Fate/Reawakened Wishes

44: Odd Company
[X] Hand him over to Kotomine.
[X] Receive visitors.
Ultimately, you decide Koji isn't important enough for you to bother with the clean up. You'll leave that to Kotomine. "I'm as satisfied with your answers as I'm ever going to be. You may rest now," you tell him. It causes him to look at you and the moment your eyes meet you once again activate your mystic eyes to suppress his consciousness. It'll stop him from struggling until you transfer him to the church.

Ida takes a moment to register his current state and then hops off the bed. If Koji can't notice her, there isn't any way for him to keep her interested. Instead her attention faithfully returns to where it belongs. "What do you want to do with him now, Elder Sister?"

"Not much. We'll bring him to the church and let Kotomine handle him from there."

"I see." Ida bites her lower lips. Her eyes flit around the room before settling back on you. "Does that mean you won't allow me to kill him?"

"Correct," you tell her bluntly, even your heart drops alongside her smile once she processes what you said. "Idasviel, you need to learn how to think ahead. What do you think is going to happen after we kill him?"

"I'm not sure. I suppose I'll kill whoever you want me to next?"

You can tell that she tried to think her answer through, but your point eludes her. A fact that makes her squirm with disappointment at herself for failing to please you.

"I am talking about the immediate consequences," you say. "Hänsel and Gretel are still afoot. If you kill Koji it'll either be the same as killing them as well, or giving them the opportunity to seek us out in revenge, at which point you'd have to kill them directly. Do you want that?"

"No. I'm sorry for being thoughtless."

"I'm not trying to blame you, but you should try to think ahead." You gather Idasviel into a hug to stop her from collapsing in on herself. She limply stumbles into you and lets her head drop on your shoulder.

"Are you sure? What if I come up with an idea you don't like?"

"You don't have to be afraid. After all, I'm perfect, which means so are the conclusions I come to. Even if you don't find the right answer immediately, I trust you to hear me out."

Ida slowly nods to herself and then returns your hug with renewed vigor, squeezing you like a grape. For the sake of her spirits, you refrain from reprimanding her for not holding back her strength more.

"Does that make me one of your students as well?"

"You even have the honor of being my favorite one." You gently run a hand through her hair and hum to let her soak in your presence. This isn't the first time that her mental state took a sharp turn for the worse, but if it's to get her smile back, you don't mind lending her your shoulder.

Ideally she'd be happy all the time, but as great you are, naturally so is the specter of your displeasure bearing down on her. It's the pressure mortals are bound to feel in the presence of the divine, as it ought to be. But then things also ought to be as pleases you.

It's Idasviel jumping out of your embrace that pulls you away from your thoughts before you descend into ruminating on the two conflicting ideals. With a wellspring of energy to make up for lost time, she hops back to the bed and hefts Koji over her shoulder. "There's a chance Hänsel and Gretel might try to rescue him, so if we don't want to fight them we should get rid of him as quickly as possible, right?"

"Indeed." The two of you share a smile at her efforts.

Then she rushes off to your car.

You drop Koji off at the church without much fanfare. Eliza Kotomine does make a fuss when she sees the state of the wretch you drag into her church, but relents when she learns that he's the Master of Avenger. However, she still doesn't feel the need to prostrate herself before you in gratitude, or reward you beyond 'letting' you keep the Command Seals you stripped from Koji. At least she accepts her role of clean up without complaining about the potential of having to deal with Hänsel and Gretel.

Soon you're on your way back home. Along the forest path—well outside the limits of the city proper—you find Amna and Annabella making the track to your castle. Upon spotting you, Amna hails you over like a common taxi. It takes a considerable amount of goodwill not to order Ida to simply drive past them in response.

As they climb into the back of your car, Amna gives you a simple greeting while Annabella silently slouches down into her seat. It's only after some prodding from Amna that she musters some of her usual extravagance.

"It appears that destiny has hastened our reunion for the sake of convenient traversal of this haunted woods. To think that the threads of fate would draw us together for comfort as well as strife."

You ignore her in favor of Amna. "Hello Amna. What brings you to me today?" It hardly comes as a shock that Annabella would be aimless after Krone's death, but you fail to see how either you, or Amna are involved.

"I found Annabella to be in a bad mood today. However, I am not proficient in raising people's spirits, so I thought I might turn to you for help."

Part of you wants to scoff at the idea. Cheering up an opponent is hardly your responsibility. However, you can hardly disagree with Amna's decision. Nothing in this world is a more plentiful spring of joy than your own presence. As such, you do not wish to rebuke her for a decision that is sensible in at least some regards. Very well, even if it denigrates you, play along you shall in return for your splendor being acknowledged.

"Annabella," you say, "consider yourself lucky that Amna has your best interest at heart."

"Truly! To think that there would still be a soul so pure within this world as to try to mediate our eternal conflict. My heart brews tears at the thought of her kindness, for it fears what ill fortune may befall her should my wicked eye gaze upon her unclouded." She accentuates her point by dramatically placing a hand on her eyepatch.

Even knowing that there's little substance behind her delusions, you have to suppress the urge to bristle at the implied harm. Instead you divert your attention to how fond Annabella seems to be of your fellow homunculus. "How do the two of you know each other in the first place?"

"The pact forged between us is one that defies-"
"I made her the same offer for non-aggression that I made you." Amna interrupts Annabella's tale matter of factly. "It was a matter of coincidence first and foremost that I encountered her before you changed my mind on the matter."

You drily chuckle to yourself. So the woman that insists on you being her mere equal happened to run across the fool with delusions of sharing your level of grandeur. Perhaps arranging such happenstance is the World's way of rebelling against your plans to attain True Magic.

"I see," you say. "You did mention something along those lines. So Annabella is who I'll have to defeat, while you take yourself the luxury of safely watching from the sidelines."

While Amna struggles to find a proper response, Ida uses the lull in the conversation to speak up. "Don't feel too bad about it Amna. I like having less competition for Saber."

"I propose a different covenant," Annabella says. "Hollow Goddess(Tyrant of Stagnation), let us extend the bond that ties us to her immaculate soul to each other. We shall have an alliance between three goddesses that holds true until the mortals have been forced into submission, only to fade into oblivion for all three of us in unison."

"That does sound fair," Amna says, still slowly considering the idea with each word. "I don't exactly want to fight either of you, but I don't want to make you fight each other either. If we are the only Masters remaining, the two of you are as free to fight me as you are each other."

Ida's eyes flicker from the road to the rear view mirror. Given the hunger in her eyes, she might just be tempted to pounce on Annabella before you have a chance to agree to a temporary truce. Then she composes herself and focuses on driving.

"Your change to the terms is agreeable," you tell Amna. You turn in your seat to give her an approving smile. Then you address Annabella. "As for your offer, I fundamentally reject the framing of counting the two of you as goddesses alongside me. However, I am at least willing to consider the core of your proposal. You have this evening to earn my favor. Until then, I will at least extend you safety as my guest out of consideration for Amna. Naturally, that is on the condition that you don't start any trouble yourself."

"Hohoho! Fear not. The dark forces within me shall manage no mischief tonight."

"Good," you say. "Now then, that's enough with the formalities. Do you want to talk about what happened with Krone?"

"That…" Annabella's usual bravado trails off into inaudible mumbling. She has been putting up a brave face until now, but evidently your question was enough to push her to her limit.

Amna lacks your context on what happened, but Annabella's sudden silence is enough of a hint in itself. Unable to find a better solution, Amna tries to show support by placing a hand on the other woman's shoulder and giving it a stiff squeeze.

"There might have been a most foul betrayal." She eventually speaks up again, her voice regaining its usual vigor word by word. "My patron amongst the modern magi is not to be confused for an ordinary mortal. His temporary vessel might have been devastated beyond use, but the seed of his soul has already been planted anew."

"I see." You don't press her any further. Given her usual demeanor you aren't sure how serious to take her claims. She doesn't sound particularly convincing, but a magus using some kind of puppet instead of their real body is hardly unheard of. Regardless, Ajax is dead and Odysseus is still at large. Whether or not one of the Masters managed to fool the people around him to escape with his life is a secondary concern. You'd still rather know for certain, but you don't quite feel the urge to interrogate Annabella. "Then let's set the topic aside. We'll arrive at the castle soon. I'm sure we'll be able to hold a more pleasant chat there."

She gladly takes your cue to let the conversation trail off for the moment. Of course, at this point it only takes a minute, or two before you arrive at your temporary abode. The moment Ida stops the car, Annabella jumps out of it and excitedly skips towards the castle.

The three of you remaining exit the car in a more composed manner. It's now that you're out in the open that Kamehameha and Date Masamune decide to join you. The two Servants manifest near you. You've gotten used to seeing Rider match Amna's form of dress with a suit of his own, but aside from the matching eyepatch Saber was quite the contrast to his Master.

Where Annabella is once again wearing an elaborate dress, Masamune is wearing a light blue yukata, a fairly simple robe, with a pattern depicting dragon-shaped clouds. Despite it still being fairly cold, he wouldn't look out of place at a summer festival, except for the fact he's still wearing his crescent moon helmet alongside his more casual attire.

Of the two, Kamehameha is the first to greet you. "Thank you for welcoming us once again."

"You're welcome. My hospitality shouldn't be taken for granted, but I'm willing to open my doors to sufficiently reverent supplicants."

"I do consider myself lucky to have such a reliable friend," Amna says. Despite the usual presumption, you do have to grant her that she's rather considerate under her stoic exterior.

"On the topic of gratitude," Saber says and holds a small cloth wrapped bundle out to you. "It isn't much, but I hope you'll enjoy them with some tea."

You accept the package with an appreciative hum. A quick glance lets you tell that Annabella is already being ushered inside by Mel and well out of earshot. "I see you at least have some manners. Tell me, do you believe Krone somehow managed to survive?"

"He definitely had some failsafe prepared, but Odysseus did a good job of working his way into his confidence. If he learned what his master had prepared, I fully expect him to have found a way around it. What I can tell you for certain is that the contract between the two of them is severed. That being said, it'd be more convenient if Krone actually died, so I'm keeping my guard up for his survival."

"That strikes me as overly hostile towards an ally," Amna says.

"An ally to his Master perhaps," Rider says, "but also to some extent her superior, which is hardly ideal when he's ultimately still an opponent."

"Exactly," Saber says. "The situation isn't helped by me having to step lightly around the topic to avoid the risk of her using a Command Seal to stop me from potentially killing him. But let's not linger on a hopefully solved problem."

"Not having a Master you can fully trust to make the best decisions sounds miserable," Ida says. There's some genuine sympathy in her voice, but the adoring look she sends you speaks louder than words. She is right of course, the other Servants are unfortunate for having been summoned by inferior Masters.

"I'd say the same about only being capable of blind obedience," Saber says. The insult in his words is lost on nobody, except Ida. "Regardless, it's not like I dislike her. She merely needs to grow more considerate about her loyalties."

"In that case you've let her wait long enough by complaining." You affectionately run a hand through Ida's hair as you start to walk towards the castle. It is one thing if he needs to unburden himself of concerning his Master's inadequacies, but judging by the animosity he just showed to your sister you need to indulge him no more. "That is unless you'd rather I tell her that you canceled her plans of a temporary truce for her?"

"That won't be necessary. Sooner or later, I can deal with you all the same."

You suppose you don't disagree, even if you find him much too optimistic concerning your future battle. With enough barbs exchanged for now, you lead the others to the sitting room to which Mel has already shown Annabella.

"Ah yes, finally you join me within this parlor of darkness," your guest says. She has already made herself at home, now lounging in a plush armchair, while holding a teacup in front of her with the utmost care in an attempt to project grace. "A most exquisite locale you have picked to entertain me."

You refrain from reprimanding her for making such a big deal out of a simple room for Amna's sake and just take a seat yourself. "I am the most gracious host you'll ever find on the surface of this planet. Consider yourself blessed for being allowed inside my home. Now, is there any request you'd like to make of me?"

Annabella stops herself from saying something and grows pensive. Ultimately, she asks you a question. "While the full truth might elude your clouded eyes yet, how did you gain a glimpse of my mentor's fate in the first place?"

A mirthless chuckle leaves your lips unprompted. Over and over again, the usurpers competing for your inheritance show their own ignorance. "This entire ritual revolves around me. Why wouldn't I have the means to monitor what happens in it?"

You signal for Amna to let you finish before she has the chance to complain about the imaginary size of your ego. Informing your enemy isn't usually the most prudent course of action, but in this instance a better understanding of your importance is most likely to stop their hand from being laid on you with lethal intent. "Know that what you're competing for is my beating heart."

Annabella interrupts your explanation with an undignified squeak.

While you are perfectly happy to move on and dispel whatever misconception she has by setting the record straight, your sister can't resist the opening. "Please, do not think of my sister that way. Direct all your violent urges towards me. I may not be able to surrender my heart as long as my elder sister still has a use for it, but I'll gladly take all your affection and return it in kind."

"That… ah, I mean, your words once again show that you are but a temptress in the service of the Hollow Goddess(Tyrant of Stagnation). However, once again, it matters not how many sweet words you pile on. It'll take more than false honey to sway the hardened heart of an ancient being such as I."

"That's uncalled for!" an indignant Ida complains. You're quite certain that the title alone was enough for her to take a special interest in the self-proclaimed Grand Duchess of Slaughter and seeing her grow flustered now is bound to only entice your sister more. "There's nothing false about my love. I think your sense of style is alluring and the earnestness that shows through beneath makes you absolutely adorable. I could spend all night paying you compliments, but know this. I see you in your entirety and I have found you to be deserving of my love. Therefore you shall have it and, if my Master permits, I shall claim your love in return!"

There is no response. The passionate exclamations have driven Anabella to sink as far back into her chair as is physically possible. As panicked as she looks, the blush on her face speaks more of embarrassment than terror at the earnest threat made against her.

Her Servant is more collected and lays a firm hand on her shoulder. "Do not answer her." Then he looks at you. "I think you haven't finished your explanation yet."

"Quite so," you say. Ida quickly shrinks back from pushing Annabella any further, once she's reminded that it's your turn to talk, so you continue to speak. "What I meant to say is that I function as the Grail that will grant the wish of the winner. Once defeated, the Servants pour into me to fuel the cup of heaven. Not much remains of them once they're broken down into the ether that comprises them, but I'm hardly going to complain about the knowledge I do manage to gather."

"I see," Saber says. "I take it you glimpsed Shielder's final moments then."


"Not the most dignified sight to behold." Masamune shakes the thought out of his head and, after a short moment of silence, moves on to the next topic. "What would happen to the Grail if I killed you?"

You give him a wry smile. "Then you would be punished for your insolence by rendering this Holy Grail War as yet another failed ritual. I'd proclaim it your just punishment, but frankly, I can not conceive a punishment severe enough for robbing the world of my lustrous self. In comparison, merely depriving you of a wish you never had any guarantee to attain in the first place is an undeserved mercy."

You aren't being entirely honest. A person with the necessary expertise could transplant your heart into a replacement vessel. It'd be a crude and unworthy replacement for you of course, but as long as they only need to persevere until the end of the ritual, most magi would suffice.

"Wonderful, at least that's convenient for one of us," Saber says. "Do you have any other advantages we should be aware of?"

"You mean besides my general superiority? But let's not waste our time on silly jabs. Whatever boons I get from my condition does come at a price. It is my heart after all, I'd loath to have to offer it up to somebody else."

"Don't worry, Elder Sister." Idasviel protectively drapes herself over your shoulders. "I won't let anybody lay a hand on you without permission. If you have no desire for love, I'll keep you safe and make sure nobody ever manages to hurt you."

You pull her even closer to yourself, giving her an opportunity to nuzzle her cheek against yours. "I'll trust you to do just that."

"I don't think we have to linger on this topic." Amna is frowning slightly, though you can only guess if what's bothering her are thoughts about your death, or that your conversation so far has done fairly little to cheer up your other guest. "Annabella, is there anything else you might want to request of Kari?"

Now that the attention is back on her, Annabella manages to gather enough of her wits to formulate an answer. "If I am to be granted an offering of my own choosing, I decree that the treat that best quenches my infernal craving is-"

[X] to temporarily leave this realm behind and instead immerse ourself into a world shaped by my will.
Translation: The group is going to play a tabletop RPG.

[X] access to a treasure trove of stories, so that I may find delight within the tales of otherworldly heroes.
Translation: She's going to have a look at Karisviel's library. Will result in Annabella trying to lend Kari some manga to spice up her collection.

[X] to unearth a secret that slumbers within these woods.
Translation: Somehow Annabella learned about the ruins behind your castle and now wants to explore them. This is a bad idea, but Amna already agreed in your place without giving you an opportunity to object.
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45: Learning With Manga
[X] access to a treasure trove of stories, so that I may find delight within the tales of otherworldly heroes.
Disclaimer: After Activ mentioned it, I actually figured I can get some good material out of Record of Ragnarok. Meaning there are some very slight spoilers for that series coming up.

"If I am to be granted an offering of my own choosing, I decree that the treat that best quenches my infernal craving is access to a treasure trove of stories, so that I may find delight within the tales of otherworldly heroes."

It takes you a moment to put together that she's talking about wanting to read, but you suppose it's an easy enough request to accommodate. There's no sensitive information stored in the castle, even if you still don't want to give her free reign out of principle. "I can show you the way to my library. Just don't touch any books without my permission."

"Naturally! The respect I have for sacred tomes is as deep as the darkness at the bottom of the river styx. Lead the way."

You oblige her. On the way, Idasviel asks you if maybe Annabella would be interested in reading her diary, but you dissuade her from making the offer. You do not think Annabella is ready to witness somebody else be that honest about their own self.

The library in this castle is a pragmatic affair, with little more than rows of shelves and a large table in its center. You can't even boast that it is of impressive size given that it is contained to a single floor.

"Now then, Annabella, what kind of tale can I fetch you exactly? I don't imagine you want to sink your nose into historical texts. Would you prefer some epic poetry? Or perhaps you have a taste for the adventures of Don Quixote?"

"Nay! Nay I say. The tales of this world have already been engraved upon my heart. Enthralling they may be, but I require fresh stimulation. I asked for otherworldly heroes, did I not? Something amongst these texts must have been penned by a mind that more recently peered beyond the feeble restraints of this material plane."

"Not particularly," you say. "Trying to predict what contemporary writer stands the test of time in a way that might potentially make them relevant for a Holy Grail War is a fool's errand, so I can't say I ever paid much attention to them."

Annabella lets out a ghastly wail, followed by an attempt to rush you. She is only held back by Saber grabbing her by the scruff of her neck. Likely the right call, given how much Ida perked up in anticipation of getting to separate her from you.

"Oh, you poor unfortunate soul," Annabella says. "To think you're still bound by such ignorance after all these millennia. Allow me to impart upon you the knowledge that'll empower you to throw off the chains of boredom."

"Go ahead," you say without expecting much.

Annabella pulls a thin slate out of her ribbon's pocket and fiddles with some buttons on its side, sliding her fingers across it before holding the screen out towards you. It depicts an image of two muscular men staring each other down, as well as the title Record of Ragnarok.

"Gather round, all of ye, and have a taste of our first tale. Let us ease into things with a story about a struggle not entirely unlike the one we find ourselves in."

Amna and the Servants take position to also get a look at the device. Then Annabella hands it to you. You aren't entirely sure how to handle this thing, but you imagine the screen is depicting a book's cover and you've seen the way Annabella slid her fingers across this thing, so you try to do the same to imitate flipping a page.

The image does not budge.

Just as Amna is about to ask for advice for what to do, you grow frustrated enough that you randomly drag your finger across until the page ends up turning in the opposite direction that it should have.

"You didn't just give me a book opened to its last page, did you?" you ask.

"What? It's manga. You read it from right to left."

There is something deeply humiliating about having the eyepatch wearing oddball looking at you like an uneducated country bumpkin. You're technically not surprised to find a script that reads from right to left in Japan, but you remain utterly confused as to why it has been handed to you by a westerner. Yet you fear that asking for an explanation will only bring more shame, so you simply refocus your attention on this book of hers.

From what you can gather, the premise centers around a series of duels between gods from various pantheons and notable humans from throughout history with the continued survival of humanity at stake. The comparison to the Holy Grail War is not the most far fetched, you'll grant.

Once you do get to the actual line up for the fighters, Masamune appears slightly disappointed that he hasn't been selected, while Kamehameha takes it in stride. Idasviel meanwhile has nearly the opposite problem in that you need to keep her from constantly cheering at Brynhildr's fictional counterpart. Amna might have witnessed your sister's Noble Phantasm, but that doesn't mean you have to freely hand out the source of her Servant abilities.

Regardless, at the end of the first fight you're left with one pressing question.

"How is any of this supposed to be historically accurate?"

"I don't think it is," Amna says. "I think it's more focused on making the characters work for its purposes."

"Perhaps. I shouldn't expect too much from the ordinary public in the first place. It is simply aggravating to see them come so close, yet miss the mark. If they decide to design any of the Chinese generals to look mechanical, why wouldn't it be Lu Bu himself?"

"Guan Yu's face does resemble-" Annabella says. "Wait. Are you saying that the real Lu Bu was a robot?"

"Did you do any research to prepare yourself for this war?" you ask. "What next, is Jack the Ripper just some person instead of amalgamation of the wraiths of the aborted children of prostitutes? Does Sakata Kintoki at least use his settsu armor, especially given that by now the prevailing theory is that it was made using parts from Ares's original machine body that drifted to Japan from Atlantis."

And now she's looking at you like you're the crazy one. You've spent years studying Heroic Spirits. You know what you're talking about.

"Regardless of accuracy…" Ida says. "Well, I do think the fight between Lu Bu and Thor is delectable. They really go all out to carve themself into each other's body. To think that this manga would do such a good job in capturing the heart pounding romance of a battle to the death."

"Indeed!" Annabella says. "That might not be a perspective shared by most mortals, but I'm glad to see that you've found the passion depicted in this tome."

"Though personally I feel the characters show signs of being written by a person much more mundane than the heroes and gods they're trying to depict," Kamehameha says. "I can relate to the thrill of fighting another great warrior, but when it comes to the title of strongest, I can't imagine it being held by somebody so feeble they'd grow bored with life just due to lacking a worthy opponent."

You chuckle lightly. Kamehameha's name should roughly translate into 'the lonely one.' It does fit his usually quiet nature, but now that he's sharing his opinion you find yourself reminded that it can also refer to him being without equal. A lofty sentiment for anyone but yourself, but that might just leave you the one person that can relate in earnest.
"For those that hold no aspiration of reaching the pinnacle, it must be more comforting to imagine it as a cold and lonely place. It makes the valley of mediocracy a much more bearable home."

Rider nods in agreement.

Though, perhaps this is not the ideal moment to find some amount of kinship with Amna's Servant. Justified as your opinions may be, criticism is not the point of this gathering, so you follow up your words with the praise you can give in good conscience. "All that being said, I can see how being illustrated throughout elevates the product. If nothing else, they can be quite aesthetically pleasing to look at and lift the strain of filtering descriptions from the reader, which lends itself to being a more leisurely read."

"Aha!" Annabella says. "Truly, for the faintest sliver of eternity, you had me worried that you inhabit a vessel that clouds your vision of this world through eyes even more malicious than mine. How it delights me to bear witness to you acknowledging the virtues of this medium. Mayhaps this particular offspring of human creativity didn't suit you, but there are many fruits that grow on the tree of art. Allow me to serve you a wider sample."

It's only when she takes her device back that you fully understand the temptation you have offered her. With newfound zeal, she searches through her collection for an offering that might please you and she isn't going to let one, or two failures stop her from gaining your approval. You can only hope she strikes gold quickly.

A long smattering of modern literature later, your group has settled on a fine series called Spy x Family about a spy forming a fake family for the sake of his newest mission. At first, details like naming the city the story is set in "Berlint" made you worry that this was a last ditch effort to pander to you, but it turned out to be quite the amusing read with good comedy and the occasional beats of action and emotional sincerity.

Ida in particular is very taken with the assassin wife and you fear that Annabella teaching her the term "waifu" may have done permanent damage to her psyche.

Still, you ultimately finish your reading satisfied. "I have to commend you for delivering me good entertainment after all. I doubt there'll be much more time for this kind of recreation until the end of the ritual, but I'll consider continuing this manga in due time."

Annabella looks quite pleased with herself, though her smile is replaced by a frown when she reaches for her device and you pull it out of her reach.

"I was considering taking this off your hands as an addition to my library," you say. "Naturally, I am going to compensate you for it. I merely don't rejoice in the idea of having to track down where to purchase one of these tablets otherwise."

"That isn't just an e-reader," Annabella says. "Ahem, which is to say that digital it might be, but this electric tome is nonetheless a vital implement for my daily rituals and holds many shards of my self. I cannot part with it in this instance for mere wealth."

You click your tongue, but return it to her. Of course modern technology would be too inconvenient for a simple transaction. You should try to track down physical copies instead.

Amna—who had been quiet for most of your reading session—asks, "What rituals are you talking about?"

"It's but a meager sacrifice of time to the fates. Do not concern yourself with such trifles."

Never one to accept an evasive answer, Amna inches closer to her all while unflinchingly staring at the one eye Annabella hasn't hidden away. "I'd like to know. I am curious about what you dedicate your time towards."

There's something satisfying about seeing someone else having to face Amna's blunt determination for once and Annabella absolutely lacks the fortitude to weather her. Annabella flinches back to regain her personal space and holds up her tablet in front of her face to hide away from Amna's gaze.

"If thou must know, I am talking about fulfilling my managerial duties for Limbus Company through a mirror commonly referred to as a gacha game, which is to say logging daily for some quick tasks to earn in-game resources."

"And that's something you occupy yourself with during a Holy Grail War?" you ask.

"I've been sweeping my dailies, so it's not like I'm wasting my time picking mint." Given the intensity with which she responds, you seem to have hit a nerve. However, before you can formulate a response, she composed herself enough to show her face again and go on the offensive. "Actually, given that you tried to recommend Don Quixote to me, maybe I can interest you in the game as well, Hollow One. For you see, there is also a Don Quixote amongst this game's Sinners and she is quite the hilarious gremlin of chaos. Now, I see the darkness pooling in your eyes, but calm thy animosity. For this is but merely a result of inspiration, rather than a mimicry presenting itself as the famous figure of literature."

You wonder if the sigh that escapes you is quite enough to vent your frustration, but any more you feel would violate your responsibilities as host. "If the characters are not meant to be historical figures, I suppose there's less of a need for accuracy. Although, I can't say that having someone described as a 'gremlin' makes them sound particularly appealing."

"Foolishness! Foolishness, I declare! But I shall not blame you." Annabella wears a self satisfied smile, as if not judging your opinion about fictional characters was an act of benevolence on the level that only you can otherwise perform. "Her charm won't show itself from such a short description. In the first place, I can see you being more of a Faust enjoyer."

"Oh?" This time it was Ida's turn to close in on Annabella. "This Faust must be quite exceptional if you think my sister would like them."

"Well," Annabella attempts to retreat to a safe distance, only to be pursued until her back hits a bookshelf. "Faust would describe herself as a genius and as such often takes care of explaining things to the others. She also is very pale and has white hair."

"So what you're saying is that she has some similarities to my Eldest Sister?"

"Annabella might already have a good read on you, Kari," Amna says.

You scoff. "It's only obvious that the character that's the most like me would be the best one. No deeper insight is required for such a conclusion."

"There are differences, of course," Annabella continues. "Project Moon didn't simply pluck a perfect facsimile of you out of the ether. For one she is quite laconic. I considered if you and our mediator could share in relating to her, but perhaps her nature would show more affinity for Meursault, even-"

"Is there much of a point to trying to match me to some fictional character I don't even know?" Amna asks.

"It would be an honor for me to properly induct you into this dark but hopeful tale of facing past trauma, so that you may let this ragtag band of Sinners into your heart."

"I… still don't particularly see the point," Amna says. "I can understand the mechanical aspect of writing, but in the end the characters still only exist as concepts. I don't understand what there is to get attached to."

"Ah, but how wide is the gap between the real and the imaginary when measured by a person's soul?" Annabella says. You dread where this is going. "To see past the layers of personas and falsehoods all drape themself in and instead reflect their true essence with your eyes. Mayhaps that is something I am capable of, but for all that have to exist outside my domain they may only glimpse their impression of each other. It makes for a distorted picture, depicting little more than a stage performance without its chorus. By necessity, we do not empathize with other people, but rather the ideal of them we've constructed in our mind. It is a layer of fiction that all relationships have to navigate. At that point, is it any wonder our attachments would extend to those that are made up entirely? All it requires is a spark in their personalities we can resonate with and we may use them as nourishment to grow ourselves just as we would with any other we behold."

Amna takes her time considering the question. After a while, she shoots you an uncertain glance, but quickly averts her eyes again. "I like to think I'm not entirely incapable of understanding other people, but that spark you're talking about is a foreign concept to me. Other people are… themself. Sometimes they are similar to me in some way, but there's always differences as well. There's something precious about figuring out how I mesh with them. Maybe it's naive of me to think that I managed to grasp something true, but I lack the ability to muster the same investment for the fictional. They're like strangers I can never cross paths with."

"I wouldn't speak of it as a 'lack,'" you say. As obstinate as she can be, you like to think that Amna has made some progress in refining her social acumen, even if you'd still be hard pressed to call her graceful. Regardless, the least conductive addition to her education would be a sixth rate drama teacher.

"While there's no harm in forging a connection with the right people," you continue, "a complete person shouldn't be so uncomfortable with themself that it drives them to desperately grasp any hand within reach, much less fabricate them from the fictional."

"It is not a matter of desperation," Annabella objects. "Our bonds are one of the most precious treasures of the human experience. Even for those with enough strength to be able to brave the desolate fields of solitude, managing to gather more of them is a luxury."

The retort already lies on your tongue—one does not build a treasury by picking up rusted bottle caps—but you suppress it with a sigh. "I feel that it would be unkind towards you to end this meeting with an argument. It has grown late enough and there are still matters I need to settle with Amna regarding last night's events. Now is the time for you to take your leave, while I still hold goodwill towards you for presenting me some entertaining literature. But first, there is on matter to settle between the two of us as well. Go ahead, make your final case as to why I should agree to extend my agreement with Amna to you as well."

"Thus we have found another impasse, but I agree, perhaps we shall continue this discussion on another occasion, but tonight is not the time for our grand dance," Annabella says. "Do I truly need to make much of a case? Does not the depth of your soul yearn for a proper stage? Just as one does not pluck an unripe fruit, it would be premature to save our climactic battle for anything but the finale of this war, lest all other battles be reduced to banality. Until then, we may as well amuse ourselves by building up the appropriate tension."

In one sweeping gesture, Annabella offers her hand for you to take. She's perfectly unaware of how ahead she has gotten of herself. You Masters may have come to an agreement, but there's one more opinion you're interested in. You reach out with your thoughts through your connection with your sister.

What do you think, Idasviel?

That the decision is best left to you, Elder Sister.

Naturally. However, I take it you want to kill her?

Eagerly, but not desperately. Serving you is what completes me. If I am allowed one selfish request, it would be that I'd like the same concession as with Amna.

Noted. Beyond those desires, what is your opinion on the Grand Duchess of Slaughter.

To be entirely truthful, I can't help but sympathize with a maiden in love. While we were still on our way to Fuyuki, I was worried that the war would be filled with participants so eager to claim your heart that they'd forget whatever value it holds as the Greater Grail. Instead, most of them seem to have realized how unobtainable you are and settle for competing for a mere wish instead. It is only her that hangs on to the romantic ideal.
Normally, that would be all the more reason to put her down for the sake of your safety, but she is showing herself to be well behaved by promising a cease fire. I can only assume that she's aware of her grim prospects and instead of having her hopes shattered is attempting to retreat into a fictional courtship. Perhaps she even hopes that if she manages to find a foothold in your heart, you'll deign to lay hands on her yourself instead of allowing me to do the task.
It's a naive fantasy, yet oddly precious.

By the sound of it, are you actually in favor of me agreeing?

I don't know. The Holy Grail War is still dangerous and I'm afraid that her life might be stolen away by somebody else. However, if you think she'll manage to survive until the end, then yes. I do think I would like to indulge her.

Idasviel, I want you to know that I'm proud of how considerate you're being.

Thank you, Elder Sister. I'm honored.

Your sister may not have given you the answer you expected, or presented a sensible interpretation of the situation, but that only makes you happier to have asked. If she has matured enough to look beyond her immediate desires to kill Annabella, she's already making good on the lesson you've given her this morning.

Annabella is still waiting for your response and her confident grin hasn't wavered since. Your talk with Ida didn't exactly take a long time, but you suppose you still have to give her some regard for that level of patience. It is about time you give her an answer.

[X] Accept
Setting aside all other considerations, there's also the matter of Saber. Regardless of what you might think about his Master, Date Masamune is a powerful Servant, if for no other reason that he is strengthened by virtue of having materialized in his home country. Securing yourself enough time to prepare properly for fighting him can't hurt. More than that, assuming that this small coalition does indeed last until the end of the war, you are quite confident that you can convince Amna to join forces for one more battle.

Pressuring Annabella into a date with your sister shouldn't be too hard either.

[X] Refuse
You have no interest in indulging Annabella. Maybe you'll hunt her down at the next opportunity. Maybe you'll ignore her until there's no other opponents left regardless. Either way, you'll deal with her at your own pace with no strings attached.

I'm not going to lie to you guys, I'm particularly frustrated with how long this took to get written, because I was actually off to a pretty good pace until I got sick and things spiraled from there. Once again, I'd like to express my gratitude for all of you for still sticking with this Quest. Given the somewhat unusual topic of this update, I hope it at least turned out well.
46: Proposal
[X] Accept
Ultimately, you deign to take Annabella's outstretched hand. An outcome that delights her enough that she practically bounces along with the rhythm of your handshake. At least she knows how fortunate she is.

"Although, given that this is an extension of my agreement with Amna, I hope you're aware of the price you've agreed to pay," you say.

"I hadn't considered that," Amna says. "My apologies, Annabella."

"Oho! You are truly a sly one. What sinister demand are you trying to make of me?" Annabella asks.

"Love!" Your sister explains succinctly. However, her bluntness seems to once again have stalled out Annabella's mind, so you elaborate.

"I think at this point it has become quite clear that my sister has taken a fancy to you. If given free reign, she'd monopolize every scrap of your existence. I am going to put her on a leash for the sake of our agreement, but it'd be cruel to withhold her joy from her entirely."

"Idasviel is better behaved than one might expect," Amna adds. "Although, in case she becomes excited, I'd recommend keeping her in line with a rough hand."

Saber places a hand on Annabella's shoulder. "This is becoming quite ridiculous. Master, you're perfectly in your right to back out of this agreement."

"Yeah," Annabella says. "Just, I'd like to make sure. So, Hollow One, you're asking me to go on a date alone with your sister?"

"I wouldn't expect the two of you to be alone. Me and your Servant will act just fine as chaperones," you answer.

"I see what you're scheming. Very well, a trifle it might be, but your date you shall have." Seeming quite satisfied with herself, a cackling Annabella lets herself be led away by Mel before you're quite sure what to make out of her display. Something to perhaps worry about another day.

You turn to Amna. "Now then, I owe you one of the command seals I extracted from Berserker's Master. Take a seat and I shall transfer it."

Amna does as you say and rolls up one of her sleeves to give you access to her command seals. All three strokes are still intact and take the form of simple straight lines. "What exactly did you do to him?"

"Oh, not much," you say. "I handed him over to the church. You'll have to ask Kotomine for details yourself. In case you care, his name is Koji."

Given Amna's cooperation, transfering one of your command seals to her is a much easier process than taking them for yourself had been. The task is finished within a matter of seconds.

"Thank you." Amna lets her head drop against your chest. She can count herself lucky that you're in no hurry to step away.

"Feel free to lift your spirits by expressing your gratitude towards me even more profusely," you say.

As it happens, she is in no hurry either and continues to lean against you. She only starts speaking by the time a concerned Ida starts hovering around you. "What do you think about Annabella?"

"She seemed happy with herself just now, so at least you can rest easy about your attempts to cheer her up," you answer.

She nods into you. "What about her as a person?"

"Feeling quite nosy, aren't you? If you must know, I'm not particularly fond of her. After today… If I'm feeling generous, she might make for a fine jester, but ultimately she's too aggravating to keep around for long. Granted, she strikes me as ridden with enough obliviousness to leave no room for ill intent in her mind, but even so her mere presence feels like an act of mockery against me."

"That sounds like you." There's a faint smile on Amna's lips. You sigh in relief.

"I wouldn't have taken you to be the type that rejoices at hearing me slight one of your friends," you say.

Amna straightens herself out to meet your eyes with a look of mild bewilderment. "I wouldn't consider her a friend of mine. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that I'm still in the process of befriending her, but for now, I don't think I understand her well enough to say I truly connected with her."

"I see, so not even you presume to understand that confounding woman."

"Do I really presume that much?" Amna asks. "You might not always be honest about yourself, but I still feel you're fairly straightforward in your actions. I'm not entirely wrong about that, am I?"

You had been aware that Annabella's speech had made Amna uncomfortable in some way and now it strikes you that another person's insistence that she may not fully understand other people finally managed to rattle her confidence. It forces her to wonder if she managed to grasp an accurate impression of you, or if she has been clinging on to a bubble distorting you through the sheen of her desires.

"Not entirely, no, but…" What is the best way to burst her bubble? You don't want the splashes of disappointment to stain her image of you, but the deed had to be done. The alternative was to concede to her conceit and pretend that you were equal; that you aren't better by nature and guaranteed victory. Preposterous.

"If I may." Rider's voice cuts through the silence. He's watching the two of you with intense benevolence, the kind that speaks to him wanting to guide your conversation to a positive outcome and as such insisting that you listened to him. It makes you want to refuse whatever proposal he has out of hand. "Rather than arguing with nothing but opinions, why don't we simply put my Master to the test? Go on, tell her. What do you think Miss Einzbern wants from you and how do you reach a compromise?"

Amna quickly latches on to the possibility of overcoming her own doubt. You aren't sure how practical her attempt is going to be, but you are curious to see the picture she's going to paint for you.

"If I am to narrow it down to the two of us, Kari, I think what you want is for me to let you win the war, so you can attain the third magic and make both of us immortal, because you would be sad if you had to watch me die."

"That much I don't feel the need to deny," you say. Materializing her soul isn't something you have actively planned for, but you can feel a faint smile tugging at your lips, when you wonder how she'll grow given plenty of time. "If you understand the blessing I'm willing to extend towards you, it's extremely foolish of you to oppose me."

"Perhaps, but I can't help but feel that if I simply go along with you I will have missed my chance to change things between us."

"So? Would you prefer both of us to die instead?" You barely hold yourself back from raising your voice.

"No. I have struggled to come up with an answer for a while. First, I asked myself what I would do if I won. Even now, I still don't have anything I truly wish for, but I've come to realize that there are people I don't want to lose. That includes you. For a moment I thought maybe it'd be enough if I wish for you to survive, while letting Rider attain his own wish."

"But it's not," you say softly, somewhat mollified by the show of effort, insufficient as it may be.

Amna nods. "How much time do you have left?"

"More than you." You struggle to put it into more specific words than that. In many ways, the lifespan of a homunculus was as artificial as their life and for your creation it had been paramount that you'd last long to fulfill your purpose. It just was never enough.

Another nod. "So I would have pushed the burden of mourning onto you. It's surprising just how selfish trying to save somebody can turn out."

"But it sounds like you're still persisting."

"You're right, I've kept thinking. I know that you want to attain the third magic yourself, but when you first told me about yourself, you mentioned that it's the Einzbern's legacy. Could any Einzbern claim it, like Idasviell?"

"I suppose so," you say. "However, it matters little. My sister is my Servant and we aren't going to separate for any reason."

"That's right!" Ida says.

"Splitting you up never crossed my mind," Amna says. "Rather I thought that it should be simultaneously possible for me to win the Holy Grail War and for you to become a magician, if I was also an Einzbern."

"I'm afraid there's a glaring flaw in your plan."

"Yes, but we could simply get married." Amna continues to speak without giving you an opportunity to respond to her outrageous statement. "I'm fine with signing a prenuptial agreement. I have no intention of laying a claim on your family fortune, or anything of the sort."

You sigh. Strictly speaking, it isn't too far-fetched an idea. You are the pinnacle of the Einzbern family, if there's anyone capable of judging who is worthy of that illustrious name, it is you. However, you have standards. "Amna, I won't even go along with your claims of friendship. What makes you think I'm going to accept you into my family?"

"If I may." Ida waits for your permission to speak, unwilling to meet your eyes as she fidgets. You reassure her that she may continue. "Thank you, Eldest Sister. We other Einzberns don't measure up to you either. Amna doubtlessly overstepped by asking to be your wife, but if the aim is to simply have her join our family, perhaps I-"

"No," Amna says. "Setting aside what your preconceptions about marriage might be, I continue to object to the notion that I am not good enough for Kari. That's what I want to change. Instead of having you simply proclaim whatever you want, why don't we settle the matter definitively?"

"I can't say that I feel any need to prove myself."

"Consider it a chance to squash my own arrogance. In that regard, our stakes can be equal. If you win the Holy Grail War, I'll consider myself bested and acknowledge you as the better of us two. If I win, you will finally acknowledge me as your equal. Either way, the loser has to let go of their pretense."

Given that Amna is effectively offering herself up on a silver platter, you can't deny the temptation to agree. It's almost a shame that you're naturally averse to simply following along with the ideas of others, even if there's no risk involved. "I'm quite certain that given enough time, I'll manage to make you see things the proper way, even without shortcuts."

It takes Amna a while to come up with her response, but ultimately her posture relaxes ever so slightly. "Well, it's honestly not like I expected another answer from you. That's fine. I don't need you to agree until the end. Today has gone on for long enough. We can continue our conversation another time."

"Before you go, I do have a question," you say. "If we are to entertain the silly notion of someone besides me emerging victorious from this war, do you expect me to debase myself to any winner and hope they keep me alive on a whim?"

"That… might be preferable to dying, but… I don't like it." It seems that you have hit a nerve. Amna starts grinding her teeth with enough intensity that you'd almost believe she's trying to crush the possibility between her molars. "You shouldn't have to do anything to avoid dying. That's not why I want you to marry me either. I only want you to acknowledge me. If I have to best you to do it, then I won't let anyone take that from me. Maybe it's not a proper answer to your question, but I reject your scenario. You won't have to worry about grasping at a way to escape death."

The look she's giving you right now has a twinkle of confidence that you can't bring yourself to judge her for. In the end, nothing makes a star shine brighter than pride and even if she's bound to crash and burn, she at least avoided adding insult to injury by setting herself apart from the crowd. If she had expected you of all people to settle, you would have banished her from your side on the spot.

"I was never worried in the first place," you tell her. "Regardless, your answer was adequate. As a reward I'll at least consider your proposal. Now you're dismissed."

Amna acknowledges your statement with a curt nod and then takes her leave together with Rider, who gives you a more involved farewell. You're left alone with your sister, she's looking at you thoughtful. "I won't be allowed to kill Amna, will I?"

"No, most likely not." Denying her outright like this feels cruel, but leading her on only to betray her hope at the last moment would only compound her hurt.

"I see. That's fine. I wouldn't want to make you sad." Ida wavers, flickering like a fading flame. "Am I going to be allowed to kill Naoki, Ayano, or any of the other Masters?"

"I fear that will depend on their conduct going forward." You gather Idasviel into a hug. "But don't worry too much, there's plenty of Servants for you to kill and we'll be back on the hunt come tomorrow night. Now, let's get to bed. The sooner this day ends, the sooner you can put these gloomy thoughts to rest."

"Okay." Ida nuzzles into you, as you pull her along to your room.

Of course, there's one thing you'd have to take care of before you can in good conscience make good on your promise to your sister. Coming into conflict with Ayano, Naoki, or Akihiko while you still had the command seals that were their fair share of the battle against Berserker would be awkward at best. You'd hardly want anybody to accuse you of eliminating them specifically so you can keep all the spoils for yourself.

Ayano and Naoki you should be able to find- actually, tomorrow was a saturday, even if they were at school in the morning, they'd likely went home by the time you arrived. You might have to track them down at their homes, but that still shouldn't be too much of a bother. Meeting with Akihiko would be more of a challenge, but if you send a message to Caster ahead of time, the church should serve as a neutral location. There was still bound to be some tension. You'd likely be best served by using Naoki as a mediator.

How exactly are you going to handle this?

[X] Everyone at once
Gather all three of them at once. Setting aside any disagreements they might have with you, there's bad blood between Ayano and Akihiko and you doubt even Naoki will be able to calm them down entirely. Taking this option means you will have more time for other actions in the day, but in exchange the two of them will be occupied with each other, giving you less of an opportunity to interact with them individually. This may also result in an unique opportunity to get insight into the history the two of them have with each other.

[X] Ayano and Akihiko separate
Naoki should be able to smooth things out just fine as long as you meet with the two of them individually. Taking this option will take up most of your day, but in exchange you can have more in depth interactions with every Master and Servant involved.
47: Home Visit
[X] Ayano and Akihiko separate
Naoki opens his door mere seconds after you ring the doorbell. If only more people were this diligent. "Hello, Kari, Ida. What earns me the pleasure of your visit? Is there anything I can help you two with?"

"I'd say it's quite the opposite actually, but now that you asked, you may as well do yourself the favor of hosting us." You push past him into the house proper. Once inside, you find yourself face to face with Naoki's Lancer. Given that the cat is already out of the bag, his lion now lazily rests on his shoulder in shrunken form that would bear more similarity to a stuffed animal than a fierce predator, if not for the immense amount of magical energy still radiating from it. Though, it does quite well to compliment the rather soft look of his hoodie.

"I wonder if it's okay for me to simply let you walk in, or if I should demand a joust for the sake of etiquette," he says. You're aware that his legend involves killing and then taking over the duty of a knight guarding a magical spring that would cause storms if its water was spilled, but, even as a jest, it takes some nerve to imply that you should be denied entry.

"Stop that, you charmer." Idasviel playfully punches Lancer's free shoulder. "You don't have to inconvenience my elder sister like that for my sake. Besides, that would be hardly appropriate while the sun is still up."

"If it's any consolation, we aren't here to spill any magical waters. Today's weather is much too fine to spoil." You stop yourself as you spot an older woman step into the hallway followed by an apologetic looking Mara.

"Naoki, do you know our guests?" the woman asks.

"Yes, Mother. These are Karisviel and Idasviel von Einzbern, two new teachers at my school," Naoki says.

"That's right," you add with a hint of hypnosis to spare yourself any initial incredulity. "I thought it would be proper to make some home visits to introduce myself."

"My, how considerate of you. Please, come in. Would you like some tea?"

"That sounds lovely." You can already see where Naoki got his manners from. "We've brought some refreshments as well."

Idasviel is quick to produce a box of biscuits she puts down once all of you get seated around the living room tables. It's not the most spacious fit with all six of you, but you suppose it's… cozy, or however common people describe their living space. Nothing about the furniture, or decorative plants strikes you as remarkable, but at least they aren't living in squalor. Though, judging by the family pictures littered around the room, Naoki has at least one younger sister that hasn't been given the joy of greeting you in person yet.

"I hope my son has been well-behaved," Naoki's mother asks, as she sets down the tea.

"Yes, very much so," you answer. "In fact, my other student's would do well to take him as an example. Truth be told, he and Lancer have been helping me with some extracurricular activities, so I was hoping to collect Naoki to meet up with the students involved."

"Thank you for the kind words," Naoki says. "I'll be happy to come along."

"Well, then I wouldn't want to keep you too long," his mother says. "Just make sure you come back home before it gets dark, Naoki. You know people have started to go missing recently."

You have to stop yourself from scoffing. You weren't quite sure which part of her ignorance was more glaring, the unawareness that her son had contributed in stopping Berserker from abducting more people, or that Naoki was bound to find himself targeted by the nightly dangers regardless. Of course, as far as you know, Naoki's relatives are perfectly unaware of the supernatural, so the only way for her to know better would be for Naoki to not respect your edict of secrecy. "There's no need for you to worry, Miss Watanabe. I'll guarantee your son's safety, until he returns home."

"I'll leave my boy in your care then. Oh and if I may ask, is Homurahara Academy currently running some kind of exchange program, or is it just a coincidence that both you and Lancer have arrived in town so recently?

"It's something like that," Naoki cuts in. "Although, I think it might be more appropriate to say that it's an exchange program financed by Miss Einbern's family."

You hum in agreement. It's a palatable enough version of the truth to placate the uninitiated with and does a decent job of paying the credit your family deserves. With that matter settled, you take a sip from your tea and consider if there's any topic you might want to raise.

[X][Naoki] Write-in
Write in whatever you might want to talk about while still at Naoki's home.

Once you finish your tea, you quickly have Ida usher Naoki, Lancer and Mara outside and into your car. You don't have a lot of time to waste if you want to wrap up your business with both Ayano and Akihiko before the sun sets. Now that you no longer have to watch your words for Naoki's mother, you tell Naoki your plans for the day and he's quick to contact his friends.

"Talking about the command seals," Mara says, "it'd be nice if you made sure Naoki's don't end up poking out from under his clothes. I imagine it would be hilarious to witness, but having to explain to Miss Watanabe when and why her son got a tattoo would be a pain."

"Of course, that's barely a trifle," you say.

"How kind of you, Elder Sister. I wouldn't want a lovely woman like that to worry needlessly." A wistful sigh escapes your sister. Once again, it only took the faintest spark to light another flame in her heart. Although, the odds you'll actually have a need for her to slay the woman are rather slim.

Naoki coughs. "I appreciate the consideration. My mother is lucky to have made your acquaintance, but I hope having to account for her wasn't too much of an inconvenience for you."

"A bit of subtlety hardly demands any effort from me." This time it was your turn to lose a sigh for the sake of that woman, but yours was tinged with pity. "If there's a true tragedy that has taken place today it is that your mother may merely consider me a beautiful and charitable intellectual, while the true extent of my splendor is still being withheld from her."

"You're right," Naoki says. "Having to hide the truth from her is quite unfair to both of you. Feel free to summon me more directly, if you'd rather avoid another confrontation like today in the future."

"I'll consider it," you say. He has a point that if his mother has to remain ignorant regardless, there's no need to inconvenience yourself for the sake of futile charity.

The remainder of your drive is taken up by chatter between Idasviel and Mara. It seems that now that your sister has been introduced to some forms of modern entertainment, the other woman is pouncing on the chance to introduce her to some series. Not that any of it means anything to you. Nor do you care who Andy and Leyley are, or why they're sharing a coffin.

You arrive by the church before Ayano does and as such decide to get Naoki's command seal out of the way, so you track down Kotomine to have her show you towards some rooms out of the sight of the public.

"Of course, that much I can grant you without issue," the nun says once you get your greetings out of the way. "And please, do take your time to deal with Akihiko and Miss Matou individually. I'd hate for them to start a fight in my church when it's supposed to be neutral ground."

"The two of them aren't that bad," Naoki says.

"Perhaps, but of the two, I'd only trust Akihiko to respect this place." As Kotomine speaks, you're starkly reminded of the fact that the Thosakas have a long history of being on good terms with the church due to their christian roots.

"It doesn't matter either way," you say. "I was already planning to handle them separately regardless."

"Wonderful," Kotomine says, before leading you to a sparse study. "Once they arrive, I'll lead the others your way one at a time. Until then, I'm going to excuse myself."

"Alright then," you say, "I imagine this is as much privacy as we're going to get. Naoki, I'm going to grant your reward first. Show me your command seals for the sake of the transfer."

"Before that, come over here, Ida." Mara beckons your sister over. She readily complies, only for Mara to cover Ida's eyes with her hands the moment she skipped within range.

Naoki lets out an exasperated groan, but before you can ask what they're up to, Lancer moves behind his Master and spins him around so that Naoki's back is towards you. Then he pulls up Naoki's shirt, revealing the bright red strokes of his command seals. The first two strokes are surprisingly jagged and aline to hint the outline of a maw, while the third arches over them and down the left side in a smooth curve.

You find yourself sympathizing with Naoki's exasperation given the spectacle both his friend and Servant are making out of some skin, but then the quickest way to get this tomfoolery over with is to complete the transfer. As such, you get to work and take your mind off your complaints by considering what you're going to talk about after Ayano and her Rider arrive.

[X][Ayano] Ask them about their plans going forward in the war.
[X][Ayano] Ask about the details of Ayano's relationship with Akihiko.
[X][Ayano] Ask about the details of Ayano's relationship with Naoki.
[X][Ayano] Try to get Naoki's help to make Ayano open up about herself.
[X][Ayano] Write-in.
Note that while these conversation topics are going to be asked when Ayano joins the conversation, there's nothing strictly forcing you to direct them at her directly instead of anybody else that's present.

I went back and forth on this one, but I figured I might as well check in first for interest before going on a big aside about Naoki's home situation. It does leave this update a bit choppy, but let me know if you're interested in barging even more into the poor boy's private life. Beyond that, as is usual with these conversations, we're going to treat the vote as more of a general interest check for topics, rather than a hard win-or-lose vote.