[X] Reassure her. You're okay, you'll be fine.

Yeah, I suspect actually saying something here will help.
Here I was thinking it might be Maria teaching her a trick or two from the Dark Gungnir's cloak-cape-thingy.
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Day Three: Awakening and comforting
This one was going to be longer, but an unexpected choice meant going on would have led to chronological wonkiness next update. Sorry for the wait!

Jordan's sudden sobs take you by surprise at first, but instinct carries you through, wriggling arms out of her grip to wrap around her. "It's alright," you murmur, hugging her close. "It's alright, Jordan, I'm fine."

She doesn't react immediately; you're not sure she even heard you. Still, you hold her comfortingly, and you repeat your reassurances, and after somewhere between a moment and an eternity she calms. Quivers lessen and sobs fade, and in the end she's just holding on to you, not even clinging anymore.

You let the silence -- not uncomfortable, oddly enough -- drag on. It's warm, under the covers, and she is as well; enough so that the air of the room feels cold on your arms.

"I'm sorry," she says finally, clearing her throat and looking away. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright," you say, catching her eyes and smiling when she glances down to you. She smiles hesitantly back. "There's nothing wrong with needing to cry sometimes, Jordan." You squeeze her a bit more tightly.

She shifts uncomfortably. "I guess, but..."

"No buts. It's alright."

She doesn't answer.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You're about to take her silence for a 'no' when she speaks. "You… you wouldn't wake up. He killed you, or almost I guess, and then you turned into a monster and..."

You flinch.

You strike for his chest, claws penetrating, ready to close around his heart and crush-- his hands wrap around your wrist and squeeze. You growl at the denial of your prize, and you reshape your other arm, prana gathering at speartip. He grabs it too, angling it away from his body. His hand sizzles where it touches your prana, and the smell of burnt flesh fills the air--

No. That wasn't me, that was… it. Squeezing your eyes shut, you force the memory away.

Was it, though? What would you have done if you won, anyway? He wasn't like Maria or Shirabe, or Kirika had been, willing to harm but not trying to kill. This was a battle to the death, and every strike he made carried that killing intent; would you have just let him go, for him to come back and try again? For him to decide that maybe next time he'd just go for Jordan directly?

Why had you fought and not run, if you weren't on some level willing to do the same?

And… some part of you did want to lash out, want to hurt, maybe even…

I can't let him take her from me.

You swallow. You can't deny that you felt it, that visceral fear of loss, of having her taken away from you. And, yes, that anger. So, did that mean-

You're startled out of your thoughts by the sensation of a hand on your forehead.

"Hibiki? Are you okay?"

"I, uh…" you force a smile. "Yes. Right. I'm sorry."

She frowns.

"Ah… what were you saying? Sorry, I didn't hear you after I zoned out." you laugh sheepishly, blushing.

Her frown deepens. "That's not going to happen again, right? The whole…" she gestures vaguely.

[ ] (Lie) No, you've got it under control. No chance of it happening again.
[ ] (Explain Fully) You wish you could guarantee that, but...
[ ] Write-in (subject to approval)

Worth noting: Hibiki is not necessarily the most reliable narrator, even for her trying to figure out how she herself works.
[x] (Explain Fully) You wish you could guarantee that, but...
[X] (Explain Fully) You wish you could guarantee that, but...

Being honest with your master, even if you are bad at explaining, is the best bet.
[x] (Explain Fully) You wish you could guarantee that, but...

"This time wasn't as bad as the other time this happened... after my arm got eaten by a monster who grew even stronger after that... So I went... that... my friends said I grew my arm back... then ripped the still-beating heart out of the monster's body... then blew up its corpse... and passed out for a while... had some sad dreams. Um, I have only had that happen a few times before. So.. I can only promise I'll do everything I can to prevent that."
Explaining Hibizerker, and Breakfast
A moment's pause. "I… wish I could promise you that."

She scoots off of you, wiping her eyes dry absently. They're still red. "Do you want to explain?"

You sit up, and then yelp with surprise as the blankets slide down and the cold air hits your bare skin. In a moment, the blankets are once more gathered tightly around you. Suitably ensconced in warmth and comfort, you look back to Jordan, finding her suppressing an amused smile -- and blushing slightly.

"Ah…" you begin, then stop. How to even begin? "How… thorough an explanation do you want?"

"Whatever you're comfortable sharing. The more I know, the more we can plan around it, right?"

"Hmm… the beginning, then." You tap your chest through the blankets, right over your scar. "You saw my scar here, right?"

"I… did, yeah." She flushes.

"Um. So, I mentioned how the Symphogears are made of uh, fragments of ancient relics. Noble Phantasms, I guess you'd call them." She nods. "I'm sure you've also noted that I don't actually… wear one." You reach up, absently rubbing your neck. It was still a bit strange, honestly, not to have your pendant there.

"Is it…"

You nod. "Can I see your terminal?" She hands it over; you fiddle with it for a short time before you find what you were looking for, and open up a video for her. "It's not going to be pretty. Sorry."

"When is this from?" she asks, frowning. "This is really low resolution…" She fiddles around with the metadata. "2027? No wonder." She watches the video intently. "A concert of some sort… Zwei Wing is a vaguely familiar name, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be getting out of thi--"

She falls silent as the screams start; only ten, fifteen seconds later the video ends. "A Noise attack?"

"Luckily, Tsubasa and Kanade were there, with their Symphogears, but… a lot of people didn't make it." Jordan starts looking something up, and you pause while she finishes.

"The two members of Zwei Wing at the time…" She frowns. "Kanade didn't survive?"

You shake your head. "No, she… gave her life to defend me. To defend us all." It was strange, really, how Kanade's sacrifice wasn't the memory that stuck with you. Oh, it did, of course, but it was her choice, her life to give; a tragedy, but one that you understood now better than ever.

No, the memory that seared itself into your mind was dim, your vision fading, you hearing gone; Tsubasa, holding Kanade in her arms as her partner turned to ash in her arms.

Taking a breath to steady yourself, you continue on. "Tsubasa's Symphogear was made from Susano-o's Ame-no-Habakiri; Kanade's from Odin's Gungnir. During the battle, a shard of Kanade's Gear struck me, here."

"Wait, the actual Gungnir?"

"A piece of it. I don't fully understand the details, but it's… bonded with me, I guess." Something you're keenly aware of, in your current state; you can feel its growth, further than it was when you were first summoned. That was… disconcerting. "It's a part of me, physically and -- well, now at least -- spiritually. But I am a spirit now, so… no idea whether that's new or not."

"Wait, so like, an-embedded-Conceptual-Weapon bonded, or physically inside you?"

"Uh… I don't know what you mean by Conceptual Weapon, but it's physical, and it spreads. I'm not sure about all the details -- I didn't really get the medical stuff back then -- but it replaced parts of my body with relic. I'm pretty sure that I don't actually count as a human, for uh, conceptual purposes?" You figure the term is close enough. "I can touch the Noise and everything." A slight frown crosses your face as you try to map that to Gungnir's progression in life, but the dots don't seem to connect. In the past, Gungnir's influence seemed to be more powerful and more immediate as it grew inside of you, and now it felt much different, more loose, almost. Greater spread, but less impact. Maybe the whole being-a-Heroic-Spirit thing changed the details of how it worked?

Jordan frowns as well. "That doesn't sound… healthy."

You shake your head. "In the long run, no. The doctors weren't sure what it would do. Some of them thought it would kill me outright." It sure felt like it would. "But thankfully, we never had to put it to the test."

She tenses up, and you reach out a hand, laying it on her shoulder and squeezing.

"It's fine. I'm able to keep track of it in my current form, and I can say for sure that there's no danger right now. But..." your mouth grows a little dry as you move on to the bad part. "While it's bonded with me like this, there's a risk that I'll lose control." You swallow involuntarily, dreading the prospect.

"So that's what happened." She sounds a little distant; reflective, perhaps. You nod mutely. "Can you tell me what sets it off?"

You take a deep breath. "It's not something where it's always completely on or completely off, without a middle ground. Sometimes it's only halfway, or partial, I guess. As to what makes it happen, it seems to react to emotion. Anger, fear, hatred. That kind of thing. The stronger it is, the harder it is to hold it down." It was a small miracle that this was only the second time you'd been so badly hurt as to lose control.

That wasn't the only cause, though. "It also seems to react to power flowing through me. When I held Durandal, that seemed to be enough to make me lose control on its own, but sometimes less powerful things have brought it up, at least enough to need to suppress it. X-Drive never did, though, which is… a bit weird, actually. I'm not sure why it wouldn't count."

"That makes sense," Jordan mused. "Something as powerful as Duran--" You can see the instant that the penny drops. "--dal. Seriously, Hibiki!, Durandal too!? Did you just find it on the ground? Is there some sort of ancient treasure map? How many of these ancient relics of enormous power have you come across!?" In addition to 'stunned' and 'astounded,' you think she's maybe a little jealous.

"Uh…" You think about it for a minute, then start listing. "Gungnir, Ame-no-Habakiri, Ichaival, Durandal (of course)," you add as an aside, "Nehushtan, Solomon's Cane... I don't know if Kadingir counts... Airgetlam, Igalima, Shul Shaga--"

Jordan's stare turns to stunned befuddlement, and she interrupts. "...why don't you just give me a number?"

You fall silent, ticking off the others on your fingers. "...at least fifteen? I'm probably forgetting some."

"How…" Her jaw hangs open a little. "Was it really a treasure map? Please tell me it's a treasure map."

"Well… Finè was responsible for most of that, and she was alive back then, so..."

"Wait, who--"

You stop her short. "It's a long story. Some other time, okay?" At that, you wince a little; you hadn't meant to be so curt. You just didn't want to spend all morning explaining the deal with the Eternal Priestess.

Jordan seems to take it in stride, at least. "Uh… right. To sum it up, it shouldn't happen unless you become deeply angry or severely wounded, something like that?"

"Yeah, I can keep a lid on it otherwise." You drum up the conviction to say it with certainty. It's a choice, not to fall. I'll just have to make the right one.

"That's good," she says tenderly as she shifts towards you for a hug. "You're not still hurt, are you? I checked you for injuries and didn't find anything, but..."

You cast your attention inward and find no injuries, nothing untoward or different but Gungnir's spread within you and the frankly massive amount of prana you'd blown through after losing it. "No, I'm fine now."

"Good." The two of you exchange warm smiles. "So, it's almost eleven. Breakfast?"

Warm smiles to warm pancakes? Well, you couldn't object to that, could you?


Breakfast is much the same as yesterday, and similarly delicious. Jordan has either chosen to master a single breakfast dish, or is a renegade chef masquerading as a vampire hunter. Either way, you're not about to complain.

"So, what's the plan today?" you ask between bites.

"Well, nothing pressing has come up, Church-wise. Got a brief message telling me they acknowledged my entrance in the Grail War, but wouldn't provide overt help or put Grail-related queries on an accelerated queue… though they did specify I still have access to everything my clearance level would provide. Apparently they're discussing how to keep the war secret with the Mage's Association, whatever that means."

"So… they're not cutting you off, but they're not officially backing you?"

She nods. "Pretty much. Makes sense, if they're going to enter in an official capacity. As far as news of the war, nothing major today; another probable battle site in Liwei, but no interesting evidence."

"That sounds an awful lot like the makings of a day off." As much as you really need one, the thought leaves you mildly apprehensive. Can you really afford to just take a day and relax?

Jordan nods, smiling. "Got it in one. I figure a day that
isn't high stress would do you some good. Let's see, we could go out on the town, get you some actual clothes -- not that your suit thing looks bad," she backpedals, "but everyone needs more than one outfit. Or go see a movie, or… whatever you want, really." Pent-up anxiety seems to shed from her like petals from a cherry tree, leaving a calmer and more serene woman behind. "We could even just sit around the house and relax."

"Hmm…" You contemplate the possibilities for the day.

[ ] Today, you want to… (Pick three, unless otherwise noted. Plan-style voting for this one.)
- [ ] Go get some more varied clothes
- [ ] Go see a movie
-- [ ] Pick a genre
-- [ ] Let Jordan pick
- [ ] You saw an ice skating rink on your way to the concert! You're terrible, but it's still fun!
- [ ] Relax around the house and watch something
- [ ] Enlist Jordan in doing some research (Pick one)
-- [ ] Division 2 after your death (Broad overview)
-- [ ] Lunar history
-- [ ] Something else (Write in)
- [ ] Scope out the local neighborhood
- [ ] You're pretty sure you can start developing some new techniques, using your experience and Gungnir's flexibility. Train!
-- [ ]
Choose a technique.
- [ ] Try to get in touch with Julia; maybe the three of you can go do something?
- [ ] Investigate something related to the Grail War
-- [ ] That damaged aquarium seemed ominous
-- [ ] Head over to Liwei, check out the two presumed fight locations
(Takes all three slots, leaves you in Liwei tonight)
-- [ ] That Tohsaka lives in Linbank; investigate her house, see if she's actually in town?

Not heading out to Liwei. We need to relax, dammit.

Not voting just yet, but I'm inclined to expand Hibiki's wardrobe a bit, scope out the local neighbourhood, and develop a technique.
[x] Today, you want to… (Pick three, unless otherwise noted. Plan-style voting for this one.)
- [x] Go get some more varied clothes
- [x] Enlist Jordan in doing some research (Pick one)
-- [x] Division 2 after your death (Broad overview)
- [x] You're pretty sure you can start developing some new techniques, using your experience and Gungnir's flexibility. Train!
-- [x] Coruscant Vortex

Also, we still gotta fix our prana connection at some point, unless burning a Command Seal was enough to jumpstart it.
[x] Today, you want to… (Pick three, unless otherwise noted. Plan-style voting for this one.)
- [x] Go get some more varied clothes
- [x] You're pretty sure you can start developing some new techniques, using your experience and Gungnir's flexibility. Train!
-- [x] Coruscant Vortex
- [x] Try to get in touch with Julia; maybe the three of you can go do something?

No idea what tech though
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It has come to my attention that I forgot to actually provide gfy accompaniment to a crucial segment of that scene.

There you go. :whistle:
"This is really low resolution…"

Like oh my god, 1440P? You can't even see the blemishes in their freckles. What shit resolution is this?

[x] Today, you want to… (Pick three, unless otherwise noted. Plan-style voting for this one.)
- [x] Go get some more varied clothes
- [x] Scope out the local neighborhood
- [x] You're pretty sure you can start developing some new techniques, using your experience and Gungnir's flexibility. Train!
-- [x] Coruscant Vortex

Anyhow, we want to scope out the local neighborhood. It'll serve a lot better to protect Jordan just knowing the lay of the land in one area in case another emergency comes, and might as well tie it to knowing your home base. We should also learn some techniques to help us.

Also, clothes, because a pretty girl helping you pick clothes is some necessary relaxation.