How many people live on the moon?


I'm just going to sidestep that one and talk general settlement patterns, because actual demographics are not my strong suit. There are four main cities on the moon: Armstrong, Liwei, Chawla, and Linbank. Each is built around one of the settlement domes from before terraforming was complete. A big majority of settlement is there, but there are outlying towns and a few small cities -- and people living off in fuckoff nowhere. Lunar government is theoretically its own nation, but in practice does whatever the Security Council tells it to do.

Armstrong is fairly close to the edge of the crater left in the moon by Kadingir; somewhere in the 50-150 mile range. The others are of currently-indeterminate location beyond "Not crazy far away," though I should really decide the specifics sometime soon.

How is the global political climate?
The UN has teeth now, and the Security Council is dominated by the US, China, and India (thus the settlement names). The EU defaulted in the early-mid 2000s (which isn't even coming from me; it's an offhand mention in Symphogear), and lost a whole bunch of political power in the process. Russia took forward strides, but basically got muscled out by growing Chinese and Indian interests (and US animosity), and has never really regained superpower status.

We know we have the church and the mages association, but have their relative powers and influence changed over this period of time? Any new organizations of note?
They have, somewhat, but at the moment -- on the moon, at least -- they're about equal in influence. On Earth, they've regionalized more, though I haven't figured the details because they're not all that important.

Is ORT still around?
Yeah. No one's really stupid enough to bother it to try to change that fact.

How about some of the other dead apostles on the list?
A few off the top of my head, and I won't expand this list later if I didn't think to mention some you were curious about (because either me choosing to elaborate on certain ones or denying the request could imply spoilers or a lack thereof, I'm cutting it off at the root).

Nrvrnsqr: Dead.
Roa: Got Shiki'd. Dead, for realsies.
The Dark Six: Aylesbury ritual was interrupted by Church + Mages, but they weren't destroyed; the next anyone heard of them they'd been destroyed somewhere else while in the process of an attempted revival ritual by an unknown party.
Enhance: Tried to throw down with the Forest of Einnashe in 2115, lost. Has not been seen since, but evidence does not suggest death.
Caubac Alcatraz: Vanished off the face of the earth in 2103. Has not been since since. No replacement has been appointed, so he presumably still lives.
Zelretch: Is Zelretch. Who the fuck knows.

Tohno Shiki died killing Roa, so anything post-Tsukihime shouldn't be taken as very canon as a result, though similar events may have occurred, and the DAA count has not dropped precipitously as one might expect. Arcuied has been napping for the past century.

Did Jordan ever run into Ciel? Is she still a curry eating glasses senpai?
Yes, and yes, though she fell to 8th (the spare) in the Burial agency for a significant period after she lost her immortality with Roa's death. Life extension magecraft has kept her still running around, but she's been on some sort of unknown sabbatical for the past five or six years.

If Crimson Moon was able to revive successfully, would he be angry about Hibiki's modifications to the lunar skyline?
Yes, but only because he wasn't the one to do it.
An Unwelcome Intrusion, an Unexpected Battle, pt. 2
Whee, finally an update! You get a lot of Jordan this time around.

Jordan may have been too lost in her thoughts to notice the whisper of prana as her double crawled out of the mirror, but missing the scream of prana from the dining room she had left would have been tantamount to ignoring a bucket of water dumped on her head. A second burst of prana washed over her in that same moment, but Jordan simply brushed it aside with her own prana. She stretched out her senses, evaluating the situation and her surroundings. Tightly controlled, static prana… a barrier, probably. And fighting beyond. That mental effect… uh, confusion, maybe?

Reinforcement swept through her nerves and muscle fibers, supercharging her physical form as she raced towards where she'd left Hibiki and Julia. A burst of splinters and the crack of broken wood announced her arrival in the restaurant proper, the closed door no obstacle to her. The waitstaff and other customers had been frozen in place, eyes glassy and unfocused. Some sort of mass-stunning spell, then, she concluded, not arresting her step in the slightest. It wouldn't work on any competent Master, so it must just be to keep mundanes out of the way. Both of these at once, though, and with no buildup time to speak of… Caster?

Upon reaching the private room's door she went from a sprint to a stop in front of in an instant, streamers of soft silver light bleeding her kinetic energy off into the air around her. Direct observation confirmed her fears. A powerful barrier had engulfed the room in a cloistering effect, locking her away from Hibiki and... Hold on. Could Julia be involved? Suspicions aroused, she tried to contact Hibiki through their shared link to determine what was going on inside, but her message was deadened entirely by the spell separating them. Wait, it stops communications, too? That's just bullshit.

Figuring that the obvious couldn't hurt, she tried to pull the door open, but it remained rooted down. Is the barrier actually inside it? Well, in that case the direct approach was in order; a few magically enhanced sledgehammer-esque blows reduced the door to toothpicks, revealing that the barrier had in fact been manifested inside of the wall. That's… kinda weird. Why would you do that? Jordan could feel the strength of the barrier as it radiated hypercharged prana. Intense violet light obscured her view, but it was just transparent enough to see Hibiki suplex something covered in a tablecloth into the ground. Julia, maybe? Or… Julia stepped into view elsewhere. So much for that theory. Something else?

If only I could get in I could do something, but… crap. Hard to lend a hand when I'm trapped out here. She grimaced, then raised her hand to the barrier, silver incandescence blooming forth. She'd have to see what else she could do.


The fucking creepy monster charges, leaving you moments to formulate a plan. Teamwork always goes better, so… "Julia!" you call, catching a punch on your gauntlet. "Wait for my signal!"

You spare a glance over to her to see her response, and see her nod. That would have to do. Assistance secured, your attention returns to the plant mimic, ready to implement your plan -- but at the last second, a flash of silver at the door distracts you. Is that… Jordan? A heavy blow impacts your ribcage, and you grunt with pain. Not particularly eager to catch its follow-up, you backpedal enough to make it miss. While it recovers its balance, you take the moment's respite to squint into the barrier, trying to make out features beyond the mix of brilliant colors. Probably. That looks like the outline of her skirt, at least. Is she trying to do something about the barrier?

However, you underestimated its swiftness in a brawl. Only your superhuman reaction time allows you to dodge a blow to your gut, and you're regretfully forced to return your attention to the fight. Can't let myself get distracted. I'll have to trust her to take care of herself for a bit.


I've never seen an impromptu barrier this powerful before. Jordan frowned, allowing pulses of her own prana to sound out the structure of the obstacle. This is definitely Servant work; a normal magus wouldn't be able to throw up something this strong or complex all at once. At least… I don't think.

That wasn't enough, though; she needed to see what it was for -- it was too complicated to be a simple containment barrier, too many moving pieces. Power probed, nudging, and she focused her senses, ignoring the shadowplay within. Containment… it's only really intended to be one-sided, for one thing. And… something kinetic? That's promising. Hmm, but that's not all...


A high jab rockets towards your head and forces you to drop down and below the attack, compromising your center of gravity in the process. As you do so, you come to a rather uncomfortable realization; despite coming from a random plant monster, that was suspiciously similar to one of your own favored strikes. You put aside the confusion for later and sweep its legs out from under it, eliminating its guard and opening the way for a quick follow-up punch into its wooden face. The crunch of splintered wood is a beautiful sound indeed.

You don't stop there. Before it can recover, you seize it and snag its arm before pivoting and hurling it at the window. Assuming that it's from the same source as the barrier, there's at least a possibility that this could cause a feedback effect on the barrier and weaken it enough to bring down. Wait, does that plan ever work?

Either way, it's time for backup. "Julia!"

She responds to your shout almost instantly. Her rapier appears in hand to rapidly that you don't even register the action, and then she moves. Before the wood creature even finishes its arc she's at the window in front of it. The blade flashes; sap sprays from its throat. She steps aside as it strikes the barrier, crunching against it with a thud. Allowing a bare instant's observation, she drives her sword into its upper back, a mere centimeter off-center.

A violent shudder courses through its frame and it falls still, that accursed clicking finally fading into silence. However, you don't get a chance to celebrate. One of the spells woven into it actualizes an instant later. Prana swells within it like a growth from a seed, before exploding in a hurricane of furious violet. Bracing yourself for the storm, you shield your eyes with an upraised hand, but you're lucky enough to miss the worst of it. Instead, you're pelted with an irritating shower of sap, mulched wood, and pulped vines.

Julia is less fortunate. Standing directly behind the creature, the blow hurls her back like a the world's most beautiful crash test dummy. Incredibly, she lands in a graceful crouch beside you. Her hair is mussed and clothes rumpled, but she seems uninjured.

The unflappable Julia seems rather flapped at the moment. Sheathing her sword, she utters a very impolite grunt. "That was rude of it. And," she dabs at her cheek with a handkerchief, "actually somewhat painful." She flashes a grin at you. "I believe you owe me one for taking that hit for you, hmm?"

I think that's a little much! Sure, it would have hurt, but still. She came out of it fine! "Well, with that problem handled, we can…" the words die in your throat as you look to the door, expecting to see Jordan… and find the barrier still intact, with silver light gleaming from where Jordan stands on the other side. You give in to an altogether disappointed frown. "Damn." Too much to hope that the barrier goes away when the monster does, I guess.


The barrier reminded Jordan of nothing so much as a Chinese puzzle box which she'd been tasked to unlock during the earliest phase of her training. Certainly, it was just as frustrating and unintuitive, but she was no longer a raw recruit. It had taken most of her tricks and techniques, but she finally felt that she had a working picture of its functional structure. This particular barrier was designed to be established with borders inside of physical objects -- though she suspected that it wasn't strictly necessary to do so -- and was primarily geared to keep people contained within. Capacity to defend from without should be marginal. It seemed to be a trap, rather than a shield.

Hmm, what else. It can be remotely activated, and that's tied in with the kinetics somehow, but what are those for anywa--

Her musing was interrupted as the barrier pulsed and began to contract.

Well, shit. I might need to hurry.


"Oh my. That seems like a problem," Julia comments with a blithe lack of concern, observing the contracting box around them.

"I've found that a lot of problems like these can be fixed by smashing them." you wind up a blow to shatter the barrier when another burst of prana catches you by surprise, this time from all around you. Not again! "Wha--"

The remnants of wood and vine littering the floor and your clothes pulse and expand, and there are far too many to do a damn thing about it. Within moments, you've been surrounded and assaulted by a nest of vines, wrapping around you and restricting your movement. It's not by accident, you realize belatedly. You'd primed yourself for another attack, but these leafy tendrils focus on pinning your arms and legs instead, and the sheer surprise lets them pull you to your knees at the bottom of the barrier (where they seemed to be… rooted, somehow) without a meaningful struggle.

Julia fares a bit better, but then again, swords do tend to fare better against vines than punching does. The swiftness of her response allows her to evade some of the initial grasp, but they snake around a leg nonetheless as she's in the process of leaping clear, yanking her to the ground instead. Suddenly in the very worst place possible, her flashing blade can only keep them off for so long before the vines overwhelm and surround her.


As the barrier before her began to shrink, Jordan pressed an eye up to the largely-opaque field in front of her, trying to make contact with Hibiki or Julia on the inside. Instead, she found them wrapped up with ropes or snakes or -- No, those are leaves. Vines, then?

It was just a guess, really, but it looked like she might be on her own for this one.

As she feared, Hibiki and Julia didn't seem to be having any luck breaking free. If anything, they were becoming even more ensnared. Reaching back to her training, she allowed rising panic and dark memories to break against the strength of her will like a simple ocean wave, retreating back into the sea.

I can't let this happen. I won't.

Her magic surged and, spearpoints of energy driving forth, burning through enough prana to drain three normal magi in a single perfect instant of focus and application. For Jordan, though, it was simple instinct. The impressive capacity within her allowed her to brute-force basic countermagic techniques at incredible strength and with unbelievable speed.

The sudden surge of energy through the barrier allowed her to swiftly assess its structure in revelatory detail, and finally exposed its weakness. Now, she knew exactly where and how to begin breaking it down. Even if it was more potent than modern magecraft, she would be more than equal to the task of ending it.

But not fast enough, whispered a treacherous voice in her head. You couldn't save him, and you couldn't save her. Why would you ever dream that you'd be able save them? You're too slow, too weak. If only they'd had someone reliable. If you hadn't left when you did, you might have even prevented the barrier from going up at all!

Waves on the ocean. Waves on the ocean.

She gritted her teeth, screwing her eyes shut. Failure wouldn't be her legacy. It wasn't even an option. The world around her faded away, piece by piece, until nothing remained but Jordan herself and the challenge to overcome. All that matters is the barrier. A soft thud somewhere behind her, a tram in the distance, the indistinct flow of the prana in the building, and even the shining stars of magic energy within the barrier… all extraneous. All forgotten.

A puzzle box unfolded in her mind's eye. Complexity, yes, but also logic.

I can do this.

...can't I?


[ ] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [ ] Handle the vines by...
-- [ ] Just brute forcing them. They probably can't pin something of Servant strength -- for very long, anyway.
-- [ ]
Coruscant Vortex would tear them off of your hands, freeing you enough to pry the rest off. Though they are animate...
[ ] First, deal with the vines. Then you can tear down the barrier.
- [ ] Handle the vines by…
-- [ ] Just brute forcing them. They probably can't pin something of Servant strength -- for very long, anyway.
-- [ ]
Coruscant Vortex would tear them off of your hands, freeing you enough to pry the rest off. Though they are animate...
- [ ] Handle the barrier by…
-- [ ] Punching it until it breaks.
-- [ ] Try to overload it with one physical attack. Prana Burst!
-- [ ] You can probably consume it with
A Future Flooded With Light.
-- [ ] Screw it, Superb Song time. Those walls are approaching mighty fast. Use Rainbow Flower and blow it apart. (Specify where you aim this. You are on the fifth floor of a seven-story building in an entertainment district.)
[ ] That barrier is more important than anything. Deal with it immediately before it can crush you to death, and handle those vines later.
- [ ] Destroy the barrier with...
-- [ ] You can probably consume it with
A Future Flooded With Light.
-- [ ] Screw it, Superb Song time. Those walls are approaching mighty fast. Use Rainbow Flower and blow them -- and hopefully the vines -- apart. (Specify where you aim this. You are on the fifth floor of a seven-story building in an entertainment district.)
[ ] Another plan? Write in.

Keep in mind that these choices are as much symbolic as they are literal. Do you trust Jordan to keep you safe, and risk her failing yet again? Do you come at the problem with full force, rather than risk any loss? Do you try to split the difference, and risk failing one or both?
Last edited:
[X] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [X] Handle the vines by...
-- [ ] Just brute forcing them. They probably can't pin something of Servant strength -- for very long, anyway.
-- [X] Coruscant Vortex would tear them off of your hands, freeing you enough to pry the rest off. Though they are animate...
Thankfully this is SV and not QQ, otherwise this fight would probably be going very differently..................

Might want to fix that formatting so that it looks less confusing (remove the part that doesn't have an X).

[X] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [X] Handle the vines by...
-- [X] Coruscant Vortex would tear them off of your hands, freeing you enough to pry the rest off. Though they are animate...
[X] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [X] Handle the vines by...
-- [X] Coruscant Vortex would tear them off of your hands, freeing you enough to pry the rest off. Though they are animate...

I'll vote this for now, but I've got another (possibly bad) idea. Deactivating and then reactivating our Gear might force the vines off of us with the activation bubble. Thoughts?
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I'll vote this for now, but I've got another (possibly bad) idea. Deactivating and then reactivating our Gear might force the vines off of us with the activation bubble. Thoughts?
Interesting plan; I actually didn't think of it. If you're going to write it in, though, make sure to clarify what you do when the activation bubble ends and the vines come at you again.
[X] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [X] Handle the vines by...
-- [X] Deactivate and reactivate your Symphogear. The energy bubble will force the vines off of you.
-- [X] Get clear of the vines, fast. Hit away any that that come too close to you, but otherwise focus on getting away. Trying to punch them all out will get you nowhere fast.
[X] Get to Julia. If she hasn't managed to free herself yet, start prying the vines off of her.

After some serious overthinking, I've finally put it to vote form. So fellow questers, any issues, critiques, or additions?
Hey, @notthepenguins : In G, there's a throwaway line about the Moon being a giant Artifact left by the "Custodians". Is this canon in the altered version of G that applies to this quest?
Hey, @notthepenguins : In G, there's a throwaway line about the Moon being a giant Artifact left by the "Custodians". Is this canon in the altered version of G that applies to this quest?
Considering that we know jack about the Custodians, the only kind of answer that would actually give us useful info would be something crazy, like a reveal that the Custodians and Alaya are one and the same :V
Hey, @notthepenguins : In G, there's a throwaway line about the Moon being a giant Artifact left by the "Custodians". Is this canon in the altered version of G that applies to this quest?
Yup, it certainly is!

I believe I commented on Hibiki knowing that there's machinery if you go down deep enough in one of the Q&A posts, but if I neglected to you can take this as confirmation.

What it's for and what all it does and what the Custodians actually are/were/whatever is entirely unknown to her though. Beyond "stabilize the orbit of the moon so it doesn't crash into earth," at least, which is admittedly a nice feature!
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Yup, it certainly is!

I believe I commented on Hibiki knowing that there's machinery if you go down deep enough in one of the Q&A posts, but if I neglected to you can take this as confirmation.

What it's for and what all it does and what the Custodians actually are/were/whatever is entirely unknown to her though. Beyond "stabilize the orbit of the moon so it doesn't crash into earth," at least, which is admittedly a nice feature!
And, of course, the part about blocking humanity's ability to use the Universal Language.
Yup, it certainly is!

I believe I commented on Hibiki knowing that there's machinery if you go down deep enough in one of the Q&A posts, but if I neglected to you can take this as confirmation.

What it's for and what all it does and what the Custodians actually are/were/whatever is entirely unknown to her though. Beyond "stabilize the orbit of the moon so it doesn't crash into earth," at least, which is admittedly a nice feature!


While I don't know if this is where you're going or not, when that fact came out I got this nagging persistent idea to have a Symphogear-Fate/Extra cross of some variety. Because in both 'verses, the Moon is actually a giant-ass computer put there by unclear precursors to observe Humanity.
So I just found out something silly, somewhat disturbing, and kinda relevant to this thread.

Today, December 28th, is the birthday of both Yukine Chris and Kotomine Kirei :V

While I don't know if this is where you're going or not, when that fact came out I got this nagging persistent idea to have a Symphogear-Fate/Extra cross of some variety. Because in both 'verses, the Moon is actually a giant-ass computer put there by unclear precursors to observe Humanity.
There were some ideas floating around earlier in the thread as to whether or not the entire story was actually taking place within the Moon Cell.

They were pretty entertaining.

So I just found out something silly, somewhat disturbing, and kinda relevant to this thread.

Today, December 28th, is the birthday of both Yukine Chris and Kotomine Kirei :V
Amusing, seeing as both of them have come up in this Quest, and Gears and Executors feature prominently here as well :V
Man, I really underestimated how much the holidays throwing me out of my routine would screw up my ability to write.

Anyway, here's a vote tally (and locking the vote here so I can write something). Universal trust in Jordan! That's sweet, but will trust alone let her pull this off?
##### NetTally 1.5.9
[X] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [X] Handle the vines by...
-- [X] Deactivate and reactivate your Symphogear. The energy bubble will force the vines off of you.
-- [X] Get clear of the vines, fast. Hit away any that that come too close to you, but otherwise focus on getting away. Trying to punch them all out will get you nowhere fast.
[X] Get to Julia. If she hasn't managed to free herself yet, start prying the vines off of her.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Focus on getting out of the vines and be wary for other traps. You've seen three so far, which means there might well be a fourth. Trust Jordan to handle the barrier in time.
- [X] Handle the vines by...
-- [X] Coruscant Vortex would tear them off of your hands, freeing you enough to pry the rest off. Though they are animate...
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 5
An Unwelcome Intrusion, an Unexpected Battle, pt. 3
Wheee. Now that I'm back home, it wasn't too hard to get an update done. Hopefully I'll be able to get them out more regularly from now on.

As the vines grip you tightly, the walls closing in, you take a moment to think about the situation.

To all appearances, this is pretty dire. You and Julia are pinned for the moment, the walls of the barrier are pressing in rapidly, and Jordan's on the
outside and vulnerable to whatever contingencies this mysterious Servant -- from how trap based it is, you'd guess Caster or Assassin, probably Caster given all the spells woven into that creature -- has laid to ensnare her.

When you were inexperienced, you'd have struggled physically, possibly uselessly, against the vines. You pull against them, testing their strength. Tight and durable enough to restrain you for a bit, but not against extended effort. Far from inescapable, but reckoning with them would cause a delay and you're not so sure about that 'delay' business at the moment.

The walls are now closer than they were before.

No, better to sidestep the problem entirely. You dismiss your Gear and absorb the prana of its physical elements as it floods back into your body. The vines adjust immediately to your changed proportions, tightening over your wrists rather than your gauntlets.

That's fine; the point of the maneuver wasn't to let you wriggle free, anyway. Instead, you sing. You draw your Gear out of your body, but lengthen the activation process, allowing the sphere of energy to force away the vines. For a moment, at least, you've secured a safe space around you and Julia.

She looks at you, eyebrow quirked. "A curious technique… but appreciated." You try to tell her to 'get ready' wordlessly, since you can't actually
stop singing if you want to keep this up. She doesn't seem to get it, and just looks you over instead.

You flush, and hold up your hand, fingers outstretched, and start counting down, one finger at time.
Come on, get it...

"Ah." She picks up her sword, taking up a position next to you. "My task is to guard your fair visage from the crude gropings of these undignified tendrils. Have at them!"." 'Fair visage?' She flourishes her blade, as if cutting away at the encroaching vines. "You need fear no harm from them while I am here, mademoiselle." ...huh. Well, she's cute when she's chivalrous.


Sweat beaded on Jordan's forehead as she worked, carefully dismantling the barrier. It was too strong to just blow away -- at least, not without risking the total expenditure of prana before she managed it -- reducing her to a methodical, step-by-step approach.

Yet, it was less difficult than she'd feared. It looked like the barrier was designed to
contract when struck with physical force; that was an unpleasant discovery. She struck out those functions first, breaking pathways of prana, twisting circuits and interlocking elements apart.

The silver light of her magic burrowed deeper into the barrier, veins of it coating the thing's surface now.

Jordan smiles, belying her nerves. Her eyes stung as sweat ran down her brow. The barrier was still shrinking.


You finally let the transformation complete itself, Gear settling comfortably into place, and both you and Julia burst into action. The vines rush into the sudden gaps and you move to dodge them, trying to make your way to a clear patch. For a moment, you're consumed with wonder at how Julia managed to beat these damned things back so adroitly. Eyes following the mind, you spare a glance to track her through the tangle. How is she doing against the-- wow she's fast. Her sword is a blur of motion, and vines that come close are reduced to salad.

As it turns out, there's not really a clear spot to escape to when you're trapped in a small box with a mess of rapidly growing supernatural plant matter. Julia reaches the same conclusion, and directs her blade towards the vines pursuing you, extending her protective 'sphere' around you with some difficulty. Jordan is still at the edge of the barrier, but the silver veins of her magic pulse through the violet walls. This isn't something you're terribly familiar with, but it sure
looks like a good sign!

You linger a moment too long, and a pair of the bastards almost manage to wrap around your neck before Julia severs them effortlessly.
If she wasn't here, I'd be in pretty deep trouble. I'm going to have to thank her properly once we're out of this mess.

"Not a bad effort," she comments, even as she keeps working to keep remaining vines from reaching towards you -- which, as they drew ever closer while the barrier contracted, was a constant effort. "I thought she was a warrior, not a magus."

"Well… bit of both, I think?"

"Multi-talented, then." She smiles. "Laudable. Do you trust her to have this handled in time?"

You laugh. "Do you even need to ask?"


Jordan had found herself starting to ask. That damned box was now less than a quarter of its original size, and it was a small miracle that the room had been on the large side to begin with. Otherwise, this would have been over already. Doubt began to eat at the edges and nip at her focus, and it was all she could do to drive it back and keep a clear head. There was no time for 'what-ifs' or 'maybe-nots.'

Inside of her consciousness, there could only be the pure glow of absolute resolve and determination. Truthfully, she didn't even register the moment where she solved it. Wholly immersed, it was just a natural outgrowth of the process she'd began a minute or an hour ago.

The sense of
finishing snapped her back to awareness of the moment.

Yes!" She shouted with triumph as the barrier pulsed and dissolved into wayward shards, a wash of power pulsing outward, momentarily baffling her magical senses and inundating the area.

She smiled, looking inward at Julia and Hibiki, neither much the worse for wear. Like lightning, they both shot off in the next instant for something beyond her.


You don't even try to hide your pride as the barrier collapses, energy washing outwards… and the sensation drains away as quickly as it came when you catch sight of the silhouette behind your Master, and sense the sudden and unmistakable of a Servant. From the velocity of your launch, observers could be forgiven for thinking you had rockets strapped to your ankles.With the assistance of Gear energy, you arrive just in time to knock aside a bolt of violet light, your newly-obtained Coruscant Vortex flaring around your right hand. Julia takes up a position beside you, not long behind.

Two figures stand opposed: one a Servant, and one… not quite. The Servant, off to the back and side, is a girl, or perhaps a young woman. Something seems wrong about that analysis; there's something
off about her that contradicts her apparent youth. She wears a dress of dark green and white, supported by straps of pearl and featuring decorative flowers on one side. On the other, she has a large and incongruous bow. Earrings continue the flower motif, in case anyone misses the whole wreath of them atop her purple hair. Her eyes -- a similar color, you note -- are fixed on the tableau before her, cool and calculating.

In front of you, and the source of the violet light you just struck aside, is the anomalous one. Her appearance is that of an adult woman, tall and blue-haired, clad in a… dress/robe thing of white and gold, inset with pale blue jewels. The dress opens up at the front, falling into a loincloth-type affair and revealing thigh-high socks, and ends at the gold jeweling just below her collarbone. She wears gloves that go most of the way up her arms, and a complex scarflike arrangement ties the whole affair together.

More relevant than her fashion sense, though, is her
infuriated expression, the hot, intense gaze directed past you. She lifts a hand, violet light gathering around it. You frown. It feels like… she's not a Servant, but she's almost a Servant, and that prana is traveling to her somehow. A… remote body, or something? Is that possible?

Julia steps up next to you, gaze settling on the purple-haired Servant with recognition. "Assassin." she says.

"The one in white and gold, right?" you ask to confirm.

"No, the other --
what?" Julia looks at you like you've just said that the sky is shaded Safety Yellow. "That dress is black and blue. What are you even saying?"

You do a double-take. "Did you get
hit in the head? That's white and gold, and don't you dare try to blame the lighting!"

The woman in front of you with the contentious dress glances aside dourly, and frowns even more at the sight of Assassin. "I don't believe I invited you."

Assassin smiles, unaffected by the bile dripping from her challenger's voice. "Did you think with the
mess you made here, no one would take notice? Too hasty, Caster, when you've made yourself so scarce thus far."

Caster's gaze turns icy. "You have little room to talk, Assassin. Even a gnat like you is not beneath my notice, and since you have so obligingly revealed yourself… I think it's time to knock you out of the game altogether." She points at Assassin, violet light focusing, a circle of runes appearing in the air in front of her hand.

You and Julia tense, off-balance from the unexpected development, but poised to respond nevertheless.

Assassin waves a hand, and before either of you can react Caster
explodes -- more like a geyser than a grenade -- showering you and the restaurant in… wait, water?

You reel with surprise, and Assassin looks at you. "That's enough of that." Her smile widens, showing teeth. "It looks like you'll be fun prey after all."

And with that, she fades from view, immaterial form ghosting away.


Well, there goes any fun that might remain in your night. Time to head home.
[ ] Talk to Julia before leaving
- [ ] Say what?
[ ] Just take Jordan and go.

Jordan is tired once you arrive home, but too wired to sleep. You…
[ ] Talk with her for a bit.
- [ ] About her past
-- [ ] What specifically? (Write In)
- [ ] About your dream about Rhea's death
- [ ] About yourself
-- [ ] What specifically? (Write In)
- [ ] About the Grail War
- [ ] Something else? (Write In)
[ ] Do something with her
- [ ] Watch something together
-- [ ] What? (Write In)
- [ ] Play a game; you're not all that
good, but it can still be fun!
-- [ ] Something from your lifetime (a board game)
-- [ ] Something modern (a video game)
- [ ] Something else? (Write in)

Hibiki's prana total has been updated, Caster and Assassin have been added (including Assassin's stats and three skills), pictures for both Assassin and Caster, and a newly-revealed Noble Phantasm for Julia.
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Well, that's pretty high stats for an Assassin, with really powerful skills too. Anyone got any ideas on her identity?
Just a reminder to everyone that we still haven't fixed our Master-Servant connection, so prana is still a scarce resource for us. Now is definitely not the time to talk about that with Jordan though. If we used this fight as a wake up call to her that we need to fix things soon she'll probably go through with it now, but it will be really uncomfortable for everyone involved.

Should we ask "Julia" to speak to her Master about a formal alliance, at least until all the teams willing to cause huge amounts of collateral damage and that Dead Apostle team are eliminated? Or should we discuss that possibility with Jordan and then send a message to "Julia" about it?
I think we should talk about a potential truce with "Julia" and her master considering the other servants, but find time for a longer communication later (as all the damage at the scene will bring in local authorities).

At home, we should chat with Jordan. We do need to come to terms with how dangerous things are for us. Like, Jordan may be great enough to disrupt casters spells, but what happens if Assassin decided to intervene earlier and on us?

But more importantly, we should chat with Jordan on ourselves and the dreams we are having from her. We put our trust in her, we should be more intimate. No, not in the lewd way.
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[X] Talk to Julia before leaving
- [X] Say you had a good time, and thank her for her help.
[X] Do something with her
- [X] Play a game; you're not all that good, but it can still be fun!
-- [X] Something from your lifetime (a board game)
I think we should talk about a potential truce with "Julia" and her master considering the other servants, but find time for a longer communication later (as all the damage at the scene will bring in local authorities).

At home, we should chat with Jordan. We do need to come to terms with how dangerous things are for us. Like, Jordan may be great enough to disrupt casters spells, but what happens if Assassin decided to intervene earlier and on us?

But more importantly, we should chat with Jordan on ourselves and the dreams we are having from her. We put our trust in her, we should be more intimate. No, not in the lewd way.
Good ideas. Now to try and put them in vote form:
[x] Talk to Julia before leaving
-[x] Thank her for her help, and propose talking with our Masters about a truce.
[x] Talk with her for a bit.
-[x] About the Grail War
--[] More specifically?
-[] Dreams?

A little something to get the ball rolling here. Not a complete vote.