The Greater Grail is right in front of you, its glow acting as the only source of illumination in the cavern. Looking at it with the naked eye, there are few signs of its magnificence. It's proper form won't appear until the container you're holding is sufficiently filled with the energy gained from the slain Servants. The thought makes your stomach clench with a dreadful sense of emptiness. A feeling that'll inevitably be drowned out over once the war reaches its conclusion.
For now, however, the state of the grail suits you just fine. With its core laying bare, nothing obstructs your group from examining the magic circle governing its functions. As such you, and those with sufficient qualification to assist you, start working.
Unsurprisingly, Caster ends up being the most helpful to you. Despite the fact that the magical theories the grail is built on ought to be foreign to him, he quickly understands its programming and current state. In comparison, his Master displays some skill in determining where the original seals have been repaired with new work, but contributes little in actual analyzing your findings. Even Ayano is more useful than him in that regard, especially when it comes to the current state of the class system.
The other half of your group can do little more than watch. Mara at least does so with interest, asking plenty of questions that allow you to teach her about your family's brilliance. You'll have to make sure to raise her grades for being such an enthusiastic student once you get the chance.
Rider watches quietly from further back. He doesn't comment on your work, but occasionally you can see a spark of understanding in his eyes. Considering his earlier appreciation for Caster's double of Akihiko and ability to withstand the pressure of the grail, you're starting to suspect he has more knowledge about magecraft than one would ordinarily suspect from a Rider.
That leaves Ida, Naoki and Lancer, none of which are particularly interested in the details of the grail. Instead they settle down far away enough to not be in the way and—once they get used to the amount of magical energy in the area—resume their conversation. By now Lancer has moved on to talking about what a shame it is that his Master has to go another night without witnessing the fantastical scale on which Servants fight. Although he seems confused as to why Ida not only gets excited when talking about the possibility of killing Caster, but also starts blushing.
They only start paying attention to your work once it is finished and you present your results. The increased number of Servants and Masters is indeed connected to the partially activated procedures of the Great Holy Grail War. Specifically, there are currently thirteen Masters, twelve of which have summoned their Servants. However, judging by the amount of magical energy stockpiled by the Greater Grail, it should be capable of supporting the full set of fourteen Masters and Servants.
The class distribution of the already summoned Servants is two Sabers, one Archer, two Lancers, two Riders, two Casters, one Assassin, one Shielder taking up a Berserker spot and one Avenger instead of a second Assassin. That last one is… problematic. You can guess how it happened—given that whatever the Tohsaka's did to allow them to summon Abe no Seimei also suspended all other summoning restrictions, including the requirement for a specialized catalyst to summon Avenger—but it doesn't change that an unregulated Avenger has a chance of utterly corrupting the entire war with no hope of recovery. Although, given the irregular nature of the Avenger class, none of the others fully understand its implications.
Less concerning, but still noteworthy is the state of the remaining Berserker spot. While the grail definitely has not summoned the appropriate Servant, something seems to confuse it on whether or not an appropriate Servant should be summoned. Regrettably, you do not have enough information on exactly why that is. It does however serve as a possible explanation for why it has not yet handed out the final set of command seals.
Lastly, there currently is no Ruler active to supervise the war. None of you can reliably predict whether one will be summoned if the state of the war deteriorates enough.
Besides the findings relating to the Grail, your familiar also finished searching the temple. Akihiko and Nanahoshi are indeed nowhere to be found. Instead you're reasonably certain that you've found which room Caster is occupying as his workshop.
[X][Avenger] Explain the possible consequences of an Avenger being summoned to the others.
[X][Avenger] Don't explain the possible consequences of an Avenger being summoned to the others.
[X][Conversation] Naoki looks terribly confused about everything that has just been explained to him, make sure he actually understands all of it.
[X][Conversation] Talk with Rider in an attempt to determine how much he knows about magecraft.
[X][Conversation] Compliment Ayano for having been at least marginally useful tonight.
[X][Conversation] Confront Akihiko about how he plans to atone for the way he tried to murder you.
[X][Conversation] Don't bother with conversation.
[X][Conversation] Write in
[X][Leaving] Leave the temple peacefully and head home for the night.
[X][Leaving] Leave the temple peacefully and go to the church to inform the supervisor, now that you have a better idea of what's going on.
[X][Leaving] Don't leave peacefully and instead allow Ida to kill Caster. Even in the case that he manages to escape, you would at least gain an opportunity to follow him to his Master's location.
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