Part II.6

> continue: iteration 26, day 5, morning

"Miserable little punks." The bald, skeletal old man glowers down at us from a balcony on the other side of the room. He's wearing a bathrobe -- not a kimono, I'm pretty sure, an actual black terry cloth bathrobe -- and grips a simple wooden cane (which I do not trust) in one hand. "Drian'. Rats running inside my walls. You thought you could rob from me, hm?" On cue, the door slams shut behind us.

We're in a... shit, is this a ballroom? Holy crap. It is. An actual, three-story-tall ballroom, complete with hardwood floor and big crystal chandelier. (Just how big is this frigging house, anyway?) It's clearly seen better days. Dust coats the windows and cobwebs hang all over the chandelier. The floor seems to be rotting in several places. Sakura seems as lost as the rest of us. I wonder if she's ever even seen this place before.

"It's not stealing if I'm taking back what's mine!" Rin steps forward, her arm raised at Matou. "Agreement of exchange, Article II, Section 5.6, Paragraph 3! If the individual in question is to participate as a Master in a Grail War, all restrictions on interactions are to be temporarily lifted! As head of the Tohsaka family, I am therefore reclaiming Sakura Matou as a member of my house for the duration of the conflict... you piece of fucking shit!"

The old man snorts. "If you think word games will let you walk out with my property, girl, you're as much of a fool as your father was. Tell me, how did that little trifle I gave him work out for Tokiomi? Eh?"

Rin's face tightens, but she doesn't seem to have a comeback. Okay, better think strategy while the cutscene lasts. We're on the ground floor. The balcony that Zouken's on stands opposite to us at second-floor height. I don't see any stairs up there, but there is a door behind him... and another one on the wall directly below him.

Worth a shot. I catch Shirou's eye and glance towards the door on our level. He nods and starts to carefully edge away from the group in that direction. Third rule of battling a lich -- get your melee fighters up close to them as soon as possible.

> so what's the first rule

'Don't.' Well, that, or don't talk about Lich Fight Club. Depends on your character level.

> rimshot

Anyway, it occurs to me that I'm feeling fairly weaponless here myself. Aw, fuck. I totally left the umbrella upstairs, didn't I?

> yep

Fucking inventory system. Just one single bag of holding -- is that really too much to ask for?

"Children." Zouken shakes his head. "Always, I am surrounded by idiot children. Ah, and speaking of which -- here comes the toddler brigade."

A door on the wall behind us opens. Illya and the maids walk in. None of them look particularly surprised. I guess all of this is de rigueur when it comes to mage fights.

"Good day, little von Einzbern." Zouken sounds almost cheerful. Crap, he's actually enjoying this, isn't he? I can't tell if he's just doing the standard Bond-villain thing, or if he just likes to hear himself talk. Old man's gotta old man, I guess, even if he is a walking swarm of maggots. "I see your family is still producing inferior knockoffs of their few successes. How is that moldy old relic Jubstacheit? Still plodding along, I trust?"

Fourth rule of lich battles -- spread out to avoid area-of-effect attacks. I glance over at Sakura. She mostly seems to be staring into space, whispering what sounds like "no no no" over and over again under her breath. Reassuring. I take her shoulder. She shudders and immediately tries to pull away.

"Sorry," I mutter. I pull her a few paces away from Rin, back towards the wall, then let go. Next up, the fifth rule -- search for plot hooks. Don't overlook any possible advantage the DM throws your way. "We could use some advice here. He got any weaknesses? Blind spots, stuff like that?"

"Law and Order reruns," Sakura whispers. "He's also been getting into this one drama on TBS recently. He likes the lead actress."

I blink. "I... don't know how to use that."

"Save us, Detective Tutuola." She shudders again. "You're my only hope..."

Well, great.

> you should probably also pay attention to what they're saying right now

I have! I can multitask, thank you! "Why can't I hear Berserker anymore?" Illya just asked. "How did you do that?"

"Ah, so you noticed." Zouken taps his cane against the ground. "I've isolated your Servants elsewhere in the house and disabled your mental connection to them. Don't bother trying to use your Command Seals either. You'll find that path closed to you as well."

Fuck. Okay, mental note: next time, DON'T SPLIT THE PARTY. Underlined, exclamation point, seventy-two-point Impact font. In bold.

"You can do that?!" Rin explodes. "How?!"

"It's really you, isn't it." Illya narrows her eyes. I see some red lines glowing on the side of her neck. I wonder if she just tried invoking one of her Command Seals to see if Zouken was bluffing. If she did, I'm not seeing Berserker anywhere. "Zolgen Makiri, progenitor of the Matou family. One of the original three mages who drew down the Grail. You've somehow clung to life all these years."

The old man smirks. "Tell me, little mages... just what did you expect when you came here to challenge me? I, who came closer to the Third Magic than either of your families combined? Who has seen bloodshed beyond your wildest nightmares, and obtained heights of power beyond your greatest dreams? Who --"

"Oh, for fuck's sake -- you're evil. We get it, all right?!" Rin growls. "Jesus."

Dammit. Just when I think I'm over the whole crush thing, there she goes being awesome again.

> hrmph

Zouken just rolls his eyes. "You Tohsaka women never did know how to hold your tongues. Very well, duraki. If excitement is what your tiny minds crave..."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sakura abruptly slump to the side. Fuck, what now?! I grab her in mid-fall. Did... did she just pass out? Her entire body's limp. Her eyes look like they've practically rolled back into her head...

"... then let us at last see which of our families is the superior." Zouken grins. "One final time."

The dusty windows to Zouken's side explode inwards as a huge mass of... something busts its way into the room.


That kind of boss fight.


> cue battle music

Fuck. So Zouken was stalling for time too. With no other real option, I grab Sakura underneath the armpits and lug her back towards the corner as the thing makes its way into the room. In the process, the lime-green blanket disentangles itself from her and pools up abandoned on the floor. She's wearing her school uniform beneath it, thank God.

> just don't think you can use this as an excuse to cop a feel

Really not helpful right now k thank you bye! Fortunately, Shirou hasn't gotten too far away from us. He leaps back as fragments of window glass get flung in his direction.

So the boss monster: it's completely tar-black and about four meters tall. Kind of... transparent, somehow, in that you can kind of see what's behind it, albeit darkened or tinted. Like a Photoshop filter, or a bad piece of CGI from the nineties that didn't get greenscreened properly. Shape-wise, it looks kinda like a jellyfish, with these long, flat tendrils extending from...

Oh. Oh, fuck.

"Get back!" I yell at the top of my lungs. "I know this thing! Keep away from it!"

"What is it?!" Rin fires off a few blasts from her hand. They vanish into the thing without so much as a ripple. Up above, Illya's bird puppets let loose on it with their own ranged attack, to a similar lack of effect.

"No idea!" I shout back. "I just know it turns Servants into evil robots! Whatever you do, don't let it touch you!"

Shirou rushes back to us and takes his stance beside Rin, pipe held at the ready. The thing lumbers around in place. It doesn't make a sound, but it seems to be -- like -- sniffing the air or something.

Then it charges across the room, faster than anything that big has any right to move. Straight at Illya.

In a flash, Sella and Leysritt are in front of it, blocking its path. Yes! Those fucking halberds! They're perfect for this! Whatever the thing is, it seems to be solid. It stops in place as the weapons sink into it. Seems to rear back a little.

Then it flings its tentacles at the maids.

"Watch --" Before the word can even leave my mouth, it's over. Illya immediately switches the birds into sword mode and flings them down as cover fire. They just melt into the thing and vanish. Leysritt leaps back, dodging and weaving at impossible speeds past the tendrils and the falling blades. Sella -- Sella does the same, but she's not quite fast enough -- a tentacle catches her right arm --

The limb comes right off. As if it was nothing.

Sella screams. Bits of blood and bone fly through the air. What's left of her upper arm... it looks like it's burning somehow. Black veins running up her shoulder and neck and down into her torso. She stumbles forward -- her hat goes flying off. I see a shock of pale white hair fly over her head.

Then three other tendrils descend on her and tear her to pieces in front of us. Like scalpels through butter.

... goddamn it.

> keep moving

Uh. Right. Right! I drag Sakura towards the middle of the room this time as the thing lunges again for Illya. Leysritt grabs her and leaps out of the way. Towards us. The creature slams into the wall, but still sends its tendrils after them. Leysritt dodges. The tentacles ram into the corner I was just in. Shirou backs away. Leysritt bounds towards us, Illya in her arms, the tendrils snapping at her heels --

A fireball explodes out of the thing's main body and inundates that entire side of the room.

"Yeah!" Rin pumps her fist. Which seems to be down one Command Seal. "Suck it, Matou!"

Archer stands in front of her, his bow raised high.

> where was he this whole time

We left him outside to cover our escape. Which didn't wind up happening so much. So... maybe Rin found some way around whatever Zouken did?

> or maybe whatever wards he's got up are one-way

So... as in... he can stop Servants from getting summoned out of the house or through it... but he can't stop them from being summoned in from the outside?

> something like that

Well, regardless... Leysritt lands next to us. Both she and Illya lost their hats in the furor. Man, von Einzberns keep their hair long. Shirou's okay, too, if looking a little singed -- he falls in line next to Archer.

The fireball clears. The thing's still there -- completely intact, of course. Archer fires another arrow at it anyway, already sweating bullets. "We need to get out of here, Rin!" he barks. "Whatever the fuck that thing is, it's bad news!"

"Tell me something I don't know!" Rin snaps.

"I think -- it seems to be going after the greatest concentration of mana in the room." I can see a few tears drifting down Illya's face, but she seems to be keeping it together. Tough kid. "Which in this case is --"

"-- is you, yeah, I got that!" Rin starts digging through her pockets for gems.

"So what do we do?" Shirou asks. "We can't just keep playing keep-away forever!"

"Um..." I turn and stare at the giant hole the thing punched in the wall when it came in. I can see sunlight through it. A little bit of overcast sky, too.

No sooner do I look, though, then the wall abruptly seals itself up. Not with plaster or wood, but with this stone-ish material that looks disturbingly organic.

"Now, now." Zouken sounds like he's enjoying himself. Oh, right. He's still here. "What fun would that be?"

Without turning his head, Archer fires an arrow straight at the old man's neck. Unfortunately, a bunch of glowing wards pop up in front of the balcony. The arrow bounces off and dissolves into the air. The old man sneers and flips us off.

> he's got attitude
> have to give him that much i guess

Right now, the only thing I want to give Zouken is a Caladbolg straight up his maggot-ridden... anyway. So what now? We could try blowing another hole in the wall, but he'd probably just seal that up too. What else can we --

I snap my fingers and look at Archer. "Ooh! Use your shield! That Rose Alias thing!"

Archer blinks. "Uh... all right..."

"You can make a shield?!" Rin glares at him.

"Not now, Rin!" Archer and I say in unison. (Well, kinda. He actually says something like, "Not the time, Rin." Still sounds cool for the first word or two.)

Okay, plain arrows definitely aren't cutting it now. The thing took the last fireball without even flinching. Looks like it's getting to charge --

Archer stretches out his hand. "Rho Aias!"

The transparent flower glyph springs up in front of us. Unfortunately, it doesn't do a whole lot. As soon as the thing runs into the barrier, it starts tearing through the shields like they're cardboard. Each one barely lasts a second, their breakdowns punctuated by surges of lightning and Archer's curses -- "Shit! Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck --"

Shirou turns back to me and hisses, "What are you doing? Get Sakura away from here!"

"Oh -- right!" I haul Sakura underneath Zouken's balcony. (Okay, if I have to keep doing this, should I like try to pick her up or put her on my back or something? My arms are telling me that ain't happening, so...) My eyes settle on that door I'd spotted earlier. Well... I'm not much of a tank, but... I grab the door's handle. It's unlocked. I fling it open...

... and find a brick wall on the other side.

Fuck, man. Now that's just cruel.

> like i said
> attitude

I turn back just in time to see Leysritt get torn in half.

Shield's down, obviously. At least it looks quick -- what's left of her inside the two tendrils is already mostly dissolved. Her halberd lies abandoned on the wood floor. Shirou's right up in the thing's face, swinging his pipe wildly. Rin's yelling wordlessly and firing Gandr blasts into the shadowy mass, with no more effect than before. Illya's just standing a short distance away with a dazed look. Archer's up on the fricking chandelier, firing down like crazy. But the thing doesn't fuck around. It reaches up and tears the chandelier, Archer and all, down into itself. He vanishes into its mass, spare bits of crystal and glass bouncing off the floor like rain... I can hear this wheezing sound somewhere above me, which I eventually realize is the sound of Zouken chuckling...

Fuck... fuck! This -- this is all my fault. I should've planned better. Should've done more recon. Not like it would help -- how the fuck was I supposed to figure out the fucker has a fucking pet Cthulhu lying around?! And -- and --

... wait? What's that noise? It almost sounds like a train...

> choo choo motherfucker

The blackened wall on the opposite side of the room -- the one on the other side of the thing -- bursts open. Hercules comes charging out into the ballroom, covered in dust and blood and some other fluids I'd really prefer not to think about. He sprints straight into the thing and tackles it. "Berserker!" Illya sounds overjoyed. God, I never thought I'd be glad to see that gorilla...

... hell. They're coming this way, aren't they.

> and around once more we go

Once more dragging Sakura behind me, I scurry around the pair of colliding monsters to the other side of the room where we started, ducking beneath a flailing tendril as I go. I see Shirou rush back and spirit Illya out of the way. Rin's already waiting for us on the other side -- I turn back to see Berserker and the thing smash into the wall beneath the balcony, hard enough to shake the level above. Zouken, looking annoyed, clings to his cane.

Bad news, though: Berserker's losing.

He now isn't so much fighting as he is flailing, like he's trying to keep his head above water. What bits of his flesh aren't burning away are covered with those black veins. And I don't see any sign of his regeneration or resurrection power or whatever it is. Doesn't look like it's working.

"No," Illya moans as she sinks to her knees. "Don't... don't leave me... please..."

He doesn't have a choice. We watch as Berserker's massive arm sinks into the darkness. Illya lets out a strangled sob and covers her eyes. Without a word, Shirou kneels down and holds her.

Which is sweet and all, but doesn't do anything about the fact that we're totally fucked. The thing pulsates. Moves out from beneath the balcony and looms back up to its full height.

Then its tendrils fly across the room, once again straight at Illya.

Shirou immediately moves to shield the kid with his body. Rin -- to her shock as well as mine, judging from her expression -- steps in front of them, her arms stretched wide. And I'm just frozen, useless as usual, next to Sakura -- though it's not like any of these sacrifices are gonna be worth a damn anyway --

"... stop," Sakura whispers.

The thing collapses to the ground. The tendrils fall to the floor, lifeless.

"Yob tvoyu mat!" Zouken snarls. He slams his fists down on the balcony railing. "Stupid... useless... it's too soon. Not ready yet... not ready..."

"And you're out of time, demon."

Saber steps out of the hole Berserker punched when he came into the room. She's sweaty and bleeding from multiple cuts on her face. Seems to have lost her improvised shield. Her armor's covered with bug guts and purple ichor. She looks beyond pissed.

And she's glowing. With this strange golden light that's oddly comforting to look at.

> get behind her
> now

Yeah. Yeah, I'm getting those about-to-go-Super-Saiyan vibes here. I move myself and Sakura back as Saber stalks past us. Shirou and Rin see me and do the same, bringing Illya along with them.

Zouken stares at Saber, his eyes squinting into the light. "You... I've seen you before..."

Saber goes full blast, her aura expanding into a hurricane of light. Her sword's not invisible anymore. The blade glows gold as she lifts it above her head. I've never seen anything like it before -- outside of Star Wars, I guess -- but it somehow looks... familiar? Like visiting a place you last saw as an infant.

"In the name of all that is holy, I cleanse this place of your sins!" Saber roars. She brings the sword down. "EXCALIBUR!"

A torrent -- no, an entire freaking river -- of light explodes out of the sword and inundates everything before her. The thing vanishes into the flood immediately, like a shadow evaporating into the sunrise. "Pizda rulyu!" I hear Zouken curse. Then his wards fail and he's gone too.

I turn away and shield my eyes. Can't help but fall to my knees. This -- this is...


> skip forward

When it's finally over, I hear the whistle of a bird somewhere in the distance. The light seems to be gone. I stand up and open my eyes.

Saber drops to her knees, breathing hard. She props herself up with the sword. In front of her lies nothing but rubble. The thing, Zouken, the balcony, any rooms behind it, the garden wall, the houses next door and down the street (really hope those people had already left for the day... and that they didn't have pets) -- all gone. The remaining windows are shattered to bits. The roof over our heads got blown away. What's left of the ballroom is open to the sky.

Even the part of the house behind Saber has seen better days. I glance through the hole in the wall she and Berserker came through and see wreckage extending back several rooms. I hear what's left of the structure creak as the wind rushes through it. The mansion feels... dead somehow, just wood and brick. Saber clearly does not fuck around when she brings her A game.

"Saber!" Shirou rushes over to her. "Are you --"

"I'm fine," Saber says. "I just... give me a second..."

"Okay... first question..." Rin unsteadily gets to her feet. "Tom, how's Sakura?"

"Oh. Right!" I bend down to check. She's still out cold. I try snapping my fingers in front of her eyes, then patting the side of her face. "Um... she's not waking up. Still breathing, though, so... that's good, I guess?" I awkwardly fumble around, trying to find her pulse. Man, she is gonna have hella friction burns from the floor when she wakes up, I'll tell you that much... also, wow, does that sound bad out of context.

"Okay. Second question... just what the living fuck was that?!" Rin goes over by Shirou and stares at the spot where the thing used to be. "I've never heard of any kind of spell that can just one-shot a Servant. That shouldn't even be possible."

"It -- it looked like..." Illya sniffs and wipes her face, then totters over by Rin. Pretty amazing, considering that my stupid mission just cost her nearly everything she had. "It seemed to be able to absorb raw mana in any form. Servants, spells, people..."

"Something like that... it'd be unstoppable." Rin pushes back her hair. "How the hell did Zouken Matou manage to create the perfect predator?!"

"... some kind of...?" Illya mutters under her breath. She glances back at me and Sakura. "No... more than that. I think... I think that was a karagoze..."

"Wha -- no!" Saber suddenly tries to get to her feet. "Run! Something's --"

All at once, the sky falls down on us.


> businessmen they drink my wine
> plowmen dig my earth

When I come to, the first thing I see is Illya's body. She lies on the ground, stabbed straight through the head with a spear twice her height. Her lifeless eyes stare into mine.

I sit up, biting back a scream. I remember -- some kind of explosion? Tossed me back through the hole in the wall. Sakura lies nearby me. At least she still looks intact and alive. But beyond her... I see Saber's hand twitch. She's been stabbed through the chest by three huge lances, at an angle where she's pinned to the ground while half-standing. She's still alive somehow, but I don't think she can move. Shirou and Rin, though... they both lie dead on the ground next to her, run through by a half-dozen axes and swords each.

No. No no no fuck no... not another TPK. Not after everything we just went through...

> keep watching
> learn from this
> make it count

There's... there's this guy standing beyond Saber, around where the balcony used to be. Blond hair. Black-and-white track suit. He's holding something in his hands -- Zouken's bathrobe? How the fuck did that of all things survive? He pulls what looks like some kind of knife or dagger out of it and tosses the rest away.

There's this flash of orange or bronze light and then he's suddenly standing next to Saber. She tries to say something, but nothing comes out -- I think the lances pierced her lungs. Tracksuit Bro examines her face, casually wipes some blood off her cheek with his thumb. I can just barely see her expression. The level of pure, undiluted hatred she has in her eyes...

He smirks and vanishes in another flash of light, reappearing right next to Sakura. I get a better look at his face. Defs a foreigner. Sharp nose. Light olive-brown skin. Looks kinda... Persian, I guess? Or maybe Indian? I don't know. Somewhere in that vicinity, I guess.

He prods Sakura with his foot, then shrugs. "Waste not, I suppose..."

"Wait -- don't --" I try and fail to get up. Before the words even leave my mouth, he reaches into Sakura's chest and pulls out her heart, as nonchalantly as he might pick a flower.

He looks over the organ and plucks something off of it... a grub or a beetle of some kind? What the fuck? He rolls his eyes. "Just die like the worm you are already." With that, he flicks the insect to the ground and crushes it under his designer sneaker.

I finally manage to rise to my feet. "Who..." I swallow and stare at him. "Who the shit are you?"

He doesn't even look at me. "Die wondering, mongrel."

Another flash of bronze, and a metal spike flies straight into my face.
Reader Poll #1
Regarding the poll I just posted: readers keeping up with the FF.net and Wattpad versions of the story will know that I've hit a point where I'd like reader feedback on what direction the story should go next. Everyone reading the story in this here thread should probably wait until I post up through Part II.13 next week before making your choice.

The options are, once more for the record:

A) Caster
B) Sakura/Rider
C) Animuspheres

I'll edit this post to record the results, just to make it all official and stuff.

UPDATE 6/4/2018: And here are the totals --

  S.V. FF.net Wattpad Total
Caster 18 5 0 23
Sakura/Rider 12 5 1 18
Animuspheres 16 1 0 17
With 23 votes, the winner is Caster. Wokay, time to sit down and figure out how this is gonna work. Thanks again to everyone who voted!
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"Miserable little punks." The bald, skeletal old man glowers down at us from a balcony on the other side of the room. He's wearing a bathrobe -- not a kimono, I'm pretty sure, an actual black terry cloth bathrobe -- and grips a simple wooden cane (which I do not trust) in one hand. "Drian'. Rats running inside my walls. You thought you could rob from me, hm?" On cue, the door slams shut behind us.
I actually like the way you write Zouken; he may be an immoral jerk but he has character.

And of course there's Gilgamesh. It's not a proper FSN fanfic without his magnificent golden self to screw everything up. I really hope Tom gets to talk to him at some point, if only because I think Gil would respect the whole time loop thing, and I kind of want to see his less jerkish side.
I actually like the way you write Zouken; he may be an immoral jerk but he has character.

Yeah. Finding any sort of characterization for Zouken aside from "complete monster" has been kind of a challenge. I found I had to add stuff in -- the cursing in Russian, his tastes in television shows -- just to get anything at all beyond a generic 'cackling evil wizard' stereotype. I'd be curious as to how other fics went about it, if you or anyone else can think of any examples.

I really hope Tom gets to talk to him at some point, if only because I think Gil would respect the whole time loop thing, and I kind of want to see his less jerkish side.

That... might take a little while. There's a lot of layers of jerk to get through there, you know? :)
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Part II.7

> restart: iteration 27, day 1, early night

... fuck.

I sit up on the floor of my bedroom. Then I think better of it and lie back down.

> so
> now what
> are you going to go talk to shirou and the others

What's the point? There's too much, isn't there? Too many unknowns. Until I know what Tracksuit Bro's deal is... or what the shit was up with that shadow thing Zouken summoned... I can't do it, can I?

I can't save her.


> skip to: iteration 27, day 3, morning

But there is one thing I can do. Actually, make that two things -- but first things first.

I'm there waiting when she walks in from the other building. At the bottom of the stairwell, this time, just to be safe. I wait and make sure there's no one behind her. Then I call out: "Sakura."

"Huh?" She stops and looks at me. "Do I know you?"

"No," I say. "But I need to ask you a question. It's important."

She glances around nervously. But I guess there must be something in my eyes, because she steps closer anyway. "What?" she hisses. "If this is about my brother..."

"It's not." I lower my voice. "Listen. What if... just hypothetically speaking... what if someone were to kind of accidentally find out all about you? And I mean all about you."

"Like... what?" She stares at me.

"Like... about the Bug Room." I watch the color drain out of her face. "About your grandfather. About what he's done to you. Is doing to you."

"I don't know what you..."

I can't look at her anymore. "About your sister. And Rider. And about what happened when you were six. And on your twelfth birthday, and all the other horrible shit you've been through.

"Let's say someone found out about all of that. And he wants to help... but he needs to figure out how. I mean, in a way that doesn't get a bunch of people killed. And that's... that's probably gonna take him a little while.

"So the question is... is there anything... anything at all... he could do to help you right now? Anything that you want?" I lift my eyes. "Anything that could help... if anything can, I mean..."

I watch a parade of emotions march across her face, from fear to anger to anguish to other things I couldn't even begin to put a name to. Then she leans in close and whispers into my ear:

"Kill me."

I swallow. "No. No way. That's not an option."

"If I could do it myself, I would have by now. Understand?" she growls. "I don't want to be his monster. I don't want to be him."

She pulls away from me, suddenly looking perfectly composed. Perfectly average. And I realize that -- for all the stolen memories I might have -- I don't understand her at all. I have no idea what keeps her going, what keeps her getting up and going to school and pretending to be normal and then having to go back home to that place and all those horrors and secrets and then having to do it all over again. What kind of hideous strength must that take? After everything she's been through, how is she still sane? How is she still even in the general neighborhood of sanity?

"Please," she says quietly. Her dull, hopeless eyes stare into mine for a moment. Then she turns and goes upstairs to class.

After she's gone, I sit on the floor and put my head in my hands. How the hell am I going to do this? How am I going to find a way to prove those eyes wrong?

... can I?


> skip to: iteration 27, day 4, morning

At least the next item on the to-do list promises to be a little more fun.

I'm waiting at the back of Emiya's classroom when he walks in. He walks right past of me, of course, since I never introduced myself. That's okay. That's not what I'm here for.

"Yo, Emiya!" Shinji Matou calls out. Smiling his creepy little smile, he gets up from his desk.

You see, I finally put two and two together. That girl he's about to talk about, Ayako Mitsuzuri? The one who disappears on Saturday and gets found in the city yesterday? That's him. Of course it's him. He orders Rider to make it happen. And now he's going to go over and brag about it, because that's what being a big shot means in his warped little mind. Graduating from assistant to senior torturer. Doing whatever he wants to the little people with his mystical magic powers, just like great-great-granddaddy.

Small wrinkle this time, though. When he walks over to Emiya's desk, I step in behind him. "Hey. Matou." When he turns around, I slam A Complete History of Japan in the Modern World -- the thickest, heaviest, most serious hardcover textbook the school library has to offer -- right between his eyes with as much force as I can muster.

Sure, as soon as the shock wears off, he gets up and kicks my ass. But still. Feels kinda good while it lasts.
Part II.8

> skip back to: iteration 27, day 3, evening

> so listen
> i know we're planning to spend this loop brooding/getting suspended
> but someone wanted me to remind you
> do you still remember the animusphere address

Oh. Oh, shit! That's right! And I've got two full weeks now. Is that enough time? You think a letter might make it there and back? If I use air mail and include a return envelope...

> maybe
> do you remember it though

Uh... I think so? Maybe? Hold on. Let me see if I can get the mnemonic I used for it back...


> skip to: iteration 27, day 5, early night

And your Shin decrypt for the day is:





> skip to: iteration 27, day 7, late night





> skip to: iteration 27, day 10, evening







> skip to: iteration 27, day 12, evening

So... guess what showed up in the mail today? Get a load of this:

Dear Mr. Tomonaga:

Thank you for your interest in our family's sacred teachings. However, I am afraid that Marisbury -- current Grand Master of the Most Ancient Animusphere Magicks, Wielder of the Great Cosmic Key, Prince of The Most Divine Secrets of Fate and Space -- is currently away on business, and will not be returning for several months. I will certainly save your epistle for when he is back, such that you may commune with him in the True Language of Souls.

Light and Love,
Olga Animusphere
Initiate in the Grand Workings, Caretaker of Senior Mysteries, Seer of the Hidden Paths

> wow

Ha! Yeaaahhhh... fuck my life.


> skip to: iteration 27, day 13, afternoon






> skip to: iteration 27, day 13, late night

Goddamn it! This isn't working. Why the fuck won't you -- GODDAMN IT!

> move your ass
> they're outflanking you

I know, all right?! I see it!

> then do something about it

I'm not fast enough! You know what, fuck it. I'm not putting up with this shit. Fuck it, fuck this -- I'm falling back to Isandhlwana. Let's see if Alexander's got the balls to defeat me in detail.

> you do that you lose your iron supply

I am entirely fucking aware of that, thank you! But that doesn't change the math here. Any way that you slice it, his numbers are bigger than mine. My best bet is to fall back, try to wear him down after he takes the city, and then strike back fresh. If I can manage to do something about those fucking barbarians in the north...

Shit. You know, none of this would've happened if I'd managed to complete Great Wall first. Fucking Sitting Bull.

> you always play so defensively
> i keep telling you
> if you want to win, you have to take more risks

Easy for you to say, backseat driver. Don't exactly have skin in the game, do you? Well, okay, not that I do either, but still...

... hey, does something feel off to you?

> what do you mean

We've been doing this for a while, right? I feel like the beam should've hit by now.

> go and check then

Do I have to? ... oh, all right, I guess...

These days, I usually prefer to be asleep in bed for the apocalypse. That isn't working out for me so much tonight. So I'm going with the next best solution: video games! Opiate of my generation. Headphones on, blinds down, clock covered up. Try to get myself good and distracted so when the shadow beam hits this part of town, I barely even notice.

Pulling off the headphones, I get up from my desk and take a peek through the window blinds. Yep. There's the burning city, right on schedule. So why hasn't the shadow beam hit yet? What the hell? What's going on here?...

I turn around and find her standing behind me.

Sakura's changed up her look. Her hair is pure white, and her eyes are the color of blood. Red glyphs and sigils run down the side of her face and neck. She wears a dress made of shadow with crimson pinstripes.

With a single hand, she lifts me by the throat and slams me against the wall. "There you are," she says, her voice eerily calm.

> fuck

Ow... shitfuckshit. Hurts... so much more... than they make it look in the movies. Spine feels like it's gonna tear apart... have to grab her arm and lift myself just to breathe. Feels like holding onto a steel rod...

"Unremarkable. Barely any mana to speak of." Sakura tilts her head, examining me like a dead bug pinned up behind glass in a museum. "So how did you know about her?"

All I can do is gurgle.

"... doesn't matter. Bored now." The sleeve of her dress flows down into her hand, where it morphs into a long, jagged blade of pure midnight. "You should have listened to her."

I stare into her eyes. If there's any sign of the person I know in there -- one scrap of recognizable human emotion -- I can't see it.

"Little girls can carry big knives," the creature that used to be Sakura Matou says in mocking singsong. "Just sayin'."

She runs me through with the blade.
Part II.9

> restart: iteration 28, day 1, early night

"No way." Emiya crosses his arms. "That couldn't have been Sakura. There's no chance."

"Well, yeah, no shit," I retort. I'm in a pretty foul mood. Guess finding out someone I've been trying to save has been killing me with magic for the last several loops has that effect on me. Or at least someone who looks like her, anyway. And seems to have access to her memories.

> you sure about that

Not completely, but it stands to reason. Last time was the first loop I didn't see that shadow beam scour our side of town. And guess who shows up looking for me? Besides -- shadow beam, shadow monster, shadow dress. Doesn't take a genius to see the thematic link there.

"Question is, what the hell is borrowing her body? And how? Unless --" I glance at Rin. "You don't have any other sisters you've neglected to mention, right?"

"No." Rin glowers at me. I've held back on some of the details this time to keep them from running off to the rescue without me. Including the contract loophole. Maybe she can tell.

I shake my head. "But anyway, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. We need to take this one problem at a time."

Shirou raises an eyebrow. "Meaning... ?"

"Meaning it's time for someone to come clean with the rest of us. Not to name any names, Saber." I glare at her across the table.

"What?!" Saber looks up, startled. "What do I have to do with any of this?"

"Don't give me that," I snap. "I saw the way you looked at Tracksuit Bro. That wasn't garden-variety hate there. I mean, yeah, granted, he'd just slaughtered all our friends and turned you into a living Phineas Gage reenactment --"

"I was going to say." Saber narrows her eyes.

"But still! There was history there. I could tell." I tilt my head. "So spill. Who is Blondie? What is his deal?"

"Believe it or not, my list of enemies is not so limited that merely describing him as blonde is any sort of assistance." Saber pauses. "Although... did he at any point use the word mongrel?"

I blink. "Yeah, actually..." Weird choice of insult, come to think of it. I mean, I get it if he doesn't want to work blue, but still...

"Oh, God." Saber pinches the bridge of her nose. "I can't believe this..."


> skip forward

"So..." I take a deep breath. "The Gilgamesh. From Sumerian mythology. That guy."

"The King of Heroes, yes," Saber says irritably.

"Who you fought in the Fourth Grail War ten years ago. Which you were also summoned to be a part of. Is that even possible?" I glance at Rin, who just shrugs. "And you didn't think to mention this before because... ?"

"I was summoned hours ago. There is no before for me." Saber harrumphs. "Besides... if it wasn't for this new information, I would otherwise not see how my past is relevant to our present circumstances."

"Okay..." Not sure if I buy that. All the same, that at least explains how she knew stuff about the last war. And why Zouken kept saying she looked familiar. Guess he must've been in town for all of that. "So, wait... who did you serve back then?"

"... the von Einzberns." Saber glares at me, then turns to Shirou. "Rest assured, though, Master -- I retain no loyalty towards them. I will not hesitate to act against them in your service. This I swear."

Shirou raises his hands, a pained expression on his face. "It's okay, Saber. I believe you. Really..."

"Back to Ancient Sumerian Guy," I say. "If you fought against each other, why would he keep you alive? Just to rub it in your face, or something?"

"... partly." Saber looks away, obviously fuming. "The child of Ninsun developed a... fixation on me. He seemed to think he could simply add me to his collection. As if I was some abandoned doll he could pick up off of the street at his leisure."

"Jilted ex, huh?" I scratch my chin. "I guess that fits..."

There's the sound of a blade being drawn. Then Saber's standing over the table, her arm thrust towards me. I feel the point of her sword press into my trachea. "Perhaps I need to make myself clear," she snarls. "That man is not -- and will never be -- an ex-anything to me. Apart from, God willing, exsanguinated!

"... what?" She notices that Rin has her hand raised. "... oh." She awkwardly completes the high-five.

"Yisssss," Rin whispers under her breath. "That's why you're Baeber."

"Yeah, okay, sorry, got it," I whimper. "Jealous Internet nice guy. That makes sense too."

"Good." Saber steps off the table and sits back down. I've pushed her pretty far this time, haven't I?

> gee what gave you that impression

Let's double back to a more comfortable subject -- for her and my throat. "So... um... what can you tell us about his powers? Like, the teleporting and stuff?"

"The Gate of Babylon." Saber shifts her jaw. "It is said the King of Uruk's storehouses contained every treasure on the face of the Earth. Up to and including, it seems, the Earth itself. He can thus enter and exit the world at any point he chooses, crossing back and forth to his treasury as he desires."

"Jesus Christ," Rin says in disbelief.

"It gets worse. For all his flaws -- which I assure you are extensive... the heir of Dumuzid was still the first of all heroes. In a way, we are all his descendants." From Saber's expression, I can tell she is less than fond of the idea. "As such, his gate contains the prototype of every Noble Phantasm in existence, any one of which he can withdraw and use at his leisure. Even my own blade, no doubt, has its match somewhere in his treasury. And that is before we speak of his own weapon, Ea, said to have torn the world asunder in days of old..."

"A-Amazing...," Shirou croaks.

"Holy shit." I have no idea what to say. And here I thought Hercules was overpowered.

"But what's he even doing here?" Rin crosses her arms. "Could he have been summoned as Assassin or Caster or something?"

"It sounds as though he has the same abilities he had as the Archer during the last war." Saber furrows her brow. "But that's impossible. I killed him myself. With my very last attack..."

"Could he have been resummoned afterwards?" Rin asks.

"Without the Grail, you mean?" Saber shifts her eyes. "It's possible, I suppose. Why anyone would do that for him, of all people, is beyond me."

I feel my head start to throb. "Okay, let's bring it back here. We know who he is now. How do we find out more about him?"

"Well... couldn't we just track him down?" Shirou asks. "Not that I'm following all of this... but if he's just been hanging out around here for ten years, he must have gotten up to something, right?"

Trust Shirou to point out the obvious thing I'm missing. I rub my temples. "Right. So detective hats, then. Sure, why not."


> skip forward to: iteration 28, day 4, afternoon

In the days that follow, Rin has Archer comb the city for signs of any other Servants, while she keeps an eye out for Tracksuit Bro using those owl puppet things she has. Lacking anything better to do, I hit the books again. I don't get a whole lot that's useful out of the mythology this time around, though. No exploitable geas or anything. Character-wise, the dude sounds like kind of a dick -- big shock -- and he seems to have liked the ladies and the beast-men. That's about it.

In the end, it's Shirou making a phone call that does the trick. He just asks his Yakuza contact -- who, FYI, is Ms. Fujimura's dad, something that I for one did not know. Turns out there's this blonde Arab-looking guy who runs a nightclub called the Hidden Treasure in the city. He's rich, he's got connections, and under no circumstances should he be messed with. I could've told them that last part.

So we've got a location. Now what?

> raid nightclub with squad

Yeah, I think that's a no-go. Not only are they about to get real busy with Rider and Caster starting tomorrow, but he'd probably be able to tell they're coming. (Servants can sense other Servants, right?) On top of that, Saber's been real touchy since Friday. So bringing her along might not be the best thing for my personal health. Even if she is the only other person who might recognize him.

> fine
> infiltrate nightclub alone

Small issue there, too, chief. It's 20+ only. Meaning that unless Rin has a way to magic me past things, I'm going to need a few days to figure out how to Photoshop myself up a fake ID.

> learning new skills

Sure, I guess. Having a hard time seeing myself putting this on a future resume, though...


> skip forward to: iteration 28, day 6, early night

The bouncer eyes me and my "driver's license" suspiciously. But I guess sneaking into the teacher's lounge to use the laminator yesterday pays off, because he lets me through anyway. I imagine it's not the first scanjob the Hidden Treasure has seen in its time.

> enter

As you might have guessed, the inside of the club is basically my idea of hell. Crowded, hot, way too goddamn loud. They're even playing the sucky kind of techno. It's that group -- you know the one I'm talking about, the one that gets all the radio airtime. I'd name names, but frankly I feel like retaining that information would make me less of a person.

> just try to blend in

Pluuuuh. Yeah, me? Still, I guess I do have a lot of experience as a wallflower. I just try and make myself as small as possible. Everyone seems to ignore me. So... success?

I park myself at the end of the bar and try to look around. It's dimly lit, there's this annoying strobe light that kicks in every few seconds, and the music is loud enough to make me think my head's going to explode.

But once my eyes adjust, he's easy enough to spot. There he is, Blondie McTracksuit himself. He's sitting at a table that's elevated slightly above the rest of the VIP section, in between two gorgeous women. Along with...

... hold on. Is that fucking Shinji?

> you're kidding

I wish. Looks like he's having the time of his life, too. He would, too -- up above all the little people. It's probably everything he's ever wanted.

> see if you can get a picture with your cell phone

Easier said than done, the way the light is in here. I mentioned the strobe, right? At the very least, I'm going to need to get closer to them.

> try it

Okay. I get up and make worm my way through the dance floor. I hug the edge of the VIP section like I'm heading for the bathrooms, then raise my phone like I just got a text and snap a picture.

The flash goes off, of course. Goddamn it. I wince and brace myself for whatever. But nothing comes.

Okay, take the win. I head for the bathrooms. Mission accomplished, I think? Now all I need to to do is pretend to go in, and then I can get out of this hellhole --

"Hey!" A big gorilla of a dude -- wearing the same kind of black shirt the bouncer outside had -- grabs my shoulder.

> shit



> skip forward

I hit the concrete hard. My cheek throbs in that way that suggests I picked up a scrape there and it's bleeding. Really hope that's it for tonight, but I wouldn't put money on it.

Surprisingly, it's not the gorilla who threw me out into the alley behind the club. Instead, I'd found myself transferred to one of Tracksuit Bro's arm candy, this punk rock-looking white girl in this little gold dress and long black opera gloves. Guess she heads up the muscle around here. I cautiously pick myself up off the ground. "Sorry," I mumble again.

"Tell me... who gave you permission to take my picture, little mongrel? Who said you were worthy of so much as looking at me?"

... aw, crap. I turn to see Gilgamesh standing over me, that knife-like smirk on his face.

"Suh." I swallow. "S-sorry, dude. Really. I just liked the way the light looked, I swear."

"Hup up up." He raises a finger. "Now... who said you were worthy of speaking to me?"

Punk Rock Girl punches me in the head. I go down like a sack of bricks. Fucking fuck.

> notice details in spite of pain

Of which there is a lot, by the way. (Gah. Is Punky Brewster packing brass knuckles under those gloves or something?! Or am I just a wuss you know what don't answer that.) Looking up, my vision swimming, I don't see a whole lot that seems relevant here. I notice stuff about the eye candy, I guess.

> of course you do

You can snark when one of them isn't beating the shit out of me, okay? Punk Rock Girl has short pink hair and these big mirror shades. I'm shocked she can see anything through the things. She's got a decent amount of muscle on her arms, like she's a bodybuilder or a MMA fighter or something. The other harem member's a lot more conventional. She looks like she came straight out of a idol competition, with just a hint of the whole desperate post-innocence phase. Turquoise streak in her hair. She just clings to Gilgamesh's arm, clad in the exact same outfit as Punk Rock Girl, a carefully neutral expression on her face. Guess she must be the dandere.

"And again with the arrogance." Gilgamesh sounds amused. "Who gave you permission to stare at my property, wretch?" Punk Rock Girl kicks me in the side. Gahhhhhhgh.

> "property"
> because that's not creepy or anything

Preaching to the choir. Neither woman says a thing, though. No disturbing implications there or anything, no sir.

> try to say something maybe

He just said I didn't have permission to talk, remember? He's been wearing the same smirk this entire time. This is obviously just a power trip for him.

"Hey, hey, Gil," another voice says. "Let's not get too carried away here."

Oh goddamn it it's Shinji.

> speaking of power trips

"I think I recognize this guy." Shinji grins. "He goes to my school. Class B, right? I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. How about we let this slide, just this once?"

"Oh, very well." Gilgamesh sounds bored. "I suppose that I can simply gut him like a fish if I ever lay my eyes on him again. Come." He snaps his fingers. Punk Rock Girl immediately returns to his side and takes his arm, like he's the Fonz or some shit, I guess. They turn and go back into the club.

"Now, how about that, pal?" Shinji leers down at me. "Aren't you lucky that you know me, Shinji Matou? Isn't it fortunate I was here? I just saved your life, you know. You'll remember that you owe me from now on, won't you?"

Oh, I owe you something, jackhole. Right now, though, I've got no choice but to grit my teeth. "Yeah," I mumble. "Thanks."

Or at least that's what I try to say. It suddenly occurs to me as I finish that there's quite a bit of blood in my mouth. I spit it onto the ground, and... oh. Um. Yeah. Speaking of teeth... that's a tooth, isn't it. One of mine. Just lying there on the concrete.

"Oof." Shinji tisks in faux sympathy. "Better get that looked at, dude. My friends, well... let's just say they can play a little rough."

Grinning like a smug baboon, he walks back into the club.

> fucking hell

It's okay, I tell myself. It'll reset in the next loop. All the same, I sweep up the bit of bone and shove it into my pocket. (Somehow doubt they'd give me a glass of milk or water to put it in if I went back inside and asked.) Besides, it's good. It's all good.

Because in the midst of all that preening and ego fluffing, none of them actually thought to break or steal my phone.

I get on my feet and stumble my way down the alleyway. Up until someone grabs me up by the back of my collar. Oh, what fucking now --
There's the sound of a blade being drawn. Then Saber's standing over the table, her arm thrust towards me. I feel the point of her sword press into my trachea. "Perhaps I need to make myself clear," she snarls. "That man is not -- and will never be -- an ex-anything to me. Apart from, God willing, exsanguinated!

"... what?" She notices that Rin has her hand raised. "... oh." She awkwardly completes the high-five.

"Yisssss," Rin whispers under her breath. "That's why you're Baeber."

I love how you can insert these little moments of humour so seamlessly. And the encounter with Gilgamesh goes about as well as expected. I guess that conversation isn't happening this loop, huh? Him being the rich owner of a night club is fitting, although I'm a little surprised he's willing to tolerate the presence of so many mongrels in such an enclosed space.
Just read all your FFN chapters and this seems pretty interesting so far. I'm curious how the timeloop works as he doesn't seem to carry any damage between loops. Even when he gets hit with stuff that should really fuck up his soul like grail mud he only feels lots of pain then loops. So is every loop recycling his soul and getting rid of all the "junk" picked up in-between loops? He can't be reincarnating into the past because that would lead to his body degrading. The only thing I can think that would keep his soul all in one piece is somehow either the grail or a 3rd magic user is helping him out, otherwise I'm pretty sure his soul would be fucked up. Or he could have a really weird origin like "Time" that could allow him to loop
Part II.10

> continue: iteration 28, day 6, late night

"Ow," I mumble, trying not to whimper. It's tough to talk around the mass of gauze in my mouth, not to mention while holding an ice pack to my lower jaw to tamp down on the swelling. No helping it, though. I look up at the person across the table. "There's nothing, uh, special you could do about this, right? Like... make me grow a new one or something?"

"Believe it or not, magical dentistry really isn't something I've spent much time on." Rin pushes back her hair and stares at my cell phone screen.

We're down in her dad's workshop in the basement of her house. Archer brought me here after he picked me up out of the alleyway. Seems that Rin sent him out to keep an eye on me tonight, albeit from a distance to avoid Gilgamesh picking up on his presence. He stands over by the door, arms folded, doing his whole Cool Detached Badass shtick. My tooth sits in a red-stained glass of milk on the table next to Rin's first aid kit, amid the scattered piles of books and notes.

"This is him?" She taps on Gilgamesh's face in the midst of the grainy photo.

"Yep." The bandage over the big scrape on my cheek comes loose again. I press down on it with my pinky.

"I've seen him before." Rin closes my phone and slides it back to me. "Twice."

I raise my eyebrows. "Seriously?"

She nods. "The first time was last week. I ran across him and Sakura talking down the road from her house."

"About what?"

"I couldn't get close enough to hear them. She obviously wasn't happy to see him, though. I could tell that much." Rin furrows her brow. "Then today, I saw him hanging around outside the Matous' house. Like he was waiting for someone, I guess? But no one came out. Eventually, he just wandered off."

Seems like ol' Gil's in pretty thick with the Matous, then. The occasional murder and/or literal stolen heart aside.

Rin runs her hands through her hair. "Do you think he has something to do with... whatever happens to her next week?"

I shrug. "Maybe. Right now, your guess is as good as mine." I glance at one of the book piles. "Any luck finding out what a karagoze is?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing. It's probably either a von Einzbern secret or just something really specialized. Mages aren't the greatest at sharing information, you know?"

Sounds like I'll need to make time to ask Illya about it at some point, then. Which is probably what I should've done in the first place, if I'd been thinking about it.

> lot going on right now

"So, wait..." I blink. "What were you doing outside the Matous today?"

"G-gathering information, of course!" Rin juts out her chin and looks away, her face reddening. "Don't go reading into things! It's not like I'm worried about her or anything!"

"Uh... huh." I spend a second or two processing that reaction. "Hold on. Real talk: is this a magic thing? Does that contract geas you're under keep you from even acting like you care about Sakura?"

"Wait, you know about that? Well... no, not exactly, but..." She deflates and looks away. "I guess pretending like I don't care just makes the rest of it easier to handle. And it makes explaining things a lot easier, too. What else am I supposed to tell normies? 'I have to keep my distance from that person, or this spell I'm under gives me migraines?'"

"It does?" I raise my eyebrows. "You've never mentioned that before."

She shrugs and waves at the shelves and piles of books around her. "My inheritance as a Tohsaka, you know? It may not be much fun... but it's all I have."


> skip forward

She has Archer show me out. I pause on the way out of the door. "So... um, thanks, you know? For getting me out of there and everything." It occurs to me for the first time that -- despite having frigging died in his vicinity a bunch of times now -- I really don't know much about him. Even Saber's less of a mystery by comparison at this point.

He narrows his eyes. "You do realize I was watching the whole time they were beating the shit out of you, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, but..." Actually, I hadn't thought of that. "... it's not like I don't get it, though. If you had tried something, he probably just would've straight-out killed me. So still... thanks."

Archer rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I was just following orders. Don't go thinking I'd be bailing you out of anything if it was up to me." I snort. "What?"

"'It's not like I care or anything, baka!'" I do my best Asuka Soryu -- or maybe Shana? -- impression. "You and Rin really do suit each other, don't you?"

He glares at me. "Are you actively trying to lose more teeth tonight? Because I can make that happen."

I shrug. "Hey, maybe. Don't be kink-shaming, bro."

"Remember that leaving thing you were doing?" A blade materializes in his hand.

"Okay, okay." I raise my hands and walk outside. "See you around, Not Actually Tsunde --"

He slams the door shut behind me. Okay, then. Still, good to know he's got at least one button I know how to press.

> living dangerously here huh

Oh, what's he gonna do? Kill me again? And you're one to talk. I practically learned how to troll from you.

> eh
> touche

Gotta find our lulz where we can, right?


> skip forward

I stop by Emiya's on the way back. He's asleep, but his Servant is still up. "Unbelievable," Saber growls as she stares at the cell phone picture. "It really is him."

"Told you," I said. "Also, please don't break my cell phone." The way her hand's curled around it, I wouldn't be shocked to find a crack or two.

She hands me back the phone and turns away. "... I will need to think on this."

"Sure, okay." I scratch the back of my head. "Just remember to tell Shirou in the morning, okay?"

"Mmh." She nods distractedly.

I turn to leave, then hesitate. Okay... it would probably be a mistake to bring this up. She's obviously upset about this Gilgamesh thing, and talking about the last war back on Friday seemed pretty difficult for her. So I shouldn't say anything at all, right?

> if you have to ask yourself that question
> the answer is yes
> always

... eh, screw it. I'm curious. "Hey, one more thing," I say. "... you're not Bradamante, right?"

She stares at me. "Who?"

I shrug. "Yeah, okay, didn't think so. Never mind."

I head for the door. Before I can open it, she slams her hand on the frame, preventing me from sliding it open. "Wait. Why do you ask? Who is Bradamante?"

> oh my god
> you dumbass

I try to sound casual. "Oh... y'know... no reason."

"That's a lie."

I shift my eyes away. "Well... it's just that she's the one female knight I was able to find. I mean, I figured it was a long shot. She's more associated with Charlemagne and Orlando and those guys, you're obviously tied in more to the Arthurian stuff..."

She twitches. The part of the door frame beneath her thumb splinters a little. "... what makes you say that?"

I squirm. "Well... you've got Excalibur, don't you? And you mentioned Morgan le Fay that one time --"

She grabs me by the neck and throws me against the wall. I barely manage to keep my tooth cup from spilling. Okay, yeah, mistake. This was definitely a mistake.

> oh ya think

"How," Saber growls, "do you know about my sword?"

"Saber, I'm... really not comfortable with this...," I wheeze.

Her hand tightens. "Answer me. Now."

Crap. I swallow. "You shout out its name whenever you make your big attack, that's all. It's kind of a giveaway, you know?"

She stares into my eyes. Her hair's all puffed out. Kind of looks like a lion's mane from this angle... which I guess makes me the zebra or the antelope or whatever? Okay, you know what, forget it, I really don't like where this metaphor is going.

I switch into terrified babbling mode. "So at first I was thinking Guinevere, or maybe the Lady in the Lake. 'Cause she's the one who wound up with the sword in the end, right? But that didn't fit, because you've obviously got the chivalric code going most of the time, and the stories don't talk about them doing any knightly stuff. So then I started looking into whether or not Arthur had any daughters -- but that doesn't work either, because if he had any legitimate heirs other than Mordred, the whole story falls apart..."

Saber closes her eyes and breaths out. Slowly, she relaxes, her hair falling back into place. She lets go of my throat and turns away. "I... apologize," she says stiffly. "That was unworthy of me. I was simply... surprised, that's all."

I rub my throat. Feels like I have a new bruise or two there. Great. You know, I still need to think about how I'm going to explain this to the parents in the morning. "Yeah, well... if that's your take on surprise, I'd hate to see you angry."

She sighs. "I would... appreciate you keeping what you have learned to yourself. I have reasons I would prefer my past remains buried, Thomas. Both for my sake and the sake of others. If Shirou were to find out the full truth..."

I blink. "You get that he's ridiculously non-judgmental, don't you? You'd have to have done something, like, slaughtering-babies-level bad to even phase him."

She shrugs. "All the same..."

I stare at her for a second. I wonder... she couldn't be Morgan, right? Maybe gone repentant after Arthur's death? ... nah. I don't buy it. Aside from it being a huge shift in her established character, I don't think you can live a whole lifetime as a sorcerer only to respec as a fighter at the last second. Big Dungeon Master in the sky can't be that nice.

"Thank you for bringing me this information," Saber says quietly. "If you wouldn't mind... I find myself quite tired now."

"Oh. Uh... sure." I turn and make my exit. Welp. guess I'm two for two on pissing off Servants tonight, huh?

> make that three for three

Oh, right, Gilgamesh. Can't forget about the King of Dicks, can we...


> skip to: iteration 28, day 7, evening

So I wind up spending the next day almost entirely at the dentist. My parents freak out about the whole thing, of course, even if they buy my story about getting mugged while I was out in town. My "mandibular first premolar" -- that's what they call the tooth I lost -- is toast for sure. I know I'll have it back as soon as I loop, but it still feels weird. I just can't seem to stop poking at the gap in my teeth with my tongue. On top of that, they think there might be bone fragments left in the gum, so I might have to go in for a root canal next week. Joy. Wonder if I could convince them to Novocaine me up through the apocalypse?

I'm home at last, lying in bed, hopped up on enough Tylenol to poison a giraffe, when my cell phone goes off. "Get into the city. Now," Rin says. "Meet us at that Hidden Treasure place."

I snort. "You're kidding me, right? I told you what McTracksuit said he'd do if I showed up again, didn't I?"

"I know, I know, but listen." Rin takes a deep breath. "Saber showed up at my place after school, all right? Without Shirou. On a freaking motorcycle. I already called him -- he doesn't know anything about this, or where she got the bike from."

Okay, weird. But I'm still not seeing the crisis here. "So what?"

"She asked if she could borrow another outfit from me. For clubbing."

... oh, goddammit it. Saber's going after Gilgamesh alone, isn't she.
Part II.11

> continue: iteration 28, day 7, early night

So, in spite of myself, I show up. Even though I know Gilgamesh has probably informed the bouncers to watch out for me, and as soon as I show my face they'll rush me away so he can do that fish-gutting thing he mentioned. Good thing I'm inured to death at this point, right? Eheh heh heh nope I'm totally not. But I'm not seeing any sign of Saber or Rin in the line outside... so it can't be helped.

To my shock, the bouncer lets me through without a second glance. It's a different guy than last night, at least. Still, the process is so easy, it immediately makes me paranoid. It's a trap, right? It has to be. I couldn't have just lucked out... right?

Once again, I timidly pass through the gates of hell. Music's a bit better tonight, at least. Just as I walk in, the DJ starts blasting that one cover of "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" with the Spanish guitar.

> find saber and/or rin

I dodge and weave my way through the crowd, trying to keep as far away from the VIP area as I can. Past the coat check, through the sit-down area directly in front of the front door, around this insanely hot woman in a lavender dress -- I've almost made it to the bar before someone grabs my shoulder. I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from shrieking.

But it's just Rin, thank God, with Shirou standing close behind her. "Where's Saber?" I shout, but I can barely hear myself over the music. She shakes her head and leads me back behind the sit-down area and through the sizable line to the ladies' bathroom.

We huddle up. "We haven't seen her yet," Rin says. "You?"

"Nope. Did she say anything at all about what her plan was here?" Rin shakes her head. Figures.

"Should I just summon her?" Shirou asks, holding up the hand with his Command Seals.

"Better not," Rin mutters. "You've only got the one left, remember?"

"Also, side note here -- um, damn?" I gesture to, well, all of Rin. She's wearing this lowcut corset with a long slitted dress that perfectly frames her legs, along with these cuffed evening gloves and ladybug stockings, all in her trademark shade of red. Also, there's this kind of playing card motif around the waist that vaguely reminds me of Harley Quinn? It kinda checks lot of boxes for me, is what I'm trying to say.

> guh
> will you just move on already

She arches an eyebrow. "Thanks. Did you seriously just wear your school uniform here?"

I shrug helplessly. "Well... yeah. I mean, what else was I gonna wear?"

She rolls her eyes. "Okay, here's the plan. You keep your head down and watch the entrance, Nehru. Shirou, you check the bar. I've got the dance floor." With that, Rin vanishes into the crowd.

I look over at Shirou. He's wearing a white muscle shirt and -- for some reason -- a stovepipe top hat. "Am I -- what should I be wearing? Do other people just know these things somehow?"

He shrugs. "Don't look at me. I'm just following the commander's orders."

I raise my eyebrows. "She picked this out for you?"

He shakes his head. "She just said on the phone to dress like I was going to a gay bar."

I stare at him. "But... um. How do you..." I catch myself. "You know what? Never mind. I'm just gonna leave that door closed."

"Huh?" He gives me a confused look. "But -- I mean, there's a reason --"

"Forget it. It's cool. Let's just go find your Servant, dude." I pat him on the shoulder and walk off to my assigned zone.

I may be finally starting to wise up here. There are some things in this universe that are none of my business, you know? And I am perfectly fine not knowing about them. I've learned that about myself.

> so how would you react to those instructions

Fuck if I know. Uncle Shin had this thing for Hawaiian shirts, so I guess -- wait. NOPE NOPE NO shutting this thread down. Shutting it right the fuck down.

> heh heh heh

Why do you feel compelled to do this to me? At the worst possible moments, no less.

> hey gotta find my lulz where i can

... I really should have known that line was going to come back to haunt me.

> you really shoulda


> skip forward

Keeping my eye on the entrance is a lot more difficult than you'd think. Not only is there a constant stream of people heading in and out, but Lavender Woman is sitting at a table alone just inside my field of vision. She's... a bit of a distraction.

> focus will you

I'm trying! It's like having a TV on right in front of me. A tall, willowy TV with striking eyes and a short skirt, no less. Just draws the eye in, you know?

> ugh

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out what Saber must be thinking here. Which is difficult, considering how freaking cryptic she has to be about everything. Still, no matter how pissed off at Big G she is, she's not gonna completely throw strategy to the wind here, right? She's smarter than that.

> probably yeah

So how will she play this? Trying to sneak up and gank him in the crowd doesn't seem like her at all. Not to mention, this place is packed to the gills with non-combatants. She'll need to come up with a way to get everyone out of the way here. Maybe grab one of the employees and make them call Gilgamesh outside? Or pull one of the fire alarms? Or --

A massive steel telephone pole crashes down through the front wall and crushes one of the big amps next to the DJ booth. The speaker tower screeches like a banshee and dies.

Or... that could work too, I guess.

The music cuts out. Everyone immediately backs away. In the stunned silence, I hear a motorcycle engine rev.

> are you kidding me

A Kawasaki bike races through the thin slit punched in the wall and up the pole. It ramps over a group of stragglers nearby the collapsed amp -- without taking off any of their heads in the process -- and somehow manages to land in the exact right spot on the crowded dance floor where it can screech to a halt without injuring or killing anyone. I have absolutely no idea how any of that works, but it does.

"Holy shit," this one guy nearby the motorcycle says in a dazed tone. "Is that a sword?"

Cue the screaming and running.

> holy shit indeed

I press myself against the wall to avoid getting crushed as the panicked mob rushes for the doors. At least the place seems to be up to code. I hear alarms scream as emergency exits get thrown open. The room clears, faster than I would've believed possible.

Saber pulls off the yellow motorcycle helmet on her head and tosses it aside. Drawing her blade, clad in full armor, she steps off the bike and faces the VIP section. "Gilgamesh, son of Lugalbanda!" she shouts above the tumult. "I would have words with you!"

> daaamn gurl

Above all the noise from the rapidly departing clientele, I hear another sound. Ah, yes. The villainous slow clap. A true classic.

"Well, well, well! As I live and breathe! Good evening, King of Knights!" Gilgamesh smirks down at her from the VIP section. He sits alone at his high table with his feet up, a glass of wine in hand. No sign of Punk Rock Girl or anyone else by his side. "You have my thanks for livening up a dreadfully dull night. Isn't this a bit showy for that ridiculous code of yours, though?"

"Your footman outside appeared to think I required some form of identification in order to enter," Saber snaps. "I trust this demonstration serves as sufficient proof of my person?"

"Oh, indeed. As host, I must apologize for my servant's insolence. Allow me to repay you for the insult with his meager life."

"That isn't --" From outside comes the sound of metal sinking into flesh and a loud scream which is abruptly cut short. Saber winces.

> get over to saber

... are you sure that's a great idea? I mean, he's looking right at her. Though I guess he probably must be able to see me anyway by this point... the room's just about empty. Moving slowly, I pick my way through the discarded chairs and pushed-over tables towards the dance floor.

"Enough. How are you still here?" Saber points her sword at Gilgamesh. Excalibur's blade is visible at the moment. I guess she decloaked it so the crowd knew she meant business. "You seem... different."

"Spending ten years in this poor excuse for an age does that to one. Even to me." Gilgamesh swirls the wine in his glass. Classy bastard. "As to the how, let's just say I made... certain arrangements before the end of the last war."

"Why?" Saber demands. "What could you possibly have to gain?"

"Aside from entertainment, you mean?" Gilgamesh shrugs. "The same as you, I suppose. A second chance. Less for myself, of course, and more for the pack of mutts known as the human race. An opportunity to return this bedraggled species to its former glory, free from the chains of so-called modernity."

Saber narrows her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"Please, Saber." He grins. "It'd be one thing if you intended to join me. In the meantime, what kind of king reveals his strategy to an opponent?"

"Strategy? I hear no tactics in your words, only madness."

Gilgamesh snorts. "You're one to talk. What were you thinking, sending your Master in ahead of you? You're fortunate I'm such a gracious host."

"My -- what?" Saber turns to see Shirou and Rin standing over by the bar. He's holding a Reinforced mike stand at the ready. Rin seems to have acquired his top hat at some point. (Can't blame her -- it really works with the dress.) Saber whips around again to see me crouched behind the bike. I give her a small wave.

"So what do you think of my new Servant, Emiya?"

Oh, goddammit. It's Shinji. He steps out by the end of the bar, a gloating smile on his face. Gilgamesh just rolls his eyes and takes a long pull from his wine glass. "Amazing, don't you think?" he says. "That I managed to find another one so soon? Not to mention, one so much stronger than that stupid whore I used to have --"

"What are you doing here?!" Saber hisses to me as he blathers on. "Have you all lost your senses?!"

"That's what we were gonna ask you!" I whisper. "I told you this guy stomped our asses last time, didn't I?! What the hell makes you think you can solo him?!"

"I'm the only one he doesn't want to kill!" Saber growls. "Having to protect you three makes this fight a thousand times harder!"

"Oh. Huh. Yeah, okay, good point." I scratch my head. "Good thing you brought that up at the meeting we all OH WAIT." She snarls and looks away. I glance at her armor. "And anyway -- why'd you even ask Rin for another outfit if you were just gonna charge in like this?"

"I was curious, all right?!" she snaps. "I am allowed to be a multifaceted fucking individual!"

Meanwhile, Shinji's still talking. "-- wish you'd made an alliance with me? Doesn't it make you want to beg me on your hands and knees? I promise that I might even consider it --"

"Uh-huh," Rin says, sounding bored. "Yeah. Cool story. Hey, did you just say you were this guy's mana source?"

Shinji blinks. "Um..."

"Sweet. Thanks." She lifts her finger and blasts him between the eyes with a Gandr shot. Shinji slumps to the ground. His head still seems to be in one piece, so I presume he's just unconscious.

"Oi!" Shirou gives her an injured look.

"Oh, what?!" she snaps.

"Rin!" I can't help but reproach her myself. Certain things are just unacceptable, you know? "Shoot first, then the one-liner! He's got less time to dodge that way."

Rin shrugs. Shirou shoots me a glare and shakes his head.

Gilgamesh just smirks and snaps his fingers. Shinji disappears in a flurry of bronze ripples. "A suitable jester, don't you think?" he says to Saber. "What he lacks in mana, he makes up in entertainment value. More so than that whelp's father, at least." He motions towards Rin.

Rin blinks. "Wait, wha?"

"But enough talk." Gilgamesh puts his feet down on the floor, his eyes gleaming in a way I find profoundly uncomfortable. "We have unfinished business, you and I. That is why you came here, yes?"

"Erm." Saber glances over at Shirou. "Perhaps --"

"Worry not, my dear." There's something in this guy's smile that makes his teeth look razor-sharp. "I've waited ten years for this moment. I have no intention of rushing things. Kitten?"

There's another flash. One member of the arm candy from last night is standing in between us and Gilgamesh. Not Punk Rock Girl, the other one -- the fallen idol with the turquoise streak in her hair. She giggles and waves at us.

"Seriously?" Shirou blinks. "You want us to fight her? She doesn't even have a --"

A steel ball comes out of nowhere and slams into his gut. He reels and falls back against the bar. "... weapon," he coughs. "Never mind..." Yeah, he kinda set himself up for that one.

'Kitten' pulls the ball back to her using a long chain. Oh, crap. I know this thing. It's that one Chinese weapon -- two big weights connected by a chain. What's it called again? A dragon's fist? Flying hammer? Something like that. Anyway, she swings the chain over her head, dancing and twirling like a frigging combat ballerina or something. As she does, her appearance shifts and blurs, her features vanishing.

When she finally strikes a pose, chain held ready, I find myself looking at a lithe metallic frame. Small whirring gears and cogs work away within her exposed ribcage, while gold-plated muscles flex over copper bones. Like a living sculpture, or an ornately-carved anatomy doll. Her face is simply a metal skull, with two emerald gems set within her eye sockets.

Holy shit. When he said property last night... he actually meant property.

> i wouldn't jump to any conclusions

"I may not have as many followers as that Iskandar," Gilgamesh remarks, "but I am not without resources."

Bronze ripples spread throughout the abandoned club. All around us, skull-headed suits of golden armor step out into the world. They're all bigger and bulkier than Kitten, covered in metal plates -- and armed with blades, spears, clubs, you name it. They also all seem to be wearing the same black t-shirts the club bouncers had on. Rin helps Shirou to his feet. They rush over to join us on the dance floor as the constructs surround us.

"The ussu-u-ussu," Gilgamesh says. "A legion of my finest warriors, their spirits bound within living suits of armor, so that they may guard my treasures for eternity. They've been quite eager to meet you, Saber. They wish to see for themselves whether or not you're worthy of joining them in my service."

We draw back into a circle as the golems approach. Not like I have any clue what to do about the dudes on my side. I glance over at Rin, who's hurriedly digging through her purse. (Probably looking for gems. Why didn't she just keep them in her -- oh, right. Dress equals no pockets. Fuckin' patriarchy.) "Now might be a good time for Archer to make an appearance," I mutter to her.

"I... um..." Rin glances furtively back at Shirou. "I didn't bring him."

"You what?!" I just figured he'd been doing his whole invisible man bit this whole time. "Why would you -- call him in, then!"

"I'm trying!" she hisses. "He's not answering."

"Well, try harder! Why the fuck wouldn't you bring him?! That makes no sense!"

"You!" Gilgamesh raises his hand.

Oh, balls. He's pointing at me, isn't he. Fuck. "Uh..."

"You look suitably worthless." Gilgamesh looks down on me, without the slightest hint of recognition on his face.

Wait, wait, wait. Hold the phone here.

Does he... seriously not remember me?

Oh, come on, dude! It was just last night! I can't be that unmemorable... I think...

> yeah given the circumstances i wouldn't complain too much

Something grabs my shoulders. Before I can even yell, there's a flash of golden light. The next thing I know, I'm being tossed into the DJ booth.

Shit, what the fuck? Did he just teleport me? I get my bearings -- okay, still in the club. There's Saber and the rest down on the dance floor below me, surrounded by the mob of constructs. There's the bar across the room, and Saber's parked motorcycle.

And there's the brass golem standing right fucking next to me in the booth, staring me down with the dead rubies in its eyes. Shit.

"Play something suitable for this dance, mongrel." Gilgamesh pulls out a bottle of wine from beneath the table and tops off his glass. "Choose wisely. If I don't like what I hear, I'll have my warrior disembowel you."

"Um," I say. I glance around the booth. A disorganized pyramid of CDs in the corner. Whole bunch of control boards I know absolutely nothing about. Wireless microphone lying out on the table. Oh wait thank God -- there's a laptop. With iTunes already up on the screen, no less. But still... what does he expect me to --

"You have until the count of ten," Gilgamesh adds cheerfully. A nasty-looking serrated blade pops out of the golem's wrist.

Oh, God dammit! I rush over to the laptop and start scrolling down the DJ's immense collection. How am I supposed to -- I don't know any of this shit! It's all European crap!

Could kinda use some help here! Any advice?!

> just don't pick anything by the eagles
> people can be real snobs about them for some reason

AGHHH fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuuuuu --

Oh. Hey. There's something.

I glance up. Rin's still messing with her purse. Okay. Deep breath. Let's see if I can buy her a few more seconds.

I seize the microphone and turn it on. "And here we go," I say, trying to make my voice sound as bored and disinterested as I can, despite the pants-wetting terror. Gilgamesh raises an eyebrow. "Welcome back to K-Billy's Super Sounds of the Seventies. We're gonna keep on truckin' with this Dylanesque pop bubblegum favorite from April 1970. That's right, folks. It's Stealers Wheel, with 'Music to Cut Ears To.'"

I double-click the track. The torture scene song from Reservoir Dogs kicks in.

Gilgamesh listens. "... eh. Could be worse," he says. "Congratulations, mongrel. You get to live for another three minutes."

> quick
> queue up 'battle without honor and humanity' while you can

Ooh, they have that? Anyway, that's right about when Rin throws a grenade gem into the middle of the horde. Then it's on.
Part II.12

> continue: iteration 28, day 7, early night

> well i don't know why i came here tonight
> i got the feeling that something ain't right

It takes me another minute or two to throw together a playlist with the few tracks I recognize. Which doesn't sound like much, but hey, you try working with a brawl happening like three meters away. Regardless, that gives me a little breathing room.

I look up and check in on how the battle's going. Huh. Surprisingly well so far, actually. Saber seems to be everywhere at once. As I watch, she swings her sword in a wide arc, sending a shockwave through the air that knocks a crowd of golems away like flies. Then she turns and cleaves the construct behind her straight through the neck, taking off its skull and producing a spurt of silver fluid. (So the magical robot soldiers bleed? Wow. That's just excessive.) Shirou seems to be holding his own so far, too. He's dueling with a single opponent right now, his mike stand against the golem's... I dunno, some kind of falchion, maybe. Rin kneels behind Saber's motorcycle, using it as cover while she pelts the mob with Gandr blasts. (I don't see any sign of Kitten. Did she already get scrapped?)

"Rin!" Saber hollers over the noise. "Be careful with that! I gave my word that I would return it intact!"

"Return it where?" Rin shouts back. "Where'd you even get this thing?!"

"The dealership!"

"You bought it?!" The color drains from Shirou's face. As one might expect from the guy likely to get stuck with the bill.

"Of course not!" Saber knocks away a blow from a spear, then whirls in and cuts the wielder down. "I'm test-driving it!"

"That's not how that works, Saber!" Shirou yells. He gets inside the golem's reach and bashes it over the head, sending it reeling back, a big dent in its skull. "That's not how that works at all!"

"Why not? I drove it! And it is clearly being tested!"

I glance over at Gilgamesh. He doesn't look particularly bothered by the sight of his mooks getting shredded. He just sits there with that same goddamn smirk on his face, taking the occasional sip of wine.

So why doesn't Saber just try and blast him with Excalibur already? Oh, wait, duh... we're in the middle of the city. No matter how she angled it, who knows how much collateral damage we'd be looking at? Man... this battle is just a terrible idea for us on every level, isn't it?

> yup
> say hi to our old friend charlie foxtrot

Okay, next order of business. Is there anything -- anything at all -- that I can do to help them from here? I scan the booth. There's a light board on the table to my side. I could try putting on the strobe... but honestly, that seems just as likely to hurt the squad as it might help. Or I could cut the lights altogether -- but same problem, and besides, don't constructs get darkvision as standard?

Otherwise, there's two bigass sound boards, the laptop, a huge power supply/circuit breaker for the amps, and the microphone. I guess it'd be easy enough to create some feedback with the mike -- just turn it on and hold it close to a speaker. But would that even hurt these things? They don't have ears, at least of the obvious fleshy variety.

Which leads me to my other little problem. I look over at the golem standing guard in the booth with me. It stares back.

> examine golem

Sure. It looks to be generally pretty typical of the other armored-type constructs out on the dance floor. No black bouncer t-shirt, though. (Maybe they ran out?) A little over two meters tall. Unlike Kitten, I notice, its skull lacks a jaw. (I guess she must be the exception to the rule, probably an elite unit or a light skirmisher or something.)

Otherwise, as I mentioned, its 'eyes' are blood-red rubies. The body reminds me vaguely of European full plate armor, albeit made out of brass or gold or maybe really shiny bronze instead of steel. Metalwork's surprisingly ornate when viewed up close -- lots of strange runes and vaguely animalistic patterns engraved on its surface. Its hands currently hang stiffly by its sides. The extended wrist blade (which I suspect the other golems don't have; this one's vambraces look particularly beefed up by comparison) is maybe thirty to forty centimeters long and dull silver in color, its jagged edges slightly rusted in a few places.

There's no helmet or anything to protect the neck or the skull; the armor ends at the gorget. Otherwise, I'm not seeing any obvious weak points. No big glowy bits that scream 'bash here for extra damage.' Or any kind of off switch.

> anything else around you

Yeah, actually... I sniff the air. Something's burning. Smells like insulation or plastic. Coming from...

Oh. Shit. It's coming from the direction of that speaker tower Saber crushed on her way in. Right by the exit to the booth. Is there still live current going to that thing? Because fuck that oh so very much.

> can you stop it

Maybe? I'd need to get a closer look first. I look around. Work gloves -- work gloves -- c'mon, work gloves. No work gloves. Fuck. Okay. Guess the cloth ones I'm wearing are gonna have to do. I head over to the amp --

Or, at least, that's the plan before I find the wrist blade up against my neck. Golden boy's a lot faster than it looks.

> think fast

I take a deep breath and look it right in the... well... rubies. "Okay. Look, Conan the Terminator. Chances are I'm probably already gonna die in this whole mess. Thing is, I'd still kinda like to not burn to death in an electric fire while I'm waiting for that to happen. You get me?"

It doesn't move. Another golem gets thrown against the wall next to the booth and slides to the ground.

I sigh. "Fine. Let's try this instead. Your boss gave me a job to do, so I might as well do it right. Plus, this is all his stuff anyway, isn't it? You really think he wants it to get destroyed by accident?"

It eyes me suspiciously. Somehow.

"Look, I won't even need to leave the booth all the way, okay? I can just kinda lean off the edge." Which is true. The broken amp is that close. "Just let me do this before there's a fire? Please?"

The golem hesitates. Then it slowly removes the blade from my throat. I breath out. "Thank you."

It raises its hand. Points to its eye sockets, then at me. Then pops out the wrist blade on its other arm.

"Yeah, yeah, message received..." I blink. "Wait... can you not talk?"

It shakes its head.

"Huh. Wokay, then." Weird design choice. I shrug and head over to the crushed amp.

The smell of burning definitely gets stronger the closer I get to the speaker tower. Bits of destroyed tweeters and mid-range drivers lie across the floor. The steel utility pole Saber smashed through the wall still rests propped up on top of it. (Geez -- looks like she tore it straight out of the concrete.) A mangled length of overhead power line hangs limply from the top of the mast. It winds back through the breach and into the street outside the club, where it ends in a sad little pile. Mental note: I need to keep as far away from it and the pole as I can. I'm fairly certain the line isn't live, but there might be a short in the amp running through them. (Also, I really really need to stop antagonizing Saber. Like for forever and ever.)

> be careful

I get down on my hands and knees and crawl into the altogether-too-small-for-comfort gap between the pole and the floor, keeping my legs inside the booth as promised. For its part, the golem clanks over and stands next to me. It very carefully positions itself between me and the breach in the wall.

I glance up at it as I feel around the floor for cords beneath the debris. "So... you got a name or something?" Just making conversation, you know.

> it just told you it can't talk

See, that's what makes it fun. The golem hesistates, then taps a bit of cuniform embossed on its collarbone.

"Yeah, I can't read that, dude."

It thinks for a second. Then it raises one index finger, puts it down, raises it again, then holds up three more.

"1-1-4?" I ask. "That's your name? Your name is a number?"

It nods.

"Damn. Well, that's kinda a big ol' pile of bullshit, ain't it?"

It shrugs.

I turn back to the amp. "I'm gonna call you Iiyo, okay? That cool?"

The golem tilts his head.

"Iiyo? Iiyo," I say. "Done."


> skip forward

Long story short, I manage to find and pull the amp's power cord without killing myself. Then I neaten things up in that area so that we don't all burn to death. I guess my playlist isn't bad, because Gil just seems to forget about me after that. He doesn't even have me killed when "Lime in the Coconut" plays. (What can I say? I was desperate for a bridge track.)

Oh, and by the way, the entire time I'm doing this? The battle's still raging. Eventually, I figure out why things are taking so long, even though Saber's junking constructs left and right:

The golems keep getting back up.

I even get to see it happen up close, when one that Saber sliced in frigging half straight through its armor slumped down next to the broken amp. That silver blood the golems leak all over the place? It almost immediately started to coalesce and draw itself back together, like droplets of mercury on a plate. Eventually, the quicksilver collected and soaked back into the body. A big tear in the chestplate knitted itself together, and the golem started moving again. It reattached its legs to its torso and got back on its feet. So... self-repair nanobots? Built-in healing potion? I don't have a clue.

Main thing is this: Gilgamesh made this fight into an endurance game. And we're losing.

Even Saber looks exhausted by now. She's facing off with Kitten again. I guess at some point, she chopped the flying hammer's chain in half, so the golem has only one weight to throw around instead of two. As I watch, Kitten launches the ball at her. Saber bats it away with her sword, like they're playing cricket or something -- but a coil of chain strikes her in the face, leaving a cut on her cheek.

As for the two Masters, Shirou's in pretty rough shape. Stab wounds and cuts all over the place, as per usual for him. He's still fighting, of course, but he's really slowed down. He's been struggling to deal with this one golem wielding a pair of short swords for the past few minutes. And Rin -- holy shit, Rin's actually meleeing. At some point, she picked up a sword that looks a little like a Chinese jian. She's doing really well with it, too -- holding off a whole crowd of golems by herself. Did you know she could do that? I had absolutely no idea.

> probably deliberate on her part
> that way she has something unexpected she can fall back on

Makes sense. But if that's the case, I'm guessing she must be way low on mana. Haven't seen her use a gem in a while, so she must be out of those, too. Doesn't look like she's hurt, but she lost Shirou's hat and her outfit's kinda gotten torn up. I'm... trying not to pay too much attention to that last part.

> you do that

Also, the Kawasaki has been pushed over on its side and kinda trampled on a bit. Hope Saber didn't make a safety deposit. And then there's me... trapped on the sidelines.

As the playlist switches to the's, a harsh squeal comes out of the speakers. I grimace and adjust some knobs on the sound board. The noise fades. I look over at Iiyo. "I was worried about this. We're getting harmonic resonance from the broken subwoofer. See that green cord over there?" I point to a thin audio cable over by the edge of the booth. "Go pull it out, okay? Don't cut it, pull it out. Got it?"

Iiyo seems to have relaxed a little since I didn't try to run off earlier -- he's stowed both wrist blades, for one thing. Still, this may be pushing our working relationship a bit too far. He crosses his arms and gives me a look.

"Look, I need to stay here, okay? We're close to a core overload as is." I make another few small changes on the sound board. "Anyway, you'll still be between me and the exit, won't you?"

He shifts back and forth on his feet reluctantly. As I suspected, though, ancient Sumerian warrior spirits really aren't up to date on the latest technobabble. He clanks over to the edge of the booth and bends down to get the green cable.

I hit the switch.

Which sends current down the broken amp's power cord. Which I shredded and rigged to the overhead line. Which I reeled in and wrapped around the steel utility pole, under the auspices of 'tidying things up.'

Aluminum wire coiled around a steel pole plus current equals electromagnet.

Which actually wouldn't be much of a problem for Iiyo, since he seems to be made mostly out of bronze or brass or gold or whatever, all of which I'm pretty sure aren't magnetic. But those wrist blades of his can rust. That means they're made out of iron.

Iiyo's wrist gets pulled straight to the pole, just in front of the coiled-up power line. Clink.

> ...
> ...
> ... dude

He immediately realizes what's going on and pops his other wrist blade. But that just puts it into the electromagnet's range, so it goes straight to the pole as well. Both arms now stuck, he twists his head around and glares at me over his shoulder, a furious glint in his rubies.

I grin. "Sorry, man. Nothing personal."

I crawl underneath the table next to me and out of the DJ booth.

> okay so now that
> that was impressive as fuck

It kinda was, wasn't it? Too bad I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna do now!

I come out from underneath the table amid a pile of scrapped golems, most of which are in the process of putting themselves back together. They're busy, though, so they don't seem to notice me. Battle on the dance floor's to my right. VIP section is in front of me. So I'm going that way, I guess?

> this seems less than wise

Oh, completely. If you can think of another option, let me know. In the meantime, I crawl across the pile of dented brass and shorn-off metal limbs. My hand bumps into something. I glance over to see a bronze dagger lying on the floor.

> pick up potentially useful object

It's no wrench or crowbar, but it's better than nothing. I grab the knife and keep going.

I get out of the scrap pile and to the edge of the VIP section. Okay, now I can try and think. Can I create some kind of distraction in the back of the club? Maybe draw some of the golems off the dance floor... then get back to the booth and kill the lights? That could work, I guess. I creep under the railing and behind a chair...

Then I hear Gilgamesh snort. "Really, little mongrel?" I look up to see him smirking down at me from his high table. Shit.

> so close

"I see you finally manage to outwit my collection's resident embarrassment." He motions towards Iiyo. The golem's actually dislodged the metal pole from the speaker tower and dragged it with him halfway across the booth. Pretty impressive. Iiyo notices the eyes of the boss on him and immediately falls to his knees. "No great feat, that. I wouldn't feel too proud of yourself. We'll discuss your punishment later, wretch!"

He calls that last bit out towards the DJ booth. Iiyo's head droops. Aw. Now I feel bad.

"Now, as for you..." He stands up. Seems pretty wasted, from the looks of things. I see at least five empty wine bottles sitting out on his table, with a sixth half empty. "You're lucky you came with such interesting company. Otherwise, I might have acted on my threat from last night."

Oh, so he now he remembers me. Yay... I guess...

> told you not to complain

"Tell me, boy... what exactly do you intend to do with that?" He gestures towards the dagger. "Saber did tell you about me, didn't she? I struggled with gods and monsters when the world was young. I tricked the giant Huwawa out of his powers. I crushed the Bull of Heaven's head beneath my axe! And you... you think that you can assassinate me? With what -- that butter knife?" He sniggers and shakes his head in disbelief.

I almost try to deny it, but there's no point, is there?

> nope

"Well?" Gilgamesh smirks. "Go on, then, little man. You've come all this way, haven't you? I'll even allow it -- you may strike me once. Consider it your payment for services rendered." I eye him. He gestures towards himself. "Well, come on! You've made me curious. It's not every day a mortal has the chance to strike a god. Let's see what strength remains in the blood of man, shall we?"

... I'm totally fucked here, aren't I.

> looks like

In the background, the playlist switches to the Black Mages' cover of the Final Fantasy battle theme. Last track.

I take a deep breath. I stand up. I square my shoulders.

I cross the three or four paces between me and him.

Then I reach out with my free hand and poke him in the nose with a finger. "Boop," I say, completely deadpan.

Incidentally, I forgot my gloves back in the DJ booth.



> download complete

"Right this way, Mr. Al-Samawah." The guard opens the door for me. I choose to ignore the slight of not being addressed by my proper title -- it's not as if the mongrel is worthy of knowing it, after all, much less speaking it -- and walk into the Hong Kong penthouse.

The interior of the room is devoid of furnishings, save for a passable view of the city through the windows, a single linen-clad table, and a generic thirtysomething in a business suit. He bows as I enter. "Your Highness," the flunky -- I forget his name, Anders, Ableton, something starting with an A -- says. "I trust the flight was to your liking?"

"Spare me the pleasantries, slave," I say. "Show me what you have."

"Of course." The varlet -- officially representing the firm of Marshall, Carter and Dark -- unlocks the case sitting on the table. "It took us some time to secure an item meeting your specifications. However, I think you will be pleased."

"We'll see." I look into the case to see a curved dagger, cushioned in silk. "What am I looking at?"

"The Witch-Knife of Asenath," the flunky says. "An artifact of the Waite family, forged in 1933. First sold at auction in 1937. Remained in private hands until we acquired it six years ago. Our tests indicate that it should be effective on... persons of your nature."

I pick up the knife and heft it. Inferior make and balance, of course. But what else would you expect from this pathetic era? "For how long?"

"Depending on the power of the spirit and the strength of the host involved, anywhere from three days to a month."

"How do I use it?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Merely stab the knife into the recipient. The transfer should be --"

To his credit, the slave doesn't make a sound as I plunge the blade into his gut. There's a feeling of disjunction, of wrongness. And then --

And then I am staring at my own face through the slave's eyes. I pull the knife out of my gut as my empty vessel immediately starts to dissolve into its base components.

I lift the slave's -- my -- hand, and flex the fingers. Not bad. I can feel the body start to burn, straining to contain my essence... but I think that it will indeed last as long as the varlet suggested. Long enough for me to procure a more suitable replacement, in any case.

"Is it to your liking, sir?" Another slave -- identical to Anders or whatever his name was -- inquires calmly as he enters the chamber. Interesting. I wonder if these varlets are constructs of some kind, manufactured for this specific task, or if the firm simply hires twins when possible. Either seems just as likely.

"It is... sufficient." I glance down with distaste at the pile of steaming mud my body has dissolved into. How abhorrent that I should be lowered to inhabiting such dross. Still, if I must choose between what the Grail shits and this degenerate cross-breed... "I can return, yes?"

"Of course."

I stab the knife into the mud. Another disjunction; with my spirit once more in residence, my body immediately regains its former perfection. I stand up as the abandoned corpse crashes to the floor.

"Tell your masters I am content," I say. "Payment in full will be transferred to their accounts by morning." I wave my hand. A pile of gold and precious jewels, easily five times the weight of a man, appears on the table next to the case. "Here. Recompense for your damaged property."

"Your Majesty is too kind." The second name-starts-with-A bows. I must admit to being somewhat impressed in spite of myself. The firm remains every bit as professional as they were when I first encountered them in Uruk. Such consistency is rare, especially in these times. "Shall I wrap it up for you, then?"

"No need." Taking up the knife, I open the gate and plunge it into the storehouse. On the same shelf as the potion of Utnapishtim, I should think, next to the Spice Girls albums. "As you can see, delivery is already complete..."



I come out of the memory to a world in slow motion. A spurt of blood hangs in the air. My hand tumbles slowly in front of me. It's... um...

It's not connected to my arm anymore.

> jesus

Time speeds up. My knees give way. I collapse to the ground.

"Enough." Gilgamesh stares down at me, a cold fury in his eyes. He holds the bronze dagger in his hand, now covered in blood. Um. You know. My blood. "I tire of this game."

(Could he sense the memory hack, the way Kotomine did? Or is he just pissed that I laid my inferior finger on his superior face? Maybe he just thinks I was making fun of him or something. I mean, I guess maybe I was, just a little...)

> just try to stay calm

You know, it doesn't hurt as much as I would've expected? Just feels kinda... warm and numb. Wow. I'm losing a lot of blood, aren't I? Wonder if I should do something about that... oh, hey. There's a skylight in the ceiling above me. Sweet, didn't even notice that before...

I hear Saber call my name. I turn my head slightly and see her rush past Kitten towards me. Aw, that's nice of her. She takes three steps before a pike appears in a bronze flash just a centimeter or two from her stomach and runs her through, right beneath her chestplate. She falls to her knees, clutching her gut.

Gilgamesh shouts a command in a different language. The golems all abruptly stop fighting and step back to the edge of the dance floor, leaving the Masters and Saber out in the open. "This was amusing for a time," he snaps. "But I find my patience has been tested enough for one night."

Two dozen bronze portals appear above his head, each one loaded with a nasty-looking sword or spear, as if they're blade cannons or something. At least two seem to be angled down at me. Shirou and Rin stare upwards, their eyes wide. Yeesh... overkill much, dude?...

> kinda seems to be his thing

... there really is just no countering this guy, is there? The moment he decides to stop fucking around, boom, we're done. Rocks fall, everyone dies. No defense he can't get past, no attack he can't parry somehow --

I hear glass shatter.

"Aw, that's too bad." Archer lands on Gilgamesh's table, knives in hand, his red cloak billowing around him. "See... my night's just getting started."
Well, that was a disaster. It's great to see Gilgamesh using more than just his infinite weapons as artillery, though. The golems were a nice (and believable) interpretation of his limitless treasures.

The memory was interesting. I feel like I should recognize the company; was it inspired by something? Also, lol to Gilgamesh considering Spice Girls albums treasures. Archer's entrance was suitably dramatic too - but really, where the heck was he the whole time? Strange that he didn't respond when Rin called earlier...
Marshall, Carter, and Dark are from the SCP Foundation, they're basically an evil corporation that trades in SCPs. I could definitely believe that they've been around since Uruk.

I'm not sure what he gains from learning about the dagger. Gilgamesh being able to body-hop is a good disguise ability, I suppose, but he's not exactly the sort of person to do sneaky subterfuge. I suppose it gives us a taste of what he's been up to since Fate/Zero.

Archer fighting Gil is going to really upset the applecart, though. The knowledge that Archer basically hard-counters Gil is super useful, and it could eventually lead to Tom figuring out Archer's identity with a few more clues.
Marshall, Carter, and Dark are from the SCP Foundation, they're basically an evil corporation that trades in SCPs. I could definitely believe that they've been around since Uruk.

^ Bingo.

Edit: Just curious -- did anyone spot the other references in this chapter? Without reading the notes on FF.net, anyway.

I'm not sure what he gains from learning about the dagger.

Solid question.
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I guess Archer could have been scouting elsewhere, or dealing with other Servants? Not sure who though; I don't think Lancer would ambush him (without Kotomine's explicit orders at least) and Berserker wouldn't attack Archer without Shirou around. I'm assuming it isn't Rider since Shinji is apparently with Gilgamesh now.

So that leaves Caster and (false?) Assassin. I'm not all that familiar with FSN, but iirc Assassin was contracted to Caster and doesn't really leave the temple, so I guess Caster is the only one left. Her actively moving is unusual though... eh, I'm probably completely wrong, but it's pretty fun to theorize.

Also, I was rereading and this cracked me up:
Dear Mr. Tomonaga:

Thank you for your interest in our family's sacred teachings. However, I am afraid that Marisbury -- current Grand Master of the Most Ancient Animusphere Magicks, Wielder of the Great Cosmic Key, Prince of The Most Divine Secrets of Fate and Space -- is currently away on business, and will not be returning for several months. I will certainly save your epistle for when he is back, such that you may commune with him in the True Language of Souls.

Light and Love,
Olga Animusphere
Initiate in the Grand Workings, Caretaker of Senior Mysteries, Seer of the Hidden Paths
The sheer pretentiousness is so cringe worthy its hilarious. But it got me thinking - in canon FGO is a separate timeline from FSN if I'm remembering things right. Marisbury won the first Grail War with Solomon and wished for funding for Chaldeas. I think he might be looking for other ways to do the same here, what with the whole business trip thing. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the Animuspheres, honestly (can you guess what I voted for haha).
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Part II.13

> continue: iteration 28, day 7, night

"Finally!" Rin erupts. "Where the hell have you been?!"

"Watching out for Saber. As per your orders, Master." Archer flicks his thumb at the other Servant. "By the way -- Saber's here."

Rin's verbal response can't really be characterized as words. She gets the overall message across, though, by flipping him off at the end. You know, I'm kinda getting the sense there's been a breakdown in their working relationship...

"But enough of that." Archer stands up straight and points his knife at Gilgamesh. "Last time I checked, it's seven Servants per Grail War, not seven and a hanger-on."

"Oh?" Gilgamesh narrows his eyes. "Do I offend your pride, mongrel?"

"Seems to me there's only room for one Archer in this town." The man in the red coat cracks his neck. "Settling that seems interesting enough. Trust me. I wouldn't be here otherwise."

"... bullshit," I croak from the floor.

> talking right now's not the best idea here dude

Eh, blame the blood loss. Besides, snarking with my dying breath... feels kinda right, y'know? Feels like me. Heh... cross that one off the bucket list, I guess...

> ...
> i have never been prouder of you than i am at this moment

"Ex-fucking-cuse you?!" Archer raises an eyebrow.

"You... couldn't resist the whole Batman warehouse entrance... could you?" I cough. Feelin' pretty lightheaded now. "I fuckin' saw that cape action, dude..."

Archer sighs and glances at Gilgamesh. "One second." He jumps down off the table, puts his hand on my... well... stump, and -- OW FUCK AAAAGHHHGHGH HURTS FUCKING HURTS SHIT FUCK GUHUHUHUHUH --

> oooh

"Saber -- catch." Archer picks me up off the floor and lobs me through the air like a sack of potatoes. Saber somehow manages to snag me out of the air with both arms, in spite of her own injuries. I can feel my back pressing down on the pike that's sticking out of her gut.

Archer takes out his knife again and turns back to Gilgamesh. "Anyway -- where were we?"

"I believe you were about to challenge me." Gilgamesh sneers down at him. Wait -- now he's standing on top of the table. Oh, God. It actually bothered him that Archer was higher up than him, doesn't it? How petty can this guy get? "Do you honestly think you have what it takes, cur?"

"Let's find out," Archer says. "I am the bone of my sword."

The wind inside the room picks up. Azure energy swirls around him.

Wait. Did he just say the bone of his sword? That makes no sense.

> it's poetry
> it doesn't have to make sense as long as it sounds cool

Yeah, well, still... why not blade of my sword? Swords don't have bones. That's just confusing, you know?

> bluh
> you are such an engineer

He's saying some other stuff now too... some bit about death and life. Energy keeps building. Lightning flashes around him. "Have withstood pain to create many weapons." Okay, one, emo much? Two, that's just repetitive. He already said that he's made tons of swords. We get it, dude. You're hardcore into blacksmithing. You're smithcore.

> give it a rest will you

"So as I pray..." Archer raises his arm towards Gilgamesh, blade in hand. "Unlimited Blade Works!"

And with that, the two of them vanish. Poof. Gone. No more blue energy. A second or two passes. One of the golems awkwardly shifts its feet.

> enough about that
> what's happening with you

Oh, Saber set me down on the floor. She's holding her hand over me, there's this weird light coming from it... guess this is what her version of lay on hands looks like. My arm...

Huh... arm's not bleeding anymore. Guess that was Archer?... think he might've healed up the stump before he threw me to Saber. Oh, fuck, that feels so weird. And here I thought I had it bad with the tooth...

"That son of a bitch," Rin fumes. She comes to us and starts checking me over. Huh. Two beautiful women fussing over me... that's a new one. High point of my life, probably. "I knew he was holding out on me. Fucking called it."

"Called what?" Shirou asks. He plops down next to us wearily, still bleeding all over the place. Guy just has to keep making it look easy, doesn't he?

Anyway, I guess whatever command Gilgamesh gave to the golems earlier is keeping them off our backs for the moment. They're just standing there, silently, weapons in hand. Watching us. Wonder what they'd do if we tried to leave. Not like we're in any state to do so right now, of course.

"Archer's got a Reality Marble." Rin harrumphs. "But he's all nooooo, that's just crazy talk, Rin. Stop being so crazy. Gaslighting prick..."

"If you don't mind," Saber says in a strangled tone. "Would one of you mind telling me... is this... sticking out of my back?" She gestures towards the pike.

"Oh, uh..." Rin looks. "Yeah. It's... definitely doing that."

"What does the spearhead look like?"

Rin tilts her head. "Um... pointy? Sharp? And there's this kind of barb thing at the end..."

"Which way... is the barb curved? Towards the point or towards my back?"

"Your back."

Saber nods. "That's what I thought..." She takes a deep breath.

Shirou catches on. He reaches out for her. "Saber, wait --"

Too late. Saber grabs the pike and, with a grunt, pushes the shaft the rest of the way through her own stomach.

"Jesus Christ!" Rin stumbles back onto her hands, her eyes wide.

Saber swallows. "Pull... pull th'..."

Shirou rushes over and pulls the spear the rest of the way out of Saber's back. The sound is... um. Interesting.

> speaking of sounds
> you've been pretty quiet this whole time

Yeah, I... um... don't think I can talk. Or move at all, really. Kinda amazed I'm still conscious, honestly.

> you've lost a lot of blood
> hang in there okay

Don't really have much choice, right? But anyway. Saber doubles over as Rin goes back to her side. "'m fine," she mumbles. "I'll be fine. Just... give me a moment..." I can see a blue glow beneath her hands as she clutches the wound.

She's barely made a sound this entire time. Christ. What a badass.

> don't go comparing yourself to her

No worries about that. Still... just a little reminder I'm hanging out with genuine superhumans these days, you know?

Saber stares out into space. "... I'm sorry," she says after a moment. "I didn't mean for things to turn out this way."

"Well, yeah," Rin snorts. "No doy, Captain Obvious."

"Saber." Shirou tilts his head. "Why did you come here?"

"This was my battle to finish." Saber looks up at the ceiling. "The King of Heroes... he doesn't belong here. The world has changed since his time, but he refuses to acknowledge it. And if he's had ten years to work here... all because I couldn't finish him when I had the chance..." One of her hands curls into a fist.

"But don't you remember?" Shirou shifts a little closer. "We promised each other last week, didn't we? Your battles are my battles. From now until the end. Doesn't matter if it started before we met."

Saber opens her mouth, then closes it.

"Oh my God..." Rin groans and hides her face. "You two are so corny..."

"Shirou..." Saber hesitates. "There's... something you should know..."

There's a flash of lightning. Archer gets tossed back onto the dance floor, where he lands with a groan. He has a sizeable longsword stuck in his shoulder.

"Interesting." Gilgamesh stands in the VIP section, breathing hard. He actually looks kinda banged up. A bunch of cuts and bruises on his face, some flesh wounds on his arms. Whatever Archer just did, it's the first thing I've seen deal any damage to this joker. "Not bad... for a faker. But you lack conviction. In the end, you're just a cheap knockoff like all the rest."

"Yeah..." Archer looks back towards the group. "That... kinda would've been a great time to run away, guys..."

"Now... where were we?" Gilgamesh raises his hand...

... and nothing happens.

Gilgamesh blinks. He snaps his fingers. Still nothing. I see two of the golems exchange a confused glance.

"Oh, dear," a new voice purrs. "Performance issues, King of Heroes?"

I hear the sound of heels clicking across the dance floor. Huh. It's Lavender Woman.

"Caster," Saber says. Her face suggests that this is the opposite of a good thing.

> enter the witch

The woman smirks. Her dress changes colors to a deeper shade of purple. A large cloak materializes around her. Her features shift slightly, including...

... okay, hold up. Are those fucking elf ears?

"I should thank you all for a most entertaining night." Caster drains the rest of the martini glass in her hand and tosses it aside. She sidesteps Saber's abandoned bike and stands in the middle of the dance floor. "Especially you, Archer. That parlor trick of yours bought me just enough time to set up a Bounded Field even the famed Gate of Babylon can't pierce."

On cue, a number of glowing purple seals appear on the ceiling and the walls. Some kind of force field shimmers over the breach next to the DJ booth.

Gilgamesh looks at Caster like she's something he scraped off his shoe. "Impudent witch," he growls.

"Sticks and stones, son of Ninsun." Caster's lips twist into a jeering grimace. "Well? Go on. Set your little tin soldiers on me."

He sneers and barks a single word. All at once, the golems charge her from all sides. Like a solid wall of metal --

She lifts her finger. "Stop."

The golems freeze in place. Every single one. Kitten -- who nearly made it within arm's reach of Caster -- quivers a little, but otherwise doesn't move.

Caster laughs. "Didn't anyone tell you? I ran into one of these... items a very long time ago." She runs a finger beneath Kitten's jaw. "Quite vulnerable to charms and enchantments, aren't they? No matter how resilient the soul used."

Gilgamesh just grinds his teeth and seeths. He looks genuinely stumped. Okay, I know we're kinda boned here, but this is still the best thing I've seen all day. Which is saying something.

> can't argue with that

"Now, I must admit I'm quite curious as to how you obtained that physical form of yours," Caster says. "But as you don't seem to be in much of a mood to reveal that secret... I'll just have to learn what I can from your corpse." She mockingly curtsies. "I thank you again for your hospitality... little king."

In a single motion, Gilgamesh seizes a spear out of the hand of a nearby golem and hurls it at her. She vanishes into thin air before it reaches her with a laugh. I feel a sudden rush of air over my face and shift my eyes. Caster's behind Saber now, her arms wrapped around her. The swordswoman opens her mouth in surprise. But before she can react, Caster's cloak envelops them both. They disappear.

In their place hangs a large tangle of purple energy, crackling with energy. Ooh. That doesn't look good.

Gilgamesh snatches a half-empty wine bottle off of his table and sullenly chugs it. Archer just closes his eyes. "Oh, balls," Rin mumbles. She leaps at Shirou and hugs him, much to his shock.

The tangle shrinks to a point, then explodes.


> restart: iteration 29, day 1, early night


... hand's back. Same for the tooth. Both feel weird, though. The hand's all itchy, in a way that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual skin. Can you get phantom limb syndrome when you're not actually missing the limb? Is that a thing?

> idk

Anyway. So... that sucked. Let's not do any of that again.

> deal

I hold my hand up to my face and study it under the bedroom light. So that's Caster, huh? Yet another gorgeous psychopath. Just what the situation really needs. And somehow she knows a way to counter Tracksuit Bro. Then there's Archer's thing. Not to mention that memory I got out of Gilgamesh's head. The questions just seem to keep on piling up, don't they?

> that's usually what they do

True. So... what's next?
And with that, we're officially caught up with the other versions. Everyone has until Monday, June 4th to finalize their vote.
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Gilgamesh snatches a half-empty wine bottle off of his table and sullenly chugs it. Archer just closes his eyes. "Oh, balls," Rin mumbles. She leaps at Shirou and hugs him, much to his shock.
Can I just say I absolutely love that Gilgamesh's reaction upon knowing he's about to be obliterated by a magical explosion is to sulk and drink wine? Like wow, that's something I'm going to remember forever. I really hope Tom gets to talk to him soon; it'll probably end badly but I'm sure it'll be entertaining.
Can I just say I absolutely love that Gilgamesh's reaction upon knowing he's about to be obliterated by a magical explosion is to sulk and drink wine?

Oh, I'm fairly certain Gil survived that fireball, not that Tom would have any way of knowing it. He's a demigod, remember? The wine, on the other hand, is another matter. It's all about priorities.
I'm really surprised Caster managed to pull that off. A bounded feild strong enough to block off Gilgamesh' noble phantasm is no joke, considering that even the moon cell didn't manage to stop him from using his noble phantasm, and she seems to have deftly threaded the needle of "complete your goals without pissing off Gilgamesh enough to make him use Sha Nagba Imuru" and then managed to outdo saber's Instinct, reflexes, and her Magic Resistance.
Mad respect for the courage it has to take to both take that chance and the serendipity of the success, even if she did make a big mistake in not making sure to kill Gilgamesh after she pissed him off so much.
and then managed to outdo saber's Instinct, reflexes, and her Magic Resistance.

Glad you mentioned this. You can chalk that one up to Saber being completely exhausted. She'd just had to (painfully) regenerate a whole mess of fairly important internal organs, after all. I think it's safe to say that if she had any energy left at that point, she would have chanced punching through the golem line rather than just sitting there and chatting with Shirou and Rin while Archer had Gilgamesh under wraps. Given that Saber can apparently increase her own Magic Resistance as needed, I'm presuming that being mentally and physically depleted (and caught off guard) would have some kind of influence over that stat.

Bottom line -- Caster got lucky. But like you said, she was smart and savvy enough to take advantage of the opportunity.

complete your goals without pissing off Gilgamesh enough to make him use Sha Nagba Imuru

I thought only Child-Gil had that ability when summoned as a Caster. (Edit: Though I guess I could see Adult Gilgamesh actively choosing to ignore/forget about it, even if he did have access to it as an Archer. Because why would he need to resort to that cheap kid's stuff? He's fucking Gilgamesh. He's kind of a big deal, you know?)

Mad respect for the courage it has to take to both take that chance and the serendipity of the success, even if she did make a big mistake in not making sure to kill Gilgamesh after she pissed him off so much.

Oh, I'm sure she gave it her best shot. It's just going to take more than one spell to finish the guy off. Remember, he managed to survive Excalibur in one piece at the end of Fate/Zero before the Grail mud hit him, so he doesn't exactly lack for durability (even if part of that was probably thanks to his armor.)
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I thought only Child-Gil had that ability when summoned as a Caster. (Edit: Though I guess I could see Adult Gilgamesh actively choosing to ignore/forget about it, even if he did have access to it as an Archer. Because why would he need to resort to that cheap kid's stuff? He's fucking Gilgamesh. He's kind of a big deal, you know?)
I'm not an expert on the Nasuverse, but to my knowledge all versions of Gilgamesh have it (he used it to win a card game in Extra I think) and Child-Gil has so far only been summoned as an Archer, not Caster. It was sort of implied in some Material books that Sha Niqba Imuru is how Casgil and Merlin know each other (both having the equivalent of Clairvoyance EX) or something like that.